Templates for camera?? - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III General

does anybody know where i can get more?? i searched and found a thread that had some but i wanted some more..

you can make them youself if you want
they are just gif's and the part of them where the photo goes
is set to be transparent
many image editors does it without any problems

There's also a collection templates Here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=415103
I haven't tried it though... but it should work.

thanks to both of you,ill try both

There is a cab file in Romeos extended cab too
Post number 2
Don't know if they are the same, but you can try right?
For additional (EXTENDED) apps, please extract to SD root with recursive folder structure.
:: Make sure 'SDConfig.txt' has been configured accordingly (':' sign will be bypassed during AutoRun).
I've modified certain extended apps to suit this ROM. Some of them :
01-ADOBEFLASH.LITE.V2.1.HTC__________________> Adobe Flash Lite
02-ADOBEREADERLE_v2_5_103000_60R2____________> Newest Adobe Reader PPC
03-CHECK.NOTIFICATIONS.V1.90_________________> ScaryBear nice app to check junk notification queue.
04-CLEAR.TEMP.V1.02__________________________> VicSoft nice app to clear junk files.
05-HC4_OBEX_INBOX____________________________> Nice control panel applet to set default btooth obex receive location.
06-HTC_CONNECTION_SETUP_____v1_0_31758_7_____> Connection Setup GPRS,MMS setting.
07-HTC_CAMERA_TEMPLATES______________________> Collections from various ROM
08-HTC_HOME_v2_1_1005722_s0__________________> HTC Home with configurable tab in Today Control panel.
10-OPENDLG_V1.66_MONX________________________> This will replace 'open/browse' file dialog box to better one.
11-PIMBACKUP_V2.8____________________________> Well known PIM backup program.
12-QUICKMARK-HTC-KAISER-V3_6R3353____________> To decode 2D Barcode system. | updated from Build R3182
13-ADVANCED_CONFIG_V2.> ROM TweakUI | With additional options to tweak ROMeOS
14-SMSDRFix_v0.9.5_WM6.1_____________________> Saman nice app for SMS delivery receipt fix. | pAlarm fixed.
15-SRS_WOWHD_v1_2_10_MONX ___________________> SRS effect | Modified for working with this ROM & has cool icon too (test the best setting urself).

^^thanks,anyone else,ill take as many as possible..

very interesting - but where do you put this file after
Rudegar said:
you can make them youself if you want
they are just gif's and the part of them where the photo goes
is set to be transparent
many image editors does it without any problems
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^^ you put them in my documents/templates
anybody have anymore?

I used google web not xda and found some
they had 42 here:
jg13x4 said:
^^ you put them in my documents/templates
anybody have anymore?
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^^thanks again


Cing 8125 users: looking for input on next ROM

In about a week (assuming that G.W.B. can resist starting WWIII for that long), I'm going to build another ROM. This time I'd like to get some input on what to include.
A few things to keep in mind:
1) The goal is to include apps and hacks that appeal to the widest audience and are useful. If it's something that's not useful to a lot of people, then there's no reason to put it into a ROM. I can add more themes and ringers as well, but they should appeal to as broad a group as possible.
2) I won't include any commercial apps. Not even in an unregistered state. I might consider things that have been extracted from other ROMs, but I'm debating that with the voices in my head and will decide later.
3) Apps should be mature, not beta, if possible. I don't want to have to rebuild the ROM every time a new beta version of an app comes out.
4) If possible, attach registry hacks in the form of .reg files to your request. Or at least post the registry entry in you message.
5) It would we swell if someone could take the lead on tallying up the suggestions and help to prioritize. I'll shoot for building the ROM in about 10 days.
If we can keep the additions under 5 Megs total I think we'll be OK.
Here's what will be in there as of now (which is in the current custom ROMs)
-Oregami themes
-digital, cellular, and electronic ringers
-.NET Compact Framework 2
-Wireless Today screen plugin
-enable multi-select/delete contacts
-a hidden treasure map providing the precise pinpoint location of $2.33 in pennies that I previously buried when I was perhaps 7 or 8
First I want to say thinks for the bang up job you have done on putting together these roms for us.
The only things that I would like to see that I can think of would be the registery hack that makes GPRS/EDGE stay on all the time. And I would also like, if it is possible, anything that would make the phone us a WiFi connection, when present and turned on, instead of GPRS/EDGE.
I am not sure if it is possible to do that or not.
Usefull apps
Well I would like to have these applications in the next ROM
1) Smartkeys - http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=41060&highlight=smartkeys
2) Wakeapp - to easily setup OmapClock and other event-driven applications. http://www.kent7.com/holly/wakeapp/ , download EN version at http://kent7.sakura.ne.jp/holly/wakeapp/wa_arm021_e.zip
3) SMSDeliveryFix - to show SMS recipient name in a delivery report - http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=42696&highlight=sms+delivery+fix
4) WM5NewMenu - similiar to WM2003 "New" button - http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=40088&highlight=wm5newmenu
5) WM5torage - PDA acting as a memory card reader without ActiveSync - http://www.modaco.com/WM5torage-t238545.html
6) Some software for sending and receiving vCard via SMS.
Thank you for the great effort :wink:
The correct E or G icon
Caps, Num, lock indicators
ability to set OMPA and forget it.
smaller scroll bars
the three reptile themes at this site, I think everyone would like these, grey, blue, and red.
TCPMP-media player
Total Commander-file explorer/reg editor
Agile Messenger-great messaging app aol,msn,icq etc.
I think these are good apps that everyone could use.
the only thing i think would be beneficial would be adding all the reg edits that reg wiz adds to speed up our device, so we don't have to do it each time we clear storage. THAT would be awesome. i could care less about apps being included, i can install them just fine; but it's a pain in the ass every time i clear storage/flash new rom, that i have to redo all the reg tweaks.
I haven't found a way, but more emphesis on Storage Memory than Program memory would be good for me. I use alot of storage memory with Contacts, Email (even with moving my attachments to storage) and Calendar databases.
I used the much cleaner 2.17 RUU rom without the ringtones but did copy over a couple of them from the 2.17 with RT and OC. Also copied the OMAP clock and it's shortcuts.
A clean Rom without much of the extras would be good.
I also have customized my Cingular connection to use isp.cingular and [email protected] instead of the built in wap.cingular and [email protected] connection. I also turned of the proxy as it was interfeering with my AKU2 push from my Exch2K3-SP2 box.
Is there anyway to use the EXT ROM or add a slider bar like in WM2003SE?
p.s. thanks for the ROMs. I just got my 8125 about 2 weeks ago and have been having mucho grande fun with it.
ROM additions
How about:
- Total Commander
- ?? some sort of free registry editor (PHM RegEdit?)
- smartskey, I agree, but I think it's ini file needs to be in the same directory and it's small so this may not work
- RegWizard (the xda developer forum developed list of hacks), although actually i don't think this is necessary because it along with its framework requires over a meg, and you can just delete it once you install the desired reg hacks. . .
- Magic Button or some other similar task manager thing
I don't think more themes or ringers would be uniformly useful.
Can you add something to truly shut down apps?
I've gotten in the habit of shutting down apps through the running programs tab under memory. Is there any way to make this easier such as putting a direct link in the Start menu to this page or on the Today list.
You know, summiter, you could just fix it so that the programs actually close when you hit the X.
Re: Can you add something to truly shut down apps?
sbuff said:
I've gotten in the habit of shutting down apps through the running programs tab under memory. Is there any way to make this easier such as putting a direct link in the Start menu to this page or on the Today list.
You know, summiter, you could just fix it so that the programs actually close when you hit the X.
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Not unless he is going to rewrite the way Windows Mobile works. Thats a M$ thing. And also why apps such as vBar and Magic Button and InClose exist.
Summiter may be a ROM compiling wizard but lets not lay too many burdens at his feet to fix.
I'm just really happy push email is working.
TCPMP with plugins http://tcpmp.corecodec.org/about
tGetFile.dll http://tillanosoft.com/ce/tgetfile.html
PocketNotepad http://tillanosoft.com/ce/pnotepad.html
PocketTweak http://tillanosoft.com/ce/ptweak.html
Adobe Reader 2.0 is huge and belongs in ROM. But is it popular enough? http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2_mobile.html#pocketPC
Continued Bluetooth Fixes
I have notice several still having Bluetooth issues with the lack of support; specifically, SSP over bluetooth. This opens up additional application possibilities not available today. I wouild like to run Bluetooth GPS with receivers such as the Holux 236 GPSlim, but the lack of SSP makes this almost impossible.
Just a thought
I'd like to see common registry hacks already applied and perhaps a txt file explaining the ones included with the new ROM. For example, the ones I listed below are from my own notes so when I re-flash I can re-apply them.
Regarding software, I'd almost prefer to see CAB files instead of pre-loaded software. Since CABs disappear once installed, we could make the choice of installing or deleting, and thus possibly save space but also gain the benefit of having them ready-to-install. You could even use different subdirectories for free vs the ones requiring a registration code to help keep the surprise / disappointment factor down (when we find out it costs money). This would also prevent a problem of competing solutions for some who prefer one plugin over another if they both serve a common function.
Along the same lines, I believe registry hacks can be applied via CAB files or maybe even .reg files (or maybe not - I'm still educating myself with all of this). You could stick with what you have for the current ROM but load it up with optional extras which could be deleted if we just didn't want them.
I think what you're doing is great and applaud your efforts!
I just started configuring my 8125 today, these are the hacks I applied so far (after stepping up to your 2.17 ROM):
Enable scrolling in IE with 4-way button
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Navigation\4-Way Nav
Change Value from 1 to 0.
Slide-out Keyboard Status Indicator
Create entry EnableIndicator and assign DWORD value of 1(decimal)
Increase your 8125 speed
Change "CacheSize" value from "0" to "4096".
Assign a value of 1 to EnableCache
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\Filters\f sreplxfilt\
Assign a value of 4096 to ReplStoreCacheSize
Disable menu animation – removes menu animation which uses up system resources
Change "AniType" from "6" (default) to "0" (disabled).
Change the width of the vertical scroll bar and the height of the horizontal scroll bar so they take less room on the screen:
Change cxVScr to (say) 9 to make vertical scrollbar narrower. Default value is 13
Change cyHScr to (say) 9 to make horizontal scrollbar narrower. Default value is 13
Enable 802.11g
TCPMP definitely, I use this more than any other app on pocketpc devices.
I think you should also consider a paired down ROM. One without any Cingular addons that aren't required to make the device work on Cingular. Basically only the ones that set up MMS and the GPRS settings. I'd even leave out the proxy if thats possible.
But in this paired down ROM I'd still include a few extras like some extra themes and ringers.
And I'd put in the two programs I don't think anyone can live without, SmartSkey and TotalCommader.
Thats basically the setup I have now, but I'm wasting space in my extended ROM and other areas because there are things on my device that I can't remove and I'm not using.
azagahl said:
Adobe Reader 2.0 is huge and belongs in ROM. But is it popular enough? http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2_mobile.html#pocketPC
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Is Adobe reader prefered over the ClearviewPDF Reader that is already in the ROM?
Re: Continued Bluetooth Fixes
jlsenter said:
I have notice several still having Bluetooth issues with the lack of support; specifically, SSP over bluetooth. This opens up additional application possibilities not available today. I wouild like to run Bluetooth GPS with receivers such as the Holux 236 GPSlim, but the lack of SSP makes this almost impossible.
Just a thought
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I'm not familarwith SSP. Is it a profile? What does it enhance/enable?
Do you know if there are any WM5 devices which have it? (perhaps it can be ripped out and added to the Wiz)
knight4led said:
I think you should also consider a paired down ROM. One without any Cingular addons that aren't required to make the device work on Cingular. Basically only the ones that set up MMS and the GPRS settings. I'd even leave out the proxy if thats possible.
But in this paired down ROM I'd still include a few extras like some extra themes and ringers.
And I'd put in the two programs I don't think anyone can live without, SmartSkey and TotalCommader.
Thats basically the setup I have now, but I'm wasting space in my extended ROM and other areas because there are things on my device that I can't remove and I'm not using.
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haha this is at least the second message that goes something like: "how about a ROM stripped of everything, but add this and that and oh yeah add this too". I say this in good fun so don't take offense. It just indicates that everyone has quite unique needs.
I will create a barebones ROM as well. But I don't want to have too many ROMs out there because I don't want to have to rebuild them all when something changes.
As far as using the Extended ROM for other purposes..as of now it can't be done. It's locked in some way that prevents effectively using as storage space. (if you try to manipulate it, it becomes corrupted). So the only use for it is to install stuff at first boot.
Well I might as well put in my two cents....but first....Summiter....marry me! I'll tell my wife to divorce me and she can take her nokia phone with her!
-Ok definitely Smartskey in the same folder as Omapclock so smartskey.ini file can tell omapclock to clock me at 216 everytime after soft reset.
-Please take out the stupid SIP keyboard...i'ts useless and can only be used by leprechauns with little fingers.
-A way to easily change splash screens.
-Hide SIM contacts
new DWORD value named "ShowSim" and set it to 0
1. Disable menu animations to increase performance:
Change "AniType" from "6" (default) to "0" (disabled).
- Add vibration instead of sound to keypresses in the phonepad for better tactile feedback:
for i = 0 to 9
Give an example for "i" Button:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Sounds\Dtmf "i"]
1. Rename Standart DWORD parameter "Sound" to "Sound1"
2. Create new String Parameter "Sound"
3. Assign value *vibrate* to this new parameter.
For this there is also a cab file available.
***this is a cool registry tweak
- oh and this is a must have, all these pda phones lack in the phone department...people on the other side of a phone call can barely hear us until you put this registry tweak in.
changed RECEIVE_UPLINK_VOLUME and EARPHONE_UPLINK_VOLUME values to CC. after that change, microphone sensitivity got better and didn't receive any more complaints.
Though i wish someone knew a way to improve the sound mic quality during speakerphone.
And there are so many ringtones in your rom summiter...they all sound alike lol. put the You've got mail.wav file for incoming mail, i have it if you want. how bout some funny ringtones or music ringtones instead?
k that's all

