[INFO] Solved Internet Globe w/o XML Editing - Touch Pro, Fuze Themes and Apps

Procedure To Edit The Internet Globe Button Manila Files
(No more solid white blank buttons)
7d3f1247_manila - Globe Unselected
3f00cd2f_manila - Globe Selected
With this procedure you will be able to select any graphics or highlight color you want to use for both the selected and non selected states of the Internet globe button.
There are no special tools required other than Manila Editor 0.2 and a graphics program that can work with png files. You will need to know how to use both of these programs though.
The biggest advantage over editing either 27c65cbd_manila or InternetPortal-en-US.xml would have to be speed. When I tried that way on my Fuze it would take well over 5 seconds to load every time I scrolled to the Internet tab. Sometimes almost double that on a fresh boot. Second advantage would be that this *should* work on any device that uses those 2 files, where the xml edits are different files for different devices. Which leads to the third advantage of not needing special install instructions for theme makers. Edit the manilas and drop them in with the rest.
Other Info:
(Just skip this part if you don't care about the why and scroll down to the instructions.)
I have literally scoured these forums and the Internet for days trying to find information on editing not only the Internet globe manila files, but the other 7+ files that just don't work right with Manila Editor. Most theme makers know of these files. Mostly what I found was a lack of information and more questions than answers. The only other procedure I could find at all for converting manila files gives better results than using Manila Editor but it's very complex for the average user requiring command line tools. Even so the author, (Chainfire) has written a damn near fool proof tutorial so if anyone is interested you can find the thread HERE. Unfortunately even that procedure would not handle the problem manila files properly and quits with the following message.
Reading file: 5c01b59c_manila
Error: file is not QTC format
For reference, this is the list of files that I know of at the moment with this problem, and all return the same error except for 7d3f1247_manila. (More on this file to come.)
7d3f1247_manila - Globe_Unselected (512x256) 28.5k
3f00cd2f_manila - Globe_Selected_D (512x256) 64.5k
40ec2415_manila - Small Avatar_D (64x64) 2.5k
2f411611_manila - Exclamation Point_D (256x256) 32.5k
4d97cac6_manila - Add Contact_D (256x256) 32.5k
54e0759d_manila - Contact Avatar_D (256x256) 32.5k
400b663e_manila - You Tube_D (64x64) 2.5k
55cc771a_manila - Selection Highlight Bar (512x256)64.5k
5c01b59c_manila - Contact Avatar2_D (256x256) 32.5k
The first oddity I noticed when using Manila Editor on the Globe file (3f00cd2f_manila) is no mater what size my graphic was before running it through, it always came out to be approximately 125k. Since the stock file was roughly half that size I knew something was really wrong. The other glaring anomly with most of the files is they show up as duplicated (side by side) images when viewed with M.E. so I figured that somehow all of this must be connected.
I am not a programmer by any stretch but I know just enough to get me into trouble most of the time. Anyway I loaded both files into Notepad++ and turned on hex view to see what was so different. The header of both files were similar but not exactly the same so I copied chunks of the problem file from below its header and pasted it into the good manila at the same address location. What it produced was a repeating pattern on the top left corner of the stock green button but every other row was white. I don't know why but the fact that the image repeats in M.E. as well and the file being double the size made me think to cut the image in half and try to see if M.E. would accept it. It did and I was elated to finally see an image on my phone other than than the big white rectangle.
I had an image that was really distorted but it wasn't difficult at this point to see what was going on by the way it was distorted. I was able to get a perfect button on my next try by creating my image on a 256x128 canvas and then scaling it to 512x128. It looks really bad and stretched out at this point but after processing with M.E., the phone will compress back to it's original aspect and it looks just perfect. I use The Gimp as my image editor and just save as a png file with the default settings.
Now that I Finally had a working selected globe image I wanted to change the static globe as well. (7d3f1247_manila) This was a whole new battle but at least I had something to work from this time. There are some significant differences in this file compared to the selected globe. First, it looks perfect when you extract it using M.E. which led me to believe that this would be easy. I couldn't find much info on this particular manila and I think I know the reason why. Either people are replacing both images via the xml workaround, or they are just concerned with getting the highlight the right color on the selected image. Either way, when I tried to do a 1:1 replace in M.E I got to see the wonderful white rectangle again. At this point I had finally gotten all the tools working from the post I mentioned before and decided to try this file using that procedure as it should return better results if it did work. It worked perfectly but I still wanted to get it to work using M.E as most people are not going bother with a long drawn out procedure.
