back up - G1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have a g1 running CM 4.2.5 and want to update to the newest build. What is the best way to back everything up like my home screen placement, apps and such or is there a good way to do this?

Just update man, everything will be there.

Run bart or something like it which is basically a Nandroid backup.
However to upgrade from 4.2.5 to you just update and it will leave all your stuff alone other than some file updates, but your settings and apps and whatnot will be just where you left it.

got it done. Thanks alot.


Where Did My Market And Other Stuff Go?

I was running the latest Cy and just for fun I wanted to try the latest Xrom. So I did a nand backup, tried the Xrom, then flashed back to my backup.
Now my Market is gone as well as Google Voice and a couple of other things. I thought nandroid preserved everything? I've never had stuff missing after a restore. I suppose the new rom messed up my partitions?
I also just clashed a new recovery, but I didn't think that would effect anything?
You need BART or Switchrom for a full backup.
So it looks like I need to start all over then, huh?
yes, i think so, just go back to stock 1.6 i guess and go to whichever rom youd like, xrom, cyan etc.

Market and browser corrupted

Please help. Advice and direction are all I am looking for. I have searched and searched for a solution but have only gotten more confused. I posted to a thread that I thought was relevent, but was quite ridiculed. Its been a while since I rooted my phone and feel like i am a noob all over again.
So when things were fine on my phone I was running cyans (i think right around there). Wasn't fast enough, so I tried Super D's rom. Took a while, lots of wipes, but I got it up and running after making sure I had the right spl and radio files installed. But browser wouldn't work.
I am not trying to fix Super D's rom. Here's the thing. I went back to cyan, but still no browser. Wipe, wipe wipe, redo spl and radio, cyan. Still no browser, but now lost market. Nandroid! Back up restored. Browser back but no market.
Solutions I am looking for. 1. A way to fix these without a full revert. But where do I find working source files?
2. How far back do I have to go to get a rom with these included? Back to Stock 1.6? Where can I get it from?
3. I know I am only wiping from cyans recovery. I don't know how to wipe the ext, or the dalek as someone suggested rudely in another thread, and I think this might also be a fix.
Sorry to ask such a specialized question. I didn't see a how-to for reverting EVERYTHING back to stock including my Gapps. If there is let me know!
Also, if I do have to start over, is there a way to save an app I currently have? I still have the Sense version of Beautiful widgets (I never updated it after the legal mumbo jumbo from HTC) Is there a way to save it? I know if I lose it I will only be able to get the Non-Sense version now.
Thanks for taking the time to read this! Any advice would be a huge lifesaver!
It will be way easier if you update your recovery. Go to:
and get Amon-RA 1.5.2 and follow the directions to get it installed.
Once installed, boot into recovery and wipe from there. You can wipe everything from his recovery.
Word! Thanks for the tip. I tried yesterday but I guess I didn't follow the directions right. This time I did and was successful! Now I am wiping through amon's, and re-flashing. Lets see if that works!
Once you are done, stick with Super-D for ease of install and the new version of Beautiful widgets is nice. Lots of skins for the flip clock.
sweet. Actually had my old apps too still on my sd card until I noticed the apps2sd wasn't working. Then I repartitioned. Everything running but lost the old widget. Oh well, thanks for the big save- that was easy! Market, browser, like a brand new phone only better! Thank you thank you thank you!

Apps backup

So, I thought I backed everything up when switching from 1.5 to 2.1 leak. Then I realized that the apps I had paid for while running 1.5 were "lost". I put that in quotes because maybe Im not looking in the right place. If I go from the 2.1 leak to the 2.1 OTA rom from HTC, will I be losing my paid apps? Is there a way to backup and reinstall these apps on the OTA 2.1 rom? Thanks for the help.
If you are rooted u can use titanium backup, but it doesn't sound like you are...
Spencer_Moore said:
If you are rooted u can use titanium backup, but it doesn't sound like you are...
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I'm not rooted. When I installed the 2.1 leak I backed up every folder on my phone before install. When I went into the folders to transfer the apps and games I had on 1.5 I couldn't find any of the things I had backed up. Also, certain apps like Bank of America and Lookout no longer let me log in. Any ideas on what I did wrong?
If I'm not mistaken, the only security on the market is that the apps are not accessable to non-root users. Since you were unrooted, you couldn't have copied them.
Hmmm... didn't think about that. (Still a NooB ) So, if I were to update from 2.1 leak to 2.1 OTA, would I lose the apps that I have paid/registered for or is there a way to backup or reinstall them on the new 2.1? Thanks again.

