I have succesfully updated my PDA2k from the standard ITalian ROM to the one in my signature
I'm very happy and I would like to thanks All for the support
Now I would like to cook my first Extended ROM and I have a very simple question but, I have not been able to find the answen in the wiki
The Extende ROM I have now doesn't contains the Config.txt file but the Setup.exe.
During the cooking process. Should I take out the .exe file and substitute it with my oun Confing.txt?
Asmodeo :twisted:
There is a rason for that.
In some roms that have gone through the kitchen 1.3x we have noticed that the autorun, config.txt has been subsitutted by a new methord setup.exe.
What you need to do is downlaod an old version Ext rom which has the autorun, confix txt.
Extract those files 2 files, delete the setup.exe and add the autorun, config txt to your ext rom (oh yes and dont forget to edit the config.txt)
The one I use is in the imate 1.22 162 and found on wiki
Hello I just ungraded to the I mate arabic 1.31 rom with radio 1.06.02. my question is in the extended rom there is no config.txt file? using the instruction under the Cooking in the Extended Rom Kitichen thread
I cant seem to find how to edit the config txt file to allow the ZIP_WWW.cab to be installed and the editing config to say the following
Place the ZIP_WWE.CAB in your Extended Rom
in the \Extended_ROM\Config.sys add the following line
I Would Like to get shot of the arabic stuff
I-Mate PDA2K (PH20B)
Rom 1.31.00 WWE
Radio 1.06.02
Protocol 1337,38
ExtROM 1.31.122 WWE
Ok 2 things,
1 you need the extended rom unlock util which will allow you to see and edit items in the hidden extended rom folder on your pda.
2 dont bother with the ZIP program, get pocket rar, its freeware and works much better. You can install cabs from within rar or zip files without needing to extract them to the file system first etc.
PS: You can copy the config.txt to your pc to edit, or edit with pocket word of similar.
reply to ringman
I have unlocked my extended rom and can extract the contents. In the unlocked extended rom there in no config.txt file?.
Would it be possible to just replace the ms_.nbf file that contains the extended rom with another extrom, just like I replaced the Radio file then use the fix.bat
Many thanks
The newer ROMs do not use a config.txt they run a setup.exe program called from a modified version of autorun.exe instead.
You can use the old config.txt file by replacing the autorun.exe from an older rom and creating your own config.txt (you can also then delete the unneeded setup.exe file).
reply to bebbo
ok so correct me if Im wrong, you unlock your extended rom delete TPEnable.exe, TPDisable and setup then hard reboot. unlock extrom again then replace old for new, new having autorun.exe and config.txt?
Many Thanks
I usually do the upgradein this order:
1) Copy the ext rom unlock tool to PDA - run it and then run unhide + unlock ext rom.
2) Soft reset to unhide ext rom.
3) Make a full backup of current ext rom to PC!
4) Create my own ext rom by adding / removing apps as necessary to ext rom as cab files and modifying config.txt.
5) Hard reset PDA to install new apps and clean copy of Pocket PC.
As mentioned before, if you do not have a config.txt then you will need to replace autorun.exe with one from a pre v1.31 ext rom, create your own config.txt (Use one from ftp server as a base) and you can delete the setup.exe prog as it will not be used.
I have left the TPEnable and TPDisable on the ext rom but have removed their entries from the config.txt file so that the screen is not disabled.
reply to Bebbo
Thanks Bebbo
Your advice worked. I used config.txt and autorun.exe from extended rom Imate 1.22.162 now I have extrom without arab stuff
Many Thanks
Windows Mobile Version 4.21.1088 (Build 14132)
ROM Version 1.31.00 WWE
ROM Date 12/13/04
Radio Version 1.06.02
Protocol 1337.38
ExtROM Version 1.31.124 WWE (Cooked)
Can someone point me to a link of the TMO extended rom cab file list with descriptions for each. i searched i swear
Also, If I updated my rom and wanted to load all these cabs back on to the device can i just copy the whole backup folder to /windows/ and then the autorun will run it on reset?
search better . . .its on the wiki
the one in the wiki is dutch, is there a USA one?
what about the second part?
1. I know its based on dutch tmo rom, but most of the US cabs are much alike (based on their name)
2. autorun makes use of a registry setting (dont know out of my head, but plz do another search on config.txt and autorun) to load the correct config.txt file.
If you change that you canb use your backup and install from there.
Anyone on here know how to Extract a CAB file from a ROM/Extended ROM? ive been trying to find something about this on here and cant seem to find anything that pertains to it. there are several programs that are included in roms and extended roms that i have and i wold like to be able to put them on my 8125 with the ROM i have now. Thanks in Advance!
If you already have a cabfile that resides in the extended rom the process is quite easy... just use total commander and copy the file from there to a place on your device where you can later use it...
