I just got my T-Mobile MDA from eBay. However it seems pretty slow. After reading the ROM upgrades threads, I want to ask if there is a ROM out there that has T-Mobile stuff integrated? Also, what else can I upgrade from the list below:
ROM Version: WWE
Radio Version: 02.25.11
Protocol Version:
ExtROM version:
tariq_niazi said:
I just got my T-Mobile MDA from eBay. However it seems pretty slow. After reading the ROM upgrades threads, I want to ask if there is a ROM out there that has T-Mobile stuff integrated? Also, what else can I upgrade from the list below:
ROM Version: WWE
Radio Version: 02.25.11
Protocol Version:
ExtROM version:
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well firstly, u need to get it CID unlocked, u can find the thread as a sticky to get that done...after that, u wanna do some research on which ROM would suite you best...there are several out there...and as for the tmobile stuff, there are indiviudal cabs u can download to install what uw ant from the Tmobile extROM...
@tariq_niazi - For fun why not keep this ROM (as it's the latest T-Mobile) and install Molski's two registry cabs? Will make a world of difference with little work on your part (and it's still stock)
http://www.molski.biz Look for HTC Wizard and then My Cab Files.
(btw, site isn't IE friendly, suggest you use Firefox)
Dr Puttingham said:
@tariq_niazi - For fun why not keep this ROM (as it's the latest T-Mobile) and install Molski's two registry cabs? Will make a world of difference with little work on your part (and it's still stock)
http://www.molski.biz Look for HTC Wizard and then My Cab Files.
(btw, site isn't IE friendly, suggest you use Firefox)
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Steven...didnt check out my site last few weeks?
If the Java menu does not work (if no Java is installed or using IE7) you can click a button to change the menu into a PHP menu that works 100%
Malik05 said:
Windows Mobile 6 Crossbow
T-Mobile MDA(WIZA200) G3
IPL/SPL: 2.26
Radio: 2.47.11
Overclocked bs 299MHz(260MHz)
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How in the world did you first overclock your phone to such high frequency? And secondly is the WM Crossbow stable and where did you get it from?
tariq_niazi said:
How in the world did you first overclock your phone to such high frequency? And secondly is the WM Crossbow stable and where did you get it from?
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I always run my Wizard on 299Mhz (with WM5, WM6 or every other Rom)
Hi Guys, I am sorry but I could not read the forum since a long time, I also tried to read as much as I can this morning, thread on rom version, but i am Confused
Which rom I NEED ? since actually I have
ROM Version: 1.22.00 WWE
ROM Date: 10/22/2004
Radio version: 1.06.00
Protocol version: 1337.38
ExtROM version: 1.22.126 WWE
It is a Qetk ROM WWE on a FRE Qetk
I would love to be up to date but could not figure out what rom to use
looks like the only thing up can do is upgrade radio
your extended ROM is different from mine? you got a 162 and I got a 126, is there any big difference? Also regarding the Radio worth it to upgrade my Qetk?
The way I understand it so far is that the version number of an exteneded rom is based on the carrier.
What I am saying is that just because I-mate has a Extrom 1.22.999
does not mean that it is higher than Qtek Extrom 1.22.111
all it says it that for I-Mate 999 would be a Higher version than I-Mate 1.22.555
What I have found out is that there are 4 types of cabs in the exteneded rom.
1) Upagrade and patches that build on the OS in this case 1.22.
2) Carrier settings, such as splash screens and MMS setings.
3) Free software such as zip and the PDF reader
4) Hardware upgrades like buuton9 which is only avalible on a Pocket pc that has a Hardware keyboard.
Thus my pratice is to leave the exteneded rom as is and cook it later.
Thanks so far since I don't have to complain of the present situation, I will leave everything as it is and wait for a new 1.XX rom
hi everybody,
do somebody know anything 'bout an new update?..
i ve heard bout a test version 2.8.x but i cannont find it anywhere. and when will be the new one released.
greets from the chiemsee
we are currently on version 2.17/2.18 FINAL (Qtek ROM). T-Mobile haven't released any new yet.
I've not looked into upgrading my ROM yet as there seem to be so many horror stories around here.
Could someone say what the main benefits of newer ROMs are (I'm using the latest UK T-Mobile factory-fitted ROM at the moment) and what the dangers of installing non T-Mobile ones are? (I've already turned off most of the T-Mobile rubbish, but I don't want to suddenly lose Text or MMS messaging, or my default GPRS internet connection, etc). And if I upgrade the ROM, can I just use something like SPB Backup to restore all my applications, messages, etc. automatically or do I need to re-install applications by hand?
