This app is currently in an alpha release, the AlternateOuyaStore app. This will basically do the same thing that the windows version does, except this one you can run right on the Ouya itself. Like I said this is fairly early, it doesn't look nice, but it does give you a list of all the games with game images (just like the windows one) and you can download the game apks. The download shows up in the notification area and you install it just like side loading any other app, except these ones are recognized by official Ouya Store! I tested and basically developed this thing on cm10 and it seems stable there. Had issues running it on my old HTC one x though...
So if you run into any issues please post below so they can make it into the next commit!
1) Tap/click the "Get List" button. (this will load the list)
2) Select a game from the list. (this will put the game title in the textbox next to the download button)
3) Tap/click the "Download" button. (this will start the download for the apk file) Due to the game changing as you thumb-stick through the games though I find it easiest to just use the touch pad to tap download. Annoying... so this is on my list.
4) Either tap the completed apk download in your notification or go to you default download location and tap the apk file.
5) Play the game! You can also play through the official Ouya Store Play menu( as the biggest issue was getting the Discover area to load on CM10)
For now the download is basically done by sending the download url as an intent, which then launches whatever you have as your default browser. This saves me from having to have extra permission like saving to storage and progress bars and a whole mess of stuff that I will get to later but don't want to worry about right now.
To Do list:
- Better GUI
- Sort list functions
- Generalize functions to reduce coupling with the main activity.
- Add internal download and install functionality
I'm releasing this under the GNU GPL so have at'er!
(This is my first android app so go easy on the code sloppiness! lol)
For the non-coders that just want to try it out, the install apk can also be found in the AlternateOuyaStore folder in the link above.
Irc FreeNode #ouya-dev
Sounds Kool will give a try
you know what really sucks is that I saw this at 5oclock this morning an hour before I gotta go to work. I WANNA PLAY
Just downloaded, Checking this out now! The Ouya store needed this type of sorting VERY badly! thanks for the efforts
I'll try again later tonight but I was having issues downloading apps with this? So I got an issue the source is built with the odk I feel like an a$$ for saying this. But I ain't touching the odk with a ten foot stick for a couple months. Honestly I've done a bit of theming, hacking and phone flashing but all of that was either hacking apks, building them from android source or with the android sdk. Right now I'm learning how to straight up code android and don't want to mess up my machine with the odk (some old school themers know what I'm talking about).
So about a half an hour ago I set this up on eclipse and got it up and running made a few changes so far. I haven't tested on my ouya yet but ran it on my phone (htc evo 4g lte) to make sure that the array list would work. It does but it doesn't download. I changed the screenorientation in the manifest because on screen orientation it resets. It's a temp fix that does work but later we'll have to do something about handling runtime changes a little bit better.
On a side note I made a webview that goes to the ouya update site. Eventually I want it to go to the site download the text as a string checks it against our build.prop and if different then it downoads the url (update zip) to your device to install. I can't give a time frame right now on how fast this will take right now I'm working six days a week 10 hrs a day at universal building project 722. But this stuff isn't on the shelf.
Expect a new release around 9pm eastern.
Here we go
update 1
added a sort function so that the list is alphabetical
changed name to simply "the store"
added icon to appear in ouya launcher ( I hope it works)
no more clicking buttons to download list it starts automatically
added a counter in top of screen that displays the number of apps available
when you click the list it automatically downloads the app
think thats it
the only problem I have is that it doesn't display the icons a custom adapter is required for that.
Ui needs some more work but it takes time
source code here
Alright this update is a little back and forth.
I removed the counter and lost the the ability to sort the apps (temporarily).
But gained a nice big picture but need to add a cache to get to run smooth.
Not really excited LOL.
Source code here Any questions comments or complaints let me have em.
Hey guys,
I have tried both apps. I appreciate the effort you are putting to this. Both application are in very early development, but in the right track!
A note to both apps
When you click a paid app (with no free trial) i.e. Towerfall, the app crashes. I believe this is because when you request the data for that app, it won't return a download URL as expected, and i assume you guys are not validating this .
