Ik have a HTC s730, and i wondered if there is a tool or plug-in to show more appontments on my today-screen / or home-screen.
I now have the standard today screen that comes with HTC-phones (The one with the big digital clock) and there is only one appontment.. i would like to see for example.. all the appontments from the day.
on an earlyer PDA-phone (HP rw6815) I used 'today agenda' and i wondered if there is somesort tool for windows smartphones.
Thanks in advance!
Today Agenda works fine on S730 i use it myself.
Facade shows multiple appointments in the today screen. I'm not keen on it, so I'm using and Ptksl Appt Plug-In, which scrolls through appointments one at a time at defined intervals.
I have tried 'facade' and it works really fine.. now i'm downloading the Pocket Pc version of TodayAgenda..
Is the pocketPC version the correct one or is there a Smartphone verison to?
i have done a little searching but cannot vind it.
UPDATE: TodayAgenda 1.1 (pocketPC) doenst work.....how supprising..
try CBReminder Plugin. you can edit your homescreen.xml an get how much appointments you like.
http://www.smartphone-freeware.com/download-cbreminderplugin.html - its free...
I have already donwloaded and installed. But what do i do now? I can not find any application in the programs menu... thanks!
it is a plugin for your homescreen. connect your phone to the pc, look for htc.home.xml. copy the file to your pc and open it with an texteditor. then copy the text for this plugin (look at the homepage of the programmer) in this file. close the file and copy it back to the phone. may be, that you have to delete it first from the phone and then copy the modified in. restart the phone. will work.
Save this to a file "my_home.xml", copy to \application data\home. It shows you an all day event, a calender entry and your curerent profile.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<author>HTC Corp.</author>
<title>Tommy Home</title>
<default target-width="240" target-height="320" font-face="Segoe Condensed" font-size="19" font-weight="bold" padding-left="5" padding-right="5" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="COLOR_HOMETEXT" padding-top="3" b-border-color="COLOR_HOMERULE" b-border-width="1">
<format state="selected" fgcolor="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHTTEXT"/>
<background bgimage="\windows\htcbg_grey_P.png" bgimage-rotated="\windows\htcbg_grey_L.png" valign="bottom" bgcolor="COLOR_TRAYGRADLEFT"/>
<color name="COLOR_TRAYGRADLEFT" value="#000000"/>
<color name="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHT" value="#DEDEDE"/>
<color name="COLOR_HOMERULE" value="#000000"/>
<color name="COLOR_HOMETEXT" value="#AAAAAA"/>
<color name="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHTTEXT" value="#000000"/>
<plugin name="iconbar" height="27" clsid="{837FC251-FE69-43ad-84E0-EBCEDEBA0884}">
<iconbar fgcolor="COLOR_TRAYTEXT"/>
<background gradient="title" bgcolor="COLOR_TRAYGRADLEFT" b-border-color="COLOR_WINDOWFRAME"/>
<plugin clsid="{B0C8AC4B-CDDC-4010-AAEB-076A2A6EB171}" name="HTCHome" height="100"/>
<plugin clsid="{C406A24E-ED1C-4a5f-A690-95C9683F2C95}" name="HtCHomeNotification" height="32"/>
<plugin clsid="{2FFD93B3-0FF0-4228-A6D6-D2DF177D7D92}" name="alldayevent" height="25">
<format state="selected" bgcolor="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHT"/>
<format state="noevent" visible="false"/>
<label h="22">
<plugin clsid="{865A354A-4A96-4687-B001-C155DC0DBE76}" name="calendar" height="49">
<format state="selected" bgcolor="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHT"/>
<label h="22">
<label h="22" y="23">
<text><time/> <location/></text>
<plugin clsid="{95976968-45D5-40c9-9779-2B859B1C2FEC}" name="profile" height="25">
<format state="selected" bgcolor="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHT"/>
<text lang="0x0409" singleline="true">Profile: <profile/></text>
<text lang="0x0407" singleline="true">Profil: <profile/></text>
<text lang="0x0c0a" singleline="true">Perfil: <profile/></text>
<text lang="0x040c" singleline="true">Profil: <profile/></text>
<text lang="0x0410" singleline="true">Profilo: <profile/></text>
<text lang="0x0816" singleline="true">Perfil: <profile/></text>
<text lang="0x0416" singleline="true">Perfil: <profile/></text>
<text lang="0x0809" singleline="true">Profile: <profile/></text>
<text lang="0x0406" singleline="true">Profil: <profile/></text>
<text lang="0x0413" singleline="true">Profiel: <profile/></text>
<text lang="0x041d" singleline="true">Profil: <profile/></text>
<text lang="0x0414" singleline="true">Profil: <profile/></text>
<text lang="0x040b" singleline="true">Profiili: <profile/></text>
<text lang="0x0405" singleline="true">Profil: <profile/></text>
<text lang="0x0418" singleline="true">Profil: <profile/></text>
<text lang="0x041b" singleline="true">Profil: <profile/></text>
<text lang="0x0402" singleline="true">??????: <profile/></text>
<text lang="0x0408" singleline="true">???f??: <profile/></text>
<text lang="0x040e" singleline="true">Profil: <profile/></text>
<text lang="0x0415" singleline="true">Profil: <profile/></text>
<text lang="0x0419" singleline="true">???????: <profile/></text>
<text lang="0x041f" singleline="true">Profil: <profile/></text>
<text lang="0x0424" singleline="true">Profil: <profile/></text>
<text lang="0x081a" singleline="true">Profil: <profile/></text>
<text lang="0x0403" singleline="true">Perfil: <profile/></text>
That CBreminderplugin is great! Exactly what I needed! You can configure the most important things. There is a very clear 'manual' for configuring the app on the delveloper's website: http://chrisb.homelinux.org/cbreminder/
I love it!
