GDE - Version in the market! - G1 Apps and Games

GDE version is in the market:
Whats in it?
Transitions ( cube, stretch, fade, normal )
Customizable toolbar button actions ( call, add, sms, browse, settings )
Customizable Application folders menu
Homescreen settings ( 1-7 homescreens )
Ghost drop ( shows you the drop location when hovering over an item )
Auto scroll ( Hold the left or right side of the screen while scrolling and it will continue to scroll through the screens )
Fast forward / Fast backwards ( swipe hard left or right to go to the first or last screen )
Endless loop for transitions ( In cube, stretch and fade transition. You can go from the last screen to the first and vice versa )
Normal icon view in tray, as well as list view with alphabetical grab handle (much like contacts scroll)
Features on the to-do list:
Advanced Search ( search the web, media on the phone etc etc )
More toolbar actions ( might even get an advanced setting where you can setup your own intent )
Advanced settings for the left toolbar button while dragging ( drag an item and drop it on the left button will show a context menu with options like uninstall etc )
Landscape mode.
And much more things....
How to:
How to drop an item in/on the menu
Create a folder in the "Applications"-menu. Now drag an application item over the up-arrow on the toolbar.
The menu will show up and you will see your folder. You can now drop the item in the folder.
You can also drag an entire folder this way and drop the complete folder in the menu.
You can also drag the folder or the application back to desktop.
How to get back when in a menu
You can either press the back button if you are in a submenu or use the upper left back icon
How to switch from grid to listview and vice versa in application menus
You can press the upper right icon ( still only shows a listview icon, but it will change )
I have problems opening... How do I open GDE?
Normally Android should bring up a dialog to choose which Homescreen you want to use.
If this is not the case you can make it ask you manually again. I will write down the steps you will need to make:
Go to Android settings
Go to Applications
Click on Manage Applications
You will now get a list with all your installed applications.
Because Android is set to use a default homescreen ( most likely the google one ) you will have to clear the default settings. ( Like I said earlier normally Android brings up a dialog, but if you ever want to remove the defaults for an application like a homescreen, dialer etc you can do it here )
Scroll to the set homescreen. In case you are using the stock homescreen this will be "Home"
You will now see all the application settings.
Scroll to "Launch by default" en click the button "Clear defaults" ( this will not erase any settings, but just forces Android to show the dialog to choose between homescreens )
Now press the home button and you will see the dialog. You can either just click GDE to use it but every time you press the home button it will ask you again to choose between homescreens. You can also set the checkbox to make it always use a specific homescreen. In case you want to change you can use the same steps mentioned above.
It could be that the actual screens slightly differ from this on android 2.0.
Questions / bugs / feature requests:
Dont be afraid to contact me... or leave a post in this thread
Change log
Added "Contacts" to the toolbar actions
Added drag colors. Red for trash, green for drop on folders/menu(items) and orange for hold ( toolbar up arrow ) for action
Fixed an issue where the "All applications"-menu wasn't loaded when there was an application without a name.
Fixed some minor issues
Both the fade and stretch transition now support endless scrolling
Button settings now include a setting to select the open action for the hard menu-button
Switching between Gridview / Listview is now saved, so the next time GDE will start it will use the same view type.
Fixed some bugs
widgets were invisible when they werent able to load.
drop on toolbar/menu handle was allowed and it would result in hidden apps.
Made some changes to the current desktop screen calculations which were of because of the endless scrolling
Added settings ( in desktop menu ) to enable/disable fast fling action on desktop.
Added Google Search widget and enabled Google Search from the menu
Fixed some issues ( call action now takes you to the dialer instead of the call log )
Fixed widget adding issue.
Added custom GDE widgets framework implementation
Added Application Dock widget
Added Theming option
Ability to use Shortcut installers like bettercut
Added Landscape ( for now not sensor based )
Fixed issues
Fixed saving of Transition setting
Added wallpapers to the themes
Added extra drawables to the themes ( including menu colors )
Changed the cube transition drawing
Lowered memory footprint
Changed rotation handling
Added support for Android 2.0
Fixed slow closing of folders on homescreen
Fixed wrong rendering of desktop background when using the normal transition and opening up the menu
Speeded up the rendering of the normal transition.
Some minor bug fixes.
Fixed some issues
Changed drawing routines for less memory usage
Overall changes for less memory and more performance
Optimized cube rendering speed / shaded cube sides
Conversations widget added
Added GDE start application for people that are having problems ( or don't know how to start a home application or set it as default ).
Removed GDE icon from the "installed applications" list.
Application dock now orders alphabetically until i find a better solution.
Fixed the updating of the conversation widget.
Fixed some small issues.
Scrolling list speed
Default transition speed
Fixed landscape view for application dock
Changes to uses less memory on higher resolution devices.
Fixed application dock stuttering
Added automatic logcollector which allows to e-mail the crash report so we can more easily track any problems.
Started adding basic animations ( more will come )
Minor bug fixing from log reports received.
A lot of optimalisations.
New transition (Normal cubed).
Selectable menu animations. Full rotation for all transitions.
All transitions available on live wallpapers.
New Theme framework ( Themers please send me a pm so I can send you all the new files and give some short instructions on the changes ).
New toolbar for version-2 themes with the ability to dock items
Iconpack support
Ability to edit / sort / uninstall items by longpressing and holding 2 seconds
Screen previews by pressing home on the default screen or by long pressing the add-button on a new toolbar ( version-2 themed )
Ability to change the transition speed ( both the normal and fast fling speed )
Ability to disable screen looping
Appearance directly accessible from the desktop instead of only wallpapers
Fixes and changes
First install all the needed tools. A how-to can be found attached.
Download and extract ( this file contains a basic theme template )
Read the how-to change the theme template.
Distribute your theme on the market or whatever you like!
NOTE!!!! The files attached below are for version-1 themes for version-2 themes please contact me, so that i can send the needed files and give some personal information about the changes.
To-do list:
Some old videos:
Special thanks to:
Overground for his extensive testing/troubleshooting

Very nice... I like the look of the buttons on the launcher too, whats the one on the right hand side for? Obviously the left one looks like it's to launch the dialer... Very nice work man, looking forward to it

I think the right one is for Settings.

