hey guys i have a g1 and want to knw wats the easiest way to root this phone seems the rootin is different from my touch havin trouble doin this
there's guide in this section called one touch root, can't go wrong there
i knw but wen i do it and wen i try to get into revory mode gives me the ! sign
if the "one touch" method dosn't work for you, you may have to follow one of the guides based on downgrading and rooting
oh ok then i guess imma have to do that then can u point or link were on how i can do that
the very first sticky post in this section has a very detailed guide on all thing rooting related
Hi to all
I'm starting to try root my tattoo
After installed Android SDK i've followed any (how-to-root) all other most commercial android-phones like magic, hero, etc.
But nothing happens on my tattoo. Many "how-to-root" guides tells to begin the rooting starting from two points.
or flashing with a rooted ROM
or typing "adb shell" command and blablabla
I think that the good way to root our tattoo is the second way.
I've tried to inject the superuser in my tattoo but no hope for the moment.
Your support is much welcomes
hi all
hi ppl im sorry to ask you such s dumbass question and please exxcuse my speling hahaha wel eniway i read about that ne guy that accidently locked his fone hahaha wel i did the same and i wil apreciate it alot if somebody can help me unlocking i tried everyting that you all said and nothing worked and somebody said that you must google for that AdbWin.zip and i did but i dont know what to do with it i have like now idea what to do and i dont even know how to reset it if anybody can tell me how then ill apreciate it as wel hahaha. please somebody HELP ME i beg youi surfed the internet for answers but found nothing, some times this internet is [email protected] useless im about to start crying hahaha so any help as soon as posible wil help allot o yeah and i cant access anything o i have no idea what to do
you cant use the methods out there to root your tattoo. Most methods out there are for the android cupcake i.e 1.5(dream, hero etc) and the tattoo runs android 1.6. Also the first step to rooting your phone is getting a custom recovery image, and as far as i know no such recovery image exists for the tattoo yet. I had a tattoo for a week, sold it and got a hero instead.
Can you at least turn your phone on? try turning it on pressing power and back if u can enter fastboot mode (three android guys on skateboards). then try flashing your phone with the official RUU. Instructions are available on this forum itself. But if you cant even turn your phone on..and the computer doesnt recognise it at all. im sorry to inform you, you may have bricked your phone.
Donot use the methods out there unless they specify that they are safe for the tattoo. else you may brick your phone.
@eldrid: where does the custom recovery image which works on the hero comes from? perhaps we can contact its developer and ask for help.
the most "famous" recovery images for G1&Magic&Hero&Nexus One are made by Amon Ra
Thank You for your support...
But i want to begin a discussion about "which first steps to do for root Tattoo ???"
- Take a recovered ROM and working on to try to have superuser?
- Try via ADB SHELL?
- etc...
Please post your comments.
Have you taken a look at superboot for t-mobile pulse on modaco forum?How the boot.img has been modified?Maybe that will help.
yash08 said:
Have you taken a look at superboot for t-mobile pulse on modaco forum?How the boot.img has been modified?Maybe that will help.
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Please supply a link to that forum thread, if you can. Cheers.
Here is a link mate:
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Thanks. Reading that said article now.
EDIT: I think we may have stuck gold....
Any development on this regarding Tattoo?
I can't understand why we cannot downgrade our Donut roms to cupcake like other devices with the G1 method. Since its the same ROM, what is special about this if we have both kernels we can compare differences bassically so find out the method, true?
MiSSigNNo said:
I can't understand why we cannot downgrade our Donut roms to cupcake like other devices with the G1 method. Since its the same ROM, what is special about this if we have both kernels we can compare differences bassically so find out the method, true?
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Donut and Cupcake are two different setups. One has patches and stuff from cupcake, the other is just a vanilla cupcake.
The thing is that we're stuck on getting the device to allow rooting - the same issue with the Eris. It's driving us insane, but perisistance and a few beers should carry us to the finishing line.