What is the BEST Freeware available for the WIZARD?

Hello Everyone! It seems like I stumble upon an awesome program for the MDA at least every week or so that is freeware. I wanted to create this thread so we could share the software with each other. Here are a couple I found in the last few days:
Minimo Browser - The pocket version of Firefox! Still in beta but very cool nonetheless. You can get it here: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/minimo/
FloatMe - A simple little program written by senior member _tb_tb. This program allows you to take any program that is running on your MDA and make it open in a MOVABLE WINDOW! You can get it here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=282913
Do you have any favorites? Please share them in this thread! Please provide links so others can download them
I like Opera...WiFiFoFum2, etc....
demontefixo said:
I like Opera...WiFiFoFum2, etc....
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Can you provide links?
texasaggie1 said:
Can you provide links?
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Ooooooh I suppose....
WiFiFoFum2 --> http://www.aspecto-software.com/rw/applications/wififofum/
Opera --> http://www.opera.com/products/mobile/
check out www.freecabs.de
or www.freewareppc.com
theres tons of free apps on there
if you search hard enough on google there sites where your can get any program hacked up and runs fine on your ppc for free
Smartskey. Gets used everyday without fail.
FtxPBrowser - A quirky, yet stable, browser that uses PIE as its engine. It allows multiple windows and uses tabs. You can get it here: http://park15.wakwak.com/~ftx/ftxp3e/
Just download the latest version, copy it to your device, and click on it to run. No install program!
VJ Devicelock
VJ Devicelock - Allows you to lock your device with the touch of one button. You can get it here: http://www.vijay555.com/?Releases:VJDeviceLock
With 1131 freeware programs for the Pocket PC {at the time of this writting}, I'm a PDAGOLD junkie! Seek and ye shall find... There's some good stuff in there.
Opera Mini.
It's way faster than Pocket Internet Explorer and it's free as well...
The "must-haves" for the Wiz:
* SmartSKey -- http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=41060 (add functionality to softkeys with press/hold)
* OmapClock -- http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=40284 (overclocking; note SmartSKey can be set to automatically start OmapClock on start up; OmapClockPlus also does this)
* PQzII -- http://www.nicque.com/PQz/ (remap a key to act as CTRL or ALT; set keyboard shortcuts; basically makes the keyboard useful! There is a Wiz-specific version)
* Someone mentioned Vijay555's Device Lock: Lots of other good stuff there. Check out http://www.vijay555.com/?Releases
I use VJOKButt to fully close an app not just minimize
Also VJEschaton to do a soft reset from a command.
He provides lots of examples but you can set up your own shortcut to act just the way you want! Map to a key (I use DoubleLauncher which isn't free but others are)
This one is also a fave:
* http://mapforpda.com/ is a great app that let's you do dynamic maps, directions, etc. ... with a GPS option. Really nice and love that price!
Weather Watcher Mobile
I love this one. I am addicted to up-to-date weather stuff. http://www.singerscreations.com/RSS/Posts/339.asp
I enjoy this weather program, it's compact and allows for up to 3 cities to be viewed on the today screen.
if you are a news junkie, then I also enjoy pRSSreader. It requires a little effort to put the URL's to the RSS feeds, but it gives the freedom to choose whatever feed you want.
I like to use magic button to close apps.
Some freeware I cannot do without
dkb218 said:
With 1131 freeware programs for the Pocket PC {at the time of this writting}, I'm a PDAGOLD junkie! Seek and ye shall find... There's some good stuff in there.
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Yep, deffo my favourite.
My No. 1 piece of software - CLaunch http://www.pdagold.com/software/det...pers.com/showthread.php?p=1099122#post1099122]
XnView Pocket http://www.pdagold.com/software/detail.asp?s=1275
Clear Temp files http://www.pdagold.com/software/detail.asp?s=1279
GPRS tweak http://www.pdagold.com/software/detail.asp?s=265
Gringos (Game) http://www.pdagold.com/software/detail.asp?s=514
Task Manager V2.3 (Buzz Dev) http://www.buzzdev.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=86&Itemid=1 *** Version 2.7 is now available ***
Total Commander V2 http://www.freewareppc.com/utilities/totalcommander.shtml
And . . . TCPMP http://www.pocketpcfreewares.com/en/index.php?soft=1080
Keep it up!
Thanks for everyone posting so far! I am getting some good insight into some great software. I hope this thread will be helpful to everyone.
One of my favorites is the "fixed" O2 plus. Here is a link to show you what it has
The complete thread is here:
The install files are here.
Copy them to your device via active sync, Install the cab file starting with 1 first (install to main memory), reset then immediately install the cab file starting with 2 (install to main memory) reset then tweak and enjoy.
Credit goes to all in original thread...I just read and found and enjoyed...just passing it on.
demontefixo said:
Opera --> http://www.opera.com/products/mobile/
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I think this is only a trial version
I like pocketbreeze...it's a today plug-in that manages messaging, notes, calender, to-do list, special events
link to torrent...
Link removed for spreading disease

