I downloaded the HTC Home Today Plugin somewhere on this site and curious how to make it so my towns weather shows up. There is only preset cities in there.
Pick a page...courtesy of Google
Once I get home I will have to give it a try. I also need to change my greyish skin to more black. Need to get a nice free regedit program for that.
spanspace said:
Once I get home I will have to give it a try. I also need to change my greyish skin to more black. Need to get a nice free regedit program for that.
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is the best one fyi:
New to the ppc world and just got the Tilt on 10/18. Love it btw-and have figured out how to uninstall most of the bloatware that ATT includes, and also have figured out cab install.
So here's my question/s? Just a few if anyone would care to help-
1)Whats a good weather app that appears on the today screen that doesn't take up lots of real estate?
2) any suggestions for a good basic GPS app? (nothin fancy-don't want to pay ATT's monthly Telenav/saw google's already)
and last but not least--
3) Any way to put a power on/off icon on the today screen?
(I have fat finger syndrome-lol-and the power button on the side is a pita)
any suggestions are appreciated; along with any other "must have" apps.
Alemaker said:
New to the ppc world and just got the Tilt on 10/18. Love it btw-and have figured out how to uninstall most of the bloatware that ATT includes, and also have figured out cab install.
So here's my question/s? Just a few if anyone would care to help-
1)Whats a good weather app that appears on the today screen that doesn't take up lots of real estate?
2) any suggestions for a good basic GPS app? (nothin fancy-don't want to pay ATT's monthly Telenav/saw google's already)
and last but not least--
3) Any way to put a power on/off icon on the today screen?
(I have fat finger syndrome-lol-and the power button on the side is a pita)
any suggestions are appreciated; along with any other "must have" apps.
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The weather that comes with "HTC home" is my favorite.
Good basic GPS would either be Google maps - free if you have internet or (tomtom or Iguidance)
3) there's a few yes. I use pbar, but that's even smaller
kireol said:
The weather that comes with "HTC home" is my favorite.
Good basic GPS would either be Google maps - free if you have internet or (tomtom or Iguidance)
3) there's a few yes. I use pbar, but that's even smaller
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just a tad confused about HTC Home, I've got the screen setup like ATT set it up and their weather is a java app that's monthy and doesn't show up on the today screen, I'm sorry if I don't have my terms correct yet.-------
Just found PowerTap-here http://www.freewarepocketpc.net/ppc-download-powertap.html
Shot 1: Here's my today screen
shot 2: After pressing the sun on screen 1, you see this
shot 3: after pressing the right arrow on screen 2 you see this
shot 4: after pressing the little guy you see this
it does a lot.
get it here
customizer for it here
HTC audio player that works with the home here
Thx for the help and the screenies!!! - I'll check it out.
kireol said:
Shot 1: Here's my today screen
Wow-this IS suhweeet!!!!!! Just one more noob question?
From your screenies I see that your .tsk is a HTC one.
Where would a get cool themes to go with this? And thanks so much-bein a noob here, you've helped me quite a bit
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http://www.pocketpcthemes.com/ is always fun
or if you want mine, i think it's the tsk in this
Help.. attached is my current Today screen..
i want to keep my Hima as content free as i can so i only installed SPB pocket plus 4, changed today theme with a full black one, and installed PhoneAlarm.. that's what i have right now.. I want to move the PhoneAlarm to the bottom most part of the screen where i also took out the screen rotate/power and wireless comm manager icons via reg hack.
can anyone please help? i tried using WAD but it's too big for me.. anyway i can just tweak the PhoneAlarm itself?
any ideas will be greatly appreciated... thanks in advance!
U have to edit ur Registery Settings For Ur today screen (i.e. their order numbers)..i think
There is a very good explanation on the PhoneAlarm website on how to edit your skin. That should do the trick.
There's also some old tiny today plugin (can't remember it's name, sorry) that adds just empty space between other today plugins.
AFAIR it's called "Spacer".
Maggy said:
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thanks for the replies! im in the office ryt now and i can't install spacer yet.. BUT.. if it's a plug-in, then it would do the same as adding a new plug-in to move it.. then a white scrollbar will come up on the right... RIGHT? (hope im wrong...) i'd try it.. anybody else got ideas? how about that registry mod thing.. any clue what key values i need to modify ?
concentrate on the phonealarm skin
Maggy said:
concentrate on the phonealarm skin
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downloaded it not from scarybear site but on
set it on 33pixels...
perfect!!! thanks everyone!!!
I'm sorry. I didn't know it was on Pocketmax, else I would have given you the link.
I advice everyone to always check the original writer's website for all your software, both for PC and PDA.
In general they give better support, more information, they like to be in touch with their users, comments and suggestions can improve a product in many ways. Most offer free beta's for serious testers, some offer free full products for beta testers and I've seen more than once that writers released their older products to the public domain while they're still on sale on the shopping cart sites.
And of course it's safer...
In most cases you can find a link to the writer's site in the About screen, the Help or a Readme. Or you can Google (sorry Google, I continue to use it as a verb)
I've searched quite a bit and I just can't find it, what is the link to the first screen that shows up on the Tilt when it boots up?
I know the animation is: 3G Up_01_1.gif
I know the Windows start image is: welcomehead.95.png
But I can't find out that first image.
Or if there is anyway to make one picture show up the whole way through instead of switching to the 3 seperate ones. (I do know there is a point to it, and it's nice to know where it is in the boot process)
And while you're here, do you know if there is a way to add a "Weather" plugin to the HTC Home Plugin that comes on the Tilt? I've found the upgraded one that adds the PIE icon and I can use Kaiser Tweak to add more, but none of them are a weather plugin.
that's part of ROM image, to cahnge it you have to flash your ROM with a cooked one. Also, I think you can just flash the splashscreen but that requires you to load a different bootloader such as HardSPL.
