[Q] What `jailbreaking` HTC HD7 will give me? - HD7 General

What I can get after jailbreaking HD7 ?
Can someone list a possabilities for me?
Today I bought HD7, so I know notning `bout HTC phones and so.
And if I can download pirated HTC games, can someone give me a link where from ? (and don`t give me google.com, I`m just asking for a help).
Thanks !

You can try google.com because nobody in this forum will help you.

Why will nobody help me ?

Becuase this forum is for legitmate people/developers who don't condone piracy. if you want to sh!t on developers you can do that on another site but not here.
But to answer your first question, "unlocking" WP7 will allow you to side-load applications onto the phone, basically giving you developer access to it. It's main use is for people who simply want to play around with developing for the phone without actually paying the $99 to MS. Obviously by "Unlocking" it, you won't be able to sell any applications you make, but it does allow you to install other "Non-approved/signed" applications such as TouchXplorer (look it up).

lol its not because of piracy its because people are pissed doing all the search for newbies just because their too lazy to do the research themselves

True. but Piracey is the legal obsticle here, not people's short temper (mine included).

i dont think temper has anything to do with XDA anymore. Even XDA made an announcement asking people to search.
Coming from HD2 forum im just SICK of looking at the same posts.

The games and apps on WP7 are not expensive so unless you live in a country that does not have Marketplace access why don't you just pay for a game? You can trial practically all of them to make sure it's worth the small charge. And anyway there is a risk that your XBOX live account will be blocked in future if MS finds pirated XBOX live games connected to your phone.
Back to your original question, the best reason I had to jailbreak my phone was simply to change the default search provider from Yahoo back to Bing (O2 branded handset). And in future I'll use jailbreaking to sideload apps that don't meet Marketplace guidelines, such as emulators.


