i have a problem with my trinity and my memory card i have a 4 gigabyte mini sd and a 2 gigabyte mini sd now on the 4g i have nothing but music but almost eveyday i have to update my library on my wmplayer then i replaces some of my music with sybols and i cant acces them at all then my phone wont read my memory card but then i put my 2g memory card and it works fine but i still have to update my library once in a wile
so on my 4g memory card i have to format it again but sometimes even my computer wont recognize it so i have to play with it a lil till it dose i do this like 2-3 times a week im getting fustrated
most likely its my memory card
has anyone foud a solution to the wmplayer and not reading the music off the memory card i have tried erasing metadataand and everything in it and still the problem dosnt go away
any help??
or maybe that my memory card is dameged in some way
i dont know what brand is it
or the memory card is cheaply made and not a good quality i dont know can it be that too???
Oh, not another memory card problem!
Please use the search function - you got more than you wanted
i had the same problem
after i removed the SD card and reinsert it again it got a different name (Storage Card 2) while the old name (Storage card) is already present which made a conflict for the ppc didn't resolved ubtil i deleted the storage card 2 name and reinserted the card again
ok i searche with no luck
so there is no fix for this problem?
i have to re-format my card every week?
i didnt have this problem with my old phone smt5600 it worked nice now i have a better phone with a crapy memory card problem so wat do i do now ? use both phones one for music, videos and the other for everything else? o and all the price less pictures i took they are all gone
or has anyone found a fix for this probem that wanna share??
Too many search results already:
No, there is current no fix available. HTC is said to release a new WM6 ROM that fix this problem - but it's just hearsay, don't count on it.
The storage card 2 appears when your card is corrupted (perhaps on the system memory, or the card physically), it just got stuck in an unusable state in the system. Somehow at the same time, some program is trying to write things into it. The WM OS is so dump (convienient to programmer, however) that it treats storage cards as part of PATH for saving files. So the OS "magically" creates a new folder "storage card 2", in an attempt to give you the most pleasant experience using WM instead of an error. But users won't notice problems until it is too late, or would only notice this with even bigger confusions like you.
To be honest, I believe a simple error message would really make everyone's life easier, be it users, and the guys at HTC.
OK, if you are asking for remedies, there is one. Try the program "sd sentry". It will notify you whenever there's a corruption or disappearance of the SD card, so you could prevent damage actually being written to the disk physically by rebooting the machine in advance.
How to get this little but useful program is left as an exercise the the readers.
I have been using a 2GB storage card for some time (first with TYTN II) and now a Tilt with never a problem. Lately when I open up file explorer to explore the card there is significant delay as the programs are listed, as if it is taking a while to read the card. Any thoughts what might be causing this? I recently installed spb tools but even when I turn off the file explorer option it is still slow. thanks...
What kind of card is it? It might be the card or your device might be bad (software problem)
kareem9nba said:
What kind of card is it? It might be the card or your device might be bad (software problem)
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It's a Sandisk. Actually I just noticed that it is also really slow when browsing the actual built in hard drive not just the storage card....
I have a tmobile wing and I got the phone a few days ago.
This is my first windows mobile phone and therefore i don't have much experience and knowledge here.
I am facing a problem that has surfaced three time in the last week or so. The applications that i have on my storage card become unavailable and when i try to open the applications i get an error saying that sd card is not available. Also starnge folders with strange names (a lot of different characters such as boxes appear on the storage card and i am unable to delete them, where it says that there are system files in these folders).
The problem is only resolved if i do a hard reset and format my storage card by using a card reader (format of the card is essential as even after doing a hard reset the storage card does not become available). Initially i thought that it was some problem with the applications that i had on my phone but now since this is the third time that this has happened I am worried that there may be something wrong with my phone. Since my phone is still under warranty i can return it. So please advise rearding the same. The applications that I normally have on my phone are as follows,
a) Resco file explorer and Registry explorer
b) SK Tools
c) Opera Explorer
d) Mio Maps
e) Google Maps
f) Space time
g) CE Convertor
If this has something to do with the offical wing ROM, please advise which ROM to use as again I'd like to iterate that I am totally illeterate regarding this. What I want is a ROM that gives me plenty of RAM so that I can run my GPS software and MP3's at the same time, other than that there are no special requirements and I don't need plenty of pre-installed applications.
