[HELP] Stuck on rogers screen - G1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have an EBl1 radio.
I downloaded the three Cyanogen files I needed. The 5.0.8 ROM, the 5.0.8 ebl1 file and the correct google addons. I did a full wipe and flashed these. I even formatted the memory card after.
I'm running .2005 SPL and have flashed super-D successfully many months ago. I'm not sure why this isn't working now. It just gets stuck on the rogers logo. Cyan is the only ebl1 rom I know that's left around here.

Um.. can you enter the fatboot screen and just confirm the exact radio version.. and tell us the order you flashshed the files in when you wiped if logcat outputs anything.
Also what rom do you need an ebi1 port of? If its cm based we can use the cm kernels, if its not cm based or is not the cm kernel ask where the rom maker got their kernel from and if it was modified request the source code as per gpl. Then we can make the port.

It says
HBOOT-1.33.2005 (DREA21000)
Flash order:
update-cm-5.0.8-DS-signed (says welcome to cyan)

Hrmm looks right something must be making it choke.
Try in fastboot:
fastboot erase boot
fastboot erase system -w
Return to recovery:
Then flash cm5.0.8, text patch (link in sig), gapps, the ebi1 port file.
Also if you fail to boot attatch the USB, run 'adb logcat' on your computer then turn on the phone, maybe it will tell us why its choking.

It didn't work. Here is my log:
D/libEGL ( 239): Setting TLS: 0xafe43b74 to 0xac70a2ec
D/AndroidRuntime( 239):
D/AndroidRuntime( 239): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 239): CheckJNI is OFF
D/AndroidRuntime( 239): --- registering native functions ---
W/dalvikvm( 239): Exception Ljava/util/regex/PatternSyntaxException; thrown during Landroid/graphics/Rect;.<clinit>
I/dalvikvm( 239): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class Landroid/graphics/Rect; v=0x0
E/dalvikvm( 239): Class lookup Ljava/lang/NoClassDefFoundError; attemped while exception Ljava/lang/ExceptionInInitializerError; pending
I/dalvikvm( 239): DALVIK THREADS:
I/dalvikvm( 239): "main" prio=5 tid=3 RUNNABLE
I/dalvikvm( 239): | group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 s=N obj=0x4001e258 self=0xbcf0
I/dalvikvm( 239): | sysTid=239 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=default handle=-1343997128
I/dalvikvm( 239): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
I/dalvikvm( 239): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
I/dalvikvm( 239):
E/dalvikvm( 239): VM aborting
I/DEBUG ( 121): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
I/DEBUG ( 121): Build fingerprint: 'google/passion/passion/mahimahi:2.1-update1/ERE27/24178:user/release-keys'
I/DEBUG ( 121): pid: 239, tid: 239 >>> zygote <<<
I/DEBUG ( 121): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr deadd00d
I/DEBUG ( 121): r0 0000035c r1 afe1378d r2 0000000c r3 deadd00d
I/DEBUG ( 121): r4 00000026 r5 0000bcf0 r6 ad07ff50 r7 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 121): r8 00000000 r9 00000000 10 00000000 fp 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 121): ip ad080164 sp bef39a58 lr afe14749 pc ad03549a cpsr 20000030
I/DEBUG ( 121): #00 pc 0003549a /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #01 pc 000584d6 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #02 pc 0005874a /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #03 pc 00058c5e /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #04 pc 00034c6e /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #05 pc 00034ccc /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #06 pc 00056868 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #07 pc 00058246 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #08 pc 0003bad4 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #09 pc 00045260 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #10 pc 000452de /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #11 pc 0002a1d2 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #12 pc 0002a21a /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #13 pc 0002a2e6 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #14 pc 00008cae /system/bin/app_process
I/DEBUG ( 121): #15 pc 0000c54a /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #16 pc b0001a46 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 121):
I/DEBUG ( 121): code around pc:
I/DEBUG ( 121): ad035488 4808ecc8 6b9b5823 d0002b00 4b064798
I/DEBUG ( 121): ad035498 701c2426 ed3af7d9 0004aad4 fffe5a3c
I/DEBUG ( 121): ad0354a8 fffe8ea8 0000035c deadd00d b510b40e
I/DEBUG ( 121):
I/DEBUG ( 121): code around lr:
I/DEBUG ( 121): afe14738 220ce008 2b005eab 1c28d003 47889901
I/DEBUG ( 121): afe14748 35544306 d5f43f01 2c006824 b003d1ee
I/DEBUG ( 121): afe14758 bdf01c30 00025758 000000bc 1c0fb5f0
I/DEBUG ( 121):
I/DEBUG ( 121): stack:
I/DEBUG ( 121): bef39a18 40021dc0 /dev/ashmem/mspace/dalvik-heap/zygote/0 (deleted)
I/DEBUG ( 121): bef39a1c 0000bcf0 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 121): bef39a20 afe3a0b0 /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): bef39a24 afe3a05c /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): bef39a28 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 121): bef39a2c afe14749 /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): bef39a30 bef39a44 [stack]
I/DEBUG ( 121): bef39a34 afe1378d /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): bef39a38 ad07ff50 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): bef39a3c ad07ff50 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): bef39a40 0000bcf0 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 121): bef39a44 ad07ff50 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): bef39a48 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 121): bef39a4c afe137ef /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): bef39a50 ad07ff50 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): bef39a54 ad03548b /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #00 bef39a58 ad07ff50 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): bef39a5c ad0584db /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #01 bef39a60 41937754 /data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected]
I/DEBUG ( 121): bef39a64 afe0f768 /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): bef39a68 ad069c70 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): bef39a6c 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 121): bef39a70 0006e908 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 121): bef39a74 c0000000
I/DEBUG ( 121): bef39a78 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 121): bef39a7c ad07ff50 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): bef39a80 ad069c70 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): bef39a84 0006e908 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 121): bef39a88 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 121): bef39a8c ad05874f /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/ServiceManager( 119): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 119): service 'media.player' died
I/ServiceManager( 119): service 'media.camera' died
I/ServiceManager( 119): service 'media.audio_policy' died
D/libEGL ( 240): Setting TLS: 0xafe43b74 to 0xac70a2ec
I/ ( 240): ServiceManager: 0xad08
I/HTC Acoustic( 240): libhtc_acoustic.so version
E/HTC Acoustic( 240): Fail to open /system/etc/AudioPara_Rogers.csv -1.
I/HTC Acoustic( 240): open /system/etc/AudioPara4.csv success.
I/HTC Acoustic( 240): acoustic table version: Sapphire_VODAFONE_20090305
I/HTC Acoustic( 240): read_audio_para_from_file success.
I/HTC Acoustic( 240): get_audpp_filter
I/HTC Acoustic( 240): open /system/etc/AudioFilter.csv success.
I/HTC Acoustic( 240): ADRC Filter ADRC FLAG = ffff.
I/HTC Acoustic( 240): ADRC Filter COMP THRESHOLD = 2600.
I/HTC Acoustic( 240): ADRC Filter COMP SLOPE = b333.
I/HTC Acoustic( 240): ADRC Filter COMP RMS TIME = 106.
I/HTC Acoustic( 240): ADRC Filter COMP ATTACK[0] = 7f7d.
I/HTC Acoustic( 240): ADRC Filter COMP ATTACK[1] = 3096.
I/HTC Acoustic( 240): ADRC Filter COMP RELEASE[0] = 7ff7.
I/HTC Acoustic( 240): ADRC Filter COMP RELEASE[1] = 4356.
I/HTC Acoustic( 240): ADRC Filter COMP DELAY = 16.
I/HTC Acoustic( 240): EQ flag = 00.
I/HTC Acoustic( 240): get_audpre_filter
I/HTC Acoustic( 240): open /system/etc/AudioPreProcess.csv success.
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 240): mNumSndEndpoints = 67
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 240): BT MATCH HANDSET
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 240): BT MATCH SPEAKER
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 240): BT MATCH HEADSET
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 240): BT MATCH BT
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 240): BT MATCH CARKIT
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 240): BT MATCH TTY_FULL
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 240): BT MATCH TTY_VCO
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 240): BT MATCH TTY_HCO
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 240): BT MATCH FM_HEADSET
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 240): BT MATCH FM_SPEAKER
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 240): BT MATCH BT_EC_OFF
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 240): BT MATCH CURRENT
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 240): BT MATCH BT_EC_OFF
D/AudioHardwareInterface( 240): setMode(NORMAL)
I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 240): Set master volume to 5.
I/CameraService( 240): CameraService started: pid=240
I/AudioFlinger( 240): AudioFlinger's thread 0xd8a8 ready to run
I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 240): Routing audio to Speakerphone
D/HTC Acoustic( 240): msm72xx_enable_audpp: 0x0001
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 240): setVoiceVolume(1.000000)
I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 240): Setting in-call volume to 5 (available range is 0 to 5)
D/libEGL ( 245): Setting TLS: 0xafe43b74 to 0xac70a2ec
D/AndroidRuntime( 245):
D/AndroidRuntime( 245): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 245): CheckJNI is OFF
D/AndroidRuntime( 245): --- registering native functions ---
W/dalvikvm( 245): Exception Ljava/util/regex/PatternSyntaxException; thrown during Landroid/graphics/Rect;.<clinit>
I/dalvikvm( 245): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class Landroid/graphics/Rect; v=0x0
E/dalvikvm( 245): Class lookup Ljava/lang/NoClassDefFoundError; attemped while exception Ljava/lang/ExceptionInInitializerError; pending
I/dalvikvm( 245): DALVIK THREADS:
I/dalvikvm( 245): "main" prio=5 tid=3 RUNNABLE
I/dalvikvm( 245): | group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 s=N obj=0x4001e258 self=0xbcf0
I/dalvikvm( 245): | sysTid=245 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=default handle=-1343997128
I/dalvikvm( 245): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
I/dalvikvm( 245): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
I/dalvikvm( 245):
E/dalvikvm( 245): VM aborting
I/DEBUG ( 121): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
I/DEBUG ( 121): Build fingerprint: 'google/passion/passion/mahimahi:2.1-update1/ERE27/24178:user/release-keys'
I/DEBUG ( 121): pid: 245, tid: 245 >>> zygote <<<
I/DEBUG ( 121): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr deadd00d
I/DEBUG ( 121): r0 0000035c r1 afe1378d r2 0000000c r3 deadd00d
I/DEBUG ( 121): r4 00000026 r5 0000bcf0 r6 ad07ff50 r7 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 121): r8 00000000 r9 00000000 10 00000000 fp 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 121): ip ad080164 sp be8e1a58 lr afe14749 pc ad03549a cpsr 20000030
I/DEBUG ( 121): #00 pc 0003549a /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #01 pc 000584d6 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #02 pc 0005874a /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #03 pc 00058c5e /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #04 pc 00034c6e /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #05 pc 00034ccc /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #06 pc 00056868 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #07 pc 00058246 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #08 pc 0003bad4 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #09 pc 00045260 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #10 pc 000452de /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #11 pc 0002a1d2 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #12 pc 0002a21a /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #13 pc 0002a2e6 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #14 pc 00008cae /system/bin/app_process
I/DEBUG ( 121): #15 pc 0000c54a /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #16 pc b0001a46 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 121):
I/DEBUG ( 121): code around pc:
I/DEBUG ( 121): ad035488 4808ecc8 6b9b5823 d0002b00 4b064798
I/DEBUG ( 121): ad035498 701c2426 ed3af7d9 0004aad4 fffe5a3c
I/DEBUG ( 121): ad0354a8 fffe8ea8 0000035c deadd00d b510b40e
I/DEBUG ( 121):
I/DEBUG ( 121): code around lr:
I/DEBUG ( 121): afe14738 220ce008 2b005eab 1c28d003 47889901
I/DEBUG ( 121): afe14748 35544306 d5f43f01 2c006824 b003d1ee
I/DEBUG ( 121): afe14758 bdf01c30 00025758 000000bc 1c0fb5f0
I/DEBUG ( 121):
I/DEBUG ( 121): stack:
I/DEBUG ( 121): be8e1a18 40021dc0 /dev/ashmem/mspace/dalvik-heap/zygote/0 (deleted)
I/DEBUG ( 121): be8e1a1c 0000bcf0 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 121): be8e1a20 afe3a0b0 /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): be8e1a24 afe3a05c /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): be8e1a28 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 121): be8e1a2c afe14749 /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): be8e1a30 be8e1a44 [stack]
I/DEBUG ( 121): be8e1a34 afe1378d /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): be8e1a38 ad07ff50 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): be8e1a3c ad07ff50 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): be8e1a40 0000bcf0 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 121): be8e1a44 ad07ff50 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): be8e1a48 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 121): be8e1a4c afe137ef /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): be8e1a50 ad07ff50 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): be8e1a54 ad03548b /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #00 be8e1a58 ad07ff50 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): be8e1a5c ad0584db /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): #01 be8e1a60 41937754 /data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected]ses.dex
I/DEBUG ( 121): be8e1a64 afe0f768 /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): be8e1a68 ad069c70 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): be8e1a6c 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 121): be8e1a70 0006e908 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 121): be8e1a74 c0000000
I/DEBUG ( 121): be8e1a78 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 121): be8e1a7c ad07ff50 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): be8e1a80 ad069c70 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 121): be8e1a84 0006e908 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 121): be8e1a88 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 121): be8e1a8c ad05874f /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/ServiceManager( 119): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 119): service 'media.player' died
I/ServiceManager( 119): service 'media.camera' died
I/ServiceManager( 119): service 'media.audio_policy' died
D/libEGL ( 246): Setting TLS: 0xafe43b74 to 0xac70a2ec
I/ ( 246): ServiceManager: 0xad08
I/HTC Acoustic( 246): libhtc_acoustic.so version
E/HTC Acoustic( 246): Fail to open /system/etc/AudioPara_Rogers.csv -1.
I/HTC Acoustic( 246): open /system/etc/AudioPara4.csv success.
I/HTC Acoustic( 246): acoustic table version: Sapphire_VODAFONE_20090305
I/HTC Acoustic( 246): read_audio_para_from_file success.
I/HTC Acoustic( 246): get_audpp_filter
I/HTC Acoustic( 246): open /system/etc/AudioFilter.csv success.
I/HTC Acoustic( 246): ADRC Filter ADRC FLAG = ffff.
I/HTC Acoustic( 246): ADRC Filter COMP THRESHOLD = 2600.
I/HTC Acoustic( 246): ADRC Filter COMP SLOPE = b333.
I/HTC Acoustic( 246): ADRC Filter COMP RMS TIME = 106.
I/HTC Acoustic( 246): ADRC Filter COMP ATTACK[0] = 7f7d.
I/HTC Acoustic( 246): ADRC Filter COMP ATTACK[1] = 3096.
I/HTC Acoustic( 246): ADRC Filter COMP RELEASE[0] = 7ff7.
I/HTC Acoustic( 246): ADRC Filter COMP RELEASE[1] = 4356.
I/HTC Acoustic( 246): ADRC Filter COMP DELAY = 16.
I/HTC Acoustic( 246): EQ flag = 00.
I/HTC Acoustic( 246): get_audpre_filter
I/HTC Acoustic( 246): open /system/etc/AudioPreProcess.csv success.
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 246): mNumSndEndpoints = 67
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 246): BT MATCH HANDSET
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 246): BT MATCH SPEAKER
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 246): BT MATCH HEADSET
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 246): BT MATCH BT
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 246): BT MATCH CARKIT
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 246): BT MATCH TTY_FULL
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 246): BT MATCH TTY_VCO
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 246): BT MATCH TTY_HCO
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 246): BT MATCH FM_HEADSET
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 246): BT MATCH FM_SPEAKER
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 246): BT MATCH BT_EC_OFF
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 246): BT MATCH CURRENT
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 246): BT MATCH BT_EC_OFF
D/AudioHardwareInterface( 246): setMode(NORMAL)
I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 246): Set master volume to 5.
I/CameraService( 246): CameraService started: pid=246
I/AudioFlinger( 246): AudioFlinger's thread 0xd8a8 ready to run
I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 246): Routing audio to Speakerphone
D/HTC Acoustic( 246): msm72xx_enable_audpp: 0x0001
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 246): setVoiceVolume(1.000000)
I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 246): Setting in-call volume to 5 (available range is 0 to 5)
And it just keeps looping

