ROM upgrade ...problem. No version no. shown in the windows - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 Software Upgrading

I want to do ROM upgrade,but in the window of confirmation ROM version "from" and "To" there is no any version no. (as the messege below) :
Your device software is about to be update from :
Device CE image version :
Device Extended image version :
Device Radio image version :
To :
CE image version :
Extended image version :
Radio image version :
* no any version number show on that window,and then it skip to "Congratulations" any update at all.
Pls help me krub. (I use Activesync Ver.3.8)
-I want to change radio version from 1.13 -> 1.17
-mine is XDAIIs krub

remove your pda from cradle, make soft reset, wait till end of activesyncronisation. after that to be sure, that radio update file is in the same directory as you try to run baupgrade or ma upgrade executable.
where is it available version 1.17? I am tired by radio 1.13.
best regards

I already put them all together in the same folder
I already put them all together,here they are :
- enterBL.exe
- GetDeviceData.exe
- MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe
- ms_.nbf
- nk.nbf
- radio_.nbf
- RUU.conf
- RUU.dll
Actually I have done success with these files once yesterday.But today it's unusual. Pls try to consider about this problem condition again. thanks and this is the link to get radio version 1.17 :

Could you check error messages in file c:\ruu.log?

not to use
radio 1.17 that i yold u in weblink that u post is for XdaII not for xdaIIs the newest radio rom for xdaIIs is 1.13
ดีนะครับไม่อัพไปได้ ไม่งั้นพังแหงๆ 555

Not upgrading
I had the same problem. Try using BaUpgradeUt.exe and it worked for me.


[Wizard] aWizard ROM Utils 1.3 beta 2 (may work in Charmer)

