Can't find it on the ftp... help me out please
Seems we have No Qtec 1.31
Does anyone know what is the newest ROM italian version for QTEK 9090 ? Thank you in advance for answer
This should be the last one in Wiki
ftp://xda:[email protected]_ship/BA_ITA_DT_12204_168_10602_ship.exe
and is Qtek ITA 1.22.04 1.22.168 1.06.02
check WIKI
or the official Qtec Ita site
according to your signature u could upgrade
BT Stack
It's all in Wiki
Ciao , buona lettura !
I wanted to update wiki with your download link, but you have done it. Thanks
Q: do you have a pasword? If so can you post the download link of that site so that we can see if it has a backdoor like the club i-mate
Thought I had a backup copy of the O2 XDA IIs UK WWE 1.31 ROM need to restore, went to the FTP site and the only one listed is 1.40 someone PLEASE upload the 1.31 WWE
Found it......
New WWE Rom Found on FTP through the following post:
ftp://xda:[email protected].P/BA_BP_WWE_Proximus_14000_720_11200_Ship.exe
Needs to be added to wiki
So is this a WM 5 ROM?
No, it's WM2003 v1.40 with radio 1.12.
New? ROM
So isn't this a nackward step from 1.42?? :wink:
Yeah it is a step back, but it helps complete the library of official roms on the FTP, and it may contain components that people will find useful in their own cooked roms.
where can the rom 1.42 with radio 1.15 be found please?
check out the upgrade section fc959.
Thanks! Does this solve the phone problems ?
Hi I'm looking for the Swedish WM5 rom for QTEK 9100.
version SVE
so if anyone got I would be very pleased to see it uploaded.
nevermind, I found it.
need arabic ROM for Imate K-jam
The link in the ftp doesn't work
Please, give the working link
The Imate ROM section of the FTP seems to be empty.
Still there is an K-JAM_Arabic_Extended_ROM.rar in the Extended_Roms section.
Maybe that one could help?