[bootanimation] ABOOTA : make your own the easy way - Atrix 4G Android Development

Dear all my fellow android lovers.
I would like to present to you the alpha2 version of bootanimation maker:
You can use any animated gif of your choice to create your very own bootanimation.zip to install on your very own custom boot animation.
you can look up fun gifs on sites such as 4gifs.com or senorgif.memebase.com
Current features:
1. upload any gif
2. rotate or flip the picture
3. stop on last frame
4. control animation speed
5. resize
future features:
1. browse section for all created bootanimations
2. add for custom initial animation
3. pre-made initial animations
4. see preview before downloading
5. a native android app to go with the site
6. add audio for boot
It is free to use for everyone as long as my server doesnt crash
please do not use gif files that you do not own the license to.
1. I do not take any responsibility for any damage that using this site, or files generated on my site, may cause to you, your phone, your family, your cat(s), .... in short use it at your own risk
2. At this point I only support atrix phones, that is why I am posting here.
3. I use bootanimation utility for now to change the created aboota.
If you have any suggestions or found any bugs let me know please.
Some notes for some people that are interested to make their own aboota:
1.adobe flash can export gif instead of swf.
2.there are apps that convert avi to gif, just google
3.it is also possible to convert flv(youtube) to gif files

Hi, I noticed on your link that the "Terms of Service" do nothing. Is there a link this is supposed to got to? When clicking on it nothing happens.
Also, I think this is a good idea for boot animations, but looking through your previous posts, you seem to be requesting help a lot, (not that that is bad, but none of it is relative to this). How did you come up with this site, and where are the uploaded files going to?

CaelanT said:
Hi, I noticed on your link that the "Terms of Service" do nothing. Is there a link this is supposed to got to? When clicking on it nothing happens.
Also, I think this is a good idea for boot animations, but looking through your previous posts, you seem to be requesting help a lot, (not that that is bad, but none of it is relative to this). How did you come up with this site, and where are the uploaded files going to?
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Thanks for reminding me about that link. I removed it
My background is mostly web development and system managements in php and linux(most redhat and suse). So making this site was not that hard. I had the idea for a while, I only decided to get it done about two weeks ago. I found a few documents describing the bootanimation.zip structure and found a very nicely detailed document inside the atrix bootanimation which gave me a lot of details I wanted. The rest was simply playing around in php and linux to create a simple version of aboota.
For now I am keeping the files on my server so in near future when search and browse are complete we can share our creations with others, and hopefully on other phones too.

Cool. Thanks. I'll try your site when I have time at my pc.
Beamed from WinBorg 4G via XDA Premium


Trade: build simple image viewer app (comics)

I'm wondering if any interested developers out there could help me build a very simple application that shows a series of .jpg or .gif / .png images in sequence.
Essentially, I'm looking to publish a comic book in the market, but I lack the programming skills to create the application to shunt my images into!
[I could to this in flash, but we don't have flash on android .. yet. ]
My app would essentially be a reader for my comic. It would contain all the images for the comic, and a right swipe would load the next image and display it, a left swipe, would go backward.
I'm a professional animator, and I'm willing to trade flash animation lessons, or do some animation or illustration work for you or your app in trade.
Get in touch!
I am looking for the same thing. Let me know if anything pops up here.

How hard is it to re-skin widgets?

While I'm new back in playing with the Android OS, I spent a ton of time modifying my iPhone when I had it, creating custom icons, wallpapers, overlays, etc.
What I've noticed recently is that most of the icons in the Android OS really don't have much synergy in their designs. Every widget maker has something a little different in what they see as their own design, but they often times don't make all of the widgets that I would like, and I'm stuck with a hodgepodge of different looking icons and widgets cluttering my screen.
I'm curious if there is a somewhat easy way to modify the graphics files of these widgets so that I can create a very clean theme. To give you an idea of what I would enjoy creating, I'll attach a before/after picture of some modified icons that I was using on the iPhone. While they retain the color schemes for the most part, I felt like I was able to make everything feel a bit more cohesive in a theme, and I would love to continue that trend on my Hero.
So the eternal question.... can it be done? And if so, is it something a mere noob back to the Android OS can make happen?
it is actually pretty easy, i will explain as good as i can. there are some drawbacks:
you need to resign the apk. there is testkey available at this forum, and i think you can generate your own with the sdk (not sure if and how). but after resigning the apps are signed with the testkey, not the developers key. i do not really understand what that means, but it was a hint i read somewhere...
i am not sure whether the apps will be flagged by the market as "update available", but i don't think so because they won't appear in your downloads list, since you have to install them "manually".
that is AFAIK all for the cons, here's the how:
1. extract the .apk, rename to .zip if necessary.
2. find the image you want to be replaced, should be somewhere in [extracted folder]/res/drawable/
3. edit the image to your needs and save it.
4. re-zip the contents of the folder (including the not changed elements of course) to whatever.zip
5. rename whatever.zip to whatever.apk
6. sign whatever.apk
as for signing, here is how to do:
the process for apps is basically the same as for update.zips, just don't use with recovery image but filemanager to install as regular app...
i think there is a theme howto out there on this forum, maybe that helps too.
kendong2 explains it well .... it is easy when it all clicks into place check my siignature for more help