An Open Letter to Microsoft - Let us develop WM6 please

Dear Microsoft,
I am writing this letter to ask permission for Xda-developers.com and it's users to officially use, develop, and share the new Wizard WM6 roms on this site. I know that you are currently not allowing us to do so. I believe it is in your best interest to let us. Here is why:
1) User Testing - allowing us to develop and share the WM6 rom for the wizard will open your product to a huge amount of testing. On this site, we don't just use our phones, we push them hard. We love to see the most we can get out of them. We get bored with what we have, so we load a new rom and see what it can do. 3 days later we load another. You will not find a better place on the Internet to test your roms.
Also, it will allow us to test compatibility with new and existing software. This site is already reference material for most software developers and even HTC. In our never-ending search for information about these devices we find things such as tricks to make them better, security holes, and all sorts of information that 3rd party companies can use.
All of this work is done by volunteers who, although they may gripe from time to time, feel a sense of satisfaction for doing this work. You can't buy their level of loyalty.
2) Goodwill - Allowing us to use, develop and share the WM6 rom will create a massive amount of goodwill on this site for your company. Since you are the biggest player in the game, you are currently subject to TONS of criticism everywhere you turn. People usually see you as this huge faceless corporation that wants to control people and take their money. I read the blogs of Microsoft employees and know this is really not the case. Allowing us to work on this rom openly will create goodwill that no ad campaign can buy.
3) Money - The bottom line is that you will save money. Money that might be spent on research will be saved by free research on this site. Money spent on ads to generate goodwill will be saved by the goodwill generated on this site.
I appreciate your consideration of this matter. Please let us know of your decision.
cool letter.. cant wait to see wat kind of responce you get.
Diddo.......Let's see if the big boss will let us play.
Great Letter Aggie. I would think the MS resposne would be pretty good about this. MS has been pretty good with other technologies lately in opening it up and taking feedbacks from users.
We do have a vast number of volunteers here that do a helluva job in making these roms faster and better.
What makes you think they aren't doing this already?
Where do you think this 'leaked' version originated from, anyway? And why is it literally painless to install?
MS has employees who actively troll this group (among others) to get feedback..good and bad...for their "pre-release" warez. They just lurk in the shadows (rightfully so, speaking up would make them the whipping boys of the forum...)
Since the hardware mfr and/or the service provider of the device is the one who decides whether or not to 'upgrade' your device with the latest and greatest OS (based heavily on whether or not they want to support multiple s/w versions) MS can't make any money off simply selling their product to the end user. Unlike the PC model of selling you a retail boxed version of a new operating system for your PC.
No money to be made = no money to be lost. Think about it.
All that being said, the most important thing to remember is that they will ACTIVELY shut down any site hosting their software without their permission. If they fail to enforce their copyrights by legal means, it further weakens any argument in future lawsuits regarding others who pirate their software. They will also quickly piss off the likes of t-mobile, cingular, and other service providers if they provide the end-user a means of bypassing their process of certifying the stability of their phones.
They will continue to operate in this way for a long time. They get free beta testing from 'hardcore users' while looking the other way. It's genius if you ask me!
!! Sweet !!
I would be very suprised if they gave this consideration, they will wait for the 'next gen' devices up to come to release it on in my opinion.
Besides we must face it, most people that are using these phones these days do not flash their device, nonetheless, know what it is.
We are the few flashing samurai that cannot live with a stock rom, and want to "juice" our hardware to get our money's worth. \m/
I will say If you live in the US now you will see that parents are buying their teenage kiddies smartphones/ppcs now for a couple reasons. 1) To ward off an appl music/video product, and of course. 2) To be able to reach them anywhere with the phone service.
It would have been funny to say that most people on this site are using/have used the wm6 leak already, so we might as well work together for free, for a learning purpose.
They need more of this for WM device settings...
rizzo said:
What makes you think they aren't doing this already?
Where do you think this 'leaked' version originated from, anyway? And why is it literally painless to install?
MS has employees who actively troll this group (among others) to get feedback..good and bad...for their "pre-release" warez. They just lurk in the shadows (rightfully so, speaking up would make them the whipping boys of the forum...)
Since the hardware mfr and/or the service provider of the device is the one who decides whether or not to 'upgrade' your device with the latest and greatest OS (based heavily on whether or not they want to support multiple s/w versions) MS can't make any money off simply selling their product to the end user. Unlike the PC model of selling you a retail boxed version of a new operating system for your PC.
No money to be made = no money to be lost. Think about it.
All that being said, the most important thing to remember is that they will ACTIVELY shut down any site hosting their software without their permission. If they fail to enforce their copyrights by legal means, it further weakens any argument in future lawsuits regarding others who pirate their software. They will also quickly piss off the likes of t-mobile, cingular, and other service providers if they provide the end-user a means of bypassing their process of certifying the stability of their phones.
They will continue to operate in this way for a long time. They get free beta testing from 'hardcore users' while looking the other way. It's genius if you ask me!
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Yeah, you might be right. But, aren't they allowing WM6 on the Universal? That may change the equation.
My gut feeling is that one or more of the ROM cookers in here works for M$. You don't know some of the things they do without having a lot more background knowledge than the average joe. There's nothing wrong with that, of course...that means better products for you and me.
I support Texasaggie1
Hi, i would like to support the request. It makes damn sense, I am an old-time Linux user and i think that Microsoft would show great marketing sense in allowing us to test it. I will not argue about the advantages and benefits,
and one simple question: Who would be negatively affected by it? HTC? Microsoft? other users? Network providers?
pzucchel said:
Hi, i would like to support the request. It makes damn sense, I am an old-time Linux user and i think that Microsoft would show great marketing sense in allowing us to test it. I will not argue about the advantages and benefits,
and one simple question: Who would be negatively affected by it? HTC? Microsoft? other users? Network providers?
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My Thought is NO-ONE. As all we do is RUN these ROMS and Tweak them to perform in the best way that they can. All that everyone does here is readily available and can/could/HAS been adopted by Developers, Networks & Manufacturers alike.
jwzg said:
My gut feeling is that one or more of the ROM cookers in here works for M$. You don't know some of the things they do without having a lot more background knowledge than the average joe. There's nothing wrong with that, of course...that means better products for you and me.
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I doubt any of the 'cookers' work for Microsoft. Although difficult, it's fairly common to reverse-engineer someone elses code and mold it into something that you want. Once you get the hang of how things work and make the script kiddie tools to do it, it's fairly simple.
One thing that a cooker can't do is write an entire OS then 'leak' it onto the internet and call it WM6, this is done by someone entrusted with copies of it for legitimate purposes. Blame HTC or any of the ODM's if you want, but it my opinion, it would be a waste of your time.
If you want to infect the world, you must spread your disease. MS has come a long way in this regard with the likes of gaining on Palm, RIM, symbian, etc.
Microsoft has always leveraged piracy to work in their favor...those that can't get the disease (or otherwise can't afford it) will have access to it. If you can't make the sale, might as well get them hooked fo' free!
pzucchel said:
and one simple question: Who would be negatively affected by it? HTC? Microsoft? other users? Network providers?
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Sorry, but I had to chime in on this one, too. Maybe some people don't see it, but we ARE actively beta testing their software.
If you develop software, and want to have beta testing do any good, there needs to be some kind of order. Visiting forums to find information is chaotic at best. Sifting through page after page of hijacked threads and RTFM type questions isn't going to yield the feedback a company needs to squash the bugs out of code. If enough people complain about a particular 'feature' then it might get the company to try and replicate it in-house, but its very unlikely that you'd ever hear anything back from them.
End-users modifying their devices by flashing it with unreleased firmware it wasn't originally designed for is dangerous, and can cause a ripple effect if it's not managed. As long as the company stands by its "hey, we never said this code was finished - not to mention you're not supposed to have it" stance, it can shield them from almost ALL liability in you bricking your phone. In the mean time, hardcore folks like us will continue shoving the bleeding-edge not-ready-ware into our phones in order to tell the tales of our adventures to all that will listen - and MS will continue "leaking" their warez into the wild.
The minute Microsoft starts bending these rules for folks like us, then they are going to have to answer to THEIR customers (HTC, network providers, etc) when the nOObs start flooding their call centers for warranty-return requests.
texasaggie1 said:
Dear Microsoft,
I am writing this letter to ask permission for Xda-developers.com and it's users to officially use, develop, and share the new Wizard WM6 roms on this site. I know that you are currently not allowing us to do so. I believe it is in your best interest to let us. Here is why:
1) User Testing - allowing us to develop and share the WM6 rom for the wizard will open your product to a huge amount of testing. On this site, we don't just use our phones, we push them hard. We love to see the most we can get out of them. We get bored with what we have, so we load a new rom and see what it can do. 3 days later we load another. You will not find a better place on the Internet to test your roms.
Also, it will allow us to test compatibility with new and existing software. This site is already reference material for most software developers and even HTC. In our never-ending search for information about these devices we find things such as tricks to make them better, security holes, and all sorts of information that 3rd party companies can use.
All of this work is done by volunteers who, although they may gripe from time to time, feel a sense of satisfaction for doing this work. You can't buy their level of loyalty.
2) Goodwill - Allowing us to use, develop and share the WM6 rom will create a massive amount of goodwill on this site for your company. Since you are the biggest player in the game, you are currently subject to TONS of criticism everywhere you turn. People usually see you as this huge faceless corporation that wants to control people and take their money. I read the blogs of Microsoft employees and know this is really not the case. Allowing us to work on this rom openly will create goodwill that no ad campaign can buy.
3) Money - The bottom line is that you will save money. Money that might be spent on research will be saved by free research on this site. Money spent on ads to generate goodwill will be saved by the goodwill generated on this site.
I appreciate your consideration of this matter. Please let us know of your decision.
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Totally agreed texasaggie1 said but dont forget in all devices rom ,MS just part of 70% of rom others 30% belong to HTC,T-mobile...etc, the reason we need to cook rom in here not really problem belong to MS that belong to HTC,
MS understand HTC was first OEM used Mobile window,but MS can understand why we need to cook rom in here ? do you hear anyone cook Window XP ? MS must understand device rom is different with Window XP,MS just proved PB and AKU ,device also need driver and some of OEM program otherwide device(phone) will not working,you can see in rom kithen had OS/LOC/OEM , SO belong to MS,LOC/OEM belong to HTC,T-Mobile..etc. this is different with window XP,if today all rom made by MS than no one can said anything,but not in this case ,we in here not only help MS also help HTC,T-Mobile...etc. too, they got how many free employees to worked with them,now Apple will come out IPhone ,I dont think MS want to lose market to them,we in here 100% support to MS , I dont understand what piont they refuse us ?
BA_Flash_GOD said:
I would be very suprised if they gave this consideration, they will wait for the 'next gen' devices up to come to release it on in my opinion.
Besides we must face it, most people that are using these phones these days do not flash their device, nonetheless, know what it is.
We are the few flashing samurai that cannot live with a stock rom, and want to "juice" our hardware to get our money's worth. \m/
I will say If you live in the US now you will see that parents are buying their teenage kiddies smartphones/ppcs now for a couple reasons. 1) To ward off an appl music/video product, and of course. 2) To be able to reach them anywhere with the phone service.
