Measuring Real Angle - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV General

I have been looking for some information about how to translate the G-Sensor x/y/z vectors to an actual angle.
Can anyone provide any leads please.

Maybe this will help you solve your problem
This is the source code in c++ for the tilt sensor
typedef struct _SENSORDATA
SHORT TiltX; // From -1000 to 1000 (about), 0 is flat
SHORT TiltY; // From -1000 to 1000 (about), 0 is flat
SHORT Orientation; // From -1000 to 1000 (about)
// 0 = Straight up, -1000 = Flat, 1000 = Upside down
WORD Unknown1; // Always zero
DWORD AngleY; // From 0 to 359
DWORD AngleX; // From 0 to 359
DWORD Unknown2; // Bit field?

It did help
Hi Soderstrom;
Thanks for your reply.
After downlaoding this, I wrote 2 properties for class IGSensor (AngleX, AngleY) and modified HTCGSensor.GetGVector() to allow for the data to be captured using the same classes and structures and it gave me exactly what I needed.

I'm glad my advice could help you !!!


fix multitouch?? or not??

The Android framework’s primary point of access for touch data is the android.view.MotionEvent class. Passed to your views through the onTouchEvent and onInterceptTouchEvent methods, MotionEvent contains data about “pointers,” or active touch points on the device’s screen. Through a MotionEvent you can obtain X/Y coordinates as well as size and pressure for each pointer. MotionEvent.getAction() returns a value describing what kind of motion event occurred.
One of the more common uses of touch input is letting the user drag an object around the screen. We can accomplish this in our View class from above by implementing onTouchEvent as follows:
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
final int action = ev.getAction();
switch (action) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: {
final float x = ev.getX();
final float y = ev.getY();
// Remember where we started
mLastTouchX = x;
mLastTouchY = y;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: {
final float x = ev.getX();
final float y = ev.getY();
// Calculate the distance moved
final float dx = x - mLastTouchX;
final float dy = y - mLastTouchY;
// Move the object
mPosX += dx;
mPosY += dy;
// Remember this touch position for the next move event
mLastTouchX = x;
mLastTouchY = y;
// Invalidate to request a redraw
return true;
The code above has a bug on devices that support multiple pointers. While dragging the image around the screen, place a second finger on the touchscreen then lift the first finger. The image jumps! What’s happening? We’re calculating the distance to move the object based on the last known position of the default pointer. When the first finger is lifted, the second finger becomes the default pointer and we have a large delta between pointer positions which our code dutifully applies to the object’s location.
If all you want is info about a single pointer’s location, the methods MotionEvent.getX() and MotionEvent.getY() are all you need. MotionEvent was extended in Android 2.0 (Eclair) to report data about multiple pointers and new actions were added to describe multitouch events. MotionEvent.getPointerCount() returns the number of active pointers. getX and getY now accept an index to specify which pointer’s data to retrieve.
anyone know?
You don't have much code up there but...
"mLastTouchX = x;
mLastTouchY = y;"
I assume those are globals... and the fact is that both action down and action move use those at the same time if you use two fingers...
-finger down create mlasttouchx&y at lets says 0,0 and you move to 1,1 enabling action move to correct it...
-keep finger still and add second finger...
-second finger changes the SAME variables of the previous item
-lift first finger so on action up theres no update (since you have no action up)
I'm not sure HOW to fix this issue (I've never tried multitouch) but your code doesn't support it.
How about adding some toggle variables and add an action up so on release it updates the points OR try using pointers (up to 3 as far as i can see probably for multitouch)