gr. Rob
i think this is the reason my text messaging has been very slow at responding. i'm running an htc based 6.1 rom. can anyone point me to some registry settings or a .cab?
or if there are any other ways i could speed up my text input, please let me know! (i have already disabled auto correct, word suggestion, cleartype and xt9)
can anyone help me? or point me to other ways to speed up texting?
This seems to have helped me, but my Kaiser still isn't as responsive as the Touch Pro.
I was looking for this exact solution since I don't have any lag in portrait mode and there is no counter. Is this possible?
This here
This here did the trick, and it really does help with the typing lag. Copy the 2 files in the zip to the windows directory, backup the originals if you feel that you might want to revert back. Be sure to use Total Commander or equivalent.
Here are the changes for compose_sms.htm :
(added the parts in red)
<html XMLNS:Inbox>
<object id="HTMLFormFactory" CLASSID="clsid:29d48cf7-ed6a-4a9d-a17a-ae9115c07a90"/>
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<a name="inbox:top"></a>
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Changes to thread_sms.htm :
(deleted the part in red)
<html XMLNS:Inbox>
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<Inbox:content id="COMPOSESUBJECT" width="98%" height=35 spell focus [COLOR="Red"]count[/COLOR] links noclearonbackpresshold limit=0 autocap inserttab scroll />
This is based off of the info provided to mod an HTC Touch Pro by Bradyonly on ppcgeaks:
What I posted was the code from the files from my Tilt's AthineOS V2 Lite ROM.
Tags: Kaiser keyboard fix TILT Tytn II lag laggy character disable typing sms counter Why is my Kaiser a big POS when it comes to text messaging?
zephxiii said:
This here did the trick, and it really does help with the typing lag. Copy the 2 files in the zip to the windows directory, backup the originals if you feel that you might want to revert back. Be sure to use Total Commander or equivalent.
Here are the changes for compose_sms.htm :
(added the parts in red)
<html XMLNS:Inbox>
<object id="HTMLFormFactory" CLASSID="clsid:29d48cf7-ed6a-4a9d-a17a-ae9115c07a90"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="file://\windows\compose_style.css" type="text/css" />
<a name="inbox:top"></a>
<table class="header">
<td class="header">From:</td>
<td class="content">
<Inbox:content id="COMPOSEFROM" />
<td class="header"><a class="header" href="Inbox:COMPOSETO 0">To:</a></span>
<td class="content">
<Inbox:content id="COMPOSETO" nocr focus phone count />
<div class="divider" />
<Inbox:ComposeSubject class="sms">
<Inbox:Content id="COMPOSESUBJECT" smartheight=50 limit=0 replyfocus count links spell autocap inserttab />
[COLOR="Red"]<!--[/COLOR] <div class="SMSLine" />
<Inbox:Content id="COMPOSEBODYCOUNT" format="%1!d!/%2!d!%4 (%3!d! messages)" />
<a href="Inbox:ComposeSubject setfocus">
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Changes to thread_sms.htm :
(deleted the part in red)
<html XMLNS:Inbox>
<object id="HTMLFormFactory" CLASSID="clsid:29d48cf7-ed6a-4a9d-a17a-ae9115c07a90" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="file://\windows\thread_style.css" type="text/css" />
<Inbox:content id="THREADIFRAME" links />
<div id="threadbottom">
<hr class="divider" size="1" />
<Inbox:content ID="COMPOSEBODYCOUNT" format="%1!d!/%2!d!%4 (%3!d! messages)" title />
<Inbox:ComposeSubject class="sms">
<Inbox:content id="COMPOSESUBJECT" width="98%" height=35 spell focus [COLOR="Red"]count[/COLOR] links noclearonbackpresshold limit=0 autocap inserttab scroll />
This is based off of the info provided to mod an HTC Touch Pro by Bradyonly on ppcgeaks:
What I posted was the code from the files from my Tilt's AthineOS V2 Lite ROM.