The new Rom is faster, has DirectPush Support and there are a few other little things better. And in the QTek Rom is no T-Mob. branding.
The Danger (with all rom updates, not only with non T-Mob. Roms): It's possible that you damage or destroy your device. Important is that you use lokiwiz to unlock your MDA for other Roms than from T-Mob.
I recommence reinstalling the apllications by hand. yfor mails etc. you can use spb backup. (if you haven't it on your pc to resync too)
i know about the new qtek 2.18.. but here in the forum in a topic the tell about 2.8 t-mobile test rom or beta rom.. possibly a wrong number... do anybody still have this rom?.. better in german lang.. or a way to downgrade from the new qutek to t-mobile... cause i don t know if it s possible to take my baby back in "real" t-mobile-flair if there is a problem with warranty someday....
greets and thx for the fast answeres
I'm also using a T-Mobile Vario with following device info:
ROM version WWE
ROM date 11/15/05
Radio version 01.12.10
Protocol version
ExtROM version
But I'm not on T-Mobile network and I use 802.11g wireless instead of GPRS, so I don't care about whether or not to stick with T-Mobile ROMs.
Could anybody please advise if it's OK for me to update other, a newer and better one hopefully, on my device? If so could you please recommend the newest set of ROMs.
BTW, I'm a newbie and I don't understand what Protocol and ExtROM are, and if I should install them, and if yes where to find them? Can you please explain. Thank you.
Just to update that I've upgraded my Wizard with the new Qtek ROM. It works much faster and there's now no problem with Wifi anymore.
Device Info:
ROM version: WWE
ROM date: 2/10/06
Radio version: 02.07.10
Protocol version: 413.1.03
ExtROM version:
Can anybody please advise what does the ExtROM do and if I can exclude it from the device? Any good in doing this? Thanks
Qtek ROM
Where can you get the Qtek ROM for MDA Vario from? I am also on UK t-mobile rom. its just too slow sometimes! but i dont want to damage the unit so which one is better Qtek to Imate KJAM rom and which version is the best one to download and where can I get them?
Thanks I know these are very silly basic questions!
I honestly don't know which ROM is better, I just tried Qtek one because I saw it most updated. Luckily it went smoothly for me. If you've got the UK T-Mobile please make sure that you've unlocked its CID beforehand.
You can get the ROM from here:
ftp://xda:[email protected]_2170702_21707102_20710_QTEK_WWE_Ship.exe
That's the newest English version.
Hope this helps.
I'm running the T-Mobile custom rom built on 2.17 and it works very well. As long as you follow directions and not panic if thngs look as if they are going astray, you shoudl be ok. I've upgraded, downgraded and upgraded again about a dozen different times with only one time having it going south on me. I just used the bootloader method of flashing and was abale to get out of trouble. I would use aWizard to to a full rom backup before doing a flash in case you want to downgrade. Over all, I do not know whether it is necessary but I always runb the unlock before the upgrade, even if I did it already. 3 minutes of time but could save your rear end . . . just my 2 cents . . .
Can you use T-Mobile USA rom on a UK Vario (Wizard)?
Hi all,
Just wondering if you can use the T-Mobile USA rom on a UK vario?
It seems the US version (2.17) is a lot newer than the UK version (1.06)
My advice would be to use the latest QTek rom of the desired language.
Make sure you make a backup of the current extROM beforehand.
After the upgrade you can install the backupped cabs you want by hand.
This gets you the most stable situation.
On the wiki there is a brief explanation of the various files in extROM
Hi, i have a htc wizard and want to upgrade my rom to the latest one, how do i do so and which version to use. please help.. my current specs are....
rom version 1.1.75
rom date 9/22/05
radio version: 01.01.10
protocol ver:
extrom ver:
flash chip type: m-systems g3
ipl: 1.01
spl: 1.01
medontno said:
Hi, i want to upgrade my rom to the latest one, how do i do so and which version to use. please help.. my current specs are....
rom version 1.1.75
rom date 9/22/05
radio version: 01.01.10
protocol ver:
extrom ver:
flash chip type: m-systems g3
ipl: 1.01
spl: 1.01
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Call your service provider and ask them for a link to their ROM.
in the short term use the advice above, then read some of the posts in this forum. You'll find several cooked rom on here, by reading the threads you'll find what problems people have had and which one contains the applications you want.
You'll find a lot of applications and tweaks on this site, its well worth reading and trying before useing a cooked rom
thanks, but have not been able to reach them by phone.
medontno said:
thanks, but have not been able to reach them by phone.
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Don't they have a web site?
yes. havent had any reply from them though.
You really need to study what it is that you are getting ready to do. It is way too easy to get in way over your head very quickly. Plenty to read here and if you get tired you can always go out to your providers web site and read things there.
medontno said:
thanks, but have not been able to reach them by phone.
