Hey everyonee
im having seriouse trouble with my SanFrancisco phone from orange ( Zte Blade )
iv successfully rooted my phone and have clockworkrecoveryMod Working fab
but i have a couple of problems, i recently upgraded to froyo (android 2.2) using this page: Orange San Francisco phone handset – How to unlock, root and upgrade Android 2.1 to 2.2 FroYo The IT Bod
i have done this correctly and im happy with the result, (apart from all my data been lost, but i dont mind as long as i have froyo
but heres the problem,
I realllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy like this theme
Minimal Matte 1.5 CM6 Full Rom! 8/7 - xda-developers
so iv saved the theme as and put it in the root of my phone,
then i opend clockwork and selected the theme correctly, and installation was succesfull,
but when i boot up again after the installation the android startup screen is stuck,
and also, using this new froyo, i cant seem to download and install apps of the market?
anyone helpp plzzz )))))))))
Just do these commands, you need to reflash your froyo rom, but your data is lost i think. Open your recovery and make:
1. Full wipe
2. wipe cache
3. wipe SD:ext
3. Flash your froyo rom, than reboot and you get back the original froyo.
Don't forget: every rom has a special theme for itself, you can't flash every theme with every rom. If you want an alternative read about metamorph.
is that rom even for your phone? Use the theme porter to inject the theme into your rom.
hmm, im not too keen on wiping all the data again :/
the phone originally came with android 2.1 but you can root and update it to 2.2, is it possible that the rom i installed just doesnt support the themes? do i need to install a patch? im not even sure i backed up correctly, even thought in the rom manager i clicked backup" it didnt really do anything, this idea of injecting sounds good, but wouldnt the same problem occur?
thanks for replying
ionee said:
hmm, im not too keen on wiping all the data again :/
the phone originally came with android 2.1 but you can root and update it to 2.2, is it possible that the rom i installed just doesnt support the themes? do i need to install a patch? im not even sure i backed up correctly, even thought in the rom manager i clicked backup" it didnt really do anything, this idea of injecting sounds good, but wouldnt the same problem occur?
thanks for replying
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nah nothing wrong happens when you port the theme to the rom you are using. i've ported like 5-6 themes already.
iv been using clockworkrecoverymod to install the themes under
but theres also the problem with the market, iv done alot of searching to find out y the apps wont install of the market, any ideas? thx
im gradually thinking it would be best to start clean, and if i were to start again how would i install 2.2 android onto a zte blade without hacking it?
thnx alot ;D
i try to install themes to my phone and when install finished when it boots and patern screen appears it shows me a message like sorry we can't load fonts,clock,and other stuff and i don't have any way to see desktop...i must turn off the phone and turn on in the recovery mode and restore it...what its going wrong???
It would be more clear if you mention which firmware you are running, which theme you are trying to flash etc
agree with mjuksel. Most likely an incompatible theme.
sorry.. you have a point...ok so i'm not 100% sure of what i say but i give it a try..i use froyo 2.2.2 with kernel and and the clockworkmod is 4.3.24...if you want you more info tell me..i tried to install the blue elegance theme from here...
CWM 4.3.24 ??? are you sure ??
and your ROM are
Stock ?
Modaco ?
Fear ?
other ?
yes i ckeck it again and its 4.3.24 and its modaco
ok , I don't know this version
try with another version
Hey he mean Rom Manager 4.3.24......
yes thats what i mean..tnx intelmaster...rom manager is 4.3.24...i tried again and no cant boot because maybe it wont have security copy files....i dont...if you want more ask me something else please tell me where to look...tnx a lot for your help...
you gotta find a theme which is based on the framework of the rom u are using ...
(a theme is nothing else than modified system apps ....)
Hey he mean Rom Manager 4.3.24......
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OK , Rom Manager and CWM are differents , he say in second post : "...the clockworkmod is 4.3.24..."
If i install my i9001 will be better at battery and more faster or it is only for desing .. ?
why dont u give it a try? u have nothing to lose, and flashing takes less than 10 minutes
if i install this ... i dont know how to back to old sys ... i dont know somethinks like a backup or somethinks and i want to know if is better to install or no ?
prologikus said:
if i install this ... i dont know how to back to old sys ... i dont know somethinks like a backup or somethinks and i want to know if is better to install or no ?
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I think you can just reflash a stock ROM with Odin.
i'm new in android .. explain me what is reflash .. delete all application , games ?
Just take a look at my/sakindia's site.
There is all written what you need to know.
I mean its not that hard. So i think you can do it also
For me ->
better as CR8 alway make my phone lag.
prologikus said:
i'm new in android .. explain me what is reflash .. delete all application , games ?
