I have been running weather panel for about a month now, and suddenly within the last week or so, the updates have stopped working. no changes in ROM or Radio, and the issue wasn't concurrent with any software changes.
It will update fine if the wifi is on and connected, but it will not update if I am using the phone data connection. Any ideas?
For now, I just connect wifi a few times durring the day and manually run the update, but I would love to get the "every 30 minutes" update working again without leaving the wifi connection up all the time.
Matrioux said:
I have been running weather panel for about a month now, and suddenly within the last week or so, the updates have stopped working. no changes in ROM or Radio, and the issue wasn't concurrent with any software changes.
It will update fine if the wifi is on and connected, but it will not update if I am using the phone data connection. Any ideas?
For now, I just connect wifi a few times durring the day and manually run the update, but I would love to get the "every 30 minutes" update working again without leaving the wifi connection up all the time.
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if you didn't change anything than that is sort of weird how it just stopped working. For me it started happening when i was flashing different roms.
Nonetheless check out the link for my 4shared account in my sig and under the cab folder download the htc home proxy patch cab and see if that solves your problem as i makes it update fine for me.
What carrier are you on? I'm on ATT and I had to change from Media Net to MyISP or whatever under connection settings in order to get the weather update to work. This was after applying the WM 6.1 update. It may be that AT&T has started blocking that functionality via the Medianet proxy.
Info I should have posted but didn't:
Tilt Running Dutty's build 19209 6.1 ROM
Using the My isp connection settings
Again, wifi works, radio data connection doesn't. When on WP's about screen, with wifi connects and auths, with regular data connection, connection is ok, auth fails.
On other thing that needs to be made clear - I'm talking about weatherpanel the app from marsware, not the weather tab in the HTC home plugin.
- Double Post -
Matrioux said:
.. not the weather tab in the HTC home plugin.
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oh my bad. i thought u were referring to the weather tab...
never used that program so can't help with that, sorry.
thesire said:
oh my bad. i thought u were referring to the weather tab...
never used that program so can't help with that, sorry.
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No problem, once I realized you were talking about the HTC Home weather tab, I saw that I had not made it clear. Unless you used weather panel and knew what it was, it was easy to misunderstand what I meant.
WP Auth
I take it that you are using an updated version with the authorization fix in it because it sounds like you know what you are talking about. But ur issue must be rom related as I am using a tilt with stock rom and my WP is updating itself every hour and establishing its own connection. im still old school with storyr's chameleon theme and still loving it.
Matrioux said:
Info I should have posted but didn't:
Tilt Running Dutty's build 19209 6.1 ROM
Using the My isp connection settings
Again, wifi works, radio data connection doesn't. When on WP's about screen, with wifi connects and auths, with regular data connection, connection is ok, auth fails.
On other thing that needs to be made clear - I'm talking about weatherpanel the app from marsware, not the weather tab in the HTC home plugin.
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I do not use My ISP but it works fine on MediaNet. I am using the WP_Trial08_Fixed and have installed the modified dll and Weatherpanel fix cab for the hourly temp updates. I update every 30 minutes without issues. Do you have the "Establish Connection" checked in the Connections? I have also noticed that some of the themes have a sort of delayed update. The data downloads but only after you have activated the phone do you see a refresh of the data after about 10 - 15 seconds.
kbcherry said:
I take it that you are using an updated version with the authorization fix in it because it sounds like you know what you are talking about. But ur issue must be rom related as I am using a tilt with stock rom and my WP is updating itself every hour and establishing its own connection. im still old school with storyr's chameleon theme and still loving it.
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I don't think its the ROM as I have been using this ROM for well over a month and the not updating issue just started last week. I may do a hard reset and reinstall and see if that gets it going again.
mcfarlan said:
I do not use My ISP but it works fine on MediaNet. I am using the WP_Trial08_Fixed and have installed the modified dll and Weatherpanel fix cab for the hourly temp updates. I update every 30 minutes without issues. Do you have the "Establish Connection" checked in the Connections? I have also noticed that some of the themes have a sort of delayed update. The data downloads but only after you have activated the phone do you see a refresh of the data after about 10 - 15 seconds.
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Yep, establish connection is checked. Its not a delay issue either, it works solidly on wifi, but with wifi off (using the phone data connection) it fails completely. Like I said above, I think I may hard reset and see if that fixes it. I was just looking to see if this had happened to anyone else and/or if it was a known issue with a simple fix.
Well, Hard reset didn't work, still wouldn't authenticate over the phone data connection. I finally got tired of messing with it, and just set it to authenticate itsself.
