Can we get this stickied once more people post. Have one thread with all the top or apps people think others should download from or another place. Since the new Haykuro's Hero can download them.
Well I'm running the youtube jar on JACxROM and it works great, high quality works as well. I did install the jbed apk from the hero rom and it installs but it doesn't load just force closes. For people wondering if they need hero rom the answer is probably yes for most of them but this one works without it.
i second that this get stickied. i'm about to download the market eBuddy to compare to the java version.
to quote opasha indirectly, he said in the new haykuro hero thread that if there is an android market version of a java app, then get the market version. it is better. for eBuddy, performance was nearly identical. but the market version had infinitely better notifications.
grandomegabosses said:
to quote opasha indirectly, he said in the new haykuro hero thread that if there is an android market version of a java app, then get the market version. it is better. for eBuddy, performance was nearly identical. but the market version had infinitely better notifications.
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I thought that it was meant that if there is a version of the java game that you're trying to run in the market to download that, not that actual java app itself
sorry for being a noob guys! why jar apps over regular apps? any reason?
Jrbourque said:
I thought that it was meant that if there is a version of the java game that you're trying to run in the market to download that, not that actual java app itself
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that's the jist of it. the java version of any market app is inferior to the apk.
hpanimalpak said:
sorry for being a noob guys! why jar apps over regular apps? any reason?
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More apps out there. The more options you have always the better don't you think?
imbonez9 said:
More apps out there. The more options you have always the better don't you think?
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That is true, but they do not always work and the controls are crappy... I am not sure if its worth the time when you have much better apps on the market + along with the emulators for gaming.
I agree just this way we can just have one thread instead of the 5 billion you may have saying OMG just dl'ed XXXXX.jar you gotta play/use it. This way more orginized.
I can't get any jars to actually run. I get a whitescreen every time. What phone do yall have yours set as.
This seems like the ****!
WAAAY better then aHome and what aHome is SUPPOSE to be like.
Email from the DEV.
To all aHome users,
Thank you once again for purchasing our product.
As most of you may know, mAPPn has recently established a partnership with T-Mobile, a prominent telecommunications company based in the United States. As per our partnership with T-Mobile, we have now released FreshFace, a home-shell customization application based on aHome and designed exclusively for T-Mobile's new Google Phone, the MyTouch 3G.
As mentioned above, FreshFace is sponsored and co-published by T-Mobile and is free to download. As a result of this partnership and restructured application, the aHome Lite version (the free version of aHome) will no longer be published. The aHome paid edition, however, will be kept on the market and we will continue to develop more features for this application.
To further clarify this issue, we feel it is necessary to differentiate between both FreshFace and aHome. Firstly, FreshFace for T-Mobile has a better User Interface design than aHome, however aHome can work on both G1 as well as MyTouch 3G. In addition, it is important to note that some features that are available on aHome are not available on FreshFace for T-Mobile. We understand that this may be troublesome for T-Mobile's G1 users, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.
Let us reassure you once again, however, that the aHome full-version users need not worry about having to download the new Freshface, as the aHome full-version will still continue to be available within the Android Market as well as function normally on the new mobile devices.
Once again, we thank you for your patience and we shall continue updating aHome as promised. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Sincerely yours,
mAPPn Inc.
Customer Service
Phone: 1-949-287-4477
Email: [email protected]
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Says "exclusively for MyTouch3g, Has this been tested on the g1?
alritewhadeva said:
Says "exclusively for MyTouch3g, Has this been tested on the g1?
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Uhh yea? I tried it it works. IT WORKS for the G1 too.
Cool Cool Thanks!
Was hoping it would be a little more visually appealing like Hero. Not necessarily as high tech... but some of the widgets and themes look pretty basic.
However, it was just released so I won't be too critical. It shows promise.
im using it now, i am very pleased with it. WAY better than aHome even though its probably of the same platform lol. it seems to be much more stable. I love all the widget options. the movie times widget is so great!
we neeeeed screeeenshots =D
Dang. Well it was on the market for the few hours. But now it seems as it has been pulled. Anyone (if it's within proper legalities of course) pull the apk before they took it down?
we neeeeed screeeenshots =D
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I'll try to get some when I get back if no one else already did....
But it looks just like a themed Android desktop with 5 screens. Im pretty sure most of the themes you can download from their repository are also available in the market.
did this just get removed from the market?
Senorkabob said:
I'll try to get some when I get back if no one else already did....
But it looks just like a themed Android desktop with 5 screens. Im pretty sure most of the themes you can download from their repository are also available in the market.
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thanks alot, and i can't find it in the market either
anyone have the apk?
I'd post the APK, but since they took it down (for a reason I'm sure) I'm not sure how cool the mods would be with it here and I dont feel like gettin a ban today.
it should be fine cause its a free application.