After playing around some I found that if I scaled the 512x256 image to 256x256 it worked perfectly. The up side is the file size is half of the stock image. The down side is the resolution is obviously cut in half. It's really not a show stopper but using the other method does produce perfect results. Not completely satisfied yet I tried some more images at different resolutions to see what happened. The 480x240 image I had from one of the globe mods that are floating around produced a white rectangle. I then decided to try another unscaled image that was almost completely transparent and it worked without a hitch. Now that I was completely confused I went back and tried the original 512x256 that produced the white and it did so again. It wasn't until I switched to another tab and back again that it finally showed up correctly.
So what does it all mean? Hell if I know but at least the scaled 256x256 method seems to work every time without any problems and its fast to boot. The long procedure would be the best method of them all but probably not worth the effort for most. As far as the other problem files go I guess I'll try and work them out too unless someone else more capable picks up the ball and runs with it. The selected globe was the particular image that stuck in my craw and got me started on this.
Instructions for 3f00cd2f_manila - Globe Selected:
1. Create your image at a size of 256 x 128 exactly how you want it to look on your device.
2. Scale it to a size of 512 x 128 and save it. You will have to "unlock" the aspect ratio lock in most graphics programs. This will distort your image badly but do not fret. Yet.
3. Fire up Manila Editor as usual and use your new image. Now you can fret as you wait to see if this works or not.
4. <-- I hope
Instructions for 7d3f1247_manila - Globe Unselected:
1. Create your image at a size of 512 x 256 exactly how you want it to look on your device.
2. Scale it to a size of 256 x 256 and save it. You will have to "unlock" the aspect ratio lock in most graphics programs.
3. Fire up Manila Editor as usual and use your new image.
General Notes:
If you don't want to mess with any of this and like what's in the screen-shots attached, you can install the cab or just unpack the zip into your windows directory on your device. As always, please back up your files before adding new software.
Notes concerning 7d3f1247_manila:
This procedure *should* work if done as stated. If you use the alternate method I linked to in the info section above you don't have to scale the image and will get a higher resolution image. I have successfully used a non scaled image before with Manila Editor but it goes white on first load after a reboot then somehow clears up. With the scaling method I've yet to see the dreaded white rectangle. Read the info section for more information.
More Information:
Manila Editor 0.2.0
Editing Manila
Manila 3D Porting
Pixel Perfect TF3D ***
Manila Fine Details
Obviously I can't test this on every device but I can't think of any reason why this wouldn't work on any TF3D enabled device. If this doesn't work for you, feel free to post here or contact your congressman. (Where applicable) If this helps anyone please be sure to drop in and say hi.

There is some real development going on about this subject over on the pixel perfect thread. If you are just looking for a quick fix then what I posted above is still relevant but you might want to keep an eye out for a *real* fix as I doubt it will take them long once they sink their teeth into it.
I believe they already figured out that you can patch the header on the problem files to correct the payload size which should work also. If you are not so technically inclined then the method posted here still works flawlessly for me and should for you as well.
I've added a picture that might help if the directions above were confusing at all, so it might help clear it up. You can find the link to the Pixel Perfect thread right above this post.


HTC Calculator Skin doesn't support horizontal screen mode?

Has anyone else noticed that installing the HTC Calculator Skin stops the calculator being used in horizontal mode?
When I load the calculator, then sliding the keyboard open (to switch to horizontal), I get the following error:
Error. Cannot load the skin file:
Same error occurs if I switch to horizontal screen mode first, then try to open the calculator app.
I assume this is caused by having certain horizontal resources missing from the skin. It's interesting though that the file is name 'Spb...'. I've never installed any Spb apps Could just be a coincidence though...
Yep...same thing happens to me...
I might try adding some resources manually to the Windows directory (i.e. make up a dummy SpbCalc_L.gif) and see what these images actually are. They're probably just a copy of the existing resources but with a different aspect ratio.
If I can successfully mock up all the resources required, I'll attach them here.
Should have tried the search a bit harder I think our problems are already solved in this post.
Still seem to have some problems here:
1. Can't install the cab file from the above post because the original cab can't be un-installed.
2. Can't use the .png files that people have been creating at the above thread because the app is looking for a .gif
3. Can't seem to get the calculator to work correctly if I convert the png to a gif myself. The screen looks fine, and everything works... except the 7, 8 and 9 buttons
japher said:
3. Can't seem to get the calculator to work correctly if I convert the png to a gif myself. The screen looks fine, and everything works... except the 7, 8 and 9 buttons
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I think this is probably just a palette problem in my gif. I suspect the colours need to be exact for the button region map to work correctly.
