Just added partition, cant mount phone - G1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I just updated to cyanogen mod 4.2.2, and followed his directions in his wiki to put a partition for apps on the sd card (everything seems ok). now when I plug my phone in and select mount, it immedialtely prepares the sd card again. it also keeps saying usb connected with it's little beep.
Any ideas?


SD Card Damaged, G1 won't boot.

Title says it all. I unmounted as I should have before turning off USB storage, but when I unplugged the USB cable, it said I have a damaged SD card and that I may need to format it. I hit the OK to format and nothing happened. I tried rebooting and nothing happens. I'm rooted with CM 3.9.7 mod, A2SD, etc. I've tried flashing the recovery, etc, but it can't mount the SD card and so fails. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
do you have a card reader for your computer?
No card reader for my computer.
do you have another phone or device that you can put your sd card in and connect to your computer
yeah, a Dash.
I've run into this problem before. Rebooting the phone. without selecting the format usually fixes it. I think it just happens when the SD card fails to unmount properly.
If you have an update.zip on the SD Card..try applying it through the recovery menu. If it says it fails to mount the SD Card over and over, then your SD Card probably is actually damaged.
Unicornasaurus said:
I've run into this problem before. Rebooting the phone. without selecting the format usually fixes it. I think it just happens when the SD card fails to unmount properly.
If you have an update.zip on the SD Card..try applying it through the recovery menu. If it says it fails to mount the SD Card over and over, then your SD Card probably is actually damaged.
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Is there any way to fix the card? Like I said, I've got an HTC Dash running WM6 that I can put the card into and connect to the computer. Is there anything to be done?
try to format it from the dash through computer, but im not familiar with dashes
I think I may have figured it out a bit.
The Dash wouldn't recognize the 8GB SDHC, but I fortunately still had the original 1GB, which it did recognize. I was able to transfer the CM 3.9.7 onto it and boot in recovery mode and reload the update.zip file. I'm currently booting up and once that's done, I'll do what is necessary to put my 8GB card in, format it and then try to make everything work again. Suggestions?
you want to use the 3.97? that rom is still experimental. maybe you should use the rom
jad011 said:
you want to use the 3.97? that rom is still experimental. maybe you should use the rom
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I think he metioned that he was alreay runing 3.9.7
nspbass said:
I think I may have figured it out a bit.
The Dash wouldn't recognize the 8GB SDHC, but I fortunately still had the original 1GB, which it did recognize. I was able to transfer the CM 3.9.7 onto it and boot in recovery mode and reload the update.zip file. I'm currently booting up and once that's done, I'll do what is necessary to put my 8GB card in, format it and then try to make everything work again. Suggestions?
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That's about it...
I usually keep a back up of everything just in case.
Also, for your usb card reader problems...
he might want to try the stable rom though
My plan succeeded! I'm now waiting for the Market to let me download my apps again. It let me download a couple, but stopped for some reason. It's happened before, so I'm not too worried. If I should be, let me know. Thanks.
ok sounds good
For some reason, Google Talk was disabled. I enabled it and voila, everything's all good!

Possible to Unmount SD card?

Hi all.
Is it possible to unmount and remove an SD card when using CM v4.0.2 with a partitioned SD card, and CM v4.0.2 is running A2SD, while the phone is on? I just can't seem to figure it out. The unmount button is "greyed out".
If so, please let me know how.
Thank you.
i have the exact same problem....my pc wont even recognize the phone anymore....i'm trying to get the usb pop up on the phones notifications n nuttin happens
As I am tinkering, I think it has to do with the A2SD that the rom supports.
Obviously we cant be removing a card that the system is using.
I can still mount when I plug into my PC, but most/if not all(haven't tested all) the apps wont run, I get a "Please Check Your SD card" message.
I would just like to hear from someone more experienced than me(newb) to back up what I am thinking to be true.
It's kinda weird, you can't unmount the card because you'll have issues, but on linux it mounts ext too, so you can modify the contents while the phone is running. Although whenever I've tried it's caused loops ><
@Teflon - Try using usb mode in recovery: go to the console and type to mount "ums_enable" and "ums_disable" to unmount.
I would like to be able to remove the SD card from my phone.
I can't do it right now b/c I have Apps on SD configuration.
Is it possible to kill all running applications and to unmount the SD card?
I don't see any reason why not, but has anyone tried it already?
The safest method imho would be to 'power off' the phone, remove card, boot phone. Cumbersome - maybe - but it's a trade-off with the excellent App2Sd.
I believe it is swap that is not allowing you to unmount/ mount to the computer, try disabling swapper and then try or download and burn an ubuntu live cd and use that to acess it, I can make changes to my ext3 partion while it is mounted in ubuntu. But I never had a problem mounting untill I started using swap which I would have to turn off to mount
Born, must of us have our dalvik-cache running off our ext partion so even if you killed all apps you could still corrupt your card

CyanogenMod SD Problem(s)

I'm using multiple partitions and Apps2SD. First I can't unmount my SD card to eject it because that option in "settings" is grayed.
Plus when I "Mount" the card via USB through the phone, the connection lasts < 1 minute before the phone does something (glitch?) and the computer reports that the "USB device was disconnected" or something and the phone remounts it for itself.
I'm using an ext2 and fat partitions. At first I thought that the swap partition was what kept me from ejecting so I reformatted for just the two partitions. If I go back to the 3 partition scheme, will I be able to unmount and eject the card, or mount via USB?
as for getting the computer to see the card.
Plug your phone in, don't mount sd.
Stop the device by right clicking the icon by the clock.
Unplug the phone.
Plug the phone back in and mount the sd.
should be ok.
not sure about unmounting it from the phone, I use swap, always have so I have no idea.
So there is no way to unmount the SD card?
for the first problem it sounds like when you reformatted your phone, you did it from your computer rather than the phone. (i did this once and that same problem happened). to fix you must reformat the card properly.
and the 2nd problem, it sounds like your using older an usb port. u need usb2.0 to hook the G1 into
SRT102JZ said:
for the first problem it sounds like when you reformatted your phone, you did it from your computer rather than the phone. (i did this once and that same problem happened). to fix you must reformat the card properly.
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No. I used sdparted to perform my partitioning.