shortcut icon for all control panel applets

I am sorry if it's a super N00b question... However, I searched high and low (in Google) but can not find any solution yet...
I am using UltimateLaunch and try to create a tab with all control panel applets. I know how to make a shortcut for each applet (instructions here: http://www.ppcsg.com/index.php?showtopic=51882)
, however, they all show up same default icons.
I tried also to add "?/windows/ctlpnl.exe,-5000" inside the .lnk file, however, this trick works only last century (WM2003) and WM6.0 seems use a complete different number/mechanism since I can never guess the number index right!
I tried to use tools mentioned here: http://forum.brighthand.com/showthread.php?t=176117 but none works for Kaiser. Is there a better tool or way to extract the icon or assign a shortcut with icon? (I know all those icons are stored in ctlpnl.exe, however, how to get the index is the key question)
Or is there a easier way to get out the ctlpnl.exe and use Resource hacker to find the index? (the only way I know of is to download a Rom image and it's hell lot of works!)
Thank in advance!
Here's also a thread about shortcuts, maybe you'll find the answer to your questions there....
This is what I use.
I too have Ultimate Launch. I just create a link to the attached exe. It opens up the setting folder just as WM6 would. Unfortunately the link posted above doesn't have a way to open the settings root (at least not that I saw).
Also included in that zip file are some other useful exe's. I particulaly like wisSystem.exe for seeing quick system info.
Thanks for the link as well as those useful small utilities, I think I can add some more functionality to my Kaiser.
However, since I would like to directly link to the control applet in the UltimateLaunch with a valid icon on the Today screen, I still need a way to get the icon to make it more visual plesant. Right now I am using the "text icon" of UL to get by....
Thanks anyway!
lssong99 said:
Thanks for the link as well as those useful small utilities, I think I can add some more functionality to my Kaiser.
However, since I would like to directly link to the control applet in the UltimateLaunch with a valid icon on the Today screen, I still need a way to get the icon to make it more visual plesant. Right now I am using the "text icon" of UL to get by....
Thanks anyway!
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Wisbar Advance Desktop allows that.
Not Free but both of Chirs McKay's programs are WELL worth the 10 bucks each. IMHO

R [WWE|GER|FRA|ITA|NLD] |July 4| Energy™-.¸¸.·´¯ 6.5|21916 / 6.5.X|29022 * Sense 2021