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HTC should have your latest ROM on their website (http://www.htc.com)
Select your Region, then Click on the Support tab
From the Drop-Down boxes, select your carrier and phone model.
You should then see a link to download the latest software.
It's pretty straight forward. You will loose ANYTHING stored on the phone so make sure you Sync up and/or copy anything you wish to keep to your computer. Some people have recommended that you remove your 'miniSD' card before flashing your ROM.
At boot:
IPL: 2.26
SPL: 2.26
GSM: 2.25.11
Device Information > Version:
ROM version: WWE
ROM date: 6/7/06
Radio bersion: 02.25.11
Protocol version:
ExtROM version:
Are there any possible upgrades i can do? I've seen people post that they have like 3.xx SPL/IPL and 2.27.xx.xx Radio ROMs and stuff like that.. how and where can i get the latest of the latest? (This forum is too messy for me to find out anything like that om my own)
EDIT: I have no idea what "Kitchen" stands for.. and when I was gonna download WM6 there were 3 different Page Pools to choose from.. what difference does the page pools make and how do i know wich version i wanna use? Also, how do i know what page pool i currently have? none of this information can be found anywhere.. it's hard beeing a newbie!
kryXorange said:
At boot:
IPL: 2.26
SPL: 2.26
GSM: 2.25.11
Device Information > Version:
ROM version: WWE
ROM date: 6/7/06
Radio bersion: 02.25.11
Protocol version:
ExtROM version:
Are there any possible upgrades i can do? I've seen people post that they have like 3.xx SPL/IPL and 2.27.xx.xx Radio ROMs and stuff like that.. how and where can i get the latest of the latest? (This forum is too messy for me to find out anything like that om my own)
EDIT: I have no idea what "Kitchen" stands for.. and when I was gonna download WM6 there were 3 different Page Pools to choose from.. what difference does the page pools make and how do i know wich version i wanna use? Also, how do i know what page pool i currently have? none of this information can be found anywhere.. it's hard beeing a newbie!
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STOP. Read the CID unlocking and upgrading G3 wizards thread. DO NOT attempt to do anything else until you have completely followed that thread. You already have a good IPL/SPL, you do not need to upgrade it. But you cannot upgrade your OS or Radio unless you are CID unlocked (or use the shell tool) There is plenty of information on how to proceed for you in just the Sticky posts alone.
Also you can use Google to search as well as advanced search in these forums. They may be messy but most of that comes from people that don't want to help themselves and ask the same questions over and over and over that have been answered too many times to count.
From what you have posted you look to have a solid and latest release from a carrier. Before you upgrade anything I would suggest you read the rom threads of the roms that you are interested in and see if they will give you anything that you need that you don't currently have. Once you are CID unlocked the sky is the limit.
Zzan said:
STOP. Read the CID unlocking and upgrading G3 wizards thread. DO NOT attempt to do anything else until you have completely followed that thread. You already have a good IPL/SPL, you do not need to upgrade it. But you cannot upgrade your OS or Radio unless you are CID unlocked (or use the shell tool) There is plenty of information on how to proceed for you in just the Sticky posts alone.
Also you can use Google to search as well as advanced search in these forums. They may be messy but most of that comes from people that don't want to help themselves and ask the same questions over and over and over that have been answered too many times to count.
From what you have posted you look to have a solid and latest release from a carrier. Before you upgrade anything I would suggest you read the rom threads of the roms that you are interested in and see if they will give you anything that you need that you don't currently have. Once you are CID unlocked the sky is the limit.
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thanks.. but i already have CID unlocked though.. i used to have like 0.34 IPL/SPL and a far lower radio and another OS and all that.. upgraded to what i wrote a couple of days ago...
yea i've tried google searching too.. but since i have no idea what differs the ROMs from eachother, i have no idea what to google for..
Hey you guys im new the community, im a real noobie when it comes to these kinds of things. i saw a video on youtube about touchflo on my phone. I have a Cingular 8125. I have Window Mobile Version 5.0. If somebody could please show me really good instructions on how to do this. Theres probably other threads on this but im such a noob that i havent found it. By the way my phone has an ipl and spl of 2.25.0001. I dont know if my phones CID is unlocked or not. so if i can start with those instructions and then the following ones to install touchflo on my phone it would mean alot to me if i could. thanks.
heres some more info on my phone.
ROM version is
ROM Date is 5/11/06
Radio Version 02.25.11
Protocol version is
ExtRom Version is
Model NO. is WIZA100
check this,it worsk great on my 9100
i just put this setup in my storage card and install from there?