You are both right... and wrong.
They are meant to be customizable Kinda like WinMo... you can set an action for the left and the right button.
Too bad the cube transition isnt as fluent on this movie....

When this is released I'm assuming it will be a standalone home replacement, but will you have anyplans to release a replacement for the standard launcher? I hate using home replacements because it invariably seems that I end up with 2 launchers in memory, which is why I prefer the replacement version of the Advanced laucher currently. But man was that eye candy sweet.

Its a complete new launcher, using a different datamodel etc ( only some really basic code is used from the original launcher ), so it cant replace the original launcher.
It will be a paid release on the market ( maybe ill make a lite release for free, but i dont know in what form yet ) so that it will be easier to update and I can make sure I can keep supporting it ( It has taken me hundreds of hours already to get to this stage and I want to make sure it keeps getting better ).
Ive also spend a lot of time to make sure it uses as little memory as possible using various caching models.

so when do you think it will be released

It kinda depends on the free time I have... Im now at 70%~75% of what I want done now, but ideas keep evolving and I dont want to release too soon.
Most stuff ive done now is setup a good framework, which makes it very extendible and customizable.
Last thing ive done is create a transition framework so you can choose what sliding transition you want. The cube transition is one of the included transitions, but also the normal one and ive created stretch/squeeze kind transition.
Besides that the app drawer will completely change... better yet... The app drawer will just be one part of the actual drawer/menu.

do you think you can make the launcher like the t-mobile pulse where when you press the menu button you can zoom out and look at all your screens and then select one?

That idea is one i have on my todo lists... but it will not be the menu button but a up/down gesture.

looks great man!
Keep up the good work.

that's sick, i can't wait to try it out!

let me know if you need any beta testers! looks sick!

Looking really good, buddy. Nice work on getting the wallpaper issue worked out.

Looks awesome! I will DEFINITELY buy this one!

Love your work as always. Great job on this. The video does make my inner graphic designer giddy. How are the theme-ing prospect on your app? Is there framework for customizable images? Or is that even on the horizon? I'd love to use it but of course as with my themes, I'd be itching to customize it to match.
Can't wait to try it out. If you need extra beta testers or graphics help, I'm always glad to help out.

id be another guinea pig for this if it comes in an apk or something not extremely technical to install.
on the cube, would it be possible to roll it vertically? 4 screens is cool, i can live with that...but my dxtop ghost black theme has up/dwn/L+R, without that it feels too i-phoney for my taste

Thanks for all the nice comments...
At the moment I already have one beta-tester and for now ( as its still in early development user-wise ) thats enough, because there isnt much too really test yet.
Im still working out the theming aspect. I want it to be as customizable as can be, but also want it to be super easy to theme. Im thinking about an xml-based skin.. I have never looked into the other launchers theming, but if you have any suggestions / ideas just shoot me a pm.

Awesome! Looks like Beryl in Linux

Looks really really nice! Good work!