Welcome to the "EnergyROM" thread !
This development thread is for my "Energy" custom firmware series for the HTC Touch Pro2 (Rhodium) device.
This ROM only works on GSM devices, flashing to a CDMA device will make it non-bootable (flash a stock, or CDMA specific ROM, to recover from that).
I do make a CDMA version (Sprint, Verizon, Altel, etc) and that's found here!
The current build numbers and date can be seen in the title of this thread. I usually update the ROMs about twice a week, as new builds come down the pipe or as new software/updates are available.
I build my ROMs with four main goals.
Eye candy ( I want my ROM to look great and for it to all flow together nicely)
Speed !!!
Smoothness, consistency and good aesthetics
Stability through private beta testing before public release
I pre-configure a lot of things in my ROM, because when I flash it on my phone, I want it ready to go. So, expect the backlight to be set at the maximum brightness, the ringtone, sms/email and other notifications to already be set. Doing it this way, makes for a nice ROM that's ready out of the box.
I recommend learning to backup your settings with either Sashimi or UC (User Customization). Backing up with SPB Backup or similar products, is NOT recommended, as they tend to backup the previous release's registry/file bugs as well!
Looking at the download folder you will find two core versions of my ROM.
A 21916 Build which is the most reliable and bug free release. It has the Start menu button at the top left corner. This build uses the same stock system that came with your device. This is usually the fastest and most stable build, but it's also the least fancy
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
A 29022 Build that's the latest in Microsoft's development with the Start menu button at the bottom left corner and big softkeys, making it all very "finger friendly". These builds reflect the latest cutting edge technology from Microsoft. Most people choose this build... Why else would you install a custom ROM ?
You can stay up to date on the status of my ROM development by "following" me on Twitter.
It's definitely the fastest way to get in touch with me and please don't be afraid to tweet me if you see major issues with the ROMs.
I generally do not answer "support" questions on Twitter, as it's really not the proper medium for that. Service packs and quick fixes will always be released as links in my tweets and that's definitely the fastest way to get a fix for a ROM.
To follow me on twitter, click here!
This post features all the Cookie Hometab based ROMs I make.
The original ROM is the "energy" version and that's a good starting point. All the rest, are themes applied to that ROM.
They all come in two versions, Cookie 1.8.5 and Cookie 2.0 (the ROM filename will be labeled "Cookie" and "Cookie.2.0, plus the name of the theme)
You can see more screenshots of these ROMs a couple of posts down.
The two Cookie versions look pretty similar, but Cookie 2.0 has multiple sliding homescreens/freely moveable widgets (similar to Android) and
quite a few more features and speed.
My own 'Energy' style
This is the best ROM version and the way Sense should have been designed by HTC
Offers the biggest customization ability out of all versions. You can add/remove bars or items on the homescreen, arrange items any way you like, plus lots of extra features
Three built in lockscreens. "HD Mini" style, Manila style or Windows style
3 pages of quicklinks with a configurable amount of shortcuts displayed
3 Homescreen layouts to choose from, as seen in the above screenshots, all completely customizable !
Link to the original thread for this mod is here > Click <
Dinik's "Anastasia"
This ROM series is skinned with Dinik's great "Anastasia" theme applied on everything.
Everything has been skinned, including Sense, the start menu items, the soft keyboard, parts of the dialer... etc
_LeCiel_'s ".sencity"
This ROM is themed with the .sencity theme released by _LeCiel_ who is a very talented artist ! Please support his work if possible.
.sencity is not %100 complete yet, but _LeCiel_ is working hard on finishing his work to completely skin the entire ROM.
Link to the original thread for this mod is here > Click <
DJC & Bobsbbq's "Touch Of Glass"
This ROM series is skinned with DJC's "Touch of Glass" theme throughout Sense and the Start Menu
More will be skinned as DJC continues his work on the theme in the future...
Link to the original thread for this mod is here > Click <
ElCondor's "GTX"
This ROM has the white GTX theme applied
Android styled taskbar, matching dialer, matching start menu background and Action screen background
GTX is a total reskin of the operating system, so expect a very different (white) experience
Link to the original thread for this mod is here > Click <
'Standard' ROMs that have no addons installed on the homescreen. Stock Sense 2.5 !
This series retains the stock functionality of the Sense UI. The files have been compressed by "CFC" compression. making the UI lighter and faster
This ROM still retains my theme and style, plus all the regular apps you find in my ROMs.
There are no homescreen addon-ons in this ROM. The best speed and the most stock functionality.
This ROM is mostly for people that want a close to stock ROM with the stock visual style. It's also perfect for doing your own customizations.
A lot of the cooked in apps are removed in this ROM, the Start menu back to the stock 3 row style
Sense and everything else is back to the default HTC green.
ROMs mostly created for enthusiasts...
MaxSense UI (android style homescreen)
This is a complete rewrite of the Sense homescreen, by maxycy.
It features a 3 screen, Android style, homescreen with widgets! The widgets can be placed ANYWHERE on the three screens.
75 Quicklink accessible on all tabs
You should really visit the original thread for this mod shown on the next line to see all the features!
Link to the original thread for this mod is here > Click <.
Titanium (ROMs for raw speed!)
This is a minimal ROM version without Sense in it. It's used primarily for people that like to customize the default 6.5 homescreen (Titanium)
You can use it to install alternate homescreen interfaces like SPB Mobile Shell, etc
Very low memory footprint and good battery life, but very simple and lacks a lot of features that you would otherwise have available in Sense...
ALL my ROMs have Titanium built in already along with Sense, but THIS ROM is Titanium only.
Click the following link for addons, XDA_UC help and various cabs specific to this ROM series
List of installed applications
Bubble Breaker
Google Maps
Opera 9.7
Jbed Java
Remote Desktop
A couple of widgets for ROM Updates
MSN Messenger and Windows Live
Windows Live
Send and Receive All
Data Controller
Audio Booster
FM Radio
MP3 Trimmer
Voice Recorder
InCall Recording
Office Mobile
Full suite of Office Mobile 2010
BsB Tweaks
Lock Device
Microsoft MyPhone
Registry Editor
PIM Backup
FDC TaskManager
Wifi Router
My own Settings Exporter tool
Shake and Save (screenshot app)
Wifi Monster
Wifi Router (internet sharing app)
On the Start Menu
Backlight control app
Total Commander
Rotate Screen (by clicking icon or by pushing down Send key)
Windows Marketplace
ROM features at a glance:
Very fast startup time. You find any startup wizards in this ROM. You'll be up and running in a couple minutes after flashing the ROM.
XDA_UC is built in. It will import your custom XML and REG files from your storage card after first boot.
My own Settings Exporter application is found in the Tools folder. Use it to export all your settings after you customize the device. When a new ROM comes down the line, use it to import everything and save time.
Everything is setup to use the phone right after flashing. Sounds, notifications, etc
The HTC Messaging client is removed, leaving the windows built SMS client for much faster texting...
Release notes
July 4th, 2011
Wifi Router app updated for more compatibility (especially VGA devices)
USSD Service app fixed and updated
Removed rogue Imagio bootup welcomescreen and animation
Fixed InCall volume issues for 21916 VGA devices ROMs
Fixed Bubblebreaker for 21916 ROMs
VoIP components thrown back in
July 2nd, 2011
Updated to 29022
Bluetooth HID profiles cooked back in
Fixed Opera favorites problem in Titanium ROMs
SIM Manager not opening on some devices, fixed
Camera version 6.45 from Oboe integrated in all HD2 specific ROMs
Added Ninja Duck's "No WIFI Sleep" cab to the addons directory to stop wifi from sleeping during HTC Wifi Sharing operations (http://www.energyroms.com/Addons/Regular%20Addons/index.php)
Sencity skinned dialer made by "eac" (only on some devices, HD2 and VGA excluded)
June 1st, 2011
Fixed Music tab bug where songs don't play all the way or get stuck on "searching"
Fixed blue disabled button situation in certain instances, but keeping the WM contacts readable
WorldCard Mobile removed from ALL ROMs (useless, broken, app... if you want it there's plenty
of cabs for it around)
Some ICONS are now squared for better compability with SPB and other apps
Audiobooster skin for Touch of Glass ROMs (WVGA only)
Added nice 28 day Agenda MOD to Calendar tab in Sense (thanks to slabbi! not sure if this got cooked in ?!? feedback please...)
Week view in Sense Calendar tab is now more legible with a blue highlight instead of grey
Palringo updated to 2.6.2
Stock CHT Layout restoration file fixed for all ROMs
GTX Taskbar mod to 21916 ROMs for better visibility of task manager icon
GTX Skin for TCPMP
GTX Skin for the MP3Trimmer
GTX Mod for the CommManager
All of the above GTX mods are thanks to member eac ! Romanian power! lol
GTX "music widget not displaying on homescreen bug" fixed
Slight adjustment to HD2 GTX dialpad
2010 (trimmed) -----------------------------------------------------------
2009 (trimmed) -----------------------------------------------------------
2008 (trimmed) -----------------------------------------------------------
Now we have a FAQ system. Feel free to PM me with changes/additions to this!
EXTRA: If you installed a ROM using CHT 2.0 and Sense keeps restarting, the solution is here.
GSM vs. CDMA: This thread and ROMs are for GSM phones ONLY! If your phone is CDMA (Sprint, Verizon, Altel, etc.), CDMA versions of this ROM can be found here. Flashing to a CDMA device will make it non-bootable (flash a stock, or CDMA specific ROM, to recover from that).
How to check if your phone is GMS or CDMA: Look the model number under the battery. RHOD100, RHOD200, RHOD210, RHOD300 are GSM. RHOD400 and RHOD500 are CDMA.
Different flavors of the ROM: This ROM is offered in several flavors. Please read the #2 post to better understand each and pick the one you prefer.
The numbering system used on the ROM: The ROMs have different builds, identified by a number such as 216xx or 219xx. To learn more about what the numbers mean, some differences between the builds, and performance benchmarks, check this thread.
ROM Language: Energy ROMs are available in English and a few other languages. The Chef is progressively increasing the language options, based on demand. However, keep in mind that it is unlikely that there will be a version for every single language, so complaining about it won't help.
New versions of the ROM: New versions are posted often. Usually twice a week. There is a changelog in the 3rd or 4th post. However, the Changelog isn’t always up to date. Often the most current changelog is made available first at the Leo (HD2) thread. In order to keep the thread clean, please DO NOT keep asking what is new, or complaining that there is no Changelog. Either wait for one, or flash the ROM and see for yourself.
How to flash the ROM: There is an excellent guide here. Also, make sure to read topic # 4 below ("SUGGESTED SEQUENCE TO INSTALL A NEW ROM"), with a suggested sequence to install things progressively, and help you to pinpoint any issues you may have with a new ROM.