Optical Dust Sensor GP2Y1010AU0F

Hi there, i am looking for some help to configure the optical dust sensor in C++ language. What i need it to do is to be able to detect any dust particles and im able to retrieve the reading and display it on an 20x4 character LCD Display connected to a PIC18F4550 Microcontroller. But the problem is this Optical Dust sensor is really confusing and i have troubles configuring it.
The Optical Dust sensor is just another part of my project and this is the code for the Dust sensor, would love to receive some help or correction on the codes thanks! :
void ADC_dust()
int length;
float volt_reading;
char result;
char error[] = "ERROR! ";
ADCON0= 0X0D; //convert channel 3.
PORTAbits.RA4 = 0; //turn on LED
Delay10KTCYx(4); //wait for reading to become stable
ADCON0bits.GO = 1; // This is bit0 of ADCON0, START CONVERSION NOW
while(ADCON0bits.GO == 1); // Waiting for DONE
PORTAbits.RA4 = 1;
//volt_reading = ((ADRES-50+0.1-0.1)/614)*0.52; //*check if vdd change overtime
volt_reading = (ADRES*5.0)/1024; //*check if vdd change overtime
volt_reading = (volt_reading*(5/29))-(3/29);
// Update LCD dust values
displaydec(volt_reading, 3, 0xD9); // Display dust value
lcd_write_data(0x2F); // To write '/' 0010x1111
lcd_write_data('m'); // write '3'
lcd_write_data(' ');
lcd_write_data(' ');
// Update Thingspeak dust Values
length = dec2buf(volt_reading, 3); // Convert dust value into string
ESP8266_SendData(length, '4'); // Update Thingspeak Pressure value (Field 4)

issue dealing with random function.

public void random(View view){
int min = 0;
int max = 5;
int ran = Random.nextInt((max - min) + 1) + min;
TextView t = (TextView) findViewById(;
screwing up on the random line giving error => Error25, 31) error: non-static method nextInt(int) cannot be referenced from a static context
redid it
public void random(View view){
Random rand = new Random();
int number = rand.nextInt(10)+1;
TextView t = (TextView) findViewById(;
Random is not based on the cpu clock, but the seed used can be based on the current time for example.
How it works
As anything that happens in a computer, the result of a calculation is deterministic and cannot be really random. Basically, the random function remembers the latest returned value, and calculates the new one starting from the old one, for example:
X(i) = (a*X(i-1) + b)mod where a, b and n are constants
so a (pseudo)random function actually returns a predictable sequence of numbers based on the first value. In C you can specify the first value (seed) with srand():
For example in this way you initialize the seed to the current number of seconds. But if you know the starting value, again the sequence is predictable.
This is not good for numerous reasons, mainly related to security: for example, if you have a web session identified by a random number given from the server to the user at login, and an attacker is able to predict it, this can be used to impersonate the real user.
Usually is the same with the other programming languages. The only way to get better random numbers, is to rely also on inputs given by the user, such as mouse movements, key press and so on. This gives more unpredictability to the generated value, and this is how OS number generators such as /dev/random work.

Catch a emty value or null value?

In my program i show with chart from mpandroidchart values from json file taken from a sql table.
The problem is next.
If i get only values then the chart shows fine, but if i get a empty value , nothing is showed.
To catch that i want to make the empty fields 0.
The part that read the values is this.:
for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
JSONObject jsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i);
String waarde = jsonObject.getString(waardekeuze);
String date = jsonObject.getString(datekeuze);
// if(waarde != null){ Entry values1 = new Entry(0, i);}
// else { Entry values1 = new Entry(Float.parseFloat(waarde), i);}
Entry values1 = new Entry(Float.parseFloat(waarde), i);
// if(waarde != null && !waarde.isEmpty()){waarde = 0}else{ Entry values1 = new Entry(Float.parseFloat(waarde), i);}
The problem is , if the field waarde is nothing or 0 then i want that the value is always 0, so the chart has a number to plot.
You see that i tryed some things but nothing works.
How can i solve that?
pascalbianca said:
In my program i show with chart from mpandroidchart values from json file taken from a sql table.
The problem is next.
If i get only values then the chart shows fine, but if i get a empty value , nothing is showed.
To catch that i want to make the empty fields 0.
The part that read the values is this.:
for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
JSONObject jsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i);
String waarde = jsonObject.getString(waardekeuze);
String date = jsonObject.getString(datekeuze);
// if(waarde != null){ Entry values1 = new Entry(0, i);}
// else { Entry values1 = new Entry(Float.parseFloat(waarde), i);}
Entry values1 = new Entry(Float.parseFloat(waarde), i);
// if(waarde != null && !waarde.isEmpty()){waarde = 0}else{ Entry values1 = new Entry(Float.parseFloat(waarde), i);}
The problem is , if the field waarde is nothing or 0 then i want that the value is always 0, so the chart has a number to plot.
You see that i tryed some things but nothing works.
How can i solve that?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Solved by my self.