So the dalvik interpriter is up and running but can't find some class.. this is odd on a full wipe; for a test with as few variables as possible try this:
Fastboot erase steps again, then flash from recovery again, but just before restarting remove the SD card.
If it fails to boot without the SD card take a log again, you can use 'adb logcat > log.txt' to have it output to file to get the full log from boot.
If it works reformat/erase all files/wipe the ext partition, then try with the SD card.


g1 screen boot loop (Help!)

Ok, so I got this after reinstalling Cyanogen's after installing a theme on top of it. So far I've tried wiping, restoring a backup, and installing multiple builds, no success.
Heres the logcat:
W/dalvikvm( 136): JNI_CreateJavaVM failed
E/AndroidRuntime( 136): JNI_CreateJavaVM failed
D/AndroidRuntime( 140):
D/AndroidRuntime( 140): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 140): CheckJNI is OFF
D/dalvikvm( 140): DexOpt: incorrect opt magic number (0xff ff ff ff)
D/dalvikvm( 140): Stale deps in cache file; removing and retrying
D/dalvikvm( 140): DexOpt: --- BEGIN 'services.jar' (bootstrap=1) ---
I/DEBUG ( 116): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *
I/DEBUG ( 116): Build fingerprint: 'tmobile/kila/dream/trout:1.5/CRC1/150275:
I/DEBUG ( 116): pid: 142, tid: 142 >>> /system/bin/dexopt <<<
I/DEBUG ( 116): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr 44b60a42
I/DEBUG ( 116): r0 0000ea74 r1 415d0028 r2 41613df0 r3 44b60a42
I/DEBUG ( 116): r4 41051528 r5 00016510 r6 4000c358 r7 bedef9dc
I/DEBUG ( 116): r8 00000000 r9 00000000 10 00000000 fp 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): ip ad07a0d0 sp bedef980 lr ad053349 pc ad052c5c cpsr 000
I/DEBUG ( 116): #00 pc 00052c5c /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 116): #01 pc 00053344 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 116): #02 pc 00053506 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 116): #03 pc 00053c2e /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 116): #04 pc 00053e3e /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 116): #05 pc 00054352 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 116): #06 pc 000471da /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 116): #07 pc 000476d4 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 116): #08 pc 000478b4 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 116): #09 pc 00008e20 /system/bin/dexopt
I/DEBUG ( 116): #10 pc 00008ed6 /system/bin/dexopt
I/DEBUG ( 116): #11 pc 0000bf12 /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 116): #12 pc b00016cc /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 116): stack:
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef940 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef944 afe0ec28 /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef948 000119c4 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef94c afe0ed18 /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef950 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef954 afe0ec28 /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef958 000119c0 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef95c ad079e1c /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef960 000014b4
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef964 0000216c
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef968 410514f0 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-LinearAlloc (delet
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef96c ad051ba5 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef970 410514f0 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-LinearAlloc (delet
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef974 00016510 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef978 df002777
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef97c e3a070ad
I/DEBUG ( 116): #00 bedef980 ad079e1c /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef984 41051504 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-LinearAlloc (delet
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef988 41641118 /data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@c
[email protected]
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef98c 4000c358 /dev/ashmem/mspace/dalvik-heap/0 (del
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef990 4191a361 /data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@c
[email protected]
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef994 00016510 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef998 41641118 /data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@c
[email protected]
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef99c ad053349 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 116): #01 bedef9a0 00002bd0
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef9a4 000000dc
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef9a8 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef9ac afe0afbb /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef9b0 42409e54 /data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@s
[email protected]
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef9b4 0000003a
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef9b8 bedef9dc [stack]
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef9bc 00000abe
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef9c0 00000460
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef9c4 00000b05
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef9c8 00000002
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef9cc 00000070
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef9d0 415fdbf0 /data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@c
[email protected]
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef9d4 4000c3f4 /dev/ashmem/mspace/dalvik-heap/0 (del
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef9d8 afe3bb8c
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef9dc 00000abe
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef9e0 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef9e4 000be364
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef9e8 00000722
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef9ec ad079e1c /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef9f0 00016578 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef9f4 41641118 /data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@c
[email protected]
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef9f8 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): bedef9fc ad05350b /system/lib/libdvm.so
W/dalvikvm( 140): DexOpt: --- END 'services.jar' --- status=0x000b, process fai
E/dalvikvm( 140): Unable to extract+optimize DEX from '/system/framework/servic
D/dalvikvm( 140): Failed on '/system/framework/services.jar' (boot=1)
D/dalvikvm( 140): VM cleaning up
D/dalvikvm( 140): LinearAlloc 0x0 used 4100 of 4194304 (0%)
and repeats over and over... forever!
I've searched through the forums and on google and nothing relevant came up. Please help!
Ok, tried deleting the Dalvik-Cache from recovery console with no success. Formatted my linux parts and bam! fixed.
If your sdcard is partitioned try wiping your ext3, then trying flashing cm 4.0.4, if it still boot loops then you may need to go back to rc-29 and root again
david1171 said:
If your sdcard is partitioned try wiping your ext3, then trying flashing cm 4.0.4, if it still boot loops then you may need to go back to rc-29 and root again
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Whats up david, glad you could finally join us. Must be nice to sleep in til noon.
nick_karstedt said:
Ok, tried deleting the Dalvik-Cache from recovery console with no success. Formatted my linux parts and bam! fixed.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ive got the same problem along with several other people on this forum but none of us have been able to sort this out.
So pray tell how do you format linux parts?

