converting? help.. - G1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

what does it mean to convert ext 2 to 3 or ext 3 to i dont understand what that means? what does it do? is it necessary?

Basically it helps against your second partiton from getting corrupted during shutdown. Its a good thing to do and if you have cyanogen's recovery image just boot into recovery, go to the recovery console hit enter and type "upgrade_fs" without quotes then wait for the # prompt to appear again and type "reboot" without quotes and you are set. Sorry for the bad format i'm using my g1 to type

so do i do it when i have an ext3 linux swap?or do i do it when theres only an ext and ext2?

k1293 said:
so do i do it when i have an ext3 linux swap?or do i do it when theres only an ext and ext2?
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is your sdcard partitioned as so fat32, ext2, linux-swap or either fat32, ext2? it will only apply to the ext2. it doesn't matter if you have 100 partitions upgrade_fs targets /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 which is your second partition.


Unsure on procedure for partitioning SD/flashing new rom

So i have JACheroski installed and it looks great.. but god is it slow. I probably didnt partition my sd card correctly.... so help me out here guys.
I dont know what exactly i want either..(fat32/ext 2 or 3/linux-swap)
Now can i just go into recovery, type in the 5 or 6 lines of code givin in the guide on here and have my card partitioned the way i want? Or do i have to download the apps2sd app and install it and THEN go type in the code.
Or lets say I use do i have to install apps2sd then follow his guide and my phone will be set up for all these hero roms??
And do i really need adb?
You need all 3 (fat32/ext2 or 3/linux-swap) this is the guide I used because it gives you they way to do it for each card size (8gb,4gb,2gb) Just make sure you follow it exactly as described, make sure when you do the linux-swap you do the - inbetween the numbers, not just a space like with the fat32 and ext2.
justanothercrowd said:
You can use the recovery console and parted to format SDcards with 1.31 folks, no more going through hassles you have the tools on you G1! is an example of how to do this in recovery console using parted. DO NOT USE MORE THAN 32MB SWAP!!!
Example for 8GB card (this example plays it safe and will leave a small amount leftover regardless of the 8GB card)
Reboot and enter recovery
Enter console
#parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
#print (to verfiy we know what size card we are dealing with, the details should be straight forward)
rm 1
rm 2
mkpartfs primary fat32 0 7200
mkpartfs primary ext2 7200 7700
mkpartfs primary linux-swap 7700 7732
#print (to verify we have the 3 partitions)
Example for my 4GB card
#parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
#print (to verfiy we know what size card we are dealing with, the details should be straight forward)
rm 1
rm 2
mkpartfs primary fat32 0 3420
mkpartfs primary ext2 3420 3932
mkpartfs primary linux-swap 3932-3964
Example for a 2GB card playing it safe
#parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
#print (to verfiy we know what size card we are dealing with, the details should be straight forward)
rm 1
rm 2
mkpartfs primary fat32 0 1200
mkpartfs primary ext2 1200 1700
mkpartfs primary linux-swap 1700-1732
"End?" you need to place the last value for the linux swap eg.3964 for my 4GB card
#print (to verify we have the 3 partitions)
Next we need to "quit" parted and upgrade our ext2 partition to ext3
Swap value is set to 30 currently, you can change this by modifying the "echo" value for swappiness in the script
For a longer more detailed parted turorial read this
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Now do i need apps2sd installed now? or after i partition everything?
that rom does apps2sd automatically so dont install any script for it or you will screw it up. Making the ext2/3 partition is what makes it work, basically no you dont need to do anything other then partition correctly, maybe wipe and reflash after but you shouldnt have to.
Thanks man!
Ill do it right away and see what happens.
Ignore that last bit.
Ok... it takes me to GNU parted
i typed print and it gave me a huge list of info but i type rm 1 and it says unrecognised disk label
Actually its not recognizing any of my disk labels
prolly because you didnt make any partitions yet, and when you type print dont put a # just type print then you will see if you have any partitions, if it doesnt show any you dont need to do the rm 1 or rm 2
crpercodani said:
prolly because you didnt make any partitions yet, and when you type print dont put a # just type print then you will see if you have any partitions, if it doesnt show any you dont need to do the rm 1 or rm 2
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Awesome i got it i think.
So now my phone should just run faster? Or is there more i need to do? And im i safe to swap to any other hero rom now?
nevermind.... it says damaged sd card now...
If i format will i have to repartition it?
It wont format now... this is frustrating haha
Yea you can switch roms but you need to wipe the ext2/3 partition, it says how to somewhere, hold on I will find it and edit it into here. Damn that sucks, when did it say damaged? Was it on the phone or when you mounted it to your pc? If you format it from your windows it will only find the fat32 partition, you need to go back into console and do rm 1
rm 2
rm 3
then re-do the partitions.
when you switch roms goto console and type this (hit enter after each line)
mount -o rw /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /system/sd
cd /system/sd
rm -r *
My windows f's up sometimes when I mount it so if it is working on the phone I would just try a diff usb port, try unplugging it a few times.
Its on the phone, after i rebooted from partitioning. The phone will not reformat it, i go through the steps but nothing happens.
I cant format from console can i?
what happens when you do the rm commands? you when into gnu first right? (parted /dev/blcok/mmcblk0)
yeah it welcomes me to gnu but then tells me all commands are invalid, including print and rm1 rm 2 rm 3 etc.
when i start the phone up it first says the card is blank, then damaged.
hmmm you know I really have no idea, do you have any type of linux distrto like debian or ubuntu/kubuntu?
Nope... I dont even know what that is lol.
Weird.. I took it out and put it back in and it read it.. 3,882 mb left.
So do i format....or go into console and make sure all partitions are still there or what?
Im not lookin to ruin my new card
Oh its a OS for your computer. My only idea is to google for a program that will find linux partitions on a sd card cuz windows only sees the fat32 one so you cant format it on there. Hopefully someone else on here might have another idea for how to do it from console but if it is giving you invalid commands then I have no clue.
How many gb is your card? 2,4,8?

