WM5 Bluetooth headset and GPS device problems - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 Software Upgrading

Ive upgraded my blue angel to WM5 (Patch 3) and installed all the other patches.
My bluetooth is version: 1.13 and i am getting weird problem.
When i use TomTom5 via my bluetooth gps everything is fine and no connection problems. As soon as i turn on my bluetooth headset tomtom loses connection to the gps unit. If i then switch off the headset - tomtom starts recieving gps data again.
Does ajnybody know how to get the bluetooth headset icon to display in the today screen as in WM3
Thank You
L 8)

i guess none of you guru's know the answer to this issues

Not a guru, but not experiencing the problem with my BT GPS and Headset running at the same time....

this seems like I/O problem to me. IT seems that your GPS receiver is listening on the same port as your BT headset in which case you need to check and change that. My GPS receiver has inbound port set to com 5 and outbound to com 6 (u can check this in BT settings).


Problem Bluetooth Manager forgets paired devices

Hi all,
i recently upgraded my qtek 9090 to 1.42 (Tmobile posted BA_TMNL_14200_115_11300_Ship). I have major problems connecting to my handsfree set in my car. The first try to connect is successfull. I can pair with the handsfree device, enter the security code and everything is fine. The device appears in bluetooth manager under paired devices.
After disonnecting the paired devices rapidly gets lost. After that, theres no chance to connect to the device again. The only chance is to delete the bluetooth device in the manager and pair it again.
Despite to this, if have no problems with my gps mouse. Security is disabled, the device also don't appears in paired devices
Has anyone an idea ?
BT Version is 1.0.0 3900
I think I found the problem. Seems, that my handsfree set in my car still had the connect information of the former installation and I still use the same name for bluetooth. The handsfree set can save the connect information of 3 devices and two of them had now the same name but different id's. Seems, that was the problem. I'll test it for some days, but I'm sure, that was the solution
have fun
BT headset is paired but gets lost
my MDAIII has just been updated to the latest Tmobile upgrade.
Everything works ok. BT headset pairs and when i make a call i can speak. But when i receive a call the connection with the headset has a '?'
Now i first have to search to get a connection.
It's like it switches off the BT Headset connection when I receive a call.
Does anyone know how to solve this?

Tomtom 5 and Wired Tomtom GPS Receiver

I thought I would add my tuppenyworth to the Tomtom problems with the XDA 2i. Bought a wired Tomtom "Official" GPS receiver for it and tried it with TT5 to no avail. It would not recognise the receiver at all no matter how I tried to specify it's com ports etc..
I eventually upgraded to TT5.1 and it worked immediately with no problems at all. Been working fine ever since.
if it matters
hi, i have a xda 2i and use tomtom 5.20, when i use my wired gps i was told to switch off the infra red beam, mine seams to work like that.
port problem?
could anybody help? my xda2i never works with tomtom5...
how to switch the beam off pls??
switch off receiving beam????
under setting > connections > beam
O2 XDAIIi with tomtom 5.21 and BT GPS receiver
but there is still problem with the signals, it can display the right UTC time, and numbers of satellites, such as 29 on the North, but there all gray and said no valid GPS signal!
the com ports couldn't be changed which are com5 inboard, com6 outboard.
does anyone know what the proble is pls??
ps: I installed the BTHTools1100, but no change
see the attachment pic
many thanks
Hi Piers,
i've got exactly the same problem :-(.
With a GlobalStar BT348, the GPS signals are plainly perfect. But when i connect the official Tomtom wired receiver, i only get the grey bars, although, like you, the UTC and spinning wheel are there, indicating the GPS is detected.
I looked at the compatibility list on the Tomtom site, and besides Dell and iPaqs, there seems to be nothing compatible with the wired receiver.
Anybody has other information?
Hi again,
I think I found the solution
1. of course, "receive all incoming beams" has to be off
2. apparently, you can not have a paired BT GPS receiver (even inactive) when you want to use the wired Tomtom receiver... :shock:
I guess it has to do with the way WM2005 deals with GPS... :?:
So, in BT devices, delete the partnership with the BT receiver and everything works fine with the wired one. In TT5, simply declare the receiver as a wired Tomtom
I used it this morning, driving 100km, 90minutes, without a crash or anything

Multiple bluetooth connections?