Radio: Radios are separate from the ROM and control the phone's communication hardware. This ROM DOES NOT change your radio, the same way that flashing a new radio does not change your ROM. Radios may work better or worse depending on your service provider and your location. Radios (and discussions about them) are found here.
Battery: This ROM is set for performance, and it is likely it will use more battery. However, after flashing a new ROM, it takes a few charge/discharge cycles for the battery gauge to stabilize, so please refrain from posting comments/complaints about battery life. Some good hints about the battery can be found here.
Carrier Provisioning: There are many different carriers, and some require different provisioning. If you are experiencing issues such as sending/receiving SMS/MMS, or your physical keyboard is not mapped corrected, you MAY need to provision for your carrier. For AT&T and T-Mobile, go to Start > Tools > Carrier Provisioning and select your carrier. For other carriers, go to Start > Connections > Connections > Advanced > Select Networks and either select from the drop down menus to edit or click on New to add a new one (you may need to contact your carrier to get the configuration information).
For AT&T, carrier provisioning can be performed automatically through XDA_UC by copying energy_att.cab from \Windows to \Storage Card\XDA_UC.
XDA_UC: EnergyROMs use XDA_UC, which is a tool to automate some of the installation and configuration steps. There is a good thread with XDA_UC hints and tips here.
Add-ons: NRGZ made a few add-ons available on his website. To check them, click here.
Settings: The Sense interface has several settings, including the ability to remove tabs or change their sequence. These settings can be found on the last tab, called… Settings! Additional settings can be changed with BsB Tweaks, and Advanced Config, both can be found at Start > Tools.
Screen rotation with keyboard closed : Some applications already have the screen rotation activated by default. In order to activate others, you either go to Start > Tools > BsB Tweaks > Menu > Rotation, or install a program such as ChangeScreen. If you are familiar with editing the Registry, additional applications can be also be added at HKCU\Software\HTC\HTCSensor\GSensor.
Changing the Time Zone: Go to Start > Settings > Clock & Alarms.
Changing the soft keys on the Home screen: To change the left soft key, use Start > Tools > BsB Tweaks > Menu > Left Manila Softkey. There is no user accessible way to change the right soft key.
Closing or changing the soft keyboard: The builds running Windows Mobile 6.5.3 have a special way of dealing with the soft keyboard. If you tap on the the right side of the keyboard icon, you get the menu which presents you with a choice of soft keyboards. Tap anywhere on the icon to open or close the soft keyboard.
Disabling internet push: Newest versions of EnergyRom have internet push enabled. If you prefer to disable it, the instructions are here.
Notifications: If you are not receiving a notification (such as when you receive a SMS or e-mail), or want to change your notification settings and sounds, go to Start > Settings > Sounds & Notifications > Notifications. Click on the drop down menu to select the event you want to configure. If you want to manage the led notifications, install the cab posted here.
The phone no longer asking about USB connection type when connecting it via USB: Go to Start > Settings > Connections > USB to PC and check the last box (the one that says “Ask me first…”)
FM radio: Newest versions of EnergyRom were modified to allow the use of FM Radio without headphones. However, the headphones also worked as antenna. So, if you don’t have a strong FM signal in your area, you may not get any station. Some people resolved the problem by plugging the headphone adapter (the rectangular dongle) into the phone, and sticking the stylus into the adapter's headphone jack. This way, the stylus works as an antenna.
Sending MMS with AT&T: Run the Carrier Provisioning at Start > Tools, select ATT 2. The download and install this CAB http://forum.xda-developers.com/atta...4&d=1271445465 to adjust the maximum size to 600k.
Twitter tab: If you don't flash new ROMs very often, or if you get many tweets in a short period of time, you may want to clean them once in a while as ALL of them get stored on your phone, and this can cause performance issues. To do that, turn off Sense (Start > Settings > Home > Items > uncheck HTC Sense) and then delete the files in \Temp\twiteng\Db. Make sure not to delete any other files in the \Temp\twiteng directory. The other folder stores your log in token file. After doing that, do not forget to turn Sense on again.
SMS "traditional" look: If you don't like the new style of SMS in some of the EnergyROM builds (the "balloons"), you can revert back to the traditional one by installing this cab, ripped from the stock ROM.
Increase the Number of Allowed Recipients in Group SMS: The max number of default contacts to send a group SMS is 10. You can change it to 50 by changing the registry entry
Change Windows Mobile SMS Client skin: To change the "skin" used for Windows Mobile SMS Client ONLY please follow the directions in this thread. For example: The Astronaut Manila skin is available as a .CAB and will revert your SMS style back to "default" or "original" style. Additionally, you may choose to further customize your own style by making changes to the CSS (documentation is in the posted thread).
Video Codec suggested settings: If you are copying a video to play on your phone, these are some setting a member successfully tested:
Xvid/Divx compatible (h.263)
File Extension: m4v or mp4
fps: 23.976
Resolution: 800x480 (400x240 for smoothest video)
Video Bitrate: 600-800 kbps
Audio Bitrate 128-192 Stereo
This was tested with AVS Video Converter. Results with other encoders may vary. VBR (variable bitrate encoding) will give better quality if you encoder supports it but will take longer..
Splash Screen: The splash screen is that initial screen that shows when you turn the phone on. Usually it shows "TouchPro2". Some ROMs change the splash screen, but EnergyROMs don't.
If somehow you changed your splash screen by either flashing a different one, or by flashing a different ROM that changed it, and you want to revert back to the original screen, download it from here. To flash, follow the same procedure you would execute when flashing a ROM.
NOTE: Performing Task29 DOES NOT erase your splash screen (or your radio).
Physical keyboard repeat rate: In Settings> Personal> Buttons, there is an "Up/Down Control" tab. There, you can adjust the repeat rate and the delay before repeating for all hardware keys (despite the name "Up/Down Control"). Both are set to the fastest settings on EnergyROMs.
Playing music with screen off: If you want to be able to play music with the screen off to save battery, install this cab. NO LONGER NEEDED AFTER AUG 22, 2010 as the change is already cooked in.
Changing the environment variables, such as default save path for cameras, documents, etc.: To change the default locations, go Start > Tools > Advanced Config> Locations and make the changes you want by either picking the right folder from the drop down menu or by clicking on "browse", and navigating to the folder you want, and then clicking on "Select". Do not forget to press "Done" in order to save your changes.
Increasing the in call volume: If the volume while in call is too low and you already adjusted the volume to the maximum, install this cab, and restart the phone.
Enabling Cingular Video for AT&T users: Apply the cab posted here.
Additional Tips & Tricks: Can be found on this post created by JVH3. It also has his reviews of ROM versions.
Lack of memory to run programs (aka memory leak): If you are running out of memory you may experience correspondent error messages, or find out that some programs are unable to open, or that they suddenly close. Windows Mobile and many applications don't handle memory well, causing your phone to run out of memory to process the applications. THIS IS NOT A DEFECT OF THE ROM, so please DO NOT post complaints, or bug reports about it. A quick solution is either multi-task less, or reboot your phone regularly to "recover" the memory. An excellent analysis with some suggestions was posted here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=7005311&postcount=21054
Wrong physical keyboard configuration: If you are using AT&T or T-Mobile, and you are experiencing issues with the physical keyboard key configuration (FN not working, for example), you need to run the Carrier Provisioning that can be found at Start > Tools. Another alternative is to use a key remapper program such as this one.
Wrong or not getting “My Location” (on the Weather tab or Home): Your location is determined according to the cellular towers nearby. Depending on where they are and on the signal strength you are getting, you may see a wrong location. However, not all towers work for this despite the signal strength. Possibly they just don't send the request. Possibly they don't return the result. Some people reported that switching 3G off or off/on helped, but results vary. GPS and the ROM itself have nothing to do with it. An alternative is to add your city by clicking on the clock at the Home screen and then on Add City. The location feature depends heavily on Google's data about location. If Google's servers can't figure out where you are, your "My Location" feature will simply not work.
For people with AT&T: one member successfully fixed the location issue by installing the latest stock AT&T ROM (which updated the Radio and Rilphone) and then flashed the EnergyROM. His location then started to work fine. See his post here. MAY BE similar procedure would work for other carriers, using their correspondent stock ROMs.
ActiveSync unable to synchronize via USB: Some people reported that going to Start > Settings > Connections > USB to PC and disabling 'enable faster data synchronization' worked for them, but results vary. This issue happens more often with Vista/Windows 7.
ActiveSync showing error 0x85010013 on the PC while trying to synchronize, unable to contact Exchange: Try the solution posted here, which was reported to have resolved the issue.
Incorrect unread count (SMS or e-mail): Normally this is caused by a PIM backup that was restored. Two solutions (a procedure and a cab) can be found here. Microsoft My Phone (under Start > Tools) is a better alternative to backup your PIM and other things such as documents, music, pics, etc.
Incorrect unread count (voice mail): Leave another message for yourself, retrieve and delete it. It should resolve the count error.
Phone showing there is a voice message but there is none: This may happen once in a while. To clean it, leave a voice message for yourself, retrieve it, and delete it. This will clean the notification.
Lack of weather updates: Sometimes the default weather server is down for a while and updates fail. An alternative would be to switch to Conflippers weather server, or enter your own in. The Weather City Editor created by JVH3 has that option, and can be found here.
Displaying some non-English fonts: If you installed a non-English font (like Chinese) and is having issues, or if you prefer the old font used (Tahoma) than the new one (Calibri) try this fix by changing this registry entry: HKLM\System\GDI\SYSFNT\Nm =Tahoma or by downloading and installing this CAB. Either way, perform a soft reset afterwards.
Strange characters on Quick Shutdown: If Quick Shutdown (the application that runs when you press and hold the power button) shows strange characters and you have changed your Regional Settings to something other than "English (United States)", then you will have to install a more current version of Quick Shutdown that supports other languages. It can be found here.
Difficulty in getting a GPS satellite lock: You may want to try this solution, which uses aGPS to obtain a faster lock. If you want to automate it using XDA_UC, check this post here.
Call waiting issues: There has been two types of call waiting issues identified:
1- Some people reported that their phones do not get a call waiting beep when they are on the phone and there is another incoming call. If you are experiencing this problem, a solution was posted here.
2- Others report that instead of getting a call waiting tone, the second call causes the first one to drop. In such case, the solution is here.
Garmin not working or freezing: This is caused by Ameba's position fix. Make sure Garmin (My Device/Garmin/que.exe) is in the exception list for position fix (NOT close button exception) or disable position fix. Access the options for this using the X-Button application in the Tools folder.
XML file not working with XDA_UC: Make sure it is in unicode. For details see http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...56#post6312056
Opera displaying an error message every time you boot the phone: If every time you power or reset your phone you get an error message such as "You tried to access the address file://localhost/at, which is currently unavailable. Please make sure that the Web address (URL) is correctly spelled and punctuated, then try reloading the page", and your ROM is 21xxx, this may be due to PushInternet being enabled by default. In order to disable it, install this cab.
Stuck at "Launching HTC Sense...": If you get stuck on this message or if Sense is not loading even though it is checked under Settings > Home > Items, try deleting the folder "Application Data\HTC\databases" on the SD card, if any. Sense will recreate it and it should work fine. If you want an application to do it for you, check this post. NOTE: In the most recent EnergyROMs some changes were made and this folder may no longer exist, what is normal.
Freezes: This post addresses several possible reasons and solutions for freezes. Attention: Overclocking your phone may cause freezes. Test it without overclocking to figure out if OC is the culprit.
Problems with SD card: If your SD card has problems, it may cause the two issues listed above. If you want to check its integrity and fix any issues, please follow the steps on this post.
Wrong SMS Timestamp: If you are receiving text messages (SMS) with the wrong timestamp, what may cause them to be in the wrong order, a solution was posted here.
Unable to add a contact from the dialer: On the Aug 28 ROMs, there is a problem with Sense that prevents adding a contact from the dialer (someone calls you and after the call you want to add that person to your list of contacts). This should not be a problem in the most recent ROMs, but if you experience the problem you can use Pyrorob's fix, which can be found here.
Wrong time: Several people outside of the US reported problems with time after the US changed to/from daylight savings time (aka summer time and winter time). If your clock is one hour (or more) ahead or behind, do not use "get carrier time" and disable "automatic change time zone and clock" in personal -> phone settings.
Non-Transparent Contact Background: In some of the recent ROMs the Contact page has some reddish background that makes it difficult to read. The solution (a cab) to make it transparent can be found here.
When flashing a new ROM for the first time, first disable XDA_UC or anything else that automatically installs or configures the ROM. Simply do the carrier selection when it comes up.
Download new ROM
Disable XDA_UC and the like
Perform Task29 on the phone
Enter Bootloader
Flash the new ROM
Select carrier
Do some basic testing
Set up some basic stuff manually
Do some testing
If all goes well, and you want to ensure XDA_UC is working fine, you can then re-enable XDA_UC and then Task29 and flash again. If you then seem some odd stuff (like Sense not even loading) you can start to troubleshoot your XDA_UC stuff.
Also, be careful with what other programs such as SPB Backup, PIM Backup, CHT import, Sashimi, etc. restore, as sometimes things don't translate well from one ROM to another.
First and foremost, read at minimum the last 2-3 days of posts on the thread to make sure the question was not already answered. If that does not help, then use the search feature of the thread. If nothing is found, then post your question to get help. In the majority of the situations, someone already experienced the problem and a solution was already posted.
In order to get help from other XDA members, when posting a question please make sure to include at minimum:
The ROM you have (Sense 2.1 or 2.5, build, date)
The device you have (there are variants of the Rhodium)
The Radio you have
Your location
Your service provider
The steps you took to get to the problem so we could try to reproduce it
If you tested it with a bare ROM to confirm it is not something you installed/restored
Any pictures showing the screens affected (if applicable)
If you believe you found a bug on the ROM, please report it by sending a Private Message to me, and I will compile a list to be sent to the Chef.
Please make sure to include the items listed above on #5, plus any potential solutions you may have identified.
The XDA_UC cooked in my ROMs is modified from the stock XDA_UC made by Noonski. Great addon, by the way... Noonski did a great job with this !
The version in my ROMs is trimmed down to fit the needs of my ROM series.
Some of the extra features are:
It will copy shortcuts (.lnk files) found in \XDA_UC\Start Menu\ to the device's start menu folder (\windows\Start Menu) in the hierarchy that it finds on the storage card. For example: Let's say you have a navigation package on the storage card, like Navigon. If you make a shortcut to the navigon.exe file as Navigon.lnk and copy it to \XDA_UC\Start Menu\GPS\ as "Navigon.lnk" then on a fresh ROM install it will copy any shortcuts it finds there to the same location on the device, so it'll end up in \Windows\Start Menu\GPS\. This works for other folders on the Start Menu as well. Just put the shortcuts in \xda_uc\Start Menu\ in the folders you will like the shortcuts to appear to, on the device.
It will copy a custom splash screen from \Storage Card\XDA_UC\welcomehead.192.png to \windows automatically and overwrite the one in the ROM.
It will copy a custom Sense background found in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\sense\wallpaper_sense.png to the device and set that wallpaper as default in Sense. So rename your wallpaper as "wallpaper_sense.png" and drop it in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\sense\ and on the next ROM flash that wallpaper will become your wallpaper in Sense.
Other than that XDA_UC works as designed by Noonski and it will do the following things:
It will automatically import your PPCbackup (*.pib) file found in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\
It will install custom XDAS scripts found in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\
It will silently install CAB files found in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\
It will install special CAB files that require user input (such as Agreements or any type of prompt) found in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\SD
It will silently import REG files found in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\
It will silently install REG files found in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\Exporter, as exported by my own Settings Exporter, ONLY if the "automatic" file is also present in that folder (and it most cases it should be, enable that option in the Settings Export application's menu)
It will silently import XML files found in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\
It will silently import CER files (usually Exchange certificates) found in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\
It will silently run custom MSCR files found in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\
That's it, but don't forget to checkout the Addons folder and look in the XDA_UC section for tips and tutorials on how to export your email/wifi settings and various little .reg and tweaks you can add to your XDA_UC collection.
As always don't forget to check what installs automatically before reporting a problem with the ROM. Most of the time, if you notice you have a problem that nobody else is experience is because one of the cabs you dropped in the XDA_UC folder is installing automatically while you don't even think about it.
Which differences is there between the Genesis EnergyROM and this one (Leo) ?
lancelot54 said:
Which differences is there between the Genesis EnergyROM and this one (Leo) ?
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Click to collapse
Great first post lancelot54
Genesis is running on TF3D 2.1 and Leo is running on TF3D 2.5 (beta). Just check the screenshots, that will clarify things...
dipdap said:
Well I installed the radio version At first it didn't solve the problem, so I gave it a rest, but an hour later it worked!
So now it is updating.
Thank you guys for the help!!
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Click to collapse
Is this with 3g enabled?
tested 3 diff roms in past 2 hours and back to this as this is the best...
kappo78 said:
To sort the text messaging issue out, go to the wvga tweaks and set it to wake up the device on new sms.
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Ok ive set that and ill see how it goes.
To get around the Manila mail been slooooow ive now copied the tmailsms.lnk from the windows dir and placed it in the start menu, programes folder. I then went into the properties and unticked hidden and system and ticked read only (had to do this because it was getting deleted everytime i soft reset). I also renamed it just to "Mail". Now i can set it to one of the quick link tabs on the home screen.
EazyVG said:
Just one question, as I got my TP2 in Russia,
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You must install first CAB and after install, do not soft reset and install second CAB:
pressing f5 every minute
he guys give NRGZ28 the time he will releas ohter great rom I am so devastated ??? why have some patience
grtz weesje
If you have twitter activated on your phone and follow our Cook, you will know first hand on the latest from him, because he tweets first before going to this forum. Don't forget to check "Download tweets automatically" in Settings to be notified.
jezi said:
If you have twitter activated on your phone and follow our Cook, you will know first hand on the latest from him, because he tweets first before going to this forum. Don't forget to check "Download tweets automatically" to be notified.
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Click to collapse
don't use twitter. Never understood why I would like to follow somebody's twitting:
"just brushed my teeth"
"Watching TV LOL"
"Going to sleep"
"Woke up"
CandyAndy said:
pressing f5 every minute
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Don't you guys have a job or something? I'm eagerly awaiting the new rom as well, but I've only had the time to watch for a new one since 10 hours ago.
I would assume any time that takes longer than normal would end up being a full update because when he just tweaks and adds packages its usually done daily so think of it that way the longer you wait the better the new rom must be because it takes longer to cook in a new version of manila or 6.5 than it does just to tweak and add updated packages. So wait in anticipation of somthing great when it takes a while. And let the man breath, please I fix phones and computers and run a video store and working for other peoople is gratifying but hard and tireless work so let the man relax.
New ROM comin soon!!!
wahida76 said:
Been awake since last night refreshing page every 10 mins but nothing whats up with that? any way lets hope it comes out soon
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From NRG on the 2.1 Thread: Originally Posted by NRGZ28
I'll think about reverting back to the stock behaviour for email accounts. I just having to see the account picker everytime I open my email. With that said, the new ROM is coming today. I've got it finished and it's goooooood.
Whoooo hooooo!

