I am a bit new at this, so please ignore my ignorance:
I have an Xda Mini from O2, which I bought over Ebay, with the Imate ROM installed. It is ROM version WWE (2/6/06). The Radio version is 02.07.10, and the ExtROM version is
I am having some problems, and see that I can upgrade to the latest ROM. There are various versions; the Xelecin 2.24 ROM, the Summiter 2.17, and a Mr Clean ROM as well. Can I install any of these, or are they specific to my location (Switzerland), the network (Swisscom), and/or the HW?
Thanks in advance for some pointers.
Hi folks! Is there any chance of getting some stickies on here with Upgrade stuff in them? While it's fun to spend 4 hours searching the forums I think it may save time to have everything in one place
My current Wizard (MDA Vario flavour) details are:-
ROM Version ENU
ROM Date 38624
Radio Version 01.04.10
Protocol Version
ExtROM Version
However I've decided to stay up-to-date with all the software on it. As far as I can tell the sequence I need for upgrading and reflashing etc is:-
Unlock CID
Radio ROM
Extended ROM
As I'm on T-Mobile (UK) I'll need to retain all my settings for the network so does that mean I specifically have to re-flash with the T-Mobile ROM stuff or can I choose Qtek 9100 and iMate K-Jam ROMs and then add my settings in after? I know I can't use XDA Mini or SPV M3000 ROMs as their network-specific like my MDA Vario but just wondering about the others?
Any suggestions for versions etc?
Author's conclusion is that ROM with radio 01.13.10 is the fastest EDGE and USB connection speeds with stable ROM. I'm using a ROM with 01.13.10 radio with great results.
Best rom for I-mate k-jam
What is the best rom for an imate k-jam? I am running with radio 01.01.10
Re: Best rom for I-mate k-jam
jr97ai said:
What is the best rom for an imate k-jam? I am running with radio 01.01.10
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Your iMate KJAM is a HTC Wizard thus the author's recommendation of ROM & Radio 1.13.10 is valid. I have a MDA Vario and flashed to this combo with no problems. There is no "best" ROM as the hardware is basically all the same.
By reviewing this xda-developers section on Wizard, you'll form an impression on what works and what doesn't and the pluses / minuses of each.
All the best,
Question... What is this making sure your phone is CID unlocked?
Carrier unlocked?
Mine is an unlocked Imate K-Jam?
Can I just upgrade the Rom?
jr97ai said:
Question... What is this making sure your phone is CID unlocked?
Carrier unlocked?
Mine is an unlocked Imate K-Jam?
Can I just upgrade the Rom?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Look in aWizard ROM util link
Forgive me gentlemen as I am very new to this specific device... I ran the Awizard tools and used the CID unlock and backed up that file... I'm assuming that is to restore it incase of sending in for warranty?
I then backed up all (radio, rom, extended)
Okay so now my question is... Can I just run the Qtek rom executable or should I used the Awizard tools to do the Radio and Rom seperately...
Is there any difference? Can I even just upgrade by double clicking the executable? Will it give me a new extended rom then?
Finally, is there any software differences between the Qtek and the Imate?
I just want to use the Qtek rom until the latest I-mate rom comes out.
Thanks for your guys help.. I know you will be able to answer my questions....
best rom for wiza200 ?
hi , iam new in updating rom can sum2 please let me know the best rom for my o2 mini s my current specs are :
ROM DATE : 9/22/05
RADIO VER : 01.08.10
I was using the 1.13.x radio ROM and I never got above two bars even in spots where my Sidkick2 had a full set. I dropped down to 1.10.x and now it works almost as well as the SK2. Im using the 2.8.somthing test ROM though
thanks, i've been with and its running great, but after reading this atricle i'm upgrading to right now!
thanks for refferring the link
hi everybody,
do somebody know anything 'bout an new update?..
i ve heard bout a test version 2.8.x but i cannont find it anywhere. and when will be the new one released.
greets from the chiemsee
we are currently on version 2.17/2.18 FINAL (Qtek ROM). T-Mobile haven't released any new yet.
I've not looked into upgrading my ROM yet as there seem to be so many horror stories around here.
Could someone say what the main benefits of newer ROMs are (I'm using the latest UK T-Mobile factory-fitted ROM at the moment) and what the dangers of installing non T-Mobile ones are? (I've already turned off most of the T-Mobile rubbish, but I don't want to suddenly lose Text or MMS messaging, or my default GPRS internet connection, etc). And if I upgrade the ROM, can I just use something like SPB Backup to restore all my applications, messages, etc. automatically or do I need to re-install applications by hand?
The new Rom is faster, has DirectPush Support and there are a few other little things better. And in the QTek Rom is no T-Mob. branding.