Hi all,
This is my first attempt to contribute to this forum. Hope you like it. :wink:
In case of problem the FAQ below may help.
If any body want to share their Wizard ROM (e.g. CHT ROM currently doesn't have upgrade program) Yet the ntrw may not 100% reliable, they can just backup their OS ROM using aWizard and then share with others using the xda-developers ftp site.
This utility is created for experimental purpose only. Use it at your own risk!
!!!!Please choose the unlock CID option before you flash any new ROM!!! Or your phone may risk chance to become dead!!!!
Starting from version 1.3, please put your ROM file to the "ROM" folder and BMP file in "SplashBMP" folder
Version 1.3 beta 2 is not fully tested. If you have doubt please use version 1.2
aWizard is a user friendly ROM Utility which provide a single place to do Wizard ROM related tasks. OS ROM can be backup and restore using USB ActiveSync connection. In addition to backup/restore, I have successed in modifying the OS ROM and flash it back to the Wizard. This function will be available in the coming releases depends on demand.
Some user have reported that they have successfully backup and restore their Charmer(MDA Compact II) OS and Extended ROM. But again. Please make sure you know what u are doing before your write anything to the Charmer. I don't have a Charmer device to test with. So do it at ur own risk.
Other ROM Types like Bootloader, Radio and Extended ROM will not be affected. To change those parts, please use cooresponding update programs and then use aWizard to change the OS to your desired one.
- First Release
- Add Backup Extended ROM Support (Restore Extended ROM not ready yet)
- Fix size checking problem in some locale
- remove Backup ROM Option remark issue
- minor enhancement to prevent some user's problem in 'e' option
- add reminder to unlock before write option
- add backup and restore radio rom option
- minor ui enhancement
- revised instruction
1.3 beta 1
- add "ROM" and "SplashBMP" folder for easy file management
- add convert and flash BMP directly to Wizard as Splash Logo
- add backup and restore Splash Logo ROM
- UI enhancement
- add readme option
1.3 beta 2
- force unlockcid in every write option
- The utilities and idea used by aWizard come from the following parties. I would like to thanks them for making the Wizard more interesting to play with!
- itsme for 'itsutils'
- MachinaGod for 'RapiUnlocker'
- MachinaGod for 'lokiwiz'
- mamaich for 'WM5 ROM editing tool'
- psneddon and kenu for Logo Converter
- nicob for scripting tips
-, and others
Unzip the to C:\aWizard or D:\aWizard folder.
Run aWizard.cmd on DOS Prompt, or just double click the file in Windows Explorer. If fail, rename to aWizard.bat before run.
* Please put ROM(Including Splash Logo ROM) in the ROM folder, and Splash BMP files(*.BMP) in SplashBMP folder.
< a -View README file>
< e - Enable RAPI >
- Choose this before choosing other options. This enable your PC to control the Wizard using USB ActiveSync connection.
<u - Unlock CID>
- (Strongly suggested to run this first!!!) Unlock the CID of Wizard so that the Wizard can be upgrade to other ROMs
<b - Backup OS, Radio, Splash Logo and Extended ROM from device>
- This option backup your Wizard's Radio and OS, Radio ROM to a file and files in Extended ROM to a folder. It backup OS and Extended ROM and Radio ROM only. Bootloader will NOT be backup.
- All files will be backup to a single folder for easy archive and mofication using 'm' option later.
< s - Write Backup Splash Logo (.nba) to Wizard>
- Flash backuped Splash ROM to Wizard. Soft reset is required to enable new Splash Logo. No need to hard reset.
< c - Convert + write BMP(240x320) Splash Logo to Wizard>
- Flash BMP file directly to Wizard. No pre-convertion is required. Please save a 240 x 320 24-bit BMP file to "SplashBMP" folder before running this option. Soft reset is required to enable new Splash Logo. No need to hard reset.
<w - Write OS ROM to device>
- Use this option to write OS ROM file to your device. Even you have bootloader and Radio ROM from vendor A, you can flash OS ROM from vendor B to the Wizard. No SD Card is required. Unlock CID First!!!
<r - Write Radio ROM to device>
- Use this option to write Radio ROM file to your device. No SD Card is required. Unlock CID First!!! Soft reset is required to enable new Radio ROM. No need to hard reset.
<m - Modify nba file>
- To be released depends on demand
<x - Extract contents of nba file>
- To be released depends on demand
Q1 : How to flash ROM file to device:
A1: option 'e' option 'u' option 'b' if u want to backup ur current ROM option 'w' or 'r'
Q2 : What to do if the device hold at splash screen after upgrade?
- connect the device with usb cable
- hold the "voice dial" and shortly press the reset button by stylus
- release the reset button and wait for the USB color screen
- download and run the shipped ROM upgrade program (with .exe file extension) e.g. ftp://xda:[email protected]/Uploads/HTC_Wizard/Roms/
- you device will be bootable again.
- then start aWizard and run through the 'e', 'u', 'w' one by one. Of coz you have to connect your phone to ActiveSync before running the 'e' option.
Q3 : I have the follow error during the read or write operation, what should I do?
Copying C:\aWizard\lib\itsutils.dll to WCE:\windows\itsuti
Could not update itsutils.dll to the current version, mayb
try restarting your device, or restart ActiveSync
A3 :
If the error occur, that means the USB connection is interrupted.
- Please DON'T reset your Wizard.
- Please re-plug the USB cable and wait for ActiveSync to reconnect.
- Run aWizard to retry the operation again.
P.S. You need to login to download the attached file.
Why only OS? You should add 'radio' too.
Button said:
Why only OS? You should add 'radio' too.