It would have been funny to say that most people on this site are using/have used the wm6 leak already, so we might as well work together for free, for a learning purpose.
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I agree. Good reply.
I know all of this is a long shot. But it's been bugging me lately. I had to post this letter.
Flashing/Testing New OS = Good Experience
I think M$ should show more of the average users that yes, you can upgrade/downgrade your current rom very easily. This would let all users have the option to use any individual one to meet their needs. I'm guessing another big issue would be CID locking though, wouldn't that be another breech of contract for M$ to the original phone service providers? What you guys think
BA_Flash_GOD said:
I think M$ should show more of the average users that yes, you can upgrade/downgrade your current rom very easily. This would let all users have the option to use any individual one to meet their needs. I'm guessing another big issue would be CID locking though, wouldn't that be another breech of contract for M$ to the original phone service providers? What you guys think
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I am sorry, please don't take this the wrong way. But this is one of the silliest ideas I have seen in a long time. Think for a moment about the support headaches from even 20% of their users playing with ROMS versus the 2-3% that do it now. And you think some of the NOOBS on here get annoying forget about regular users!!!
I think things are about perfect the way they are. A little "unofficial" help lets us hardcore users reap the benefits of upgrading with out the hassles. Trust me if ROM upgrades became more official they would kill groups like this. They would charge for the upgrades and they would want to control them like they do desktop OS upgrades. I say no thanks to that. It's like the early days of Napster, or more recently You Tube taking down tons of videos, those things were much better before they became mainstream and then they had to change.
I will say this. MS should figure out how to make the CID & SIM Lock a separate part of the rom like the radio and bootloader, make it totally separate from the Rom & Extended Rom itself. That would allow tweakers to change roms with out worrying about Locks and would make the phone companies happy too. And I am sure users that need unlocking would figure that out too
BA_Flash_GOD said:
I think M$ should show more of the average users that yes, you can upgrade/downgrade your current rom very easily. This would let all users have the option to use any individual one to meet their needs. I'm guessing another big issue would be CID locking though, wouldn't that be another breech of contract for M$ to the original phone service providers? What you guys think
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anyone who wants to can use google. I seriously do not think that its neccesary to let the world know. they could know... if they wanted to. Bad idea imho.
rizzo said:
Sorry, but I had to chime in on this one, too. Maybe some people don't see it, but we ARE actively beta testing their software.
If you develop software, and want to have beta testing do any good, there needs to be some kind of order. Visiting forums to find information is chaotic at best. Sifting through page after page of hijacked threads and RTFM type questions isn't going to yield the feedback a company needs to squash the bugs out of code. If enough people complain about a particular 'feature' then it might get the company to try and replicate it in-house, but its very unlikely that you'd ever hear anything back from them.
End-users modifying their devices by flashing it with unreleased firmware it wasn't originally designed for is dangerous, and can cause a ripple effect if it's not managed. As long as the company stands by its "hey, we never said this code was finished - not to mention you're not supposed to have it" stance, it can shield them from almost ALL liability in you bricking your phone. In the mean time, hardcore folks like us will continue shoving the bleeding-edge not-ready-ware into our phones in order to tell the tales of our adventures to all that will listen - and MS will continue "leaking" their warez into the wild.
The minute Microsoft starts bending these rules for folks like us, then they are going to have to answer to THEIR customers (HTC, network providers, etc) when the nOObs start flooding their call centers for warranty-return requests.
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I'm sorry but I have to side with rizzo on this one. They will never officially come out and allow this because they can't. You are asking them to agree to a. Code leaking, b. Code theft, c. Software Piracy in a sense (since you have to not acquired a legal copy and have not paid licenses for it), d. Copyright infringement. What company in their right mind say yes to this and open up the flood gates? And like rizzo said allow them to be liable for consumer or partner lawsuits as well?
As much as I agree with the original heartfelt post, we say what we say for argument's sake. They have already responded numerous times by allowing this and turning a blind eye. Every now and then they complain, either because we did step on some toes or because they officially have to say this is not allowed. If they really tried, they could cause some serious legal trouble. They choose not to, for a all the reasons mentioned in the original post.
So don't ask the impossible. Don't expect windows to become an open source application or windows mobile to release official betas to the public (not for sometime anyway). Pigs just don't fly sorry.
I have to agree with Rizzo. Besides, Microsoft won't spend resources on releasing ROMs for old devices, giving them for free to users and then having no way to recover some of the investment, because the Wizard is being phased out. It doesn't make sense.
However Microsoft can open a program for betatesting their ROMs, that is completely possible. A program that involves registering every user that gets the ROM, once we agree not to ask for support and all the legal stuff. And provide the means to keep track of bug reporst, etc. But still if you want to beta test something, you want to do it on the device where it's intended to be used the final release, and I don't think our Wizards are going to get an official WM 6 upgrade.
It's a long shot
igalan said:
I have to agree with Rizzo. Besides, Microsoft won't spend resources on releasing ROMs for old devices, giving them for free to users and then having no way to recover some of the investment, because the Wizard is being phased out. It doesn't make sense.
However Microsoft can open a program for betatesting their ROMs, that is completely possible. A program that involves registering every user that gets the ROM, once we agree not to ask for support and all the legal stuff. And provide the means to keep track of bug reporst, etc. But still if you want to beta test something, you want to do it on the device where it's intended to be used the final release, and I don't think our Wizards are going to get an official WM 6 upgrade.
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It's a long shot, but they do allow WM6 in the Universal thread. Maybe they will for us. Maybe we try again to post WM6 roms in a few weeks and see what happens??