Major problems with custom roms

Ok, I've had this phone rooted and setup with Cyanogen for months. Probably 7 or 8 months. Last night, it started having some issues, so I opened up the Cyanogen updater and told it to get the latest one, given I was running a rather old version. It downloads it, installs, goes to restart, and gets stuck on the boot screen (in my case, the Rogers screen).
Fast forward to today, I have been flashing and installing all sorts of different firmwares, trying to get it working. 0 luck. Started looking at the log, and this is the output of 4.2.7 with adb's logcat. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
E/AndroidRuntime( 422): JNI_CreateJavaVM failed
D/AndroidRuntime( 423):
D/AndroidRuntime( 423): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 423): CheckJNI is OFF
E/dalvikvm( 423): Unable to find constructor for StackTraceElement
D/dalvikvm( 423): VM cleaning up
D/dalvikvm( 423): LinearAlloc 0x0 used 20780 of 5242880 (0%)
W/dalvikvm( 423): JNI_CreateJavaVM failed
E/AndroidRuntime( 423): JNI_CreateJavaVM failed
E/vold ( 131): Unable to read framework command (Bad file number)
E/vold ( 131): Error processing framework command (Bad file number)
D/AndroidRuntime( 424):
D/AndroidRuntime( 424): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 424): CheckJNI is OFF
E/dalvikvm( 424): Unable to find constructor for StackTraceElement
D/dalvikvm( 424): VM cleaning up
D/dalvikvm( 424): LinearAlloc 0x0 used 20780 of 5242880 (0%)
W/dalvikvm( 424): JNI_CreateJavaVM failed
E/AndroidRuntime( 424): JNI_CreateJavaVM failed
D/AndroidRuntime( 425):
D/AndroidRuntime( 425): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 425): CheckJNI is OFF
E/dalvikvm( 425): Unable to find constructor for StackTraceElement
D/dalvikvm( 425): VM cleaning up
D/dalvikvm( 425): LinearAlloc 0x0 used 20780 of 5242880 (0%)
W/dalvikvm( 425): JNI_CreateJavaVM failed
E/AndroidRuntime( 425): JNI_CreateJavaVM failed
D/AndroidRuntime( 426):
D/AndroidRuntime( 426): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 426): CheckJNI is OFF
E/dalvikvm( 426): Unable to find constructor for StackTraceElement
D/dalvikvm( 426): VM cleaning up
D/dalvikvm( 426): LinearAlloc 0x0 used 20780 of 5242880 (0%)
W/dalvikvm( 426): JNI_CreateJavaVM failed
E/AndroidRuntime( 426): JNI_CreateJavaVM failed
D/AndroidRuntime( 427):
D/AndroidRuntime( 427): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 427): CheckJNI is OFF
E/dalvikvm( 427): Unable to find constructor for StackTraceElement
D/dalvikvm( 427): VM cleaning up
D/dalvikvm( 427): LinearAlloc 0x0 used 20780 of 5242880 (0%)
W/dalvikvm( 427): JNI_CreateJavaVM failed
E/AndroidRuntime( 427): JNI_CreateJavaVM failed
D/AndroidRuntime( 428):
D/AndroidRuntime( 428): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 428): CheckJNI is OFF
E/dalvikvm( 428): Unable to find constructor for StackTraceElement
D/dalvikvm( 428): VM cleaning up
D/dalvikvm( 428): LinearAlloc 0x0 used 20780 of 5242880 (0%)
W/dalvikvm( 428): JNI_CreateJavaVM failed
E/AndroidRuntime( 428): JNI_CreateJavaVM failed
D/AndroidRuntime( 429):
D/AndroidRuntime( 429): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 429): CheckJNI is OFF
E/dalvikvm( 429): Unable to find constructor for StackTraceElement
D/dalvikvm( 429): VM cleaning up
D/dalvikvm( 429): LinearAlloc 0x0 used 20780 of 5242880 (0%)
W/dalvikvm( 429): JNI_CreateJavaVM failed
E/AndroidRuntime( 429): JNI_CreateJavaVM failed
D/AndroidRuntime( 430):
D/AndroidRuntime( 430): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 430): CheckJNI is OFF
E/dalvikvm( 430): Unable to find constructor for StackTraceElement
D/dalvikvm( 430): VM cleaning up
D/dalvikvm( 430): LinearAlloc 0x0 used 20780 of 5242880 (0%)
W/dalvikvm( 430): JNI_CreateJavaVM failed
E/AndroidRuntime( 430): JNI_CreateJavaVM failed
Etc, etc, etc
what cyanogen rom were you on before you downloaded the rom from the updater?
oshizzle1991 said:
what cyanogen rom were you on before you downloaded the rom from the updater?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I don't remember an exact version, I want to say it was 4.1.x
You need to flash the htc recovery image the cyanogen ROM. You will probably need to wipe and format your ext partition also.
cloverdale said:
You need to flash the htc recovery image the cyanogen ROM. You will probably need to wipe and format your ext partition also.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Already done that with most of the latest flashes. That would be the one from the signed-dream_devphone_userdebug-ota- ***.zip, correct? If so, I have flashed with 14721, and repartitioned several times with sdparted.
I actually have it now at the "Welcome to T-Mobile G1" screen...only problem is that all the applications are dropping like flies.
Force close on com.android.mms, com.android.phone, come.android.process.gapps
Skipping through that and going to the home screen brings..
Force close on com.google.android.apps.uploader, and no home screen at all. Just a black screen and a notification bar.
Log output as such:
I/ActivityThread( 1531): Publishing provider com.android.launcher.settings: com.android.launcher.LauncherProvider
I/dalvikvm( 1531): Unknown chunk 0x99b00203 (??), size=-268302586 in aux data area
D/dalvikvm( 155): GC freed 9667 objects / 842832 bytes in 397ms
I/CheckinService( 155): Sending checkin request (15493 bytes)...
D/Zygote ( 130): Process 1525 terminated by signal (11)
I/ActivityManager( 155): Process com.google.process.gapps (pid 1525) has died.
W/ActivityManager( 155): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.googleapps/.GoogleLoginService in 87783ms
W/ActivityManager( 155): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.googleapps/.GoogleLoginService in 11887ms
W/ActivityManager( 155): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.googleapps/.GoogleLoginService in 21887ms
W/ActivityManager( 155): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.googleapps/.GoogleLoginService in 31886ms
W/ActivityManager( 155): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.googleapps/.GoogleLoginService in 57778ms
W/ActivityManager( 155): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.googleapps/.GoogleLoginService in 89045409464320ms
W/ActivityManager( 155): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.googleapps/.GoogleLoginService in 67776ms
W/ActivityManager( 155): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.googleapps/.GoogleLoginService in 77776ms
I/DEBUG ( 1535): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
I/DEBUG ( 1535): Build fingerprint: 'tmobile/kila/dream/trout:1.6/DRC83/14721:user/ota-rel-keys,release-keys'
I/DEBUG ( 1535): pid: 1531, tid: 1531 >>> android.process.acore <<<
I/DEBUG ( 1535): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr 35434798
I/DEBUG ( 1535): r0 0000004d r1 00000007 r2 d1918f9e r3 3c0081c4
I/DEBUG ( 1535): r4 002c90a0 r5 35434798 r6 ad07ff50 r7 f0020710
I/DEBUG ( 1535): r8 ad00f380 r9 0000bc20 10 4104eb9c fp 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1535): ip afbc30c8 sp be8ae598 lr afbc1055 pc ad05ecc0 cpsr 20000030
I/ActivityManager( 155): Start proc com.google.process.gapps for restart com.google.process.gapps: pid=1539 uid=10020 gids={3003}
I/ActivityThread( 1539): Publishing provider com.google.settings: com.google.android.providers.settings.GoogleSettingsProvider
I/ActivityThread( 1539): Publishing provider gmail-ls: com.google.android.providers.gmail.MailProvider
I/dalvikvm( 1539): Unknown chunk 0x01190119 (), size=18415897 in aux data area
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #00 pc 0005ecc0 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #01 pc 0005f3b4 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #02 pc 000341cc /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #03 pc 0003c540 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #04 pc 000525b4 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #05 pc 00013f58 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #06 pc 00019888 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #07 pc 00018d5c /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #08 pc 0004d468 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #09 pc 00054f4c /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #10 pc 00013f58 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #11 pc 00019888 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #12 pc 00018d5c /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #13 pc 0004d77c /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #14 pc 0003a74c /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #15 pc 00028374 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #16 pc 00028e82 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #17 pc 00008c9e /system/bin/app_process
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #18 pc 0000c4c2 /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #19 pc b00018c6 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 1535): stack:
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae558 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae55c 0001f032 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae560 000081a4 /system/bin/app_process
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae564 00000001
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae568 000003e8
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae56c 00002718
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae570 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae574 d1918f9e
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae578 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae57c 002c90a0 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae580 45414088 /data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected]
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae584 ad07ff50 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae588 f0020706
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae58c ad05eca7 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae590 df002777
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae594 e3a070ad
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #00 be8ae598 00000099
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae59c 000000b0
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5a0 00000002
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5a4 00000003
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5a8 f0020706
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5ac 00000028
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5b0 00000028
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5b4 ad06587c /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5b8 45414090 /data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected]
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5bc ad076eb2 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5c0 002c90a0 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5c4 ad07ff50 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5c8 453e4000 /data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected]
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5cc 002c90a0 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5d0 00030090 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5d4 ad05f3b9 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #01 be8ae5d8 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5dc 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5e0 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5e4 00030090 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5e8 002c90a0 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5ec 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5f0 00000400
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5f4 ad07ff50 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5f8 be8ae610 [stack]
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5fc 00000028
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae600 be8ae6a8 [stack]
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae604 ad0341d1 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/CheckinService( 155): From server: Intent { act=android.server.checkin.FOTA_CANCEL }
I/ActivityManager( 155): Process android.process.acore (pid 1531) has died.
I/ActivityManager( 155): Start proc android.process.acore for restart android.process.acore: pid=1545 uid=10008 gids={3003, 3002, 3001, 1006, 1015}
D/Zygote ( 130): Process 1531 terminated by signal (11)
I/DEBUG ( 1535): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
I/DEBUG ( 1535): Build fingerprint: 'tmobile/kila/dream/trout:1.6/DRC83/14721:user/ota-rel-keys,release-keys'
I/DEBUG ( 1535): pid: 1539, tid: 1539 >>> com.google.process.gapps <<<
I/DEBUG ( 1535): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr 45d67248
I/DEBUG ( 1535): r0 0000004b r1 00000007 r2 d1918f9e r3 0046404a
I/DEBUG ( 1535): r4 0011b998 r5 45d67248 r6 ad07ff50 r7 01190128
I/DEBUG ( 1535): r8 ad00f380 r9 0000bc20 10 4104eb9c fp 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1535): ip afbc30c8 sp be8ae598 lr afbc1055 pc ad05ecc0 cpsr 00000030
I/ActivityThread( 1545): Publishing provider com.android.globalsearch.stats: com.android.globalsearch.StatsProvider
I/ActivityThread( 1545): Publishing provider contacts;call_log: com.android.providers.contacts.GoogleContactsProvider
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #00 pc 0005ecc0 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #01 pc 0005f3b4 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #02 pc 000341cc /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #03 pc 0003c540 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #04 pc 000525b4 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #05 pc 00013f58 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #06 pc 00019888 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #07 pc 00018d5c /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #08 pc 0004d468 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #09 pc 00054f4c /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #10 pc 00013f58 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #11 pc 00019888 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #12 pc 00018d5c /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #13 pc 0004d77c /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #14 pc 0003a74c /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/ActivityThread( 1545): Publishing provider applications: com.android.providers.applications.ApplicationsProvider
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #15 pc 00028374 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #16 pc 00028e82 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #17 pc 00008c9e /system/bin/app_process
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #18 pc 0000c4c2 /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #19 pc b00018c6 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 1535): stack:
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae558 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae55c 0001f04d [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae560 000081a4 /system/bin/app_process
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae564 00000001
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae568 000003e8
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae56c 00002724
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae570 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae574 d1918f9e
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae578 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae57c 0011b998 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae580 44bd7120 /data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected]
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae584 ad07ff50 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae588 01190119
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae58c ad05eca7 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae590 df002777
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae594 e3a070ad
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #00 be8ae598 00000001
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae59c 00000019
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5a0 00000001
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5a4 00000019
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5a8 01190119
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5ac 0000001f
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5b0 0000001f
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5b4 ad06587c /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5b8 44bd7128 /data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected]
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5bc ad076eb2 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5c0 0011b998 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5c4 ad07ff50 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5c8 44b94000 /data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected]
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5cc 0011b998 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5d0 00043128 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5d4 ad05f3b9 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): #01 be8ae5d8 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5dc 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5e0 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5e4 00043128 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5e8 0011b998 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5ec 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5f0 00000400
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5f4 ad07ff50 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5f8 be8ae610 [stack]
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae5fc 0000001f
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae600 be8ae6a8 [stack]
I/DEBUG ( 1535): be8ae604 ad0341d1 /system/lib/libdvm.so
Try again in this order:
Remove the sdcard (with the phone off) and format with gparted (do a fresh format at least to the ext). Place the sdcard in the phone and boot to recovery. Wipe everything, then flash the htc recovery, then WITHOUT A REBOOT, flash cyanogen.
I had something similar happen to me last week, and I had to repeat the above a few times, but it eventually worked.
cloverdale said:
Try again in this order:
Remove the sdcard (with the phone off) and format with gparted (do a fresh format at least to the ext). Place the sdcard in the phone and boot to recovery. Wipe everything, then flash the htc recovery, then WITHOUT A REBOOT, flash cyanogen.
I had something similar happen to me last week, and I had to repeat the above a few times, but it eventually worked.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Is there a huge difference if I mount the sdcard from the phone (via the console and echo /dev/block/mmcblk0 > /sys/devices/platform/usb_mass_storage/lun0/file) vs directly in the computer (given that the phone is the only way I currently have to access the sdcard.
Regardless, going to give your instructions a few steps right now with my method of loading it up, just to test. Wish me luck.
Result is the same, stuff dies and blank, black, useless home screen. Another interesting tidbit to this story is the fact that even though I am connected to a network, and show as having a full signal and 3G connection....no outgoing data seems to be going on.
Well, another update, but a bit of a sad one, in my opinion.
I got it working. But not with Cyanogen. I used this rom, and it installed and worked fine.
This is strange, it is way beyond me why this would be happening to you. lbcoder is one of the only people I can think of on here that would probably know.

My G1 won't boot 90% of ROMs, only few works (but not fully). Can somebody help?

