Modify Date on Home tab - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV General

Does any one know how to edit the date on the home tab ? It's too long and the 8 in 2008 does not show up. Probably there is not enough space.
My home tab now shows the date like
maandag 4 augustus 200 (monday 4 august 200) instead of maandag 4 augustus 200[size=+2]8[/size]
without the 8
Is there anyway to increase the space for the date to make it completely visable ?
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Start->Settings->System->Regional Settings->Date

mmm... I think it's a problem of lenght: the space is less than what you need.
I'm writing this because the second "0" is cutted at right, so it seems a "end" of field...
If you change the date with day name shorter, is the same? Or you can see the year?


Weather on home like the Touch?

I got my hands on a Sprint touch last night, and much prefer the weather display on it. It only displays today's weather large and purdy.
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Is there a way to do this, or minimize the number of forecast days visible? I'm looking into the related key HKLM\Software\HTC\HTCHome\Weather\
I would guess tweeking a regestry key would make it larger like that (something like the scrollable menu maybe?)
Personally I like the 5 day forecast look.
The easiest way on start is to compare registry on both models.

Battery Graph

Simple graph that shows your battery status over time, currently free 5 stars from me
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Has a pretty nice zoom feature and the option to use either a 1 or 5 minute check interval.
This is a screen shot of only tetherWiFi running. Looks like I get about and hour and a half before the battery goes dead. Time to hook up the usb lol
I installed this few hours ago and now a update aviable pops up already, is it a paid app or not?
nah it's still free, it used to force close when you started it on while hooked to usb. this update appears to have fixed that.

Analog clocks for Cookies Home Tab - Simple Clock Set 1+2 (just a first try)

The downloads are at the end of the Article.
Cabs for different colors are in the 2 zip files.
hope u like my first try, more coming soon.
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Hi Chal,
that looks very nice. My wish is to test the simply clock 2 black. The one in the 3rd row left. This can be a very nice one for GTX. And the simply clock 2 transparent in the 5th row right.
as i said these are just my first tries
more and better clocks hopefully online soon

[Q] Galaxy Note keyboard layout question

Maybe my question is rare: when I buy my GT-N7000 the Note have this keyboard layouyt, I don´t know the name:
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Later, with the update to 2.3.6 the keyboard layout change adding a top row of numbers and others. I really like the old one because with this distribution the letters are bigger in the screen. I not have eye problem but yes big fingers
Anyone know if I can change the setup of the keyboard to look equal like the image posted without install any extra app?
Thanks and regards!

U.S Nexus 4 up for sale again!

I just got an email saying Nexus 4 is up for sale again in the U.S.
it was released at 12 pst which is 3 est and it sold out by 3:12 eastern
It's up right now as far as I can see
EDIT: And gone now.
EDIT: Just keep refreshing
WTF Dose LG made only 100 device this time :laugh:
edit :16gb seems still available
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edit 2: haha sold out -_-
edit 3 : refreshed the page again and its say available