I wonder if anybody knows if it is possible to have two (or more) divices connected at onceon a Blue Angel?
eg. Tom Tom 6 plus a hands free connection.
I have tried every configuration I can think of, different ports ect, but to now avail.
With the gps connection up and running, as soon as you turn on the hands free , the gps connection link is lost, turn off hands free and it will resume connection.
I am using BA WM5 AKU3.5 R4 - xplode's excellent rom
In GPS settings
Program is using COM 5
Hardware is using COM 0
Manage GPS settings set to Auto
In Device settings,
BTGPS unit is on COM 0 (Serial box ticked)
Hands free is unassigned
Any help will be much appreciated.
any idea's anyone?
On Last Baniaczek's ROM I made an experiment just a moment ago: BlueAngel, Navigation system (Polish one, Automapa), plus GPS on Bluetooth and A2DP headset - first connected headphones, then added GPS (using automatic GPS connection - it's M$ Stack) - Everything seems to be working fine. I thought it was a bit unstable at first, but AD2P stops sending data, when there is no sound from the device.
GPS Settings are default: COM6 for applications and GPS has COM7 assigned on Hardware tab and in Bluetooth outgoing port. Quite seamless.
then I made the 2nd one: same headset connected in Handsfree mode: indeed turning on navigation made it connect and disconnect every few seconds.
For me it seems to be fault of M$ BT stack: it cannot hold 2 similar streams on BT (COM and Handsfree/Headset are both typical serial connections of highest priority in BT stream). At the same time it can cope easily with two different streams (A2DP is lower priority, high-bandwidth BT connection).
I'm not sure, but I think when I used old Helmi 1.3.2 with Widcomm stack it could cope with GPS and Handsfree at the same time, but it needs more testing.
jakubd is right it is limitation in MS BT Stack
Don't give up and it should start to work. I have similar problem with BT GPS and BT headset. GPS goes on and off while headset is on. And than I try to switch headset off and on, BT off and on, GPS off and on and after some time it start to work together with no problem. It takes first 10-15 minutes of my voyage but then it works for the remaining few hours.
Sorry, but I still didn't find out what combination make it work. If I do, I will post it here as workaround.
And I'm almost sure that I had no such problem with Helmi 1.4 ROM.
Thanks guys,
have tried every configuration I can think of, but its always the GPS connection that is dropped, not the hands free, this would not be a problem if it was just when you are answering a call.The GPS reconnects only when you disconnect the hands free connection. ?
Has anyone Successfully used the Widcomm stack with this type of setup?
I am sure alot of members would find this usefull if it can be made to work!
This is my experience:
ROM : Helmi_BA_WM2k5_AKU3.5_v1.4.CF2.R2 (baniaczek)
Tom Tom 6
GPS : Bluetooth
Headset : Nokia BH-300
When the headset is on and connected, the GPS doesn't work (TT say no GPS found). When I turn off the headset, the GPS is working.
With ActiveSync I have the same problem: when the headset is turned on, I can't establish a connection with the PC via bluetooth.
If I use a different headset, a Logitech HS03, all is working fine. I can leave the headset on and the GPS is working. I can receive incoming calls with no problem (using the headset) while I'm driving without loosing GPS signal.
With ActiveSync is the same: I can connect my PC with the headset on.
I have no idea why there is this difference with these two headsets, but one is working and the other no. I don't know if the problem is the MS BT stack, but my test demonstrates that under some circumstances this stack could manage more than one connection at time.
bigmike said:
I don't know if the problem is the MS BT stack, but my test demonstrates that under some circumstances this stack could manage more than one connection at time.
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Bigmike, my point exactly. As I wrote in my post I keep turning on and off until finally it works. So there are some circumstances under coexistence is possible.
It seems that devices try to use same port which means that first device does not reserve port for itself. I am not an expert but it seems if we could somehow force devices to use different ports problem would be gone.
bigmike said:
If I use a different headset, a Logitech HS03, all is working fine. I can leave the headset on and the GPS is working. I can receive incoming calls with no problem (using the headset) while I'm driving without loosing GPS signal.
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If this works with one set and doesn't work with another, it might be connected to list of profiles supported by the headset:
1. Headset - HSP - more common, typical profile for use with cell phones (supports AT commands)
2. Handsfree - HFP - audio-centric, used mostly in cars, less common
My SonyEricsson HBH-600 has both profiles (checked with services list on SonyEricsson phone), but I don't know how to select which profile is used by headset.
Just a thought...
sassa said:
Bigmike, my point exactly. As I wrote in my post I keep turning on and off until finally it works. So there are some circumstances under coexistence is possible.
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I hope you haven't misunderstand my previous post. I haven't in mind to minimize the value of your post (very useful is someone will try to investigate about this problem).
I was thinking that somebody, reading your contribute, could wrongly think: “you're are a lucky guy and turning on-off the headset repeatedly you crash some library and the two devices are working together”.
My intention was to remark the fact that under some circumstances the headset and the gps can connect together every time and always at first try: it's not lucky, crash or random events.
jakubd said:
If this works with one set and doesn't work with another, it might be connected to list of profiles supported by the headset
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I have a similar thought.
It seems to me that some times ago I have read that it should be possible to change some profile's parameters “playing” with the registry.... but I could be wrong...
bigmike said:
I hope you haven't misunderstand my previous post. I haven't in mind to minimize the value of your post (very useful is someone will try to investigate about this problem).
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No I have not, bigmike, just the opposite. I was delighted that somebody confirmed my point.
bigmike said:
My intention was to remark the fact that under some circumstances the headset and the gps can connect together every time and always at first try: it's not lucky, crash or random events.
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Couldn't agree more. And I think it's worth trying to resolve it.
Multiple BT connections - solution?
I think I find a solution for this, or maybe we can call it workaround. At least it works for me.
As I wrote in my previous posts, I could make it work every time just didn't know how. Now I established repetable procedure which worked every time for reasonable number of experiments.
Secret was to turn on BT headset (in my case Plantronics) and BT GPS device (Haicom 406-BT) and GPS program (iGo) first, and then go to Comm Manager and turn bluetooth on.
So my procedure is:
1. make sure that BT is off in Comm Manager
2. turn on BT headset
3. turn on GPS device
4. open iGo program
5. minimize iGo
6. turn on BT in Comm manager
7. open iGo and make sure it's connected
8. go to phone and call myself just to make sure it works
9. back to iGO and make sure it works
If 8 or 9 fails for the first time, just turn BT off and on again in Comm manager and check it again. I never need to do this more than twice.
Try this, guys, and good luck.
P.S. I don't know if it matters, but make sure that in Settings/Connections/GPS "GPS program port" and "GPS hardware port" is set to (None) and "Manage GPS automatically" unticked.
Very good! Many thanks Sassa!
I have tried for two times your procedure and both tries worked very well (with TomTom6 and Nokia BH-300)
I use a slightly different procedure:
1. BT off in Comm Manager
2. turn on BT headset
3. turn on GPS device
4. turn on BT in Comm manager
5. open TomTom 6 (wait some seconds and make sure it's connected)
6. go to phone and call myself (on the first call the headset is disconnected)
7. back to TomTom and make sure it works
I have noticed a different behavior of the BT headset having the BT always on (in Comm Manager) and using this procedure... but I need to make some tests before writing more.