I've experienced a huge problem with my G1. I always liked to play with it, so I rooted it instatly after buying it. Now I have Haykuro, Amon_Ra recovery, .26i radio. I flashed new ROM every week and everything was OK. Until now. Something happened and almost every ROM is getting bootloop! Some hangs on G1 splash, some on their bootscreen. I tried SuperF, SuperD, CM6 RC3, Donut AOSP TheOfficial, Chromatic, SpeedTeam Froyo, SuperE, Dwang, Froyo AOSP and more, but only SuperE and FroyoAOSP booted (but only once - when I turn them off they never boot again). Before every flash I was doing full wipe, sometimes also a fastboot system -w.
Fastboot and recovery working. Tried to reflash radio and recovery, to format SD Card - nothing helped.
I wonder if I should try to unroot and then root again? Did anyone ever encountered this strange situation? Everything was all right and then BANG! everything crashes ;/.
I am always wathing logcat and discovered one interesting thing - few ROMs hang in the same place:
D/AndroidRuntime( 731):
D/AndroidRuntime( 731): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 731): CheckJNI is OFF
D/AndroidRuntime( 731): --- registering native functions ---
I/Zygote ( 731): Preloading classes...
D/dalvikvm( 731): GC freed 800 objects / 44048 bytes in 6ms
I/DEBUG ( 699): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *
I/DEBUG ( 699): Build fingerprint: 'tmobile/kila/dream/trout:1.6/DRC83/14721:
I/DEBUG ( 699): pid: 731, tid: 731 >>> zygote <<<
I/DEBUG ( 699): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr 0000001e
I/DEBUG ( 699): r0 08000000 r1 bea5c5ec r2 bea5c5ec r3 bea5c604
I/DEBUG ( 699): r4 00000200 r5 bea5c604 r6 00000000 r7 00000001
I/DEBUG ( 699): r8 bea5c5ec r9 000904e0 10 bea5c604 fp bea5c5bc
I/DEBUG ( 699): ip ad4abe54 sp bea5c508 lr ad48f551 pc ad47070a cpsr 000
I/DEBUG ( 699): #00 pc 0007070a /system/lib/libicui18n.so
I/DEBUG ( 699): #01 lr ad48f551 /system/lib/libicui18n.so
I/DEBUG ( 699): stack:
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c4c8 0007b228 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c4cc 000001b4
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c4d0 000000dc
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c4d4 00002bcc
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c4d8 00000001
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c4dc afe0b70f /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c4e0 afe39dd4 /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c4e4 00000034
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c4e8 40031fe0 /dev/ashmem/mspace/dalvik-heap/zygote
/0 (deleted)
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c4ec 00000004
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c4f0 00000001
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c4f4 00000001
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c4f8 bea5c510 [stack]
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c4fc 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c500 df002777
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c504 e3a070ad
I/DEBUG ( 699): #00 bea5c508 ad084aa8 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c50c 00000200
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c510 ad5c1b50 /system/lib/libicuuc.so
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c514 00000001
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c518 00000001
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c51c 0007b228 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c520 ad080008 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c524 40031fb0 /dev/ashmem/mspace/dalvik-heap/zygote
/0 (deleted)
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c528 00000007
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c52c 40031fb0 /dev/ashmem/mspace/dalvik-heap/zygote
/0 (deleted)
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c530 40031fb0 /dev/ashmem/mspace/dalvik-heap/zygote
/0 (deleted)
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c534 bea5c620 [stack]
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c538 4104ee54
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c53c 4104ee44
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c540 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c544 40031fe0 /dev/ashmem/mspace/dalvik-heap/zygote
/0 (deleted)
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c548 0000a9c8 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 699): bea5c54c 00000001
Maybe this is the key? Some hangs in other place, I will try to catch it and post here too. Please, help! I don't want to lose my G1...
If there was someone with same problem, please, post me a link to thread.
OK, I got second place when ROM hangs. Got cyan 5.07 to work and then it hanged after second boot. This is where it was looping:
D/libEGL ( 255): Setting TLS: 0xafe43b6c to 0xac70a2ec
D/AndroidRuntime( 255):
D/AndroidRuntime( 255): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 255): CheckJNI is OFF
D/AndroidRuntime( 255): --- registering native functions ---
E/JNIHelp ( 255): Native registration unable to find class 'com/android/interna
E/AndroidRuntime( 255): Unable to register all android natives
I/ServiceManager( 91): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 91): service 'media.player' died
I/ServiceManager( 91): service 'media.camera' died
I/ServiceManager( 91): service 'media.audio_policy' died
D/libEGL ( 256): Setting TLS: 0xafe43b6c to 0xac70a2ec
I/ ( 256): ServiceManager: 0xad08
I/HTC Acoustic( 256): libhtc_acoustic.so version
E/HTC Acoustic( 256): Fail to open /system/etc/AudioPara_Era.csv -1.
I/HTC Acoustic( 256): open /system/etc/AudioPara4.csv success.
I/HTC Acoustic( 256): acoustic table version: Sapphire_VODAFONE_20090305
I/HTC Acoustic( 256): read_audio_para_from_file success.
I/HTC Acoustic( 256): get_audpp_filter
I/HTC Acoustic( 256): open /system/etc/AudioFilter.csv success.
I/HTC Acoustic( 256): ADRC Filter ADRC FLAG = ffff.
I/HTC Acoustic( 256): ADRC Filter COMP THRESHOLD = 2600.
I/HTC Acoustic( 256): ADRC Filter COMP SLOPE = b333.
I/HTC Acoustic( 256): ADRC Filter COMP RMS TIME = 106.
I/HTC Acoustic( 256): ADRC Filter COMP ATTACK[0] = 7f7d.
I/HTC Acoustic( 256): ADRC Filter COMP ATTACK[1] = 3096.
I/HTC Acoustic( 256): ADRC Filter COMP RELEASE[0] = 7ff7.
I/HTC Acoustic( 256): ADRC Filter COMP RELEASE[1] = 4356.
I/HTC Acoustic( 256): ADRC Filter COMP DELAY = 16.
I/HTC Acoustic( 256): EQ flag = 00.
I/HTC Acoustic( 256): get_audpre_filter
I/HTC Acoustic( 256): open /system/etc/AudioPreProcess.csv success.
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 256): mNumSndEndpoints = 67
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 256): BT MATCH HANDSET
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 256): BT MATCH SPEAKER
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 256): BT MATCH HEADSET
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 256): BT MATCH BT
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 256): BT MATCH CARKIT
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 256): BT MATCH TTY_FULL
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 256): BT MATCH TTY_VCO
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 256): BT MATCH TTY_HCO
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 256): BT MATCH FM_HEADSET
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 256): BT MATCH FM_SPEAKER
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 256): BT MATCH BT_EC_OFF
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 256): BT MATCH CURRENT
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 256): BT MATCH BT_EC_OFF
D/AudioHardwareInterface( 256): setMode(NORMAL)
I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 256): Set master volume to 5.
I/CameraService( 256): CameraService started: pid=256
I/AudioFlinger( 256): AudioFlinger's thread 0xd8a8 ready to run
I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 256): Routing audio to Speakerphone
D/HTC Acoustic( 256): msm72xx_enable_audpp: 0x0001
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 256): setVoiceVolume(1.000000)
I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 256): Setting in-call volume to 5 (available range is 0
to 5)
No one knows what is going on? No one to help? Please, I'm going nuts because of this, I really don't know what's going on. Almost every ROM hangs in same 2 places, someone has to know what's going on!
WOOPS, double post. Sorry, i thought that it will automatically merge two posts in one.
EDIT: CM6 RC3 boots all right. I can even reboot it. But still, this situation is not normal .
Dont let this piss you off but have you tried a new SDcard?
I have had trouble going from Froyo to Cupcake and vice versa --- they always involve a fresh new SDcard and I really do not know why.
I want to try something... what if I send you some nandroid backups would you want to try fastbooting them in? That may work and I've got only so many gigs of nandroids saved from the past year.
Tried another SD Card, but nope, it's not it. Same results: CM6 RC3 is booting well while everything else is looping. Tried to apply MTD Part Hack (don't know why, I thought that it might help and if it is not working I will have a reason to ask Firerat what's going on ) and loop in SuperD boot changed a little, now it is like this:
v/0 (deleted)
I/DEBUG ( 132): bedea848 0000bc48 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 132): bedea84c 0000a9c0 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 132): bedea850 0000bc48 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 132): bedea854 0000a9c0 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 132): bedea858 df002777
I/DEBUG ( 132): bedea85c e3a070ad
I/DEBUG ( 132): #00 bedea860 ad07ff50 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): bedea864 0000bc48 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 132): bedea868 0000a9c0 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 132): bedea86c ad036569 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): bedea870 ad07ff50 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): bedea874 ad080a54 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): bedea878 0000a9c0 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 132): bedea87c ad036923 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): bedea880 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): bedea884 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): bedea888 0000036c
I/DEBUG ( 132): bedea88c ad07ff50 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): bedea890 bedea970 [stack]
I/DEBUG ( 132): bedea894 0000a9c0 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 132): bedea898 0000a978 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 132): bedea89c ad03854f /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): bedea8a0 00000003
I/DEBUG ( 132): bedea8a4 ad080c00 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *
I/DEBUG ( 132): Build fingerprint: 'tmobile/kila/dream/trout:1.6/DRC83/14721:
I/DEBUG ( 132): pid: 179, tid: 179 >>> /system/bin/rild <<<
I/DEBUG ( 132): signal 7 (SIGBUS), fault addr 80004160
I/DEBUG ( 132): r0 80004160 r1 00000000 r2 00000e60 r3 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): r4 00000000 r5 00000000 r6 00000000 r7 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): r8 00000000 r9 00000000 10 00000000 fp 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): ip 00000000 sp befff738 lr 00000000 pc b000268c cpsr 200
I/DEBUG ( 132): #00 pc b000268c /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): #01 pc b00011e2 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): #02 pc b0001464 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): #03 pc b0001560 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): #04 pc b0001cec /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): #05 pc 00008bee /system/bin/rild
I/DEBUG ( 132): #06 pc 0000c572 /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): #07 pc b00018c6 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): stack:
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff6f8 b00107e0 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff6fc 000002ff
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff700 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff704 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff708 b000d288 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff70c befff6ac [stack]
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff710 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff714 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff718 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff71c ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff720 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff724 b00041c1 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff728 00000004
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff72c 00000003
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff730 df002777
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff734 e3a070ad
I/DEBUG ( 132): #00 befff738 80004160 /system/lib/libhtc_ril.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff73c b0017690
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff740 80004000 /system/lib/libhtc_ril.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff744 b0011a3c
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff748 b0010448 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff74c b00011e5 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): #01 befff750 00000003
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff754 00004000
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff758 b000ca4b /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff75c b000c760 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff760 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff764 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff768 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff76c b0011ad0
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff770 00000160
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff774 80004000 /system/lib/libhtc_ril.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff778 80000000 /system/lib/libhtc_ril.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff77c 00004000
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff780 b001761c
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff784 00000002
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff788 00000003
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff78c b0011b34
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff790 b0011b38
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff794 b0011ad4
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff798 befff99c [stack]
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff79c b0010448 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff7a0 b0011a3c
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff7a4 00000003
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff7a8 b0011ac8
I/DEBUG ( 132): befff7ac b0001469 /system/bin/linker
I/ ( 180): ServiceManager: 0xac38
I/DEBUG ( 132): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *
I/DEBUG ( 132): Build fingerprint: 'tmobile/kila/dream/trout:1.6/DRC83/14721:
I/DEBUG ( 132): pid: 180, tid: 180 >>> /system/bin/mediaserver <<<
I/DEBUG ( 132): signal 7 (SIGBUS), fault addr 80604164
I/DEBUG ( 132): r0 80604164 r1 00000000 r2 00000e80 r3 c0000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): r4 00000000 r5 00000000 r6 00000000 r7 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): r8 00000000 r9 00000000 10 00000000 fp 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): ip 00000000 sp be822ab8 lr 00000000 pc b0002668 cpsr a00
I/DEBUG ( 132): #00 pc b0002668 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): #01 pc b00011e2 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): #02 pc b0001464 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): #03 pc b0001560 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): #04 pc b0001cec /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): #05 pc 0000481a /system/lib/libaudio.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): #06 pc 00004a32 /system/lib/libaudio.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): #07 pc 000051a8 /system/lib/libaudio.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): #08 pc 000183ec /system/lib/libaudioflinger.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): #09 pc 00018626 /system/lib/libaudioflinger.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): #10 pc 0000873e /system/bin/mediaserver
I/DEBUG ( 132): #11 pc 0000c572 /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): #12 pc b00018c6 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): stack:
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822a78 b0013e54
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822a7c be822a94 [stack]
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822a80 a7a043c9 /system/lib/libopencore_net_support.s
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822a84 b0010ae0 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822a88 be822b04 [stack]
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822a8c 02ff0fa4
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822a90 a600bb68 /system/lib/libopencore_common.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822a94 b0000495 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822a98 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822a9c ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822aa0 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822aa4 b00041c1 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822aa8 00000004
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822aac 00000007
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822ab0 df002777
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822ab4 e3a070ad
I/DEBUG ( 132): #00 be822ab8 80604164 /system/lib/libhtc_acoustic.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822abc b0017690
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822ac0 80604000 /system/lib/libhtc_acoustic.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822ac4 b0014084
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822ac8 b0010448 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822acc b00011e5 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): #01 be822ad0 00000007
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822ad4 00004000
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822ad8 be822ae8 [stack]
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822adc b00009ab /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822ae0 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822ae4 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822ae8 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822aec b0014118
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822af0 00000164
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822af4 80604000 /system/lib/libhtc_acoustic.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822af8 80600000 /system/lib/libhtc_acoustic.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822afc 00004000
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822b00 b001761c
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822b04 00000002
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822b08 00000007
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822b0c b001417c
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822b10 b0014180
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822b14 b001411c
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822b18 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822b1c b0010448 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822b20 b0014084
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822b24 00000007
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822b28 b0014110
I/DEBUG ( 132): be822b2c b0001469 /system/bin/linker
D/AndroidRuntime( 181):
D/AndroidRuntime( 181): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 181): CheckJNI is OFF
D/dalvikvm( 181): Unable to stat classpath element '/system/framework/com.htc.f
I/DEBUG ( 132): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *
I/DEBUG ( 132): Build fingerprint: 'tmobile/kila/dream/trout:1.6/DRC83/14721:
I/DEBUG ( 132): pid: 181, tid: 181 >>> zygote <<<
I/DEBUG ( 132): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): r0 00000000 r1 00000000 r2 ffffff08 r3 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): r4 000000f8 r5 00000000 r6 00000000 r7 00000007
I/DEBUG ( 132): r8 00000000 r9 00000000 10 00000000 fp 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): ip ad080214 sp bed82860 lr ad20cae9 pc ad213d62 cpsr 400
I/DEBUG ( 132): #00 pc 00013d62 /system/lib/libnativehelper.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): #01 lr ad20cae9 /system/lib/libnativehelper.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): stack:
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed82820 ad233ff4 /system/lib/libnativehelper.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed82824 0000001d
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed82828 ad233120 /system/lib/libnativehelper.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed8282c 00000ed4
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed82830 0000a9c0 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed82834 ad233120 /system/lib/libnativehelper.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed82838 ad235670 /system/lib/libnativehelper.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed8283c ad21543d /system/lib/libnativehelper.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed82840 0000a9c0 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed82844 4000fd18 /dev/ashmem/mspace/dalvik-heap/zygote
/0 (deleted)
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed82848 0000bc48 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed8284c 0000a9c0 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed82850 0000bc48 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed82854 0000a9c0 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed82858 df002777
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed8285c e3a070ad
I/DEBUG ( 132): #00 bed82860 ad07ff50 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed82864 0000bc48 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed82868 0000a9c0 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed8286c ad036569 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed82870 ad07ff50 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed82874 ad080a54 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed82878 0000a9c0 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed8287c ad036923 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed82880 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed82884 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed82888 0000036c
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed8288c ad07ff50 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed82890 bed82970 [stack]
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed82894 0000a9c0 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed82898 0000a978 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed8289c ad03854f /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed828a0 00000003
I/DEBUG ( 132): bed828a4 ad080c00 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *
I/DEBUG ( 132): Build fingerprint: 'tmobile/kila/dream/trout:1.6/DRC83/14721:
I/DEBUG ( 132): pid: 182, tid: 182 >>> /system/bin/rild <<<
I/DEBUG ( 132): signal 7 (SIGBUS), fault addr 80004160
I/DEBUG ( 132): r0 80004160 r1 00000000 r2 00000e60 r3 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): r4 00000000 r5 00000000 r6 00000000 r7 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): r8 00000000 r9 00000000 10 00000000 fp 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): ip 00000000 sp bea06738 lr 00000000 pc b000268c cpsr 200
I/DEBUG ( 132): #00 pc b000268c /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): #01 pc b00011e2 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): #02 pc b0001464 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): #03 pc b0001560 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): #04 pc b0001cec /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): #05 pc 00008bee /system/bin/rild
I/DEBUG ( 132): #06 pc 0000c572 /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): #07 pc b00018c6 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): stack:
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea066f8 b00107e0 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea066fc 000002ff
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea06700 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea06704 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea06708 b000d288 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea0670c bea066ac [stack]
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea06710 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea06714 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea06718 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea0671c ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea06720 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea06724 b00041c1 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea06728 00000004
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea0672c 00000003
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea06730 df002777
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea06734 e3a070ad
I/DEBUG ( 132): #00 bea06738 80004160 /system/lib/libhtc_ril.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea0673c b0017690
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea06740 80004000 /system/lib/libhtc_ril.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea06744 b0011a3c
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea06748 b0010448 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea0674c b00011e5 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): #01 bea06750 00000003
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea06754 00004000
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea06758 b000ca4b /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea0675c b000c760 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea06760 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea06764 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea06768 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea0676c b0011ad0
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea06770 00000160
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea06774 80004000 /system/lib/libhtc_ril.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea06778 80000000 /system/lib/libhtc_ril.so
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea0677c 00004000
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea06780 b001761c
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea06784 00000002
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea06788 00000003
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea0678c b0011b34
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea06790 b0011b38
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea06794 b0011ad4
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea06798 bea0699c [stack]
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea0679c b0010448 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea067a0 b0011a3c
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea067a4 00000003
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea067a8 b0011ac8
I/DEBUG ( 132): bea067ac b0001469 /system/bin/linker
I/ ( 183): ServiceManager: 0xac38
I/DEBUG ( 132): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *
I/DEBUG ( 132): Build fingerprint: 'tmobile/kila/dream/trout:1.6/DRC83/14721:
I/DEBUG ( 132): pid: 183, tid: 183 >>> /system/bin/mediaserver <<<
I/DEBUG ( 132): signal 7 (SIGBUS), fault addr 80604164
I/DEBUG ( 132): r0 80604164 r1 00000000 r2 00000e80 r3 c0000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): r4 00000000 r5 00000000 r6 00000000 r7 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): r8 00000000 r9 00000000 10 00000000 fp 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 132): ip 00000000 sp bef62ab8 lr 00000000 pc b0002668 cpsr a00
And about sending nandroid - of course, I am so glad that someone looked here . What should I do? Flash a ROM that does not work, try to boot it, reboot to recovery, do a nandroid and send to you?
can anyone please tell me how to do fastboot system -w. ?
step by step and treat me as a beginner....
You have to have installed sdk on your computer and installed adb drivers for your phone (you should find out how install drivers on your own). I assume you are using Windows as 90% users of PC, so I will explain how to do it on Windows.
Download SDK HERE
Unzip it to C:\ (or wherever you want, just remember path)
Open windows terminal (command) by typing "cmd" in search bar in start menu (if you are using windows Vista or 7, on XP it's in the All Programs -> Accesories -> Command line (or sth like that))
Power off your phone and boot it with BACK + POWER combination
Plug your phone to PC
In command type (do not type "*" I included for explanations):
cd android-sdk-windows/tools *
fastboot devices **
fastboot erase system -w
* or any other path where your sdk is placed
**to make sure that your phone is properly connected, it should give you something like -serial number- fastboot
Now you can press MENU to poweroff phone
But honestly, I was expecting some help in my rather bad situation, not more questions about things which you can really google easily -_-.
raven_raven said:
You have to have installed sdk on your computer and installed adb drivers for your phone (you should find out how install drivers on your own). I assume you are using Windows as 90% users of PC, so I will explain how to do it on Windows.
Download SDK HERE
Unzip it to C:\ (or wherever you want, just remember path)
Open windows terminal (command) by typing "cmd" in search bar in start menu (if you are using windows Vista or 7, on XP it's in the All Programs -> Accesories -> Command line (or sth like that))
Power off your phone and boot it with BACK + POWER combination
Plug your phone to PC
In command type (do not type "*" I included for explanations):
cd android-sdk-windows/tools *
fastboot devices **
fastboot erase system -w
* or any other path where your sdk is placed
**to make sure that your phone is properly connected, it should give you something like -serial number- fastboot
Now you can press MENU to poweroff phone
But honestly, I was expecting some help in my rather bad situation, not more questions about things which you can really google easily -_-.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You may want to do
#df -h
and make sure your system partition is not ridiculously small. If its less than 90 you will have trouble.
Outside of that, maybe reroot but I doubt it will help. You may have corrupt areas in the internal memory.
Can you install and run Dwang? That has always worked for me when nothing else would.
That is all I can think of now I will give it some thought.
Maybe erase every thing then flash it back
fastboot erase system -w
fastboot erase recovery
fastboot erase boot
That will leave you with just fastboot working.
You will need to reflash recovery and every thing. Stay away from nandroids until you have it all working. You may accidentally reinstall whatever is the problem.
Good luck.
Thank you very much for advices, I will try every of them. One question though: I know how to flash recovery, but how to restore boot? Is it flashed with ROM?
And is there a possibility to test an internal memory? It can be it... However EVERY ROM should not work, but FEW are working (but only for one boot) and one (CM6 RC3) is booting flawlessy every time.
Results of
df -h
are standard to Haykuro:
90M of /system
89.8M of /data
30M of /cache
I will try to flash Dwang and see what results are.
I just rerooted my phone. I used DREAIMG.nbh to back to stock recovery, bootloader, ROM and radio, then gained root, then slowly upgraded everything to previus state (Amon_Ra + Haykuro + .26i radio). Finally I flashed SuperD... again, same bootloop. I am disappointed and I have no idea what is going on . I guess my G1 is saying me "enough of this flashing, I'm tired" and I should stick with stock 1.6...
Did you overclock your last ROM? I am only guessing, but when I restart my phone, SetCPU shows me always some "standard values" (245/576). What will happen if the CPU clock is set too high? I imagine, this may cause a kernel panic and a boot loop. Only guessing ...
Nope, I wasn't using OC since IMO this was only helping to drain battery faster . Even if it was OC, I think that corrupted kernel was wiped many flashes ago when I was unrooting or even further in past, when I was doing thousand wipe and fastboot erase system -w.
I come to conclusion that internal memory of my G1 must've became corrupted. This is only explanation of what's going on.
What will happen if this information is written into some hidden space which is not wiped, like the reboot to recovery flag when flashing radio from recovery?
It may be that some parts of ROM is not wiped even if I did all this unrooting and rooting stuff. The question is: How to find it and how to get rid of it? Man, if some kind of genius like Firerat or Cyanogen looked at this thread .
... or just lbcoder !
Sorry that I cannot help you so much, unfortunatey I am not such an expert as lbcoder or Firerat
Sorry, no offence of course, I really aprecceate your help ! Yep, lbcoder also might know what's going on . Don't know, maybe I'll try to PM one of them, maybe they'll have some time for me.
an old SD card did this to my old G1... not exactly this but something eerily similar. G1 bootoops, depending on rom... very slow on the ROMs that worked, etc..etc.. and the new G1 i have running now is doing the same thing.. time for a new SD. GET YOURSELF A NEW (not "another") get yourself a NEW class 6! micro. Worked for me for a little, then lots of flashing, partitioning, and all that heavy wear... now its getting slow again. These SDs wear down quickly is seems. This phone has a high-speed SDHC card slot for a reason -- why not put it to it's full potential. Another thing that happened to me was that the app "switch pro widget" fried my phones wifi. Makes no sense to you does it? But it happened, and - to me... it didn't seem like coincidence. I went to turn the wifi on via the widget, and the bar turned a shaded green while it turns on, then once connected it went dark green. Well i went to turn it on, and it got the the shaded green and said "updating wifi status" or and it never connected --- and my wifi never worked again. After that i would always get "ERROR" when i turned my wifi on. Flashed tons of new ROMS, new SDs, wiping over and over, new wifi hardware (board and coax cable)... ANYWAYYYY the conclusion is that for some reasons -- these G1's and their external memory (the SD) hold onto info somewhere and i believe theres potential for SOMETHING to become corrupt that we dont even know about, that does not show up on logcat, that stays with the phone....
then there is always potential for a HARDWARE ISSUE that we could be unaware of... at this point, for you and me it seems like kind of a guessing game lol.
are u sure u have death or danger spl and when u wipe do this
1 factory wipe
2 wipe ext partition
3 repair ext partition then flash ur rom and reboot
Yep, I'm 100% sure. I also did fastboot erase system -w, reflashed recovery, radio, tried another SD card and so on, and so on... Even unrooting and rooting again didn't help.
Instead of using the pc try flashing on ur phone from sd and reflaash ur radio and spl from the sd and see wht happens u probably don't have danger spl because its required to flash bigger roms like eclair and etc and post again if it works or not
Sent from my HTC Dream using XDA App on CM 6.00 RC3