Tags: Kaiser keyboard fix TILT Tytn II lag laggy character disable typing sms counter Why is my Kaiser a big POS when it comes to text messaging?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
HOLY JESUS THANK YOU. i have battled this problem now for weeks, ever since i got my first tp2 for $40. thought my phone was broke, went through multiple roms, multiple fixes with the latest microsoft builds and custom roms. nothing worked.
i even hard reset the phone one last time on this fastest rom i could find, and the first thing i tried was SMS. sure enough, laggy as hell! knowing this fix was my next try, i copied the two files to my windows directory and soft reset....
texting absolutely FLYS now! just as fast as any full sized computer. finally! screw the text count, even if i did use that a lot... **** it. this is going to save me so much frustration. it also allows my auto rotate to work much better. thank you so much
Skinned tabs:
atfavorites contacts
HTC music plugin
Default Clock
Notification plugin
Opera (total modding)
Windows Live fixed missing icons
single notification (email, phone, text, missed calls)
Of Course Thanks to All the Creators of the Plugins
this time i create a separate cab for fonts, but they only will change the fonts in titanium not in the whole system, so is up to you
update 1.1
-fixed many texts and fonts for more easy reading
-changed layout weather forecast page
-added landscape
-all in one cab easy installation
update 1.2
just fixed a little some icons pos and some texts
added clock and tab background
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
1.2 screenshots
email and sms are disabled by default you can enable them using chome editor by showaco
Hi Kermit80
I can't help you here but I suggest you pm directly to some of the plugins programmers. I hope you get some answers cause I like your work. I'm currently using mezzoforte
Good luck
KeRmiT80 said:
hi all this is my second attempt to create a skin for titanium...i tried to create somethig more eyecandy...
but as i'm not a developer and don't have any kind of knowledge of programmin i'm stuck at this point...(it's just the beginnin, i have to fix many tabs and many missig texts)
as you can see i'd like to show in the clock page the current weather text and the icons of the condensed notification tab.
but at this moment to show them i'm cheating...when i change tab they're still there...as u can see in the pictures tab.
now i don't know if i can ask this kind of help or if this is the correct place to ask, but if anyone can spend some time to help me add these in the original clock expanded page i'll be really grateful
(i've learned something of the cpr...but i think i miss some keys in the registry)
as i said, i'm not a programmer nor graphic, just a user
(or at least tell me is impossible or too hard...)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
hey buddy hope u get the solution u need .
waiting eagerly 4 the release.
this gonna b a hit
ok i contacted the creator of the plugins..hope they can help me, meanwhile i'm still working on the tabs layout
The solution is both on the cpr and the registry.
You need to acomodate the text and images you want to show below the CPR CONDENSED area, and the CONDENSEDPAGE registry folder doesnt need the extra strings.
really i tried...but now cclock expanded is a mess
this is how it looks right now
<!-- HomeHome==Clock layout templates -->
<Layer ID="ClockExpanded" Visible="False" Width="240" Height="130" Clip="False">
<Layer ID="Page" Clip="False">
<!-- Icon in the upper right-->
<Image ID="Icon" Left="0" Top="0" Width="45" Height="55" ScaleStyle="Fit" />
[COLOR=Red]<Image ID="TweatherIcon" source="\program files\titaniumweather\spil\38.png" Left="160" Top="14" Width="75" Height="75" />[/COLOR]
<!-- Plugin label -->
<Text ID="Text" Left="100" Top="-100" Width="150" Height="40" FontFamily="kermit" FontSize="18" FontStyle="Bold" Wrap="False" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter" Text="">
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetDropBottomRight" Color="#00000000" TextOffset="1" BlurFactor="3" Alpha="1.0" />
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetNone" Color="#FFFFFFFF" />
<!-- Network Name -->
<Text ID="Network Name" Left="120" Top="-70" Width="100" Height="50" FontFamily="kermit" FontSize="16" FontStyle="Regular" Wrap="False" VerticalAlignment="Top" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter" HorizontalAlignment="Right">
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetDropBottomRight" Color="#00000000" TextOffset="1" BlurFactor="3" Alpha="1.0" />
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetNone" Color="#FFFFFFFF" />
<!-- Time -->
<Text ID="Time" Left="16" Top="0" Width="240" Height="90" FontFamily="kermit" FontSize="38" FontStyle="Regular" Wrap="False" VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter">
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetDropBottomRight" Color="#00000000" TextOffset="1" BlurFactor="3" Alpha="1.0" />
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetNone" Color="#FFFFFFFF" />
<!-- AM/PM -->
<Text ID="AMPM" Left="215" Top="72" Width="71" Height="16" FontFamily="kermit" FontSize="8" FontStyle="Regular" Wrap="False" VerticalAlignment="Top" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter">
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetDropBottomRight" Color="#00000000" TextOffset="1" BlurFactor="3" Alpha="1.0" />
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetNone" Color="#FFFFFFFF" />
<!-- Date -->
<Text ID="Date" Left="150" Top="120" Width="100" Height="30" FontFamily="kermit" FontSize="12" FontStyle="Regular" Wrap="False" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter">