Thanks for your help!!!
faisalsiddiqui said:
I have a tmobile wing and I got the phone a few days ago.
This is my first windows mobile phone and therefore i don't have much experience and knowledge here.
I am facing a problem that has surfaced three time in the last week or so. The applications that i have on my storage card become unavailable and when i try to open the applications i get an error saying that sd card is not available. Also starnge folders with strange names (a lot of different characters such as boxes appear on the storage card and i am unable to delete them, where it says that there are system files in these folders).
The problem is only resolved if i do a hard reset and format my storage card by using a card reader (format of the card is essential as even after doing a hard reset the storage card does not become available). Initially i thought that it was some problem with the applications that i had on my phone but now since this is the third time that this has happened I am worried that there may be something wrong with my phone. Since my phone is still under warranty i can return it. So please advise rearding the same. The applications that I normally have on my phone are as follows,
a) Resco file explorer and Registry explorer
b) SK Tools
c) Opera Explorer
d) Mio Maps
e) Google Maps
f) Space time
g) CE Convertor
If this has something to do with the offical wing ROM, please advise which ROM to use as again I'd like to iterate that I am totally illeterate regarding this. What I want is a ROM that gives me plenty of RAM so that I can run my GPS software and MP3's at the same time, other than that there are no special requirements and I don't need plenty of pre-installed applications.
Thanks for your help!!!
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Did you set your temp for IE to the SD?
This tends to do it for me.
Yes I read somewhere that this helps and I did shift my internet folders to the storage card.
So is this the culprit??
Do a search for SD Card Corruption and you'll find this is a very common problem
These are just a few topics from the Herald forum only ... but if you search the whole site, you'll find alot more. Basically, you can't install anything onto your SD card that needs to run all the time... so anytime ur phone hibernates, if you have a program running from the SD card, it will corrupt your SD card.
Corrupt SD card
MicroSD keeps coming up with corruption
virus on wing!?!?
Thanks a lot for your help, i guess i will be more careful now.
I make a weekly copy of my whole storage card in case I lose everything. I'd suggest doing the same.
I also had the SD card corruption problem. I upgraded to WM6 and it has not happened again
You should knock on wood.
Hi Faisal Aswk,
I had the same problem for many days when i first purchased my Wing. The folder names used to get corrupt and the applications could not be accessed. At first i thought it was the ROM. I tried several ROMS but the same problem resurfaced. Then i was led to believe that my microSD card (Kingston 1gb) was going bad. I then bought a Sandisk 1gb. Everything worked fine with the Sandisk. No corruption for weeks, up until one day i formatted the Sandisk card using the windows format utility and the corruption reappeared. Later i did some research and found out there is special formatting on microSD cards to be able to function properly with devices. I assumed the Kingston did not have that sort of formatting. I reformatted the kingston card using a panasonic utility suggested by a user in one of the XDA forums. Here is the link...
I am using the Kingston MicroSD now. 3 months till date and no sign of corruption. I have both PIE and Opera Cache on there. I have several MP3 files i keep moving around, stored and deleted several 500+ MB movies files. All my applications are installed on that card.
I cannot say for sure that it was coz of the special formatting, but i have strong hunch that it is. Hope this fixes your problem and for others as well.
I've been using a 6G ScanDisk card for the last 6 months, without any problems. I needed to move some files from the Tilt's internal memory to the Card, and to my surprise there was only a folder named "FilesToBeDeleted" on the Card. I DID NOT CREATE THIS FOLDER! Oh, and by the way the folder was empty!
Checking the storage of the card from the Memory Setting of the PPC, shows about 3 G in use, which is about what I had on it.
Can anyone shed any light on what could have happened? I can re-format the Card....but is it going to loose data again? Is this something that has happened to others?