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I am still finding way to do so... Maybe you can help finding out how. The code of aWizard may give you some hint.
But if you really want to upgrade to latest radio ROM (e.g. the T-mobile is the latest at this moment), you can download the MDA Vario Upgrade Program from T-mobile. Then restore your backuped OS ROM. Of coz the installed program have to be backup using Backup Managers first.
b - doesn't work now! You have a mistake in .bat file 'r' instead of 'b' :wink:
Button said:
b - doesn't work now! You have a mistake in .bat file 'r' instead of 'b' :wink:
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Updated v1.0a... Thanks for remind me :wink:
Hi, ahlok, thanks for your utility! I'm just using it to backup my MDA Compact II ROM, see if it works.
negatong said:
Hi, ahlok, thanks for your utility! I'm just using it to backup my MDA Compact II ROM, see if it works.
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You are welcome. Looking forward to your result!
ahlok_hk said:
negatong said:
Hi, ahlok, thanks for your utility! I'm just using it to backup my MDA Compact II ROM, see if it works.
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You are welcome. Looking forward to your result!
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ahlok, I could successfully backup the ROM. But when I just tried to write the dumped ROM (exactly the dumped file) back to the device with option 'w', it raised error: 'File [] size not valid!'. What's wrong there?
And if I downloaded an official upgrade ROM and used Extend Tool (64HTC Extended ROM Tool) to decode the '.nbf' to '.nba', can I use that decoded '.nba' file to write the another device with your utility?
negatong said:
ahlok, I could successfully backup the ROM. But when I just tried to write the dumped ROM (exactly the dumped file) back to the device with option 'w', it raised error: 'File [] size not valid!'. What's wrong there?
And if I downloaded an official upgrade ROM and used Extend Tool (64HTC Extended ROM Tool) to decode the '.nbf' to '.nba', can I use that decoded '.nba' file to write the another device with your utility?
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Please run cmd.exe at ur PC and go to the lib folder. Then run "pdocread -t" and reply here or PM me the result. Thanks.
On my charmer I get the following output
3 partitions, 2 binary partitions
customerid=00000000 uniqueid= 00 00 00 00 49 0b 01 01
real nr of sectors: 116736 - 57.00Mbyte (0x3900000)
ahlok_hk i would like thanq for your time and releasing this little but very helpful application.
When i return from Xmas holidays i will try it with my Qtek 9100 (English version).
But i have a little question, what is .nba files and how they've been used?
Thanks psneddon, ur result shows that Wizard and Charmer have the same OS ROM size. I think this tool should be ok for Charmer.
I have add some code enhancement to prevent error of negatong. Please use the latest version 1.0c and see if it can write the ROM back. Wait for ur good news. : )
bill_viper said:
But i have a little question, what is .nba files and how they've been used?
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.nba files are decryted ROM. If there is demand, later I will post new version of this tool to modify the ROM easily.
Just dumped my Qtek 9100 ROM (english) with the following info:
ROM Date: 11/28/05
Radio Version: 01.13.0
and the ROM is located at:
Give it about 20 minutes to upload. Like the aWizard tools, I take no responsibility, etc If this becomes a popular ROM, I hope one of the forum folks will upload it to the xda-developers FTP...
rgoodwin said:
Just dumped my Qtek 9100 ROM (english) with the following info:
ROM Date: 11/28/05
Radio Version: 01.13.0
and the ROM is located at:
Give it about 20 minutes to upload. Like the aWizard tools, I take no responsibility, etc If this becomes a popular ROM, I hope one of the forum folks will upload it to the xda-developers FTP...
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Thanks rgoodwin! I sucessfully flash ur new ROM to my Wizard! Could u also share the extended rom? You can use total commander to copy the content of "\extended_rom" out.
Only if you promise to tell me any changes you see with this ROM version, in areas like:
GPRS performance/stability
Doesn't seem like there's much in there!
P.S. One more request....seems like when I find an app and install it, then if I say need to replace the installed EXE with a patched version, the Qtek says it's no longer compatible or missing a component. I thought I read this might be due to digital signatures, but I'm not sure if so or how to get around it...
ahlok_hk i would like to flash my Qtek 9100 with the new rom posted by rgoodwin. If i'll use aWizard which of ROM/Radio/Protocol/ExtROM will be updated?
Thanks rgoodwin again! I just played with the new ROM without install the Extended ROM. So far it is as stable as the other ROMs.
bill_viper said:
ahlok_hk i would like to flash my Qtek 9100 with the new rom posted by rgoodwin. If i'll use aWizard which of ROM/Radio/Protocol/ExtROM will be updated?
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Dear bill_viper, If you download the first file by rgoodwin, you will upgrade the OS ROM. Download the 2nd one and copy to \extended_rom will upgrade ExtROM.
By reading the description of this utility I don't think this ROM will have the radio firmware in it. I could be mistaken.
Thanks again for the reply ahlok_hk.
But reading your description i found this:
"<w - Write OS ROM to device>
- Use this option to write OS ROM file to your device. Even you have bootloader and Radio ROM from vendor A, you can flash OS ROM from vendor B to the Wizard. No SD Card is required. "
According to the above i think that if i'll flash my 9100 with the new rom the radio will not be upgraded. Am i right? If yes, how can i upgrade radio rom too?