If you don't have a cabfile but just a program, say arcsoft mms composer that's already integrated into the rom, the process gets a little more complicated, but not impossible. You will, however, need to know all the files that the program uses, dll's, imagefiles, exe's and registry posts, copy them from rom to your windows pc and from there use a program like ce cab manager to create a cabfile for it (if you want. you can merely transer all the files and registry posts to your current rom without creating a cab)
_Nomad_ said:
If you already have a cabfile that resides in the extended rom the process is quite easy... just use total commander and copy the file from there to a place on your device where you can later use it...
If you don't have a cabfile but just a program, say arcsoft mms composer that's already integrated into the rom, the process gets a little more complicated, but not impossible. You will, however, need to know all the files that the program uses, dll's, imagefiles, exe's and registry posts, copy them from rom to your windows pc and from there use a program like ce cab manager to create a cabfile for it.
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cool, thanks for the info, what program do i need to use to unpack the NBF so i can access the files? I tried to use the one in the wiki (typho5) but i cant seem to get it to work.
for dumping rom's read through this thread
You'll probably want to read it all and I'm sure that it wont make that much sense to begin with but it'll come to you
For converting a nbf to nb files use:
typho5.exe -x nk.nbf
typho5.exe -x nk.nbf does NOT make it a .nba file!
It extracts the contents of the rom (OS, Extended Rom, Radio, Splash Screen, IPL/SPL) into .nb files.
The Extended Rom file can be opened with WinImage.
Thanks...i just checked out that thread..looks like ive got some studying ahead of me lol thanks for the help.
thanks Molski, you must have posted that just after i read the post above yours lol. thanks for the info i have another question for you here though. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=291847 As smart as you guys are im sure theres a reason you havent done it though
a few days ago I have flashed the latest radio on my device. This was Now I have cooked a new rom and flashed it. I had to realize that my radio was overwritten again (with the old "").
So, I think the radio is included in the rom image. Is there a way I can include the radio in my rom, so everytime I flash my rom I will have the radio?
Best regards
johnpatcher said:
a few days ago I have flashed the latest radio on my device. This was Now I have cooked a new rom and flashed it. I had to realize that my radio was overwritten again (with the old "").
So, I think the radio is included in the rom image. Is there a way I can include the radio in my rom, so everytime I flash my rom I will have the radio?
Best regards
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I assume you mean the stock radio that came with pretty much all HD devices up to this point.
What you need to do is download the Blackstone kitchen and the attached that jcespi2005 posted here. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=3171703&postcount=94
You need to rename the .nbh file to Ruu_Signed.nbh and place the .nbh file in the BaseROM folder of the kitchen.
Next run BlackStoneKitchen.cmd and choose the option e to extract a ROM.
Next select a. This should then extract all the files you need. The OS.nb is the ROM that you need and the 00_unknown.nb is the radio it should be around 21,000,000kb.
Use the HTCRT.exe to compile the new .nbh that you want. Open the HTCRT.exe in the tools folder of the kitchen. Note: Make sure that you downloaded the updated HTCRT.exe that jcespi2005 posted to compile flashable nbh files.
Select blackstone from the drop down menu. Open the OS.nb file in the HTCRT.exe program and then radio of your choice, in this case Open the 00_unknown.nb with the HTCRT.exe. Build your new .nbh. Note: I always just name the new .nbh to BLACIMG.nbh so you can flash for a microSD card.
Ok, I have tried htcrt already, but not the updated version. Thanks a lot!
johnpatcher said:
Ok, I have tried htcrt already, but not the updated version. Thanks a lot!
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I hope it all works out for you. Please let the community know if it works for you!
I have another problem: I have a self-cooked rom (with the "old" radio included). Now I want to put in the "new" radio.
I have extracted the new radio to an nb file (using the kitchen) and have a nb file of my rom. After putting them together with htcrt tool my nbh file is too big (about 20 megabytes), so I think there are now two radios included (the old and the new one).
How can I delete the old one out of my nb file?
If you simple extract your rom with the kitchen and rebuild it, you'll have the same rom without radio inside. Then you can add the new radio.
How can i extract cabs from a dumped rom? Specfically, i need just one thing - my Blackstone came with preinstalled Sunnysoft Interwrite PRO with my language, and i need that. I've dumped the rom and played with it in Raphael Kitchen, but got nothing i could use (or that i know how to use).
Sorry no help from me, just want to add that i would like to know this as well.
You can't fin directly the cab in dumped rom, also you may find a package unader Oem folder o find the program in a folder into Sys folder, if the dump it's made correctly!
After you may make a cab!
Found the cabs and the exes in temp folder. Installed interwrite on my hermes and it's working flawlessly
Now, here's another question, i tried to cook the rom, but i got both os-new.nb and ruu_signed.nbh both around 20 MB. Is that ok?
20 mb for HD?
It's few for ok rom... control the kitchen!
I did get the "error, last status creating shadow order file" error