Huge Problem With Cyanogen Auto Apps2sd

So I partitioned my sd card so i would be able to automatically have apps to sd like the faqs of the cyanogen mods said, but now that i have done the process and partition my sd card 500mb ext, 34mb linux swap, not only has it not worked and the apps are still taking up memory on my phone, it is not noticing the secondary partition in the settings and when i reboot my phone, after the g1 screen and android screen, my phone just goes blank. does anyone have any input? ive wiped and reflashed the rom, now im just clueless. and if it matters, i used Paragon Partition Manager to partition my sd card.
You could re-partition it by using the console in recovery mode.
Look at the 2nd code box and follow it. This is how I did it my first time.
It is really easy.
yea the only thing is it is either saying not found, or error could not stat device dev/block/mmcblk0 no such file or directory. so im stuck i cant even format my card and get back to 8 gigs its sayin 6.06 gigs. ionno im stuck.
Can't you use your partition manager to delete the partitions you made? Then just make 1 partition: fat32, then use the code on the link.
I use paragon Partition mgr. and that is an option to use.
If you partion your card after flashing your rom, then you must reflash your rom for changes to take effect. You have to do that so the system can change the way it runs
Oops sorry, I just reread your first post and saw that I missed that you did reflash. Try going into your recovery console and type ums_enable to mount your card and than try downloading gparted and try to reformat that way, when you are done type ums_disable to unmount. Have you tried taking your sd out when you try to boot up just to see if you can get past, it is possible that your sd corrupted
its ok thank you both, i used the recovery erase all partitions and im gonna read the second box and partition threw the console instead of on the manager.
I just had the same thing happen to me earlier today. I have the 404 Cyanogen MOD and now my SD card is stuck. I can't figure out how to get rid of that partition. All of the directions are not step by step. And this rookie is stressed out. Please let me know where or which directions you used to format your SD.
surfereddie said:
I just had the same thing happen to me earlier today. I have the 404 Cyanogen MOD and now my SD card is stuck. I can't figure out how to get rid of that partition. All of the directions are not step by step. And this rookie is stressed out. Please let me know where or which directions you used to format your SD.
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To get it back to just a fat32 partition.... THIS WILL WIPE ALL DATA ON YOUR SDCARD!!!! MAKE A BACKUP OF FAT32 also this will only work with 1.3.1 and up cyanogen recovery image
boot into recovery and go to the recovery console and type
parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
rm 1
rm 2
rm 3 (if you have a linux-swap partition)
print (after the 4th or 5th line there is a number after a line that reads disk size or something and that will be the end value for the next command. Sorry on my g1 now)
mkpartfs primary fat32 0 xxxx(substitue with number above)
reboot recovery
Then reflash your rom. That will clear all partitions of your sdcard and leave you with one whole partition that is fat32.

