need change lang from Fance to English for QTEK 9100 - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario Software Upgrading

hi guys
for me need change lang from Fance to English for QTEK 9100
my phone information:
model: wiza200 QTEK 9100
IPL 1.01
SPL 1.01
DATE DE ROM 9/16/05
need help, where i can find latest soft. wich MaUpgradeUt_noID need to use. nee full info
thank you for help

How many PDA's do you got dude.....I saw similar messages from you in every forum here
I could only tell you this, just read the forum everything you want to know is explained a thousands times (read all the sticky's).
2 Weeks ago I was a complete Wizard/PDA noob, look what I know now already, just my browsing around this forum for a few times every day
Simple explanation for upgrading how I did it about 10 minutes after discovering this forum:
1) Install ActiveSync
2) Unlock CID (and SIM if necessary) with LokiWiz
3) Download ROM, click executable, start updating and that's it!


Upgrading & Stickies

Hi folks! Is there any chance of getting some stickies on here with Upgrade stuff in them? While it's fun to spend 4 hours searching the forums I think it may save time to have everything in one place
My current Wizard (MDA Vario flavour) details are:-
ROM Version ENU
ROM Date 38624
Radio Version 01.04.10
Protocol Version
ExtROM Version
However I've decided to stay up-to-date with all the software on it. As far as I can tell the sequence I need for upgrading and reflashing etc is:-
Unlock CID
Radio ROM
Extended ROM
As I'm on T-Mobile (UK) I'll need to retain all my settings for the network so does that mean I specifically have to re-flash with the T-Mobile ROM stuff or can I choose Qtek 9100 and iMate K-Jam ROMs and then add my settings in after? I know I can't use XDA Mini or SPV M3000 ROMs as their network-specific like my MDA Vario but just wondering about the others?
Any suggestions for versions etc?

Help upgrading my Qtek 9090 Rom

I have Qtek 9090, and i would like to upgrade the ROM since my current ROM has many Bugs, could anyone please tell me how can i do such thing. I ve never done a ROM upgrade, here is some info. about my 9090:
Language: Spanish
R 1.12
G 1.337.42
D 1.40.03 ESN
Thanks in advance.
Please read WIKI. The rom upgrade procedures have simple explaination there
i checked the WiKI database, greate source of information.
but i still can't find information about wich ROM should i install in my QTek 9090, since its spanish version and i didn't find out the spanish ROM there and not sure wich version to install, if you could help me would be of great help. thanks in advance.
If you want a spanish rom then there is the
Qtek ESN DANGA304 1.40.03 1.40.158 1.12.00
The instructions are the same as for the English roms you just need to dowbload a different file.
You can then upgrade the radio to 1.15
Ok mate, thanks for the answer.
Is this image the 1.42 ROM??, cus i readed this is the final ROM Update,
Qtek ESN DANGA304 1.40.03 1.40.158 1.12.00 ????????? this is what u suggested...
i really don't care about the language of my PDA, but the DEFAULT LANGUAGE of my PDA its on Spanish, i don't know if i can install English ROM????
i just want to install the best ROM, Spanish or English doesn't really matter.
You asked for a Spanish version, so the reply was on where to find info on that Spanish version...
The latest WWE version is 1.42, see
I would however suggest to wait for Tuatara's TuMa 1.4 WM5 Rom...
In the meantime I strongly suggest to start reading the wiki page
If you have read & understood on the regular Roms and you feel confident enough, proceed to
for the WM5 Rom...
Buena Suerte!
You can install any language rom, the latest shipped english rom is 1.42 and german is 1.42.01. The latest spanish rom is 1.40.03.
In Windows Mobile 5 The best roms are 2 IMHO
1.WM5 ported from Wizard version 2a - beta
2.WM5 ported from Wizard version 1.3-TuMa beta
WM5 roms are in english
ive read all the pages but im still a little confused of wich rom should i upgrade with.
my device information is:
PH20B0BESNNBSTAR301 1.40.03 03 1.40.1781.12.0012.00
i didn't find operator rom suppor as STAR301...?? im miss, really :s
In the device info says:
ROM 1.40.03 esn
Extended ROM 1.40.178 esn
Radio 1.12
* I would like to upgrade my device to the latest WWE WM2003 (not WM5 upgrade). release that would run properly in my device. I just don't want to screw it, and im having problems with the online info. please give me a hand. much thanks.
Oye, eres tonto?
and stop anoying everybody!
If you do not understand, use a landline :twisted:
I have successfully upgraded my ROM to the latest 1.42 from T-Mobile, i also upgraded the Radio to the 1.15.
i also fixed my default language to spanish qwert thanks to user called Antz that developed a greate .cab file...
much love XDA pimps
and thanks

MDA Vario - The newest Version of ROM

(I can´t speak english well.. sorry)
Could Somebody give here the newest english ROM version of MDA Vario?
Or the page, where is an oficial newest updates for it.
there are many roms that work on the mda vario for ext ive had the best experience with the cingular rom from summiter but you could go for any of them
yeah I was a beginner an I am now advance user of HTC wizard. And I have now problem with extROM. I can`t write there :-(.. I was use and it was unlock extrom to Look an I need unlocke it for write.. On ROM 1.5.x WWE it was posibble and now it isn`t yet .. Is it any way for write to extROM on HTC wizard? I have ROM 2.26 WWE (T-Mobile)