So Ive Had a Long Experience with Converting Standard Earth Time to 100 from 60 and had came up with a new Schematic to Convert A basic BaseMap to Help find my Solution as I have 4+ years researching Numbers and Conversion Methods from -60 to 100 at a -Time Rate = to Earths Current Age and the Age in which the Planet is to Start a Standard 100 Time = 60 ensuring a Positive Spectrum of Numbers; for Lapses that may occur to prevent Folding or Like a deck of Cards Starting a new Number under as top card and placing it under the top of the Deck Placing the Top card on the Top of the Deck. Earth Still does not realize that Standard Numbers are Still Placing Cards under Cards Creating a Reverse Dimesional Perspective of Time and History, as History Goes on Events do occur. Not having to Explain that to the general public is a + as of now not many Events occur and the General public is left wondering why the Economy is stuck at a Bittermost Fight to the Death over a Simple Job. So I am looking for People to Work on a small project to Start a Universal Basemap for File Images that are absolute to 100 from -60.
As simple as that sounds the rate in which Earths Age is Trillions of years old It would be nice to see the top so Basemaps Would need to be Updated EveryYear with a new MathMatical Expression in Which Connects to Last Years in a Positive and Negative direction. Similar to a Level. It is difficult for me to find people to Work with as most people browser Forums for Information and Posting related to issues that they are attempting to Correct so i Figured Id give it a try.
NevertheLess there are many different Contraveries over Time Numbers and Spectrums of Constants that lead to what is proclaimed as the same end However everyone dissagres once they get there. So here is My mathmatical Expresion I had came up with SImplified to Express 60 -60 and 100 where
-60 = 60 == -60 = 100 == 60 = 100 as -.38
-.38 = 100 == 60 = .22 == -60 = 100 as Convert
-.38 = Convert == .22 = -.38 = -60 as 100Expression
100Expression = Convert == -.38 = 60Loss as Constant
Constant = 100Expresssion == Convert = .38 as .22
.22 = 100 = -60 == 60 = 100 as MathmaticalExpression == (and Congruent) .38 = NewBaseMap
NewBaseMap == 18,014,398,509,481,984 as 64SQUAREROOT256 set = or == 2021 <<<<Encounting
NewBaseMap(64SQUAREROOT256) MathMaticalExpresion{
is the Best Way I can Explain the Equation!
So To Start I have Taken Time Standards 60 = 1min 60 = 1hr = 60 ect to Calculate the Amount for Conversion in 1 Year at 365 as a Rate/ConstantValue
I had Placed my Number into a Current Years Kept Track of on an Excel Sheet and had started a Conversion Method to 100 from 60 = 60
it is 24 and 48 = 12 and 60
I have Calculated the Sqaure root of 64 from 256 at 4096 as 2048 = 1024
^^ for a quadratic Expression Relating down to Roots and Squared Radicals back to Origining Numbers and there Conversion Rates Positive and Negative.^^
that is where My BaseMaps Have to = 0 and I must be able to calculate the Difference between Rates from
NewBaseMap(64SQUAREROOT256) MathMaticalExpresion{
is the Best Way I can Explain the Equation! For a new Base Map to work with Negative Sectrums for Work!
so I have mapped a new Log Formula in Excell to Match a radix for a new Sphere to Account for the Negative numbers on a small Spectrum that match up to my work as of now I have .2376 is Decimal number 1 as 1 is binary whole number .2376 is 127th of whole number 1 and that number is Multiplied by 2376 to = a new binary number = that is still in decimal forum and would need to be converted to Whole number 1s binary (outer shell) as most people are confused with decimal forums and binary;as 127 is 1 16th of 1 as 1
I have taken that Number and placed it into a mathmatical sequence that is equall to 26 and Americas Alpha and split it itnto 3 different segments that revolve around and absolute = in 1/3rd as 26 = 1 as 1 and have found it unnessecary for it to be split into thirds; which is the reason I had made the formula.