Thanks for any help,
mlpoland said:
I've been using a 6G ScanDisk card for the last 6 months, without any problems. I needed to move some files from the Tilt's internal memory to the Card, and to my surprise there was only a folder named "FilesToBeDeleted" on the Card. I DID NOT CREATE THIS FOLDER! Oh, and by the way the folder was empty!
Checking the storage of the card from the Memory Setting of the PPC, shows about 3 G in use, which is about what I had on it.
Can anyone shed any light on what could have happened? I can re-format the Card....but is it going to loose data again? Is this something that has happened to others?
Thanks for any help,
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i have read that this has happened to some people .. not me yet (fingers crossed) don't know what causes this. You could try a recovery software and see if you can get the stuff back.
Can you or anyone suggest a recovery software? Checking the MicroSD on my laptop shows 2.88 GB being used, (and of course 2.78 GB Free) so the data should be there. I have also saved additional data to the card and it works fine.
Just wondering...is there some kind of virus out there that would do this? For all the data to be "hidden" and a new folder to be created....the card just didn't create a folder by itself....
WM a card killer
The same thing happened to my 4GB SD card in Blue Angel (twice ). It seems to me that WM kills allocation table while writing to the card. I tried lots of different soft to recover my card and finally PC Inspector File Recovery did the job. I used card reader and this soft on PC to recover most of my files but the folder and filenames were sometimes messed up. When using PCI FR do not mark to many files to recover/save at the one time because it crashes.
Don't save anything on your card before recovering !
Hope my Kaiser is not going to do this to me
rafgerm said:
The same thing happened to my 4GB SD card in Blue Angel (twice ). It seems to me that WM kills allocation table while writing to the card. I tried lots of different soft to recover my card and finally PC Inspector File Recovery did the job. I used card reader and this soft on PC to recover most of my files but the folder and filenames were sometimes messed up. When using PCI FR do not mark to many files to recover/save at the one time because it crashes.
Don't save anything on your card before recovering !
Hope my Kaiser is not going to do this to me
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Yup, I used that program too. Recovered "missing files" problems on my previous hw6515 and twice on my TytnII 8GB micro SDdisk.
I've always had that "FilesToBeDeleted" folder too, it's normally hidden and when I delete it it comes back. Nothing special, just some folder the system wants there for some reason apparently, just like the other couple of hidden ones like WMDRM. If you didn't see it before and it now appeared it might have been hidden and the same thing that corrupt the FAT unhid it for some reason.
If you can see 2.88GB used on the PC, are you sure you have also have forced hidden files to display? Your data might be there but just hidden for some reason.
I have also saved additional data to the card and it works fine.
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NEVER EVER do that to a media with a problem you might need to recover data from. This might just have ruined your last chance. On the opposite, when possible like on SD cards the first thing you'll want to do is set it as read-only.
When files are deleted, only their reference in the file table are, but the data itself is still present on the media, which allows recovery. But the locations the data is saved on are now marked as free, and anything you'll write on the card now can overwrite it, causing definitive loss.
Thanks a ton!!! The PC Inspector program worked great!! I was able to recover my files Next step, I guess, is to format the card and use it untill it decides to wipe my files out again. Of course my failth is the card will never be the same, and I'll keep a back up of the card also.....actually I was foolishly keeping the back-up for my Tilt on the card...can't trust that method anymore!
Thanks again for all the advise and information. As with all problems, you can always treat them as "learning opportunities", or...... throw the d*** thing out a window!!!!!
Same problem here, just ran into it last night and it's driving me nuts. Is there a way to recover/format the card from within the kaiser? Unfortunately the card reader I have has a max size limitation of 2gb and the card I'm using is 4gb - lame. Any suggestions? Thanks.
sammy-e said:
Unfortunately the card reader I have has a max size limitation of 2gb and the card I'm using is 4gb - lame. Any suggestions? Thanks.
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Borrow, lend, or steal another card reader.