I'll give this another try tonight with a correctly created GIF. Hopefully that'll fix this.
To anyone getting this problem, try dropping the attached file into your Windows directory.
Doh! Forum has scaled/converted this when I uploaded it. Ignore this image.
Ignore the above image, the forum seems to have converted the GIF to a different size/format. Try unzipping the attached instead.
This is a known issue. The touch is a Portrait device & originally the Calc skin didn't include the landscape file. Look for the new post with Touch calculator skin P+L.
Calculator Skin in Landscape (Horizontal) Mode
Hey, you may be having the problem you're having because the SpbCalc_L file, which the calculator uses to display in landscape (horizontal) mode, is in the wrong format. It may be that it's a .gif image. You need to convert the image to .png format. Then, once in that format, the calculator will recognize the file and you won't have the problem that you're having. I'm not sure what phone model you have, but I have the 8525 (HTC/AT&T) model. This is what I did, and it resolved the problem for me. There is a free program that you could download from www.cnet.com. It is called FastStone Image Viewer. This program will convert the file for you.
Perhaps you could help me out, too. In the process of installing a bunch of new skins for the calculator, I accidentally erased the original/standard files. I no longer have the original SpbCalc_L and SpbCalc_P files, which allow the calculator to be viewed in its orignal, factory-setting format. Do you mind e-mailing them to me? I'd appreciate it. I'd like to roll back to the original version.
Thanks, and I hope we could help each other out. Take care.
japher said:
Has anyone else noticed that installing the HTC Calculator Skin stops the calculator being used in horizontal mode?
When I load the calculator, then sliding the keyboard open (to switch to horizontal), I get the following error:
Error. Cannot load the skin file:
Same error occurs if I switch to horizontal screen mode first, then try to open the calculator app.
I assume this is caused by having certain horizontal resources missing from the skin. It's interesting though that the file is name 'Spb...'. I've never installed any Spb apps Could just be a coincidence though...
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Just a short feedback for others users of a Palm Treo 750. After installing the HTC calc. skin on this device, I got the error msg that file SpbCalc_S.gif is missing in the windows dir.
I downloaded the zipped SpbCalc_L.gif from this thread and renamed it from ...L into ...S. After that the application runs but the right column with the operators is missing. Can anybody be so kind to send me the original SpbCalc_S.gif - file?
hghouse said:
Just a short feedback for others users of a Palm Treo 750. After installing the HTC calc. skin on this device, I got the error msg that file SpbCalc_S.gif is missing in the windows dir.
I downloaded the zipped SpbCalc_L.gif from this thread and renamed it from ...L into ...S. After that the application runs but the right column with the operators is missing. Can anybody be so kind to send me the original SpbCalc_S.gif - file?
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Here it is http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=3282780&postcount=44
It works!
Many thanks, dennisI !!

tomtom poi's to small

With the tomtom 7 on the diamond the poi's are to small.
How can i make the poi's bigger...
J.P. said:
With the tomtom 7 on the diamond the poi's are to small.
How can i make the poi's bigger...
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Look in the map folder. There are .bmp files for each custom POI. Just replace them with bigger ones.
I am not sure if this can be done with the build in POIs.
I have the same problem with the pocketgps.com speed camera icons, have changed then to 44x44 icons from 24x24 and hasn't seem to change the size at all, they are still way to small. You need a magnifying glass to see them when they flash on the map
got the same problem really is small considering its a point of interest not a bloody tree! Only way i see the Speed camera poi is having the sound warning on which usually pops up the top left corner what is coming up.
MarcLandis said:
Look in the map folder. There are .bmp files for each custom POI. Just replace them with bigger ones.
I am not sure if this can be done with the build in POIs.
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I think your correct about the size of the images in the map folder and that you can change the size but its a lot of effort?? If anyone gives it the time maybe they could post the lager bmp images in a zip file??
I have the same problem - especially with speed cameras I think that its mainly because the maps were not designed originally for use on our new VGA screens - the maps are scaled automatically but the bmp images are not - maybe when we see dedicated ver 7 maps for VGA PDA's we'll see an improvement?
I have also button menu and font too small on diamond (vga screen)...
Tomtom icons
I have tried to reduce the size to 20X20, 40X40 and 44X44 but the BMP. are far to small.
(with the wrong size the pictures are red in TT)
Is there anybody who have ONE icon in TT with the right size?