Pure Honeycomb Look for Galaxy Tab

A step-by-step guide to achieve the look:
First of all, a big thanks to GANJDROID for creating/finding the mock widgets (with the exception of the Google Books one, which I did); they really look great! And thanks to everyone on the forums for always trying to be progressive, whether it be with themes or development; everyone’s time and effort are much appreciated.
Ok, on to the guide. Some of you have asked me about my layout, and if you're checking this thread, you probably love the look of Honeycomb as much as I do. This is my attempt to emulate the general look and feel, while braver souls, like Spacemoose1, attempt to port the actual OS over for us. What you’re going to need:
- Patience
- Desktop Visualizer
- LauncherPro Plus
- Signals23's Clear LPP Widget Skin
- One More Clock Collection
- Organized Apps
- Perfect Task Switcher
- Honeycomb Clock
- Pulse News
- Minimalistic Text
- Folder Organizer
- The things in my zip
- More patience
Step 1:
Download the zip and extract the files to your computer or SD card
Step 2:
Clear your LauncherPro homescreens, and go to Preferences => Homescreen Settings, and set both Columns and Rows to 10, making sure that the Auto-Fit option is also checked. This will give you the most screen real estate, if you're not running a custom ROM or messing with the pixel density. I run K-Lean on my Tab, and the density is changed by default (180), so I have a little more room.
Step 3:
Choose a screen to be your default Home screen, and start working from there. First, change the wallpaper to the one I provided. This will give you the “dock bar at the bottom of the screen. Next, create a 2x1 One More Clock widget, with the background toggled off (in the application menu, hit Personalize, and when the window pops up, hit the Menu button, and the toggle visibility key should appear on the screen). Place this widget in the middle of the black dock. Create the same widget on each screen.*If you want to assign a tap action to the widget, go right ahead. I don't use one, so I turned it off.*
Step 4:
Now it's on to the blue indicators. They're obviously just static png images, but with a little help, we can get them to be functional, in a sense. Honeycomb uses a lot of interactive UI, and tapping on these indicators, on the Xoom for instance, will bring up appropriate information. I'm attempting to replicate that functionality as best I can. Grab a snack, a beer, or a smoke, because this is about to get tedious.
Step 5:
Using Desktop Visualizer, create a 1x1 widget. Tap it to bring up the options menu, and select the Choose Image button. Select one of the indicators (either battery or wifi), and it's back to the options menu. Where it asks for assigned task, choose None, and hit Ok, down at the bottom. Repeat this for the second indicator. Next, place the indicators in the bottom right corner; there's going to be a gap between them, and that can be corrected by resizing the wifi button, and dragging it to the right, until the widget box overlaps the battery icon (you'll see when it's right). After this is done, drag your clock widget over to the right as far as you can, and then resize it so it's as close to the wifi icon as possible, without overlapping it.
Step 6:
Now to give those dead icons some life! Long press the homescreen, and scroll down to Minimal Text. Create a 1x1 widget; in the menu, uncheck the background box, and scroll down and press Predefined layout. Select Custom Layout, and then tap the custom layout option in the menu. Long press each of the black boxes, and drag them to the trash can, so you have a blank slate to work with. Next, hit the green button on the right, and select Battery. Now long press, and drag and drop the Battery Level tile into the outlined box. Tap on the black box you just dropped, and select Accented from the drop-down menu that appears. Back out of both menus, and scroll down to the Text Style section and tap Accented adjust the font size to 8 if it's not there already, and back out of the menu. Under Tap Behavior, select Start another activity, and then select Activity directly under it. In the menu that appears, scroll all the way down, until you see Settings start to appear. Scroll through the options until you come to Settings- Battery Info (, and select it. You'll be taken back to the main app menu; just click Ok, and exit.
Step 7:
Resize the widget, so it's 1x1, and drag it over to the right, exactly above your battery icon. Now resize it, by dragging it down over the icon. If you did it right, the battery percentage should be just above the icon, and just below the top of the dock.
Step 8:
Creating the wifi widget is similar, except after you toggle the background off, go under the 'Orientation section, and set both the Horizontal block and Horizontal text to the right. From there, create your custom layout, like in step 7, only instead of using the battery percentage, choose the Static text option from the Misc menu. Tap the black box, and when the popup window appears, just throw whatever crap you want in there; we're not going to keep the text, but we need it to actually be able to see where the widget is. Again, choose the Accented option, and check to make sure the font size is at 8. Back out to the main menu, and click Ok. As before, resize your widget to 1x1; drag it over next to the battery widget, and resize it the same way (just drag it down). Once it's resized, tap on it to bring the widget modifications menu back up. Go back to the Custom layout section, and erase the text you put in there. Now, find the tap behavior section, and get into the selection menu; scroll back down to settings, until you come to the group of wifi settings, near the bottom. You're looking, specifically for the Settings- Wi-Fi Settings, with this specific intent, Trust me, it was really annoying to find the right one, but it was worth it IMO. This option does not toggle wifi on and off; what it does (similar to Honeycomb) is display a popup of the wifi connection you're currently on, or a list of in-range wifi signals you can connect to. It doesn't sound like much, but it's this kind of information, and ease of access that 3.0 seems to be built to deliver.
Step 9:
Yep, you guessed it,repeat steps 6-8 on every screen. Patience young Jedi; if you've made it this far, then the Force is indeed strong with you (I have no idea where that came from; it's 6:45AM and I'm tired). Smoke something, eat something, get a drink, it's almost over.
Step 10:
Create a Desktop Visualizer widget 3x1, and select the Google Search widget image from the gallery. The action is...Google Search. Select Clear” from the Title field, and None from the Highlight Style field, and hit ok. Resize the widget by dragging it over one column, and down one row. Place the widget in the upper left corner of your homescreen. I have this widget on every screen, simply to keep with the feel of Honeycomb, so repeat on every screen if desired; if not, no big deal.
Step 11:
Follow the same method and create the Market widget, by selecting the App drawer image, and linking it to the market. Place it as far over in the top right corner as possible. This is a one-screen thing, no need to repeat. However, to complete the feel of having the Apps | + icon, long press in the dock space to the immediate right, and choose Change Shortcut. Scroll through the apps until you come to Organized Apps, and select it. When it asks which icon you want to use, select Custom Icon, and select the + icon from the gallery. You can repeat this on every dock (in the same position), if you use more than one, so that you always have access to the app drawer.
Step 11:
Now for the soft keys; long press the screen and choose Shortcut. Select Applications from the menu, scroll to Perfect Task Switcher, and select it. When the dialog box appears, tap the icon preview, and then select Gallery. Choose the glowing, blue icon that looks like two windows, one behind the other, and click ok. Repeat these steps for each of the three soft keys, linking them to Folder Organizer Labels or other apps. The house, I use for my Performance and Root Tools folder, and the arrow is used for my Productivity and Office folder, just as an example. Repeat the shortcut creation on every screen, and place them in the bottom left of the screen, with the arrow on the far left, then the house, and then the window.
