Program hungs when the AudioManager is executed to play mp3s copied on the Storage Card. Anyone knows a solution?
Yep same problem here..... ive tested the adapted AudioManager found @ XDA for the HTC Touch Pro.... it helped... only i could not get into the messages menu... so it didnt help after all.... anyone any idea?
I had this problem also and returned my HD2 and got another one which had the same problem.
The thing is that it seems that the HD2 has issues when sd cards are inserterd.
Format your card on a pc and then on your phone.
Copy/ past the files photo's or mp3's via active sync.
It worked for me.
Its a firmware problem among other problems that are revealing now.
I hope this helps you.
on mine it was a certain mp3 file, which crashed audiomanager. try copying your albums 5 by 5.. and see which one is causing the problem
shu8i said:
on mine it was a certain mp3 file, which crashed audiomanager. try copying your albums 5 by 5.. and see which one is causing the problem
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Which would take years if you use a 16Gb card with 4000mp3's!
Alternatively check out the fixes here (I had the same problem)
I've been having dropped call problems with my MDA (another story) and in the process of working on that, T mobile sent me a new phone. Now, I've got most of my original programs working on the new phone but for some reason, I can't get the phone to recognize TCPMP. It's on my storage card and I can access and run it from the storage card, but there is no icon under Program Files anymore. I'm sure the fix is so simple, I just can't see it. Any ideas?
You either need to reinstall it so it apprears in your program list, or just create a shortcut teh the file on your SD card and place the shortcut in your \windows\start menu\programs folder
There're instructions for creating shortcuts floating around here. I'msure you can find them with a little searching.
aprillh said:
I've been having dropped call problems with my MDA (another story) and in the process of working on that, T mobile sent me a new phone. Now, I've got most of my original programs working on the new phone but for some reason, I can't get the phone to recognize TCPMP. It's on my storage card and I can access and run it from the storage card, but there is no icon under Program Files anymore. I'm sure the fix is so simple, I just can't see it. Any ideas?
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I suppose you didn't reinstall your TCPMP... If you want to have your Core Player back into your Programs list again, put a shortcut at /Windows/Start Menu/Programs
The first thing I tried to do was reinstall TCPMP but I guess the site was down. Couldn't access even the first page. I'll try the start menu option next. Thx for the replies.
Quick update... I successfully added the icon back to the start menu. Thanks for your help!
The G1 has a silence mode, but it unfortunately only silences ringers and notifications. If I want to play a game of Solitaire I am blasted in the face with stupidly loud music. Is there a system-wide switch to just disable ALL sound through the built in speaker?
Go to setting -> sounds & display -> media volume bring then it all the was down you should be able to map a. Shortcut to this with anycut.
Hope this helps
Ringtone/Notification Questions
Is there any way to put your own ringtones on the phone through a storage card like on the wing or other windows mobile phones, I just got the phone and am playing with it right now ad so far don't see no way to do this. If there's a way can someone please help.
I added 2 tones from my wing to the memory card from the G1. Placed them on the root of the card and then installed from the market "Rings Extended". Then selected them.
download the rings extended app. that will let you do what you want.
google market: rings extended
+1 rings extended.
I had a stale page load and the two previous posters beat me to it!
-- edit --
also, fwiw, with 'rings extended' I found that the media listing was recursive as I had an entire directory structure from my wm6 phone. So, you can still have categorized directory structures if you like.
if you use the correct folder structure there will be no problems setting up the ringtones
gospeed.racer said:
if you use the correct folder structure there will be no problems setting up the ringtones
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there's a thread with that in it, I don't remember where.
If someone finds the thread for the correct folder structure please let me know, and neiltoe idk how to put it in the root folder market extended, I'm coming from a wing and I had a 2gb storage card for the wing so I took the card out my wing and put it in the g1 it sound like the way u do it neiltoe u have to keep the 1gb storage card.
hopefully this link works:
Alternatively you can just go to the music player, choose a song and press " use as ringtone".
First off, what helped me the most- connect the phone to a pc and enable the usb on the g1. When it pops up (it will look like a mass storage device on the pc) format it and then create these folders at the root of the storage card:
Anything inside music will show up on the music player. Anything outside should not show up anywhere but where it is placed. If you do not format the card first, this will not be the case at least in my experience. Formatting seems to make it all work right.
The folder structure is taken from the tmobile website online instruction manual- cant remember the page
[email protected] said:
Alternatively you can just go to the music player, choose a song and press " use as ringtone".
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While true, it also means you may have a bunch of ringtones and alerts mixed in with your music, something I dont like
for the record:
works as well, as does
for video files.
good to know about the alternative folder layouts
what are you using to play video files? I grabbed the "video player" on the market but curious to know what others are using.