Upgrading from Qtek 2.18 Rom to T-Mobile 2.21 Rom

Got a little question for you guys,
Right now I have a Qtek 2.18 Rom installed (which I like very much), but wanna do a hard-reset and was thinking about an upgrade to a newer Dutch Rom.
The only newer Dutch Rom is the T-Mobile 2.21 Rom, but I DO NOT like all the T-Mobile customisations.
So my question is, if I install the T-Mobile Rom and then cut it off right before the customisation tools, will it be a clean Rom then, almost the same if that I would cut of the Qtek 2.18 Rom just before customisation tools will be installed? Or do I still have a lot of T-Mobile junk installed?
If it will be a clean WM5, I will install some of the Qtek and some of the T-Mobile Extended_Rom CABS to get a "normal" WM5 again (with MMS folder, ClearVue PDF and stuff like that).
I ask this question because as far as I know I CAN NOT downgrade to the Qtek 2.18 Rom again once I upgraded it to the T-Mobile 2.21 Rom (am I right?) so I cannot test it out for fun
Upgrading from Qtek 2.18 to T-Mobile 2.21 Rom (no problem!!)
Right now I am at work and got very bored, so I started to do some things for upgrading my Rom
Although I didn't got an answer to my questions, I took the shot and upgraded to a Dutch T-Mobile 2.21 Rom (with the chance that if I didn't like the T-Mobile Rom full of crap, I couldn't go back to my Dutch Qtek 2.18 Rom!).
So before my lunchbreak I upgraded it to the 2.21 Rom, tested it out for about 2 hours and came to the conclusion that it just sucked. I really don't like ANY carrierlogo's, skins, green batterymeter in the taskbar and other stuff of T-Mobile (cause I hate pink on my phone, it's not a gay or girls phone!).
So I tried to downgrade it and guess what, right NOW (while I am typing) my Rom is downgrading from T-Mobile 2.21 to Qtek 2.18 again without ANY problems!
This are the steps I have done with my Wizard (from the moment I got it):
- CID Unlocked my T-Mobile 1.08 Stock Rom
- Upgraded to this Qtek 2.18 Rom: RUU_Prodigy_2180706_21807106_20710_QTEK_Generic_DUT_Ship_2
- Upgraded again to this T-Mobile 2.21 Rom: RUU_Prodigy_2210205_22102108_021911_TMO_NL_DUT_Ship
- Downgraded my 2.21 Rom to my (good old) Qtek 2.18 Rom: RUU_Prodigy_2180706_21807106_20710_QTEK_Generic_DUT_Ship_2
So I don't understand why it's possible for me to downgrade/upgrade to whatever Rom I want and that other people have so many problems with this issue.
When Qtek releases a new Dutch Rom (hopefully an AKU2.3 Rom) I will upgrade my Wizard and will see if I can still downgrade it again.
How did you make super CID? What tools did you use for it? I have Qtek 9100, ROM version of this device is WWE.
IPL 2.17.001
SPL 2.17.001
GSM 02.07.10
I did the following operations to make the device SUPER CID:
I synchronized the devece with Active Sync 4.1 .
I started aWizard 1.3 beta 1.
I checked options u and e with aWizard 1.3 beta 1.
Then I started Lokiwiz02b and checked option C.
But it did not help.
After that I tried application unlock for SDA, and then started option C with Lokiwiz02b, but it didn't help.
How can I make the device SUPER CID?
When my Wizard got delivered by the mailman, the very first thing I did was CID unlock with LokiWiz 2.0b (the stock rom was a T-Mobile 1.08 Rom), after that I did an upgrade to the Qtek 2.18 Rom, today I did the upgrade to the T-Mobile 2.21 Rom and also today I downgraded it again to the 2.18 Rom.
Nothing more, nothing less
But I wanna know one thing for sure: By the upgrading and downgrading I did I can be sure my Wizard is Super CID unlocked or not (maybe Summiter, Machinagod, Faria or someone else can answer this for me)?
Or do I have to do some more testing to make sure? Right now, I am willing to try any long it is in Dutch and not WWE, I would freak out if I upgrade it again to the WWE Mr. Clean Rom or something and then notice that I can't downgrade anymore
Another question:
Is there maybe someone that knows when Qtek is gonna release a new Rom?
I noticed a positive difference in the performance between the 2.18 and 2.21 Rom, but just like I said, I hate T-Mobile Roms, because they have a bunch of crap in them (like carrierlogo's and stuff like that)? And there are no Clean Custom Roms in Dutch language, so I have to stick with the Qtek Roms for now!

Plz help changing language

its my 2nd post 1st was thanks for this nice forum,
so i am completely new to phone world,
my hobby is satellites, i have big dishes, dreambox and all channels trough sharing,
i just bought vario and unlocked it with the help of this forum ,
now language of phone is Dutch, i wana change it in to english,
plz can some 1 guide me step by step
and which files do i need and where
and how to upgrade plz
other info is this
IPL 1.03
SPL 1.03
Rom ver NLD
rom date 9/29/05
Radio ver 01.04.10
protocol ver
Ext ROm ver1.13.1.111
operator ver
lz guide me any easy way to change language and is it dangerious to change
language or upgrade it
i am new and dont have info about it
i will be very thank ful
hi guys with info
first i unlock my phone,
then i see how to onlock cid
with it
i have done that
but not sure is CID unlocked or not process was completed and phone was rebooted,
and my IPL 1.03
SPL 1.03
so is it 3G or 4G
in hard ware , flash chip type is M-Systems G3
plz guys nest step
how can i check if cid is locked or not and is it 3G or 4 G
after that which step
i am still learning forum but need lil guidence