I recommend that you mark which apps aren't free for download, and either do nothing when clicked or redirect to app's official entry on the original app store.
Keep up the good work :good:
That's my fault I'll see if I can fix it today. ........
EDIT: Actually i was wrong kinda they changed the auth token to something else. I glance through their code and didn't see anythng in the ouya oobe.apk I'm wondering if they give one to each user. But maybe I could set it up so that it goes to the info page so that you can send it to your ouya.
Hey guys just a heads up I'm gonna working 7 days a week 12 hours a day for a few weeks.
This thread is intended for module developers. Make sure you follow it (i.e. subscribe) to be informed about any API changes and additions.
I will announce changes before the release if they might make existing modules incompatible.
If you're interested in more details, you can follow the GitHub repositories:
Here you can also download the API jar file that you need to reference from your project. Make sure you read the development tutorial to understand how it works. Especially make sure that the classes are not included in your APK, but only referenced.
Note that I will only post the latest API version here to drive the adoption of updates.
This is on pretty short notice, but I have removed the method AndroidAppHelper.getActivityThread_mPackages():
It had been used internally some time ago. I scanned the modules which have been uploaded to the repository and didn't find any which uses this method.
Apart from that, I'm planning to make Xposed for command line tools (e.g. am and pm), implemented via IXposedHookCmdInit/initCmdApp(), optional and disabled by default. It is currently used only by App Settings (but unnecessary and therefore removed in the next version) and NFC LockScreenOff Enabler (I will contact the authors).
As the low usage shows, this feature is hardly needed, so there is no need to load Xposed every time such an app is started. It also avoids the additional log entries, which could be confusing for some users. Actually it is so rarely used that I might not even offer a setting in the UI for it, just a command file for experts. I will not remove it completely as it's useful for low-level framework development (I can quickly test whether my native code changes work without having to reboot).
Xposed 2.6 will bring support for replacing dimensions defined in code (instead of merely forwarding to your own resources):
The new API will be published once that version is out. Until then, it would still be possible to make adjustments of the API. If you think anything should be changed, please let me know as soon as possible.
Ok devs, 2.6 beta1 is out, and so is the new API (version 52).
Here are the relevant XposedBridge changes to version 42 (internal changes/optimizations are not listed):
The resources API can be disabled via a debug setting in the UI. If your module implements IXposedHookInitPackageResources, it will not be loaded because it likely depends on this API. You can also check (but don't change) the status via XposedBridge.disableResources if you use the API in other ways.
Hooking abstract methods (including methods declared in interfaces) will throw an IllegalArgumentException now. The callback was never executed for them anyway. This change avoids debugging effort on your side because you will notice it immediately.
It's now possible to create a DimensionReplacement object and use it to replace "dimen" resources with values calculated at runtime. Previously it was only possible to forward such resources to your module. Example in the commit message:
Removed AndroidAppHelper.createResourcesKey() methods and AndroidAppHelper.getActivityThread_mPackages() - weren't used by any module in the repository.
Fix delayed configuration update for forwarded resources. That's only of interest if your replacement resource contains variants for different qualifiers that might change at runtime (e.g. drawable-land/drawable-port).
New findConstructorExact() / findAndHookConstructor() methods, similar to the one for methods:
IXposedHookCmdInit is deprecated now, initCmdApps() won't be called anymore unless an undocumented file has been created. Only two modules used it, both got rid of it without any loss of functionality. This also averts situations like this where logging for tools like am/pm masks errors for Zygote.
Due to some internal changes, the constructor of XResources isn't called anymore (a good thing!), which breaks some features in App Settings (a not so good thing). That's because it relied on updateConfiguration() being called twice, so it could retrieve the package name in the second call and do its changes. A fix for that is on the way, using a new method (getPackageNameDuringConstruction()) added in the last minute, which returns the package name for a very specific situation. You will probably not need it.
Apart from that, there is now an official way to open a certain section in the installer:
Intent intent = new Intent("");
intent.putExtra("section", "modules");
Possible values for "section" are currently: install, modules, download, logs, settings, about.
