My ext2 partition crashed after I applied the latest update for AOSP 1.6 , I dont know why that happened , I have updated many times before, and nothing went wrong.
Anyway so I had no choice but to delete the partition and create and format it into ext2 again . So then I booted into Cyanogen 1.4 and used my last backup (which I had used before and worked fine) only thing is all the applications I had installed on the SD card are now gone. I only see the shortcuts :S
So my question is , does the NAND actually backup the apps on SD as well ?
and in my case......should I just wipe and start clean ?? (I reallyyy hate this option).
If you wiped your ext and didn't make a backup of it on your pc then you can't do a restore anyways. Sorry about your luck
Weees said:
My ext2 partition crashed after I applied the latest update for AOSP 1.6 , I dont know why that happened , I have updated many times before, and nothing went wrong.
Anyway so I had no choice but to delete the partition and create and format it into ext2 again . So then I booted into Cyanogen 1.4 and used my last backup (which I had used before and worked fine) only thing is all the applications I had installed on the SD card are now gone. I only see the shortcuts :S
So my question is , does the NAND actually backup the apps on SD as well ?
and in my case......should I just wipe and start clean ?? (I reallyyy hate this option).
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No, NANDroid doesnt back up the sdcard
switchrom/BART do. Look up those scripts in the development section, or use AmonRA's 1.3.2 recovery
I wiped my ext because I wanted to increase my swap.. so I backed up my sd card, wiped my ext, partitioned the sd card again, upgraded to ext4, reloaded sd card contents, rebooted. Now I'm missing all my apps.. but in market they say installed but won't let me uninstall or open - wtf?
Hmmm.... Not sure if that does a complete repartition that way or not or if there is an easier way to do it, But I took my sdcard back to one partition using windows disk manager. After that I formatted the card (FAT 32) and then put it back in the phone and repatitioned. Had no problems that way... hope this helps.
you probably need to wipe data, dalvik, ext, reboot into recovery, repair ext, and then reflash the rom
i think i know what the problem is.....you posted this in the wrong section.
tehseano said:
i think i know what the problem is.....you posted this in the wrong section.
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wipe properly.
Happens :/
Yeah, you have to do a complete wipe. When you install apps and don't install them back into your Ext partition then the market will still say you have the app installed, but it's not there so everything grays out. Happened to me a few times. Learned my lesson :O
Hello guys,
I have a little problem which seems to be coming when I move the dalvik cache to the EXT partition of my device.
I am using the latest version of MIUI. It has A2SD built in, but it doesn't seem to be working. It was working before though...
What happened:
I restored the NANDROID backup of the stock ROM I had made before flashing MIUI. Once I booted into it, it warned me about the 2.3.4 OTA update. I did it, but forgot that it overwrites the bootloader, removes root and I will not be able to revert to MIUI.
I pushed the Clockwork recovery and immediately started restoring the NAND backup of my MIUI ROM. Without gaining root on the Stock 2.3.4 ROM.
The Dalvik was moved to the EXT on the MIUI I was trying to restore and functioning properly.
The restore went fine, until it got to restoring the sd-ext. It stood there at some *.tmp file for an hour or so. I removed the battery, booted into recovery, wiped and started the restore again. This time it finished, but when I went to start the phone, it got stuck at the Nexus logo, not even showing the MIUI boot screen.
Wiped again. Tried booting into a previous backup, which didn't have the Dalvik moved to the EXT partition. Restored and booted just fine.
I tried several more times restoring the latest backup I had (the one with dalvik to ext) and got the same result.
Then I tried installing the MIUI backup that didn't have Dalvik moved to EXT and tried moving the Dalvik to EXT. The phone rebooted and same thing happened. Didn't want to get past the Nexus logo.
I then wiped everything except batt stats, formatted ext, and flashed the MIUI ROM. It booted perfectly, but A2SD was not working, just like before (solution was to move dalvik to sd). I downloaded the A2SD GUI only and moved the dalvik to EXT AGAIN. And AGAIN - not booting past Nexus logo.
The only thing I still haven't done is formatting the SD and re-creating the EXT partition.
Any other suggestions on what may be causing this and how to fix it?
I want to have a2sd on this ROM and moving the dalvik to EXT seems to be the only way of achieving this.
Repartition SD card, you've most probably corrupted the EXT partition by pulling the battery.
Do you think that restoring the last MIUI backup I had after this will do the job?
After repartitioning? As long as you back up the files from the main FAT32 partition on the computer, and restore them back - the EXT will be overwritten when restoring nandroid anyway.
Well.... I just formatted the card with Panasonic SD formatter. Transfered only the nandroid backup (without creating an ext partition beforehand) and restored it successfully, but when the phone starts booting it is stuck at the Nexus logo.
I also checked the MD5 of the backup and everything is fine.
Godzi said:
Well.... I just formatted the card with Panasonic SD formatter. Transfered only the nandroid backup (without creating an ext partition beforehand) and restored it successfully, but when the phone starts booting it is stuck at the Nexus logo.
I also checked the MD5 of the backup and everything is fine.
