Hi All,
After being a user of an SPV m2000 (HTC Blue Angel) for over a year, I've unfortunately decied I need a "proper" phone, and have now got the Motorola v3i as well.
However, shortly before i upgraded, I got a replacement SPV, with an upgraded rom set from my original one - details below.
Couple of questions:
1. Are these upgrades useful to anyone, or are they readily available out here anyway?
2. Is it possible to dump ALL of them in one go to my older SPV?
Details on ROMs follow:
_____________OLD SPV________________New SPV
Oper. Vers.____5.31.00wwe____________5.40.1.179
ROM vers._____1.31.00wwe____________1.40.00 wwe
ROM date______12/13/05______________03/10/05
Radio Vers._____1.06.02_______________1.06.02
Prot. Vers.______1337.38_______________1337.38
ExtROM Ver_____1.31.124 wwe__________1.40.179wwe
Feedback / details / requests for upload - all for the asking!
PS - just like to say a big thanks to all the experts here that helped me along the way. Now maybe I can give something back!
my device data reads this -PH20B 0 B WWE E BRIGH001 1.22.00 0 0 1.22.722 1.06.02 06.02
i have qtek 9090.what i do do i upgrade or not ? what maks dif.in my device.wich version io have to choose for me.
The latest ROM version is 1.42.00WWE shipped from T-Mobile and the Radio is 1.15.00.Check Wiki.
U DO can upgrade your rom with a WWE one,e.g.the version I listed above.Also,check Wiki.
Hi Guys, I am sorry but I could not read the forum since a long time, I also tried to read as much as I can this morning, thread on rom version, but i am Confused
Which rom I NEED ? since actually I have
ROM Version: 1.22.00 WWE
ROM Date: 10/22/2004
Radio version: 1.06.00
Protocol version: 1337.38
ExtROM version: 1.22.126 WWE
It is a Qetk ROM WWE on a FRE Qetk
I would love to be up to date but could not figure out what rom to use
looks like the only thing up can do is upgrade radio
your extended ROM is different from mine? you got a 162 and I got a 126, is there any big difference? Also regarding the Radio worth it to upgrade my Qetk?
The way I understand it so far is that the version number of an exteneded rom is based on the carrier.
What I am saying is that just because I-mate has a Extrom 1.22.999
does not mean that it is higher than Qtek Extrom 1.22.111
all it says it that for I-Mate 999 would be a Higher version than I-Mate 1.22.555
What I have found out is that there are 4 types of cabs in the exteneded rom.
1) Upagrade and patches that build on the OS in this case 1.22.
2) Carrier settings, such as splash screens and MMS setings.
3) Free software such as zip and the PDF reader
4) Hardware upgrades like buuton9 which is only avalible on a Pocket pc that has a Hardware keyboard.
Thus my pratice is to leave the exteneded rom as is and cook it later.
Thanks so far since I don't have to complain of the present situation, I will leave everything as it is and wait for a new 1.XX rom
Hi all, I have a VPx with version 1.22.00 WWE / 1.06.00 / 1337.38 / 1.22.155 WWE. I am interested to upgrade particularly the radio version and figure that I might as well just go to 1.40 as this includes everything.
I believe that I will need to use the generic Qtek 9090 1.40 WWE ROM as Vodafone have not published any upgrades. Question is, will it work with the PH20B2 specifically? Are there any caveats to watch for, anyone else who has already done this same unit upgrade?
Many thanks!
I'd like an answer to the above, as I'm using the exactly the same PDA.
Anyone care to comment?
Well the answer is indeed to use the Qtek image and follow the instructions from Wiki here: http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=BA_1.40.00_Upgrade
This will remove all of the Vodafone branding from the Extended ROM so when it reinitialises you will lose the Vodafone theme and the bootstrap image changes from Vodafone to Qtek. Bear this in mind if it matters to you in the future.
I had to use the MaUpgradeUt_noID utility and the first time it stalled. After 20 minutes I killed the process (under XP) and reran it, successfully.
Use at your own risk!
Thanks for the reply JBN.
Which upgrade do you suggest, as there are several available there?
I used 1.40.147 as this is the basic WWE image. I cannot speak to the suitability of the other versions.
Hope this helps,
I tried the Image mentioned above & it worked great !!
Glad to hear it! The VPx is no longer sold by Vodafone, and even its replacement the V1620 (identical in almost every way) is apparently on its way out.