Latest Tp2 EXT Packages! Updated 6/24/10

Please check this link as this thread is no longer the most updated at all times (it will be updated just not as often as this one->)
Click here for most updated at MobileUnderground
As to not want speculation and rumors the reason is because I am on there more than xda because its easier for me to get the packages, work with them, talk to the guys I need to for fixes and upload. This has nothing to do with anything but convenience for me. This thread on xda will be updated 1 time a week where the one at MU will be updated as the packages arise.
So to be absolutely clear: The reason for this is because its more convenient for me. Thats it.
UPDATED 6-22-2010
[u]Need to be recmodded[/u]
Audio Booster
Concurrence Manager
Notification Enhancement ***EXTREMELY IMPORTANT***
[u]Required FOR MANILA TO WORK[/u]
Album: required by pictures tab
aGPS_Confirmation: needed for location function
Audio_Manager_Engine: is used by the music tab
Concurrence_Mgr: Required Codec
Contact_Utility_Engine: is used for contacts
DRM_Middleware: is needed for music playback
Dshow: Codecs for video/audio playback
Facebook_Engine: is needed for Facebook integration
GoogleLocationService: needed the location and weather functions
GPS_MM: original GoogleMaps from Google can be used without problems.
HTCBookmark: app for Bookmarks management
HTCFont_Link: font framework
HTCFramework: required by the Manila Date-/Timepickers, AppintmentEditor,
HTCGeoService: required by the location and weather functions
HTCScroll: required for all scrolling functions
HTCSettings: Self explanatory
Settings_Improvement: required by the settings tab for sound and other configurations
SharedResource: core resources like textboxes, dropdowns, lists, etc.
Shared_Modules: important libraries for almost all HTC apps
Social_Networks_Engine: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube support
TimeZoneAutoFix: for Manila Clock and location service
VBookmarkMgr: some library for bookmarks
[u]Heavily Suggested but can be left out[/u]
AppointmentEditor: replacement for the native windows appointment editor
Audio_Booster: Older versions can be used without problems
provides an equalizer and sound settings for the music tab
BrowserSnapshot: generate thumbnail screenshots of favorite bookmarks
ClearStorage: replacement for native "clear storage"
ConnectionSetup: Configures mobile data connections and MMS for the new HTC
requires a GUI package
requires Database from LEO OEM
ConnectionSetup 3.1 GUI: GUI package for ConnectionSetup 3.1
Contact_Picker: is used by AppointmentEditor, GroupEditor,
HTCMessaging_Client, New_Contact_Card
DeviceInfo: replacement for native "device information"
DiscretixDRM: Dunno but its required
NewMailAccount: See below
Email_Setup_Wizard: Email account configuration (Outlook)
POP3, IMAP, Exchange, GMail
FormatSD: format internal storage/sd card
GroupEditor: contact groups function of Manila
HTCBirthday: contact's birthday
HTCMessage: messaging functions
HTCMessaging_Client: replaces SMS and Acrosoft MMS
**ISSUE** has caching problems! Makes system unusable, if 1000+ messages in the database!!!
InvokeSIMMgr: library for SIM card functions
Media_Tool_kit: photo picker for backgrounds, contact photos, etc
required for all Imaging functions in Manila
Menu_Enhancement: replacement for native windows menus
mHub_VO: codec for Album and camera
New_Contact_Card: replacement for the native contact editor
Power: power management config replacement
Sensor_SDK: Implements the G-Sensor
SimContactImport: copy contacts from SIM
SimContactImport GUI: GUI package for SimContactImport
SIM_Mgr: application for editing SIM memory
Text_Selection: Copy&Paste enhancement
What is an EXT?
As someone once explained to me and ironically enough I saw it again in the oskitchen zero thread, an EXT package is not actually real, its actually just how the kitchen interprets program versions installed in the rom, and the dependencies and registry entries etc, and spits them out so you can mess with them, okay so I am leaving alot out but you get the idea.
The LowDown
I want you to keep in mind that this is not perfect. I am afterall a human being but I will do my best to test each package before I throw it up and if there are issues what it needs to be fixed. Also I NEED YOUR HELP, see a newer version of a package seen here? POST IT, also tell me where I can get that package, it can be in CAB or EXT form. What I will do here is try to keep the latest versions of base sys packages for the rhodium updated. And also provide you a download location, so instead of having to search all over the place you can just come to a one stop shop.
Hey all updated 6-24-2010. From the new 3.02, 3.04 & 2.14 Leo roms. And man oh mighty did these things just flash and go! Enjoy! MANILA 2016!!!!
Now on to the Goodies:
Adobe PDF v2.
Advanced Config v3.3
Advanced Network v1.0.12.1
AGPS Confirmation v1.1.20154126.00
Album v3.2.20161430.00
App Service v1.87.0.0
Appointment Editor v1.0.20161421.0
Audio Booster v2.5.20153030.01
Audio Manager Engine v2.0.20161331.h
BCR WWE v1.0.f090914b.02
Boot Launcher v1.0.19221427.1
Browser Snapshot v1.0.19224019.0
Build Info Pkg
Calculator v1.1.20161322.0
Camera v6.16.37495.0
Clear Storage v2.3.1.0
CM Band Switching v2.2.2.0
CM Call Barring v1.3.4.0
CM Call Forwarding v1.4.G.0
CM Call Waiting v1.3.1.0
CM Caller ID v1.5.1.0
CM Internet Sharing v1.2.9.0
CM Phone v1.6.H.3
CM Phone VM Setting v1.9.0.0
CM Pin v1.5.4.2
Comm Manager v2.9.V.PT
Concurrence Mgr v1.5.19221227.00
Config AP
Connection Setup DB
Connection Setup v3.1.20111725.01
Connection Setup v3.1.20111725.01 WVGA
Contact Picker v1.0.20161420.00
Contact Utility Engine v1.2.20152422.00
Control Block
Data Disconnect v1.14.0.2
Device Info v2.11.11.2
Discretix DRM v1.0.20100207.00
DRM Middleware v1.5.19221328.00
Dshow v2.0.20161331.00
Email Setup Wizard v2.3.20161224.10
Ext New Phone Setting v1.0.1922.2033
Extended Pkg
Facebook Engine v1.1.20153522.00
Field T E S T v2.22.0.0
Flash Lite Share DLL v1.0.20161724.0
FM Radio v2.5.19194027.01
Foot Prints VE v2.0.19221924.00
Footcam v1.26.19213627.00
Footprints Engine v1.1.20161230.0
Footprints Thumb Viewer v1.0.20161231.00
Format SD v1.20.0.0
Full Screen Player v1.8.20161429.00
G Sensor Calibrator v1.1.20153824.0
Google Location Service v1.0.1.22
Google Maps v 4.1
Group Editor v1.0.20142923.00
HTC Animation v1.3.5.2
HTC Application v1.17.1.0
HTC Birthday v1.2.0.0
HTC Bookmark v1.0.20111623.0
HTC Flashlight v1.0.1.1
HTC Font Link v1.0.19132133.1
HTC Framework v1.5.20161324.00
HTC Geo Service v1.0.20153620.00
HTC Message v1.10.281.0
HTC Messaging Client v1.5.20161721.00
HTC Navi Mgr v1.0.19221430.00
HTC Scroll v2.0.20132230.00
HTC Settings v1.4.4.0
HTC Start Up v1.7.0.0
HTC Util v4.12.0.3
HTC WiFi Share
HTCFDN v1.14.2.1
IE6 Enhancement v1.0.19224019.0
IME Engine Western v2.1.20142921.00
IME Ez Input Western v2.1.20142921.00
IME Tutorial v1.0.19222525.00
Invoke SIM Mgr v1.12.0.2
Java Jblend Package 2 1 v2.1.20100127.2.1.0
Java Jblend Package 2 1 v2.1.20100127.2.1.0 WVGA
Jet Cet Presentation v5.2.1043.01
JETCET Print v5.4.1187.01
Lock Screen App Launcher v1.0.20142921.00 Default Skin
Lockstream DRM v1.2.091113.O9.01
Long Press End Key v1.5.20142922.00
m Hub VO v1.8.100524.0
Manila Calender 2_5_20153814_0
Manila Core v2_5_20161332_0
Manila Document Browser v2.5.20143826.0
Manila Footprints v2_5_20161230_0
Manila Home v2_5_20161714_0
Manila Internet v2.5.20161412.0
Manila Mail v2_5_20161214_0
