I've got a korean version of x1i (SK telecom)...I've just flashed new radio but still afraid to flash custom ROM. I've just not sure - if I flash custom ROM can I loose carrier settings? Can u explain me about differences between European and Korean versions of x1 though (can I use it in GSM networks after flashing or is it for CDMA networks only)?
SK telecom cooked ROM for the xperia
If you've got it, email me diarmuid2k @ hotmail.com
Looking for a place where I can get an updated ROM for the i-Mate PDA2k EVDO. This is sold in Australia as a CDMA model, it appears that it is the one referred to here as 'no sim' model.
I just upgraded the Bluetooth to 3500, and that now works, now trying to see if there is a ROM upgrade as well.
all roms are in wiki under avaliable shipped complete roms
Thankyou, I have found the ROMs.
My question relates to the fact that I am unsure if the standard ROM for GSM/GPRS Blueangel will work in a CDMA (no SIM) Blueangel. There is precious little that I have been able to find on this particular model.
I am going to try the Harrier ROM for the Telstra NZ version, but I feel that may not contain the most recent version of the available software.
Anyone out there tried the latest version in a CDMA?
after reading yhat i fave to wait untill sept to get officeal WM6 Rom
im starting to thing maybe i shuld try ATT rom but since im not from US
will ATT rom have any side efects ?
the treo 750 i own is totaly unbranded and unlocked and i never been locked !
i read some ware in these forum that roming sign will apear when outside of
ATT coverege even if using lockal sim eg. Vodafone UK in UK ?
if it dose appear do u get charged for "apparet" roming ?
are there any limits on which sim u cen use with ATT ROM or on wich net work cen it operate ?
whot about ATT proxy on IE how to get read of it ?
Wont change of IMEI (ATT WM6 adds "20" to the end) effect upgrade to the officeal WM6 ?
are there any other issus which will efect use if ATT WM6 treo 750 in UK or Russia ?
Will i be abel to go instal officel WM6 when it released ? (over ATT Rom) ?
I am using the ATT rom in china and is working fine except it hang once in a while. The 750v hang might be because I use those dual sim card adapter and I always switching around.
I also try the ATT wm6 rom with the 6 button HTC_home. It works perfect but I give up because the dialer lookup doesn't work with it.
I have also an unbranded and unlocked Treo 750 and it worg great, here in Belgium, with the WM6 Rom.
Never had the roaming icon with my local provider (Mobistar).
Not yet try outside of Belgium.
It seems that if you have an unlocked machine, you don't have a sim limitation to use it.
Concerning the Proxy, you can deactivated, there is a tool in start => programs => Proxy Manager to switch off the proxy.
Concerning the upgrade of the offical release, if you can flash it with the AT&T rom, there are no reasons that you can't do the same with the official.
I'm using a Treo 750v that is unlocked with the AT&T WM 6.0 ROM in Iceland and it is functioning fine. No roaming issues and no need to disable the AT&T proxy for web browsing.
No problem at all here (in Italy).
Th treo with wm6 ROM automagically configures itself with the network parameters of all Italian providers. With the wm5 rom this was true only for Vodafone.
The ATT proxy will be enabled ONLY if you are using an ATT/Cingular SIM.
There should be no problems at all.
PS Using spanish treo 750v in Russia
Working in Brazil
I'm using it here in Brazil with TIM and zero problems! It's working really great!
ATT WM6 to Officeal
im woried that when it will come to instaling Officel WM6 andim alredy have
ATT WM6 it will tell me somthing like that:
Your device is alredy Upgraded
You can downgrade to WM5 the same way before applying official WM6 ROM in that case.
Можно сделать даунгрейд до 5ой винды.
i cant find unlocked and unbranded wm5 ROM
change of IMEI
Wont change of IMEI (ATT WM6 adds "20" to the end) effect upgrade to the officeal WM6 ?
here in the philippines wm6 att rom works well
If i download the htc e club new ROM version it will upgrade the radio enabling 850Mhz too? or i must flash the radio separetly .. and will the htc club ROM version work for any diamond ? currently i have Version 1.37.456.2 WWE Istalled
not sure about diamond but most other htc devices the band supported is purely a hardware thing and radioroms dont help
i'd try to use search in this diamond forum for others with the same question
yes it should. HTC even said that the 1.93 ROM enabled the 850mhz GSM radio.
Of course, if you are talking about the 850mhz US 3G band, then no it wont.
Could someone please post their Telstra radio rom? I would like to see if I could flash my UK HTC Touch HD and see if that will enable 3g here in the US
Download / from the following thread
Because that is all the Telstra Devices have on them.
it wont work dont need to try.
marktang, do you know why it wont' work? Is it a hardware issue? Or additional firmware is needed?
It is a hardware limitation. There are no 850/1900 MHz WCDMA amplifiers in european Touch HD.
i dont know what it is but people have tried already. you are not the first one to ask for that ROM.
i wouldn't risk it... it hasn't worked.
Telstra Rom
Hope this works first time useing rapid
Telstra Radio ROM
Hi, you can only upgrade to Telstra Radio ROM ( load from link in WIKI). I have up-graded Rom 1.56.405.1 (Latest version). The Telstra reception was very poor and I missed calls in side buildings.
After down-grade the Radio ROM to Telstra Radio ROM ( The Telstra reception is better. I think is safer to upgrade/downgrade the Radio ROM only. You less likely to brick you phone. It appears that it only support 2G and 3G, but not nextG. You don't need nextG in major cities. If you used your phone for Internet Sharing you get 3.2 MB/S instead of 7.2 MB/S.
I have a telstra t8285 here in the US. I have upgraded it to the latest radio and it works fine.
I'm looking for the radio that is used in Europe by Vodafone.
I'm now using radio and rom Cyanoganmod 6.1. RC2 (FRG83 but i have troubles with traffic data from Navigon.
APN Vodafone settings are correct, but something goes wrong in the data connenection. Settings in Navigon are correct by the way
I woud just downgrade the radio . I know how to flash the radio but i'm not sure witch radio i needed ?
someone have a suggestion ?
You're using it. 5.08.
i thought that this radio build was from a Korean Nexus ?