Re partition Question.

i am currently runnning HERO ROM , if i back Up my sd card and re partition my sd card for 96MB linux swap , do i have to re flash the rom over ?
also im doing this because i hear runninq a 96MB linux swap , makes the Hero rom run smoother nd faster , any truth to this before i re partition ?
also any inputs?
96 from what i hear is good but starts to lag after a while. also if you just re-partition the linux-swap then you shouldn't have to flash the rom, but if you do ext3 as well then you should re-flash the rom
i vee been reading and relize i have to try a couple of settings , question bro if i repartion the linux swap dont i have to re partition everything else as well ?
GangstaThug420 said:
i vee been reading and relize i have to try a couple of settings , question bro if i repartion the linux swap dont i have to re partition everything else as well ?
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it depends on how big your current ext3 and linux-swap partitions are.
if the ext3 partition is between 500 and 600mb then you should not have to touch the fat32 partition. what i would recommend doing though (do this once and it will give the ability to easily try out different sizes for linux-swap)
in recovery console in cyanogen's 1.4 recovery image. use this formula for your partition sizes
total size of card=xx linux-swap=96mb ext3=500mb (thats what recommend by most everyone)
substitute the actual numbers in for the variables in below
back up anything on your sdcard that you do not want to lose!!!
parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
print (look for the number by disk size /dev/block/mmcblk0)
rm 1
rm 2 (if it exists)
rm 3 (if it exists)
mkpartfs primary fat32 0 z
mkpartfs primary ext2 z y
mkpartfs primary linux-swap y xx
ums_enable (while plugged to computer will mount sdcard, now put rom on phone)
ums_disable (will unmount sdcard)
reboot recovery
now you can wipe and flash your rom
whenever you want to change the size of your linux-swap to something less then 96mb. again this in the recovery console
x=some number in previous linux-swap boundaries (can be start point)
y=some number in previous linux-swap boundaries (can be end point)
parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
resize 3 x y
there you go.
in case you are wondering, yes i like math

Swap Reformat

Yo I haevnt ever REformated my swap partition
And was wondering what are the commands to do so from console
And if I did reformat it would my phone semi brick (as in hang at android logo)
From my understanding, the swap partition is cleared out with every reboot, but you could either do the resize command in parted, or you could rm 3 then remake the partition.
jf4888 said:
Yo I haevnt ever REformated my swap partition
And was wondering what are the commands to do so from console
And if I did reformat it would my phone semi brick (as in hang at android logo)
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lol full console line is
parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
rm 3
mkpartfs primary linux-swap (max start) (max end)
only thing i see about your command is the upgrade_fs part, since that is only for converting ext2 to ext3.

Sudo-App2SD (IE: How to install /DATA to SD Card EXT2 Partition)