[DEV] wildfire S new base (2.3.3)

sorry for my poor English
source from here : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=12157080&postcount=1
extract system.img and repack
DO NOT FLASH IT. it doesn't boot on our wildfire..
here is my logcat.
--------- beginning of /dev/log/main
D/AK8975 ( 79): AK8975 daemon 1.1.0 Start
D/AK8975 ( 79): (Library version :
E/AK8975 ( 79): m_hDevice = -1
E/AK8975 ( 79): m_aDevice = 7
E/AK8975 ( 79): Device initialization failed.
E/AK8975 ( 79):
E/AK8975 ( 79): m_hDevice = -1
E/AK8975 ( 79): m_aDevice = 7
E/AK8975 ( 79): Device initialization failed.
E/AK8975 ( 79):
--------- beginning of /dev/log/system
I/Vold ( 71): Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up
E/AK8975 ( 79): m_hDevice = -1
E/AK8975 ( 79): m_aDevice = 7
E/AK8975 ( 79): Device initialization failed.
E/AK8975 ( 79):
D/Vold ( 71): usb_configuration switch is not enabled in the kernel
I/Netd ( 72): Netd 1.0 starting
D/Vold ( 71): Volume sdcard state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
D/DirectVolume( 71): device name = mmcblk0
D/Vold ( 71): Volume sdcard state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)
D/Vold ( 71): Volume sdcard state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)
I//system/bin/iptables( 72): Flushing chain `INPUT'
I/DEBUG ( 73): debuggerd: Mar 15 2011 20:39:30
I//system/bin/iptables( 72): Flushing chain `OUTPUT'
I//system/bin/iptables( 72): Flushing chain `FORWARD'
I//system/bin/iptables( 72): Flushing chain `PREROUTING'
I//system/bin/iptables( 72): Flushing chain `POSTROUTING'
I//system/bin/iptables( 72): Flushing chain `OUTPUT'
D/AndroidRuntime( 75):
D/AndroidRuntime( 75): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit <<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 75): CheckJNI is OFF
I/dalvikvm( 75): mlock: /system/framework/core.odex, fd=10
I/dalvikvm( 75): mlock(1113931776, 4845544), fd=10
I/DEBUG ( 73): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
I/DEBUG ( 73): Build fingerprint: 'htccn_chs/htc_marvel/marvel:2.3.3/GRI40/24837:userdebug/test-keys'
I/DEBUG ( 73): pid: 75, tid: 75 >>> zygote <<<
I/DEBUG ( 73): thread: zygote
I/DEBUG ( 73): debuggerd: isSystemServerCrash=0, isEnableTellHTC=0
I/DEBUG ( 73): signal 4 (SIGILL), code 1 (ILL_ILLOPC), fault addr 8001d980
I/DEBUG ( 73): r0 be944498 r1 42160318 r2 be944560 r3 be944550
I/DEBUG ( 73): r4 be944280 r5 0000cea0 r6 0000cea0 r7 42160318
I/DEBUG ( 73): r8 00000000 r9 be944560 10 00000000 fp 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 73): ip 800a77a4 sp be944278 lr 80021a18 pc 8001d980 cpsr 00000010
I/DEBUG ( 73): cannot get registers: I/O error
I/DEBUG ( 73): #00 pc 0001d980 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 73): #01 lr 80021a18 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 73):
I/DEBUG ( 73): code around pc:
I/DEBUG ( 73): 8001d960 e1a00000 e1a00000 e1a00000 e1a00000
I/DEBUG ( 73): 8001d970 e1a00000 e1a00000 e1a00000 e1a00000
I/DEBUG ( 73): 8001d980 ec808b10 e12fff1e ec908b10 e12fff1e
I/DEBUG ( 73): 8001d990 e1510003 ba000003 ca000004 e0500002
I/DEBUG ( 73): 8001d9a0 012fff1e 8a000001 e3e00000 e12fff1e
I/DEBUG ( 73):
I/DEBUG ( 73): code around lr:
I/DEBUG ( 73): 800219f8 e28d4008 e1a05000 e3a07001 e2840f86
I/DEBUG ( 73): 80021a08 e5cd7060 e1a09002 e1a07001 ebffefd9
I/DEBUG ( 73): 80021a18 e59f0144 e59f6144 e59f8144 e08fb000
I/DEBUG ( 73): 80021a28 e28dc064 e8bb000f e08f6006 e8ac000f
I/DEBUG ( 73): 80021a38 e89b0007 e796a008 e595e028 e597b020
I/DEBUG ( 73):
I/DEBUG ( 73): stack:
I/DEBUG ( 73): be944238 00400000
I/DEBUG ( 73): be94423c 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 73): be944240 42156bb0
I/DEBUG ( 73): be944244 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 73): be944248 4000d850
I/DEBUG ( 73): be94424c 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 73): be944250 42151fe8
I/DEBUG ( 73): be944254 8006a171 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 73): be944258 be94426c
I/DEBUG ( 73): be94425c 00000078
I/DEBUG ( 73): be944260 4000d8e0
I/DEBUG ( 73): be944264 4000d8e0
I/DEBUG ( 73): be944268 42a77bd0
I/DEBUG ( 73): be94426c 0000000b
I/DEBUG ( 73): be944270 df002777
I/DEBUG ( 73): be944274 e3a070ad
I/DEBUG ( 73): #00 be944278 00000011
I/DEBUG ( 73): be94427c 00000028
I/DEBUG ( 73): be944280 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 73): be944284 4000d850
I/DEBUG ( 73): be944288 800a7674
I/DEBUG ( 73): be94428c 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 73): be944290 4000d850
I/DEBUG ( 73): be944294 8006abc7 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 73): be944298 4000e240
I/DEBUG ( 73): be94429c 4000e240
I/DEBUG ( 73): be9442a0 000000a0
I/DEBUG ( 73): be9442a4 000000a0
I/DEBUG ( 73): be9442a8 4000c018
I/DEBUG ( 73): be9442ac 00000001
I/DEBUG ( 73): be9442b0 ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 73): be9442b4 4000c280
I/DEBUG ( 73): be9442b8 800ad298
I/DEBUG ( 73): be9442bc 800a7674
I/Netd ( 114): Netd 1.0 starting
I//system/bin/iptables( 114): Flushing chain `INPUT'
I//system/bin/iptables( 114): Flushing chain `OUTPUT'
I//system/bin/iptables( 114): Flushing chain `FORWARD'
I//system/bin/iptables( 114): Flushing chain `PREROUTING'
I//system/bin/iptables( 114): Flushing chain `POSTROUTING'
I//system/bin/iptables( 114): Flushing chain `OUTPUT'
D/AndroidRuntime( 131):
D/AndroidRuntime( 131): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit <<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 131): CheckJNI is OFF
I/dalvikvm( 131): mlock: /system/framework/core.odex, fd=10
I/dalvikvm( 131): mlock(1113931776, 4845544), fd=10
I/DEBUG ( 73): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
*old version(2.3.2) boot on magic(sapphire) successfully.
so I believe ARMv6 problem can be overcome...
Thanks.... I'M working on it
If u get it to work I would donate as a few of tryed but got stook
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App