Step 12:
That's pretty much it; you can apply the mock Honeycomb widgets, using Desktop Visualizer, linking them to the appropriate apps, and place and size your favorite LauncherPro widgets wherever you want. You can skin them by accessing Widget Settings, selecting a widget, and selecting a skin from the appropriate menu. There are &ldqu;Honeycomb skins in the market (some free, some paid), but if you check a Xoom layout, you'll see that the widgets don't actually have any edge glow around them; they're semi-transparent. I went with the full-on transparency, and used Signals' Clear skin (.99 i think), but his XTG skin is also pretty nice (it's too dark for this wallpaper though IMO).
If you use folder organizer, you can edit the Folder Skin by accessing preferences. Here's how I did it, and it came out great:
- Title Start: AA000000
- Title End: 656565
- Border: EE3351A3
- Background Start: 8b000000
- Background End: 8b000000
- Title Text Color: 586991
- Body Text Color: c4cbdb
*Note: I subsequently turned OFF the title and all text, leaving me with the app icons, on a semi-transparent, black background, surrounded by a really nice blue.
**Also, the weather widget in the dock of my Homescreen was created using Minimalistic Text. If you want instructions, just PM me and I'll get them to you.
#If I missed anything, just let me know, and I'll throw in an edit. Hope you guys enjoy this!
Quick Guide to Honeycomb Hex Codes:
Just a little something to make Folder Organizer, Widgetsoid 2.x, and Minimalistic Text theming a whole lot easier.
Bright Blue: 3351A3
Matte Blue: 586991
Soft Grey-Blue: c4cbdb
Just so it's not getting lost in all my typing, here's the zip...
Reserved for additions and edits
• Patience
• Desktop Visualizer
• LauncherPro Plus
• Signals23’s “Clear” LPP Widget Skin
• One More Clock Collection
• Organized Apps
• Perfect Task Switcher
• Honeycomb Clock
• Pulse News
• Minimalistic Text
• Folder Organizer
• The things in my zip
• More patience
[B said:
Step 5:[/B]
Using Desktop Visualizer, create a 1x1 widget. Tap it to bring up the options menu, and select the “Choose Image” button. Select one of the indicators (either battery or wifi), and it’s back to the options menu. Where it asks for assigned task, choose “None”, and hit Ok, down at the bottom. Repeat this for the second indicator. Next, place the indicators in the bottom right corner; there’s going to be a gap between them, and that can be corrected by resizing the wifi button, and dragging it to the right, until the widget box overlaps the battery icon (you’ll see when it’s right). After this is done, drag your clock widget over to the right as far as you can, and then resize it so it’s as close to the wifi icon as possible, without overlapping it.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I must say this is fantastic work!
Maybe it's just me but I can't get any widgets near the dock of LP. I tried to stretch it in there but it won't go. I also tried just dropping it there but obviously it just deletes. I got everything else that I wanted to do packed down except that. How did you do it?
Would bumping up the DPI in build.prop make the bottom bar thinner, EG. More honeycomb ish
ok im trying to figure this out for my self as i am having the same problem with dock so it be nice if you would tell us how you did it thanks
Could you go through and correct all the markup that came with whatever word processor you used to write this? Or is it just my browser?
Can i do this on my htc hd2?Why you ask cause it looks awsome
Nope, it's not your browser fault.
OP can you fix it please, the easy way is to use
tag and then paste inside words from your PC word editor.
[QUOTE="TheGrammarFreak, post: 13502959, member: 2792587"]Could you go through and correct all the markup that came with whatever word processor you used to write this? Or is it just my browser?[/QUOTE]
Will do guys... sorry about that. I'm on my way home from upstate NY now, so I'll sit down and fix it as soon as I get in.
VZW Galaxy Tab- rooted, KhasMek v5 kernel
MacaronyMax said:
Would bumping up the DPI in build.prop make the bottom bar thinner, EG. More honeycomb ish
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
After playing around with it, I really don't think it'll have much effect. I had my density set at 180, and it didn't really look much different than it did on 240. Play with it though, your results may vary.
VZW Galaxy Tab- rooted, KhasMek v5 kernel
metko said:
Can i do this on my htc hd2?Why you ask cause it looks awsome
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hey, you can give it a shot... the lack of real estate on the screen is going to limit what you can do, and I'm not sure if you want to always be using your phone in landscape mode. But if you want to play around with some looks, absolutely go for it!!
VZW Galaxy Tab- rooted, KhasMek v5 kernel
BigRich93 said:
I must say this is fantastic work!
Maybe it's just me but I can't get any widgets near the dock of LP. I tried to stretch it in there but it won't go. I also tried just dropping it there but obviously it just deletes. I got everything else that I wanted to do packed down except that. How did you do it?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Are you talking about getting Widgets close to the actual LP dock? If so, I believe I used a 3x2 Desktop Visualizer widget for the apps icon, and it fit with no problem in the top right corner (with the + as the dock icon). If you're talking about the battery and wifi indicators, that's a little tricky. There's going to be a gap between them and the actual edge of the device, since the dock can't be removed yet. If you guys (because I know someone else was having this issue) could PM me with the specific setup issue you're having, I'll be happy to troubleshoot with you.
VZW Galaxy Tab- rooted, KhasMek v5 kernel
Would you provide a flashable version?
It would be nice, I'm afraid to mess with it..
This is a fantastic little theme guide! Does take a while (especially with 5 screens). But overall, well worth it! Great work!
vysus said:
Would you provide a flashable version?
It would be nice, I'm afraid to mess with it..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'll see if I can get someone to code and flashable version for me. I'm not proficient in xml edits or framework mods, so I'd have to "outsource". I'm working on getting these things into a new theme, and some of the guys on the team may be able to help me out. I understand your reluctance though... it took me about two days of tinkering to get this layout done. I'll keep everyone posted, and yes guys, I'm going to fix the flaws in the OP... I'm still not home yet, but it's priority #1.
Sent from my Droid using XDA Premium App
Corrections to OP
Ok guys, I think I've fixed the errors that were coming through in the OP as a result of my copy and paste from MS Word. Someone let me know if it's legible (it seems just fine on my browser atm).
*Any for anyone who needs troubleshooting... PM me! I know a couple of you were running into some issues, but I haven't heard from you. If you got everything looking right, then great, but if you need a hand, just let me know. I just don't want to clutter up the thread with individual troubleshooting advice.
jjhiza said:
Ok guys, I think I've fixed the errors that were coming through in the OP as a result of my copy and paste from MS Word. Someone let me know if it's legible (it seems just fine on my browser atm).
*Any for anyone who needs troubleshooting... PM me! I know a couple of you were running into some issues, but I haven't heard from you. If you got everything looking right, then great, but if you need a hand, just let me know. I just don't want to clutter up the thread with individual troubleshooting advice.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Now it reads great bro, thanks!
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
working well here. except i cannot find this.....
Organized Apps
which is one of the requirements...
It is called Apps Organizer
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App