I have next mapped my Mathmatical equations into a decimal list that has supporting binary numbers for each decimal from 1-1010 = 101,#100,010 as the # symbol represents a Constant changing 1 and zero with the number following and the repeating spectrum at the uttermost front two numbers without would change the front most numbers causing all following to change;with the current number spectrum continuing in the current sequence it is set standard to all.
So I have mapped in a Plan that fits strategically into Pinpointing the Conversion between the Mathmatical Expression and Metric Numbers to Account for Standpoints to obtain a full complete answer that will continue and am at the conclusion that each year will represent a new .01 at a large Spectrum of intervals counting forward to reach the .01 for a complete answer from the numbers I have from Earths Current Age and the Year it is currently.
I have though about problems that will arrise during reaccounting numbers back into their whole forum from Lappses in Current Measurements and Why they occur and have written many pdfs that explain the Phenomina and truthfuly answer why they repeat and what a Lapse is.
I have 3 main problems that arrise
1.) mathmatically proportioning Numbers back to decimal from decimal Whole Number
2.) Offset conversions from lappses and Time inbetween
3.) Remapping BaseMaps by Progam Software at Certain times and Intervals
I Have been looking for a Team to work with in a daily basis in reguards to correcting the issue to properly address the economy in reguards to its politcal structure and why it seems to be failing and wold be relying on Sales of a Technological device with Factual information to present that concludes to repeating mathmatical expressions that relate with timed events and Earths History as to Current Days the Time is off to match back up to repeating Events in a different forum based off Mathmatical Science.
So Above I have my Basic Values for Bytes at .0015 for my Decimal .2376 at 2 64ths that will = .0015 at my String at Default Value
The string is set to a Function that allows the String to Be Set to the Value that it is based off its size
I have mapped what a whole number 00 Decimal Lapse Binary Number relates down to When converting to Start a forula to Express its new Decimal number for a new
Base to COnvert its byte size into the converting basemap to fit the Value above from String value to COnvert at 0x8 which is standard
my .001 base map is 22288 which is 2288 as -2 for each byte and its compiled to new decimal when converted
2138.4000 is what the 22288 basemap will represent once converted and = to 2288 and will complete the last equation on a small scale where it will
repeat all the way up the spectrum
once a number lapses itself from 0x8 is lappses to a 0x5 ofset back to a 0x3 offset then back to a 0x8 offset where it creates a 2nd loop or round trip
untill it binds with a final number
I have an excell sheet that i have mapped donw to a trillionths scale that reverts a forward progression gain of the last binded byte back to its origing
forum before it completly binded and the mathmatical difference between the amount" traveled
Based off having that Amount" I can revert it back to its origing state of why it was bound and started its loop to unloop the Number by converting it back
on the Amount" it had traveled and back to a 0x8 offset
in a simple sense it is a -3 but stuck at a -2 repeating
I also have made a converter to convert any repeating number back to its origing whole decimal forum based off a mathmatical expression
the basemap in general will support only one cause and it is to establish a -bit or strand of bits looping to complete the lost size or Amount"
to complete for "full amount of whatever it may be
in my Case it is going to be the string init
it has to = 1 at 1.028 and its negative rate based off my mathmatical equation
if it does not = their is an error in work