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetDropBottomRight" Color="#00000000" TextOffset="1" BlurFactor="3" Alpha="1.0" />
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetNone" Color="#FFFFFFFF" />
<!-- Day of Week -->
<Text ID="Day of Week" Left="100" Top="100" Width="120" Height="30" FontFamily="kermit" FontSize="12" FontStyle="Regular" Wrap="False" HorizontalAlignment="Right" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter">
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetDropBottomRight" Color="#00000000" TextOffset="1" BlurFactor="3" Alpha="1.0" />
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetNone" Color="#FFFFFFFF" />
<!-- Alarm -->
<Image ID="Alarm" Left="190" Top="3" Width="25" Height="38" ScaleStyle="Fit" />
<!-- WiFi -->
<Text ID="WiFi" Left="115" Top="100" Width="127" Height="19" FontFamily="kermit" FontSize="8" FontStyle="Regular" Wrap="False" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter">
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetDropBottomRight" Color="#00000000" TextOffset="1" BlurFactor="3" Alpha="1.0" />
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetNone" Color="#FFFFFFFF" />
<Text ID="PluginLabel" Left="50" Top="4" Width="230" Height="26" FontFamily="kermit" FontSize="12" FontStyle="Regular" Wrap="False" VerticalAlignment="Middle" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter" >
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetDropBottomRight" Color="#00000000" TextOffset="1" BlurFactor="3" Alpha="1.0" />
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetNone" Color="#FFFFFFFF" />
[COLOR=Red] <Image ID="SMSICON" source="\windows\titanium_sms.png" Left="15" Top="18" Width="25" Height="25" />
<Image ID="PHONEICON" source="\windows\titanium_phone.png" Left="15" Top="35" Width="25" Height="25" />
<Text ID="SMS_TEXT" Left="140" Top="20" Width="50" Height="18" FontFamily="Segoe UI" FontSize="10" FontStyle="Regular" Wrap="False" VerticalAlignment="Top" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter">
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetDropBottomRight" Color="00000000" TextOffset="1" BlurFactor="3" Alpha="1.0" />
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetNone" Color="#FFFFFFFF" />
<Text ID="PHONE_TEXT" Left="140" Top="38" Width="50" Height="18" FontFamily="Segoe UI" FontSize="10" FontStyle="Regular" Wrap="False" VerticalAlignment="Top" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter">
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetDropBottomRight" Color="00000000" TextOffset="1" BlurFactor="3" Alpha="1.0" />
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetNone" Color="#FFFFFFFF" />
and these are the registry keys (messy too duplicates etc etc)
[COLOR=Red]"TweatherIcon"="\\Program Files\\TitaniumWeather\\Spil\\38.png"[/COLOR]
"SK2TEXT"="Comm Mgr"
[COLOR=Red]"TweatherIcon"="\\Program Files\\TitaniumWeather\\Spil\\38.png"[/COLOR]
as u can see is a cut and paste of notification plugin plus your multiplugin.
but results...no icons NONE
maybe is because the default clock has something special...
but i find useful that is the default tab no matter which is its position, with analog clock you have to set it as first in order
In number counts you need to use DWORD keys, not SUBSTRING.
One is for numbers and the other is for texts.
Monday Ill update my PLG/CPR/REG editor with the full text keys and then it will be easier to create a page.
Looks great. Don't get frustrated, you'll conquer the problems.
Ya this is really sweet looking. Keep up the great work
Looks amazing, but im VGA
twolf said:
In number counts you need to use DWORD keys, not SUBSTRING.
One is for numbers and the other is for texts.
Monday Ill update my PLG/CPR/REG editor with the full text keys and then it will be easier to create a page.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
could you please post or send me just an example so i can learn?
can u help me and post the solution to add weather icon to the expanded page of the default clock?
should be one line in cpr for image
and one reg key
the problem is that till now i could add text and icons to other plugins, but they always have condensedpage, page1, page2 and so on...
the default cclock doesn't have anything of that...
Excellent work, Looks very good, been waiting for one like this.. I will provide what ever the support I can for your work..
KeRmiT80 said:
could you please post or send me just an example so i can learn?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If you want to learn, you just need to see how the code appears on my PLG editor:
i updated with some news post one
released theme qvga portrait only for now...
as i have some time i'll finish the landscape
May I ask for it in VGA?!?
sure you can!
the only problem is that i have only a qvga polaris to play with
if there is anyone that want to help porting to different resolution...my files still there
as i get the diffent cprs i'll add to cab
v 1.1 released
Update preview cab version 1.1 available.
hope u enjoy
I've downloaded and will let you know the results.
Edit: Okay - the weather won't update. I don't know if that has anything to do with the problems with the accuweather.com servers; but I had already updated to memonique's e version which corrected that problem. Also, how do I add programs to the programs tab?
This is rather pointless but my undiagnosed OCD really doesn't like how I can't change the SMS settings so that the first letter of each sentence isn't automatically uppercase.
Any way to fix this?
smb20 said:
This is rather pointless but my undiagnosed OCD really doesn't like how I can't change the SMS settings so that the first letter of each sentence isn't automatically uppercase.
Any way to fix this?