Did you try 48*48?
Blob8me said:
I think your correct about the size of the images in the map folder and that you can change the size but its a lot of effort?? If anyone gives it the time maybe they could post the lager bmp images in a zip file??
I have the same problem - especially with speed cameras I think that its mainly because the maps were not designed originally for use on our new VGA screens - the maps are scaled automatically but the bmp images are not - maybe when we see dedicated ver 7 maps for VGA PDA's we'll see an improvement?
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Same here.
i don't thing we can do anything for this:
1) maps are not scaled in VGA screen. Infact, a greater area of the map is shown, compared to a QVGA screen (tried on both with two different phones). That is why, the POI icons are small, cos they follow always the 32x32 size. In fact, you will see an area 4 times greater than QVGA screens. Therefore, POI icons look 4 times smaller.
2) If you resize the icons to 48x48 or whatever, TomTom will scale them down to 22x22 automatically (auto-fit) if intelligent enough, becasue that is the size TomTom was designed to display. But it will probably simply not understand the bigger size and just display some rubbish with default resolution of 22x22, i.e., all red square.
Sorry. I see no solution. Maybe by using some overlay third party programs to show POIs and disabling TomTom internal ones. What was it called, "POI warner" I think?
Sorry, but also with 48x48 the icon is to small and only red.
What is de original size?
I must say when I first got my Diamond it was TomTom that I was looking forward to putting on there for the real VGA 'experience' and at first glance I was very impressed... but then I started using it for navigation and, not least given I use it in 2D mode, soon found that everything was a tad too small! I wasn't so fussed about the POIs but it was the map scale overall - at arms length I could hardly see the map detail and really didn't need to see for 10 miles around - it wouldn't be so bad if it didn't zoom out so much.
So, here's how I sort of fixed it.... a kind of workaround which disables TomTom's awareness of it being VGA. The upshot of this is that everything becomes a reasonable scale however the drawback is that it's a waste of VGA and at first glance you might think 'oh my God that's awful - so blocky!' but I soon found that when actually using it in my car I really don't now notice. The blockiness is down to running at a non-native resolution - like all fixed-pixel screens you end up with unclean lines.
Grab yourself a copy of the freeware resource PC tool Resource Hacker, make a copy of the TomTom Navigator.exe file on the PPC, and open it up with the tool.
Now find the resource CEUX\HI_RES_AWARE\2057, right-click it and delete it. It will likely take the whole branch with it if it is the only entry in there. Now save the resulting file (I got an error at this point - dunno if it's Vista or what but it still seemed to work) and copy the file back to the PPC (note it makes a backup so make sure you get the right one!) - you might want to call it something different so you can then have a choice of VGA or non-VGA TomTom's to run.
And that's it... I'm sure when you first see it in action you'll think it's horrible... but in use I think it is fine and indeed for me makes it at least usable once more.
Wow nice trick man
POI's are now bigger but OMG this is very ugly lol !
Need anti-aliasing
Its nice but there are some bug for the text display
I actually find it okay when at arms length!
What were the text bugs you mentioned? (I must confess I've only used it a few times since doing this so could well have missed some major showstopper!)
MJNewton said:
I must say when I first got my Diamond it was TomTom that I was looking forward to putting on there for the real VGA 'experience' and at first glance I was very impressed... but then I started using it for navigation and, not least given I use it in 2D mode, soon found that everything was a tad too small! I wasn't so fussed about the POIs but it was the map scale overall - at arms length I could hardly see the map detail and really didn't need to see for 10 miles around - it wouldn't be so bad if it didn't zoom out so much.
So, here's how I sort of fixed it.... a kind of workaround which disables TomTom's awareness of it being VGA. The upshot of this is that everything becomes a reasonable scale however the drawback is that it's a waste of VGA and at first glance you might think 'oh my God that's awful - so blocky!' but I soon found that when actually using it in my car I really don't now notice. The blockiness is down to running at a non-native resolution - like all fixed-pixel screens you end up with unclean lines.
Grab yourself a copy of the freeware resource PC tool Resource Hacker, make a copy of the TomTom Navigator.exe file on the PPC, and open it up with the tool.
Now find the resource CEUX\HI_RES_AWARE\2057, right-click it and delete it. It will likely take the whole branch with it if it is the only entry in there. Now save the resulting file (I got an error at this point - dunno if it's Vista or what but it still seemed to work) and copy the file back to the PPC (note it makes a backup so make sure you get the right one!) - you might want to call it something different so you can then have a choice of VGA or non-VGA TomTom's to run.