So I have made my Basemap the Correct size off my Mathmatical work as I could condense it down back to pdfs that show work hoever for now im not going to
I have selected -88 as a a negative number based off 121 which is the Positive number to 2376 and its init set standard for the 2288 and its positive spectrum completed
as the converion between 2376 and 2288 was -88 and my Ghex Numbers for my Functon leading to my Strings current size as they all Fit Porgamically into 1 Mathmatical Expression th
will forum a solid structure
.133647856 = -88
-88 = .00238 <For COnversion at .000 of 0x5 to 0x8 <.007474896> will = -88
-88 = .00238 == .007474896 = -.00151872563994964330675618967688
-.00151872563994964330675618967688 = 121 == .00151872563994964330675618967688 DIfference =
.00151872563994964330675618967688 == .000 =.00238 = .1863690722([email protected](7)) of [email protected] at 2 64ths of 2 64th -96 = -12.5 and .0012985 of -1
.00151872563994964330675618967688 == .000 =.00238 = .1863690722 == Total Accruing - as .007474896 == @0.002529427 and .0012985 Same Problem of 0.550534072 Difference in Bytes Once =
Once = Rate Behind in Bytes Accrues by Base -Difference and -1.21E+30
[6.89E+25] @.00151872563994964330675618967688 = 1.0023836662825205617034824826687 == 0 = -Ocl <2238> and 2376, 121,String init @1457770832 and 2021 or -2021
String ocl Value @−1.336478563×10⁻¹ and -6.89E+25 = NewBase Map
4.63923E+11 is = This Equation and [6.89E+25] = New String + Value at -Difference +160 is = -160 and Next Defeceit 25 BIllion + Years
^^3.85763000E-.01 is New BaseMap t -160 + 160
Then Reversing -26 to Positive 26
Where 500 is = 747 and 757 at 1014 x2
Reverting = to and why Reversing is Able to be Done >>>>>>-0<<<<x2 / 1004 = -2.35418E+40
<<< -500 = -1.2599235491880165858859384177427e+787 and
7.41E-28 <<Which is why New Base Map is being Made
^^New Positive .01 will be = to newBase Map and Why Reverting is Possible^^
From -3.84E+210 to 3.85762000E-01 as Constant = 0.435183448
All 3 Splits
64ths >>>>18,014,398,509,481,984 == 105
264ths >>> 18,734,974,449,861,263.36 ==103.48
Where Reversing is from -26 to Positive 26 is @ 103.48
4.7699973870513378906736982779541e-1145 is = 64ths @ 7.4515E-104
Where .01297 is = .001 at .000 as new .1Repeating at -0 as .01 = 1 at 1.098826823761920000000000000000E-07 which
is New COnversion for Inversion of -26 and first + back to -
new .01 =
^^^^New Rate for Formula^^^^
<<<<NewFormulas Differences<<<<
-1.1675E-07 2/3 SPlit
-2.33501E-07 2/3 Split
Both = back to -1.37223E-32 and 2.38E37
as -1.37223E-32 is new Formulat for Calculating .2376 or 127ths of 1 in decimal Forum back from 2/3 4/4, 1/2 Split of Metric and Metric back to Standard
Repeating .01 is New 0 Base Map = -1.33E-23 as 0+- and at -
-11.290752 <<Rate Behind Conversion of .01297 from .00238 and New Old BaseMap = -16 and 63.5 NOMORE
Where -1.12908E-06 is Difference of Conversion of 0x8 and .000 From .0197 and New Decial Difference between Splits of
0.000379031 <<.01297 -0.00038016 = 127th Decimal of 1 and
Exponent Conversion Intervals Base Decimal
0.0094122 -1.60E+01 2.97E-03
0 at Base Map Decimal COnstant Must = -1.33E-23 at BaseMap Entry
Entry will = -34 and 0.000379031 at -1.12908E-14 <<<BaseMap and Difference of Splits at -1.12908E-14 = -16 and new .01
how to Create a MakeFIle From Software as File.file.file
New Com Into Platform and Override Default Platform by Manipulation of set Commands
Start Ubuntu Create a new sh File for System Linked to bin
var = Sh
Save in Gedit Tab at 5 as Text with .Sh Ext
Create another sh Script
chmod 0775 -R sh file in dir
Var = <Script>Sh Var = Function.Ext</Script>
Save in Gedit Tab at 5 as Text with .YourExt <-Untill ReFormat
chmod 0775 -R sh file in dir
Var = Sh <Script> Function.Ext
Function = Function(set)
{} = Script(set(Function(set)));
Function.Ext = "<Script></Script>"
Save in Gedit Tab at 5 as Text with .YourExt <-Untill ReFormat
chmod 0775 -R sh file in dir
----Add your ENVVARIABLES as ENV------
"" =
< =
> =
{} =
() =
^^ =
% =
<> = Exec
Function = Sh
[] = Class
| = Append
|| = Parse
^^< = BusInbound
