On some of the backgrounds/themes there are thin grey lines on the email messages list screen and some there are not. I would like to NOT have those lines at all. They are light in the center of the screen then darken as you get towards the edge of the screen. They are distracting. Anyone know how to get rid of these or I guess I will just use the themes that don't have them. Thanks for any help!
I've just bought an Orange M700 and am horrified to find the phone pad uses grey keys on a grey background; hardly visible at the best of time and absolutely invisible in sunlight. Moreover the two most important pieces of info on the screen are microscopic in font size (the person’s name you are calling and the phone state ie dialing). Given all the space above the keypad I'm amazed!!. Am I missing something here? Does anyone know how to change all this layout and colour scheme or is there another dialer I can install. Anyone got any pictures of others. I can't believe this is the norm for everyone is it?
Any help form anyone please?
There are different colours for the dialpad from different providers example,Vodafone black keys on a grey background ,HTC dark green keys on a light green background,O2 dark blue keys on a light blue background,but if you really want some variety then checkout www.zombienexus.net.
i would like to be able to get rid of the borders on the today screen that seperate the today items. I am assuming all i would have to do is change the color to match my background or make them 100% transparent. any way to achieve this?
You can use this freeby to change the colour of the Todat screen horizontal bars to match your background:
I am having a little trouble figuring something out ... I have a theme file and I love it, but when I try to read my text messages, the theme makes the background of the text messages have dark colored lines that fade from right to left as the background and it's hard to read the messages. I can't seem to figure out what colors are causing this to change them to something lighter (or make it just a blank background). Any suggestions?
I'm using the AT&T Tilt with the purple theme found here:
Screenshot here:
When I click the individual messages, I get the basic white background and that's fine, but I really would rather have a white bg (or at least lighter purple stripes so I can read it easier) on the page that lists the text messages.
Search the forums for a program called 'RC Bar'. It will allow you to change the background color for the text messages, along with the color of most other things like the top & bottom bars, today text, start menu text, etc.
I had the same problem, all you need to do is change the theme and change it back. That should solve the problem.
So, on my lockscreen I have a black and white background, with the black text TypoClock widget over the white part of the background. When I open my text widget there's a burn in for a few seconds of the minutes part of the clock, that you can see when you open the messaging screen.
My device is a Samsung Fascinate, if that helps.
Is this harmful? Anyone else experience this?
I'm kinda worried that this will affect my screen.
good, I have my new Sony xz3 from a few days ago, I noticed that in one part of the screen there is a hue like greenish yellow, it is a circle, that only looks under white backgrounds, with black can not be seen, someone knows if there are problems with the screens of this mobile? Greetings and thank you
Can you take a picture of it?
My display has a shade of red, a bar, but it's impossible to determine the width. And it is hardly visible and only on a white background. Bottom of the screen.
Guys use the warranty.