When I purchased this MicroCard, from ScanDisk, it came with a SD adapter plus a USB Card reader. I threw the USB Card reader in my desk thinking that I would not need this. I found out, by accident, that this USB card reader was the only way I could read the card on a PC. Built in card readers on both my home desk top and laptop would not access the card....
Just passing on this little bit of information, because it never occured to me that I had to use that USB Card reader!
This happened to my girlfriend's phone too. One day some of her programs just didn't work and most everything was gone on her card. Never fixed it, just reformatted card. Scary though.
Yeah, I tried recovering the data using TestDisk, saw some recommendations for it from others with the same problem, but wasn't able to get anywhere with it unfortunately. So in the end all I could do was format it and start over. Ahhh, backups... if I'd only made one.
I think this is a WM issue. Since other devices have the same problem.
here is a quote from another thread
Dutchman said:
I have the same issue with my tytn2.
Sometimes when i play some mp3s from my SD card and the device goes to standby or the program is closed my SD card is suddenly empty.
Removing the SD card and put it back in usually fixes it, sometimes a softreset also works.
So i believe this is a WM issue
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see http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=376050
I had the problem that my SD Card was empty after activating Power Managment for it, disabled it and now it works for half a year perfectly
mlpoland said:
I've been using a 6G ScanDisk card for the last 6 months, without any problems. I needed to move some files from the Tilt's internal memory to the Card, and to my surprise there was only a folder named "FilesToBeDeleted" on the Card. I DID NOT CREATE THIS FOLDER! Oh, and by the way the folder was empty!
Checking the storage of the card from the Memory Setting of the PPC, shows about 3 G in use, which is about what I had on it.
Can anyone shed any light on what could have happened? I can re-format the Card....but is it going to loose data again? Is this something that has happened to others?
Thanks for any help,
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IT'S A COMPUTER, I always carry a spare card, simple, job done. more time for girls/beer/pizza.
scilor said:
I had the problem that my SD Card was empty after activating Power Managment for it, disabled it and now it works for half a year perfectly
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Any hints on how to disable this? I did a quick search and found mention of it but nothing detailing how to control it. Thanks.
scilor said:
I had the problem that my SD Card was empty after activating Power Managment for it, disabled it and now it works for half a year perfectly
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I disabled it w/ kaiser tweak. Still i have the issue
Has anyone had the issue while pretty much not ever using Windows Media Player mobile? I was playing DRM'd audio files, is that possibly a common theme?
Could it be Moving PIE Cache?
Happened to me too. 8GB card. Just getting back up and running...wish I had read this last night. I put a bunch of stuff back on the card. Oops. Oh well. I think the common thread may be:
moving your PIE Cache to the SD Card.
Anyone else with this problem also move PIE Cache? Used Memmaid 2.0 to change it.
different in my case, I haven't changed any of the cache settings for PIE.
i have qtek 2020i,and i want to add a memory card of 512mb, but its not showing up, i dont know why, and the other weird thing is without memory card in the memory menu it shows a storage card of 59.68mb
but i dont have any card in the the card slot, which is at the top of the phone if i'm not wrong lol kindly help me out with this, and my card is working fine on my laptop, i format it as both fat and fat32 but nothin works on my qtek2020i.
and also the rom update link is not working for me, the folder is empty
ftp://xda:[email protected]_v1.11.162_Radio_1.04_Camera_Fixed.rar
Ok the 59.68Mb storage that shows up is an Internal storage, so that's normal, the problem with the SD card may be due to it being SDHC rather than standard SD, which the Alpine cannot read. I have tried many memory cards types in my XDAIIi and have never had an SDHC one work, I know that there are also issues with using microSD cards with adaptors.
The non-availability of ROM images is due to a certain huge software company asking for them to be removed, regardless of the enormous benefits to that companies users in having access to such a useful resource.
(however the careful use of google may help, especially if you are looking for a specific filename, since some of the images you are looking for are stored on various other sites....... Alpine_Ext-1.11.162_Radio-1.04_O2stuffstripped_Camera_Fixed.rar springs to mind ...... Seek and ye shall find...... oh and cut and paste shall set you free ).