Hello, i would like to know if anyone of there can help me find Wm6.1 and gimme a step by step procedure on how to get it updated (from wm6.0). secondly i installes pocket mechanic professional to get rid of some invalid short-cuts and i think deleted one too many shortcuts so the tytn2 aint working as effeciently as it shd. how do i undo what i did.
thanks for all the help.
I use wm 6.1 Rom from HTC and can be found here with instructions:
if you want a home cooked Rom just search the forum...
hope this helps !!
Can anyone tell me how to use this rom
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Wizard/Roms/Tmobile/RUU_Prodigy_2170702_217_20710_TMO_US.exe
and put it on a xdaIIs?
Do I need to use a noid.exe and if so wihci one should I use?
You can't do it like that - it would be lovely if you could but a rom for the Wizard would need to be ported for it to work on the BlueAngel. To try it would give you a very nice doorstopper.
Ahh thanks for the warning!! So can this be ported from the wizard to the xdaIIs?
I would love to use the WM5 but as far as I have learned WM5 does not support Blackberry Enterprise aka Instant mail, and I have not found any CAB files that will work on my XDAIIs with WM5 installed. I am getting pretty good at upgrading and downgrading tho :-(
All of the TuMa editions are using a Wizard Port (allbeit an old version). They are really quite stable now and I think we're getting close to a rom to stick with
As far as Blackberry support, I haven't seen a BA WM5 rom with it however I imagine it could be ported but then again, I am no porter!
Kind regards
I found a German BB connect cab that will install on the BA WM5 that ivan made but right at the very end of the install it says cannot load instal module. You click ok and the program tells you it installed. When you go to find the BB settings eve in the BA it is under \windows and when you try to execute it the unit hangs up.
I assume that this cab is looking for the T-Mobile info to complete the install so we would have to have one of the very bright individuals in this forum find out what it is looking for exactly and fix that part of it. The BA WM5 would work with BB connect
I have an Alpine just bought from ebay, was damaged bought lcd now fixed. I have o2 latest rom.
I would like to put on pointui. It says i need to upgrade to windows mobile 5 then overwrite files with windows mobile 2003.
I know nothing of roms and am unable to locate the simple answers i require.
I assume i only need
POINTUI downloaded
Im confused because of all the talk about radio this and camera that patches and fixes. How do i get these files onto the PDA - im assuming its from bootloader or is it active sync.
Please help - id love to fall in love with my little device
Kind Regards
I have simply downloaded the pointui stuff and installed on the phone. However some elements dont work. I am unabel to find ANY download location for the cab files. Unable to get rid of any of the o2 crap. NO download for pugs stuff works nor is it present int he upload section of the ftp site.
Thanks in advance
Can't help with PointUI but to get rid of the O2 stuff you need to do a hard reset, which will wipe everything and then when you get the message "Customisation in 3 secs" or something like that do a soft reset.
Thanks for your help
Thanks for that help, could you tell me if there is a way to get rid of the 02 boot up screen please. Also does anyone have a copy of pugs stripped roms with improved radio?
I also need the cab files from windows mobile 5
any help is much appreciated
Kind Regards
FORGET WM5 Files the XDA IIi canot be upgraded to it you will BUGGER your PDA
I did say smart people didnt I
Its just the cab files most are overwritten. NOT WIN MOBILE 5 that doesnt work on this phone. The PointUi interface works perfectly with this phone to make it look like an iphone it requires some elements of shared files associated with wm5 thats all- any other sensible suggestions are welcomed.
Thinking about it you need the WM5 install for PointUI and then the WM2003 bits to overwrite them. There is nothing WM5 related at OS level. Think I did it at some point in the past.
Link to the PointUI install instructions
Thanks Dee Dee Still Need some help
Does anyone have the stripped PUGS roms. I need a better radio and more stable form. Its missing from the ftp.
Hey guyz, my tytn 2 is practically stock, and i m reali interested in usint the touchflo 3d interphase... but the problem is i duno wher to start... thers many thread that ask for the upgrade of this n that... rom, radio, hard and soft SPL... I have no idea wat is wat n which to upgrade... currently i m using windows OS 6.0 professional, CE OS 5.2.1620 (build 18125.0.4.2)... rom version 1.56.405.5, dated 08/28/07... radio version protocol version can any1 gv me the link or slightly guide me on the upgrades necessary? Reali thx a million... Sorry again for my noobness... Thx~
if you want to flash a new ROM onto your kaiser with touchflo 2D cooked in, then go here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=433835
if you don't want to flash a new ROM, then go here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=425851 (see post 6)
next time, please use the search functions for these things. you'll find all the answers you need.