Senorkabob said:
I'd post the APK, but since they took it down (for a reason I'm sure) I'm not sure how cool the mods would be with it here and I dont feel like gettin a ban today.
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well its a "free" app so i wouldn't think that would matter right?
oh wow it has been pulled, i wonder why?
Google found this link:
Need some screenshots.
it apears to be legit ill have screens in a sec
How's the performance with this? Does it run "on top of" normal home or instead of like Launcher.apk/Rosie.apk?
In case anyone is a member of AppPla***.net (not sure if I can post the name here) Their apk works fine on the NC and you can download just like you can off the Android Market. Not sure why Android Market wont work on the NC, but this works fine. I have gotten 100's of apks there on my NC.
yes, it works fine.
for those opposed to stealing, just remember all the apps with a line through the price are pirated.
Has anyone verified is there were/are any malicious apps on that site/program.. I've been told some of the permissions on some of the apps were "questionable."
norkoastal said:
Has anyone verified is there were/are any malicious apps on that site/program.. I've been told some of the permissions on some of the apps were "questionable."
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Anything illegal has a very large chance of causing damage. Use at your own risk. Best to play it safe and stay away. I just wanted to let people know that the apk did in fact work. Maybe it will help someone create the real Market apk.
Xhorder said:
yes, it works fine.
for those opposed to stealing, just remember all the apps with a line through the price are pirated.
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Also confirmed working. I'm one of those try it,and if I like it, buy it guys so I think this app works out well for honest guys like myself. I'm not into wasting money (not even a little bit), but I will support quality products so this is right up my alley.
jay084 said:
Also confirmed working. I'm one of those try it,and if I like it, buy it guys so I think this app works out well for honest guys like myself. I'm not into wasting money (not even a little bit), but I will support quality products so this is right up my alley.
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I agree. Just wish the real market would get working so I could actually buy the apps I like!
Xhorder said:
I agree. Just wish the real market would get working so I could actually buy the apps I like!
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Yeah I hear you. But this will have to do for now, something is better than nothing. At least we are getting the "Android Market Experience" lol.
Edit: NVM, I'm an idiot who can't follow directions.....
Funny... I installed this App via adb and it doesn't show in my extras... How did you guys get it to appear?
Epicrean said:
Funny... I installed this App via adb and it doesn't show in my extras... How did you guys get it to appear?
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Did you restart after installing?
I think it's best we close this just now, before this moves into a full-blown warez discussion. Installing paid apps without paying them is not something this forum condones, nor tolerates the discussion of.
There is progress in using the proper Android market on the device.
One of the big things I REALLY need to be able to convert to using Android and my G-Tablet as a complete replacement on the road is an Image Editor that supports layers (filters as well would also be nice). I know there are a couple out there for the Chrome Web OS, so I would assume there has to be something at least as good for the Android? Or is there a way to run Chrome Apps under Android (or in one of the Android browsers)?
I know that there's a Photoshop Express for Android but I'm not sure if it supports layers.
However, the Canvas App (in this thread) from the Adam port does support layers. I haven't had much time to play around with it so I'm not sure how 'robust' an app it is but you might want to check it out.
Photoshop Express for Android unfortunately doesn't have layers. Maybe in the future
Thanks for the Canvas link. Going to give that, and a web-based offering called Splashup a try tonight.
autosketch supports layers
roguey said:
autosketch supports layers
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I don't see such an app listed in the market. Is it a web site?
roguey said:
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Market claims that while my Nexus One is compatible, that the G-tab isn't. Have you been able to run it on the G-tab?
If its the sketchbook mobile app it does work however u can't be running began or tnt. Needs to be zpad or CM
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
Have you tried Picsay Pro? It's a paid app but well worth it. Does layers.
I'm finding that many of these apps do "layers", but they don't do what "I" need from layers. For the sorts of things I do, I copy part of another picture, and then "Paste as New Layer". Both Canvas and PicSay support layers, but only for doing artwork in the program on the layer, which isn't a "true" layer where you could use a layer to try and add a color correction, and then an effect, and blow one or the other of those away by just dropping the layer.
Haven't been able to get to an APK for the Autodesk product. Evidently the "Market Fix" for Vegan, et al doesn't fix the entire market (I also can't seem to find Jet Car Stunts, but that's another thread).
The online editors are Flash based, but usually once you start to get into any heavy lifting they crash. I am going to take a look at Aviary since I think they have an HTML 5 based version.
thorpe24 said:
If its the sketchbook mobile app it does work however u can't be running began or tnt. Needs to be zpad or CM
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
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Autodesk SketchBook Mobile works fine on my tablet -- and I'm running Vegan 5.1
Not sure where you got that information...