[THEME] Lacuna42 for Throttle Launcher - DEVELOPMENT ENDED

After a lot of work and testing Lacuna 3.0 by myself and Trekfan is reborn as Lacuna 42.
You can view a video review of the theme by actionboy here
This theme is released as is, there will be no significant updates to it following this release.
I will however offer a service whereby if you are willing to make a donation I will help tailor the theme to suit you, changing layout, adding additional weather detail, adding additional pages etc.
I have given up a lot of time to produce this theme following its original concept by trekfan who has gone the way of the little green robot so if you like my work and cannot donate at least please say thankyou so I know my work is appreciated and I will continue to come up with new ideas for as long as there is a need.
This Throttle Launcher theme requires version 1.2.1 to be installed and supports full screen 480x800 wallpaper in jpg format.
The homepage from top to bottom features :
a hideable interactive taskbar.
to activate/hide press on the battery icon.
you can toggle the bluetooth wifi and sound profile from the taskbar by just pressing them.
two sizes of clock accessible from the throttle config window.
next appointment accessible by pressing on the clock itself.
the blue icon to the right of the clock is programable
you can assign any quick launch app to through throttle config
notifications for new texts missed calls and emails
current weather condition icon complete with temp and location
app launcher page activated by pressing the icon in the bottom right when on the homepage
The friends page starts with your favourite contacts followed by and add and remove option followed by a full list of all remaining contacts.
The text page shows the last 20 messages recieved with the newest at the top.
The messages page shows similar for a specified email account.
03 June 2011 :
Due to Google screwing with their weather api I have had to modify the theme to use the current condition text instead of the originally numbered icons from the registry. There are several new conditions for which I do not have icons so I have for now recycled existing ones. When a fuller set is made available I will update again.
Please download and enjoy.
The below screenshots will show you in detail what can be changed in the theme via throttle config.
Screen 08 & 09 show the default programs catagorised under Objects.
The majority of settings don't really need any explanation
the clock size is either normal or large
If you change the default sms app from tmail please untick sms default
do not change sms param as this is required by ther program
only one mail account is used in the theme so ensure only one is selected
Screen 10 Weather
Here you can specify the location
units in centigrade or fahrenheit
autoupdate if required should be ticked
if autoupdate is required please provide a period in minutes for the update to be performed
Screen 11 Background / Text
The select path option is used to specify wallpaper.
There is an initial choice of two dark and one light background in the default folder where the theme is installed.
The Background colour is used to specify either lgiht or dark by selecting
0 for dark or
255 for light
The font colour should then be set to the opposite.
under no circunstances should you change anything in the section Here Be Monsters as it will cause the theme to break.
This post is reserved for additional tips tricks patches and updates.
Did u watch on my wallpaper i posted you? I think this is TL problem, but in other devices it is not problem, si idk. I just have to use the one color wallpaper.
Anyway, i love Lacuna
I thought I had replied to you on the development thread, it is the same for me and I cannot understand why when other more complex wallpapers I have used since all work fine. It is something odd with the blending between the black and blue?
And thankyou for your kind comments
I tried blend between the red -black, but there are stripes too, anyway, i found nice wallpaper and it made lacuna more awesome for me So stripes aren't problems for me anymore . (I finally see the top bar transparent )
But, if I wanna let this theme on mobile, it should be more "settings friendly". What I mean? I mean, if I want connect to net via wifi, and in my location isn't only one wifi signal, i have to go to menu, scroll down to windows/samsung setings and there i can connect wifi where I want. So, what about do it like this: If u touch wifi on/off in top bar, it will be on/off wifi, but if u hold that icon for a while, it will launch wifi settings . Do I want a much? I know, it have to be usable on every phone, but owners can redirect it to their own locations (i mean the scripts)
I know I am annoying
Your not, your request is valid but there is no long press in TL see here.
I could change things so it will either toggle or open an action but that would require a major rewrite
Have anyway to put an youtube video about this theme?
I dont have a way of recording it myself no but if there is anyone that can please PM me and I will send you my email address so you can send me the video to upload.
nice theme
love the theme, so sick.. but when you go to send a text and have to deploy the keyboard, TL always has to reset! major flaw cause some of the TL themes are so cool, just NO stability
Sorry to hear that, I wouldnt be using TL if it did that myself.
Are you using the latest version 1.2.1 from within the TL forums?
Also are you using the theme as a today plugin?
If you are try disabling it and running as standalone.
Of course, it could just be an issue with the rom you have been using if all the above is correct.
yes 1.2.1... and if i use it as a today plugin, it has to restart, and if i use it as a standalone, the "unnexpected error please try running again" pops up
hmmm? hardware acceleration disabled?
no, it just doesnt want to go in landscape mode, i have a TP2...
This is a portrait only theme and if hardware acceleration is enabled, try disabling. It isnt needed for this theme anyway
no i know its a portrait only theme, just when i go to slide my phone keyboard out to text, it puts my text program into landscape cause it has to, then i send and close the keyboard then exit out of the text program to find its restarting.. i even tried messing with the regedit to make my phone never go into landscape mode, but its a pain and no fun and eventually fails
I used to have a wizard and a kaiser and this didnt happen on either device when the keyboard was deployed. This is either a rom or phone specific issue. Afraid I can't help with that sorry.
yeah no its all good... there needs to be a way where there really isnt a landscape mode it just projects on the landscape screen the same way it would on the portrait way, it would look CRAPPY but still be able for you to do it...
and like this theme and the wp7 v2 fireslave, its cool cause of the seperate messaging hubs, i like that ALOT! and CHT doesnt really have that, and im trying to get someone to make that.. i cant code anything or do all that jazz
That is actually a good idea, creating the default landscape pages using the same code as it would stop it from crapping up when people use autorotate.
looks like there may well be a v2 coming soon
alecoddlyiv said:
That is actually a good idea, creating the default landscape pages using the same code as it would stop it from crapping up when people use autorotate.
looks like there may well be a v2
coming soon
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hi, can you explain how to install this theme, becouse I have installed the program but i don't know where i have to put the files thanks