Manila Message v2.5.20161428.0
Manila Music v2.5.20161326.0
Manila People v2.5.20161612.0
Manila Photo v2.5.20161617.0
Manila Settings v2_5_20161214_0
Manila Stock v2_5_20161214_0
Manila Twitter v2_5_20161326_0
Manila Weather v2_5_20161214_0
Media Tool Kit v1.2.20161430.00
Menu Enhancement v1.1.20161427.00
Message Enhancement v1.2.20161323.00
Microphone AGC v0.92.0.0
MS Facebook v1.1.0.17
Mute v1.1.2.0
My Account v2.
My CPL v3.13.0.6
NAB v1.
Navi Panel v1.5.20161121.00
Netfront v4.0
New Contact Card v1.1.20153625.0
New Mail Account v1.11.0.1
Notification Enhancement v3.5.20161429.00
OOBE v1.0.20121524.02
Opera Mobile v10
Operator Pkg
Operator Pkg PT
Oz IM US v1.
Phone Canvas Enhancement 2G v4.2.62520161331.0
Phone Setting v1.72.0.1
Picture Enhancement v1.50.20161232.00
PKG v1.1.0.0
Power Off Warning v2.13.0.0
Power v3.6.0.0
Project Default A
Project Default B
Project Default C
Quick GPS v2.0.19223429.05
Random Access v4.2.19183026.0
Redial v1.3.0.0
Resource Proxy v1.0.20153619.00
Ringtone Plugin v1.0.20161226.00
RSS Hub v2.1.2.1109.01
Run CC v1.2.1.0
Sensor SDK v4.2.20121426.00
Settings Improvement v1.0.20161325.0
Shared Modules v1.01.20153030.00
Shared Resource v1.0.20111720.00
Signature Replace v1.5.0.0
Sim Contact Import v3.4.19221923.00
Sim Contact Import v3.4.19221923.00 WVGA
Sim Lock v4.28.0.0
SIM Mgr v6.80.0.0
Sliding Sound v1.2.4.0
Social Networks Engine v1.1.20153620.00
StartIconLoader v2_5_20142625_0
STK Service v4.97.0.0
STK UIPPC v4.76.0.0
Storage Low v1.0.0.2
Streaming Media v3.1.20113125.00
Streaming SDK v2.7.20131322.00
Sun Java Sun Package 3 1 v3.1.20091109.3.1.0
Task Bar Icon Mgr v3.16.0.0
Teeter v2.0.19223825.00
Text Selection v1.0.20142923.00
Time Zone Auto Fix v1.0.20161329.00
TMUS GPS Tele Nav v5.5.43.0
TV Out Pop Up v1.2.19213628.00
TV Out Setting v2.14.0.1
USB To PC Pop Up v2.3.20142922.00
USSD Service v4.38.0.0
V Bookmark Mgr v1.0.19213624.00
Video Telephony v2.5.35575.0
Voice Recorder v2.0.20161827.4
Volume Control v2.2.20161321.00
VVM v1.
Wi Fi Settings v1.2.5.4
Wi-Fi Wizard v1.24.3.3
WLAN Settings v2.7.10.1
You Tube v2.6.20161226.00
Zlibce M v1.2.30.00
From the new 3.02, 3.04 & 2.14 Leo roms:
7Zip-All Updated Packages 6-24-2010.7z
Following Mirrors are rar compressed:
FileFactory.com - RAR
megaupload.com - RAR
rapidshare.com - RAR
Manila 2016 CFC'd (This is thanks to SBR_L3GION at Mobile Underground):
Anyone having trouble extracting these packages please use this 7zip:
Older (2015):
- megaupload.com(thanks Bigchrizzie)
- filefactory.com
- megafileupload.com
- 2shared.com
Links to useful sites
MobileUnderground Thanks to OS
If someone could through some mirrors up thatd be great. I dont do this for donations, if you really feel the need then donate to your fav cook.
For latest packages check Leo 3.01 and 1.80 (SKT so you need to get 0409 from the 3.01 and hope, they are fully compatible).
Here it is on rapidshere:
My fault, there are even newer from Huashan (not usable Manila though since it is OMAP) and HTC Oboe (concerning only WVGA devices)
Thanks os old buddy I'll get it updated by days end. Looks like most packages will convert fine. And the Manila from the other one is too bad. Thanks for the rs mirror as well. My plan is that this will make it easier for newbies to get comfortable. Os did I ever thank u for teaching me as a newb? No? Well thanks buddy
Concerning HTC Oboe's Manila:
A bit newer packages for our devices (the ones in Huashan are 2014/2015, the older ones)
Check mobileunderground.info site for the ROMs
Remoted home and set me desktop to dl them, Probably not a bad idea to get a resources area in my first post. I.E. Links to sites etc....
Ah well ill get the packages updated first. Lol on a side note my wife called me from the house screaming about the computer has a life of its own! Lol guess i shoulda warned her....
OndraSter said:
Concerning HTC Oboe's Manila:
A bit newer packages for our devices (the ones in Huashan are 2014/2015, the older ones)
Check mobileunderground.info site for the ROMs
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
down link please....
In this thread...
hey guys wanted to explain that the only reason I havent thrown these packages up (the new ones) is because I have been haveing major issues getting some of them to work I think I have gotten the right combination of them now, just gotta figure out why the messaging isnt working (messaging doesnt want to send the texts and really quirky) Even still ill upload them tonight.
Updated with 2015/2016 packages!
Added testrom running those packages. (The phone canvas is fixed if you download the two packages phonecanvas & video telephony and put them into the exfolder make sure to remove Phone Canvas and Video Telephony that are there.
Can't we stickie this
Hey is there a mirror for the 2015/2016 packages? The filefront link isn't working.
I just tested it, and it is working. enable popups cause it comes up on top of your screen
Yeah, I like filefront for a number of reasons mainly there really isnt a waiting time, and the downloads are pretty fast. Again if anyone would like to mirror please do so. Or even if someone would like to repackage the latest ext I have in a 7z that doesnt require 1.5GB of memory to uncompress (Had to as my upload speed takes forever so extreme compression was necessary). Also For those of u haveing issues please make sure to recmod notification enhancement or u wont boot, also Config AP isnt needed and causes an error about not finding the copilot cab if u dont remove it from the config text file.
I just wanted to say thank you for adjusting these to work with the 21xxx builds, Do you happen to know if these packages not adjusted only work with the 23xxx builds or do you think that 23xxx's the min? Very interested in the HTC Messaging Client as I saw some reg entries that peaked my curiosity which I think HTC might have fixed the msg lag completely but not 100% sure, and I hope they fixed the Secure Box bug possibly in the 3.01 rom (Or it might be OS Build related).
Thank you again highly!
Standard Cooker (Still Learning alot)
Pumpiron579 said:
I just tested it, and it is working. enable popups cause it comes up on top of your screen
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It still doesn't work. Basically, I click on the link in this thread. Then when I get to filefront I click on the download button. It takes me to the download page where my browser says "waiting for" then it says done and nothing happens. Then, if I right click and save as the "click here" it gives me a "COMPLETE.7z" file with 0 bytes.
bubbinator91 said:
It still doesn't work. Basically, I click on the link in this thread. Then when I get to filefront I click on the download button. It takes me to the download page where my browser says "waiting for" then it says done and nothing happens. Then, if I right click and save as the "click here" it gives me a "COMPLETE.7z" file with 0 bytes.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Just downloaded from filefront, works fine, check your AV program suite could be blocking it.
AngelDeath said:
Just downloaded from filefront, works fine, check your AV program suite could be blocking it.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Still nothing. The other two filefront links works fine, but this one doesn't for some reason.
Is it possible to have Ext Packs 2015 uploaded with winRar, cause I have a "system memory allocation" problem with 7Z, strange cause the other works perfect

