wrong caller ID - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III General

Did a quick search and didn't find anything. I've been having problems with my caller ID function.
Case 1: a call from a non contact/sim number came in which should only show their phone number. Instead, it showed up as my previous caller (best friend) so i picked up and found that the caller called the wrong number.
Case 2: i've been having one caller show up as another until i removed the incorrect caller completely from my phone. In other words, Robert showed up when KC was calling so had to delete Robert entry.
i'm using S2U2 ver. 2.03.
any clues? thanks.


No caller name on display when incoming call

I cannot find the option to turn on the feature, that the name of the caller is displayed, when it is in the phonebook. Right now, only the international number is shown whe somebody calls. What do I have to configure? Thx.
Regards Heinzelrumpel
No ideas ??????
WM5 onwards it is already there.
You have to feed the number for each contact as +<country code><areacode><Number>. For example +919896312345

(Solved) HTC Diamond Caller ID - problem with MS Outlook .

I hope that I am missing something very obvious ...
I have a Caller Id Problem with my HTC Diamond… And it’s very annoying.
Diamond has two sources for storing contacts.
SIM card and WM Contact list…
---- Default scenario.
/ Caller ID rule: 8 trailing digits for Call ID match
/ Show Sim Contacts: Yes (Note: If you hide the SIM card contacts via registry change the problem remains the same)
/ If the caller information is not stored on the SIM card, you will always have "Unknown caller ID", despite the fact that his info is stored on the device contact list.
So far I couldn’t solve this with the default settings.
Workaround? Its obvious…
You must have all the important numbers stored on the Sim card.
---- My Scenario.
I always used MS Outlook ( now ver 2003 ) as a default contact list.
In my Outlook contact list I have approximately 300 contacts stored with 500 tel. numbers and all the main tables used. (Firs, Last, Company, mob, home, email etc … )
Those contacts were always my default contacts and I never had any problems to use them or sync them with my PPC or any mobile device before.
SIM card contact list is just was always just a “backup contact list” for me.
I did hide the SIM card contacts via reg. change on my diamond because not doing that will result with doubling my contacts and a total mess ( Sim + Outlook ).
Now I can see and dial only from my device (Outlook) contact list and that problem was solved very fast.
The problem remains with the caller ID.
How do I make the Diamond to lookup up for the numbers stored on the device contact list (Outlook list) and ignore the SIM card contacts?
I don't have this issue... however the default number of trailing digits to identify an incomming call is 8
Reduce the number of digits with the advanced config tool by schap
I did that tweak first without any positive results for this problem...
Do you have full numbers (country + area code+ 0044123456789 ) in your contact list or just the mob. number.
Anyway, the info that is shown is from your contact list or the SIM card?
KraFT_mk said:
I did that tweak first without any positive results for this problem...
Do you have full numbers (country + area code+ 0044123456789 ) in your contact list or just the mob. number.
Anyway, the info that is shown is from your contact list or the SIM card?
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10 digit calling in my area (no country codes) but I set the Call ID trailing digits to 6.
The likely hood of getting this repeat on two numbers is pretty slim.
This problem is driving me nuts!
TEST Scenario.
Test to check if you have the same problem:
You must have a second active mobile phone near you. (John Smith).
Store the contact (John Smith) from your second mobile on your HTC Diamond SIM CARD and on your Diamond contact list with full numbers. (Country + area etc)
a* John Smith @ your SIM CARD 0044123456789
b* Smith, John (Company name) @ Your contact list: 0044123456789
1. Dial from your second mobile device to your HTC Diamond and see if the phone call is identified as John Smith. (It should be ok...)
2. Now delete a* from your SIM CARD on your HTC Diamond.
Now, dial from your second mobile device to your HTC Diamond device and see if you have “Unknown number – 0044123456789 “. If not, than your device is OK …..
If yes, than you have the same problem …
PS. My Caller ID rule: 6 trailing digits for Call ID match
I don't seem to have this issue... maybe your looking at a hard reset or a defective device... however it is possible that others are having the same issue as you... anyone?
Finally, I gave up and I did my first hardware reset and restored everything to factory settings.
Immediately after that I changed only the reg. Caller ID rule: from 8 to 7 trailing digits for Call ID match.
HKCU\Control Panel\Phone\CalIidMatch value:7
Then I did a perfect contact Sync via MS Active Synch with my outlook 2003.
At the moment there are absolutely no numbers stored on my SIM card. It’s totally empty.
All my tel numbers in my Outlook contact list are stored completely:
Smith, John
Mobile tel: 0038970123456
When John Smith dials, I get this “Unknown Caller" 070123456 !
I am getting desperate here and I hate this stupid problem....
Anyone has any ideas?
I do need your help!
Is there any way to get the caller number displayed or transmitted as complete code (inluding country+area+local number)...? Maybe this can fix the problem.
The problem is finally SOLVED... (And probably it's a Full Moon out tonite .... )
After 3 billon visited pages and one billion number combinations, I tried and replaced the first two digits (exit code) "00" with " + " in every tel number on my contact list.
That solved all my problems …
Go and figure what’s the difference and how using the actual exit code instead of a " + " symbol is messing up the caller ID function.
Ah ... What a day...
BTW, the Diamond is great so far...
... first I wanted to write that this might be the issue... but then I thought that I wrote it worked before... so I thought I stick with the missing incoming call information first ...
Concrats! Glad you resolved it
I have a similar problem. Whenever I dont use country codes, caller id works well showing names but the sms messages dont show any names (only numbers). In reverse, whenever I use country codes with the + sign, names of callers dont show but the sms messages show the names. It seems that I have to choose between calls and sms
Anyone could help?
It didnt work for me, i tried both with 00 and +,,
BestAlways said:
I have a similar problem. Whenever I dont use country codes, caller id works well showing names but the sms messages dont show any names (only numbers). In reverse, whenever I use country codes with the + sign, names of callers dont show but the sms messages show the names. It seems that I have to choose between calls and sms
Anyone could help?
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Has anyone managed to go around this problem? I'm having the similar problem of SMS messages not showing properly if I don't use the "+ area code" with my contacts.
SMS and Caller ID
How can this be such a huge issue when every bog-standard mobile can sort out caller and SMS ID? Is it a problem with Windows Mobile or HTC? I have spent hours trying to sort this on my Diamond 2. I have 5000 contacts and only want the phone to ring for a handful therefore I need caller ID to work AND know who is texting me. I have tried all the various telephone formats and CALLERID reg settings with no consistent results. At the moment I use the long format +353121234567 as the mobile number which - sometimes- ID's texts and the short local format of the number as "assistants" number which allows Caller ID.
BUt I have one important favourite which refuses to ID SMS although if I click on the contact it recognises and names all the SMS's in the thread.
This is absolutely doing my head in and is such a waste of time.
Do all windows mobile or HTC users have to put up with the same?
SOLVED problem with CALLER ID !!!
I have Diamond 2 and synchonized with outlook and it doesn't matter whether country code is present or not, still I had the problem. After all I accidentaly removed all contacts from Diamond 2, BUT I've had a backup from PPCPimBackup (known small utility) a I restored all the contacts (delete and renew all contacts from backup option) and voila, now the CALLED ID is correct! It's now working!
Pls try it...

