FYI: A2DP cab works on BA WM5 - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 Software Upgrading

Just tried the A2DP cab on my BA and it works. Pairing my Itech BT headphones now gives the option of Wireless Stereo. Sound is ok, similar to the sound with TuMa 1.4. Anyone else tried, please post your results.


A2DP on 1.40 (3900)?

Has anyone got A2DP working on the BT3900 stack? I just upgraded and tried to pair my Stereo headphones (SONORIX OBH110) with them. But it does not pick it up.

Help getting BT Stereo Headphones to work on Sprint PPC 6600

Im looking for some BlueTooth Stereo headphones, that will work with my Sprint PPC 6600. Its BT stack is 1.0 and dosn't have the A2DP profile. Is there a way to update my phone so it will suport the A2DP profile or is there BT Stereo Headphones that don't have the A2DP profile that will work on my phone? Please let me know what update or changes I will need to make. Thx.

A2DP Working on 595?

I paired Dopod 595/HTC MTeoR with SE HBH-DS970. Message confirmed the Wireless Stereo service is enabled.
BUT, the sound output from the earpieces is MONO.
Tested with another BT stereo headset: GRANDVUE MUSES 801 (Taiwan made), SAME... NO STEREO.
Both BT headsets work flawlessly with my ETen M600.
Any suggestion? Many thanks!
I am not familiar with the mteor, but I've heard about a similar problem with the qtek 8500, where there is a registry edit required to switch from 'joint stereo' (mono). See the following thread on howardforums, and maybe you have the same registry setting you can change?
Many thanks. Now it works, but I have to solve the problem of intermittent transfer of music.

Bluetooth A2DP one channel only

I have a Jabra BT620s A2DP headset and an AT&T Tilt with the stock ROM. The headset used to work great. Today I started it up, and all audio only comes through the left earphone, nothing comes through the right earphone. This includes system sounds, WMP, HTC Audiomanager, and TCPMP (haven't tried any other apps). I tried pairing the headphones with a different device and they work fine (sound through both ears). Does anyone know what the problem is?

HELP! Need a way to route ALL audio to headset thru MS Bluetooth

Hey people. Having a bit of a problem here. I've got a single ear bluetooth headset that i'm trying to route audio to.
Telephone calls work fine but I need the ability to route notification / confirmation sounds and raw music streams (basically all audio) to the headset.
I've tried a few solutions (VJvolubilis, bluemusic-etc) but every time I enable the audio gateway, I just get a hissing sound that plays over the headset, while all other sound is routed thru my hima.
I was thinking about configging the headset in the registry to support wireless stereo but wouldn't have a clue what settings to enter.
Could someone provide some advice (or a regkey for wireless stereo) on how I could go about routing all standard audio?
Oh BTW, i've tried the broadcomm stack for hima. Apparently the wavedev.dll file included doesn't know how to either recognise the widcomm stack, or work with it to route audio.
Can someone with a wireless stereo headset post a reg backup of their HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Bluetooth directory?
Also anyone with working streaming standard audio to a single ear BT headset, please post both your audioGW.dll & wavedev.dll from \Windows.
I would think that your BT headset does not support the A2DP proflie and therefore cannot be used to stream BT audio.
My stereo BT headphone works just fine using the MS BT stack since WM 5.0 AKU 2.X
SaBo, the headset is NOT a stereo BT headset. It's a single-ear handsfree headset (the apple bluetooth headset to be precise).
I know it WILL work with all routed audio because i've synced it with a friend's HP PDA that had a native BT stack and all audio (including mp3s and notifications) played thru the headset.
I'm not trying to enable A2DP, i'm trying to force the phone to route all audio thru the mono earphone of the headset.
Anyone else have any ideas?
As I know, it's impossible in himalaya because of technical reasons.
NxJay said:
I'm not trying to enable A2DP, i'm trying to force the phone to route all audio thru the mono earphone of the headset.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Afaik it's not possible on Himalaya.
You will need an A2DP Headset and it will work.
I know for sure it can be done. I had other issue, but that was the point.
you have to change some registrity entry, a don't remeber which, as soon as i find it i'll post it for you.
Here is a hack: try it
Andur, no luck on those 2 hacks.
Tried em both. Nothing happened.
The second hack, i enabled BTAudioOn.exe. All that happened was a hissing sound (kinda like background noise/static) started to play outta the headset, while all other sound kept playing outta my Hima.
Any other ideas? Or even better, any ways to fix the widcomm stack so i can use that to route audio? This MS stack is so useless.