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Click to collapse
Go to the windows folder and find the file thread_sms.htm. Copy it over to a pc and then open it in notepad. It will look like this:
<html XMLNS:Inbox>
<object id="HTMLFormFactory" CLASSID="clsid:29d48cf7-ed6a-4a9d-a17a-ae9115c07a90" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="file://\windows\thread_style.css" type="text/css" />
<Inbox:content id="THREADIFRAME" links />
<div id="threadbottom">
<hr class="divider" size="1" />
<Inbox:content ID="COMPOSEBODYCOUNT" format="%1!d!/%2!d!%4 (%3!d! messages)" title />
<Inbox:ComposeSubject class="sms">
<Inbox:content id="COMPOSESUBJECT" width="98%" height=50 spell focus links noclearonbackpresshold limit=0 autocap inserttab scroll />
I highlighted and underlined the word you need to delete, autocap. Then save it with notepad and then copy it back to the windows folder using total commander or another file explorer (except for the WM one).
you're amazing.
smb20 said:
you're amazing.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Lol, just doing my job.
i m trying to modify chome to have a small icon in front of every plugin when they are condensed...
it was a success before i tried to modify the "ATContact"..
no matter i use "icon" or "iconimage" with "source" in front of "plug in label", it just doesn't show up...
here is my code...(the condensed part of ATContact)
<Layer ID="ATFavePeopleCondensed" Visible="False" Width="240" Height="34">
<Layer ID="Page">
<Image ID="Icon" Left="10" Top="5" Width="25" Height="34" ScaleStyle="Fit" />
<!-- Title or Condensed Line 1 -->
<Text ID="PluginLabel" Left="45" Top="4" Width="220" Height="34" FontFamily="Tahoma" FontSize="18" FontStyle="Regular" Wrap="False" VerticalAlignment="Top" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter" InnerTextType="Resource" Text="cmhomeres.dll,1026">
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetDropBottomRight" Color="#00000000" TextOffset="1" BlurFactor="3" Alpha="1.0" />
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetNone" Color="#FFFFFFFF" />
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
hope anyone can help me out...
thanks a lot
<Layer ID="[COLOR="Blue"](plugin name)[/COLOR]Condensed" Visible="False" Width="240" Height="34">
<Layer ID="Page">
<Image ID="Icon" Left="[COLOR="Red"]***[/COLOR]" Top="[COLOR="Red"]***[/COLOR]" Width="[COLOR="Red"]***[/COLOR]" Height="[COLOR="Red"]***[/COLOR]" ScaleStyle="Fit" />
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\CHome\(plugin name)\CondensedPage
"icon"="(your pic address)\*.png"
kane159 said:
<Layer ID="[COLOR="Blue"](plugin name)[/COLOR]Condensed" Visible="False" Width="240" Height="34">
<Layer ID="Page">
<Image ID="Icon" Left="[COLOR="Red"]***[/COLOR]" Top="[COLOR="Red"]***[/COLOR]" Width="[COLOR="Red"]***[/COLOR]" Height="[COLOR="Red"]***[/COLOR]" ScaleStyle="Fit" />
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\CHome\(plugin name)\CondensedPage
"icon"="(your pic address)\*.png"
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
thanks..that solves the problem..
but other than this plug in ...i can add picture in front of plug in label in the condensed page by adding this:
<Image ID="IconImage" Left="10" Top="4" Width="24" Height="24" Source="\windows\Chome-Clock.png" />
how come i can't do this to the ATContacts plug in??..
ok, in this case
<Layer ID="(plugin name)Condensed" Visible="False" Width="240" Height="34">
[COLOR="Red"]<Layer ID="Page">[/COLOR]
<Image ID="Icon" Left="***" Top="***" Width="***" Height="***" ScaleStyle="Fit" />
you need reg key and source dont work
and in this case
<Layer ID="(plugin name)Condensed" Visible="False" Width="240" Height="34">
<Image ID="Icon" Left="***" Top="***" Width="***" Height="***" ScaleStyle="Fit" />
[COLOR="Red"]<Layer ID="Page">[/COLOR]
the source works
<Layer ID="PhotosCondensed" Visible="False" Width="240" Height="34">
<Layer ID="Page">
<Image ID="IconImage" Left="10" Top="4" Width="24" Height="24" Source="\windows\Chome-Photo.png" />
<!-- Title or Condensed Line 1 -->
<Text ID="PluginLabel" Left="45" Top="4" Width="220" Height="34" FontFamily="Tahoma" FontSize="18" FontStyle="Regular" Wrap="False" VerticalAlignment="Top" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter" InnerTextType="Resource" Text="cmhomeres.dll,1028">
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetDropBottomRight" Color="#00000000" TextOffset="1" BlurFactor="3" Alpha="1.0" />
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetNone" Color="#FFFFFFFF" />
but ..
this one works...
see the reg, there should be a reg names
i edited it from original titanium...
n i checked the reg...there's no iconimage in any other condensed page reg...
that's y i m confused...
the only thing in the reg is ICONPATHS ..the data is 2451;2451..
the reg trick you taught me works fine...
but another problem came up ...
the photo page doesn't show picture anymore...
it keeps saying " no picture" no matter how many times i restarted both phone or titanium alone...
thanks for the big help..
*by the way, i m from TW as well...read ur post on mobile01 n tried with ur EZinput 2.1 QVGA too... thanks for helping again...
早說嘛= ="我英文就不太好,沒辦法解釋的很清楚
,在原始的plugin的condensed page或是啟用的頁面上,加入圖片,比較安全的方法即是
<Layer ID="(plugin name)Condensed" Visible="False" Width="240" Height="34">
<Layer ID="Page">
<Image ID="IconImage" Left="**" Top="**" Width="**" Height="**" Source="\(圖片位置)\(圖片名).png" />
I have been playing with the Startmenu_Gridscene.cpr, and found
out that we can do much more with the cpr file.