TeutonicWolf said:
Autodesk SketchBook Mobile works fine on my tablet -- and I'm running Vegan 5.1
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SO, were you able to convince the market to let you install it, or did you have to sideload somehow, or... ?
EwanG said:
SO, were you able to convince the market to let you install it, or did you have to sideload somehow, or... ?
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Downloaded from the Market -- nothing special done...
Of course, who isn't sporting a custom build.prop and fingerprint ID on this board?
I can rip off the APK and post it if it is required -- though I thought this thread was just seeking recommendations...
I just wanted to post that the app does work fine -- even on Vegan...
TeutonicWolf said:
Downloaded from the Market -- nothing special done...
Of course, who isn't sporting a custom build.prop and fingerprint ID on this board?
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Pointers to the thread that worked for you would be appreciated. I've tried the normal with stopping the market, clearing the cache, stopping the framework, rebooting - and while that shows more of the market, it doesn't show all of it.
Yes, I am looking for recommendations, but it's hard to say if a recommendation will actually work without trying it. I am not trying to avoid paying for anything, but I can't pay for it if the market won't let me DL it
Seriously, if someone can help me setup my market so I can see it, I will be more than happy to pay for the product.
In fact, I'm kind of surprised that more application providers don't offer an option to order and DL direct for just such circumstances. Does Autodesk really care if Google gets their cut?
TeutonicWolf said:
Autodesk SketchBook Mobile works fine on my tablet -- and I'm running Vegan 5.1
Not sure where you got that information...
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Works like a dream on latest Vegan rom, especially if you invest in a good stylus.
Search for the .apk with the browser. I think I found mine at appbrain or something like that.
Mantara said:
Search for the .apk with the browser. I think I found mine at appbrain or something like that.
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Appbrain just takes me back to the market, so no help there...
OK, bought Root Explorer, and updated my Build.Prop. Took 24 hours, but the market finally recognized my Viewsonic as compatible with the Autodesk app, and I FINALLY was able to buy and install. The controls aren't the most intuitive, but it does exactly what I needed it to. Thanks!
What build prop are you on? mine doesn't recognise...can someone pls rip the apk?
amusedkid said:
What build prop are you on? mine doesn't recognise...can someone pls rip the apk?
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I used the build.prop documented around page 133 of the VEGAN-TAB thread.
You'd want to get it through the store so you can get upgrades anyway
So this is still a pretty new device, just rooted last week, and currently has no roms or recovery image available.
I am curious what things we can do to our STOCK rooted rom to improve performance.
Obviously overclocking is something we can do and has real benefits.
We can remove some of the bloatware that AT&T installs.
What else can we do to a stock rom to make it more efficient and more like an optimized custom rom, while we wait for the rom cooks to make us something nice?
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Woops, thanks mod!
like you said: overclock and remove bloatware. thats about it with root. use a custom launcher and it should be even faster.
What about zip aligning (what does this actually mean anyways)?
Any other kernel or system\general android tweaks?
Nuke/freeze the bloatware and wait for ICS to come out. Install ADW Launcher EX to get a smoother desktop experience. Overclock and enjoy owning the fastest dual-core Android tablet on the market at the moment.
Don't sweat deodexing or zipaligning, performance gains are minimal for the effort, learning curve is steep.
Croak said:
Nuke/freeze the bloatware and wait for ICS to come out. Install ADW Launcher EX to get a smoother desktop experience. Overclock and enjoy owning the fastest dual-core Android tablet on the market at the moment.
Don't sweat deodexing or zipaligning, performance gains are minimal for the effort, learning curve is steep.
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deodexing just allows for theming i believe
Croak said:
Nuke/freeze the bloatware and wait for ICS to come out. Install ADW Launcher EX to get a smoother desktop experience. Overclock and enjoy owning the fastest dual-core Android tablet on the market at the moment.
Don't sweat deodexing or zipaligning, performance gains are minimal for the effort, learning curve is steep.
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How do you Nuke/freeze the bloatware? I've never done that before unless I'm looking at what you're saying the wrong way.
JayWheelz said:
How do you Nuke/freeze the bloatware? I've never done that before unless I'm looking at what you're saying the wrong way.
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Get Titanium Backup from the Market, use it to nuke (uninstall) or freeze (just what it sounds like) bloatware applications. Careful with the nuking, best to just freeze so they don't run and don't show up in the app tray.
I hear that there are other apps on the market that will do the same thing, but I've been a Tit man for years, no need to change.
Croak said:
I've been a Tit man for years, no need to change.
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I have always been more of an ass man myself
How about getting a newer version of the marketplace?
I noticed mine was way different looking then the market on my roommates eeepad transformer.
We compared versions and mine was way way older, and infact downloading way older versions of alot of apps.
For reference my market version is 1.0.28 and his is 3.4.4, my sprint evo 4g is also 3.4.4.
modestone said:
How about getting a newer version of the marketplace?