[SOUNDS] Super Stock Ringtone/Notification/Alarm Soundpack

I've created a soundpack for you guys to download made from various android system dumps.
Featuring stock sounds from:
Just unzip to your sdcard: (Can't post links cause I'm a new user)
www [dot] mediafire [dot] com/?lmg44nnmfim
trancestate said:
I've created a soundpack for you guys to download made from various android system dumps.
Featuring stock sounds from:
Just unzip to your sdcard: (Can't post links cause I'm a new user)
www [dot] mediafire [dot] com/?lmg44nnmfim
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Thank you!
Cherice said:
Thank you!
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how would you go about taking the ringtones off a phone?
id take all the ones from the milestone to throw up here *there is ALOT of different ringtones on this phone for stock.*
Removing system Ringtones, etc.
adb remount
adb rm /system/media/audio/ringtones/*.*
Will remove all ringtones.
adb remount
adb rm /system/media/audio/notifications/*.*
Will remove all notifications.
adb remount
adb rm /system/media/audio/alarms/*.*
Will remove all alarm sound files.
Root Explorer is worth the couple of bucks on Market, especially for this kind of thing.
For chosing sound files on your SD card (notifications and ringtones) I use RingsExtended, which is available for free on the Android Market. If you prefer a directory structure instead of scrolling through a long list of file names, OI File Manager allows this. If you want to use the default ringtone picker and you have Apps2SD, put your files in:
depending on how you want to use them. (I hope that 's self-explanatory. If it's not, too bad. Figure it out. Not to be mean, but I know you can if you put some effort into it.)
Here's my list of Ringtones, etc There are about 440 in this zip.
1. I have named all the files shorter than 10 seconds with a prefix of "Alert-"
2. I have renamed all the files from 10 to 30 seconds with a prefix of "Ring-"
3. I have renamed all the files longer than 30 seconds with a prefix of "Alarm-" in hope that people will start waking themselves gently with a ramp up time on their alarm tones. (I may add some files that actually ramp up in volume for the cheapskates who won't spend a buck on a ramping alarm app. I may not. I know how tough it is to have to scrimp a dollar, but I also realize developers work their hineys off for peanuts. If you can support a developer, do, so that those who genuinely can't, like some independent developers, can still have access to decent free apps.)
Not all of the files with "Alert-" on them were intended to be notifications. Many of them were intended to be ringtones. My naming convention is determined by temporal length exclusively, except for a couple of 9-second files. Please feel free to use "Alert-" files as ringtones, as they genereally have a file size of less than 50kb and can be accessed quickly when your phone starts the incoming call process. I used the word "Alert" since it struck me as generic, but still helps define how long the sound file is.
I have converted these to ogg-vorbis format since the Xda-Developers' forum around reducing time before Android phones ring determined ogg was the fastest. I did it with the Windows app "Audacity." If you want to add effects, convert to and from a few widely-used formats, or otherwise manipulate sound files, I strongly recommend this free download: AUDACITY
Most of these are readily available online. A few of them I wrote. Some of them I downloaded and doctored up. My apologies to the authors/composers/developers if I butchered them. If you want credit, please, please alert me. The only reason I didn't give credit is that I didn't know where to put it. OK, yes, I have to apologize to HTC. They are just consistently good in the sound and graphics departments.
EDIT (15 Mar, Mon): I Edited the Metadata so it includes the prefixes. When you're using Rings Extended now, all of the alerts will be together, and all of the rings will be together. If it didn't have Metadata, I left it out so that it'll use the file name. Sorry about that.
Has anyone ever noticed how much alike the iPhone and Tmo stock rings are?
Here's a little something for anyone who wants. It's no *great* shakes, but I figure they can use all the help we can give them. I like these... in an office-appropriate way.
thanks man
has anyone got the facebook pop sound that they could post?
edit: never mind i found it
Here you guys go. Had to reupload them
Here you guys go, my newest collection
278 Alarms
244 Notifications
391 Ringtones plus some OLD SCHOOL, broken up into folders by artists or compilation
7 ui
Rings Notes and Alarms
much thanks. my new rom doesn't have much to choose from.
Thank you
Thanks for all the links, zips and information.
Thanks a lot!!
Awesome guys I love some fresh tones
Thanks fellas.
Good Stuff...thanks
thakns friend
Thanks. I had a limited selection in my phone, and I'm always looking for new and interesting tones.
big thanks !!!
Could anyone tell where exactly is the alarm song from HTC sense which is called "Light" ?
I'm really thankful for doing such a job ;-)