Thanks a lot guys, you were very helpful.
ok i am totaly lost ok i have connected it to my pc formated the card to FAT quick format made the folders and still nothing can anyone help
davidsalinas said:
ok i am totaly lost ok i have connected it to my pc formated the card to FAT quick format made the folders and still nothing can anyone help
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put stuff into the folders. uncheck the USB box on the phone (you lose the PC connection at that point). Now your phone can find stuff.
having trouble
ok so i need some help xda-ers!!!
i had the wing. i took my 2GB card and put it in the g1. i connected it to my pc running xp and changed the names of my folders to what was recommended. maybe i should have made new folders altogether is the issue? i can try that. anyway... it's not working... i go into settings to set ringtones and i cant set anything except the stock ones.
is the issue that i didnt make brand new folders and just changes the names?
or do i need to take everything off the card, reformat it, and start fresh?
sh!mon said:
or do i need to take everything off the card, reformat it, and start fresh?
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in my experience, this is exactly what you need to do. Format it on the pc while its in the phone using the data cable.
Just got the topaz
Doing what I normally do, I wanted to put some music on the thing.
I transferred a folder of mp3s to the device, and at the same time I deleted the two songs already there.
Now the player wont play!
It just says 'searching....'
When I go into the 'library' (softbutton on the lefthand side) - it shows the titles of the two songs I deleted. There is a speaker next to the first of them.
Looking around inside the library - I find the folder that I transferred myself, but I can't see the two songs I deleted.
There is apparently no way to remove the two dead entries - and the TouchFLO player seems to be operating under the delusion that if it keeps on searching the two deleted songs WILL be found.
Any way to remedy this apparent deadlock (besides hardresetting the thing)?
Can you put the two files back? Even if you no longer have them, you could rename a couple of files to match. That might get you up and running again and you can try and delete them from the library then.
That's a good idea!
I spoke to HTC Support, and their suggestion was to find a metadata folder for WMplayer - but we couldn't find it - it wasn't were it was on their device. I don't know it's name, but it was to be located in the very root, or maybe the root of the storagecard (haven't got one yet). So he promised to check it out and get back to me.
Meanwhile I hardreset the device, since I only just got it, I wouldn't lose anything anyhow.
But if the problem IS some metadata that doesn't seem to be deleted, maybe your suggestion would have worked
i had the problem on my phone, i duno what exactly fixed it but i put more music on and soft reset the phone so one of them might've fixed the issue
I believe I've found a thread that describes a problem similar to mine:
It talked about the camera folder messing up. But in that thread, at least they can still see the files, but having the wrong file sizes. Mine just vanishes.
Here is what I'm experiencing right now. I took about 10 pictures sequentially, was able to view them via Resco Photo Viewer (This has been my pic viewer ever since). Then after a few days when I wanted to show them to a friend, the contents in my \DCIM\100XPRIA\ folder in the SD card were all wiped out clean! Another thing I noticed is that every time I go into this folder, it takes a while before I get control of my phone again (around 10 seconds after), after that, it shows me nothing. I tried taking pictures again, the camera app was complaining about not being able to take the picture. The next thing I did was to rename the DCIM folder to "DCIM Temp", then created another DCIM folder. I was able to take pictures again, and guess what, all the missing pictures reappeared in "DCIM Temp"! I was able to open the pictures again. But again after a few days, the new pictures in DCIM\100XPRIA have gone missing. I tried the folder renaming technique again but it didn't work anymore. I couldn't take pictures again. The next thing I did was to change the "Save To" option of the Camera App to save to phone instead of memory card. I was able to take pictures, was able to open the pictures via Resco Photo Viewer, but then when I transferred the pictures to the SD card, again I couldn't open the picture. I was thinking it might be a faulty SD card, but how come only pictures that were taken by the X1 camera have this problem? All of my documents can be opened, pictures from other sources can also be opened, videos etc. Only the X1 camera pictures have multiple problems (either vanishing or can't be opened).
I currently have an R3A ROM, with a 16GB Sandisk micro SD card. I never take the SD card out, I always use the supplied USB cable to connect the X1 to my computer as a flash drive. I first noticed this problem when I still had R2A. But I never thought of it as a camera problem, because I just thought the SD card got corrupted when one time I pulled the USB cable from my PC too quickly, and got that "delayed write failure" balloon message from Vista. The symptoms I've experienced that time was the phone being unresponsive for 10secs when I try to go into some folders (like the DCIM folder I have explained at the start of this post). That prompted me to reformat the SD card and took the opportunity to upgrade to R3A. Right now when I step back and try to remember those affected folders in the SD Card (when still in R2A), I seem to recall all of them having at least 1 file that came from the camera app, like:
\My Documents\My Pictures\Family
\My Documents\My Pictures\Gadgets
All the pictures the camera took go straight to \DCIM\100XPRIA, I then rename some of them and transfer to these other folders.
