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It's ridiculous to apply and include political disputes in software! As this program does: w0lf's Translator v1.1
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as you can see Hungarian language is included!
We know there were old political disputes between Romania and Hungary. But to omit deliberately Hungarian language only because Romania has disputes with Hungary (certain people) it's ridiculous.
But the romanian author of this program did deliberately omited the Hungarian language in his program.
Simply childish.
I'm too born in Romania too and proud to be a Romanian, but to include political disputes in my software is under my dignity.
Same rasistic policy is applied by Visicom Navigator GPS Ukraine 2008 v3.2.8. Where because Ukraine has disputes with Romania has choosen to apply same rasistic attitude in this GPS software: towns with majoritary romanian population are very poor representated (no streets, building numbers, and so on...). Small towns with majoritar ukrainian population are represented with complete street and building information.
I sent all this information to Romanian authorities: parliament, newspapers and foreign ministry.
IMHO no politics or political disputes should be present in software!
You posted in the wrong section, not a contribution to Hacking & Development "unless posted under the authors thread"
Also speculation as how do you know what you say is true and not just the development not every language is included, so it could be said for other countrys not included that it's racism?
Missing Countrys:
& more as not going to point them all out.............
Have you sent the author a translation yourself and had him or her refuse to add it or is this just a conspiracy theory of your own
closed this post because of cross-posting
where can i find the dutch wm 6.5 roms for my HD
what about searching for NLD in it's title...
Wahahaha seems like nobody reads wiki or forum rules......
Did Fallen Spartan made the stiky threads just for fun?? LOL
I know i can use my Bionic with At&t will the same hack work with Sim cards from the UK
Yes. There are numerous examples of people in that thread reporting success with GSM providers from across the world. AT&T is not special. The unlock is for cellular providers that use regular GSM protocols for voice/data.
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