You can for example use this to send the user to the module section if you find out that your module isn't active yet. The best way to find out is something like that:
// in your Activity, call it to find out the activation status
private static boolean isModuleActive() {
return false;
// in handleLoadPackage()
if (lpparam.packageName.equals("")) {
// don't use YourActivity.class here
findAndHookMethod("", lpparam.classLoader,
"isModuleActive", XC_MethodReplacement.returnConstant(true));
Do NOT try to read - or even change - the internal files of the Xposed Installer to get this information or force your module to be activated. Not only can this break anytime, it will also be bad user experience and a security threat if your module is active without explicit selection in the app. You will probably see your app removed from the repository if you break the rules.
If you have any questions or remarks, please let me know. And if you haven't subscribed to this thread yet, make sure to do so now in order to stay up-to-date with new developments.
IllegalAccessException if you use reflection yourself
One additional change in the new version was the removal of a hack that nuked some access checks in Dalvik by making them return "true" every time. After some of the other internal changes, some of the processing that required this hack was no longer necessary. With some more refactoring, I was finally able get rid of this hack. That's good because it caused crashes on some badly built ROMs (incorrect smali hacks), but also in some rare cases in normal apps:
However, some modules relied on the deactivation of these access checks. Now they get IllegalAccessExceptions when trying to access e.g. private fields or methods.
Does this mean that Xposed used to cause security issues on the whole system? After all, it meant that any app could access things that they couldn't access otherwise, right? So it destroyed Java's security system!
The answer is: No, that wasn't a security issue! The Java access check system is actually optional. When you get a field/method/class via reflection, you just need to call setAccessible(true) on it to disable the access check. Example in XPrivacy:
Note that this is only needed if you use reflection yourself, e.g. with getDeclaredMethod() / getDeclaredField(). The methods in XposedHelpers call setAccessible() on the result before returning it to you.
2.6 final comes with XposedBridge v54.
The only changes relevant for developers are the addition of XSharedPreferences.hasFileChanged() and XSharedPreferences.getFile(), and a fix for replaced animation/xml resources. If you're using the latter and want to avoid that someone with the buggy version 2.6 beta1 runs into issues with your module, consider bumping the minimum required Xposed version to 54.
In Lollipop, there were a few architectural changes in Android. I hinted one of them in the Q&A:
The most significant one is that the code for system services has been moved to a separate file. For most of the affected modules, this can be solved by a little refactoring (moving code to a different place).
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In detail, this means: If you want to hook a system service like PackageManagerService, you can no longer do that in initZygote(). Instead, move your code to handleLoadPackage() and check for dummy package "android". Make sure you use lpparam.classLoaders when looking for classes and hooking methods. This way has worked in older Android versions as well, so you don't lose backwards-compatiblity.
I'll just repeat here what I wrote in the official announcement thread, as it'll be helpful for all module developers:
rovo89 said:
After a long time with mainly bug fixes, version 81 focuses on improvements for developers:
There is a proper API now. Previously, I basically published the sources of XposedBridge.jar, which included many internal classes/methods that modules shouldn't use. Hiding them makes it easier to find the correct methods to use and also makes it easier for me to change implementation details.
The API is published on Bintray/JCenter, so it's easy to use, especially with Gradle/Android Studio. Full explanations here:
100% of the API are documented with Javadoc now:
Apart from that, downloads have moved to and are GPG-signed now. You can verify them against this key (fingerprint: 0DC8 2B3E B1C4 6D48 33B4 C434 E82F 0871 7235 F333). That's actually the master key, the files are signed with subkey 852109AA.
There are no real changes for end-users in this release, nevertheless I would recommend that at least developers test their modules with it.
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Alright everyone, I'm Trailblazer101, an Android Developer who likes to take advantage of, and make better, the unique features of the phones I purchase. I started off with the Samsung Continuum back in 2010, which had a ticker ahead of its time, and went from there. I work 2 jobs, so time is tight sometimes, but I still manage to work on these things, a fun passion/hobby.