People have been editing the titanium.cpr files, but I haven't seen
anyone, doing this with the Startmenu, except for the columns(1-6).
I made a little guide in post 2, so that u can understand, what I have
done. I have also provided 4 cpr examples.
I hope that this can be of some help, to all that are making themes,
so they don't have to edit icons. (Editing a couple of 100 icons takes some time).
And to all that wants a cleaner startmenu, with either just icons - big or small, or just text with your favorite font and/or favorite color etc
What you can do with Startmenu_Gridscene:
* Specify the exact font
* What color you want the font to have (back-and forecolor)
* The size of the text
* The size of image
* Add additional image
* Make double layer with text
* Alignment of text
...and I hope much more
The Startmenu_Gridscene.cpr, taken from NRGZ28 EnergyRom.
and used as base:
<Form Width="480" Height="640">
<StartMenu_GridScene ID="Scene">
<GridView ID="Start Menu Items List" Top="-5" Left="-10" Width="500" Height="536" Columns="4" Scrollable="TRUE" HexagonGrid="TRUE" HorizontalWrapAround="TRUE">
<Image ID="Selection" Left="-5" Top="-25" Width="160" Height="160" Opacity="0.6" Source=".\StartMenu_Selection.png" />
<Layer ID="GridItem" Width="155" Height="123" OnAction ="GridItemAction">
<Layer ID="Normal">
<Image ID="Image" Left="40" Top="10" Width="70" Height="70" ScaleStyle="Fit" />
<Text ID="Text" Left="25" Top="83" Width="100" Height="75" FontFamily="Tahoma" FontSize="6" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Top" Wrap="True" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter" ForeColor="#00FFFFFF" BackColor="#00000000" >
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetDropBottomRight" Color="#00000000" TextOffset="2" BlurFactor="5" Alpha="1.0" />
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetNone" Color="#FFFFFFFF" />
<Layer ID="NoItems">
<Text ID="Text" Width="480" Height="40" FontFamily="Tahoma" FontSize="10" ForeColor="#00FFFFFF" Wrap="False" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Trimming="Character" InnerTextType="Resource">shellres.dll,22596</Text>
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Her is the Startmenu_Gridscene.cpr, I made for _LeCiel_ Sencity theme:
<Form Width="480" Height="640">
<StartMenu_GridScene ID="Scene">
<GridView ID="Start Menu Items List" Top="-5" Left="-10" Width="500" Height="536" Columns="4" Scrollable="TRUE" HexagonGrid="TRUE" HorizontalWrapAround="FALSE">
<Image ID="Selection" Left="32" Top="2" Width="95" Height="95" Opacity="1" Source=".\Sencity_Sel.png" />
<Layer ID="GridItem" Width="155" Height="123" OnAction ="GridItemAction">
<Layer ID="Normal">
<Image ID="Frame" Left="40" Top="10" Width="80" Height="80" Source=".\Sencity_Fra.png" ScaleStyle="Fit" />
<Image ID="Image" Left="60" Top="30" Width="40" Height="40" Opacity="1" ScaleStyle="Fit" />
<Image ID="Frame2" Left="60" Top="29" Width="40" Height="40" Source=".\Sencity_XmasFrame2.png" ScaleStyle="Fit" />
<Text ID="Text" Left="30" Top="87" Width="100" Height="75" FontFamily="Tahoma" FontSize="6" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Top" Wrap="True" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter" ForeColor="#00FFFFFF" BackColor="#00000000" >
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetDropBottomRight" Color="#00000000" TextOffset="2" BlurFactor="5" Alpha="1.0" />
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetNone" Color="#FFFFFFFF" />
<Layer ID="NoItems">
<Text ID="Text" Width="480" Height="40" FontFamily="Tahoma" FontSize="10" ForeColor="#00FFFFFF" Wrap="False" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Trimming="Character" InnerTextType="Resource">shellres.dll,22596</Text>
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
And here is the 4 Columns Dusk StartMenu_Gridscene WVGA:
<Form Width="480" Height="800">
<StartMenu_GridScene ID="Scene">
<GridView ID="Start Menu Items List" Top="-5" Left="-10" Width="500" Height="696" Columns="4" Scrollable="TRUE" HexagonGrid="TRUE" HorizontalWrapAround="FALSE">
<Image ID="Selection" Left="-5" Top="-25" Width="160" Height="160" Opacity="0.6" Source=".\Dusk_Selection.png" />
<Layer ID="GridItem" Width="155" Height="123" OnAction ="GridItemAction">
<Layer ID="Normal">
<Image ID="Frame" Left="40" Top="10" Width="70" Height="70" Source=".\Dusk_Frame.png" ScaleStyle="Fit" />
<Image ID="Image" Left="50" Top="20" Width="50" Height="50" Opacity="0.8" ScaleStyle="Fit" />
<Text ID="Text" Left="25" Top="83" Width="100" Height="75" FontFamily="Tahoma" FontSize="6" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Top" Wrap="True" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter" ForeColor="#00FFFFFF" BackColor="#00000000" >
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetDropBottomRight" Color="#00000000" TextOffset="2" BlurFactor="5" Alpha="1.0" />
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetNone" Color="#FFFFFFFF" />
<Layer ID="NoItems">
<Text ID="Text" Width="480" Height="90" FontFamily="Tahoma" FontSize="10" ForeColor="#00FFFFFF" Wrap="False" Trimming="Character" HorizontalAlignment="Center" InnerTextType="Resource" />
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
And here is the 1 Columns with mirror text WVGA:
<Form Width="480" Height="800">
<StartMenu_GridScene ID="Scene">
