Quickly changing "Automatic Send/Receive" value? - Wing, P4350 Herald Upgrading

Does anyone know a quicker way to change the time value for the "Automatic Send/Receive" setting on an email account?
While I'm on the computer I don't need the phone to alert me of new emails, but when I leave the house I currently have to go through lots of menu options (Messaging, Menu, Tools, Options, Gmail, Next * 5, select "Every 5 minutes", Next, Finish) - and the same when setting it back to "Manual".
If anyone else has solved the same problem I'd love to hear how you did it. I just found out about MortScript too and I'll see if that could be helpful in this case.
Thanks in advance!

Anyone manage to find a way to do this? Much appreciated !


Email question

i use outlook on my Tilt, when i get email i get a pop like notification every few minutes, and i can selet dismiss or view(or something like that) is there a way to stop that notification popup? also i have my phone light set to turn off after 2 minutes, which it goes into a standby type mode, basically the same thing as when you hit the power button on the right side once how it stand byes until u hit it again, when it does that i cant receive messages, my send/receive is set to check every 5 minutes, but with it in this standby type mode it wont send/receive to get new messages until i basically wake it up, is that a way to get it to send/receive while in this mode?
for your first question: SEARCH THE FORUM !!!!!!!
just kidding (but if you do you'll find your question answered a few times...):
You have to go to Settings/Personal/Sounds and Notification, select New e-mail from the combobox and uncheck the box saying "Display message on screen"
For your second question: I don't know but there are more people complaining about this
thanks man, appreciate it, i guess i had to make things more complicated than they really are lol
I have the same problem. My device (TyTn II) is set to download mails "as items arrive" from my Exchange server. I always have my device in standby-mode using VJDevicelock. The problem is that when it is in standby it doesn't receive e-mails. I then wake it up and suddenly get a barrage of mail.
Search the forums, there was a long thread on this that has sort of died out. Basically, the fix has been identified (we think) and is in the KaiserTweak app. Basically, get the latest xml version of KaiserTweak, and in there are options for "Notifications": change the values under notifications to somehting other than 1 second, and it should fix the problem. Also, it could be a result of having the HTC Home screen installed (if you're using a tilt and installed it as a separate app), the Task Manager seems to contribute to this issue as well (disable it by going to task manager and uncheck the "Enable Quick Menu on Today Screen", and a third possible cuplrit is having the "automatic set time zone and dater" option checked on in Settings > Phone. (This has not bothered mine, but others reported that it did.) But, if I were you I'd start with teh Kaisertweak settings and remove the HTC HOme screen (if installed), and go from there.

Default for mail inbox when pressing message icon

I have 2 little questions that bug me a little bit and which i cant find a solution for (and yes i know where the search button is located ).
Situation 1
When im at the today screen (http://www.cryptex.be/tytn2.jpg) and i press the sms icon (the one in the middle under my clock), it goes directly to the inbox of my sms messages, which is great.
Now when i press the email messages icon (the one on the left under my clock), it doesnt go to the inbox of my emails (which i would like it to do). Instead it shows the menu SMS/MMS - Email example - "my emailaccount" - New email account. So i always have to press "my emailaccount" to go to my inbox. In the options menu i already disabled the option "show account chooser when opening messages" but then i always get redirected to the inbox of my SMS messages.
So in a nutshell, i would like it to go to the appropriate inbox when selecting the icons on the today screen:
- SMS inbox when i press sms icon (which already works)
- mail inbox when i press mail icon (which doesnt work atm)
then question nr2
When im calling the screen always, disables within like 10sec or less, which is very annoying when calling your voicemail and you have to press some numeric options. I always have to turn the screen on.
Maybe someone can point me how i can keep the screen enabled ?
I solved my problems now. By searching in the registry and then hitting the words in the seach option on this forum, i found a solution to both of my problems
I've made myself a little textfile where i keep my registry tweaks now
Its very hard to look for something on forums when you dont know what you actually are looking for, so for those who also want the solution for my 2 problems:
- Launch the e-mail inbox instead of the account chooser when clicking the mail icon
* Make sure the "E-Mail Sample" account is deleted out of your accounts.
* Make sure Outlook is set up to check your mail (only if using Outlook).
* Edit the registry key HKLM\Software\HTC\HTCHome\Home\AlwaysOpenMailFolder
from "1" to "0".
Source: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=1658855
- Prevent Screen Going Off Durning a Call
* Edit the registry key HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL\EnableFastDormantDisplayDuringCall
from "1" to "0".
Source: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=339309&highlight=EnableFastDormantDisplay
PS: my respect for all the people on the forum putting time and effort to make it possible to do all of this
I wonder if these tweaks could make their way into the next upgrade of Kaiser Tweak? I'm sure many people will find them both really useful.
Rob F
Woops, I've just noticed my device doesn't have a Home folder under HTCHome.
I've done a search for "AlwaysOpenMailFolder" which I don't see to have anywhere else in the registry either.
Should I create the \Home\AlwaysOpenMailFolder key and then set the value? What sort of key is it (e.g. binary, string, dword)?
Many thanks
Rob F
Try this and see if that works
texarcana said:
Try this and see if that works
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That seems to refer to the HTC Touch app, which I don't have installed.
Rob F
texarcana said:
I solved my problems now. By searching in the registry and then hitting the words in the seach option on this forum, i found a solution to both of my problems
I've made myself a little textfile where i keep my registry tweaks now
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Just a quick note of thanks for taking the time to document the solutions that you found. I see too many threads where someone tracks down their own fix but they don't take the time to share it for posterity.