Android appDeck??

i remember using that site to download apps and stuff, anyone know what happen our fave site? or anything knows one similar?
thank you
johnphamiliar said:
i remember using that site to download apps and stuff, anyone know what happen our fave site? or anything knows one similar?
thank you
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Our favourite site? Some people believe dev's should be paid for their work...
You're gonna get in trouble for this.
Damn right... if you want an app bad enough, you should pay the dev who made it for you!
How do you guys know that he is talking about pirated apps? He didn't say anything about that in his post.
If you are talking about pirated apps then really dude? Come on, most are a couple cents or a couple dollars tops which is a great price for all the that devs time and helps to insure that you get more updates and maybe more apps from him/her. Skip the restaurant that day and eat home and you can buy a couple apps that you'll get enjoyment out of a lot longer than that food. Just my opinion...
some people don't have credit cards or debit cards... Regardless I believe in supporting devs any way possible. ;] ;] ;]
I'm not going to criticize the guy because I can't say I've never "downloaded" an app for my PC or anything like that.
However, you should always have a look with android. It's "different" if you don't have money to pay for an app then the majority of the time you can find a similar one for free which does exactly the same thing. I find in a lot of cases Developers have a "free version" which is ad supported, that doesn't bother me and I just pick the free version.
G1-evolve said:
some people don't have credit cards or debit cards... Regardless I believe in supporting devs any way possible. ;] ;] ;]
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Or living in country where buying is not possible (like Poland)
Burag said:
Or living in country where buying is not possible (like Poland)
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Thats why u use Market Enabler....lol
Why's everyone so quick to hate on this guy, he just asked if there was a site where he could download android applications. Never said anything about pirated ones.
AndroidAppDeck yes had some pirated applications, but they also had free ones on their page as well.
As Daneshm90 mentioned, you might wanna search for the Market Enabler. If thats not an option there are sites like www.anda.pk that has a handful of apps you can D/L to your PC and install on your phone. If I come across any others I'll let you know.
So how about we actually answer this guys question and point him towards a legitimate solution rather than play finger pointer.
However as a developer myself (not of android), I will say if youre looking for pirated apps dont bother asking here.
there is this saying if you cant buy it...you dont need..lol
blapk Market and applanet
It´s open, called blapk market, now: blapkmarket(dot)com (they ask for a registration, takes a couple of days to approve)
Also there´s the applanet that don´t need registration, works better and has the same interface as the original Market app: applanet(dot)net/applanet
I have both, in case i can´t find an app in one i look into the other one.
PS.: Support the developers, if you download a paid app from there contact the developer to find a way to compensate him for his work. (they use to accept off-market payment)