Some questions switching between roms!

So I was running Enomther's 1.8.1 which was one of my favorite builds yet. When Froyo was released I switched to Modaco's Froyo online kitchen build, and then being impressed but missing my trackball colors, and tweeks I switched back to Enomther's 1.9.2.
My three questions are:
1)How do you backup your home screens? It's so annoying to reset them up which takes me an hour at least everytime I switch roms. I figured out how to back up my apps which Linda App Manager does perfectly.
2)When I went from Enomther's 1.8.1 to Madaco's Froyo it also updated my radio, so when I went back 1.9.2 did that reset my radio back to the original? Or keep the Froyo?
3)I know I can do a Nandroid backup but that doesn't restore between roms does it? It reapplies the previous rom right?
Thanks for the help!
Homotechual said:
So I was running Enomther's 1.8.1 which was one of my favorite builds yet. When Froyo was released I switched to Modaco's Froyo online kitchen build, and then being impressed but missing my trackball colors, and tweeks I switched back to Enomther's 1.9.2.
My three questions are:
1)How do you backup your home screens? It's so annoying to reset them up which takes me an hour at least everytime I switch roms. I figured out how to back up my apps which Linda App Manager does perfectly.
2)When I went from Enomther's 1.8.1 to Madaco's Froyo it also updated my radio, so when I went back 1.9.2 did that reset my radio back to the original? Or keep the Froyo?
3)I know I can do a Nandroid backup but that doesn't restore between roms does it? It reapplies the previous rom right?
Thanks for the help!
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This should be in Q&A. This has nothing to do with development.
Any help would be appriciated.
Homotechual said:
My three questions are:
1)How do you backup your home screens? It's so annoying to reset them up which takes me an hour at least everytime I switch roms. I figured out how to back up my apps which Linda App Manager does perfectly.
2)When I went from Enomther's 1.8.1 to Madaco's Froyo it also updated my radio, so when I went back 1.9.2 did that reset my radio back to the original? Or keep the Froyo?
3)I know I can do a Nandroid backup but that doesn't restore between roms does it? It reapplies the previous rom right?
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1 - There are multiple backup programs available on the market. Backup for Root Users has an option to backup the home screen and other things. Basically it just moves the .db files and puts them back, which can be done manually if you know where to look.
2 - Nandroid does not backup the radio.
3 - Restore what? Nandroid wipes and reapplies the previous restore point.

A few questions regarding Nookie Froyo

I have everything the way I like it currently with the stock ROM. Apps, widgets and other customized things
1. Is it possible to backup everything, then restore everything to the 2.2 ROM using Ti Backup? Restore all apps, widgets, wallpaper, etc?
2. Flashing the ROM to internal eMMC, can the NC be restored to stock via the 8x reboot method?
That's all I'm wondering for now, I'm sure there will be more.
Widgets cannot be restored due to a system limitation. Second, speaking from firsthand experience you don't want to take information backed up on 2.1 and restore it to 2.2. I did that with my evo and I thought the phone was dying...everything was force closing and I had to reflash the rom. It was probably my restoring of the system settings(idiot move) that caused the problems but I wouldn't take any chances.
Yea, just me being lazy...
What about the notification bar? I like that is on the bottom. Can that be changed on a vanilla Froyo install?
bump.......... get the notification bar on the bottom will probably take some hella coding but it can be done. Obviously B&N did it, also Acer does it on their Liquid ROMs ( but don't count on it being done here.
EDIT: That link I posted was just an example. DO NOT flash it on your nook.
we dont really bump your own posts here...