This seems to have fixed the problem, I figure the battery drain for the http server is probably offset by the savings for not having to transmit the auth. I'll watch battery drain and system speed over the next few days.
After upgrading to WM5 wifi access points r deceted but does not connect, no error messages just, says connection ten after a while it says avaible and does not connect
o come on guys 116 views but no replies?
What ROM are you using? Has this problem just started since upgrading to a new / diffrent ROM or has it suddenly appeared on a ROM you have been using for a while?
If it's suddenly happened on a ROM you have been using for a while try a hard reset if you can.
I have a Wi-Fi problem in Helmi BA WM2k5 AKU3.2 Beta (v.1.3.3 Beta), but the 1.3.2 Beta works fine so just went back to that version.
Well my ROM infomation is Below in Sig.
WiFi worked fine when i used the softwear which came witht eh phone but after upgrading to WM5 WiFi does not work
I upgraded to (see Below)
Try using this new ROM, it's a diffrent version to the one your using and I've had no problems with it. Make sure after you do the flash you do a hard reset - you'll have problems if not.
ty i will try
I have none of these problems with WiFi, I can connect without any problems. Now, actually using the link causes me the odd issue (it tries dialing GPRS anyway), but that's an entirely different thing altogether.
xiokai, revert back to WM2003 and check WIFI.
sorry to interput the post here, but can someone tell me how to connect to wifi? there is a wifi zone near me that i should be able to connect to but for some reason my phone wont do it, any one got any tips?
xiaokai said:
After upgrading to WM5 wifi access points r deceted but does not connect, no error messages just, says connection ten after a while it says avaible and does not connect
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O2 is your problem, they suck
millzmillzy said:
sorry to interput the post here, but can someone tell me how to connect to wifi? there is a wifi zone near me that i should be able to connect to but for some reason my phone wont do it, any one got any tips?
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If you have a recent WM5 ROM, there is sometimes an icon of a padlock in the network list next to the hotspot. This indicates that the connection is secure and you need the password.
There are other ways to secure a hotspot such as using a publicly accessing log-on network that bounces you onto a private one or only allows access once you've authenticated. These are less common though, mostly hotels/airports etc. If you see the network without a padlock and you still can't get a proper IP address and ping google (try vxUtil and vxIpConfig) it may be one of these more complicated ones.
You could ask the person who runs the hotspot! Be aware that using a hotspot without permission may be illegal where you live.
Hey guys, Internet Explorer doesn`t work correctly after the Rom has been loaded for some reason, so just try another browser. I had that WIFI issuse for some time not but since i got Opera mobile it isn`t a problem.
xiokai, have you checked your Wifi encryption settings? I just had the same symptoms on a Blue Angel (WM2003SE), a Wizard(WM5) and a friend's phone, and it turned out none of them could handle WPA2.
I'd enabled it on my network as it was supposed to be more secure, and found that when it was disabled (I reverted to WPA-PSK) my Wizard connected first time, perfectly. Haven't tried the Blue Angel yet, but that works fine at my folks' house.
Another thread about BA not connecting to WPA-PSK:
Thanks for the info and link uberdeity.
Does anyone know if there is anyone working on WPA2-PSK support for the BA, and/or if it is at all possible?
I'm having trouble with the TouchFlo 3D Weather tab:
after a day or two of use, the weather won't update anymore, be it with GPRS, HSDPA, Wifi or whatever (connection works for other stuff)...
At the top right of the screen when you press on "Last Update", it just keeps saying "Updating..." forever and the ONLY solution I've found is to perform a soft reset...
After soft reset, there is no problem anymore for updating...
I thought it was a one-time bug but it has happened twice now...
Is anyone facing the same problem?
My version of TouchFlo 3D is 1.0.1630.15
I have the exact same problem. Did you find any solution?
Not yet...
I have the same issue.
Seems to be the only thing that is not working
Click on updating
I noticed the same thing, it was written "updating" and nothing happened...then I clicked on it ( "Updating") and it refreshed the weather...maybe a bug happen when it tries to make the GPRS connection up and then does not do the refresh automatically after...so clicking just
start the process again...does this work for you?
turt said:
I'm having trouble with the TouchFlo 3D Weather tab:
after a day or two of use, the weather won't update anymore, be it with GPRS, HSDPA, Wifi or whatever (connection works for other stuff)...
At the top right of the screen when you press on "Last Update", it just keeps saying "Updating..." forever and the ONLY solution I've found is to perform a soft reset...
