ADB Push Problem - G1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'm trying to push a folder from my PC's desktop to the /system folder on my device. Basically I pulled the /system/app folder from my device in order to remove some unused system apps, removed the .apks, and am now trying to get the folder back on the phone without success. Getting the error "Failed to copy... : Read-only file system." I thought you could push and pull anything to and from anywhere with ADB and root. Am I wrong, or I'm I simply missing something? Thanks for any help.

adb remount
adb push c:\app /system/app
adb reboot

BoomBoomPOW said:
adb remount
adb push c:\app /system/app
adb reboot
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Dude. You helped. It worked. And you didn't trash on me for being a noob. You rule. Thanks!

Part Four said:
Dude. You helped. It worked. And you didn't trash on me for being a noob. You rule. Thanks!
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Wait. It kind of didn't work. Even though the CMD window showed a successful push, I rebooted and the apps are still there. Damn. Thanks anyway.

adb remount
adb pull /system/app c:\
Make your changes..
adb remount
adb shell rm /system/app
adb push c:\app /system/app
adb reboot

BoomBoomPOW said:
adb remount
adb pull /system/app c:\
Make your changes..
adb remount
adb shell rm /system/app
adb push c:\app /system/app
adb reboot
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Thanks again, but still no luck. The apps remain. Strange, because it looks like everything worked just fine in adb.


ADB Push Issues

ok so I have managed to pull all the apps from the phone to comp and the app-private to have a backup.
I cleared the ext partition
BUT now when I push them on .. well TRY to ... it starts gets to about 10 of them and then just stops. I have tried to restart and it stops at different places and just doesnt go all the way from start to finish.
anyone have any ideas on why this happening and whats going on here??
hey how did you pull your apps mine wont let me
what command did you use (exactly Please)
jf4888 said:
hey how did you pull your apps mine wont let me
what command did you use (exactly Please)
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Pull apps off phone onto computer (adb remount before)
adb pull /system/sd/app app
adb pull /system/sd/app-private app-private
and to
Push apps back to phone from the computer (adb remount before)
adb push app /system/sd/app
adb push app-private /system/sd/app-private
also to remove apps from sd
Delete existing apps on SD
adb shell rm -r /system/sd/app
adb shell rm -r /system/sd/app-private
can copy/paste these comands into the CMD window when you have adb up and going .. you cant do these from the # prompt. It has to be done that that "cd C:\android-sdk-windows-1.5_r3" or whatever line: <--- not exact, dont copy/paste that one.
yo thanxs bro so did you fix your problem yet?
no .. not yet gonna try some other stuff to see what works.
if you are using windows Strapt and you are typing that long command each time you want to use adb to push or pull... etc. then just so i can sleep better at night and you don't have to type a book every time you want to push or pull a file then add adb.exe and and adbwinapi.dll to your windows/system32/ directory and you can use adb from any dos directory prompt. (got that info from this thread)

How do you install new HTC_IME?

Hi I was trying to install the new HTC_IME on my phone right now I am currently using 2.0 and I tried to install with appsinstaller and it didn't work. So is there a way to do it threw terminal emulator, or threw recovery?
I don't use adb cause I tried setting it up and it didn't work.
So somebody please give me a good reply! Thanks!
try with astro
if astro doesn't work try this.
you must have adb working. adb does wonders. works every time. top cmds is for adb and bttm is terminal on phone.
Adb remount
Adb push HTC_IME.apk system/app
Adb shell rm system/sd/app/HTC_IME.apk
Adb shell rm data/app/HTC_IME.apk
Adb shell reboot
Or from terminal
Mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
Cp *yourdir*/HTC_IME.apk system/app
rm data/app/HTC_IME.apk
rm system/app/HTC_IME.apk
since you dont use adb, if your using any kind of windows let me know and i can personally walk you thru an adb setup. i have encountered the worst of worst mess ups. durrr lol... fosho . . . . .
that doesnt make any sense, why are you removing HTC_IME right after you're done pushing it?
You need three files for HTC IME to work, HTC_IME.apk, Clicker.apk (both of those in /system/app or /data/app) and (in /system/lib)
Assuming you place all three in C:\
adb remount
adb push C:\ /system/lib
adb push C:\Clicker.apk /system/app (or /data/app if you don't have space)
adb push C:\HTC_IME.apk /system/app (or /data/app if you don't have space)
no need to reboot, just give it time to finish dexopting (about a minute) then go to Settings>Locale & Text and enable (checkmark) Touch Input, disable Android Keyboard if you wish.
About where to get the files? search, but it's easier if you search inside Cyanogen's (version 4.0.4 and below) roms and pull them from those.
rockin_mod said:
if astro doesn't work try this.
you must have adb working. adb does wonders. works every time. top cmds is for adb and bttm is terminal on phone.
Adb remount
Adb push HTC_IME.apk system/app
Adb shell rm system/sd/app/HTC_IME.apk
Adb shell rm data/app/HTC_IME.apk
Adb shell reboot
Or from terminal
Mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
Cp *yourdir*/HTC_IME.apk system/app
rm data/app/HTC_IME.apk
rm system/app/HTC_IME.apk
since you dont use adb, if your using any kind of windows let me know and i can personally walk you thru an adb setup. i have encountered the worst of worst mess ups. durrr lol... fosho . . . . .
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What do you mean by *yourdir*? Lol sorry kinda of a noob to this
Brandice128 said:
What do you mean by *yourdir*? Lol sorry kinda of a noob to this
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First of all thank you for taking my advice , the Q & A section is the best place for all your questions about android . Seeing that your new here it would be wise that you do some research on the following
cyanogen's 1.4 recovery
terminal commands
and so on . There's a lot but as you search you will find them ...
NOW the yourdir question ,it's on your SDcard where you downloaded your htc_ime.apk , if it's on the root of the sdcard (not in any folders) then just use cp sdcard/HTC_IME.apk or if you downloaded it then it's in your download folder then you do cp sdcard/download/HTC_IME.apk
adb remount
adb install directoryofyourfile\HTC_IME.apk
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worked for me