Backup ROM from Qtec9090

I need to get a hold of the ROM on my QTec 9090. I want to change the Extended_ROm portion of the image, and then write it back to the device.
windows Mobile 2003 second edition.
Version 4.21.1088( build 15045.2.6.0)
ROM version: 1.40.00 WWE
ROM Date: 03/10/05
Radio: 1.12.00
Protocol: 1337.42
ExtROM: 1.40.149 WWE
I did try the OSImageTool but was unable to do anything with the resulting .nb1 file i tried "" but it only made on large header.nb1 file (other filed hade size 0).
Any other method to change the Extended_ROm would also be appreciated.
PS, I have tried :
-Changing the original ROM ( from but no password i could find would unlock the ms_ file.
-backup ROM to the SD card, but device hangs on "Calc Checksum".
-Programmically chage the protecting and type of protectiong on "\Extended_ROM\VOL:", using DeviceIOControl.
please read wiki .... :roll: :roll:

help me please

i download 2005
and every thing was good but after i tryied to margi the storge with extend rom just white screen and not switch on and cannot upgrade or degrade it agine it 's stop on 3% always in extend rom uograde but ce rom is done and radio no problem i can upgrade it but in extend rom upgrade stop in 3% help me
i think i must format extend rom or resize it to make the device work but i don't know how to format it caz the device not working just white screen and not working and stop in 3 % when update extend rom and i try to formate itand hard reset no solve format but same
try to flash without the extrom "delete the extrom file from the flash directory " and then you will be able to start ur device without the extrom and fix it .

need help cant make full backup (g4) cingular8125 sim & cid unlocked

need help cant make full backup (g4) cingular8125 sim & cid unlocked
I have tryied everything nothing had worked I'm able to Backup OS & Extended Rom. Not a nubby even doing sd backup happens same thing I can make individual backup like IPL, SPL, Extended Rom, OS ect. But I want full backup and I cant. When I use aWizard it does great job but on the part this is the message that comes out. I have tryied everithing all the programs availables on all forum this has been a 8 day proyect please some one can help me. HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP. ITS A CINGULAR 8125 (G4) UNLOCKED SIM & CID BY CHECK-IMEI. PLEASE SOMEBODY ANY ADVISE.
r2sd all
R2SDBackup() Pls. insert SD card !!
Cmd>r2sd all
***** user area size = 0x3B880000 Bytes
R2SDBackup() - Download type = 5
usTotalBlock = 1 sizeof(SDCARD_SIGNATRUE_TABLE)=512
Start address = 0x80000000 , Length = 0x800
Start address = 0x80000800 , Length = 0xC0000
Start address = 0x800C0800 , Length = 0x40000
Start address = 0x80100800 , Length = 0x280000
GSM - dwSize = 345DF
GSM Page0
Start address = 0x4E3D4C0 , Length = 0x3900000
Start address = 0x743D4C0 , Length = 0xA00000
The read size is not matched, load failed!
Some Image (8) load failed, we can not backup All images...
============== aWizard 1.3 beta 2 ===============
- By ahlok_hk -
- [Credits] -
- itsme for 'itsutils' -
- MachinaGod for 'RapiUnlocker' -
- MachinaGod for 'lokiwiz' -
- mamaich for 'WM5 ROM editing tool' -
- psneddon and kenu for Logo Converter -
- nicob for scripting tips -
-, n oths -
* Please Choose one of the following options:
a - View README file
e - Enable RAPI (Run this after each hard reset)
b - Backup Radio, OS and Extended ROM from device
s - Write Backup Splash Logo (.nba) to Wizard
c - Convert + write BMP(240x320) Splash Logo to Wizard
r - Write Radio ROM to device (!! RUN unlock CID 1st !!)
w - Write OS ROM to device (!! RUN unlock CID 1st !!)
q - Quit this program
!!! ATTENTION! Please use this tool at your own risk!!!
* Type letter then press [Enter]:B
* Backup Wizard ROM Version 1.0
* Please enter the name of "folder" to save the ROM image to (e.g. "QT-1_6_3_4-W
WE"), no space pls
* Then press [Enter], or q to to main menu:radio
* Backup Radio ROM? (y/n/q):Y
* Backup OS ROM? (y/n/q):N
* Backup Extended ROM? (y/n/q):N
* Backup Splash ROM and HTC Logo? (y/n/q):N
* Please make sure the following before running this option:
* - your have connected your Wizard to the PC with USB ActiveSync connection,
* - already run the option 'e' at least once after the last time you hard reset
the Wizard
* then press [Enter] to start, or q to main menu:
[14:29:32.28] Backup Radio ROM [ROM\radio\] Start
* This process takes about 5 to 8 minutes depends on CPU Speed.
* Please wait.....
3 partitions, 2 binary partitions
customerid=00000000 uniqueid= 00 00 00 00 39 07 01 06 27 2c 17 3e 17 05 06 ec
CopyTFFSToFile(0x50000, 0x280000, ROM\radio\
ERROR: ITReadDisk: outbuf==NULL
[14:30:18.59] Backup Radio ROM [ROM\radio\] End
Press any key to continue . . .
G4 devices appear to have additional security. Add to that the fact that most of the neat copy tools here (awizard etc) seem to have issues with IPL 2.2x devices anyway and you can understand that there really isn't much to help in your situation.
As your device is Cingular 8125 with G4 Chip, it must have come with Cingular 2.25 Rom. I would suggest downloading it (either from here or and consider that as your "backup" because it will put your device back to the original shipped configuration.
Also, please don't cross post.

