Wrong home layout and icon sizes - Huawei P10 Questions & Answers

did anybody else notice as well, that the home layout on the Huawei P10 shows wrong icon sizes.
It should build as folowing:
4x5 (4 rows and 5 columns)
5x4 (5 rows and 4 columns) larger icons
5x5 (5 rows and 5 columns)
So there should be larger icons in the 4 column 5 row layout.
But in my build VTR-L09C432B150 those two layouts are messed up:
4x5 (5 rows and 4 columns)
5x4 (4 rows and 5 columns) larger icons
5x5 (5 rows and 5 columns)


How to get back to 3 icons in a row on WM6.5 Start menu?

4 Icons in a row just to small for my eyes.

3 Miui Analog clock locks & 1 statusbar

The statusbar is extracted from the skin Iphone concept and some other skin.

Miui Vs other launchers

I've been using MIUI for a while now - main reason being the icons are spaced out with correct size. With 5 rows and 4 columns their sizes look like iphone. But when i use the same 5x4 with other lauchers the icons and the labels are too small for me to read..Not sure why?
I'd love to use APEX or nova if i can get the same layout as miui - they're more flexible for icon change and app drawer etc..
Any ideas or tips?

Go back to 2 columns of Tiles?

So I hate the extra column of tiles on my Ativ SE, everything is cluttered and the fonts are tiny. Is there a registry setting (or some other way) that will re-enable the "Show More Tiles" toggle?

Nova launcher on note 8 help

Okay so as you can see I have a dock and then my homescreen columns are 12x12
How do I lower the gap between the vertical icons? My margin height is set to none, I've tried setting it to small and still the same
Any idea? Screen shot attached
I've also tried making the icons bigger and trying without a dock and there's still a large gap between icons
I use a 7 column x 10 rows, and the gap between rows is somewhat like yours, I think there is no way to modify it, I tried with the normalize icon switch, but made no diference, I tried changing dpi in developer section, same thing