[Guide] Theme with transparent icons

At the request of a number of people, here's a little tutorial explaining how I made the theme below, I called abstract theme (do not ask me why ...)
(Note that I am not the inventor of this type of theme, I am inspired by many themes I have seen on other forums, I thank very much the creators of wallpapers I used (I never remind theyre names except EG Fox, sorry for that))
These examples where created for the Dell Streak but this guide can be used for every android phone, just use the good resolution for the wallpaper
1/ So, to start, install Launcherpro (you can also take the "plus" but paying)
2/ Adjust the settings you prefer (this is only the parameters related to the theme I present now, but there are other possible parameters):
- Number of pages, the default page, the number of columns, the number of lines (to position your shortcuts, personally I have 8 columns and 8 rows) => Menu / Settings / Homescreen Settings
- Number of dock (the dock is the Quick Launch bar that is located right in landscape mode, you have 5 possible shortcuts in one dock and it is possible to have up to 3 docks (to slide up or down on the dock) => Menu / Preferences / Dock Settings (you can also specify, if you choose to put shortcuts telephone, email and sms on the dock, if you want to be displayed a count of unread events)
- The bottom of the Dock (in the theme as an example, I have no background) => Menu / Preferences / Appearance Settings / Dock Background / None (if you want to put a custom dock by you or found on the net, then you must choose "Custom" and pick the dock from your SD card)
3/ Choose your screen and resize it at 800x480. So that the bottom is not distorted, use Multipicture Live Wallpaper which allows you to set a different wallpaper per page (if desired). Multipicture Live Wallpaperr is managed as an animated wallpaper
The bottom will not be distorted but the 36 Pxls top will be hidden by the notification bar.
4/ Then you need to know, based on the number of rows and columns you have chosen, where you must place your text on the wallpaper. To do so, complete page fully of shortcuts. Then made a screenshot, I recommend the excellent ScreenShot
5/ On your PC, using your editing software (photoshop, photofiltre ... etc.) you can have your wallpaper nude and the screen as it will be on your Streak with the location where applications will be.
So place your text on your nude background by ensuring that these areas are easily covered by applications..
Your wallpaper is ready !
6/ Now install Desktop Visualizer, which allows you to put shortcuts transparent (especially)
(For those who could not find it on the Market : )
7/ Desktop Visualizer works as a widget : long press on background / add a widget and choose desktop visualizer (it has different sizes, choose the one that best fits the space you have planned for your shortcut)
DV lets you choose the icon of the application to launch, get the transparent icon on your SD card (if you do not have a transparent icon, here's one : )
Then select the application you want to start.
Delete the text of the application and confirm (you can change or remove the highlighting that appears when you press the link to the application you're using, otherwise it will be orange)
8/ Once you've validated, you see nothing changed on the screen, it is normal because you have placed a transparent icon ! The link will always be placed to the top left corner of your home. Make a mong press along the top left, your widget will be highlighted by launcherpro.
You may notice a kind of tab in the lower right corner of your shortcut, by pressing and holding down while moving your finger, you can resize your widget as you like.
So give the desired size for your shortcut and press "back", the highlight disappears. Now made a long press on the top left of the streak and held down, move your widget transparent to the place you want on your home. (To verify that it is well positioned, have a long support for and release to highlight it)
Do this for each shortcut you provided on your screen.
9/ The last step is the Dock. You've already put in the dock transparent, but it remains the shortcuts on the dock that are visible.
Make a long press on shortcuts, you can either change an icon (change icon/custom icon) or change the shortcut and put any you want and you can still choose the transparent icon before finalizing this shortcut.
Then, I think I pretty much said it all. To summarize, here is my wallpaper ith some details :
This is obviously a simple example that you described above some customization capabilities. Unleash your imagination and make us great themes!
I hope I was clear about (and sorry for my english), do not hesitate if you have questions or additions
Some other example of themes done with this method :
My latest :
I compiled my wallpapers and you can download them (empty and modified) here (updated with the 3 latest) :
or here :
Great inspiration, thank you for sharing
nice home screen ...
but i can't download your wallpaper, can you upload to another
never thought about writing the text to the background, brilliant.
although wouldn't this cause issues with more then one homescreen?
gondronk said:
nice home screen ...
but i can't download your wallpaper, can you upload to another
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I try with dropbox but I don't know very well. Does it work with this link ? (added to the first post)
crzdcole said:
never thought about writing the text to the background, brilliant.
although wouldn't this cause issues with more then one homescreen?
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No issue with more than one screen, just use multipicture live wallpaper to choose wich wallpaper you want for each screen.
lestat89 said:
I try with dropbox but I don't know very well. Does it work with this link ? (added to the first post)
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this link work
ok, thank you for the confirmation
Great work and thanks for the guide!
Happy that you like it
Amazing work.
Not sure if i should use the ABEILLE, cube2 or cubecarbon2
Thank you
You can change every week for example ;-)
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using XDA App
This is good and i will give it a try.
Don't hesitate if you have any question