Status Updates
--- I got my patch working, and tested it out with a simple demo that takes advantage of the new capabilities. I've posted a Guide below!
--- Now that Verizon users have root, I will begin testing this myself :) Thanks to those who helped me figure out what we'd have to do, so I can get started right off the bat! I'll keep you posted.
What is this?!!
Okay, so by default the Feeds that you can make are restricted to the capabilities of a RemoteView. This severely limits what you can do with the Feed. Take a look here to see what exactly is supported, by default:
However, any Samsung App (which includes a few signed by Samsung on the Galaxy Apps Exclusives page) has the ability to put whatever it wants on the screen, just like a regular App. I've now extended that invitation on over to you/us!
The steps to take advantage of this is a little convoluted, so let me break it down for you easy!
You have to flash my patch to allow this development to actually work. You can download it here: View attachment Then flash it using FlashFire, or extract the zip and put everything where it needs to go, making sure to set the permissions appropriately!
Now you can start developing your new Custom Feed! I would suggest using my simple demo project as your base, and going from there! You can find that here: View attachment Extract it and take a look at the source!
From here on out is where things get tricky... Without changing a thing, if you build from source and try to debug, it won't work. Why? Because the API that Samsung gives developers, like us, is different than the one they use for themselves. So Here's what you gotta do-- without changing a thing, build the Project. The best way to do that without debugging within Android Studio is to go to Gradle Projects -> :app -> Tasks -> build -> assembleDebug. This'll make the built apk and put it within "..\.EdgeScreen-BACKUP\app\build\outputs\apk\app-debug.apk".
I'm assuming you have the latest Java Development Kit, and Android SDK, installed and configured properly, with their paths in the PATH variable, accordingly. You should also know how to use apktool for decompilation, at least a little I've compiled a toolkit folder based off of the test Project I shared above, which includes apktool, the NEW Samsung API files, the original built apk, and the already modified decompiled source/apk. You can download that here: View attachment Then, open a Command Prompt window and "cd" to the extracted folder.
Decompile the built apk, which should be the same as the one in the extracted folder, using apktool like this:
.\apktool\apktool d -f TestFeed_orig.apk
Compare the decompiled folder "TestFeed_orig" with my already modified "TestFeed_modded" one. I suggest using WinMerge! You'll see that the 'TestFeed_orig\smali\com\samsung\android\sdk' folder is very different. That's what I was talking about before, how Samsung Feeds have more options in their API. So delete the 'TestFeed_orig\smali\com\samsung' folder, and replace with the one in the '---SAMSUNG API---' folder.
Continue comparing the two folders. Basically the rest of the changes are just getting our application to call the new Samsung API properly, instead of the stubs I was using in the Project. There aren't many changes you have to make, but they're all important!
Once the two folders are the same, recompile it using apktool, like so:
.\apktool\apktool b TestFeed_orig
Sign the new compiled apk stored in 'TestFeed_orig\dist' using your signing key. You can make your own, then use it to sign the app, following the instructions here: Official Instructions for Manual Signing.
STEP 10:
Install the newly signed apk, and enable the Feed by going to: Settings-> Edge screen -> Information stream -> Manage Feeds -> *ENABLE* FeedsCocktailExample! You may have to restart, or just hit 'reorder' in the top left. That sometimes fast-triggers it. Now turn off the screen, do the Feed Gesture to get it to turn on, and you should see our Custom Feed! It doesn't look like much, but it's using a custom view, HorizontalTextView, that would not work otherwise.
From here the options are endless. You can follow these steps and my Sample Project to play a video for a feed, if you wanted! Whatever strikes your fancy!
If you followed these steps and appreciate the help, show this thread some love, and maybe. Well i'd say buy me a beer, but it'll probably go to textbooks instead
Developer/Advanced Information!