My Boot Animation

okay so thanks to everyone who chucked in an idea about how to get my boot animation up and running... especially Sardo Numspa
anyway.. this is my custom boot animation for the xoom..
The specifics
1. I used JPG's to keep the file size down its very small but the frames are not blurry nor choppy
2. I noticed that the absolute maximum files should be around 400 frames no matter what i used any more and the xoom would go to a black screen and continue to boot and waste the rest of the frames
3. The folder system of 130 maximum is where its at and i think it helps if you have a maximum of 3 parts (i know some may differ or say im wrong but man i tried everything for my xoom)
4. I used a korean android ad and Motherboard (both on youtube) as my base for this i am useless at development of CGI type stuff i just did a manipulation and screwing around for hours with sizes, dimensions, cross over, desc, countless reboots, etc so i have done something
for anyone who is interested here is the final product as i plays on my device
if you wish to chuck it on your own xoom... help yourself it is attached
1. This file must be put into the folder /system/media
2. If you already have a boot animation, mount the folder as R/W and then change the name of the old boot animation to bootanimation.zip.bak (if you want to keep it)
3. Then paste this boot animation into the location
4. Reboot and have a look
you can do anything you feel with this just give us a little cred and show me your handy work by linking me your stuff... i might just wanna use it myself
if you dont care/dont like this give me some feedback
sorry if making a new thread was against the rules...
Good job. It looks really nice. I will give it a shot on my Xoom and see how it is.
cool, glad you got it working.
cheers mate..

help with homebrew bootanimation

Hi I' a web designer and graphic artist, not much android developer, I've made this intent of a bootanimation.zip, even make the zip with KEKA for mac osx ppc and photoshop, but somewhat it is just showing a black screen. I'm attaching the zip file, could you check it out and tell me what would be wrong with it?
I cannot attach the file, so I've uploaded, if someone can download it and check it, I would appreciate letting me know why this is only showing a black screen on my tablet.
p.s: here is the file http://gusduenas.leftandrightsolutio...tanimation.zip
any help.
What device?
I'm full of great idea's, but don't have the time to create them or learn the coding to create them. If you want to make one of my ideas a reality just message me and I will give you my idea as specific as possible.
-launcher/lock screen
-line rider type game where you control the character
-2d fighting game like art of fighting for the SNES
-multiplayer fps where you create your own map with a creative mode (minecraft style)
-roller coaster tycoon style game
-many more!
Just message me which idea you want info on and I'll tell you!
check on the link I've posted and see what would be the problem, thanks for your help.
gusduenas said:
check on the link I've posted and see what would be the problem, thanks for your help.
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link is broken...
Homebrew animation [SOLVED for Mac users]
Finally! I've just solved, many threads were correct the problem with the bootanimation.zip is the compression so I've downloaded the stuffit plus and I set the preferences to no compression and expert mode to the middle between faster and smaller compression level 8 and I've opened in the stuffit archive manage one of the many bootanimation.zip files I have from original and finally I got it good! :good:
Now it is working this solution is specially for all mac users (like me) with photoshop and stuffit archive manager. When in the window of the stuff archive manager, you are able to navigate the files inside the zip, so the better is to erase the originals and replace by yours, don't forget to have the desc.txt written good.
As an extra precaution, when you finally have all your files made in photoshop jpg, go and open preview and re-save them as jpg again in order to have a regular jpgs, maybe is nothing but I've just wanted to be sure since the bmp from photoshop is not read as a boot_logo by android, so my those are my two cents.