And that's it... I'm sure when you first see it in action you'll think it's horrible... but in use I think it is fine and indeed for me makes it at least usable once more.
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Anything similar for iGO 8?
I didn't think iGO8 had any issues re size/legibility on the VGA screens?
It works fine, the black popup right above in the screen with the text (for example "no GPS") is to large. But thats not a big problem because it's not mention when you navigate.
MJNewton said:
I actually find it okay when at arms length!
What were the text bugs you mentioned? (I must confess I've only used it a few times since doing this so could well have missed some major showstopper!)
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Well, when you check how much satellites your GPS found, the numbers are displayed bigger.
And on the main screen, the speed indicator number is smaller than "km/h" .
But still nice
Great solution! Thanks.
It seems that TomTom 7 isn't really VGA-ready. Any news on an update?
Think it's very bad for business to offer such a bad solution for VGA screens, which are coming more and more.

HTC Weather, problem & fix

I thought I would add this here unless anyone else runs into the same problem. I broke my HTC Weather yesterday while trying to upload local cities into it. I am running the Dec 03 release of HyperDragon, but HTC Weather seems to be the same (at least in terms of files to edit) across different platforms.
After adding my local city, and uploading it back to the phone when I went into the weather tab to add a new city, I was unable to search for any cities. In fact the search screen contained no entries at all. Essentially, I corrupted the xml file, and the phone was unable to read it.
How I broke it:
Be careful what you edit with. I just opened the file with word pad in Vista to copy my new city information, but the xml file and word pad don't like each other. I found that the tilde ( ` ) <--- that character appearing over letters was unsupported in word pad. The xml file was unable to then read it. It saw it as corrupted data.
To fix it:
I just deleted the offending cities with tilde's in them. I didn't need them anyways. However, one could also just edit the file with a better program and re-upload it to the phone. Once I fixed the file, HTC Weather saw my new cities and was more than happy to read them.
Maybe someone else already went over this. I don't know. But I know I searched on the forum for quite some time without finding out what I did wrong.
AT&T tilt running Hyperdragon
The first mistake was editing an XML file with wordpad. Try using Komodo next time. Always use the proper software for certain editing functions.
Heres a link to the Freeware Komodo XML Editor.
didnt I say that
SpiritOne said:
I thought I would add this here unless anyone else runs into the same problem. I broke my HTC Weather yesterday while trying to upload local cities into it. I am running the Dec 03 release of HyperDragon, but HTC Weather seems to be the same (at least in terms of files to edit) across different platforms.
After adding my local city, and uploading it back to the phone when I went into the weather tab to add a new city, I was unable to search for any cities. In fact the search screen contained no entries at all. Essentially, I corrupted the xml file, and the phone was unable to read it.
How I broke it:
Be careful what you edit with. I just opened the file with word pad in Vista to copy my new city information, but the xml file and word pad don't like each other. I found that the tilde ( ` ) <--- that character appearing over letters was unsupported in word pad. The xml file was unable to then read it. It saw it as corrupted data.
To fix it:
I just deleted the offending cities with tilde's in them. I didn't need them anyways. However, one could also just edit the file with a better program and re-upload it to the phone. Once I fixed the file, HTC Weather saw my new cities and was more than happy to read them.
Maybe someone else already went over this. I don't know. But I know I searched on the forum for quite some time without finding out what I did wrong.
AT&T tilt running Hyperdragon
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Next time use notepad that is what i use...also the XML file is in my download section go there and download it open it in notepad and edit then move it into the windows folder...u should be good to go..
How did you manage to get adding cities to WORK?
I followed the instructions that have been posted around, but the URL fragment is NOT as displayed in those posts anymore on www.accuweather.com.
Going to htc.accuweather.com from my Kaiser gets me something that looks SOMEWHAT similar, but its not the same - if I try to use the same format that other US cities are in for mine, I can locate it in the list but it won't update.
Any help?
Genesis3 said:
How did you manage to get adding cities to WORK?
I followed the instructions that have been posted around, but the URL fragment is NOT as displayed in those posts anymore on www.accuweather.com.
Going to htc.accuweather.com from my Kaiser gets me something that looks SOMEWHAT similar, but its not the same - if I try to use the same format that other US cities are in for mine, I can locate it in the list but it won't update.
Any help?
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I am not sure what you are asking...I just added my city like MOD Scotchua said to do and it worked...
Aha - I screwed up. Its working now
Spoke too soon..... it KINDA works.
