Helmi BA WM2k5 AKU3.0 Beta (v.1.2 Beta)
In this beta, Today Themes, BTA2DP, PIMG, Photo Contact, GPS, Animated Gif, Phone with CommManager (signal light turn off while in flight mode) FIXED!
Known issues:
1. There no internal integration beetween Comm Manager and Wifi, cos Different Driver beetween Wizard & BA (I've succesfully combine them in the past but forgot now how to do it
2. When BT On, IR On, WIFI On, ActiveSync On, the tray might flick.
3. Some help file and Some Picture/images has been strip out from the ROM to create space for more usefull app.
1. Disable Sound (Sound & Notification >> Events) might help system speed.
2. Disable Sound in phone (Phone Settings >> Keypad >> Off) might help phone speed.
3. Backup/Sync ur PIM with active sync first (Contact, email, etc) if u upgrade it from old rom (anything below AKU3.0 ROM) cos PIM management are different from the old rom ur old backup will not work, but ActiveSync will work ok.
Please read the readme file, I dont hv time to update Wiki page, but I'll love if someone do the wiki page for me. btw I think the information in Readme file is enough to flash ur rom and since no 'real' extended rom so no further preparation is needed, but u might consider to make ur old Extended_ROM size to 128kb to make more storage space for ur device.
Btw The EXTROM folder is included all operator curently supported for GPRS/MMS Setting, just delete the .CAB in ExtROM that u dont need.
Currently Supported Operator:
Most ASIA, O2 UK, US, Orange Israel:
ChungHwa Telecom
New World Mobility
Orange Thailand
StarHub Prepaid
Sun Cellular
Vodafone Australia
Eygept Vodaphone
Maroc Telecom
Oman Mobile
If ur operator not in the list just delete all file in OPERATOR folder except CAB-Customization-BlueAngel-O2ASIAWWE-19May05.reg.CAB and run it to make a default mms profile that u can change, see README (in .RAR) for more detail.
With the Global Contacts Access plugin from Microsoft U can use the central/global exchangeserver address book. (Thanks to xdaradar for the info)
look here:
and download the ROM here:
or here:
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Uploads/Blue Angel/
thanks MicMeo for the space and the help, thanks man, really appreciate it.
and also Bepe, Lt.Cmdr.Ivan, MicMeo, Midget_1990, xplode, Black6spdZ, Xdaradar, thingonaspring, odie3, imatrix, spkr4thdd, Brazilian Joe, efjay, motisu... geez to much to mention, cos so many people involved with this rom...thanks guys...
EDIT: The original O2SMSPLUS.CAB in extrom packet hv problem, Unable to send/recieve sms use the modify version here if u planning to use it. remove the old one, reset device and install the attachment bellow.
or delete the vcard.lnk in \windows\startup will also fix this problem.
Assume Today Theme fix in this ROM too? [Nevermind - see that it is via the Readme]
Also what do you mean by "Tray Flick"?
odie3 said:
Assume Today Theme fix in this ROM too? [Nevermind - see that it is via the Readme]
Also what do you mean by "Tray Flick"?
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yes it does, I've edit the post, I means the tray icon is blinkin/flick it also happens in My Aku2.3 right?,
In my device if i turn on Wifi, BT, IR, ActiveSync on the same time. the tray is blinkin a little.
btw, I hv 1 question, Is there any WModem that work on WM5? do you guys ever have a Wmodem that work with BA WM5? please let me know. and also any info about BT SIM ACCESS PROFILE (SAP) is more then welcome...
Another suggestion to make communication easier
So, in the quest to have things going smooth and to make our lives easier, I want to drop in another suggestion.
In Helmi 1.1 we had a few hotfixes in the form of cab files which added/fixed features on the rom
So, my suggestion is to adopt the standard usage of a few KEYWORDS, so that we can instantly identify the attachments in the forum thread
ADDON - cab adds a feature
HOTFIX - cab fixes (or attempts to fix) broken stuff
These identifications could come embedded on the cab name. Additionally, to avoid confusion on which CAB is the latest one, they should use VERSION NUMBERS too.
after the KEYWORD, then would come either the version number, starting at 1.0, or the keyword UNTESTED.