<GridView ID="Start Menu Items List" Width="480" Height="696" Columns="1" Scrollable="TRUE" HexagonGrid="TRUE" HorizontalWrapAround="FALSE">
<Image ID="Selection" Left="135" Top="13" Width="330" Height="70" Source=".\" Opacity="0.6" ScaleStyle="" />
<Layer ID="GridItem" Width="480" Height="90" OnAction ="GridItemAction">
<Layer ID="Normal">
<Image ID="Image" Left="35" Top="13" Width="64" Height="64" ScaleStyle="Fit" />
<Text ID="Text" Left="139" Top="5" Width="335" Height="64" FontFamily="Zegoe UI - U" FontSize="15" Wrap="True" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter" ForeColor="#00FFFFFF" BackColor="#00000000" >
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetDropBottomRight" Color="#00000000" TextOffset="2" BlurFactor="5" Alpha="1.0" />
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetNone" Color="#FFFFFFFF" />
<Text ID="Text" Left="139" Top="52" Width="335" Height="24" FontFamily="Zegoe UI - U_Mirr" FontSize="15" Opacity="0.2" Wrap="True" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter" ForeColor="#00FFFFFF" BackColor="#00000000" >
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetDropBottomRight" Color="#FFFFFFFF" TextOffset="1" BlurFactor="5" Alpha="0.3" />
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetNone" Color="#FFFFFFFF" />
<Layer ID="NoItems">
<Text ID="Text" Width="480" Height="90" FontFamily="Tahoma" FontSize="10" ForeColor="#00FFFFFF" Wrap="False" Trimming="Character" HorizontalAlignment="Center" InnerTextType="Resource" />
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Some Screenshoots:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
#U will find the Roosticity icons <Here>,
if you want to have the same look as in the screenshot,
for the Sencity theme
#Note: These cab's can be used on any 6.5 WVGA og VGA rom.
The font with mirror text, is included in the cab.
<GridView ID="Start Menu Items List" Top="-5" Left="-10" Width="500" Height="536" Columns="4" Scrollable="TRUE" HexagonGrid="TRUE" HorizontalWrapAround="TRUE">
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
In this line u can do some big changes. By reducing the <Width> to
the half (250), the icons and text will be shown on the half of the screen, but the hole screen will still remain scrollable.
If you are planing of doing this, is it recommended that u change
the <Columns> to 1.
* I have not been able to tweak the <HexagonGrid>
<Image ID="Selection" Left="-5" Top="-25" Width="160" Height="160" Opacity="0.6" Source=".\StartMenu_Selection.png" />
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This is the first image, and being the first it will always be underneath the rest - image and text -. It's all layers.
The <Left> and <Top> u use to move the image around, if it is missplaced. <Opacity> means how transparent u want it.
<Source> .\StartMenu_Selection.png -is the name of the image and
located in windows folder.
<Layer ID="GridItem" Width="155" Height="123" OnAction ="GridItemAction">
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If you feel like the icons doesn't fill out the screen, u have to much space on the left and right side, changing the <Width> to a larger number will move them apart.
<Image ID="Image" Left="40" Top="10" Width="70" Height="70" ScaleStyle="Fit" />
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This is the second image and will of course go on top of the
StartMenu_Selection.png. You can place a second image either before or after this one. I have chosen to call the second image for: ImageID="Frame".
The moving u do with <Left> and <Top>. And the size of the image with <Width> and <Height>.
U can also put in <Opacity>, this will make the two images to natural float together.
<Text ID="Text" Left="25" Top="83" Width="100" Height="75" FontFamily="Tahoma" FontSize="6" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Top" Wrap="True" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter" ForeColor="#00FFFFFF" BackColor="#00000000" >
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Moving and sizing as explain before. <FontFamily> change this, if
you just wanna have a specific font in the startmenu.
<HorizontalAlignment> and <VerticalAlignment>: if you are going to have the icons on the left side, u wanna change this to HA=Left and
<Wrap> True makes text to appear on multiple lines.
<Trimming> EllipsisCharacter makes three ...if
the text gets to long.
If you don't have a editor that can edit .Cpr files,
then this is a great tool: Chome Visual Editor
What if I install a new app after installing this cab, how will it look??
It will look like the rest, if there is a frame, u will get this on your new app, the same with the font.
Thanks for sharing =^-^=
Yes indeed it is the most underrated mod...Some GTX themes are based on modding the startmenu cprs as well.
Anyhow, thanks for sharing the knowledge.
Have included some guidelines in post #2, and some more
Very nice! Especially the NRG christmas theme
Awassenaar said:
Very nice! Especially the NRG christmas theme
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you
Here is a closer look at the background frame:
Haha nice! Hadn't noticed the reindeer before
how do you remove hex style and have basic columns
shaba10k said:
how do you remove hex style and have basic columns
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Have not been able to do that.