flashing help... mtcb-kgl1-V1.77 (rk3188 low res screen) (erisin bmw specific)

Hi all
Back Story:
Due to a frozen OS (back /home /swipe down for notifications etc.) and bazaarthings happen with the sound settings rendering my device unusable I've had to dabble with it for the first time.
Detailed device info:
MCU version:
May 142014 17:49:17
Model number:
Android Version
Kernel Version
[email protected] #555
Wed May 14 03:45:57 PDT 2014
Build number
rk30sdk-eng4.2.2 20140514.19:44:15
My first fix attempt was the "restore system from backup" option from the recovery menu, but alas a missing backup image... fail one...
Also note worthy is that my menu has less options than most screen shots I've seen on youtube etc.
menu options:
>reboot system now
>update system/mcu image from /sdcard
>recovery system from backup
Failing to find the original image anywhere, I went with malask latest ROM that looked likely to work on my device ( from what I have read here a massive upgrade anyway! )
However it is not going so well:
Attempt 1:
Pop update.img + mcu.img (kgl1 1.77) on empty SD card in gps slot
-- Update rkimage...
Finding update package...
Find and check firmware...
Can not found firmware image or invalid image
Installation rkimage start.
Installation rkimage aborted.
Installation mcucfg start.
Installation mcucfg aborted.
Installation mcuimg start.
Installation mcuimg success.
System will now power off.
Attempt 2:
Pop update.img + mcu.img (kgl1 1.77) on empty SDcard in media slot
result: same as Attempt 1
Attempt 3:
Pop update.img + mcu.img (kgl1 1.77) on empty usbStick
> it does not see the USB drive in the recovery screen
> ( but does once system reboots to it's slightly frozen and broken OS )
Attempt 4:
The rock chip Android Flash tool
> my windows PC does not see the unit ( I expect for same reason that unit does not see USB until it boots into the home screen
> the Rock chip driver installer tool claims to have installed the drivers correctly
Attempt 5:
getting desperate...
5.1.1 update.img for mtcb (low res / "_p") found off this forum / mega
result: same as Attempt 1
I am now officially stuck, ideas anyone?:eek
Am missing something?
Maybe links to different ROM to try on sd card?
Any help greatly appreciated !
While2>1Confused said:
Hi all
Detailed device info:
MCU version:
May 142014 17:49:17
Model number:
Android Version
Kernel Version
[email protected] #555
Wed May 14 03:45:57 PDT 2014
Build number
rk30sdk-eng4.2.2 20140514.19:44:15
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Are you certain this is a 3188 device? possibly a 3066.
And you don't need to flash mcu each time. Id stay clear of mcu. It may be the problem.
I think I got the rk3188 bit off of the original advert 2 years ago...
I will go hunting rk3066 firmwares and give them a go
Thank you for replying with the pointers
Thank you! It was a rk3066
Now successfully on standard Kit Kat
Crazy sound seams fixed by OS update!
However, still no touch response along the Android bar so can't use home / back / swipe down for notifications
For now will install a " button saver " app
Probably will end up installing a custom ROM and read up on peoples hardware button remapping attempts