Anyway to permanently replace/remove built in Contact Manager?

Hi all,
I have a question and I have searched the forum but I couldn't find anything on this. I really hate the built in Contacts Manager. It's slow and the picture Caller Id is very tiny. Is there anyway to permantly replace the built in contact manager with a software of my choice ? I have installed Inesoft Address Book and loved it. The problem is when a call comes in, the built in Caller Id will always be on top of Address Book's caller id.
If there is a topic somewhere in this forum then please point me to the right direction.
I have the same problem
I've installed Inesoft Address book on my new HTC Diamond SPRINT, and I love it. However it conflicts with built-in dialer/callerid. On incoming call I see first the original caller id screen then after a second Inesoft one. On the call end it comes back to the original dialpad and not the Inesoft one. can I completly disable the built in dialer and caller id ? Do you have a solution?

Incoming call screen

if Diamond is locked and you receive a call “incoming call screen” is change (it is windows default incoming call screen).
It is possible to see Diamond “incoming call screen” even the prone is locked?
P.S. Excuse my English
hi, I am not sure what exactly is your problem, but I personally use this program as replacement of the default call manager. it shows big screen with photo and few other information, not just the small one which I cannot read so easily.
Hello Sinmae,
I'm also trying to use Inesoft Address Book on my dimond however I have the following problem:
I've installed this program on my new HTC Diamond SPRINT, and I love it. However it conflicts with built-in dialer/callerid. On incoming call I see first the original caller id screen then after a second Inesoft one. On the call end it comes back to the original dialpad and not the Inesoft one. can I completly disable the built in dialer and caller id ? Do you have a solution?
Thank you in advance,
leond said:
Hello Sinmae,
I'm also trying to use Inesoft Address Book on my dimond however I have the following problem:
I've installed this program on my new HTC Diamond SPRINT, and I love it. However it conflicts with built-in dialer/callerid. On incoming call I see first the original caller id screen then after a second Inesoft one. On the call end it comes back to the original dialpad and not the Inesoft one. can I completly disable the built in dialer and caller id ? Do you have a solution?
Thank you in advance,
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i have the same problem
inesoft Incoming call screen
inesoft Incoming caller id screen struggles to appear on top but the original caller id fight's back and so on.
aasa1111 said:
inesoft Incoming caller id screen struggles to appear on top but the original caller id fight's back and so on.
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Install "Advanced config" program Open it and go to->Phone ->Phone skin: and disable it. Then soft reset. Your problem will gone forever

[Q] Caller ID not saved in caller history

I'm just trying to determine if this is normal behavior or not.
I'm paying for caller ID service from Verizon, and it works fine; when a call is coming in I can see who it is.
But after the call is done, if I go to the phone's history, I'll see the caller ID for split second, and then it's replaced with the phone number of the caller.
This makes the caller ID only useful if I can look at the phone while the call is coming in. After the fact, it's useless.
Is this normal? Can I do something to save the caller IDs so I know who called?