After soft reset, there is no problem anymore for updating...
I thought it was a one-time bug but it has happened twice now...
Is anyone facing the same problem?
My version of TouchFlo 3D is 1.0.1630.15
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Which rom do you have?
After you mentioned that it was the Proxy, i have checked on WiFi and it updates normally.
Being O2 prepaid customer i have a proxy for my GPRS.
Is there a way to force weather to run through a proxy?
I don't have a proxy so it wasn't the cause in my case... I have solved it in upgrading the ROM. Now my version of TouchFlo 3D is 1.0.1630.23 and I don't have this problem anymore.
I had the same problem with SnapVue on the Shift, so I don't think it is a Diamond issue, more a weather app s/w issue
Thank you for all the tips! This forum is really a great tool for noobs like me.
For me, in order to get it to work, I removed the old gprs-settings (Swedish Telia) and then manually entered the information, then it worked! I was a proxy.setting problem for me, but when I only removed the proxy it still didn´t work. I then deleted the setting and removed the auto-config-option and entered the settings manually.
Maybe that will work for those of you who still have the problem...
Got the same problem as well. It worked fine until yesterday on my carrier's GPRS connection (via proxy). Now it only updates via the WiFi connection - I get an error on GPRS. Web navigation on GPRS works fine, though.
/bump. Does anyone have any ideas?
need an answer to this as well. My weather tab suddenly stopped working, giving me an error. However my stocks tab, email, web surfing still works over edge/3g, what is wrong with the weather tab???
ive tried soft reset/reflash to different roms/manually inputting my internet setting but i still get this problem? Weather tab in the roms i flashed before worked, but doesnt anymore, so it is definitely not a rom issue, but a device issue, help!!!
bump for an answer
Hi -- I've got an unlocked Kaiser 100 which works fine in other countries (SFR network in France, O2 in Ireland, etc...) and _has_ worked fine on AT&T in America until recently. Suddenly, the data connection has started randomly but chronically started going dead on me. The problem has nothing to do with connection strength: I'm in Manhattan, which generally has excellent coverage, and the connection can be at four bars on HSDPA, and I still won't be able to download _any_ data. Sometimes the four bars HSDPA icon will suddenly change to the no-connection icon for a moment and then return to four bars HSDPA again. And this happens completely unpredictably: the connection is sometimes fine for hours and hours, while at other times I won't be able to download any data for minutes at a time.
I've tried many different connection settings, some with proxy and some without, and haven't been able to fix the issue. AT&T support has been, of course, completely useless, and just stay that these problems happen with unlocked, non-AT&T branded phones.
Does anyone have any ideas? I'm using the stock ROM that came with the phone (and which worked great with AT&T until recently) and I've tried doing two soft-resets, neither of which have fixed the issue.
p.s. Does anyone understand why a "search this forum" search for ATT or AT&T turns up _nothing_? There are many posts that mention AT&T, obviously, but I can't find any of them doing a search. I wonder if someone has posted on this issue before, but I have no way to find out.
You didn't disable anything with an adv config tool by chance?
You are sure you covered "disable proxy"?
Name: MediaNet
Proxy settings: None and "This network connects to the internet" marked
Access point: wap.cingular
Username/password/domain: LEAVE BLANK (don't ask why just leave BLANK)
Adv settings: User server assigned IP address
IP header compression
Servers: All empty
I had a similar issue a few weeks ago and AFTER removing username and pw all worked out well.
Thanks for the response -- yes, those are exactly what my settings have been too. They seem to be working fine right now, but I'm sure I'll have connection issues again later today or tomorrow.
Thank you for that. Telling me to delete my UN & password in media net settings. For some reason, that has saved me from wanting to destroy my mother ****ing phone.
With the UN and Password in there, my phone (when in use as modem for laptop) would ONLY allow me to run google searches, and visit the paypal website. Note, I couldn't actually click on any google result, as it would then resort to error 404
Thank you again, for lending me the tip that makes my phone work like it ****ing should have out of the goddamn box
I'm having data trouble as well. Everything worked fine as of last night. However, this morning I found that I could only connect to the Internet with Internet Explorer. Other browsers, Opera Mini, Opera 8.65, all hang. SiriusWM5, SelectRadio, Resco Radio, youtubeplay and other Web-enabled programs can no longer connect. However, QuickGPS still works as does RSS Hub.
I've tried to tinker with the connection settings, including using the advice in this thread Nothing works. I ran connection setup to just restore the original settings. Nothing. I can only connect with IE...I'm posting this message with it. Any ideas on what the problem might be that would allow some apps to work and not others?