Flashing factory image on nexus 4 wthout stucking on boot animation

VIDEO LINK : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_o68zj7i7A&feature=c4-overview&list=UU2q1595i85SfC5SwYRI81Ug
TOOLKIT DOWNLOAD LINK:http://www.skipsoft.net/?page_id=1072
i'm stuck on logo.. i'm gonna try this, i hope this work
---------- Post added at 02:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:58 AM ----------
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
I thinking about flashing a custom rom of 4.4. Nexus 4 users got robbed on some things. Sure they are small cosmetics like transparent bars and the google launcher but still, not cool.
Some issue and I got some logs
Very long
--------- beginning of /dev/log/system
I/Vold ( 167): Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up
W/dalvikvm( 173): PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS failed. Is your kernel compiled correctly?: Invalid argument
W/dalvikvm( 1896): PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS failed. Is your kernel compiled correctly?: Invalid argument
--------- beginning of /dev/log/main
I/DEBUG ( 170): 80808070 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 80808080 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 80808090 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 808080a0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 808080b0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 808080c0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 808080d0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 808080e0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 808080f0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 80808100 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 80808110 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 80808120 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 80808130 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 80808140 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 80808150 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 170):
I/DEBUG ( 170): memory near r4:
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a55608 006e006f 0044002e 004d0055 00000050
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a55618 71fb8b5c 0000003b 71ffbad0 70a59c60
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a55628 40048030 40048030 7379732f 616c632f
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a55638 702f7373 7265776f 7075735f 2f796c70
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a55648 63756f74 79742f68 00000038 0000003b
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a55658 00000000 70a55b50 00000000 00000001
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a55668 41da5d18 00000000 000000c0 00000030
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a55678 00000030 00040006 702e7468 2a00676e
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a55688 00000038 00000033 00000000 70a556c0
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a55698 00000000 00000001 41c8d310 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a556a8 00000100 00000040 00000040 00040006
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a556b8 2a2a2a2a 00000053 401de3c0 00000001
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a556c8 404406b8 41c8d310 00000000 075bcd15
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a556d8 00000000 4040c050 2a2a0101 41c8d310
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a556e8 00004000 00000000 2a2a2a01 414fbcb0
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a556f8 2a2a2a01 b090002d 2a2a2a00 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170):
I/DEBUG ( 170): memory near r6:
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a5560c 0044002e 004d0055 00000050 71fb8b5c
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a5561c 0000003b 71ffbad0 70a59c60 40048030
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a5562c 40048030 7379732f 616c632f 702f7373
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a5563c 7265776f 7075735f 2f796c70 63756f74
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a5564c 79742f68 00000038 0000003b 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a5565c 70a55b50 00000000 00000001 41da5d18
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a5566c 00000000 000000c0 00000030 00000030
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a5567c 00040006 702e7468 2a00676e 00000038
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a5568c 00000033 00000000 70a556c0 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a5569c 00000001 41c8d310 00000000 00000100
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a556ac 00000040 00000040 00040006 2a2a2a2a
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a556bc 00000053 401de3c0 00000001 404406b8
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a556cc 41c8d310 00000000 075bcd15 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a556dc 4040c050 2a2a0101 41c8d310 00004000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a556ec 00000000 2a2a2a01 414fbcb0 2a2a2a01
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70a556fc b090002d 2a2a2a00 00000000 2a2a2a2a
I/DEBUG ( 170):
I/DEBUG ( 170): memory near r7:
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffcff4 400e289d 400e2ae5 400e2ad9 71ffd000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffd004 71ff9ac6 00000000 00000000 70a4af08
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffd014 70a59c60 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffd024 70a555e8 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffd034 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffd044 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffd054 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffd064 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffd074 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffd084 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffd094 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffd0a4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffd0b4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffd0c4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffd0d4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffd0e4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170):
I/DEBUG ( 170): memory near r8:
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffcff8 400e2ae5 400e2ad9 71ffd000 71ff9ac6
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffd008 00000000 00000000 70a4af08 70a59c60
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffd018 00000000 00000000 00000000 70a555e8
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffd028 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffd038 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffd048 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffd058 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffd068 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffd078 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffd088 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffd098 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffd0a8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffd0b8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffd0c8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffd0d8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 71ffd0e8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170):
I/DEBUG ( 170): memory near ip:
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400eae78 40069ffc 4006a100 4006a488 400699dd
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400eae88 4004e0b9 4004e0c7 4004cb1c 40069dd8
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400eae98 4007a1d4 400791b4 400ed291 400ed415
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400eaea8 400ed539 400ed4f5 4006d6a5 4007d271
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400eaeb8 4006f89d 400771b8 40095798 400883bf
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400eaec8 4006fd75 4006ebd9 40082f11 40077238
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400eaed8 400957dc 400944c8 40078ef1 40081299
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400eaee8 400829c1 4004cafc 4004cb3c 4004cad4
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400eaef8 4004cb80 40077338 40094395 4007fd3d
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400eaf08 400830b9 4008305d 40082ee9 400b4927
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400eaf18 400b4919 400804f1 40076ca4 4008842d
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400eaf28 4008776d 40077108 40082ebd 4006eb35
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400eaf38 4006ed31 4004dff1 4007d849 4006e471
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400eaf48 4006e499 4006e4e1 40068b04 4006e48b
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400eaf58 40076f8c 40076e6c 4006a778 4004e369
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400eaf68 4006e7fd 400875fb 4006a50c 4006a71c
I/DEBUG ( 170):
I/DEBUG ( 170): memory near sp:
I/DEBUG ( 170): beaa8480 400a7054 00000000 70a55620 4006c61f
I/DEBUG ( 170): beaa8490 00000010 000004d0 df0027ad 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): beaa84a0 00000000 70a55628 720840b8 405bd4ef
I/DEBUG ( 170): beaa84b0 70a55620 70a59c60 720840b8 71ff719d
I/DEBUG ( 170): beaa84c0 70a53d60 00000000 ffffffff 00000e00
I/DEBUG ( 170): beaa84d0 00000000 71ff818d 00000001 70a55620
I/DEBUG ( 170): beaa84e0 400a71f4 720840b8 400ea5d8 70a5a6f0
I/DEBUG ( 170): beaa84f0 beaa8524 70a44378 4012c361 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): beaa8500 400a71f4 414fe160 beaa85ec 400e077b
I/DEBUG ( 170): beaa8510 70a53d60 71fe521f 00000000 70a44378
I/DEBUG ( 170): beaa8520 70a51400 70a53d64 beaa8554 beaa854c
I/DEBUG ( 170): beaa8530 71fe55e4 71fe55e4 40128a1d 71fe533d
I/DEBUG ( 170): beaa8540 408ee1b7 71fb8e78 70a44378 70a53cc8
I/DEBUG ( 170): beaa8550 70a510f0 70a53cc8 41db0031 beaa85a0
I/DEBUG ( 170): beaa8560 bbb47816 414fe8d0 71f6bd90 408ca05b
I/DEBUG ( 170): beaa8570 408ee1e9 4092ec88 409331a0 00000001
I/DEBUG ( 170):
I/DEBUG ( 170): code around pc:
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4007a1fc e4d3c001 e35c0000 012fff1e e3130003
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4007a20c e0610003 1afffff9 e3082080 e7df2812
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4007a21c e4931004 e0400003 f5d3f040 e041c3a2
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4007a22c e00cc002 e1dcc001 04931004 1a000022
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4007a23c e041c3a2 e00cc002 e1dcc001 04931004
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4007a24c 1a00001d e041c3a2 e00cc002 e1dcc001
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4007a25c 04931004 1a000018 e041c3a2 e00cc002
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4007a26c e1dcc001 04931004 1a000013 e041c3a2
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4007a27c e00cc002 e1dcc001 04931004 1a00000e
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4007a28c e041c3a2 e00cc002 e1dcc001 04931004
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4007a29c 1a000009 e041c3a2 e00cc002 e1dcc001
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4007a2ac 04931004 1a000004 e041c3a2 e00cc002
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4007a2bc e1dcc001 04931004 0affffd6 e0800003
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4007a2cc e31100ff 0a000005 e2800001 e3110cff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4007a2dc 0a000002 e2800001 e31108ff 12800001
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4007a2ec e12fff1e e1a03001 eaffffc6 e12fff1e
I/DEBUG ( 170):
I/DEBUG ( 170): code around lr:
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400e102c f1a0b110 e7ff0010 f7ff2100 6829fccb
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400e103c bd386021 4604b538 460d4608 ec72f7fc
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400e104c 46284601 fefcf7ff 46056823 f1a3b113
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400e105c e0000010 21004618 fcb4f7ff b92d6025
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400e106c feaaf7ff f06f6020 bd38000b bd382000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400e107c 4604b538 46114608 fee2f7ff 46056823
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400e108c f1a3b113 e0000010 21004618 fc9af7ff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400e109c b92d6025 fe90f7ff f06f6020 bd38000b
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400e10ac bd382000 4604b538 46114608 feadf7ff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400e10bc 46056823 f1a3b113 e0000010 21004618
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400e10cc fc80f7ff b92d6025 fe76f7ff f06f6020
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400e10dc bd38000b bd382000 4604b538 46114608
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400e10ec fe78f7ff 46056823 f1a3b113 e0000010
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400e10fc 21004618 fc66f7ff b92d6025 fe5cf7ff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400e110c f06f6020 bd38000b bd382000 4605b5f8
I/DEBUG ( 170): 400e111c 4614460f feb2f7ff 4606682b f1a3b113
D/Zygote ( 1896): Process 1993 terminated by signal (11)
I/Zygote ( 1896): Exit zygote because system server (1993) has terminated
I/ServiceManager( 166): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 166): service 'media.player' died
I/ServiceManager( 166): service 'media.camera' died
I/Netd ( 2007): Netd 1.0 starting
W/InterfaceController( 2007): Warning (dlopen failed: library "/system/lib/libnetcmdiface.so" not found) while opening the net interface command library
I/mediaserver( 2006): ServiceManager: 0xb726e220
I/AudioFlinger( 2006): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
I/CameraService( 2006): CameraService started (pid=2006)
I/CameraService( 2006): Loaded "Qcamera" camera module
I/QCameraHAL( 2006): Handle base =0x0xb6424064
I/QCameraHAL( 2006): getCameraInfo: numOfCameras = 2
I/QCameraHAL( 2006): Handle [0]=0x0xb6424064
I/QCameraHAL( 2006): Camera sensor 0 info:
I/QCameraHAL( 2006): camera_id: 0
I/QCameraHAL( 2006): modes_supported: 1
I/QCameraHAL( 2006): position: 0
I/QCameraHAL( 2006): sensor_mount_angle: 90
I/QCameraHAL( 2006): Handle [1]=0x0xb64240a8
I/QCameraHAL( 2006): Camera sensor 1 info:
I/QCameraHAL( 2006): camera_id: 1
I/QCameraHAL( 2006): modes_supported: 1
I/QCameraHAL( 2006): position: 1
I/QCameraHAL( 2006): sensor_mount_angle: 270
I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2006): loadAudioPolicyConfig() loaded /system/etc/audio_policy.conf
D/audio_hw_primary( 2006): adev_open: enter
E/ ( 2006): [ACDB RTC]->rtc init done!->result [0]
D/Diag_Lib( 2006): actp_diag_init: call diag init function with B61DA209
E/Diag_Lib( 2006): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 13
E/Diag_Lib( 2006): actp_diag_init: diag init failed
E/ ( 2006): [ACDB ACPH]->actp diag init done!
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2006): No existing ION info in ACDB driver
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2006): ACDB -> register MEM to ACDB driver: 0xb5fe0000
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2006): ACDB -> send_asm_topology
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2006): send mbhc data
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2006): send tabla anc data
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2006): done with conversion, anc config size is 148
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2006): done with conversion, anc config size is 148
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2006): done with conversion, anc config size is 148
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2006): done with conversion, anc config size is 148
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2006): done with conversion, anc config size is 74
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2006): done with conversion, anc config size is 74
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2006): ACDB -> init done!
D/ ( 2006): csd_client_init
E/ ( 2006): csd_client_service_init: Invalid rx device 0, setting to handset
E/ ( 2006): csd_client_service_init: Invalid tx device 0, setting to handset
E/QMI_FW ( 2006): xport_open: socket creation failed - 1