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Reflash means flashing a ROM over your existing one. Deleting all user data is called wiping. If you're new, you should read the Wiki before doing anything with your phone.
rc4 installed working phone but email menu forced to closed :;((
rc8 odin end cwm mode installed i9001 not working
boot screen opening to restrart boot screen wipe all data not working
You just need another Kernel and flash it over RC8. Try v6 Kernel or Feamod 1.2/1.3/1.4.
Fr0zen1977 said:
You just need another Kernel and flash it over RC8. Try v6 Kernel or Feamod 1.2/1.3/1.4.
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thanks man
rc8 cwm installed and v6 1900mhz kernel installed no proplem i9001 perfect working but
Sim Tool Kit stk.apk not installed stk applications not working I have integrated and install phone but not working
hey i'm so lost in here :S ! Guys i just got my new OB with froyo and i wanted to upgrade to G.B ..after downloading LG software updater installing usb drivers connecting the phone and everything it gave me Not enough free space on disk ( tho its a brand new phone with available free size of 1.85 g.b ) any suggestions ?
and sry if this was asked before but im just so lost and new in here
Thanks in advance
anybody here ?! xD !
Mo Chedid said:
hey i'm so lost in here :S ! Guys i just got my new OB with froyo and i wanted to upgrade to G.B ..after downloading LG software updater installing usb drivers connecting the phone and everything it gave me Not enough free space on disk ( tho its a brand new phone with available free size of 1.85 g.b ) any suggestions ?
and sry if this was asked before but im just so lost and new in here
Thanks in advance
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Go here and just follow the step by step guide and you will have the latest GB version with root so you can enjoy your new Optimus Black.
This ROM V20_o is OFFICIAL STOCK ROM from LG.. So not to worry just download and flash.. As you told that you already installed LG DRIVERS then NO NEED to install again.
Here i have explained in more detail SO MUST READ its for v20_b, you just replace v20_b with v20_o while reading..
All the BEST!!!
Have a great stay with OB
Dont say THANKS, just Press Thanks Button if i helped you
Sorry for the late reply but theres smth i wanna ask about :
1- after deep searching i found the most stable roms are Zeus , CM7 , MIUI , and Marvel ..and ofcourse im so lost to know whats better and which version to use
so any recommendations ?! P.S ( want smth not to break warranty as i just got the mob or a certain way to get it bk like it was ) and also to Support Arabic - even if its just reading -
Mo Chedid said:
Sorry for the late reply but theres smth i wanna ask about :
1- after deep searching i found the most stable roms are Zeus , CM7 , MIUI , and Marvel ..and ofcourse im so lost to know whats better and which version to use
so any recommendations ?! P.S ( want smth not to break warranty as i just got the mob or a certain way to get it bk like it was ) and also to Support Arabic - even if its just reading -
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If you flash any of these roms ur warranty will void bt u can use them and flash back stock rom before taking it to sevice centre.
Sent from my LG-P970 using Tapatalk 2
Oh god i didnt install it yet :S !
Dude would u focus with me for 5 minz and ill give u a double big combo thanks xD ( jk)
1- best way to have a back up of the stock rom and all settings i have ( detailed ) ? cuz i read alot about this and still lost
2- also a best step by step way to install the Zeux v6 ( with arabic lang support just reading)
3- i have a problem with the cache memory nw on stock rom keeps saying memory low and makes my device lagging..any suggestions or its gone with new rom ?!
Thanks again and just wishing for a detailed answer even if its just links cuz i wanna install it already
Mo Chedid said:
Oh god i didnt install it yet :S !
Dude would u focus with me for 5 minz and ill give u a double big combo thanks xD ( jk)
1- best way to have a back up of the stock rom and all settings i have ( detailed ) ? cuz i read alot about this and still lost
2- also a best step by step way to install the Zeux v6 ( with arabic lang support just reading)
3- i have a problem with the cache memory nw on stock rom keeps saying memory low and makes my device lagging..any suggestions or its gone with new rom ?!
Thanks again and just wishing for a detailed answer even if its just links cuz i wanna install it already
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1)Best way is Nandroid backup means goto CWM recovery and there select BACKUP and whole rom with all ur settings,apps apps data will be backed up on MEMORY CARD(sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/)
2)Just goto CWM do wipe data and factory reset, wipe cache
then goto advanced and wipe dalvik cache, wipe battery stats
then Select install zip from SD CARD and Start Flashing that you downloaded and copied to SD CARD.
After Flashing Again do Wipe data and factory reset and Reboot your system
3)I never faced this cache memory low problem but yaa in new stock ROM v20o LG updated Low memory killer parameters so this will eliminate any lags..
I use android Booster app from play store and Set its Auto Optimisation ON so my phone Never get laggy and i use Stock Rooted v20_o btw..