Sword Art Online User Interface ICS

Hello Guys!
I tried making a Sword Art Online Widget Interface on my HTC Incredible S running on ICS.
preview is attached below. i cant post any links since im new sorry for the inconvenience
2 main applications I used:
Apex Launcher: available on google play
Glaeja : available on google play.
*Apex Launcher works for ICS and Jelly Bean only i think
I recommend installing Apex Launcher first
Apex Launcher setup after installation:
(Not sure this will work though, since settings are from my phone)
1. Download all the attached files with apex on it. Copy on sdcard. (extract zipped files)
2. Move apex_settings.bak to /sdcard/Android/data/apexlauncher/
3. Open apex settings and go to backup and restore
4. Select restore.
Glaeja Setup after installation:
1. Create New Widgets on Home Screen. 1 4x1 Glaeja Widget for the hpbatterybar and 2 3x3 Glaeja Widgets for the bars.
2. Download the skins, images and font files and paste them to the corresponding folders found in /sdcard/
3.Select the widgets on HomeScreen and click Load Skin, select the corresponding skin file.
4. Select None on the On Click option.
-Key Settings:
Number of Screens = 3
Transition Effect = None
Use Tablet UI Mode = unchecked
Minimum Scrolling Time = 2
Show Wallpaper = checked, Mode = Singlescreen
-For the Name on HP bar just edit widget and then find the corresponding text with Shawn on it. Edit the Display Text. same goes for LV: __
-For Shortcuts of the bar, the shortcuts can be replaced on the Transparent Buttons found on the bar widgets.
There is also a video showing my work on youtube, it has poor quality but it satisfies it purpose. (again sorry for not being able to post links since im new)
Thanks guys! And I hope some people find this post helpful. Comments will be greatly appreciated.
Uploaded missing file manager icon
NMvHS said:
Hello Guys!
I tried making a Sword Art Online Widget Interface on my HTC Incredible S running on ICS.
preview is attached below. i cant post any links since im new sorry for the inconvenience
2 main applications I used:
Apex Launcher: available on google play
Glaeja : available on google play.
*Apex Launcher works for ICS and Jelly Bean only i think
I recommend installing Apex Launcher first
Apex Launcher setup after installation:
(Not sure this will work though, since settings are from my phone)
1. Download all the attached files with apex on it. Copy on sdcard. (extract zipped files)
2. Move apex_settings.bak to /sdcard/Android/data/apexlauncher/
3. Open apex settings and go to backup and restore
4. Select restore.
Glaeja Setup after installation:
1. Create New Widgets on Home Screen. 1 4x1 Glaeja Widget for the hpbatterybar and 2 3x3 Glaeja Widgets for the bars.
2. Download the skins, images and font files and paste them to the corresponding folders found in /sdcard/
3.Select the widgets on HomeScreen and click Load Skin, select the corresponding skin file.
4. Select None on the On Click option.
-Key Settings:
Number of Screens = 3
Transition Effect = None
Use Tablet UI Mode = unchecked
Minimum Scrolling Time = 2
Show Wallpaper = checked, Mode = Singlescreen
-For the Name on HP bar just edit widget and then find the corresponding text with Shawn on it. Edit the Display Text. same goes for LV: __
-For Shortcuts of the bar, the shortcuts can be replaced on the Transparent Buttons found on the bar widgets.
There is also a video showing my work on youtube, it has poor quality but it satisfies it purpose. (again sorry for not being able to post links since im new)
Thanks guys! And I hope some people find this post helpful. Comments will be greatly appreciated.
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so,i'm interest in sao,but i'd like to watch the youtube video,so?
can you PM me the link?
Here you go.
Time to set it up. Thanks a lot!
how you can do the lists appear like that way?
asdfghj1237890 said:
how you can do the lists appear like that way?
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umm i used 3 screens on homescreen and the right settings to make it seem that way >
buttons = apex buttons, bars = glaeja widgets
Tutorial for this?
Can someone send me a tutorial for it? I'm a noob at this stuff, but really want the interface on my Galaxy S3.
XeroChaoZ said:
Can someone send me a tutorial for it? I'm a noob at this stuff, but really want the interface on my Galaxy S3.
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ill try to upload a video tutorial for it by weekend. thanks for the response
Thank you so much for this. It's really great. Took a while but I managed to get it to work with 7 screens to make more like in the Series.
Finally someone is trying to create a nice theme. Props.
I would love to give this theme a go!
Could you please make a Nova compatible version??
Hi. I really love this theme you created. But i got problem with some icons. Call, video and file manager. Where can i get them? I downloaded the attached files but those icons are not there. Thanks.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
How did you get the Apex buttons to open different Glaeja widget menus,as well as change to the yellow one when clicked? Or did you just make it look that way. Running on SGS3 with CM10.
Honeymunchz said:
How did you get the Apex buttons to open different Glaeja widget menus,as well as change to the yellow one when clicked? Or did you just make it look that way. Running on SGS3 with CM10.
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i just made it look that way. it took a while before i understand how to do it.. i used 3 screens and put the widgets where they should be in every screen..
I love Sword Art Online, I have a samsung galaxy ace duos with gingerbread 2.3.6, will this gadget work on it?
shalnark4 said:
Hi. I really love this theme you created. But i got problem with some icons. Call, video and file manager. Where can i get them? I downloaded the attached files but those icons are not there. Thanks.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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Hello sorry for the super late reply but if youre still interested i upped the missing icons user.rar thanks
How exactly do you do all that you did to make it look the way it did in the images. I am completely lost in terms of what to do... I don't really know how to make anything come out as it should and after about an hour of messing around with everything I gave up on trying to figure out from the directions that were given... Can I get a step-by-step instruction as to how you set it up? thanks
Hey! Your SOA theme looks really amazing! I tried to set it up, but my apexlauncher wasn`t in the SC card?? Is there a different way to insert the settings into apex launcher?
Yea your instructions dont really help at all. Even had to create the folder for the apexlauncher but i somehow think that the settings backup didnt do anything at all. An howto would be very appreciated since it does look very good.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
Just a heads up. You can use any images for the icons, any images for the widgets/text/etc. Once you grasp what is happening and put a lot of time into it, your imagination is the limit.
I'll try to explain what is happening here, that I see. I have a similar "tabbed' style setup on my tablet. I'm using Nova and a quick one button tutorial you can easily do to see what is happening goes as so...
1. Press and hold blank spot on screen, press Nova actions, then press jump to page, and select page 2 (this will be 2nd from the far left of your setup, adjust accordingly). Now you will have an icon on your screen.
2. Press and hold the icon, select edit and you can replace the icon with any image you see fit. Now you have your "button". For example sake, lets say you have an icon/text that you want to have media stuff brought up.
3. Now on page 2, which should be blank (no icon), you will want to make the same 'jump to page icon' again, this time in a color of your choice, so that it looks "selected." Obviously this means you will have to edit/color your image/text as you see fit. I colored my "media" icon text, the color blue for example.
4. Next up, now that you have a colored icon on screen 2, making it look selected, is to fill up screen 2 with media stuff. You can use the images he uses, or just widgets already in your phone, or the above glaeja app that looks like it can be useful here. Your widget can be text that has click actions, that open up apps etc. It looks like the OP has placed the arrow icon on this page as well as to give it more of a this is what you selected look. The options are endless.
So then you just repeat that process with icons on screen #1 that jump to the other pages of you phone, that have been edited to have the content on them you're going for. It's painstaking, but hopefully I've made a visual for you that sheds light on what is going on and once you grasp that, you can make anything.
Very creative work by the OP here, just wanted to share my thoughts for the last couple posters that are having a hard time. I can make a tutorial if necessary. :good:
fifthstreetjammer said:
I'll try to explain what is happening here, that I see. I have a similar "tabbed' style setup on my tablet. Essentially, you are going to create all of your screens to have the 5 "button" vertical layout (or however you want it to be, 4 buttons, 8, etc). Your main screen, they will be all white it color (again whatever color you choose) and swipe one screen to right, have the same 5 buttons vertical, but the one icon you want to make look "selected" have it yellow, in this instance and also on that screen would be the corresponding widget with the images and icons/text you want to look like it opened. How this works it when setting launcher to no scroll on wallpaper, and setting the button as a widget action to turn to page '2', it flings the screens to screen 2, where one icon is "selected" and there is different content on the screen (the widget, ie looking like it opened a menu). search on youtube for tabbed setup for android and you'll see setups alike.
Very creative work by the OP here, just wanted to share my thoughts for the last couple posters that are having a hard time. I can make a tutorial if necessary. :good:
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Thanks i get it now. Already had that in mind just that i couldnt get the scrolling while switching to another screen disabled so i tried to look for another way.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium

SymetiumUI Android Launcher (pc ui,tablet ui,tv ui,mobile ui)