The Danger (with all rom updates, not only with non T-Mob. Roms): It's possible that you damage or destroy your device. Important is that you use lokiwiz to unlock your MDA for other Roms than from T-Mob.
I recommence reinstalling the apllications by hand. yfor mails etc. you can use spb backup. (if you haven't it on your pc to resync too)
i know about the new qtek 2.18.. but here in the forum in a topic the tell about 2.8 t-mobile test rom or beta rom.. possibly a wrong number... do anybody still have this rom?.. better in german lang.. or a way to downgrade from the new qutek to t-mobile... cause i don t know if it s possible to take my baby back in "real" t-mobile-flair if there is a problem with warranty someday....
greets and thx for the fast answeres
I'm also using a T-Mobile Vario with following device info:
ROM version WWE
ROM date 11/15/05
Radio version 01.12.10
Protocol version
ExtROM version
But I'm not on T-Mobile network and I use 802.11g wireless instead of GPRS, so I don't care about whether or not to stick with T-Mobile ROMs.
Could anybody please advise if it's OK for me to update other, a newer and better one hopefully, on my device? If so could you please recommend the newest set of ROMs.
BTW, I'm a newbie and I don't understand what Protocol and ExtROM are, and if I should install them, and if yes where to find them? Can you please explain. Thank you.
Just to update that I've upgraded my Wizard with the new Qtek ROM. It works much faster and there's now no problem with Wifi anymore.
Device Info:
ROM version: WWE
ROM date: 2/10/06
Radio version: 02.07.10
Protocol version: 413.1.03
ExtROM version:
Can anybody please advise what does the ExtROM do and if I can exclude it from the device? Any good in doing this? Thanks
Qtek ROM
Where can you get the Qtek ROM for MDA Vario from? I am also on UK t-mobile rom. its just too slow sometimes! but i dont want to damage the unit so which one is better Qtek to Imate KJAM rom and which version is the best one to download and where can I get them?
Thanks I know these are very silly basic questions!
I honestly don't know which ROM is better, I just tried Qtek one because I saw it most updated. Luckily it went smoothly for me. If you've got the UK T-Mobile please make sure that you've unlocked its CID beforehand.
You can get the ROM from here:
ftp://xda:[email protected]_2170702_21707102_20710_QTEK_WWE_Ship.exe
That's the newest English version.
Hope this helps.
I'm running the T-Mobile custom rom built on 2.17 and it works very well. As long as you follow directions and not panic if thngs look as if they are going astray, you shoudl be ok. I've upgraded, downgraded and upgraded again about a dozen different times with only one time having it going south on me. I just used the bootloader method of flashing and was abale to get out of trouble. I would use aWizard to to a full rom backup before doing a flash in case you want to downgrade. Over all, I do not know whether it is necessary but I always runb the unlock before the upgrade, even if I did it already. 3 minutes of time but could save your rear end . . . just my 2 cents . . .
Can you use T-Mobile USA rom on a UK Vario (Wizard)?
Hi all,
Just wondering if you can use the T-Mobile USA rom on a UK vario?
It seems the US version (2.17) is a lot newer than the UK version (1.06)
My advice would be to use the latest QTek rom of the desired language.
Make sure you make a backup of the current extROM beforehand.
After the upgrade you can install the backupped cabs you want by hand.
This gets you the most stable situation.
On the wiki there is a brief explanation of the various files in extROM
hi everyone
I have an unbranded, never been locked, K-JAM
I recently installed the ROM from the clubimate site without problems
IPL/SPL - 2.16.0001 (G4?)
Radio: 02.07.10
the RRU during the upgrade showed 2.5.2
Every cooked ROM i try i get errors ranging from read errors, wrong RRU or the EXTROM/ Radio upgrades but not the OS.
As a bit of a noob, could someone please outline what ROMs i can install and how to install them
many thanks
You have a G4 device like me, try my cooked rom. It has the latest OS and Radio 2.26/2.25, extended rom also contains some extra programs like NoviiRomte deluxe 4.0, will definitely work on your device.
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Uploads/Wizard/Roms/Wizard_Love_2.26.10.2_WWE_Novii+CF2.rar
thanks Wlove
Worked perfectly and seems quicker
If you ever put together a 3.2 based ROM then I'll certainly be interested
that's a nice idea. I will give it a go.
Hi everyone,
I own a Wizard 8125 wirth the following version:
ROM version WWE
ROM date 5/11/06
Radio version 02.25.11
Protocol version
Can I update any of these versions?, I mean, can I make it better or improve bi flasing or updating roms?
And another thing, I've tried to install the ESN ROMS suggested in the forums but I get some errors, I guess it's because all of these roms are older thant the one I have.
Thanks in advance and I promissed to posto helpful threads once I get to use my new phone.