I believe this little detail could make testers' lifes easier...
Up, up and away!
Downgrade first?
I know this is probably in the wiki, but I didn't find it from a brief search.
I'm currently on Tuma 1.3. If I want to try this, do I need to downgrade to 2003SE first? If not, do I need to wipe the hive, etc?
Sorry for the basic question...
You can upgrade to Helmi's ROM without downgrading.
But yes, you will need to clear the registry.
SpeedTweak CABs?
The 'speedtweak' CABs are not inside the EXTROM. Can you put them on the FTP site or attach them on the first post of the thread? BTW, just flashed, going to test now.
And many many thanks!
are the contact entries shown using pocket informant with this new rom?
hey helmi_c,
great work man. and plz remember how to integrate beetween Comm Manager and Wifi.
I notice u removed Speedtweak cab from your v1.2. has the speedtweak been incorporated directly or we dont need that anymore.
good work man,
raymonds said:
are the contact entries shown using pocket informant with this new rom?
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It can be seen with Pocket Informant 2007 Beta.
Thanks mi...!!!!!!!
Helmi AKU3.0 v1.2beta
hey helmi_c,
Nice and good great work man. Is sprit backup program work with this new Rom Helmi AKU3.0 v1.2 Beta and what about the speed and stability of the new Rom , also I can not used Pocket Informant program
Helmi AKU3.0 v1.1beta
MicMeo said:
raymonds said:
are the contact entries shown using pocket informant with this new rom?
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It can be seen with Pocket Informant 2007 Beta.
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wow you've just made this new rom a lot more attractive. thanks a lot, MicMeo!!!
i just flashed ... will soon give my comments.
great work, too, helmi!
hmm... when i'm in phone mode and press some numbers, the corresponding names aren't shown... where can i get the cab file?
Thank yoy
i will try it now
sms_alert_fix :?
when i started my ppc i got an error saying sms_alert_fix could not be found :s why is taht so?
hmm... when i'm in phone mode and press some numbers, the corresponding names aren't shown... where can i get the cab file?
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Do u mean Smartdial?
Maybe this cab can help u to solve ur prob.
sevenslidegrills said:
hmm... when i'm in phone mode and press some numbers, the corresponding names aren't shown... where can i get the cab file?
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Do u mean Smartdial?
Maybe this cab can help u to solve ur prob.
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thanks sevenslidegrills, but when i run the cab file, it says
"Installation of WM5_SmartDial.Cab
was unsuccessful."
am i supposed to change anything before installing the cab file?
edit: i found another cab file with the same name (but larger size) that worked! should perform soft reset after installation.
Bluetooth and turn on ???
Are there some ideas about BT , when device is turning on by itself ,
And as i sad WM5 is turning on by itself without display you can observ it by playing mp3's and turning off your device...
MicMeo said:
raymonds said:
are the contact entries shown using pocket informant with this new rom?
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It can be seen with Pocket Informant 2007 Beta.
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Does this beta need any registration info?
can someone pls post a WORKING STK that works under WM6. badly need it, this is the one feature that WM2003 has that WM5 or WM6 seems to lack. so if anyone managed to find an STK program that works. pls upload.
yup me too.. i need it badly..
anyone who had read this thread? help pls..
use search>STK and find that there are already several threads discussing it. There is no working WM6 STK (yet?)
yup, did search already, but all are under WM5 thread headings and etc. im just making this an easy to use and search thread under WM6, so if there will be one, it will be easy to find.
We try our best to get the STK working but no luck! Sorry man!
thats what i said to them...that U and I were working on it.
any ways h r u..long time no see
u can try HTC Sim manager
ather90 said:
thats what i said to them...that U and I were working on it.
any ways h r u..long time no see
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Sorry man, I've been busy with my hobby, riding bmx (flatland). Sometimes I'm playing WarCraft III (DotA). Don't worry man, I visit our site but very often. I am also searching other sites that have a pocket pc forum. Maybe they have solution to our problem, and share to others.