We can make our own Feeds no problem, without root, they are just forced to use a RemoteView directly, which for all intents and purposes, is a pain in the kiester. Instead, it would be a lot nicer/convenient, without even mentioning the more advanced functionality we could bring, to use our own Views. However the version of SlookCocktailManager.UpdateCocktail that allows this is only found within a more advanced API, one I/no typical user don't have access to directly. BUT, I can still access it by decompiling for example the Edge RSS app from the Samsung AppStore, and putting/replacing the "sdk" folder from that into my own decompiled app, and recompiling. Easy enough, with apktool! (Of course with the headache of adding in my own temporary shell classes, in the project, so that I can actually write the calls, and just change the reference within the smali code once that sdk is replaced) The problem is, even when you do this, and it builds fine, installs great, and even begins initializing properly, we get an error from within CocktailBarService, the file I'm having you replace. More specifically, I tracked down the actual problem, and it comes back to "CocktailWhiteList", a class within CocktailBarServices, then checks the signature of the calling application, our Custom Feed, and sees if it comes from Samsung. This none of my expertise can fix, without being rooted, but trust me I tried. Now that we are rooted I was able to patch said apk, and get my own apps to work! Hurray!
cocktailbar service crashes when going into 'edge screen' option in settings menu.
logcat attached
Edit: sorry didn't rename cocktail bar (cocktailbarservice_signed to cocktailbarservice)
now it doesn't visibly crash, it just wont let me go into 'edge screen' option in settings menu
new log cat uploaded
This man looks promising! You have my S6 edge as soon as I have an official TWRP with working backup and restore
ktetreault14 said:
This man looks promising! You have my S6 edge as soon as I have an official TWRP with working backup and restore
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I will help as well, when these tools are out for us..
Thanks for bringing cool stuff like this to the phone at this early date!
ktetreault14 said:
This man looks promising! You have my S6 edge as soon as I have an official TWRP with working backup and restore
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How deep are you willing to go? Because it would be awesome if you could clear dalvik-cache, since I see this, right off the bat:
: Failed to find OatDexFile for DexFile /system/priv-app/CocktailBarService/CocktailBarService.apk ( canonical path /system/priv-app/CocktailBarService/CocktailBarService.apk) with checksum 0xfbfcb9f7 in OatFile /data/dalvik-cache/arm64/[email protected]@[email protected]@classes.dex
EDIT: could you also make sure that you set the right permissions for the apk? I'm getting the impression that they might be off with:
msg=audit(1429397519.049:355): auid=4294967295 uid=10001 gid=10001 ses=4294967295 subj=u:r:untrusted_app:s0 pid=12605 comm="ktailbarservice" reason="memory violation" sig=11
EDIT2: We might have to disable SELinux... That's rather unfortunate/puts a rather large damper on things, until custom kernels come out at least... After starting a root shell, can you try:
setenforce 0
I don't know if it'll work, but if that goes through successfully try and launch the Edge Settings Screen again!
EDIT3: Do'h. It may have been something really simple *crosses fingers* Could you please re-download the CocktailBarService, and try doing the same thing you did last time, with right permissions, and maybe a dalvik-cache wipe if it doesn't work!?
Tried the new apk you uploaded. Getting a force close still when trying to open. I changed SELINUX to permissive, wiped dalvik, even tried deleting arm64 folder as well. No luck.
04-19 00:25:09.907 E/AndroidRuntime(15867): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{}: java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: get/set setting for user asks to run as user -2 but is calling from user 0; this requires android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL
Was searching through logcat and found this. May this have something to do with the issue?
wase4711 said:
I will help as well, when these tools are out for us..
Thanks for bringing cool stuff like this to the phone at this early date!
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Don't mean to hijack thread, but "Tool" is already available here:
NB: Chrome and IE don't translate into "Save file" - Use Mozilla which does > copy to phone and flash.
Perfectly working on T-Mobile S6 Edge
RoM_Addict said:
Don't mean to hijack thread, but "Tool" is already available here:
NB: Chrome and IE don't translate into "Save file" - Use Mozilla which does > copy to phone and flash.