Internet Pop Up Bubbles/Windows

First of all, thanks to all of you for creating these wonderful apps for the TYTN II. Much appreciated.
I was wondering, if it is possible for you to create an app (or if there is already one available) that disables the "Connecting..." and "Connectivity..." pop up bubbles/windows that appear when you connect to the Internet. Thanks in advance!
Yes, I am looking for the same thing. I sometimes get the cannot dial ... popup that deactivates copilot live for me. Is there a method to disable or silent this using registry edit?
You don't need a custom app for this. It is a part of the notifications found in the System folder.
Go to Settings | Sounds & Notifications | Notifications tab
Set the "Connection established" and "Connection Disconnected" events and set what you want it do or not do.
Thank you for your prompt and most helpful solution.
The suggestion above does not work for me (vario3 stock rom)- I have the options for both these events deselected, but the "Display mesage" option is greyed out on the "Connection disconnected" event.
Very annoying when using Tomtom traffic, the bubble comes up whenever you are out of reception and has to be ok'd to get back to tomtom

[REQ/Q] E-mail tweaks question

Hello all,
I've been using my E-mail option quite a bit on my Touch Pro lately, and I've noticed that the 5 minute update interval is a bit too long for my taste (despite the option to manually send/receive).
Therefore, I am curious as to whether or not it is possible to make a registry edit, install a program, or in any way add an option to make the update interval less than every 5 minutes (say for example, every 30 seconds)?
Also, whenever there is a new e-mail, there is a notification symbol which appears on the taskbar. Along with that, is it possible to create another registry edit / addition which would allow the phone to:
1) wake up upon new e-mail,
2) make a notification sound upon new e-mail (similar to new SMS), and
3) vibrate upon new e-mail?
FWIW, I'm using a Comcast E-mail account on the Pro.
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Just go to Settings - Sounds & Notifications, the notifications tab and change the Event to Messaging: New Email Message. Have 'play sound' checked and choose the sound you want; check Display message on screen and check vibrate. i think that will do it.
As for checking for new emails, you can try this app: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=438970
I have an exchange server so I don't know the answer otherwise. Setting it to less than 5 minutes may lead to a battery drain so if you do that use the scheduler to make it longer (or off) over night.
Thanks for showing me the settings adjustment. I suppose it isn't such a good idea to have the phone check for e-mails THAT often. As long as I can hear when a new e-mail has arrived, it should do the trick for me.
WildAce786 said:
Hello all,
I've been using my E-mail option quite a bit on my Touch Pro lately, and I've noticed that the 5 minute update interval is a bit too long for my taste (despite the option to manually send/receive).
Therefore, I am curious as to whether or not it is possible to make a registry edit, install a program, or in any way add an option to make the update interval less than every 5 minutes (say for example, every 30 seconds)?
Also, whenever there is a new e-mail, there is a notification symbol which appears on the taskbar. Along with that, is it possible to create another registry edit / addition which would allow the phone to:
1) wake up upon new e-mail,
2) make a notification sound upon new e-mail (similar to new SMS), and
3) vibrate upon new e-mail?
FWIW, I'm using a Comcast E-mail account on the Pro.
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
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Click to collapse
Kiss your battery life goodbye!

Aaaargh - Settings help required!

Had this phone a couple of days on a T-mobile upgrade (MDA Compact IV). I desperately want to like it but I’m finding it really frustrating to use. I’ve tweaked some of the settings to my liking but I’m also struggling with some fairly basic things…..
Can anyone help me out with some settings?
1)How do I filter my address book to view only Phone Contacts? At present I’m seeing duplicates because it is displaying phone and SIM contacts. The only Filter options available are:
All Contacts
Recently Viewed
No Categories
2)Is it possible to customise the Today screen without disabling the TouchFlo functionality?
3)Can the messages be set to the ‘All Messages’ view by default? Also, it is impossible to mark a read message as unread. The ‘Mark As Unread’ option is permanently greyed out. Anyone else experienced this?
Cheers in advance.
nsandhu said:
Had this phone a couple of days on a T-mobile upgrade (MDA Compact IV). I desperately want to like it but I’m finding it really frustrating to use. I’ve tweaked some of the settings to my liking but I’m also struggling with some fairly basic things…..
Can anyone help me out with some settings?
1)How do I filter my address book to view only Phone Contacts? At present I’m seeing duplicates because it is displaying phone and SIM contacts. The only Filter options available are:
All Contacts
Recently Viewed
No Categories
2)Is it possible to customise the Today screen without disabling the TouchFlo functionality?
3)Can the messages be set to the ‘All Messages’ view by default? Also, it is impossible to mark a read message as unread. The ‘Mark As Unread’ option is permanently greyed out. Anyone else experienced this?
Cheers in advance.
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1. use advanced config or diamondtweak, theres a option in there to hide sim contacts
2. depends on how you want it customized, you can always use secondtoday and/or touchflo detacher
3. dont know...
hope this was kinda usefull