Oh god its like not written for me to update or what :S !
tried unlockroot and superoneclick many times starts with killing ADB server then ends with FAILED TO GET SHELL ROOT and not rooted
any ideas ? sry for bothering
Hey...if you cant root, use smartflashtool to come back to 2.2 then root it, install CWM and install zeus
(Do erase cache, dalvik, factory default)
Btw the problem is not cache but your ram gets full quickly
Sent from my LG-P970 using Tapatalk
thanks bro but when i got in smartflash tutorial here says i got to flash to bk v10A 1st ?!
and if its a yes its also written erases everything on can i back up my stock rom then to get bk to warranty ( when i wnt ) if i cant use cwm? and how to back it up?!
sry its just confusing me .. thought its gonna be easier xD
- and about ram or doesnt really matter what is it to me but is there a solution for that if i face it in the new cust rom ? cuz its so irritating i have to clean it up like every hour
v10 is right. It's 2.2, which is rootable with superoneclick.
theaks30 said it already, after you've flashed v10/2.2 and rooted via superoneclick, you can install cwm and flash your favourite rom.
And if you want to restore the stock rom, simply flash the v10 with smartflashtool again and you've a clean non-rooted stock rom.
But if you're phone gets a hardware-error, and you can't turn it on, you logically can't flash back to the stock rom.
Hope, I could help you.
sry but this's not really helping
and im not a tech guy so if anyone please can answer with a clear detailed answer to help i'll really appreciate it
Now i have a stock rom froyo ( unable to get shell root ) and simply wants to upgrade with a custom rom like CM7 or Zues 6.2
1- Want to make sure to get backup of the stockrom with apps and data and everything
2-wanna solve the problem of ( Unable to get shell root )
Smartflash thread intro says IT ERASES EVERYTHING when i flash so is there a way to backup the rom before rooting or flashing or even with this smartflash that i dunno?
Really wishing a clear detailed answer before i get desperate with the new OB xD !
Hmm, okay.
So, which froyo version do you have?
2.2.2 Android Version
this's what i found in About Fone xD !
Yes I know.
But wicht firmware (v10a, v10c?)
sorry not following :d where can i find this ?
Im in egypt and same about the fone if its gonna make any help
Oh w8 i found it : V10H
Okay, I don't know the firmware names in egypt.
Maybe it's the old one. (like v10a in germany)
Then you can root with gingerbreak.
Google for it.
If not, you can use superoneclick, but you've to add these steps with cmd.
I know, it's german, but I think you understand what to do. If not, ask me, then I can translate the part.
Good luck!
Edit: If gingerbreak is not working, this should be much easier.
Download this
Then connect your phone to your computer with debugging mode enabled.
Disable your firewall and run blackjack.exe (Don't forget to reactivate your firewall after this )
yes plz i didnt get it when i tried google translation it came all messy so just the steps to get over the Shell root problem with backing up my stock rom
Sorry for the late answer.
So, forget what i said before and try this.
cakebomb said:
If gingerbreak is not working, this should be much easier.
Download this
Then connect your phone to your computer with debugging mode enabled.
Disable your firewall and run blackjack.exe (Don't forget to reactivate your firewall after this )
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Hi there,
I have an HTC Hero ... and I want to put OMFGB rom on it.. but the problem is I can`t root the device, I have try`d all the suggested thing around here...but when I check with rootcheck .. the answer is negative (don`t have root) ... what can I do ?
Thank you
firmware ver. 2.1-update1
[email protected] #1
software number 3.36.405.1
I have try`d all the tricks for root`ing none of them seems to work ... (z4root, superoneclick, androot...) at superoneclick software at step #5 it hang and does`t reply anything and all the log is fulled with "can`t find *unknows dir`s" or can`t remove...
what can I do ?
I have manage to gain root and put custom rom with GOLDCARD trick -> downgrade to 1.5 android and then gain root with androot trick ... and so on ... this one can be closed
Try this it`s one click root and it`s working on android 2.1. To instal CWM use ROM Menager.
Sorry but my english is bad
arthurz86 said:
Hi there,
I have an HTC Hero ... and I want to put OMFGB rom on it.. but the problem is I can`t root the device, I have try`d all the suggested thing around here...but when I check with rootcheck .. the answer is negative (don`t have root) ... what can I do ?
Thank you
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Use Universal Androot 1.6.1 (Google it)
Or SuperOneClick (Again google it)
After you try that download a rootchecker and download a recovery image such as AmonRA or Clockworkmod by installing ROM Manager
Then put your custom ROM in the root of your SD card, this means in no folders just open SD on my computer and throw it in there.
Reboot into recovery using the Home + Hang up button and do a backup
Wipe everything (Not sd card)
Install the ROM and enjoy