Perfectly working on T-Mobile S6 Edge
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that version doesn't work properly for me and many others; waiting for an "official" version from the TWRP folks..
trailblazer101 said:
How deep are you willing to go? Because it would be awesome if you could clear dalvik-cache, since I see this, right off the bat:
: Failed to find OatDexFile for DexFile /system/priv-app/CocktailBarService/CocktailBarService.apk ( canonical path /system/priv-app/CocktailBarService/CocktailBarService.apk) with checksum 0xfbfcb9f7 in OatFile /data/dalvik-cache/arm64/[email protected]@[email protected]@classes.dex
EDIT: could you also make sure that you set the right permissions for the apk? I'm getting the impression that they might be off with:
msg=audit(1429397519.049:355): auid=4294967295 uid=10001 gid=10001 ses=4294967295 subj=u:r:untrusted_app:s0 pid=12605 comm="ktailbarservice" reason="memory violation" sig=11
EDIT2: We might have to disable SELinux... That's rather unfortunate/puts a rather large damper on things, until custom kernels come out at least... After starting a root shell, can you try:
setenforce 0
I don't know if it'll work, but if that goes through successfully try and launch the Edge Settings Screen again!
EDIT3: Do'h. It may have been something really simple *crosses fingers* Could you please re-download the CocktailBarService, and try doing the same thing you did last time, with right permissions, and maybe a dalvik-cache wipe if it doesn't work!?
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Hi trailblazer, I set the permissions the same as the original apk ,
right lets try again: I've downloaded the new version and set permissions, wiped dalvik-cache but when trying to disable SELinux i get
tmp-mksh: 0 : not found.
and when going into 'edge screen' settings i get unfortunsatly cocktailbar service has stopped.
Catlog attached:
I used this to modify SELINUX. For anyone else who is helping out, try this.
[4/19] QuickLaunch Demo And Advanced Feed Development Request For Rooted Users
b-reezy said:
I used this to modify SELINUX. For anyone else who is helping out, try this.
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I sent you a PM! I explicitly declared that permission for each activity, so let's see how it goes now! I put the same apk I sent you now on the OP, so the other testers can try it! In the mean-time, I do have something real for you guys to play with! It's the QuickLaunch window, customizable and all (from hitting the Feeds Settings Icon). I'll put that in the OP with the tag "WORKS(Kinda)"!
One thing, which is a big reason why I'm trying to do it this way-- clicking the icons launches the app, it just doesn't turn the screen back on! I've tracked it down, and it seems as if when the Feed Screen is on, it has the SCover flag set to on, manually, but when a user clicks a button from another Feed, it turns that flag back off, thus turning the screen back on. The easiest/cleanest way for us to do that too would be our Custom Feed Panel implementing the same OnClickHandler that the others do, just can't without doingwhat we're trying to do!
EDIT: Please still use the QuickLaunch apk with the tag "Signed" though for testing the replacement of CocktailBarService! My new one just does it the bad way, and had to get rid of the code for trying the good.
(There's other ways to turn the screen on, but the way I'm trying to do it does it easily, and allows for more advanced functionality!)
If you are interested in taking what I have and running with it/collaborating, I am more than willing to send all sources of what I have so far, my resources that I've been using, along with all information gathered so far. Just ask!
Hopefully this will become available for non-rooted. I am DIEING to get more functionality out of the Edge API for this phone. The feed is an awesome option, but having to swiping finger is a pain in the @$$. A double tap on the edge or an automatic turn on would be AWESOME when Texts or missed calls are there.
b-reezy said:
I used this to modify SELINUX. For anyone else who is helping out, try this.
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BTW.. can be disabled in the kernel source also.. I did that in m8 times
trailblazer101 said:
I sent you a PM! I explicitly declared that permission for each activity, so let's see how it goes now! I put the same apk I sent you now on the OP, so the other testers can try it! In the mean-time, I do have something real for you guys to play with! It's the QuickLaunch window, customizable and all (from hitting the Feeds Settings Icon). I'll put that in the OP with the tag "WORKS(Kinda)"!