UPDATE: Opera 9 and Netfront 3.3 actually do work. Live Search works also.
Is Pocket Outlook working? I just called AT&T because mine stopped working today.
It looks like this is a widespread problem. Mine is doing the same thing. At least we know it is the service and not the phone.
Hust saw this post on another website..
"Just got off the phone with an AT&T Rep. The hurricane knocked something out and the data access is supposedly down in half the U.S. ETA was this afternoon per the rep"
good to know. but why would some programs work and others not? don't they all use the same port/server/whatever to access the Web?
this is still weird. but let's hope it's fixed ASAP.
seems they've fixed the problem.
why would some programs work and others not
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Cannot explain how a network works in three words but services to support whatever network (DNS, routers, proxy's, NAT servers) are spread all over the US so if a major hub or datacenter has a problem, things go south, at least partially.
diar said:
seems they've fixed the problem.
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Yeah, looks like things are working now.
I've run into a similar issue except that my phone works OK in the US but not in Germany.
I have an AT&T Tilt with the latest official AT&T Windows 6.1 ROM. It works great here in the US. However, when I am in Germany, the data connection seems to drop and the only way I found to get it back is to do a soft reset. It then comes back for a while, but drops again after some time (maybe tens of minutes - there's an X next to the data connection symbol). After the soft reset I am able to connect to download say the weather in the built-in HTC Home. However, after several minutes the connection drops again and checking the weather results in the phone trying to establish a data connection followed by a message that the answering modem has dropped the call.
Anyone know what the problem might be? The issue seems aggravated while connected to Vodafone, less so when connected to O2. After returning to the US everything works as expected again. I haven't done any tweaks to change the data connections of the phone. KaiserTweak sees everything related to GPRS and data set to default. Some people have suggested getting a new radio ROM, but I'm not sure which one would work well in the US, Europe, Japan and Korea.
Try checking AT&T support tutorials at https://www.wireless.att.com/suppor...0&tutorialsCategory=Browser&tutorialId=668770
I have a CAB in the office for intl. data setup. Helped me in Europe all the time, will post tomorrow.
HBEAR said:
Try checking AT&T support tutorials at https://www.wireless.att.com/suppor...0&tutorialsCategory=Browser&tutorialId=668770
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I will try selecting the carrier when I am in Europe next week. However, I'd prefer something that just works in case a particular carrier is not available. I am hoping the radio will work OK in Korea and Japan too.
tyguy: Do you know what the cab changes? Does it change the radio ROM code or does it modify some other settings? I'm curious as to what is causing the problem. Also, is this a one time operation or do you have to keep changing settings when you go between continents?
tyguy said:
I have a CAB in the office for intl. data setup. Helped me in Europe all the time, will post tomorrow.
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Would you have it available now? I'm interested in trying it out. Do you have any details on what it actually does?
You're not forgotten. I do not know what it does but it worked for me in Europe.
I deleted it from my email since a buddy of mine sent it while I was in Europe and didn't store it.
Let me poke around - I'll come back to you.
Here it is.
Details http://www.taniwha.org.uk/gprs.html
CAB attached
Thanks! I'll try it out this coming weekend.
Lemme know.
I'm using iolite_v05 WWE ROM that has touchflo as the today screen. The weather worked upon initial flashing (I update it through wifi) but all of a sudden it will not update anymore.
It gives me the error "Unable to retrieve data for selected city" - I have tried other cities, and get the same error (random ones, none close to me) - also have tried updating in other WIFI networks, same problem. It has also been a problem for almost 2 weeks now, so I'm assuming its my phone unless the weather servers disabled service?
What caused this to stop working, and how could I fix it? Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thanks in advance
I get the same problem on just about any Weather Plugin....
it was working fine though
jay487 said:
it was working fine though
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Does your connection use a proxy server ? Try going into your connection settings and disable any proxy server.
denco7 said:
Does your connection use a proxy server ? Try going into your connection settings and disable any proxy server.
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No it doesnt - and I have also tried on several different WIFI networks.. so its definitely a software issue on the device.
If you think that it is a software problem, then try reflashing the rom.
If it worked first off then something had changed try different location than usual to see if prob with accuweather, then hard-reset test if you can get weather update? If you do will be worth installing software slowly and seeing if anything you install causes this? If not then re-flash think poldo also has an updated ROM now.
denco7 said:
If you think that it is a software problem, then try reflashing the rom.