[Q] xbox live games crash

I unlocked my phone.
I can download games and install them.
They appear in xbox live, but whenever i try to play them, it just crashes and comes back to xbox live screen or the home screen.
non xbox applications seem to work fine.
I have the latest updates.
can some1 help me plz?
the games are downloaded from marketplace or they are installed with a xap installer?
xap installer
maybe that's the problem...it can be the corrupted xap...try to find and download other xaps...if the free xbox games start normally then it means that the problem is within the xaps
well Im using the 3mktplace v0.54 to find and download games. From where can I download xap games that arent corrupted?
you cant crack live game with this tools... forget it... only solution is to find it cracked on other (very known forum)
You guys are some douchebags for encouraging this. Buy the games legitimately and they won't crash on you. I can't believe this question was even asked and then responded to.
FiyaFleye said:
You guys are some douchebags for encouraging this. Buy the games legitimately and they won't crash on you. I can't believe this question was even asked and then responded to.
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yes if you can buy... i have credit card and want to buy legally but microsoft force me to other ways
FiyaFleye said:
You guys are some douchebags for encouraging this. Buy the games legitimately and they won't crash on you. I can't believe this question was even asked and then responded to.
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there's an user that has a problem and i've tried to give him a solution or an explanation of his problem...from what we know he could have downloaded free xbox games with that software...
You can installed with a xap
I paid for the "Full House Poker" app from the marketplace and it crashes almost every time I try to use it. It works about 1 out of 25 tries, and then when it finally does launch, it crashes about 5 mins into it.
FiyaFleye said:
You guys are some douchebags for encouraging this. Buy the games legitimately and they won't crash on you. I can't believe this question was even asked and then responded to.
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you know seems that you are really ignorant! Not every country has the market place enabled thus can't use or buy items simply because some countries ARE NOT SUPPORTED!!! USA does not mean the WORLD you know.
So if you or MSF wants to ban piracy they better expand their services.....and stop being ignorant.
dxdy said:
yes if you can buy... i have credit card and want to buy legally but microsoft force me to other ways
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Same here. My boss especially is pissed of, cause his phone is not unlocked (due to a various reasons), and both of his cards are a no go in the marketplace (zune.net throws Error! Try again later), live.com says the credit cards cannot be verified. Is it so hard, M$? Really?
And we can talk prices... but that a whole other story..
downloading and cracking apps for iphone is much easier - Installes or cydia.
and jailbreaking iphone was easier. I wonder y is that?
the Iphone apps are also cheaper, right?
Thank you guys...
There will be NO discussion of warez here....
If you want things to work then pay for them.... If your too cheap to pay then get your warez advice elsewhere....

windows phone 8 apps, is it possible to install a third party app?

