Some of the icons could not be loaded and gives the following error
1) BTIcon.exe
The file 'BTIcon' cannot be opened. Ether it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. You Might need to reinstall or restore this file.
2) psShutXP.exe
The file 'psShutXP' cannot be opened. Ether it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. You Might need to reinstall or restore this file.
3) Init_Tray.exe
The file 'Init_TrayP' cannot be opened. Ether it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. You Might need to reinstall or restore this file.
The file 'StartUpMgrHelper' cannot be opened. Ether it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. You Might need to reinstall or restore this file.
this is happend after i installed 'Helmi_BA_WM2k5_AKU3.5_v1.4.CF2'
im sure...
you did not hard reset your device after ROM upgrade.. that's why you have that problem.. if you read the wiki or the instructions on how to upgrade your device the right way, u will never enncounter that kind of problem....
should i reinstall it again?
and i have always had a problem wit my wifi after i starting using the softwares on this site, didnt happen on the original
wat happens is it finds the access point but when i connect it says conntecting then goes bak to avaible
I am trying to run a program that a friend gave me when he upgraded phones.
I have a T-Mo MDA with the latest T-Mo USA ROM on it.
Whenever I try to run the app, I get th efollowing message:
The file cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. You might need to reinstall or restore this file.
I verified that all the files are there, and everything is in one directory. How can I alter/add "trusted certificates"? Do I need to unlock my phone for it to run?
With a simple click of the "Search button" I found THIS topic. Read over it.
Wolvereen said:
I am trying to run a program that a friend gave me when he upgraded phones.
I have a T-Mo MDA with the latest T-Mo USA ROM on it.
Whenever I try to run the app, I get th efollowing message:
The file cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. You might need to reinstall or restore this file.
I verified that all the files are there, and everything is in one directory. How can I alter/add "trusted certificates"? Do I need to unlock my phone for it to run?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
try the registrywizard, available on this forum or try:
Thanks guys,
I found the following, however I am stuck at step 1. Can either of you assist with issuing a "Code Signing Certificate"?
Sorry, I guess I am a bit more nube than I thought...
FYI - Registry Wizard has no effect... Says my device has AKU 2.3.0 and some options will be diabled? However, "Disable Security Warnings" is checked. I applied and soft reset, still no love...
Yes I tried it and it works!
1.First you have to issue a Code signing certificate:
- Add a code signing template using Certification Authority snap-in
- Issue a code signing certificate
2. Download and Extract code signing tools:
3. Run signcode.exe on WM5 executable file using the certificate you created earlier.
4 Copy executable file to WM5 device
Hi I am getting 3 errors after Doing Reset
My system
HTC Wizard, TMO UK EXT rom
error :-
1) the file `sddaemon` cannont be opened. Either it is not signed with a truste certificate, ore one of its components cannot be found. if the problem persists try reinstalling or restoring this file.
2) the file `elatepushservice` cannont be opened. Either it is not signed with a truste certificate, ore one of its components cannot be found. if the problem persists try reinstalling or restoring this file.
3) Magicall the service did not start cotact [email protected] for help.
Anybody got any ideas on how to solve please
try reflashing WM6 again.
Had the same problem with wm5 with 2.24 rom if i reverted to tmouk rom all was sweet (i think it was 2.22 tmo) was wondering if anyone else on tmouk ueing there ext rom knew how to fix
go to settings > system panel... and look for startup manager and remove the sddeamon and whatever else.
daveywave said:
go to settings > system panel... and look for startup manager and remove the sddeamon and whatever else.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
is that safe to do?
When i'm trying to update the sprint tv app it says " There was a connection error while attempting to update TV channels. Retry" and every time I hit yes to retry it cycles the same error. Also When I hit the button to "Launch" the application a box that says "SprintTV.exe - The file SprintTV cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file." Any help would be greatly appreciated...
PSN ID: Worthe
play hard, Game Harder!
I had the same thing happen. I found a file named Launcher.exe in my /Program Files/ directory that has the Sprint TV logo. I opened IE with a message saying it couldn't find Sprint TV and gave the option to reinstall. The cab that I downloaded did the trick.
It asked to install over the previous version, I said yes. It then said that the previous version couldn't be found, and I said install anyway. Install to your device, not storage card. Ultimately it said the installation failed, but runs anyway. I also suggest not being connected to ActiveSync when you install it. Sprint TV won't work unless you are connected to the Sprint network.
hi all, i installed iFonz 1.1.2 but didnt like it so uninstalled it, but now whenever i turn on my device it comes up with:
the file 'iFonz' cannot be opened. whether it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. if the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring the file.
does anyoen have any idea on what this could be??? gonna really annoy me
Go into file explorer, then go into My Device>Windows>Startup, then delete the iFonz file. I've done it before and I quite agree, it's a pain.
thanks buddy . it worked for me
Hello Every Body.
After a bad Manipulation, QuickGPS doenst want start.
she said me: "the file QuickGPS" cannot be opened. either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. if the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file."
Anybody can post a Cab of gpsrapid for my touch pro please?
Because all of gpsrapid i found on the internet has the same problem.
Try making a new shortcut to quick gps-you may have messed up the original one. Or, check if you've over-written any rom files related to quick gps with something that has the same name but a different function.
I try to execute them directly on the windows folder but not successfuly
I install tp2x rom...
i ask to the developer so
This is the error message in english
"the file QuickGPS" cannot be opened. either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. if the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file."
You get that error when you have a bad shortcut or when there are missing (or over-written) modules. If it happened right after the flash, then there's a problem with the rom.
after a flash, quickgps is ok.
but after the flash, i made a update of quickgps with a cab found on xda...
i restart, and i execute directly /windows/quickgps.exe
and my phone said the error message
Well, it's pretty obvious that you over-wrotr the stock modules with new ones that don't work. Remove them w/ sk tools or total commander, or just do a hard reset and start over. Why would you want a new quick gps, anyway?
i made that because i have a problem with gps since the start...