QTEK 2020i BT Problem with BT GPS

Hi there in the world of PPC's,
I have a problem with my QTEK 2020i and my new BT GPS unit.
I have running WM2003SE and BT broadcom 1.0.0 build 3900. Now is the problem that I can connect. Ok I hear you thinking what is than the problem, well the connection stays for a 5 minutes or so and than the connection is off. Reconnecting works and then again that round 5 min or so.
My BT GPS keeps working and it is not his problem as I tested that with my PC and a small program (written by my self) reading the GPS position and displaying the total of satalites.
Anyone knows a sollution? I think it is that BT driver in the QTEK

[Q] Bluetooth Carkit Issues :(

Please only repond to this if you have solved carkit issues.
I have a JVC AVX33 headunit with bluetooth, worked perfect on my old SE K800i, however on my diamond it keeps "booting" the bluetooth connection.
Connects for 30 seconds, looses connection, and connects again.
Is there a possible fix for this?
New Bluetooth Stack?
Or an explanation to why this is happening?
It Renders my Diamond useless in my car setup, and this would meen the world to me to have fixed.
Would purchasing a PARROT bluetooth carkit solve the problem?
Do you search the carkit with the phone or vice versa let the carkit search the phone?
I would recommend to test both setups. Do not forget to make your phone visible for the carkit when you want to pair it. Are you able to enter the bluetooth pair code on the phone when requested?
Hi, i have a Pioneer deh-p9800bt with bluetooth handsfree function and the only way to use it with wm6 and 6.1 (Htc Jamin, Gsmart i120 and Gsmart T600) has been to install Jetware HandsFree Extension. With the Gsmarts the Pioneer connects automatically and all works perfectly, with the Diamond the connection must be started every time from the Pioneer, but, then, all works (also battery and signal level): i think that a registry tweak has to be made in order to have an automatic connection.. i will try to see the differences between the registry settings of the i120 and the Diamond..
Yes i tried pairing both ways phone -> headunit and visa versa, and i am able to pair the two devices with code. However it keeps booting the bluetooth, looses connection and then getting it again. About every 30 seconds.
And i tried JETware yesterday without any change, however i am going through the different JETware config add-ons today to see if the result is better.
I think that its when the phone is trying to update the contact list to the headunit, it crashes the bluetooth. Anybody know if it is possible to change the bluetooth stack driver with another? on the HTC Touch Dual i had previous the bluetooth worked just fine.
bump bump bump