I was followin this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=465507. wats the differences actuali between TF3D and TF2D or manila? Thx bro, but i hv searched jz tat i cudnt get it... anyways, if i follow the thread above n i use the rom garmin dk.9.final, wats the radio to complement it? I tried to search but cant find... plz guide me? Thx a million~
LittleMerc said:
I was followin this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=465507. wats the differences actuali between TF3D and TF2D or manila? Thx bro, but i hv searched jz tat i cudnt get it... anyways, if i follow the thread above n i use the rom garmin dk.9.final, wats the radio to complement it? I tried to search but cant find... plz guide me? Thx a million~
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TF2D works well on a kaiser, just not in landscape. TF3d is not a completed project yet. Many short comings to put up with. TF3D looks cooler, but M2D runs much better and cleaner.
Oh ...and try to post in complete sentences, we don't use text speak around here, it makes your questions look less than serious and people will just skip over them rather than trying to figure out what the heck your trying to say, just a friendly tip
oh, no wonder... Erm, i was previously using spb backup in WM6 professional, but when i restore it in the cooked rom garmin dk.10 final, it just won't work... I couldn't get my contacts back now... I tried to delete the file in windows folder to replace the pim.vol file (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=1832331&postcount=2), but it doesn't allow me to do so in the windows folder (can't choose the delete option). Any tips for this?
By the way, thanks for the friendly tip~
Yay~ thanks to all, I have managed to solve that problem... All i did was by doing a backup with spb backup, then restore with my previous backup files and thank god, the contacts were there! So i used Pimbackup to back the contacts, restore the backup i last did, and put back the contacts... Really enjoy the TF3D on my kaiser... Just that there isn't a video call function... hope there will be a cab file to put this function in soon enough~
I really like the windows mobile 6.5 today screen and the start menu and i want them to run on my 6.1... I know that i can use hard-spl and then install a pure 6.5 rom, but i don't want to mess with my warranty, considering i have 2 years left. So i wonder if there is some application or anything that makes it possible for me to get these functions on my 6.1...
ps... i just installed the x2 panel manager on my 6.1 and with it came the original x2 panels, execpt the today screen... And i saw on pictures that a x1 windows mobile 6.1 ran the windows mobile 6.5 today screen, so it's possible... It's only a matter of finding the files Here's the link btw:http://www.xperiax1.net/forum/developers-downloads/5393-x2-goodies-tilewave-panel-experiment-13-game-new-panel-manager-more.html
Best regards//
anybody?? plz
What you are asking is impossible. If you want 6.5 style start menu you must flash a 6.5 ROM. There are a bunch of built-in dependencies.
If you want an HTC start menu (Which is a very pretty alternative for 6.1 then flash a TF3D (Manila) based 6.1 ROM.
As far as I know there is no cabbed solution for what you are asking. Sorry. Read up on flashing, Hard-SPL, and restoring Soft SPL, and you can safely switch to custom ROMS and revert back to stock if you need to send it in for warranty work. If you do this please read and understand the instructions in the Wiki and/or the Stickies before you attempt.
Good Luck and happy flashing!
you can't change the wm shell without changing to a wm6.5 rom
but maybe you can use http://www.lakeridgesoftware.com/products/pocketpc/WisBarAdvanceDesktop/
and find a skin which looks kinda like wm6.5
but mind you desktop advanced will be running on top of wm6 and would slow the device down a bit
Okey, i thought it was possible considering that gtrab converted and made it possible for us to use the xperia x2 panel manager and all the other panels...
But i guess i was wrong, thanks for your help. Much appriciated
Well, Im attempting in cooking my first rom. I have successfully ported the 28205 SYS and XIP but I am having trouble finding the New Ext Packages and the Sense 2.5 files. Can someone please tell me where I can find the new sense and ext packages? would be greatly appreciated. 1 more thing with my current rom is that when I upgraded it to 28205 sys and xip the tf3d became unaligned. It is being pushed down therefore the top of it is showing some purple background and the bottom tabs are a little cut off. I think this may be a sideeffect of the start bar being at the bottom. Thanks
You need to learn how to search my friend. Here is the link for latest Leo pkg. Dont add any customization to Manila, and see if it works ok.
Thanks, I did try to search but didnt really know what to search for lol. K I wont add any customization yet.
I didnt add any customization to manila and I'm still getting the problem. I have tried hard and soft reset as well.
Need help
yeah, i do need help on how to search, because i cannot find a kitchen and/or instructions on how to get me started cooking ROM's. I really want to start, because it seems like it would make for a really fun hobby!
Can you possibly provide me a link for this???
titan, do you have windows live messenger? send me a message [email protected]
I can help you get started as I have learned A LOT in the last week =P
titan427m said:
yeah, i do need help on how to search, because i cannot find a kitchen and/or instructions on how to get me started cooking ROM's. I really want to start, because it seems like it would make for a really fun hobby!
Can you possibly provide me a link for this???
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