Take care man! Merry Christmas!
hmm..well take care..and merry christmas to u tooo
re: stk
hey der can you try this sim tool kit i copy from another xda device in my country? can you guys give feedback here.. just paste it on windows folder and copy shortcut to programs. ill be waiting for your feedbacks, hope this work for us..
It's working!!
on my qtek2020 with helmi wm6 tofclock
thanks sakurasyaoran
thank GOD...are u sure its working fine just as it did in Wm2003
it is not working....
i tested an O2 ZINC
and found that STK was working on that device. it was running WM5 and as per my deduced reasoning, there is no engneering design difference between XDA 2 and ZINC with regards to simcard holder and software for the simcard.
i also found some file differences between my XDA 2 running WM6 and the ZINC running WM5, i tried to download some files like stkui, sim...something, and other dll and such files from the ZINC unit (it was not mine) but activesync could not copy the files.
i know that those files can help me make the STK run in XDA 2 WM 6. if someone can post files from ZINC, thats probably will start with stk or sim please do upload all files, and i will test running them on XDA 2. please, thanks.
for those who have other devices running WM6 or WM5, please post some files from your WINDOWS folder, some of those or a combination of those will make the STK work for WM6 on O2 XDA.
by the way, the posted STK.ZIP will run the STK menu but only on the first menu level, it will not activate the next level menus.
@paulpax..use resco explorer to copy the files somewhere on ur card..thn transfer them to ur pc bya card reader....
paulpax said:
for those who have other devices running WM6 or WM5, please post some files from your WINDOWS folder, some of those or a combination of those will make the STK work for WM6 on O2 XDA.
by the way, the posted STK.ZIP will run the STK menu but only on the first menu level, it will not activate the next level menus.
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yup i agree with you bro! but until nw i dont knw y does simtoolkit doesnt work on xda2 wm6. guys out there pls post your stk running on wm6 here, attach file here.. this wud be a great help.. thanks. happy new year to all!
me and nesty tried alot..but only got the first menu to work...lets try even harder..Happy new year to all
successfully managed to ZIP files from O2 ZINC to try to copy the STK files from the ZINC and copy to the XDA 2.
with VERY FUNNY RESULTS, look at the attached JPEG file of my screen copy of the ZIP file that i got from the ZINC.
look at the encircled RED, the SIMSEC.DLL, SIMTKIT.DLL, SIMTKUI*.MUI, are all ZERO BYTES because ROM based files CANNOT be copied or overwritten in any device.
I think, and this is per deductive reasoning, these exact same files which we should change, however, these files cannot be copied from another device to another device....because it is ROM based. so if someone can copy these files, pls do and upload.
I have an Alpine just bought from ebay, was damaged bought lcd now fixed. I have o2 latest rom.
I would like to put on pointui. It says i need to upgrade to windows mobile 5 then overwrite files with windows mobile 2003.
I know nothing of roms and am unable to locate the simple answers i require.
I assume i only need
POINTUI downloaded
Im confused because of all the talk about radio this and camera that patches and fixes. How do i get these files onto the PDA - im assuming its from bootloader or is it active sync.
Please help - id love to fall in love with my little device
Kind Regards
I have simply downloaded the pointui stuff and installed on the phone. However some elements dont work. I am unabel to find ANY download location for the cab files. Unable to get rid of any of the o2 crap. NO download for pugs stuff works nor is it present int he upload section of the ftp site.
Thanks in advance
Can't help with PointUI but to get rid of the O2 stuff you need to do a hard reset, which will wipe everything and then when you get the message "Customisation in 3 secs" or something like that do a soft reset.
Thanks for your help
Thanks for that help, could you tell me if there is a way to get rid of the 02 boot up screen please. Also does anyone have a copy of pugs stripped roms with improved radio?