I have tried to remove the hex style. By changing the
HexagonGrid="TRUE to "FALSE" was a logic beginning.
Removing it total was my second attempt, but none off
these tweaks, had any effect.
I have also tried renaming HexagonGrid to NormalGrid and just Grid,
with no success.
I even tried making two 1 columns layers by duplicating the Gridview ID,
with no success...
shaba10k said:
how do you remove hex style and have basic columns
GbNoR said:
Have not been able to do that.
I have tried to remove the hex style. By changing the
HexagonGrid="TRUE to "FALSE" was a logic beginning.
Removing it total was my second attempt, but none off
these tweaks, had any effect.
I have also tried renaming HexagonGrid to NormalGrid and just Grid,
with no success.
I even tried making two 1 columns layers by duplicating the Gridview ID,
with no success...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Well, You could try [ROM][WWE][grzegorz10_Dusk-Ultimate_2_HD_v12.00_CHT v2.0.0] or contact with grzegorz10. He made ROMs for Touch HD and HD2 with scrollable list.
WallyGator said:
Well, You could try [ROM][WWE][grzegorz10_Dusk-Ultimate_2_HD_v12.00_CHT v2.0.0] or contact with grzegorz10. He made ROMs for Touch HD and HD2 with scrollable list.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Here are the StartMenu_Gridscene.cpr, taken out from this ROM:
<Form Width="800" Height="480">
<StartMenu_GridScene ID="Scene">
<GridView ID="Start Menu Items List" Top="0" Left="0" Width="800" Height="376" Columns="5" Scrollable="TRUE" HexagonGrid="TRUE" HorizontalWrapAround="TRUE" PaginatedScrolling="TRUE">
<Image ID="Selection" Left="0" Top="-30" Width="192" Height="158" Source=".\StartMenu_Selection.png" />
<Layer ID="GridItem" Width="192" Height="166" OnAction ="GridItemAction">
<Layer ID="Normal">
<Image ID="Image" Left="51" Top="4" Width="90" Height="90" ScaleStyle="Fit" />
<Text ID="Text" Left="18" Top="98" Width="156" Height="68" FontFamily="Tahoma" FontSize="7" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Top" Wrap="True" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter" ForeColor="#00FFFFFF" BackColor="#00000000" />
<Layer ID="NoItems">
<Text ID="Text" Width="800" Height="40" FontFamily="Tahoma" FontSize="10" ForeColor="#00FFFFFF" Wrap="False" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Trimming="Character" InnerTextType="Resource">shellres.dll,22596</Text>
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
As you can see, there are nothing here that makes the Hex grid
become "normal".
I'm thinking that he is using a app, if you are claiming that he
has a startmenu with 3 columns,where the icons and the text is
vertically aligned...
GbNoR said:
Here are the StartMenu_Gridscene.cpr, taken out from this ROM:
As you can see, there are nothing here that makes the Hex grid
become "normal".
I'm thinking that he is using a app, if you are claiming that he
has a startmenu with 3 columns,where the icons and the text is
vertically aligned...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sorry, my fault! Latest ROM has 3-column layout. Try one of prevoius ROM - there was linear layout.
What about this one?
It is a one column scrollable list vew, portrait, there is also a landscape one, it is taken from a cab i dowloaded some time ago, and i do not remember who did it
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Form xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" Width="240" Height="400">
<StartMenu_GridScene ID="Scene">
<GridView ID="Start Menu Items List" Width="240" Height="348" Columns="1" Scrollable="TRUE" HexagonGrid="TRUE" HorizontalWrapAround="FALSE">
<Image ID="Selection" Left="29" Width="45" Height="45" Source=".\StartMenu_List_Selection_Portrait.png" />
<Layer ID="GridItem" Width="240" Height="45" OnAction="GridItemAction">
<Layer ID="Normal">
<Image ID="Hexagon Overlay Image" Width="240" Height="45" ScaleStyle="Fit" Source=".\StartMenu_List_Inactive_Portrait.png" />
<Image ID="Image" Left="35" Top="7" Width="32" Height="32" ScaleStyle="Fit" />
<Text ID="Text" Left="72" Top="13" Width="200" Height="45" FontFamily="Segoe UI" FontSize="11" ForeColor="#00FFFFFF" BackColor="#00000000" Wrap="True" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter" />
<Layer ID="NoItems">
<Text ID="Text" Width="240" Height="45" FontFamily="Tahoma" FontSize="10" ForeColor="#00FFFFFF" Wrap="False" Trimming="Character" HorizontalAlignment="Center" InnerTextType="Resource" />
claus1953 said:
What about this one?
It is a one column scrollable list vew, portrait, there is also a landscape one, it is taken from a cab i dowloaded some time ago, and i do not remember who did it
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, this is a one panel/columns starmenu. U find a similar in the
Energy rom. And the one I upload (1 columns/halfscreen).
(Just that I didn't make it with a panel look )
I'm been working on a better looking Sencity Theme.
Uploading it now
Updating with some new stuff
whew!! reflections!!
JWMD Arminds could help changing the column easily!