However the good news if you feel brave and look around the forums is that a lot of work has gone into hacking Windows Mobile 5 images suitable for Blue Angel. So if you are not dependent on official support then you don't have to miss out on WM5 advantages such as they may be!
To start with I have had my xda iis only a few days. The roms is:
ROM version: 1.12.62 WWE
ROM date: 10/04/04
Radio version: 1.02.00
Protocol version: 1337.32
ExtROM version: 1.12.178 WWE
There are numerous comments on here and the wiki about different rom and radio updates. Could anyone sum up the benefits and differences for me if i upgrade rom or radio please?
Can nobody advise a newcomer to xda iis and these forums? On other subjects I've had a really good response but nobody seems to want to advise me on this thread.
martlewis - you know there's a new ROM out, everyone's busy trying that out! Windows Mobile 2005. If you feel confident in doing a backup, try that one. It's got serious issues to be resolved, but you're lucky enough to own a device that can be upgraded.
I've got a magician, so can't help re your specific rom.
If you can wait for the new ROM WM5 to be developed it will be OK for you, but if you can't I would suggest that you should up-grade to the latest available ROM up-date which is as follows:
ROM version : 1.40.00 WWE
ROM date : 03/10/05
Radio version : 1.13.00
Protocol version: 1377.42
ExtRom version : 1.40.176
This is the best performing ROM version as at now.
sorry for my intrimission!
I have a pda2k with italian rom, but I would to like to have the system language in english.
To upgrade the rom: I must download the version 1.40.00 WWE from wiki and then run the update using: MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe.. right?!
Dear Mart...
I have tried the new ROM which I've been waiting for a long time. Once installed, I liked it. Howerver, I started to find out that there are many problems that I'm not used to with WM2003 SE, therfore, I downgraded to WM2003.....until these issues are resolved. SO.... if know how to upgrade, and if you know how to downgrade in case you didn't like the new ROM......Then give it a try......apart from the issues it has....still I like it. Finally it's another new Microsoft Windows that will take some time to get stable.
I decided to wait for the official new ROM to be developed and published on the I-mate site to download and up-grade.
What's happening now is just trials for resolving the problems users are facing with the new WM5 ROM.
My device is working fine now with the 1.40 ROM version and 1.13 Radio version.
The only problem I'm facing is the statics in BT headset and I hope that we can find some solution for this problem in the near future, otherwise everything is going just fine.
Closer said:
sorry for my intrimission!
I have a pda2k with italian rom, but I would to like to have the system language in english.
To upgrade the rom: I must download the version 1.40.00 WWE from wiki and then run the update using: MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe.. right?!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I think that you have to simply download the english version and install it to your PDA2K through the computer cable. After the installation is complete, you will be having the english version installed on your PDA2K.
Hi everybody.
First of all, thanks for this really nice forum.
I am a complete newbie in Pocket PC world. I am coming from Palm world. In fact, I was so much disapointed by palm that I decided to switch.
So, I have just purchased in London a second hand T-Mobile MDA III. I have unlock really easily with the program I found on this forum.
Now I want to upgrade the ROM because regarding the version of mine, it seems pretty old. Here is my version description :
ROM Version : 1.06.00 ENG
ROM date : 08/05/04
Radio Version : 1.00.00
Protocol Version : 1337.30
ExtROM version : 1.06.117 WWE
Model No. : PH20B
I have read a lot of information about this subject, but to be honest I am completly lost.
First I don't understand what is an extended rom ? I mean why there is two roms.
Secondly, what is the last version of the ROM I can use to upgrade my MDA III. I don't care that much about the T-Mobile configuration since I am using it in France. So anyway I will have to put another configuration for my carrier. So what ROM can I put and what is the process to do the upgrade. For the moment I don't want to upgrade to WM5 just new version of WM2003 SE. In fact, if at the same time I can get rid of the T-Mobile branding, it would be great, but it's my principal reason for upgrade.
Also, my last question is that sometimes after using my mda, it seems to run quite slow, specially display. Do you know what is the reason ? I am thinking it might be relating with the use of WM9.
Thanks a lot for your help guys.
First of all: read all the wiki section for BA (BlueAngel)
It's quite well explained there.
Your roms are indeed old.
Go to the wiki section and download newest rom update.
( I think that I-mate's update has ROM 1.40.00WWE with Radio 1.12.00 and ExtROM 1.40.176WWE )
Upgrading is very simple, when you follow wiki.
ExtROM is a portion of ROM that contains installation files for provider-specific applications and some hotfices (CAB files). ExtROM can be edited by user (cooking) to personalize your device best.