All the G1 exploits have been found and fixed in the HTC Click (Tattoo), so we're pretty much stuck. Unless fastboot can do us a favor, well....
You may want to do the process outlined in modaco's "Superboot" thread. If you can get your device to reboot and load into Android when you upload that boot.img file, try a su and see if we have root.
Other than that, it's a no-go. We'll get there, we need time to revise the plan.
I would recommend Tattoo people and devs to look into kernel exploits and bootloader exploits, like Eris people are doing right now, it may the the last chance of actually being able to root the Tattoo, unless somebody gets their hands on a HTC signed S-OFF bootloader ;P
Can any please guide me how to update my g1 to CaNNoN202 Complete Eclair [v1.2]
please guide me from basic instructions as i know nothing but i dont want to brick my phone and which spl and recovery needed as i know nothing
is it compatible with htc pvt board and any precautions to be taken
and what step should i do first and how to partition my sd card
Gee thanks for posting helpful things like if your rooted or not or if your on stock rom...Oh yeah and thanks for looking on google and around on the forums. THIS QUESTION WAS ASKED ABOUT A MILLION TIMES IN THE Q&A FORUM.
can i get the link from where i can upgrade my rom with the steps to be followed
protomanez said:
Gee thanks for posting helpful things like if your rooted or not or if your on stock rom...Oh yeah and thanks for looking on google and around on the forums. THIS QUESTION WAS ASKED ABOUT A MILLION TIMES IN THE Q&A FORUM.
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dude -.- just ignore it then. you don't have to be insulting.
You can try using the search function or even GOOGLE. If you dont find what you need THEN post here.
Turn off your phone.
Press and hold the camera and end button at the same time until a screen pops up.
if it says
HBOOT - 1.33.2005
and the Radio is x.xx.xx.26I (the "x" stands for the numbers before 26I I forgot what they were lol)
if they both say that then you are good in that department.
Just put the zip file onto the root of your sdcard and flash via Recovery
hi guys, im stuck...
well not exactly- i have unlocked the bootloader on my nexus one on FRF91.
but what bout after that? i found some links on XDA and it says to superboot? cant do it i keep getting error and most of the tutorials are on windows OS, i use a mac, i would really appreaciate it if anyone can assist me any further with commands on terminal for mac.
i'm a newbie so i really dont know what to do, i've spend almost 8 hrs on this and only got bootloader unlocked.
thanx for your help guys
Why would you play around with a $580 phone if you don't know what your doing, they had a post showing you how to root without unlocking your bootloader. The other thing is you have to explain exactly what you did, and what stock rom you came from and where your trying to go. I'm not familiar with Mac systems but there should have been instructions for that system to. I'm going to check it out for you and see if I can help.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Do step IV.
Pick a ROM you like from the list in Developers section, download it.
Do step VI.
Not really hard.
blas4me said:
Why would you play around with a $580 phone if you don't know what your doing, they had a post showing you how to root without unlocking your bootloader. The other thing is you have to explain exactly what you did, and what stock rom you came from and where your trying to go. I'm not familiar with Mac systems but there should have been instructions for that system to. I'm going to check it out for you and see if I can help.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
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I have unlocked the bootloader- theres a unlock logo on boot screen, but then I know I need to do superboot n then flash recovery image!!
That's the part that I tried to do but can't do.. I have all the files,but commands don't seem to work.
I've been trying for almost 12 hrs.
n I'm on stock frf91 which I did OTA for
Let me know if there's anything you can do thnx
Check this video
Kartikp84 said:
I have unlocked the bootloader- theres a unlock logo on boot screen, but then I know I need to do superboot n then flash recovery image!!
That's the part that I tried to do but can't do.. I have all the files,but commands don't seem to work.