One thing, which is a big reason why I'm trying to do it this way-- clicking the icons launches the app, it just doesn't turn the screen back on! I've tracked it down, and it seems as if when the Feed Screen is on, it has the SCover flag set to on, manually, but when a user clicks a button from another Feed, it turns that flag back off, thus turning the screen back on. The easiest/cleanest way for us to do that too would be our Custom Feed Panel implementing the same OnClickHandler that the others do, just can't without doingwhat we're trying to do!
EDIT: Please still use the QuickLaunch apk with the tag "Signed" though for testing the replacement of CocktailBarService! My new one just does it the bad way, and had to get rid of the code for trying the good.
(There's other ways to turn the screen on, but the way I'm trying to do it does it easily, and allows for more advanced functionality!)
If you are interested in taking what I have and running with it/collaborating, I am more than willing to send all sources of what I have so far, my resources that I've been using, along with all information gathered so far. Just ask!
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Liking the Quicklaunch app , are you still needing testers? or have you got all the info you need?
Alex-V said:
BTW.. can be disabled in the kernel source also.. I did that in m8 times
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Exactly and imo its better if its done this way..
for anyone interested
you need to edit the security/selinux/selinuxfs.c file from source
new_value = 0;
So it becomes:
new_value = 0;
or use this one (from the G925F source)
friedrich420 said:
Exactly and imo its better if its done this way..
for anyone interested
you need to edit the security/selinux/selinuxfs.c file from source
new_value = 0;
So it becomes:
new_value = 0;
or use this one (from the G925F source)
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yeah.. that's the one I used.. I'm still for and back to root or not..means for me.. develop roms and kernels ..or use it as it is.. lol..
friedrich420 said:
Exactly and imo its better if its done this way..
for anyone interested
you need to edit the security/selinux/selinuxfs.c file from source
new_value = 0;
So it becomes:
new_value = 0;
or use this one (from the G925F source)
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Hii my friend, i also still , have a non rooted S6 Edge :thumbup:
Hey guys, I finished the QuickLaunch Feed and posted it in the Apps Folder here:
Click Me!
I did manage to get it to turn the screen on, then, with the clicking of the shortcuts, and it still launches it once unlocked (if you have a lockscreen). I am going to begin work on a music player Feed, now
I will continue development on more advanced Feeds, and also delve into enhancing the edge in other ways, once we Verizon users get root (or until I win the lottery and get a Sprint version ). I see all these great opportunities to make it better, I just can't do anything with it until I'm rooted, since this didn't go as well as I planned. Where we are stuck at now is this, and where it would be too much of a pain for me to do without a phone of my own to test one:
We need to re-sign the system with a signature key we have access to. This includes framework, apps, and the priv-apps signed with the samsung key. Then I can go about doing what I wanted to do, but otherwise, it's a no go.
A developer who does have a Sprint or T-Mobile version with root, I can tell you the information I gathered so far. I have seen where the 'turn screen on gesture' is stored, and all these other great things, I just can't right now
trailblazer101 said:
Hey guys, I finished the QuickLaunch Feed and posted it in the Apps Folder here:
Click Me!
I did manage to get it to turn the screen on, then, with the clicking of the shortcuts, and it still launches it once unlocked (if you have a lockscreen). I am going to begin work on a music player Feed, now
I will continue development on more advanced Feeds, and also delve into enhancing the edge in other ways, once we Verizon users get root (or until I win the lottery and get a Sprint version ). I see all these great opportunities to make it better, I just can't do anything with it until I'm rooted, since this didn't go as well as I planned. Where we are stuck at now is this, and where it would be too much of a pain for me to do without a phone of my own to test one:
We need to re-sign the system with a signature key we have access to. This includes framework, apps, and the priv-apps signed with the samsung key. Then I can go about doing what I wanted to do, but otherwise, it's a no go.
A developer who does have a Sprint or T-Mobile version with root, I can tell you the information I gathered so far. I have seen where the 'turn screen on gesture' is stored, and all these other great things, I just can't right now
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very nice.. thanks my friend ?
This is just sounding AWESOME! I am on AT&T so will have to wait as well for Root. I was wondering if there is a possability for the edge to just turn on, on its own without the need to swipe the screen? Like when a new notification comes in it will just scroll across the edge (or maybe the icon will blink on and off until you see it and swipe).