SD Card Removal Crash

Hey there-
I've been searching around on the forums before I asked this and I havent seen anything like it. I might just be retarded. Anyways, anytime that I remove my SD card with the phone on, the phone immediately freezes. Sometimes I have to remove the battery after this, and sometimes itll just reboot. I've also noticed that whenever I plug my phone into the computer, it doesn't recognize that a USB cable is connected (no notification to mount, and no USB debugging) When I try to eject the SD card from the menu, the options to unmount the sd card and to format are both greyed out. I'm not running a2sd, or swap. When I try to boot the phone without my sd card in, it won't get passed the g1 logo? I'm running cm5, anybody have any ideas?? Thanks
Correct me if i'm wrong, but i think the cache would go on the SD Card?
(With all saved settings, etc.)
So i think thats your "problem"...
Look what formating your card have, a good guide to find this out
can you find here:
CM Wiki Link
I noticed when I formatted the card I removed the swap partition, and everything acted the same as before. Then I formatted it again and removed my ext partition, and the phone would not boot again. Then I formatted yet again and put the ext partition back on, and it booted just fine. So I guess my phone won't boot or run without an ext partition? I've rooted a few phones from stock to CM5 and I haven't thrown an ext partition on there, so why does mine require it?

[Q] SOLVED: Connecting with USB shows only internal memorycard...

I have this problem that when I turn on the file sharing, the computer shows only internal memory card and not the external. Because the phone itself recognizes the external card I have tried to unmount and mount several times without any improvement. I am currently using the latest CM7 nightly, but the problem seemes to have started after I changed the card from 4gb to 16 gb. Any ideas?
EDIT: Erasing sd card from the phones menu helped to solve the problem.
Go Setting>Storage and remount your sd card and try???
I've done that several times....no help... android system accesses the card without problems...music, pics etc.
Did you physically remove your card and reinsert it, or just software remount?
Have you tried the card directly in your computer?
Have a look in windows device manager and see if it reports any problems. (right
click my computer and select manage)
I have tried it all and everything is ok with the sd card itself (I copied recent nightly from the computer on the sd card) also recovery recognizes is... there are also no problems in device manager...
Try to put on debugging mode. And try it with debugging mode on.
If the debugging mode is on try to take it off.
Regards Kali
I tried that also and nothing changed.... I have a feeling that it is somehow attached to me using mybackup pro... I restored application apk and data from another phone to this one and It seems that usually the application data should go to internal memory card. In this case it is on external card... so i believe that somehow the programs are still using the card when connected and do not allow phone to share it out... It's just a guess though...
EDIT: so I think the solution is to wipe everything and start all over again
So I fresh installed Rom and wiped everything and the problem still exist... still can see files with file managers in phone and when connected to computer, autorun shows only internal card...
Edit: I tried now 2gb sized sdcard and it works perfectly... the problem is with 16gb card.
Weird. Did you try another USB-port?
I tried different USB-s now and still same I found out that when I connect the phone, under my computer appears two removable disks.... if I turn on the usb connection, only one transforms to usable removable disk (internal) and the other one asks to insert the removable disk. I used the same sd card on my HTC desire with CM nightlies and it worked perfectly... could it be CM-s bug?
Sorry to ask (maby the obvious)
On Your phone.. using your filemanager (Root explorer astro or what-ever..)
Browse to sdcard
Do you have a folder called _externalSD?
On this phone, for some reason the external SD is not mounted under./ but as i said under ./sdcard/ (i.e its mounted under the internal SD card..)
Just a thought
Where the different cards are mounted doesn't make any difference. And as he said, it works with other cards (2GB and 4GB).
CyanogenMOD mounts internal card as /mnt/emmc, and external card as /mnt/sdcard by default.
When turning on USB storage, both cards should be unmounted and shared over USB.
Hi, I had the same problem with mine, and as you said in one of your previous posts, I had to do a format through the phone and as soon as I did that I was good to go.
I did use the same memory card in my old hero so this might have something to do with it... I'm not sure.
By formatting do you mean from the menu Erase SD card? On the desire I actually had the formatting request from the computer, but there was another problem (some of the rom's files were on the sdcards ext or something and I had no access to the card from the USB).... kind of a similar problem if I think back now but after changing to CM, the problem disappeared.
I forgot to mention I am running completely stock rom and unrooted (for the time being) and there is just an option under sd card & phone storage setting to format external sd card
After erasing the sd card from the phone, the computer recognized it i'm currently copying stuff back and i'm pretty sure it does not affect the recognition
I faced the same problem. I had Swapper2 on my NC, and after I uninstalled it (and cleared the data of Swapper2, just in case) everything went to normal back again.
^ a solution.