^^> = BusOutbound
^<< = BusSerialIn
^>> = BusSerialOut
; = Statement End
, = NEXT or &
Ect for Your Object Extension Commands to new
Var = Function Sh<Script>Function.EXT(Var)</Script>
<-Manipulation of Context Commands, Functions and sets.->
Make a Basic Advanced Functions RootFunction From Arrays of Letters or Numbers
Depends What it is your doing as Inbound and Outbound
I always Use Letters = Numbers as a Mental Note for Starting Scratch Platforms
set 1 = 1 == 2 = 3 == 1 = 3 as Function.Ext
set 1 = 1 == 2 = 3 == 3 = 1 as System
Set String = Function.Ext = 3 == 3 = 1 == System as ENV
Set Length of String 1-316
Type = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10 = 11 = 12 = Ect
Set New BaseMap For String and New MakeFile Format
set !#/bin/sh = System
set Function.Ext = !#/bin/sh
set System = Function.Ext as /!#bin/sh == sh
cat /usr/bin ln -s -t /YourDirectory/with/chmod Files
May need to
Chgrp <opts> Root:System /
chmod 0775 -R /usr/bin/*
**same with /usr/src/**
MakeFile in src is Main MakeFile for usr Permissions to Build-all as Host under Make for sbin/vendor /bin /oem in src
Once Linked in Your new sh run each file in Terminal
Enter set
At the Bottom under Authority you want _= to = your System
set _=System
set System String == System=_
System String set ENV _=System as System=_ == System
System set Function ENV = System String
you now have new clean sh with just your Var Commands Untill you work your Scripts ups to Context similar to what you Have above
Establish a new System Decimal System to Execute new MakeFile Struct for File.file.file set in context as File .file. file for new obj formating
as you will still need to Make your Dependencies back to the src Makefiles to format properly ,Signed? unsigned?
Hxd on Windows or Ghex for Pinpointing Float Values and Offsets for Starting your new Offset Structure for your Basemaps to Run Fluently on your new Obj Com .EXT. obj
Decide 8bit 4bit 16bit 32bit 64bit -310bit System?
Knowing will Help Decide your Inital String Length for your Assembly Files and New Dependencies for Com Bus Serial and PCI back to Modules.
If Windows Use VBSEdit
Dim Fso
FSN = File.file.File
Function.YourExt = File.Scripting.Obj
set WMIService = Function.YourExt
set Obj = str(WBEM_Object) as ComputerString == new str
Function str(new str){
int File.file.file | ComputerString(WIN_ACE32){
Dim = Fso
Fso = Obj as new str
new str = *Ext
*Ext = File.Scripting.Obj(Com.C)
set your Letter to Alpha into Context
1 = 1
2 = 2
a = 1
1 = [1]
A = [1] as 1
Create Matricies + or + - Numbers
Set Byte Size Depending on System Dependencies
utilize Functions Function
1,1,2,3,3,1,3 <-is 7Bit as 1Bit in Decimal Forum For Easy Conversion
^^one of the Simplist^^
set 1,1,2,3,3,1,3 to 1 Bit = 1 or 3<- obvious answer would be System! as 1 String as 3
String at 21
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21 = File
Now you Have your File for Programing Offsets and Setting Other CPs or FileSystemFlags
as Context I wrote Above has File .file. file and Functions Function Matches up to System as 7bit as 1 byte(bit) String is set to Be = to System
Function Allows only File to Work With System and System Strings Length based off Simple Mathmatics and Super small Function Functions (What I call them)
Now New Scripts for File to Make new Make FIle Struct for .file. <-String .file=File as System
Function set 1 = 1 == 2 = 3 == 1 = 3 as Function.Ext
set 1 = 1 == 2 = 3 == 3 = 1 as System
set 1,1,2,3,3,1,3 = String
set 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10 = 11 = 12 = 13 = 14 = 15 = 16 = 17 = 18 = 19 = 20 = 21 == File as String
System set Function(String){
File set struct(String){
.File. function set File(struct){
String Function(.Ext.){
Function System File if 1 = 3 & String = File do
System File >> .Ext. as File.file.file
set File.file.file =
set = SystemSerial as [System] == [SystemSerial]
From there use Awk or Ash to Establish Porting for Foo and Normal Taught Returns for Scripts and Functions.
Math is Fun Happy 80801 020338