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The flash is less than a week old and I've spent what little spare time I have customizing it and adding everything back to it...
Not really looking forward to doing it again
Thanks though...
Hi there,
I'm using my own 6.5 (custom) Rom (Build 23004). I use an hosted exchange
server for Direct Push. Syncing is working well without any errors. But sometimes
it just looses the connection and Active Sync tells me: "Last synchronized: ...".
Then i hit Synchronize and it stays connected for some time again.
This happens to me since a long time, I can't remember if this happened to me
using 6.1 Builds. But as far as I know I didn't get this issue using the stock Rom.
This issue is really annoying as WiMo doesn't even notify me about loosing the
connection, and then even "check email every X minutes works better.
Does anyone know a solution? I don't like to get back the "ugly" stock Rom.
P.S: I read some guys using a Tilt had this issue as well, if not using the AT&T
stock Rom, but the HTC one.
Edit: In the Attachment is the Active Sync log. Disconnect was at 10:35. Don't know if this helps.
Diewi said:
Hi there,
I'm using my own 6.5 (custom) Rom (Build 23004). I use an hosted exchange
server for Direct Push. Syncing is working well without any errors. But sometimes
it just looses the connection and Active Sync tells me: "Last synchronized: ...".
Then i hit Synchronize and it stays connected for some time again.
This happens to me since a long time, I can't remember if this happened to me
using 6.1 Builds. But as far as I know I didn't get this issue using the stock Rom.
This issue is really annoying as WiMo doesn't even notify me about loosing the
connection, and then even "check email every X minutes works better.
Does anyone know a solution? I don't like to get back the "ugly" stock Rom.
P.S: I read some guys using a Tilt had this issue as well, if not using the AT&T
stock Rom, but the HTC one.
Edit: In the Attachment is the Active Sync log. Disconnect was at 10:35. Don't know if this helps.
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For some time now I use 6.5 ROMs together with hosted Exchange and the problem you discribe hasn't occured to me once (been using 6.5 builds for about 3 months now).
Have you contacted your hosting provider? Maybe it's a setting in Exchange that causes the disconnect.
Not yet, I didn't think it was related to them. I'll write them a mail tomorrow, too late right now. A good input.
At least I know right now the problem isn't related to wm6.5 custom Roms.
Thanks for your answer.
Alright, I'm getting closer now.
Just taping "Synchronize" doesn't reestablish the connection. The last time the
error was probably related to bad signal (more later).
Yesterday evening the connection was lost again. It happened at 20:40. I
noticed it at about eleven o'clock and see there was no data connection. I
told active sync to synchronize, but it took twice until it finally established a
data connection. Syncing didn't work either. So I tried to access the web using
Opera, but no page was loaded, it just showed me the white screen, no error
So, I turned the Phone on and off in Comm Manger, then it was working again.
I checked the log and it gave this line:
#2009-07-18 21:02:26.0000 AutdPing Ping received. HR = 85020003
At 21:02, there was the first sync attemp after the sync at 20:40.
The error code 85020003 tells me there is something wrong with the data
connection (conn mgr).
In Active Sync I get the error code 0x80072efd which is also related to
network problems.
So the problem is more complex I originally thought.
I'm really confused right now. Please, somebody got an advice?
Googled a bit trying to figure out what the error code means, some state you need to uncheck the proxyserver checkbox in your advanced connection settings. Others say uncheck the use SSL connection in your activesync settings. But none seem to be a conclusive solutions for everyone, so you can a least try.
Will try to find more....
Thanks for your commitment Lokatho.
I've been searching a lot, but didn't find anything that seems to be related to my problem.
I think this behaviour isn't related to Active Sync actually. It rather seems to be a
problem with the connection. All articles I found only describe errors coming from Active
Sync itself.
The weired thing is that toggling the Data Connection on/off doesn't help. My device
won't connect to the Internet any more (using 3G/GPRS). Only disabling and reenabling
the phone makes it work again. The error only appears after hours of usage up to a day
or more.
Seems like I need to return to stock rom for further investigation soon.
PS: Didn't contact my hosting provider as I'm moving to a better (cheaper, more storage, exchange 2007 instead of 2003) one right now, let's see.
Alright, I think I found the solution. I disabled HSDPA/HSUPA as my phone
only wanted to connect to my carrier data connection if this option was unused.
Now I turned it on again, my data connection was still working, and the issue
seems to be gone! Now I have to wait further (working for 2 days now). I'm
really happy now it's gone. Remember this if your running into strange
problems with your data connection