E/Diag_Lib( 2006): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 13
E/QMI_FW ( 2006): QMUXD: Service_id=20 not found over conn_id=0
E/QMI_FW ( 2006): QMUXD: Service_id=20 not found over conn_id=0
E/QMI_FW ( 2006): QMUXD: Service_id=20 not found over conn_id=0
E/QMI_FW ( 2006): QMUXD: Service_id=20 not found over conn_id=0
E/QMI_FW ( 2006): QMUXD: Service_id=20 not found over conn_id=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 2006): adev_open: exit
I/AudioFlinger( 2006): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from QCOM Audio HAL (audio) handle 1
D/audio_hw_primary( 2006): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(44100) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x2)
D/audio_hw_primary( 2006): adev_open_output_stream: exit
I/AudioFlinger( 2006): HAL output buffer size 240 frames, normal mix buffer size 960 frames
V/Virtualizerglue( 2006): EffectGetDescriptor
V/Virtualizerglue( 2006): headphone-only virtualizer requested
V/Virtualizerglue( 2006): EffectGetDescriptor
V/Virtualizerglue( 2006): headphone-only downmixer requested
I/AudioMixer( 2006): found effect "Downmixer" from Fraunhofer IIS
E/MonoPipe( 2006): Failed to fetch local time frequency when constructing a MonoPipe (res = -32). getNextWriteTimestamp calls will be non-functional
D/AndroidRuntime( 2130):
D/AndroidRuntime( 2130): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit <<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 2130): CheckJNI is OFF
D/dalvikvm( 2130): Trying to load lib libjavacore.so 0x0
D/dalvikvm( 2130): Added shared lib libjavacore.so 0x0
D/dalvikvm( 2130): Trying to load lib libnativehelper.so 0x0
D/dalvikvm( 2130): Added shared lib libnativehelper.so 0x0
W/dalvikvm( 2130): PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS failed. Is your kernel compiled correctly?: Invalid argument
I/SamplingProfilerIntegration( 2130): Profiling disabled.
I/Zygote ( 2130): Preloading classes...
D/dalvikvm( 2130): GC_EXPLICIT freed 36K, 9% free 436K/476K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 2ms
D/dalvikvm( 2130): GC_EXPLICIT freed 4K, 4% free 507K/528K, paused 1ms+0ms, total 2ms
D/dalvikvm( 2130): Note: class Landroid/app/ActivityManagerNative; has 163 unimplemented (abstract) methods
D/dalvikvm( 2130): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 1ms
D/dalvikvm( 2130): GC_EXPLICIT freed 22K, 5% free 538K/564K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 6ms
D/dalvikvm( 2130): GC_EXPLICIT freed 81K, 11% free 798K/888K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 3ms
D/dalvikvm( 2130): GC_EXPLICIT freed 29K, 8% free 825K/888K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 3ms
D/TextLayoutCache( 2130): Using debug level = 0 - Debug Enabled = 0
I/dalvikvm( 2130): threadid=1: recursive native library load attempt (/system/lib/libmedia_jni.so)
D/MtpDeviceJNI( 2130): register_android_mtp_MtpDevice
I/dalvikvm( 2130): threadid=1: recursive native library load attempt (/system/lib/libmedia_jni.so)
I/dalvikvm( 2130): threadid=1: recursive native library load attempt (/system/lib/libmedia_jni.so)
I/dalvikvm( 2130): threadid=1: recursive native library load attempt (/system/lib/libmedia_jni.so)
D/dalvikvm( 2130): GC_EXPLICIT freed 25K, 4% free 857K/888K, paused 1ms+0ms, total 4ms
D/dalvikvm( 2130): GC_EXPLICIT freed 26K, 4% free 895K/924K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 4ms
D/MDnsDS ( 2007): MDnsSdListener::Hander starting up
D/MDnsDS ( 2007): MDnsSdListener starting to monitor
D/MDnsDS ( 2007): Going to poll with pollCount 1
D/dalvikvm( 2130): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 1ms
I/dalvikvm( 2130): threadid=1: recursive native library load attempt (/system/lib/libwebcore.so)
D/dalvikvm( 2130): No JNI_OnLoad found in /system/lib/libchromium_net.so 0x0, skipping init
D/dalvikvm( 2130): GC_EXPLICIT freed 20K, 2% free 1919K/1944K, paused 1ms+0ms, total 11ms
D/dalvikvm( 2130): GC_EXPLICIT freed 37K, 2% free 2154K/2196K, paused 1ms+1ms, total 12ms
I/System ( 2130): Loaded time zone names for "" in 64ms (60ms in ICU)
I/System ( 2130): Loaded time zone names for "en_US" in 44ms (38ms in ICU)
I/System ( 2130): Loaded time zone names for "zh_CN" in 51ms (45ms in ICU)
D/dalvikvm( 2130): GC_EXPLICIT freed 208K, 9% free 2293K/2504K, paused 1ms+1ms, total 14ms
D/dalvikvm( 2130): GC_EXPLICIT freed 33K, 2% free 2475K/2512K, paused 1ms+1ms, total 13ms
I/Zygote ( 2130): ...preloaded 2879 classes in 1276ms.
D/dalvikvm( 2130): GC_EXPLICIT freed 23K, 2% free 2491K/2520K, paused 1ms+1ms, total 14ms
I/Zygote ( 2130): Preloading resources...
D/dalvikvm( 2130): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 1% free 2559K/2584K, paused 1ms+2ms, total 14ms
D/dalvikvm( 2130): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1K, 2% free 2609K/2644K, paused 1ms+1ms, total 14ms
I/Zygote ( 2130): ...preloaded 274 resources in 1253ms.
D/dalvikvm( 2130): GC_EXPLICIT freed 12K, 1% free 8923K/8940K, paused 1ms+2ms, total 17ms
I/Zygote ( 2130): ...preloaded 31 resources in 25ms.
I/dalvikvm( 2130): System server process 2241 has been created
I/Zygote ( 2130): Accepting command socket connections
I/sysproc ( 2241): Entered system_init()
I/sysproc ( 2241): ServiceManager: 0x70ae4ea0
D/SensorService( 2241): nuSensorService starting...
E/qcom_sensors_hal( 2241): hal_process_single_sensor_info_resp: Error: 1
E/qcom_sensors_hal( 2241): _hal_sensors_get_sensors_list: Error: No sensors found: Er: 1
F/libc ( 2241): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000000 (code=1), thread 2241 (system_server)
Log continued
I/DEBUG ( 170): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
I/DEBUG ( 170): Build fingerprint: 'google/occam/mako:4.3/JWR66V/737497:user/release-keys'
I/DEBUG ( 170): Revision: '11'
I/DEBUG ( 170): pid: 2241, tid: 2241, name: system_server >>> system_server <<<
I/DEBUG ( 170): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): r0 00000000 r1 00000000 r2 80808080 r3 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): r4 70af93d0 r5 00000000 r6 70af93d4 r7 7209e014
I/DEBUG ( 170): r8 7209e018 r9 0000000b sl 00000000 fp 00000044
I/DEBUG ( 170): ip 4018fe98 sp beb724a0 lr 4018604d pc 4011f21c cpsr 600f0010
I/DEBUG ( 170): d0 0000000000000000 d1 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): d2 0000000000000000 d3 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): d4 3f0000003f800000 d5 4083333340666666
I/DEBUG ( 170): d6 3f80000043480000 d7 3f8000003f000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): d8 0000000000000000 d9 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): d16 3fe99999a0000000 d17 3fc999999999999a
I/DEBUG ( 170): d18 0000000000000000 d19 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): d20 0000000000000000 d21 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): d22 0000000000000000 d23 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): d24 0000000000000000 d25 00bc800000b98000
I/DEBUG ( 170): d26 0000000000000000 d27 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): d28 0707070703030303 d29 0003000000030000
I/DEBUG ( 170): d30 0001000000010000 d31 0001000000010000
I/DEBUG ( 170): scr 20000010
I/DEBUG ( 170):
I/DEBUG ( 170): backtrace:
I/DEBUG ( 170): #00 pc 0001e21c /system/lib/libc.so (strlen+72)
I/DEBUG ( 170): #01 pc 00010049 /system/lib/libutils.so (android::String8::setTo(char const*)+8)
I/DEBUG ( 170): #02 pc 000254eb /system/lib/libgui.so (android::Sensor::Sensor(sensor_t const*)+22)
I/DEBUG ( 170): #03 pc 0000f199 /system/lib/libsensorservice.so (android::HardwareSensor::HardwareSensor(sensor_t const&)+68)
I/DEBUG ( 170): #04 pc 00010189 /system/lib/libsensorservice.so (android::SensorService:nFirstRef()+104)
I/DEBUG ( 170): #05 pc 0000f779 /system/lib/libutils.so (android::RefBase::incStrong(void const*) const+38)
I/DEBUG ( 170): #06 pc 0000121b /system/lib/libsystem_server.so
I/DEBUG ( 170): #07 pc 00001339 /system/lib/libsystem_server.so (system_init+240)
I/DEBUG ( 170): #08 pc 0001dc4c /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmPlatformInvoke+112)
I/DEBUG ( 170): #09 pc 0004decf /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmCallJNIMethod(unsigned int const*, JValue*, Method const*, Thread*)+398)
I/DEBUG ( 170): #10 pc 00027060 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 170): #11 pc 0002b5ec /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmInterpret(Thread*, Method const*, JValue*)+184)
I/DEBUG ( 170): #12 pc 000601df /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmInvokeMethod(Object*, Method const*, ArrayObject*, ArrayObject*, ClassObject*, bool)+350)
I/DEBUG ( 170): #13 pc 00067ddf /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 170): #14 pc 00027060 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 170): #15 pc 0002b5ec /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmInterpret(Thread*, Method const*, JValue*)+184)
I/DEBUG ( 170): #16 pc 0005ff21 /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmCallMethodV(Thread*, Method const*, Object*, bool, JValue*, std::__va_list)+292)
I/DEBUG ( 170): #17 pc 00049b67 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 170): #18 pc 0004b697 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
I/DEBUG ( 170): #19 pc 0004c327 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::start(char const*, char const*)+378)
I/DEBUG ( 170): #20 pc 0000105b /system/bin/app_process
I/DEBUG ( 170): #21 pc 0000db4f /system/lib/libc.so (__libc_init+50)
I/DEBUG ( 170): #22 pc 00000d7c /system/bin/app_process
I/DEBUG ( 170):
I/DEBUG ( 170): stack:
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb72460 0000000b
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb72464 72129094 /system/lib/hw/sensors.msm8960.so
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb72468 000004e0
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb7246c 0000000b
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb72470 000004e8
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb72474 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb72478 00000030
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb7247c 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb72480 0000003b
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb72484 00000068
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb72488 70af93c8
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb7248c 4011161f /system/lib/libc.so (dlmalloc+4282)
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb72490 00000010
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb72494 000004d0
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb72498 df0027ad
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb7249c 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): #00 beb724a0 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): ........ ........
I/DEBUG ( 170): #01 beb724a0 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb724a4 70af93d0
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb724a8 721290b8 /system/lib/hw/sensors.msm8960.so
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb724ac 406624ef /system/lib/libgui.so (android::Sensor::Sensor(sensor_t const*)+26)
I/DEBUG ( 170): #02 beb724b0 70af93c8
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb724b4 70af9378
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb724b8 721290b8 /system/lib/hw/sensors.msm8960.so
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb724bc 7209819d /system/lib/libsensorservice.so (android::HardwareSensor::HardwareSensor(sensor_t const&)+72)
I/DEBUG ( 170):
I/DEBUG ( 170): memory near r2:
I/DEBUG ( 170): 80808060 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 80808070 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 80808080 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 80808090 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 808080a0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 808080b0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 808080c0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 808080d0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 808080e0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 808080f0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 80808100 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 80808110 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 80808120 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 80808130 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 80808140 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 80808150 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 170):
I/DEBUG ( 170): memory near r4:
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af93b0 00000010 00676e70 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af93c0 00000000 0000003b 7209cad0 70af9378
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af93d0 416ac030 416ac030 2f6d6574 6d617266
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af93e0 726f7765 72662f6b 77656d61 2d6b726f
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af93f0 2e736572 3a6b7061 7365722f 00000031
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af9400 6c626177 68782d65 2f697064 7473696c
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af9410 7669645f 72656469 6c6f685f 61645f6f
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af9420 392e6b72 676e702e 00000030 00000032
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af9430 00000000 70af9460 00000000 00000001
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af9440 41ecd6f0 00000000 00000008 00000002
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af9450 00000002 00040006 2a2a2a2a 00000053
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af9460 402833c0 00000001 404e5718 41ecd6f0
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af9470 00000000 075bcd15 00000000 404b1050
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af9480 1a2f0101 41ecd6f0 00000010 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af9490 2a2a2a01 416b1c80 2a2a2a01 b200002d
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af94a0 2a003100 00000000 2a2a2a2a 000000ab
I/DEBUG ( 170):
I/DEBUG ( 170): memory near r6:
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af93b4 00676e70 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af93c4 0000003b 7209cad0 70af9378 416ac030
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af93d4 416ac030 2f6d6574 6d617266 726f7765
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af93e4 72662f6b 77656d61 2d6b726f 2e736572
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af93f4 3a6b7061 7365722f 00000031 6c626177
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af9404 68782d65 2f697064 7473696c 7669645f
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af9414 72656469 6c6f685f 61645f6f 392e6b72
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af9424 676e702e 00000030 00000032 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af9434 70af9460 00000000 00000001 41ecd6f0
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af9444 00000000 00000008 00000002 00000002
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af9454 00040006 2a2a2a2a 00000053 402833c0
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af9464 00000001 404e5718 41ecd6f0 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af9474 075bcd15 00000000 404b1050 1a2f0101
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af9484 41ecd6f0 00000010 00000000 2a2a2a01
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af9494 416b1c80 2a2a2a01 b200002d 2a003100
I/DEBUG ( 170): 70af94a4 00000000 2a2a2a2a 000000ab 70af8138
I/DEBUG ( 170):
I/DEBUG ( 170): memory near r7:
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209dff4 4018789d 40187ae5 40187ad9 7209e000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209e004 7209aac6 00000000 00000000 70afe788
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209e014 70af9378 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209e024 4159f020 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209e034 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209e044 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209e054 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209e064 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209e074 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209e084 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209e094 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209e0a4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209e0b4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209e0c4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209e0d4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209e0e4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170):