For those of us who want more space but want to use Myn's Warm Donut, here is how you install your data into the SD card Ext2 Partition.
First you must have your SD card formatted correctly, If you wish to format it a different way then use the following partition layout:
1: Fat32
2: Swap
3: Ext2 (512mb recomended)
You have to have all 3, otherwise it may not work.
- More space
- Can still mount the card through the phone on the computer
- easy to switch between NAND and haret.exe
- Slower Access
- Can't remove the SD card
- Micro SD card, obviously, any size.
- ADB Shell or if your VERY persistant you can do formatting all through the terminal on the phone
- Basic knowledge on how to use your computer, phone, and adb, i'm not here to hold your hand
Here's how to access adb shell and such
If you want to do it through adb with the phone booted or with the on phone console then skip steps 1 & 2, else skip step 2B
1 - Boot into the install console and go into recovery mode
2 - Connect your phone to your computer and go into ADB Shell
2B - Type 'su' [enter]
3 - Type the following
parted /dev/block/mmcblk0 [enter]
print [enter]
4 - Find the line that says "Disk /dev/block/mmcblk0: xxxxMB". Write this down!
5 - Delete all partitions then check to make sure they were deleted.
rm 1 [enter]
rm 2 [enter]
print [enter]
6 - Once the SD card is blank, create the primary partition. (This is the amount of space you want for your music, pictures, etc.)
mkpartfs primary fat32 0 XXXX [enter]
(XXXX = How many MB of storage you would like. Remember to leave 256-512 MB for your app partition, and about 64 MB for swap. You may need to put the number you wrote down for start in place of the zero if you are having trouble.)
7 - Create a swap partition. (Large sizes are unlikely to be useful, try 64MB or so.)
mkpartfs primary linux-swap XXXX YYYY [enter]
(XXXX = This will be the same XXXX number from step 6)
(YYYY = XXXX + [256 or 512] (or whatever size you want to make this partition)
8 - Create the ext2 (application) partition.
mkpartfs primary ext2 YYYY ZZZZ [enter]
(YYYY = This will be the same YYYY number from step 7)
(ZZZZ = The end of your SD card (the initial size you wrote in step 6)
9 - Exit parted and reboot then re-enter the install console.
quit [enter]
Once you have your card partitioned correctly then do the following to change /data
You must have space on the fat32 partition, 300~mb
1 - If you had the third option selected "( ) Data on Ext2 Data.img" then restore your Data.img to an andboot folder on your sd card.
2 - Load phone into the kernel install console.
3 - Ensure that your current data location is selected.
4 - Select option "5. Backup /data" and hit enter and wait for it to finish with no errors.
5 - Move up and select "( ) Data on SDCard Partition" and hit enter.
6 - Select option "6. Restore /data" and hit enter and wait for it to finish with no errors.
7 - Reboot phone and check the phone storage in the settings.
8 - Go on an installing spree with the market.
Formatting instructions taken from
Nice work man!!!
Thanks for documenting this.
I've linked this from Post 1 in the Warm Donut thread.
How do you enter the recovery console??
thebulletfromhell said:
How do you enter the recovery console??
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Hold down the center button or vol up when you see the prompt while booting
That just say press enter to quit recovery mode. I just use that to mount the SD card.
thebulletfromhell said:
That just say press enter to quit recovery mode. I just use that to mount the SD card.
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yeah when that message is on the screen just connect it to the computer and go into the adb shell
i've created fat32, swap and data partition |10k,3k,3k (roughly) is it ok?
Is there a way to do this in Windows using my card reader? This seems overly complicated.
slow88lx said:
Is there a way to do this in Windows using my card reader? This seems overly complicated.
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no, it won't allow you to create multiple partitions on removable media.
mrkite38 said:
no, it won't allow you to create multiple partitions on removable media.
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Windows doesn't support ext formatted partitions
mrono said:
Windows doesn't support ext formatted partitions
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Right, but the installer will format them for you. You just need partitions. You could use diskpart to create the right structure on a hard disk, but not on a removable disk.
I don't even know where to begin with these instructions. What is "recovery mode"? What is "adb shell"?
slow88lx said:
I don't even know where to begin with these instructions. What is "recovery mode"? What is "adb shell"?
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mrkite38 said:
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First post updated
mrono said:
yeah when that message is on the screen just connect it to the computer and go into the adb shell
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thanks. I just did it with the builtin term emu.
I used gparted to create the partitions, and I'm not sure if I did it right.
First I simply resized my existing Fat32 partition. Second, I created a 512MB ext2 partition. Third I created a 64MB ext2 partition.
I'm trying to install Android sys on NAND and data on SD ext2 partition. How will I know if it's using the 512MB ext2 partition instead of the 64MB one?
Also, any reason not to use ext3 or ext4?
Dukenukemx said:
I used gparted to create the partitions, and I'm not sure if I did it right.
First I simply resized my existing Fat32 partition. Second, I created a 512MB ext2 partition. Third I created a 64MB ext2 partition.
I'm trying to install Android sys on NAND and data on SD ext2 partition. How will I know if it's using the 512MB ext2 partition instead of the 64MB one?
Also, any reason not to use ext3 or ext4?
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The installer looks at the partitions in order, from the 'left' side of the card. system can only go to the 2nd partition and data can only go to the third partition.
we don't have drivers for ext3/4 iirc
So, in gparted it was 6gig Fat32>512 ext2>64 ext2. Does that mean that the data is going onto the 64 MB ext2? Does having sys on NAND even use the 3rd ext2 for swap file?
Dukenukemx said:
So, in gparted it was 6gig Fat32>512 ext2>64 ext2. Does that mean that the data is going onto the 64 MB ext2? Does having sys on NAND even use the 3rd ext2 for swap file?
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1. yes.
2. i'm not sure, i don't ever use swap.
mrkite38 said:
The installer looks at the partitions in order, from the 'left' side of the card. system can only go to the 2nd partition and data can only go to the third partition.
we don't have drivers for ext3/4 iirc
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If install app is hardcoded for...
- Partition-1 is for Fat32
- Partition-2 is for EXT2 (System installation)
- Partition-3 is EXT2 (Data installation)
What partition number is for the Linux Swap?