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Wipe Cache and dalvic. Than try again. Your System Need a ext wenn you push dalvic to sd before.
I ran out of options.
Formatted the card, tried restoring - Nexus logo
Wiped Everything + Dalvik and Cache, restored - Nexus logo
Wiped Everything + Dalvik and Cache, didn't restore old MIUI backup - successful boot. When I tried to move Dalvik to EXT after the successful boot - Nexus logo after restart.
If anyone can suggest anything... Because this way I have no access to the A2SD on the device with this ROM. And everything was working fine before I restored the Stock Ginger.
Did you try installing DT on any other ROM and try and move dalvik to the sd to see if it does the same thing?
Dude Random21 said:
Did you try installing DT on any other ROM and try and move dalvik to the sd to see if it does the same thing?
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No. I haven't tried with another ROM. I guess I will try CM7 and see what happens when I move the Dalvik to the EXT.
I repartitioned once again, this time using the same EXT size as before the breakdown (512MB). When the backup I am trying to restore was made.
Was using 1024 when I partitioned previously and got the Nexus logo again.
Edit: Same thing. Successful restore and then the Nexus Logo.
I suspect it's the ext partition. Why don't you try formatting through recovery, and do a clean install?
Which recovery do you use? I would avoid Clockwork 3.x...
Well. I formated using Panasonic SD Formatted and then partitioned using the recovery. I did a clean install after that and as soon as I move the Dalvik to the EXT, I can't boot past the Nexus logo.
Yes, Clockwork 3.x. I guess I will try Amon_RA as well. Nothing left to lose.
If you partition with Amon Ra, make sure you up the partition from ext2 to ext3 (available through the Ra menu options)...
Ok. Partitioned with RA.
Tried to transfer the nandroid backup made by Clockwork to a sd/nandroid folder so I can restore it from within RA but it kept giving out some error telling me to look at the recovery log when I selected *.img files from the list.
Good news. I booted into MIUI and installed a2sd GUI. Moved Dalvik to EXT without a problem. I guess Clockwork's partitioning is flawed. Everything is working fine now.
Thank you.
Can anyone suggest a method I can use to restore the Clockwork made NAND backup + the EXT backup now when my partitions are finally alright.
Any method would be fine. Even manual through adb. I don't care. As long as I restore my phone to yesterday.
Thank you guys once again.
You should be fine if you load a clockwork prior to v3.x. I think was the latest version prior to the v3.x series. The issues only arise with v3.x.
But only clockwork is able to restore clockwork backups, and the same goes for Amon_RA.
As an alternative, you can just extract the img files and manually load your data back on. It is definitely more time consuming, but it wouldn't matter what recovery you use. It has been a while since I extracted anything from the img files, and when I did, I just got the data from apps stored on the internal (apps and dalvik were stored on the sdcard), and I think the only program I used was unyaffs2 to extract the data.
Thank you guys!
Partitioning the card with Amon_RA and restoring the old Clockwork-made backup with Clockwork 2.* worked perfectly.
I will not use Clockwork ever agian. Putting Amon_RA and that's it.
You will only have this problem with clockwork 3.x - there doesn't appear to be the same issue with clockwork 2.x
I have been using v2.x without any issues (never upgraded to v3.x). I prefer it because it gives me the option to wipe the /system partition, whereas Amon_RA is missing this feature and you can only do it with a flashable zip.
I use 2.x for a number of reasons. I tried 3.x a few times, but always had ext issues on my N1. Having said that, I've used 3.x on my nook, MT4G and G2, and never had issues with them - just on the N1...
I've used RA 2.2.1 on CM7, MIUI ,Sense rom. I never seen sd-ext issues on my Nexus One.
i was running cos-ds when i decide to try a new kernel: auto-boot- (1).zip . So i went to recovery (cwm) wiped cache partition and installed the kernel from the file menu. when i rebooted all my apps had gone since they had been on the sd-ext. when i checked the sd-ext under settings>storage and scroll down to sd-ext it says unavailable. so im wondering if i wasnt supposed to flash it via recovery. the previous times iv tried flashing a kernel it has worked. how do i get my apps back? is the sd corrupte and do i hsve to re partition? what do i do?
well im no pro on flashing kernels but im pretty sure your supposed to flash them after flashing a rom.... so maybe thats something to do with it...? since you lost all your apps anyway try to re flash rom than that kernel right after and see if anything happens... maybe you need to have a specific ext... 2,3,4 who knows.. lol sorry for your troubles
cripgballerkundikusu11 said:
i was running cos-ds when i decide to try a new kernel: auto-boot- (1).zip . So i went to recovery (cwm) wiped cache partition and installed the kernel from the file menu. when i rebooted all my apps had gone since they had been on the sd-ext. when i checked the sd-ext under settings>storage and scroll down to sd-ext it says unavailable. so im wondering if i wasnt supposed to flash it via recovery. the previous times iv tried flashing a kernel it has worked. how do i get my apps back? is the sd corrupte and do i hsve to re partition? what do i do?
