SMS Text file??? - HTC Breeze

Where is located file/files with text messages? (wm6.1 standard - which is here breeze forum)


Different SMS applications on TD2 ?

When I open an SMS by touching the message on TF3D it opens another dialog than from the SMS inbox. I prefer the thread dialog from SMS inbox. Is there a possibility to tweak TF3D to uses this application?
Your question is a bit unclear. On my Topaz the threaded inbox is being used by default when thicking a message from the TF3D inbox.
Yes, you are right but try the following
- from TF3D open the SMS inbox (you will see the list of all recieved SMS)
- click on an SMS
Also a thread presentation will be shown but different from the one out of TF3D.
I assume from inbox it uses the WM email application. For example now you can use the pre-prepared short texts as within the email function.
Is it understandable what I mean?
the 1 from the TF3D sucks. lets say you're text'ing & accidentally close the SMS, your SMS wont be saved automatically in the draft folder.
Personally, I ditched the TF3D after a week of having it. it looks nice, but quite redundant for what I need.

All text message in one message???

I just updated my Touch Pro with the M-ROm 2.12 Dutch rom and it's a great ROM.
Only thing I'm missing is what I had before this rom.
When I got an SMS (text message) from one person it became a sort of thread per person.
So I had all messages from one person in one message including my reply text message.
Is there a CAB file somewhere so I can install it and get the same functions I had before?
I seached like crazy on the forum but without a name it's difficult.
Use Advanced Config 3.3 to enable threaded SMS
I will search the forum.
Or do you have a link for me?
There you go

Messaging app

Is there any solution for deleted (don't know how) messaging app? I have newest EnergyROM with WM 6.5.3 and Manila 2.5. Messaging in TouchFlo is bugged...(filled text in new sms, can't open MMS and opening my number sms thread after clicking on random message in TF3D)

[Q] How to save Text Message? (SMS)

Hi there! (Sry for my english)
How can we save (and recup) text message of Windows Phone, like the application MyPhone (Like for WM 6.5)?
Does WP 7 save all Text Message auto with
Thx a lot!
No way?

Printing Text Messages

Hi does anyone know of a way to print text messages off a N1? for example receiving and sending text message conversations between one person? and that it will show the date and time as well if possible of the messages? thnx
I use SMS Backup+ which saves all my messages to the SMS folder in gmail and thread-views by contact.
Cloud Print.