The currnet Manila 2D executable will go back to the top screen (the home page) if you hit the END button twice. It also will mark an incoming SMS "read" if you sit on it on the top page for a few seconds.
The patched one does neither. It will not go back to home unless you navigate there, and SMS do not get marked read.
Is the patch involved (e.g. could I go in with a hex editor and make a change to the CURRENT Manila executable?)
Update to THAT....
I took a quick look at the executables and found the change, with the different URLs. However, it appears the new one is longer than the old, which means that a quick "patch in place" is unlikely to work (I have no idea what's AFTER that block of data - and it ain't zeros, and IS apparent UTF-8 text - so I'm likely to scramble something doing a quick overwrite.)
This in turn implies that you need a way to disassemble the exe file and replace the data, then reassemble it (e.g. to assembler, at least) assuming you don't have source.
So..... anyone have a tool for this or is this a case of "have lots of fun playing with something that can disassemble it, find a clean place in the data segment to put the new reference, and fix it that way" sort of game?
SpiritOne said:
didnt I say that
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yep... just rubbing it in some more
I wouldn't use notepad either. I'd rather not get into a long discussion about editing xml files with notepad either
An XML editor is definitely the way to go.
Yet another update....
What's with the app here? I patched it with a string that fits using a hex editor.
What I wind up with refuses to run. Are these apps cryptographically signed?
Answer: Yep, and once modified, the signature is no good. I don't see anything in Advanced Config that can turn that protection off either; you can disable the requirement that CABs be signed, but I don't see where you can disable the requirement that APPLICATIONS be signed. My security policy settings are such that all security is off, but attempting to run the patched executable by hand elicits a complaint about the signature being invalid. I presume that a MISSING signature would be ok, but a CORRUPT one is going to get complained about - and I have no means to fix that.
Yet more....
I have found the code-signing tools after rooting around and re-signed the application.
It still fails to work; it appears there is a SECOND call to an HTC web site in the current Manila2D code which is NOT in the other patched file.
That one goes to: http://weather.manila1.htc.com/widget/htc/forecast-data_v3.asp?locCode=
DNS shows the address is a CNAME to htc.accuweather.com, and the worse news is that the replacement string that goes in the other place doesn't fit in there - its one byte too long.
It also looks like THIS is the one being called for updates, because changing the other, direct call to the htc.accuweather.com link doesn't change anything - the codes in the file that refer to places accuweather handles still work, but those that refer to other places do not.
Any ideas?
Final Fix - Read
Ok, here's what I've accomplished.
I patched the Manila2D.exe (the CURRENT copy from HyperDragon and others) and have re-signed the code (with a self-signed cert)
I also grabbed the php script and set it up on a VERY short domain name I registered this afternoon, htcwx.org - it exists ONLY for this purpose and is NOT a generic HTC web site.
I have modified the script as necessary, and the firmware as necessary. The replacement Manila2D.exe file is attached. To implement this simply replace the Manila2D.exe in your \Windows directory on the device with the one in this ZIP file. That's it; you can then add city codes at will in the weather file list and they will work.
The previously-posted version of Manila2D.exe has a couple of bugs that I consider show-stoppers, and patching the current version necessitated having a shorter URL as one of the places required to be patched would not allow the "not2advanced" url to fit.
Note that this weather reflector is being run by me, is OPEN and will remain indefinitely; I have a very high-bandwidth connection and expect no interruption in that service. Feel free to use it.
I now have WORKING HTC weather in Manila for virtually anywhere.... and you can too without the restrictions that existed in the previous patched copy (no return to home screen with the END key, and no SMS message marking)
This script "portal" should also work with any other patched HTC Home or HTC Manila applications; the complete url is http://htcwx.org/wx.php?
Note that there is NO general content on that web site.
PS: As of this instant the .ORG TLD nameservers haven't picked the domain up yet from my registrar. That's abnormal; I see it on my infrastructure but not globally. It should be globally visible by morning.
There's just one thing left to say:
Thank you!
I've been fiddling with this for quite some time, and once I've found this thread everything worked as advertised!!
Happy new year!!
Glad it works for you! Happy New Year to you as well.
Hi Genesis3,
I have installed yesterday Josh's v15 M2D Plain 3G ROM and would like to customize the Weather and add my location.
Your Manila2D.exe is 1.1 Mo where the Manila2D.exe included in this ROM is only 410 KB .... Do you think I can change the original by your's ?
That copy is PROBABLY compressed. If it is, the strings can no longer be patched.