I/DEBUG ( 170): memory near r8:
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209dff8 40187ae5 40187ad9 7209e000 7209aac6
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209e008 00000000 00000000 70afe788 70af9378
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209e018 00000000 00000000 00000000 4159f020
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209e028 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209e038 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209e048 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209e058 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209e068 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209e078 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209e088 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209e098 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209e0a8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209e0b8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209e0c8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209e0d8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 7209e0e8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170):
I/DEBUG ( 170): memory near ip:
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4018fe78 4010effc 4010f100 4010f488 4010e9dd
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4018fe88 400f30b9 400f30c7 400f1b1c 4010edd8
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4018fe98 4011f1d4 4011e1b4 40192291 40192415
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4018fea8 40192539 401924f5 401126a5 40122271
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4018feb8 4011489d 4011c1b8 4013a798 4012d3bf
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4018fec8 40114d75 40113bd9 40127f11 4011c238
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4018fed8 4013a7dc 401394c8 4011def1 40126299
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4018fee8 401279c1 400f1afc 400f1b3c 400f1ad4
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4018fef8 400f1b80 4011c338 40139395 40124d3d
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4018ff08 401280b9 4012805d 40127ee9 40159927
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4018ff18 40159919 401254f1 4011bca4 4012d42d
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4018ff28 4012c76d 4011c108 40127ebd 40113b35
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4018ff38 40113d31 400f2ff1 40122849 40113471
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4018ff48 40113499 401134e1 4010db04 4011348b
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4018ff58 4011bf8c 4011be6c 4010f778 400f3369
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4018ff68 401137fd 4012c5fb 4010f50c 4010f71c
I/DEBUG ( 170):
I/DEBUG ( 170): memory near sp:
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb72480 0000003b 00000068 70af93c8 4011161f
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb72490 00000010 000004d0 df0027ad 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb724a0 00000000 70af93d0 721290b8 406624ef
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb724b0 70af93c8 70af9378 721290b8 7209819d
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb724c0 70af3680 00000000 ffffffff 00000e00
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb724d0 00000000 7209918d 00000001 70af93c8
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb724e0 4014c1f4 721290b8 4018f5d8 70ae7708
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb724f0 beb72524 70ae4ea0 401d1361 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb72500 4014c1f4 4159e138 beb725ec 4018577b
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb72510 70af3680 7208621f 00000000 70ae4ea0
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb72520 70afce58 70af3684 beb72554 beb7254c
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb72530 720865e4 720865e4 401cda1d 7208633d
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb72540 409931b7 70af8138 70ae4ea0 70ae63a0
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb72550 70ae8dc0 70ae63a0 41f70031 beb725a0
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb72560 bbb47816 4159e8a8 72010c00 4096f05b
I/DEBUG ( 170): beb72570 409931e9 409d3c88 409d81a0 00000001
I/DEBUG ( 170):
I/DEBUG ( 170): code around pc:
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4011f1fc e4d3c001 e35c0000 012fff1e e3130003
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4011f20c e0610003 1afffff9 e3082080 e7df2812
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4011f21c e4931004 e0400003 f5d3f040 e041c3a2
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4011f22c e00cc002 e1dcc001 04931004 1a000022
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4011f23c e041c3a2 e00cc002 e1dcc001 04931004
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4011f24c 1a00001d e041c3a2 e00cc002 e1dcc001
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4011f25c 04931004 1a000018 e041c3a2 e00cc002
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4011f26c e1dcc001 04931004 1a000013 e041c3a2
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4011f27c e00cc002 e1dcc001 04931004 1a00000e
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4011f28c e041c3a2 e00cc002 e1dcc001 04931004
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4011f29c 1a000009 e041c3a2 e00cc002 e1dcc001
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4011f2ac 04931004 1a000004 e041c3a2 e00cc002
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4011f2bc e1dcc001 04931004 0affffd6 e0800003
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4011f2cc e31100ff 0a000005 e2800001 e3110cff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4011f2dc 0a000002 e2800001 e31108ff 12800001
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4011f2ec e12fff1e e1a03001 eaffffc6 e12fff1e
I/DEBUG ( 170):
I/DEBUG ( 170): code around lr:
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4018602c f1a0b110 e7ff0010 f7ff2100 6829fccb
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4018603c bd386021 4604b538 460d4608 ec72f7fc
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4018604c 46284601 fefcf7ff 46056823 f1a3b113
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4018605c e0000010 21004618 fcb4f7ff b92d6025
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4018606c feaaf7ff f06f6020 bd38000b bd382000
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4018607c 4604b538 46114608 fee2f7ff 46056823
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4018608c f1a3b113 e0000010 21004618 fc9af7ff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4018609c b92d6025 fe90f7ff f06f6020 bd38000b
I/DEBUG ( 170): 401860ac bd382000 4604b538 46114608 feadf7ff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 401860bc 46056823 f1a3b113 e0000010 21004618
I/DEBUG ( 170): 401860cc fc80f7ff b92d6025 fe76f7ff f06f6020
I/DEBUG ( 170): 401860dc bd38000b bd382000 4604b538 46114608
I/DEBUG ( 170): 401860ec fe78f7ff 46056823 f1a3b113 e0000010
I/DEBUG ( 170): 401860fc 21004618 fc66f7ff b92d6025 fe5cf7ff
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4018610c f06f6020 bd38000b bd382000 4605b5f8
I/DEBUG ( 170): 4018611c 4614460f feb2f7ff 4606682b f1a3b113
D/Zygote ( 2130): Process 2241 terminated by signal (11)
I/Zygote ( 2130): Exit zygote because system server (2241) has terminated
I/ServiceManager( 166): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 166): service 'media.player' died
I/ServiceManager( 166): service 'media.camera' died
I/Netd ( 2258): Netd 1.0 starting
W/InterfaceController( 2258): Warning (dlopen failed: library "/system/lib/libnetcmdiface.so" not found) while opening the net interface command library
I/mediaserver( 2257): ServiceManager: 0xb7079220
I/AudioFlinger( 2257): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
I/CameraService( 2257): CameraService started (pid=2257)
I/CameraService( 2257): Loaded "Qcamera" camera module
I/QCameraHAL( 2257): Handle base =0x0xb64ee064
I/QCameraHAL( 2257): getCameraInfo: numOfCameras = 2
I/QCameraHAL( 2257): Handle [0]=0x0xb64ee064
I/QCameraHAL( 2257): Camera sensor 0 info:
I/QCameraHAL( 2257): camera_id: 0
I/QCameraHAL( 2257): modes_supported: 1
I/QCameraHAL( 2257): position: 0
I/QCameraHAL( 2257): sensor_mount_angle: 90
I/QCameraHAL( 2257): Handle [1]=0x0xb64ee0a8
I/QCameraHAL( 2257): Camera sensor 1 info:
I/QCameraHAL( 2257): camera_id: 1
I/QCameraHAL( 2257): modes_supported: 1
I/QCameraHAL( 2257): position: 1
I/QCameraHAL( 2257): sensor_mount_angle: 270
I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2257): loadAudioPolicyConfig() loaded /system/etc/audio_policy.conf
D/audio_hw_primary( 2257): adev_open: enter
E/ ( 2257): [ACDB RTC]->rtc init done!->result [0]
D/Diag_Lib( 2257): actp_diag_init: call diag init function with B62A4209
E/Diag_Lib( 2257): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 13
E/Diag_Lib( 2257): actp_diag_init: diag init failed
E/ ( 2257): [ACDB ACPH]->actp diag init done!
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2257): No existing ION info in ACDB driver
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2257): ACDB -> register MEM to ACDB driver: 0xb60aa000
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2257): ACDB -> send_asm_topology
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2257): send mbhc data
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2257): send tabla anc data
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2257): done with conversion, anc config size is 148
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2257): done with conversion, anc config size is 148
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2257): done with conversion, anc config size is 148
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2257): done with conversion, anc config size is 148
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2257): done with conversion, anc config size is 74
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2257): done with conversion, anc config size is 74
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2257): ACDB -> init done!
D/ ( 2257): csd_client_init
E/ ( 2257): csd_client_service_init: Invalid rx device 0, setting to handset
E/ ( 2257): csd_client_service_init: Invalid tx device 0, setting to handset
E/QMI_FW ( 2257): xport_open: socket creation failed - 1
E/Diag_Lib( 2257): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 13
E/QMI_FW ( 2257): QMUXD: Service_id=20 not found over conn_id=0
E/QMI_FW ( 2257): QMUXD: Service_id=20 not found over conn_id=0
E/QMI_FW ( 2257): QMUXD: Service_id=20 not found over conn_id=0
E/QMI_FW ( 2257): QMUXD: Service_id=20 not found over conn_id=0
E/QMI_FW ( 2257): QMUXD: Service_id=20 not found over conn_id=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 2257): adev_open: exit
I/AudioFlinger( 2257): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from QCOM Audio HAL (audio) handle 1
D/audio_hw_primary( 2257): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(44100) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x2)
D/audio_hw_primary( 2257): adev_open_output_stream: exit
I/AudioFlinger( 2257): HAL output buffer size 240 frames, normal mix buffer size 960 frames
V/Virtualizerglue( 2257): EffectGetDescriptor
V/Virtualizerglue( 2257): headphone-only virtualizer requested
V/Virtualizerglue( 2257): EffectGetDescriptor
V/Virtualizerglue( 2257): headphone-only downmixer requested
I/AudioMixer( 2257): found effect "Downmixer" from Fraunhofer IIS
E/MonoPipe( 2257): Failed to fetch local time frequency when constructing a MonoPipe (res = -32). getNextWriteTimestamp calls will be non-functional
D/AndroidRuntime( 2381):
D/AndroidRuntime( 2381): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit <<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 2381): CheckJNI is OFF
D/dalvikvm( 2381): Trying to load lib libjavacore.so 0x0
D/dalvikvm( 2381): Added shared lib libjavacore.so 0x0
D/dalvikvm( 2381): Trying to load lib libnativehelper.so 0x0
D/dalvikvm( 2381): Added shared lib libnativehelper.so 0x0
W/dalvikvm( 2381): PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS failed. Is your kernel compiled correctly?: Invalid argument
I/SamplingProfilerIntegration( 2381): Profiling disabled.
I/Zygote ( 2381): Preloading classes...
D/dalvikvm( 2381): GC_EXPLICIT freed 36K, 9% free 436K/476K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 2ms
D/dalvikvm( 2381): GC_EXPLICIT freed 4K, 4% free 507K/528K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 2ms
D/dalvikvm( 2381): Note: class Landroid/app/ActivityManagerNative; has 163 unimplemented (abstract) methods
Worked for me as well
Thanks for pointing me to this. Ran exactly as the video shows and my phone is back in action. After watching it complete the required steps, I still do not understand what it did differently. Maybe something with the user data at the end.
It works!! Thanks!
If I do "download" and then " flash google factory image" does it flash userdata.img or not? In other words does it wipe usedata or not?
thricemin said:
I thinking about flashing a custom rom of 4.4. Nexus 4 users got robbed on some things. Sure they are small cosmetics like transparent bars and the google launcher but still, not cool.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The Google launcher can be flashed on its own. I don't remember exactly what site had it but I did a search for Google Experience Launcher apk and got the file. Downloaded the apk file to my computer then copied it to my phone and used Astro File Manager app to find and install the file on my phone, no command window needed with that app.
yup it does wipe ur data.. n adds the User data whch is included in the factory image
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Great news buddy... btw Give me thanks n share my video aswell
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Where is the Factory Image stored that you say to copy and paste in Nexus 4 folder on your video?
@lennyboi77 Firstly when you enter number 12 for selecting Nexus 4 as ur device... then a screen opens for updating jst press no.. after doing that another screen would open.. that would hav all the build numbers of Nexus 4... MAIN PART STARTS let that toolkit remain open.. and then go to the directory where your toolkit has been saved (Example mine is saved in C folder)... And that folders name would be unified_android_toolkit .. double click on it n open it... and there would be several folders.. including (Put_google_factory_image_)here double click it and there would be a Nexus 4 folder paste the Factort Image inside the Nexus 4 folder... And thats it.. jst head back to the toolkit and continue the steps...
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app b
hi i'm having real problems, I got part way through flashing but then it said failed. My computer won't now recognize device I had installed drivers. Can you help please?
install universal usb driver....
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
yes I had done that but now pc doesnt recognise even when I click to fix driver issue
lennyboi77 said:
yes I had done that but now pc doesnt recognise even when I click to fix driver issue
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hello, im new here and first i need to say is sorry if my english is not good enought.
Now, i try to help you.
Can you see your Nexus 4 device on Windows device manager?
If you see it, reinstall it manually. Yesterday i recover my Nexus 4 after update it with flashboot using Android 4.4 factory image. But you problem with the driver happened to me. When I tried to install it, my PC didnt recongnize my device, so I reinstall the usb driver manually on device manager.
Another thing you can try is using a diffferent USB port.
I have Nexus 4 with root, kitkat 4.4 and TWRP.
I hope this help!
When you say reinstall it manually do I check online for update in options? Thanks for help
do u hav the adb & fastboot drivers installed?? cuz they make the most issues!!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app