this thread is to warn anyone from hiring appcrates, they will scam you on your money, i hired these people to have the below work creates, the quality of the work was awful, the developer i worked with disappeared multiple times in mid conversations, the quality of the work was so bad that other developers were unable to continue on it, do not hire appcrates, they wanted to refund me on one condition if i signed a nda not to mention my bad experience again and if i did mention it they would take me to court, this is what they wanted me to sign, i made the domain appcratesscam to warm people of these people, the domain will forward to this thread now.
Hello i've been working on a ui design since 2014 and i finally have a launcher thats been begun recently you can see attached pictures of the launcher apk in it's current state and pictures of the final design unfortunatly i lack the funding to get it as complete as i want but an apk is being worked on, this is a different thing that may not appeal to everyone it may be too much for some, it's a complete overhaul of everything from lockscreen etc and it moves away from android quite abit, it begun as a linux distro design but then moved on to an android rom and then to a launcher, SymetiumOS itself is still there but thats when i find help to make it.
features of my ui
1. Custom modes such as pc mode,tv mode,tablet mode and the ability to create new modes, everytime a new mode is made a new settings screen is created, each settings screen has the same options so you can enable the pc appdrawer under mobile mode for example this applies for potrait and landscape under each mode meaning you can move pc mode to mobile mode landscape and have it trigger pc mode in landscape
2.size options for each menu that includes pc appdrawer or desktop appdrawer,notificationpanel and statusbar,recent apps menu, the notificationpanel comes in various sizes if it's set to tablet size then you can pull it down or click it down anywhere similar to an android tablet, this applies to all sizes including the micro size which replicates the feel of a 4k screen.
3.background layer options to appeal to more peoples tastes this includes glass,solid color (material),tranlucency,transparent solid color this layer can be enabled for the desktop appdrawer,notification panel (3 sets of layers for the notificationpanel,category appdrawer,category dock,appdock
4.automatic and manual sorting for the appdrawer if automatic is chosen then the icons of the dock will change using the playstore sorting method, if manual is chosen then the user can customize these categories, removing,renaming,adding new ones, each category consists of an appfield and a widget field above allowing the user to create custom categories such as a news category with news apps and a newswidget
5.the dock can be swiped into from the homescreen but this can also be disabled meaning you have to swipe to reveal the dock and then press an icon, the dock can be at the top or bottom or left or right side of the screen the size of the icons can be adjusted so can the distance between the icons and distance between the edge of the screen
heres an animation for the ui here is an animation showing the ui
Here is the final design of the ui including background layer options,lockscreen,desktop appdrawer and more.
final design of the pc mode portion of the ui this includes various sizes and layer options
here you can see various videos of the launcher apk
here you can see the launcher being used on a tv as it was designed to turn any android smartphone into an android game console something like android tv
alternative name for my launcher is vortex launcher
Thats cool
Will try
Minions_Army said:
Thats cool
Will try
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Thankyou heres a new variation where i used a different color and wallpaper combination for a material design look.
Minions_Army said:
Thats cool
Will try
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here is a new video of a new build of the launcher
Where is the link to download?
mrigendra pratap said:
Where is the link to download?
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going to release it when it's finished so maybe december or beginning of 2017
the dock menu isn't finished yet theres no way to sort apps yet and theres no automatic sorting option yet
the dock menu will also be able to pull out for a fullappdrawer same with the appdock this is the same as the pixel phone but i was working on that idea before the pixel phone
the pc or desktop appdrawer is missing
the custom recent apps menu is missing
the custom statusbar is missing
it's getting there though here is a attached picture of the apk it's starting to resemble my designs.
Ok, I'll wait till the release.
zzcool said:
going to release it when it's finished so maybe december or beginning of 2017
the dock menu isn't finished yet theres no way to sort apps yet and theres no automatic sorting option yet
the dock menu will also be able to pull out for a fullappdrawer same with the appdock this is the same as the pixel phone but i was working on that idea before the pixel phone
the pc or desktop appdrawer is missing
the custom recent apps menu is missing
the custom statusbar is missing
it's getting there though here is a attached picture of the apk it's starting to resemble my designs.
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its october 2017 and i m still waiting
ekadmn said:
its october 2017 and i m still waiting
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the team i hired called ended up scamming me and leaving me with a half broken launcher that can't be used for anything, i need help to finish my launcher but i can't find anyone to do it, theres few things left but still can't find anyone to do it
list of things left
portait and landscape settings menu for each mode each orientation would have it's own settings menu meaning it applies a different menu depending on orientation
customize categories menu (simply put a customize categories menu)
blur for colored layers
automatic app sorting (just like any other launcher that sorts apps automatically)
standard homescreen support widgets,app shortcuts etc (just like any other launcher)
pinch menu (just like any other launcher)
full appdrawer (simply use any full appdrawer)
general settings menu section (a standard general settings section where the reset button is etc)
paginated scrolling for dockmenu
size settings for all menus (no automatic sizes based on dpi)(launcher should not change ANY size based on dpi)
homescreen dock fixes (regular homescreen dock)
zzcool said:
the team i hired called appcrates ended up scamming me and leaving me with a half broken launcher that can't be used for anything, i need help to finish my launcher but i can't find anyone to do it, theres few things left but still can't find anyone to do it
list of things left
portait and landscape settings menu for each mode each orientation would have it's own settings menu meaning it applies a different menu depending on orientation
customize categories menu (simply put a customize categories menu)
blur for colored layers
automatic app sorting (just like any other launcher that sorts apps automatically)
standard homescreen support widgets,app shortcuts etc (just like any other launcher)
pinch menu (just like any other launcher)
full appdrawer (simply use any full appdrawer)
general settings menu section (a standard general settings section where the reset button is etc)
paginated scrolling for dockmenu
size settings for all menus (no automatic sizes based on dpi)(launcher should not change ANY size based on dpi)
homescreen dock fixes (regular homescreen dock)
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can't you just make it open source project or try contacting any developer team from xda
i would personally recommend maker of lawnchair "Deletescape" ( Till kottmann)
ekadmn said:
can't you just make it open source project or try contacting any developer team from xda
i would personally recommend maker of lawnchair "Deletescape" ( Till kottmann)
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any help would be appreciated, currently i have uploaded the apk to the playstore so it should be available tomorrow.
zzcool said:
any help would be appreciated, currently i have uploaded the apk to the playstore so it should be available tomorrow.
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Last time , you said launcher is not ready for playstore .
and what i meant from making it open source was that you drop your apk in xda and ask for developers help and in meantime you will get enough beta testers for your launcher too.
Playstore should work too , its just people go there before they make their app stable and complete
Just giving free #advice
ekadmn said:
Last time , you said launcher is not ready for playstore .
and what i meant from making it open source was that you drop your apk in xda and ask for developers help and in meantime you will get enough beta testers for your launcher too.
Playstore should work too , its just people go there before they make their app stable and complete
Just giving free #advice
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i released it yesterday
Not compatible with xperia x
Not compatible with xperia x
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thats odd whats the problem or does it just say it's not compatible?
The playstore says its not compatible
The playstore says its not compatible
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i honestly have no idea why that is