i have the HTC one X but i need to give it to my father...
so i am buying a new phone and wp8 look good, new and refreshing
but i have one problem
say i buy the ativ S and i want a game that cost money on marketplace
on android i can jast download and install
on IOS installus
on WP8?
i need a custom rom? or hacking the phone? what is my options?
You could pay for the app instead of pirating it.
i can do that on android and iphone...
StevieBallz said:
You could pay for the app instead of pirating it.
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Don't come in here asking how to bork devs out of money they deserve.
Well if say you work somewhere would you like it if your employer does not pay you for your work?
I have owned many different mobile OS and i always pay for my apps after using Android for 3 years i payed 60€ in total for 88 payed apps. Are you that cheap?
Verstuurd van mijn GT-I9300 met Tapatalk
soo why are you making a wp7 custom rom? or the bazaar app ( its like installus right?) ?
if you pay for it why do need need developers for... (android dev i understand...)
edit: you can lock... i read somewhere i got my answer...
CustomROMs and Unlocks enable you to run Apps that are not possible with the official APIs. Bazaar is an alternate Marketplace that provides the possibility to centrally discover and install those Apps not possible in the official Marketplace. Bazaar does not allow you to pirate applications from the official Marketplace.
doron050 said:
i have the HTC one X but i need to give it to my father...
so i am buying a new phone and wp8 look good, new and refreshing
but i have one problem
say i buy the ativ S and i want a game that cost money on marketplace
on android i can jast download and install
on IOS installus
on WP8?
i need a custom rom? or hacking the phone? what is my options?
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Its people like you that have already destroyed the PC games market something I personally loved and could out perform any console (eyefinity anyone, not to mention far more hardcore graphics etc). Now the Pirates are doing what they can to rip off the phone market. I mean how cheap is this world??? If you cant afford a couple quid then maybe you should get a job!
Im waiting on this answer too, thinking about moving from my Titan to a HTC 8S, but only if I can sideload my apps, I have 3 I have wrote and probably will never send to market (never get round to polishing them up) and REALLY dont wanna pay $99 for the use of my own apps on my own phone, as soon as this information hits Ill pre-order a 8S
What this dude said
lumpaywk said:
Its people like you that have already destroyed the PC games market something I personally loved and could out perform any console (eyefinity anyone, not to mention far more hardcore graphics etc). Now the Pirates are doing what they can to rip off the phone market. I mean how cheap is this world??? If you cant afford a couple quid then maybe you should get a job!
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Companies will be able to install Apps from outside the Marketplace but we don't know yet how that will be managed. If I had to guess I'd be pretty sure that there will be no free sideloading, given that Windows 8 doesn't allow sideloading of Metro-Apps either without a developer certificate (though they are issuing them for free at the moment).
Microsoft will be allowing third-party developers to build Live Apps. These Live Apps can integrate with the lock screen, and also integrate into the new Windows Phone 8 Wallet and other hubs on the phone. The ability to choose among three different sizes of tiles as part of Windows Phone 8 OS.
is its mean that i can install a third-party app?
if soo i want to install waze, this one: http://meirtsvi.wordpress.com/
is it possible?
You can't install Apps from outside the Windows Phone Store unless your Apps are signed with a specific Certificate that you only get after being verified as a company.
Pirates destroyed PC Gaming?
WTF are you on about the PC market is doing better than ever right now and it's driving future business models for all platforms. I mean not only is there a Free 2 Play revolution going on but it's been a platform for mods to drive sales for games like Dayz has sold at least 1 million copies of ArmA 2 as a result. On top of that we have Steam which is currently the best digital distribution software for any platform and it has created this whole Sales trend. Then we have the flash games and all the casual Facebook games which I would be has more people playing than any platform alone.
The PC is just fine, the strongest platform out there and brings in the most revenue. The only difference is people tend to think of game sales just being retail box copies. Also lets not forget the fact that people who pirate media buy more media than people who don't, they just cannot afford to buy everything because it is their hobby and it would become so expensive. For example my friend buys all his games on his Xbox 360 but he's only bought 2-3 games this year and he doesn't know how to torrent, where as I torrent every game to try it out, yet I've bought over 20 games on Steam alone this year and some how I'm labeled as a pirate. Most of my friends torrent games and again they all buy far more games than any other group of gamer I know of.
So please put that piracy bull**** argument away, it was old 5 years ago and it's even older now.
Lets not forget the PC mod and indie scene has produced some of the best developers out there today. When a developer tries to deal with Microsoft or Sony they have to go through all these legal and restriction issues with them and wait around for ages. When their games are released they hardly get any coverage and are forgotten quickly. I think you'll find indie developers find far more success on Steam or even their own sites like Minecraft or Project Zomboid.
Start using bing rewards. you earn points for searching with bing, and you can use those points & redeem them for MS points, amazon $$, Starbucks, and now you can use them to but wp8 apps/games. This is better that pirating because you get updates on time, and if its an xboz game you can get achievements.
Venekor said:
The PC is just fine, the strongest platform out there and brings in the most revenue. The only difference is people tend to think of game sales just being retail box copies. Also lets not forget the fact that people who pirate media buy more media than people who don't, they just cannot afford to buy everything because it is their hobby and it would become so expensive. For example my friend buys all his games on his Xbox 360 but he's only bought 2-3 games this year and he doesn't know how to torrent, where as I torrent every game to try it out, yet I've bought over 20 games on Steam alone this year and some how I'm labeled as a pirate. Most of my friends torrent games and again they all buy far more games than any other group of gamer I know of.
So please put that piracy bull**** argument away, it was old 5 years ago and it's even older now.
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You will not get people here to agree with you that it would be great to pirate software. Most games on WP7 and WP8 have a Trial-Mode anyway that allows you to play the start of the game to check if it would be interesting to you - actually ALL XBox Live titles in the Marketplace have that.
Aside from that your price argument falls to pieces really quickly in the Smartphone sector given that most games don't cost more then 3$. That's less then you pay for a beer at a bar. We're not talking about expensive Software here. Piracy is especially bad for small developers, given that they don't earn much to begin with.
Modding is a completely different topic that does not have too much to do with piracy. Many games actually have their own APIs available to allow for those extensions. This has nothing to do with unlicensed copying.
It always amazes me to see people buy phones for $ 600 and then get annoyed when they are told they should shell out $ 1 - 3 for a game every once in a while.
I plan to switch to simple mobile, and im eyeballing the 920. i could care less about pirating windows app but i would like to know if there is any form of emulator apps, or perhaps a way to sideload those like you can in android?
my concern regarding pricing is fairly simple, on android i can get angry birds for free, pay 99 cents and get adfree versions. on iOS its 99 cents, with windows devices you pay 5 bucks and it doesnt seem like its updated nearly as often. im only using this as an example i wont be bother to play angry birds, wheres my water is much better . i wont pirate the apps that arent IMO worth while but i sure as hell wont buy em either.
and before anyone comments on if im cheap or not etc, ive spent at least 80 bucks on various android apps the most expensive one being 7 bucks for a fairly useful app
As was already stated above: there is no sideloading on WP8 unless you have a company certificate or have your device developer unlocked. There have been homebrew Emulators for WP7 but given that the inclusion of ROMs would have been a violation of the ROM-owners copyrights those Emulators were not allowed in the Marketplace.
Angry Birds btw. is 99 Cents at the moment in the Marketplace. Some months ago they dropped the prices on several XBox Live games. Indie games have regularly been at the 99 Cent price point even before that.
Nobody takes issue with people saying they won't pay for an App they don't enjoy and just won't use it for that reason. The problem is that there are many people around that say they won't buy into a phone because it is so expensive by itself and they don't want to pay for the Apps they use on it for that reason.
interesting, why would they have included roms? with teh android versions you download the app and put the files on your sdcard. and thats what i was wondering more about, i have a dreamspark account due to my student status and i believe at the time it allowed you to unlock your wp7 device?
i havent truly looked throught any of teh marketplace and ive only loaded up my recent install of win8 and saw angry birds space was 5 bucks, which suits me fine i have plenty of those kind of "smartphone" games on my tablet. im more interested in getting better quality xbox live enabled games, those im willing to drop the money on
i think its actually a valid point, i mean im fairly vested into android and for me to uproot and switch OS' means that day one after i drop x amount of dollars on a new device if i want any of teh apps that i used to have back i have to go and repurchase them all. thanks for all the info, as i dont really know a whole lot about wp8
shabbypenguin said:
interesting, why would they have included roms? with teh android versions you download the app and put the files on your sdcard. and thats what i was wondering more about, i have a dreamspark account due to my student status and i believe at the time it allowed you to unlock your wp7 device?
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You still get one year of Dev Center membership for free with your Dreamspark Account. They would have had to include the ROMs given that there were no exchangeable SD-Cards or an accessible Filesystem in WP7.