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from what i remember the apps are on sd-ext and when ever i have flashed a new kernel it would make me start from the begenning and re do everything
cripgballerkundikusu11 said:
i was running cos-ds when i decide to try a new kernel: auto-boot- (1).zip . So i went to recovery (cwm) wiped cache partition and installed the kernel from the file menu. when i rebooted all my apps had gone since they had been on the sd-ext. when i checked the sd-ext under settings>storage and scroll down to sd-ext it says unavailable. so im wondering if i wasnt supposed to flash it via recovery. the previous times iv tried flashing a kernel it has worked. how do i get my apps back? is the sd corrupte and do i hsve to re partition? what do i do?
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lmcdaniel215 said:
from what i remember the apps are on sd-ext and when ever i have flashed a new kernel it would make me start from the begenning and re do everything
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Sometime it's best to wipe the SD card and re-partition your SD card. I tipically do it when I flash a new ROM. Then re-install the apps.
BeenAndroidized said:
Sometime it's best to wipe the SD card and re-partition your SD card. I tipically do it when I flash a new ROM. Then re-install the apps.
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i agree!!! every once in a while its a good idea to re partition your sd card because it's more like a complete wipe. sometimes ill even do an mtd removal here and there.. (i use custom mtd for my SenseLX rom )
Need help guys!
Today i flashed cm7.1 on my N1
(B4 i was using cm6 rc1 with DT a2sd)
Cm7.1 works great but i need a2sd for more space
After i flash DT a2sd beta 4 , i entered into boot loop
My phone wont boot
Whats the problem?? do i need to wipe sd-ext also
(As it may contain previous rom's app data?)
Thanks in advance
Please help!
wipe everything including sd ext or use nandroid backup if any( i usually make backup before flashing dta2sd ).if ur using cm 7.1 u can try S2E app available in market which does the pretty same job but its with gui so its easy to operate
amolji said:
wipe everything including sd ext or use nandroid backup if any( i usually make backup before flashing dta2sd ).if ur using cm 7.1 u can try S2E app available in market which does the pretty same job but its with gui so its easy to operate
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Thanks for the reply!! m i right tht wiping sd ext wont format files on sd card?(fat i mean)
I still get into boot loop after wiping sd-ext b4 installing DT a2sd
is there anything to do with the kernal
I would try doing a full wipe (including system) then flash everything a new. ROM, gapps then DT. If you don't want to lose your app data just backup with titanium backup.
Dude Random21 said:
I would try doing a full wipe (including system) then flash everything a new. ROM, gapps then DT. If you don't want to lose your app data just backup with titanium backup.
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Thx for the reply! i hv tried wipe system also. Still failed...
And yesterday i tried another a2sd method with s2e...
Everytime stuck at X screen during restart
Which recovery are you using? - your ext may be messed up...
I tried a long various way, no success and now i can't use my loved nexus.
Everything was working very fine till i used my nexus' sd to flash a rom in a friend's nexus ( his was not working): here started the problem.
After re-putting on my sd on my n1, i lost all data, settings, no apps, no market, no adw..
-Tried to reflash the rom(kang 1.3 which was working perfectly till before): still no market, no adw, stock look, no apps (included in the rom)
-Tried to wipe all data/factory reset, reflash the rom: still no market, no adw, stock look, no apps (included in the rom)
Then i reached to install the 2.3.6 stock rom, which was working: i rooted it with superoneclick, installed rom manager
First i tried to backup with clockwork recovery but it stopped on backing up sd/ext: i had to remove battery and reboot, install ra recovery to have a success in backing up ( in recovery's opinion).
At this point i tried to reflash the rom, but i got stuck on the starting animation which is in loop..
I tried to nandroid restore from ra recovery but it said "Oooops something went wrong"
don't know how to solve, can you please help me? i can't use the phone! (recovery seems to work, have drivers correctly installed)
Ok my guess it's your SD card that has a problem so try making a full wipe (erase on) of your SD card and see what happens.
Dude Random21 said:
Ok my guess it's your SD card that has a problem so try making a full wipe (erase on) of your SD card and see what happens.
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I'm re-flashing the passimg of stock 2.3.6 which yesterday was working.
again i noticed some problems on boot animation, but it moved on and it seems to works..
should i partition again my sd? Because it works on my pc ( in this way i put into the sd the passimg.zip, so it shouldn't be broken) and i guess maybe it's because of that..
A re partition would be a good idea.
When my sd-ext got corrupt the fat32 portion was fine but ext portion was busted
repartioned sd, still get the problem wtf..
http://pastebin.com/igvgPHSN here is the boot log, hope this'll help you..
I would format card outside phone with sdformatter--I use v2.0? Full Erase and Size Adj ON. Then repartition and swap is 0.
i first tried this:
and then this:
but it didn't solve the problem.
Then i did a full wipe and it worked, i reached to install the rom, BUT missing some pre-installed apps (like adw, facebook, android stock keyboard etc., but with market, gapps et.)
i put this apps on my own and now it's working, but still miss something like the link to "power off", "reboot" , "recovery" etc.
what is going on?