Does the X1 camera app have problems creating its output files? If yes, is there a patch or 'new' ROM I can install to get rid of this problem? I really hope someone can help me.
Thanks for your time.
Any takers? I hope somebody has experienced this problem and can guide me through, thanks!
I haven't heard or experienced this problem yet. I think you should try formatting the card again after you backup. Then before reloading the files, test to see if the same thing happens to your pictures.
I have my SEXperia X2 for almost 5 days and I am almost ready to throw it at the can-first I had a major unequal battle with the sms vibration and thx god after installing some sony-ericsson software update I raised the victory flag...but it was just a short I heard some strange noise coming from my phone and when I reached was ringing with some strange ringtone....I tried to put some of my old ones but what did I found no sounds in my ringtones folder at my card I tried to put some mp3's but no it is not possible,when I try to put a file there it rejects me,when I enter the folder is empty,at least I managed to put an mp3 as a ringtone from my music folder but it makes a copy to the phone memory and decrease it.So I am wondering does anybody had the same problem and what I must do to find my files or to relate files from my mp3's without sexperia to make copies of them at the phone memory?
I am sorry for the strange story and probably I should post this somewhere else but I didn't find any related topics after an hour of searching
argenta said:
I have my SEXperia X2 for almost 5 days and I am almost ready to throw it at the can-first I had a major unequal battle with the sms vibration and thx god after installing some sony-ericsson software update I raised the victory flag...but it was just a short I heard some strange noise coming from my phone and when I reached was ringing with some strange ringtone....I tried to put some of my old ones but what did I found no sounds in my ringtones folder at my card I tried to put some mp3's but no it is not possible,when I try to put a file there it rejects me,when I enter the folder is empty,at least I managed to put an mp3 as a ringtone from my music folder but it makes a copy to the phone memory and decrease it.So I am wondering does anybody had the same problem and what I must do to find my files or to relate files from my mp3's without sexperia to make copies of them at the phone memory?
I am sorry for the strange story and probably I should post this somewhere else but I didn't find any related topics after an hour of searching
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AFAIK you have to put ringtones to phone's memory to make
it available for ringtones.
yeah I know that,at the beginning before the update(from the official SE page) all of the ringtones were at the my ringtones folder at the phone memory,but after it all of my ringtones were moved at the storage card at a folder named "my ringtones" and that was great because the phone mem remains less occupied and I was very happy with that and I paste a few songs there and they rang as my contacts and phone melodies but than just in a sudden they disappeared from there and the folder is useless at the moment.
sounds strange. normally when you update it completely wipes your phone and internal memory and starts from scratch. so all of your personal info and ringtones should of been lost. seems that you where lucky they randomly appeared on your memory card.
i found that if i put mp3s into the my ringtones folder on the phone memory nothing came up in the sounds and notifications settings at first. if i used the spb panel and selected contacts i could set the ringtone from the storage card straight away. i went back into the sounds and notifications settings and they had finally appeared in there maybe the spb setting is better at searching or something.
no idea why your folder would suddenly wipe itself though. youll just have to try and copy your mps3 back in there and see if they work again... if they dont appear straight away try resetting your phone. it might only scan the storage card at certain times. mine are in "storagecard\my documents\my ringtones" theyre still mp3s and dont appear to be converted in anyway... maybe try deleting the my ringtones folder and creating a new one. it might of got corrupted...
theres an update due in march so hopefully if they do dissapear again its something that will be fixed in a few weeks.
The situation is unclear
how the ringtones appeared on phones memory folder before:
moved by the user or were there by default.
Standard SE upgrade means wiping off the personal data
but loading all the corporate default material
like videos, music and rjngtones too.
Try to see what choice you have in ringtones settings.
I finally came to a solution after playing with my phone till 2 am last night,I erased the folder named my ringtones at the storage card because it was inaccessible then I made a new one with the same name then I put some mp3 there and now they are still there and I can mark them as a contact ring tones even,but after a while today I found that my ringtone was changes again with some other melodie(all other mp3 were there this time but the one with which the phone was ringing was changed,but was still at the folder )-of course some ugly default se ringtone and after poking awhile I reached to an answer:I have some program called modaco-nodata that is installed at my phone card and this program blocks the gprs traffic,so when the blocking is on it blocks some folders and make them inaccessible.First it was on my storage card and it blocked the access to windows folder there,now I've put it at the phone memory and it blocked my "my device/windows" folder now I am going to remove it from the phone and I will see the result-than I will give a feedback if it was the reason of all that strange behaviour of my Xperia.
Thank you for the ideas
Hi! It happened the same to me!!! I lost almost all the ringtones that came with the phone!!!! What can I do? How did you manage the problem definitely?
Is it possible to get all the old ringtones?