I noticed mine was way different looking then the market on my roommates eeepad transformer.
We compared versions and mine was way way older, and infact downloading way older versions of alot of apps.
For reference my market version is 1.0.28 and his is 3.4.4, my sprint evo 4g is also 3.4.4.
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1.028 is not right. did you leave your tab connected to the internet for a while. it should auto update.
Don't rush the market update, trust me.
Sure, the Market browsing screen is flashier, but 3.4.4. on the Tab looks like ****e in the My Apps section, and loses some functionality. It's really a phone Market that's not quite formatted right for tablets yet. I'm guessing there will be an update again soon, for ICS tablets
That said, go to the Themes and Apps section in the 10.1 forums (or 8.9 too, think), there's a link to the APK, you can easily try it out.
orlandoxpolice said:
1.028 is not right. did you leave your tab connected to the internet for a while. it should auto update.
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My tablet is ALWAYS connected to the internet, and I tried to search for updates multiple times in the about system settings dialog and it always said it was up to date.
Also wanted to add that I did go ahead and install the 3.4.4 market last night. One of the apps I was hoping would be updated was Words with Friends, in the newer market it downloads a higher version number of the game, but in reality it is the exact same old version that was actually correctly version marked in my original market.
So basically even though it claims to be the newest version, it still gets the old version, even though in the version number in the game itself also claims to be the newer one.
orlandoxpolice said:
1.028 is not right. did you leave your tab connected to the internet for a while. it should auto update.
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I am wrong. 3.4.4 is on my GS2 and 1.0.28 is on my tablet. I am having no issues with 1.028 though
---------- Post added at 11:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:25 AM ----------
modestone said:
My tablet is ALWAYS connected to the internet, and I tried to search for updates multiple times in the about system settings dialog and it always said it was up to date.
Also wanted to add that I did go ahead and install the 3.4.4 market last night. One of the apps I was hoping would be updated was Words with Friends, in the newer market it downloads a higher version number of the game, but in reality it is the exact same old version that was actually correctly version marked in my original market.
So basically even though it claims to be the newest version, it still gets the old version, even though in the version number in the game itself also claims to be the newer one.
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I have version 3.61 on the tablet and 4.61 on the phone. if you try to install the program from the android market website it says that program version varies by device. it is possible that 4.61 is not prepared for honeycomb yet. you could always find an apk for 4.61 online and install it. If you do, let me know how it goes.
tried the newest version of words on the tablet and it FCs every time.
Ok guys how about a way to delete these useless ATT bookmarks in the browser?
I have tried a bunch of random things I have read online for other devices and have yet to be able to remove them.
modestone said:
Ok guys how about a way to delete these useless ATT bookmarks in the browser?
I have tried a bunch of random things I have read online for other devices and have yet to be able to remove them.
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orlandoxpolice said:
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I tried this, but for some reason my chrome sync does not seem to work, like at all.
Not really sure why, but I cant see bookmarks from chrome on my tab, and chrome sees nothing from the tab bookmarks.
Even though when looking at my sync settings in google it looks like it all should be working....
EDIT: So looking online and I find this
Apparently sync for bookmarks is basically broken on honeycomb...
Is there another way to wipe these crappy att bookmarks?
Use it as a phone?
Can anyone install an app on the AT&T 8.9 tab for making phone calls? What about SMS? I am considering it but I don't want to switch my current smartphone SIM into a data only sim...
Sup Nation,
I am assuming this has been posted in other forums, but I bet there are people like me that only look at the Vivid, Raider, Velocity section of XDA.
But I thought I would post up a link to get the new Google Play app.
Google have renamed the "Android Market" to "Google Play"
It has a slightly different UI on the phone, and the Google Play Website has been updated too.
Here is the UPDATED VERSION link
The main improvement to the app: under the My Apps menu, you can see Installed and All Apps in a separate tab. This allows you to re-download any app you've previously tried and deleted, or paid for and uninstalled, bringing the functionality more in line with the desktop portal.
Enjoy people!
I liked the sound of Android Market better, but they both serve the same purpose so w/e
Im guessing this is only on ICS?
no.. I ran into it today on my stock vivid.. scared the crap out of me.. thought I DL something that will cost me.. haha
Its cool though.. I'm new to all of it.. but on their site it will tell you what program will work for your phone and it will send it to your phone and install it.. without any connection to your PC or home network.
A rose by any other name is still a rose.
DjSpunz said:
I liked the sound of Android Market better, but they both serve the same purpose so w/e
Im guessing this is only on ICS?
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Nope, it's a market update. I'm running Gingerbread and just got it the other day. Anyone have any idea why they decided to do this? It seems a bit unnecessary, and personally, I liked the Android Market a lot better. This just makes it seem like a game store for kids or something. I don't like it.