You need to talk to the chef and get the uncompressed EXE file - if he has it.
Packed manila2d.exe
I haven't seen anyone post about this but the compressed manila2d.exe that I have uses UPX it worked for me to both unpack and repack the file.
Look into the file for "$Info" if it say's packed with UPX the link above may work for you too. (about 350h char's in)
Genesis3 said:
That copy is PROBABLY compressed. If it is, the strings can no longer be patched.
You need to talk to the chef and get the uncompressed EXE file - if he has it.
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As with everything here YMMV, make backups and if you blow it up don't blame anyone but the operator.

[REQ] MS Paint / Image resize for Raphael

I'm sure others have come across this...
My carrier's limit on sending MMS is ~300KB. Our 3.2mp pictures are much larger. That and most people I want to send MMS's to don't have a 300 by whatever + resolution screen on their phone.....
So I'm looking for a simple, easy to use, app that will just resize images for me. I know the MMS software in most ROM's will auto-convert them to some sizes, but I'd rather just save the images at that size to begin with... and send that smaller file myself (also good for uploading to ftp servers to share via e-mail to other mobile devices)
I did some browsing, and i saw maybe some versions of HTC Album do resizes... but I'm not really looking to update that yet... most other google searches around 'pocket pc paint' or 'wm6 image resize' end up with themes and the like -- I need an on-phone solution.. I don't want to be tied to a computer to resize an image!
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&...ficial&hs=7vb&q=ppc+resize+photos&btnG=Search -- came up with some results, but I've never haerd of a lot of these solutions, any feedback?
hmm, did you want the original picture to be 3.2 MP? If not, then just take the picture at a lower resolution?
Other than that, although I have not played around with it, an app called Photogenics may be able to do it. Keep in mind though, it's not freeware.
Resco Photo allows you to downsize photos. You can select what pixel size you want, or type in a percentage. Its does a lot more stuff too, its not free though.
I have AT&T and they limit mms to 600k. Is that your carrier as well?
Motorious said:
hmm, did you want the original picture to be 3.2 MP? If not, then just take the picture at a lower resolution?
Other than that, although I have not played around with it, an app called Photogenics may be able to do it. Keep in mind though, it's not freeware.
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I like taking high-quality pictures in case I want to share them by e-mail / upload them, or save them for later use as something..
But I also want to resize them for friends when i send it to phones. and at&t requires it to be smaller in size to send via MMS... as another poster mentioned.
Cropping would also be nice... I was mainly looking for a free solution, but If i gotta pay I gotta pay.. I prefer donating to developers here over paying for product from companies though.
The authors of XnView (a freeware ACDSee clone) have recently published a version for PocketPCs and Windows Mobile Smartphones. It works very well on my Touch Pro. Allows retouching, resizing, modifying colorspace, batch conversion to many formats and more.
Photo Resizer
» PhotoResizer v1.0 Description
With PhotoResize you can copy and resize JPG images from a folder to another selecting the quality and output size of target image.
This tool is useful when you want to copy your photo from your camera to your PDA and show them at your friends using a PDA as photo album. (As I usally do)
The main problem is that every single image done with your camera (depend wich camera you use) is usually several megabytes and if you simple copy photo from camera in few time you will finish the memory available on your PDA.
With this tool you can reduce the space on each photo resing it to the dimension of your PDA screen (usally 320x240, 320x640, or 640x480). In this manner the dimension of files are drastically reduced and you can show images directly from PDA. During the conversion phase a progress bar will show you the percentage of work, if during conversion will be found an image with dimension less then the output size, that image will be skipped.
* Select source folder and destination folder graphically
* Choose target size of images
* Choose quality (default is 75%)
* Choose if you want to see the thumbnail during the process (this option can be time comsuming)
the PhotoResizer v1.0 free for Pocket PC

[Q] 8 bit? Themers Please help

Hi all, i am trying to work on a theme for the Droid X. Can anyone tell me why some of the images open in photoshop incorrectly and more to the point how to fix them?
I cant post a link apparently to the image or a http link since i'm new but
You can view the image here. http:/ / dl.dropbox.com/u/6769503/8bit.jpg
Is there a setting or something I can change in PS to open these correctly?
Thanks for your time.
krayzee said:
Hi all, i am trying to work on a theme for the Droid X. Can anyone tell me why some of the images open in photoshop incorrectly and more to the point how to fix them?