[Q] is there a coming jailbreak/sideloading for windows phone 8?

Hi there,
I was just wondering if there is a jailbreak or sideloading coming to windows phone 8 ,or maybe something like cydia "as on ios" , installing tweaks and stuff on wp 8 because of its lack of apps and modifications, because microsoft is moving like a turtle in developing and updating wp 8 with the simplest features.
I do have a Lumia 920 and i really like it but lack of apps and modification is driving me crazy!!!
so back to our basic question, is there some sort of hacking or dev group that are willing to develop a jailbreak or something like that?
If you were to read the Dev&Hacking sub-forum here, you'd see that people are working on it. This isn't just some magical process where a bunch of hackers sit down, drink a bunch of Red Bull, and write a jailbreak; it is a slow, unreliable, and largely luck-based process undertaken by various volunteers in our free time.
you mean ansar?
is ansar researching on how to jailbreak it? I agree its been forever but understand I have to patiently wait for the hackers to crack it, where or what threads can I read about their progress?
I don't think you actually understand. "Progress" implies and iterative process, where what comes in the future builds on what came before. That's not really how this kind of thing works. Getting from a breakthrough to a widely usable hack can be measured as progress, but getting to that breakthrough... it could happen this afternoon, or it could happen in six months, or it might never happen. "Progress" has no meaning here.
If you want to read our discussions on the topic, the Dev&Hacking subforum is the obvious place here at XDA-Devs; you might also see some discussion at WPCentral.
I haven't seen or heard anything from ansar.ath.gr in months; if he's active here, it's not on this forum. Some of the people from the WP7 forums who actually found the meaningful hacks, like Cotulla and Heathcliff74, are looking, though. Additionally, some people from Windows RT (which is similar to WP8 in many ways) are also looking.
we must start a bounty or kickstarter
GoodDayToDie said:
I don't think you actually understand. "Progress" implies and iterative process, where what comes in the future builds on what came before. That's not really how this kind of thing works. Getting from a breakthrough to a widely usable hack can be measured as progress, but getting to that breakthrough... it could happen this afternoon, or it could happen in six months, or it might never happen. "Progress" has no meaning here.
If you want to read our discussions on the topic, the Dev&Hacking subforum is the obvious place here at XDA-Devs; you might also see some discussion at WPCentral.
I haven't seen or heard anything from ansar.ath.gr in months; if he's active here, it's not on this forum. Some of the people from the WP7 forums who actually found the meaningful hacks, like Cotulla and Heathcliff74, are looking, though. Additionally, some people from Windows RT (which is similar to WP8 in many ways) are also looking.
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ok we need to properly pay a hacker and start a bounty or kickstarter campaign, how should we go about doing this? should we start a bounty on xda like they did for the htc titan hspl or go on kickstarter and what hacker will get the bounty or when the bounty is large enough we present it to a hacker?
Bounties like that are sometimes really good, though they can be difficult to do properly; a lot of "hackers" already have day jobs, and if you want them to work outside of normal hours purely on a for-pay basis, it needs to be a *lot* of pay. When somebody is already making well into 6 digits USD / year, "hiring" hackers is not cheap.
Additionally, remember, this is not something that you can just throw money at to make it happen. There are enough vulnerabilities found in Windows each year that I'm sure there *are* ways out, but most of them are found either by white-hats (who report the issues to MS without releasing them publicly) or black-hats (who use them maliciously, or sell them on the black market). Only on rare occasion does an exploitable vuln appear somewhere that it can be adapted for our use before MS gets around to patching it (although the odds are good that the phone patch rate will be much slower).
It just seems hopeless
Sent from my SGH-T899M using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
you can developer unlock your than you can sideload some apps. i've done it.
a jailbreak is now not aviable.
sorry for my bad english i'm from germany
Habib.Mouissat said:
you can developer unlock your than you can sideload some apps. i've done it.
a jailbreak is now not aviable.
sorry for my bad english i'm from germany
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Did you actually pay the fees associated, or did you use a workaround? I paid my one time dues to Android dev, not going to pay annually to toy within the box of windows dev. If I had solid idea I wanted to bring to the MS table maybe, but $99/yr, not for experimentation.
ECCsimmons said:
Did you actually pay the fees associated, or did you use a workaround? I paid my one time dues to Android dev, not going to pay annually to toy within the box of windows dev. If I had solid idea I wanted to bring to the MS table maybe, but $99/yr, not for experimentation.
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If you are looking for free stuff, you came to the wrong place.
This is a DEVELOPER'S forum not a place where you can demand things and get all the whistles and bells for your phone.
If you wanna sideload, just pay like the rest of us. Hurry up, till next month, the dev unlock is only 20$.
And nobody cares what you paid for android.
mcosmin222 said:
If you are looking for free stuff, you came to the wrong place.
This is a DEVELOPER'S forum not a place where you can demand things and get all the whistles and bells for your phone.
If you wanna sideload, just pay like the rest of us. Hurry up, till next month, the dev unlock is only 20$.
And nobody cares what you paid for android.
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Wow I don't think I demanded much of anything.. simply stated my opinion. This is why forums become tedious to even comment into. If I didn't something wrong let me know, constructively. Don't have to be a jerk about it.. and if this is a general dev forum why you not care about android like stated? ... simply lame
ECCsimmons said:
Did you actually pay the fees associated, or did you use a workaround? I paid my one time dues to Android dev, not going to pay annually to toy within the box of windows dev. If I had solid idea I wanted to bring to the MS table maybe, but $99/yr, not for experimentation.
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no i get a developer account from my school
ECCsimmons said:
Wow I don't think I demanded much of anything.. simply stated my opinion. This is why forums become tedious to even comment into. If I didn't something wrong let me know, constructively. Don't have to be a jerk about it.. and if this is a general dev forum why you not care about android like stated? ... simply lame
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We don't care about android here because:
a) this is the windows phone forum. for android forum, go to the android forum.
b) why did you bring the payment for android in the first place? this is the windows phone forum, not the android forum. Different OS, different rules.
c) 99% of people asking for sideloads want to do so to avoid paying apps. This is a developer forum and we take offense because WE make the apps you wanna get for free, instead of paying us for our hard work.
d) you can already install apps from SD cards, and you can homebrew apps with dev unlocks (there is even a way to get free dev unlock without being an actual student).
I can understand your desire for custom roms and stuff, but sideloading usually leads to piracy. If you were asked to make a tool that would latter be used to rob you, I do not believe you would be so constructive about it.
Sent from my SGH-T899M using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
installing windows phone virtually on windows pc
has anybody run windows phone 8 or lower OS on windows pc virtually ?
if yes plz guide me to do so....
The only thing I wish I could side load is the Microsoft youtube app that was pulled. That would be worth 20 buck.
But I would imagine side loading is one part of the puzzle only, I bet extracting apps from a phone is probably not possible.
Extracting apps is easy once we have read access to the app's install folder. Getting that read access is the hard part.
RobbieRobski said:
The only thing I wish I could side load is the Microsoft youtube app that was pulled. That would be worth 20 buck.
But I would imagine side loading is one part of the puzzle only, I bet extracting apps from a phone is probably not possible.
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i have the Microsoft youtube xap and im developer unlocked but you can't sideload it its encrypted i wish someone could fix that sigh
noelito said:
i have the Microsoft youtube xap and im developer unlocked but you can't sideload it its encrypted i wish someone could fix that sigh
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Gentlemen, could somebody please confirm that for the interop unlock to work on Samsung ATIV S one has to do developer unlock and purchase a developer license for his Microsoft account? Correct?
Just want to make sure I dig it right.
You need *some* kind of developer unlock. A license from MS is one way, but not the only way; there's also DreamSpark (student-only but free) or I think you get a two-app-limit unlock (and the limit will be utterly removed by the interop-unlock, that's what it *is*) just by entering any valid Live ID into the registration tool.

