password to edit rom 121 - Beetles

Download the rom121 from hp and use uniExtract to get
hpruu.exe / ceos.nbf / extrom.nbf / radioos.nbf .... and some more files.
When I try to use ER2003Edit to open the nbf, it ask me a password to open the rom image.
Did anyone have this problem before?
Thanks in advance.

I used dumprom.exe to dump the ROM, and mounted the EXTROM using WinImage. I did not tried to modify the ROM, but you cannot create EXTROM using WinImage (or tell me how ).

I have met the same issue, who knows the password for iPAQ 6515 ROM? thanks!

There Is No Password
The ROMs are not encrypted! No password!
You just have to use dumprom (ROM) or winImage (EXTROM)
Modifications shall be done using mkrom for ROM, for EXTROM I don't know.

help me i need this password to edit rom.


Can't over-write BTWizardProfiles.dll to enable ext modem

Hi, I put the I-Mate 1.40 WWE on my XDA IIs they other day. I'm just trying to over-write the BTWizardprofiles.dll file to allow my PDA to use an external modem. I have found that all the dll files in the windows folder are write protected and hidden! Anybody got any ideas on how to over-write this file. I tried removing the BT tray link from my startup folder, just incase the file was in use.
ROM 1.40.00 WWE ( the latest Imate rom from the FTP site)
ROM Date 03/10/05
Radio 1.13.00
ExtRom 1.40.176 WWE
Just to add a bit more....
I've done some reading and mucked about with un-hiding the extended rom. This is not the same thing. The files that are locked are the dll files in the windows directory, specificly the blutooth dlls that you over-write with a different version that allows you to use external bluetooth modems.
Try grabbing a demo copy of Resco Explorer -- it'll let you change the R/O & hidden properties on any non-ROM file.
Thanks, I tried that. It says the file is a rom file amd won't let me delete it. I found a different way of doing it. I down loaded a cab from www dot azukla dot com slash bt3900dun.bat
So, Im still trying to work out why, with o2, everything works but with 1.40 pda2k software, the windows dlls are marked as rom files

wm5 editing tools and wizard rom

I'm unable to boot my wizard with a custom rom.
1)I decrypt the rom
2)Modify it by using maimachs tools (I just use delfile to delete a file)
3)Flash using awizard.
The wizard remains at the Imate screen forever.
I have no trouble modifying roms for my himalaya.
Please , what am I doing wrong?
Even if I dump the files, and do NO modification, and rebuild it, I have the same symptoms.
Don't these tools work with wizard roms?
Please help,
giasou file,
is there a possibility to modify the rom and add or adjust in some kind of way the language of the rom?


pls tell me how to delete files included in image file?
it promted me to enter password when i use rom editor.
when i ran xda3tool-x,it released a nba file,and when i renamed the nbf file,it could not be read all the same,pls tell me how can i corect this
I found the following procedure the easiest way to cook my own extended rom:
Load the ms_.nbf file onto your PDA as supplied.
Then unhide the extended rom.
Then add or take away cab files to your hearts content!
Be sure to adjust the cfg.txt file accordingly
If you are using Tuma 1.3 then this rom will look to your storage card for EXTROM on boot up so you can always keep & edit a visible version of your extended rom here.
If you are using 2003 SE, just use the no ID installer on this site and be sure NOT to install ms_.nbf on your PDA when upgrading your ROM
But, hint don't the format turn, this is why?

ROM Editing...Is this correct?? Please READ!!!

I am trying to modify a ROM for my BA with the use of imgfs tools I downloaded from buzzdev.. This is what I did... (hope someone here could comment if this is correct) I have not tried flashing any of my modified ROM coz i dont still have my BA with me, mabe this 3rd week of sept I will have it in my hands!!! LOL
Here's how:
1.) I tried helmi v1.3 (I converted nk.nbf to with the use of nba converter)
2.) Prepare_imgfs
3.) viewimgfs imgfs_raw_data.bin
4.) modified the dump directory (added the wm5torage, pocketrar, taskmanager v1.4.4)
5.) edit the initflasfiles.dat with the use Notepad (deleted the 2byte signature with the use of ULtraEdit)
6.) I also edit the default.hv with the use of rgucomp (I dont know if i made it correctly) to include the registry entries of WM5torage) (Well I succesfully convert it to rgu, edit it with the use of UltraEdit save it as unicode and I managed to convert it to .hv file successfully without any errors)
7.) Buildimgfs
8.) make_imgfs
Is this a correct way of modifying the ROM? If not, how? I read alot of posts here (xda and buzzdev) on how to modify a ROM with use of imgfs tools and this is how I understood it... hehehe
Is the rom i made workable? Thanks hope soomeone here could help me!!! by the way here is the attached rgu and hv file i modified!!
I might suggest trying the Bepe ROM Kitchen.. quite a bit easier
Yeah its easier>>!!
I tried the method you said..But for me this is simplier... So based on your own understanding, is that correct? I know you have done modifying a lot of roms already....
So anybody here could give some more opinions>>>Pls
It seems OK the way you did.
I did the same way as you when I used XdaII or Himalaya.
I edited BA ROM this way too.
One thing to tell you is that you will not know that it works or not until you flash it in your device.
The file you add may overload the space if you don't delete some files you don't use.
I delete transcriber because I don't use it and will have about 500 KB for adding some files I want.
Flash it and you will know the answer yourself.
Thank vivi.. Yeah I did, i deleted some of the files in the rom (which I donot use at all) to have some space for my additional files... btw, I read about boot.hv (like on the other method) do I need it also in this method? Or is it included in the default.hv?
I left boot.hv in dump folder and didn't touch it.
I edited only default.hv and initflashfiles.dat.
But it is a long time not doing.I nearly forget the steps to do.
I think Helmi ROM is OK and I use it as it is.
I dont see any boot.hv in the dump directory? Did i mess somthing?
Yup It seems that Helmi ROMs are great..Thanks again

How to cook ROM???

Hi, exist any "how to" cook ROM for our Treo750? I'd like to try make my own ROM.
any ideas? somebody?
Customize ??
I only know how to customize rom by use exists rom maybe Ruu_signed.nbh or Cheeimg.nbh .
By reading from wiki XDA because of Treo750 base on Hermes.
if you want to know how to do , what to do read it from ROM Donalds topic but you can choose any tool for me prefer and (almost) use Want more Storage? Here you go! it has batch file to do all process and 'der hermes rom koch' is good for edit all hv file (hv file contain all registry setting for me I prefer to do after flash by mortscript so I only use batchfile).
Please notify once we use exists rom it mean (for me) we only use to add file or remove file with normaly we can't remove it from rom by easy way such as delete by file explorer because of system will said you can't not delete system file in rom example for me I never use Powerpoint,OneNote so I decide to customize WWE 19199 by remove 2 file and some file and rebuild back to Cheeimg.nbh and after flash and boot I got 67MB free ram for storage and 29MB for Program.
IF you need to make new one from zero I still not information I try to search from google but just know a little due to Treo has square 240x240 and very few people use that seem to be hard to find an information and sure if I got it I will let you or anyone know.