I still feel the swipe is to hard to do consistantly and would rather use a double tap or something if the auto on isn't possible.
A Security researcher andhacker, named John Gordon,has found an easy way to bypass the security of locked smartphones running Android 5.0 and 5.1 (Build LMY48M). Many of us use various security locks on our devices like Pattern lock, PIN lock and Password lock in order to protect the privacy of our devices. However, a vulnerability could now allow anyone to take your Android smartphone (5.0 build LMY48I) with locked screen, perform a "MAGIC TRICK" and as a result crash the user interface (UI) for the password screen and gain access to your device.
The vulnerability, assigned CVE-2015-3860, has been dubbed as "Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability in Lockscreen".
How the Attack Works?
The secret behind the researcher's "MAGIC TRICK" is as follows:
Get the device and open the Emergency dialer screen. Type a long string of numbers or special characters in the input field and copy-n-paste a long string continuously till its limit exhausts.
Now, copy that large string. Open up the camera app accessible without a lock. Drag the notification bar and push the settings icon, which will show a prompt for the password.
Now, paste the earlier copied string continuously to the input field of the password, to create an even larger string.
Come back to camera and divert yourself towards clicking pictures or increasing/decreasing the volume button with simultaneously tapping the password input field containing the large string in multiple places.
All this is done to make the camera app crash. Further, you will notice the soft buttons (home and back button) at the bottom of the screen will disappear, which is an indication that will enable the app to crash.
At this time, stop your actions and wait for the camera app to become unresponsive.
After a moment, the app will crash and get you to the Home Screen of the device with all the encrypted and unencrypted data.
Now without wasting time go to Settings > Developer Options > Enable USB Debugging and control the device by installing the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) utility.
In addition to this, if we notice the number of users with Android 5.0 and 5.1 with hardware compatibility as Nexus 4 and software installed as Google factory image - occam 5.1.1 (LMY47V) are less.
Therefore, the risk associated will affect those users only.
Furthermore, for those users we have a good news that is - the patch has released for the vulnerability and is made public by Google.
My question is, will it also affect other L users???
First off:
That text formatting,</thread> also, this will affect anyone running Roms with pretty much unaltered SystemUI based on 5.1.1_r8 (or lower)
Roms that alter heavily SystemUI (i.e samsung and lg stock roms) are unaffected. hence this issue didnt get a wide spread across news sites
opssemnik said:
First off:
That text formatting,</thread> also, this will affect anyone running Roms with pretty much unaltered SystemUI based on 5.1.1_r8 (or lower)
Roms that alter heavily SystemUI (i.e samsung and lg stock roms) are unaffected. hence this issue didnt get a wide spread across news sites
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Thanks for informing me. But sure that WILL affect users of CyanogenMod, Cataclysm and other non-modded AOSP based ROMs.
Sent from my HTC Desire 616 dual sim using Tapatalk
MSF Jarvis said:
Thanks for informing me. But sure that WILL affect users of CyanogenMod, Cataclysm and other non-modded AOSP based ROMs.
Sent from my HTC Desire 616 dual sim using Tapatalk
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Cm has already merged r14 so its safe, cataclysm is based stock roms, so if it has a version for the lastest, then its also safe.
any rom with code base post r8 its safe, which afaik should be a lot of them.RR, rastapop,omni,cm,chroma,D.U. are the ones i remember that has the fix
if you want a deeper look, see if the rom has this fix
opssemnik said:
Cm has already merged r14 so its safe, cataclysm is based stock roms, so if it has a version for the lastest, then its also safe.
any rom with code base post r8 its safe, which afaik should be a lot of them.RR, rastapop,omni,cm,chroma,D.U. are the ones i remember that has the fix
if you want a deeper look, see if the rom has this fix
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Whew. Now as I think, I remember my cousin's N5 getting a ~100 MB FOTA update, maybe that includes the r14 fix.
Sent from my HTC Desire 616 dual sim using Tapatalk
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