I also need the cab files from windows mobile 5
any help is much appreciated
Kind Regards
FORGET WM5 Files the XDA IIi canot be upgraded to it you will BUGGER your PDA
I did say smart people didnt I
Its just the cab files most are overwritten. NOT WIN MOBILE 5 that doesnt work on this phone. The PointUi interface works perfectly with this phone to make it look like an iphone it requires some elements of shared files associated with wm5 thats all- any other sensible suggestions are welcomed.
Thinking about it you need the WM5 install for PointUI and then the WM2003 bits to overwrite them. There is nothing WM5 related at OS level. Think I did it at some point in the past.
Link to the PointUI install instructions
Thanks Dee Dee Still Need some help
Does anyone have the stripped PUGS roms. I need a better radio and more stable form. Its missing from the ftp.
Hi to all!
I want to know if is possible to have a Cab with the social networking engine from blackstone (Upload to facebook and youtube).
I Think that it's not impossible but it will update ManilaAlbum...
I know that only 2 roms have this function working (Dutty and UDk) but it will be great if everyone could install it...
No one knows?
I'd like to know if its possible to get the updated versions of HTC Album as a seperate installer also rather than having to flash a Rom which i'm a bit reluctant to do.
the social network engine is not only in htc album... it has a package for windows mobile too... I hope someone put a cab with all the necessary things...
Does anyone have this cab?
Bump bump bump
Da_G posted a cab in his raphael rom thread. Click on the paper clip to find it.
Umm, facebook didn't work for me. check it out.
ive just tried the edited gab from the thread suggested above and im running stock 1.93 rom and it works perfect for facebook and its quick!
thanks for all help everybody and especially DA_G for his work
you were able to make facebook work?
I couldn't, what phone are you using? on what network? did you put any special settings?
hoyler30589 said:
ive just tried the edited gab from the thread suggested above and im running stock 1.93 rom and it works perfect for facebook and its quick!
thanks for all help everybody and especially DA_G for his work
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what do you mean edited cab?
hi im using a orange uk diamond but running standard htc 1.93 rom with .net 3 not sure if that makes difference and i installed the cab attached which was created by DA_G himself
i then restarted the phone and now ive got mobile uploading working perfect for facebook from album
Does this work for Sprint HTC touch pro? Was posted at wmpoweruser that it was not working on it:
any updates?
im not sure it works on my diamond as said earlier ive got 1.93 rom and compact .net 3.5 but it works perfect after installing that cab
I have a fuze, and am running Da_G's rom, and it wouldn't work.
just installed and tested, I am getting a Login Error : There was a connection error while attempting to login.
do i need a custom rom... i thought this was made for the oem rom?
This is in the themes section
works fine on my stock 1.93 rom
chrisd1a1 awesome, thanks for the link!
villa_bryan said:
you were able to make facebook work?
I couldn't, what phone are you using? on what network? did you put any special settings?
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Hi, I'm on UK T-Mobile and I cant get it to log into my facebook account, keep getting login error........ any ideas why this is? anyone else experiencing this? I am using Morna 1.7.1 (which I must add is an excellent ROM... very fast!).
I recently upgraded from WM6 to anryl WM6.5. I no longer have mobile word, excel or pdf on my phone. please hw do I reinstall this sofrwares or where can I get it from, bcos I really make use of them.
I still have the original CD that came with the phone.
recent phone upgrade is hardspl 3.56.xxxxx and radio 1.70.xxxxxx.
pls help..............
Ijakay said:
I recently upgraded from WM6 to anryl WM6.5. I no longer have mobile word, excel or pdf on my phone. please hw do I reinstall this sofrwares or where can I get it from, bcos I really make use of them.
I still have the original CD that came with the phone.
recent phone upgrade is hardspl 3.56.xxxxx and radio 1.70.xxxxxx.
pls help..............
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post this in anryl ROM thread.. or else look out for some other which has those stuff in it....
You can easily google this site. Someone would have posted the Cabs ..
Or if your ROM has the Device Update, you can use it too to download.
Garmin had one in his collection! Or use search link in my sign to find the cab. There is a lot of them floating here in this forum!