I cant post a link apparently to the image or a http link since i'm new but
You can view the image here. http:/ / dl.dropbox.com/u/6769503/8bit.jpg
Is there a setting or something I can change in PS to open these correctly?
Thanks for your time.
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What is the original file extension? .png?
I had this same problem with some .png files wich had transparency in windows image viewer, but not in photoshop.
My solution was to open it in Paint.net and save it, rewriting the original image. Please be sure to set the transparency correct whilst saving in paint.net.
Download Paint.net
Thanks for the reply, yes it was a PNG, ill try paint.net but i would really like to use Photoshop. I cant understand how it can mess up the transparency and anti alias like that.
Update: Paint.net does indeed open the file correctly... so while i do now have a solution. I would still like to find out why Photoshop (both CS4 & CS5) open it incorrectly ?
Well technically 8 bit pngs are indexed images with a varying amount of colored pixels and then varying amount of transparent and semi transparent pixels so some programs might not like this. I would recommend gimp over ps as its similar but doesn't have this issue.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
that image actually seems correct, can you post an image of the alpha channel? then we will know if photoshop is not reading the file correctly
As one poster said, it's because the images is indexed. If you do Image > Mode > RGB, it will un-index it. I must warn you though, PS is HORRIBLE with indexed images. Use GIMP/Paint.NET to un-index it to save yourself a headache
JAguirre1231 said:
As one poster said, it's because the images is indexed. If you do Image > Mode > RGB, it will un-index it. I must warn you though, PS is HORRIBLE with indexed images. Use GIMP/Paint.NET to un-index it to save yourself a headache
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Ahh but then you lose the 8 bit optimization, even running optpng will not put it back to index png cause it will ossy optimize it. So just use gimp.
Thanks for the replys guys.
Here is an example image.
http:/ / dl.dropbox.com/u/6769503/btn_circle_pressed.png
If you open it in PS, you will see what i mean, changing it to RGB does not change the image. I can open it correctly it Fireworks, then save it without making any changes, and then i am able to open it in Photoshop correctly.
This will do for now in case anyone else runs into this issue. The file size isn't too much bigger this way, so it will work for now.
Thanks again to all that helped.
Here's the image fixed, it was indexed... all I did was open it up with osx Preview and save it again. Or you can try this gimp they all talk about but I think it's overkill to switch to another program just because 1 or 2 images are weird, especially after you paid for your copy of Photoshop.
DBBGBA said:
Here's the image fixed, it was indexed... all I did was open it up with osx Preview and save it again. Or you can try this gimp they all talk about but I think it's overkill to switch to another program just because 1 or 2 images are weird, especially after you paid for your copy of Photoshop.
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Thanks for your help. I don't have OSX and i absolutely cannot get used to Gimp. but opening it in adobe fireworks and saving it again right away does the trick, so although it's a pain, its simple to do.
If anyone ever figures out a way to directly open these types of files in Photoshop i'd be glad to know.
krayzee said:
Thanks for your help. I don't have OSX and i absolutely cannot get used to Gimp. but opening it in adobe fireworks and saving it again right away does the trick, so although it's a pain, its simple to do.
If anyone ever figures out a way to directly open these types of files in Photoshop i'd be glad to know.
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Yes that works but your removing the indexing. Android uses indexed pngs wherever possible because this saves space and resources, if you changed every file in the android system to rgba your phone would be noticeably slower.
If you change it to rgba and then run optipng on it you'll see it will not index cause it can only lossy optimize, but if you set the mode to index and then optimize it you'll notice then file will be considerably smaller with little or no image quality loss. So in short your removing a vary important optimization feature of the android system.
If your looking for a quick image conversion tool try image magick, this will allow you to write scripts to convert them png24/32 to png8 and back whole folders at a time.
well as we do with video it's always better to work with uncompressed, high res images. Then when everything is done and set in stone we compress and optimize without loosing too much image quality.
If i had to start a theming project I'll probably do the same, convert everything to high res, work on it then compress to a more optimized format.
DBBGBA said:
well as we do with video it's always better to work with uncompressed, high res images. Then when everything is done and set in stone we compress and optimize without loosing too much image quality.
If i had to start a theming project I'll probably do the same, convert everything to high res, work on it then compress to a more optimized format.
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Yeah for video thats fine, but in theming and specifically for this file gimp will allow you to work on the indexed file and you literally can not tell the difference with the indexed file being atleast 50% smaller. Maybe this would make sense with an image that has alot of quality or is high res but in this instance it a loss of time and added steps when the same could be accomplished with industry standard tools.