At your point I suggest using extROM from this update.
Thanks a lot Robal.
I had to check some other post, because my current ROM was in ENG. So I use some trick to use WWE Rom.
But now it is working great.
hi everybody,
do somebody know anything 'bout an new update?..
i ve heard bout a test version 2.8.x but i cannont find it anywhere. and when will be the new one released.
greets from the chiemsee
we are currently on version 2.17/2.18 FINAL (Qtek ROM). T-Mobile haven't released any new yet.
I've not looked into upgrading my ROM yet as there seem to be so many horror stories around here.
Could someone say what the main benefits of newer ROMs are (I'm using the latest UK T-Mobile factory-fitted ROM at the moment) and what the dangers of installing non T-Mobile ones are? (I've already turned off most of the T-Mobile rubbish, but I don't want to suddenly lose Text or MMS messaging, or my default GPRS internet connection, etc). And if I upgrade the ROM, can I just use something like SPB Backup to restore all my applications, messages, etc. automatically or do I need to re-install applications by hand?
The new Rom is faster, has DirectPush Support and there are a few other little things better. And in the QTek Rom is no T-Mob. branding.
The Danger (with all rom updates, not only with non T-Mob. Roms): It's possible that you damage or destroy your device. Important is that you use lokiwiz to unlock your MDA for other Roms than from T-Mob.
I recommence reinstalling the apllications by hand. yfor mails etc. you can use spb backup. (if you haven't it on your pc to resync too)
i know about the new qtek 2.18.. but here in the forum in a topic the tell about 2.8 t-mobile test rom or beta rom.. possibly a wrong number... do anybody still have this rom?.. better in german lang.. or a way to downgrade from the new qutek to t-mobile... cause i don t know if it s possible to take my baby back in "real" t-mobile-flair if there is a problem with warranty someday....
greets and thx for the fast answeres
I'm also using a T-Mobile Vario with following device info:
ROM version WWE
ROM date 11/15/05
Radio version 01.12.10
Protocol version
ExtROM version
But I'm not on T-Mobile network and I use 802.11g wireless instead of GPRS, so I don't care about whether or not to stick with T-Mobile ROMs.
Could anybody please advise if it's OK for me to update other, a newer and better one hopefully, on my device? If so could you please recommend the newest set of ROMs.
BTW, I'm a newbie and I don't understand what Protocol and ExtROM are, and if I should install them, and if yes where to find them? Can you please explain. Thank you.
Just to update that I've upgraded my Wizard with the new Qtek ROM. It works much faster and there's now no problem with Wifi anymore.
Device Info:
ROM version: WWE
ROM date: 2/10/06
Radio version: 02.07.10
Protocol version: 413.1.03
ExtROM version:
Can anybody please advise what does the ExtROM do and if I can exclude it from the device? Any good in doing this? Thanks
Qtek ROM
Where can you get the Qtek ROM for MDA Vario from? I am also on UK t-mobile rom. its just too slow sometimes! but i dont want to damage the unit so which one is better Qtek to Imate KJAM rom and which version is the best one to download and where can I get them?
Thanks I know these are very silly basic questions!
I honestly don't know which ROM is better, I just tried Qtek one because I saw it most updated. Luckily it went smoothly for me. If you've got the UK T-Mobile please make sure that you've unlocked its CID beforehand.
You can get the ROM from here:
ftp://xda:[email protected]_2170702_21707102_20710_QTEK_WWE_Ship.exe
That's the newest English version.
Hope this helps.
I'm running the T-Mobile custom rom built on 2.17 and it works very well. As long as you follow directions and not panic if thngs look as if they are going astray, you shoudl be ok. I've upgraded, downgraded and upgraded again about a dozen different times with only one time having it going south on me. I just used the bootloader method of flashing and was abale to get out of trouble. I would use aWizard to to a full rom backup before doing a flash in case you want to downgrade. Over all, I do not know whether it is necessary but I always runb the unlock before the upgrade, even if I did it already. 3 minutes of time but could save your rear end . . . just my 2 cents . . .
Can you use T-Mobile USA rom on a UK Vario (Wizard)?
Hi all,
Just wondering if you can use the T-Mobile USA rom on a UK vario?
It seems the US version (2.17) is a lot newer than the UK version (1.06)
My advice would be to use the latest QTek rom of the desired language.
Make sure you make a backup of the current extROM beforehand.
After the upgrade you can install the backupped cabs you want by hand.
This gets you the most stable situation.
On the wiki there is a brief explanation of the various files in extROM