I've been trying for almost 12 hrs.
n I'm on stock frf91 which I did OTA for
Let me know if there's anything you can do thnx
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This site helped me out alot when I first learned, because they have instructions accompanied with video, so it's like you can't go wrong. Sometime the dudes who have just instructions leave out a step and that can f things up for us. When I rooted my N1, the guy who posted the instructions put a period in the wrong place, and it almost had me stuck, but I knew the recovery image and I knew It did'nt belong there. Anyway check this vid, and let me know what happens, start from the beginning even though your boot loader is unlocked.
Here's another video with instructions for Mac.
There are links to files for each step, and the only suggestion I would make is maybe look for the newer Amon Ra recovery image and to not use the Sense ROM that he links to. The recovery image is here on this forum in the Android Development section. I don't use it since I'm still having no issues with the 1.7.0 version that this guy links to in the guide.
As far as ROMs are concerned, I highly recommend going with either CyanogenMod 5.0.8 Stable (because it has fewer issues and is a good place for a noob to start) or with one of the more stable Froyo roms, like Kang-O-Rama .9.
To whomever reads this,I've been tryin to root my droid 3 for about a month now,failed every time.I've tried every method I know n they all generally give me the same outcome,a signature verification fail or other things along those lines.this is my 2nd droid 3,first one no idea what happened but it root no problem,this one is giving me hell,if u need the kernal r anything of that sort I can tell you it,but my android version is 2.3.4 stock everything.I would love any help or advice,and please don't tell me search the forums,Ive looked high and low n everywhere in between no one has an answer to this?the one I read that might be possible help requires that your phones already rooted which is redundant seein as one can't root the phone in the first place.please help me im extremly frustrated.also try to give me step by step just so I can make sure im not doin a single thing wrong.
Did you try motofail?
ovelayer said:
Did you try motofail?
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Gingerbreak,motofail,had a copy of petes one click,(I used to root my orirginal droid 3)universal one click,the update.zip on my sd z4root n some others but like I said all of em said something along the lines of access denied or signature fail. Thanks for the post though.
Like sed ovelayer you must use this (motofail) http://bit.ly/yGewgE
(remember if you click RUN.BAT you phone must be connected to pc with charging only mode)
and it this will dont work you must try download newest moto drivers.
best regards
I want to downgrade from 4.0.3 to 3.5.3, i have tried downloading the whole Rom and flashing it from local storage but it doesnt work the flash stops midway, also unable to do the ADB thing, can someone please guide me. I dont want to root and install TWRP.
Why you want to downgrade?
what are you thinking while posting your answer? the op wants to downgrade.. so give him an advice or be quite please
use the unbrick tool by haris (found in the guides section on xda) to downgrade to 3.5.2 or something similar.. you can upgrade afterwards to your desired Firmware
I want to downgrade because I am having an intermittent problem of the phone heating up while in the pocket, I have tried the factory reset but it doesn't help . @macdachpappe Thanks a lot for the advice ,this won't void the warranty right?
mcdachpappe said:
wtf are you thinking while posting your answer? the op wants to downgrade.. so give him an advice or be quite please
use the unbrick tool by haris (found in the guides section on xda) to downgrade to 3.5.2 or something similar.. you can upgrade afterwards to your desired Firmware
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Yikes, dont pop off on someone for the post. text can carry any cadence in the world. He could have an issue with something and this person would like more info to assist him better. You don't pop off on tech support when your computer doesnt start and they ask "What have you done with it?"
woozydevotee said:
I want to downgrade because I am having an intermittent problem of the phone heating up while in the pocket, I have tried the factory reset but it doesn't help . @macdachpappe Thanks a lot for the advice ,this won't void the warranty right?
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even rooting doenst void the warranty if you follow the guide which i mentioned before, you are flashing the stock firmware - nothing more.
im sick of these guys here and in some other sites which are just asking "why do you want to do that" instead of giving them the help they need. his post doenst help at all because the op wants to downgrade - no matter what (at least he didnt ask for something else)
Not a bug issue dude... Follow up n it's the same for op3 n 3t.. n use stock mm recovery of 3t