If you have HTC HOme loaded, then you have a weather tab. Get HTC Home Customizer from pocketemu.com and you can customize the tabs, icons, and weather settings.
edit: I don't think this is what you were looking for. Unless you want to disable the start up animation..
ericc191 said:
edit: I don't think this is what you were looking for. Unless you want to disable the start up animation..
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Nope, I've already replaced that one.
Thanks though.
smittyofdhs said:
that's part of ROM image, to cahnge it you have to flash your ROM with a cooked one. Also, I think you can just flash the splashscreen but that requires you to load a different bootloader such as HardSPL.
If you have HTC HOme loaded, then you have a weather tab. Get HTC Home Customizer from pocketemu.com and you can customize the tabs, icons, and weather settings.
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Ok, I may have to look into that.
As far as HTC Home, I don't like the large clock format. I like how it is, although I plan to go through the Customizer and see if I can make one I like better.
Neonwheels said:
Ok, I may have to look into that.
As far as HTC Home, I don't like the large clock format. I like how it is, although I plan to go through the Customizer and see if I can make one I like better.
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If you don't use HTC Home plugin and just want a good weather plugin, then there's a host of good ones out there. I recommend SPB Weather it's one of the best out there.
smittyofdhs said:
If you don't use HTC Home plugin and just want a good weather plugin, then there's a host of good ones out there. I recommend SPB Weather it's one of the best out there.
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I will definitely look into that. So far I've just been using google as my PIE homepage with the weather located on top of the headlines once I log in.
Neonwheels said:
I will definitely look into that. So far I've just been using google as my PIE homepage with the weather located on top of the headlines once I log in.
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Yeah that's what I do to. I used to use Marsware WeatherPanel along with the normal plugins of WM5. Now with this HTC plugin, I just like it way better. My weather isn't as detailed but I like the design better then the old plugins. All comes down to personal perferences....
Thinking about getting one of these, but it would be more of a trial for someone else. Can someone tell me if it's possible to remove the M3D interface and go back to an HTCHome type interface? I'm sure it would install, but is there a version, or does it work on a VGA device? Please let me know if you've actually tried this, I can speculate that it would work, but I'm really not sure.
HTC Home VGA + HHC 1.0f
Of course there is, catch here
The first file is VGA version of classic HTC Home I found somewhere on this site. The second is HTC Home Customizer that allows you to enable/disable panels. Be advised there is NO music panel and direct music playback is probably not possible with this version.
Have fun
nik3r said:
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CanĀ“t download these files, because of a downloadlimit.
Where can I find it?
Sorry, I forgot to login to my RS account before uploading, reuploading as single file right now, I will update the links above
Downloaded and try now! Hope this would be an solution to replace the TouchFLO which might be a battery hungry!
I got rid of Touchflo as well here is a screenshot. I am still looking to change the clock the files I used to use on a Kaiser dont work anymore but HTC home works great.
Here's mine, it's VERY functional and quite sexy but it's just me I like to use stylus on today and see EVERYTHING as soon as I power on the display, SPB Shell is for finger access
Oh and I mapped a custom app menu from SPB Shell under long press of the Home button, it's loaded with ~11 apps I use the most to squeeze last bits of usability out of that baby
Hi, i can't get HTC Home Customizer to work for me. No matter what changes i make in it, when i go to apply them it always gives me the error: "An error occured copying your selected 'whatever'. The program will now continue." None of the changes are ever applied.
Any ideas what's wrong?
My Tilt died under warranty and they gave me a new one. I love to keep a picture of my boys on the screen but hate the background pictures. When I first got my tilt I somehow figured out how to include a picture plugin in the foreground on the today screen items. I could kept a picture under the date and calender items.
For the life of me I cannot remember how I did it. I thought maybe I just copied everything on the registry exactly from an old treo 750 I have which had the option programed in when I bought it. It did not work. Maybe because I could not copy the plugins (DLL files) from the windows folder. Beside the set up on the window folder seems to be different.
Does anybody know how I can include a picture in the today items? A software solution prehaps?
Start>Settings>Today>Items>uncheck HTC Home>OK>OK
Set your photo as wallpaper.
Hope that helps.
that is not what I am looking for
Thank you,
But in the background it is hard to see the the other today items because of the difference in brightness in most pictures. I am looking for a today item which I can include a picture where the other today items are above or below the picture.
What you are looking for is TodayImage. It is a Today plugin which alllows you to display one or more images.
Here are two cabs I have but I am not sure which one is the correct one. Its trial and error. I haven't used this in a long time.
Please let me know if this is what you are looking for.
There is also TodayGif which allows you to display an animated gif as a plugin on the Today screen also.
MACkjam said:
There is also TodayGif which allows you to display an animated gif as a plugin on the Today screen also.
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Didn't think this was possible! Nice one, I'll give it a try.....
Todaygif frooze my tilt?
Thank you very much. for the plugins. They didn't work well but the thought is appreciated.
I tired the todayimage but it didn't do a good job of fitting the picture on the screen. Then I tried todaygif, when I tried to add a new gif file it lockup and would not boot up agian. So I had to do a hard reset.
Anyone else know of another solution or plugin?
I think I might have figured out a way
I looked at my old palm treo and it has a plugin call Picture plugin. I think if I could get that on to my tilt I make the files in the registry to call it up.
When I try to copy that file off my treo it tells me
"Executable and resource file in ROM cannot be copied"
Is there another way to get that file onto my tilt?