[Help] Pulling apk's from phone to computer.

I am trying to pull the Sprint_Core.apk out of Damage's 2.5 rom and try to mate it with this 1.0 rom.
But every time I try and pull it it will simply give me the adb options, or will say no such file. Here's what I'm doing:
adb remount
adb pull system/app/Sprint_Core.apk C:\My Documents
I have also tried, making /system writeable but still no avail.
Can someone direct me to how I'm commanding this wrong?
adb remount
adb shell
cd system/app/
rm Sprint_Core.apk
Tipharet said:
adb remount
adb shell
cd system/app/
rm Sprint_Core.apk
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That would remove Sprint_Core from the phone & I think is just trying to get a copy of the Sprint_Core from DM2.5 to use with another ROM...
stephen240 said:
I am trying to pull the Sprint_Core.apk out of Damage's 2.5 rom and try to mate it with this 1.0 rom.
But every time I try and pull it it will simply give me the adb options, or will say no such file. Here's what I'm doing:
adb remount
adb pull system/app/Sprint_Core.apk C:\My Documents
I have also tried, making /system writeable but still no avail.
Can someone direct me to how I'm commanding this wrong?
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See if this works:
adb pull /system/app/Sprint_Core.apk "c:\my documents\"
Make sure "My Documents" exists in your c:\ drive.
Try this
adb pull system/app/Sprint_Core.apk C:\Sprint_Core.apk
no remount needed it will put right on your c drive dont do that rm stuff unless your tryin to remove it oh wait according to my adb cheat sheet that actually wouldnt do anything without adb shell in there
thatguythatdid said:
Try this
adb pull system/app/Sprint_Core.apk C:\Sprint_Core.apk
no remount needed it will put right on your c drive dont do that rm stuff unless your tryin to remove it oh wait according to my adb cheat sheet that actually wouldnt do anything without adb shell in there
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Ah, I understand now. Thanks this worked! Kudos to you!
gu1dry said:
That would remove Sprint_Core from the phone & I think is just trying to get a copy of the Sprint_Core from DM2.5 to use with another ROM...
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He can then just extract the file from the update zip.

removing an app using ADB

Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows the correct ADB command for removing an app from the /data/data folder?
I recently installed a new ROM on my nexus one and it came with both Launcher Pro and ADW Launcher installed. I know I could just NOT use the one I don't like but I'd rather remove it.
I tried:
adb remount
adb shell rm /data/data/org.adw.launcher
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adb remount
adb shell rm /data/data/org.adw.launcher.apk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
But neither worked.
Any suggestions?
I'd appreciate it.
I used root explorer and just deleted all apps I didnt want from /system/app
(ADW, facebook, calculator, amazon mp3)
And I think you have to use /system/app instead of /data/data
adb shell rm /system/app/ADWLauncher.apk
or try this
adb devices
adb remount
adb shell
ls (this shows you all apps installed, search for the launcher)
rm -r [name of the file you want to remove].apk
Isn´t the app itself in /system/app/ADWLauncher.apk ??
oops, thats what I meant. Just copied his adb line.. edited my post now, thanks
Thanks guys, I got it to work.
I appreciate all your help
Hi there... i tried the same commands but i get directory not empty.
i'm not trying to remove the whole directory but just an apk.
i tried it both of windows and linux to no avail.
thanks in advance.

Fixes that have helped me with Phiremod v4.1+ (CM7 night) [Wifi loop, screen]

[Problem 1]
Wifi wouldn't connect to network
Check out this thread:
I only pushed tiwlan_drv.ko, tiwlan.ini, wpa_supplicant.conf, and firmware.bin to /system/etc/wifi/
Reboot and it should be all good!
[Problem 2]
Sometimes the touch screen was unresponsive
Check out this thread:
You can just download it to your phone and install the .apk.
Hope this helps!
If I find anymore problems then I'll post them here.
I tried pushing all of these, including the .ini, but it doesn't seem like they're being put onto my nook. adb is seeing the device plugged in, and I remounted beforehand.
Help please?
EDIT: Got all of the files in according to "adb shell ls /system/etc/wifi" but now it sticks me in Wifi "Turning On...Turning Off" Loop for a while, then takes me to the networks, but still doesn't connect to my secure network :/
App will not download in the marketplace.
they all say unsuccesfull
comdei said:
App will not download in the marketplace.
they all say unsuccesfull
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Which app are you talking about?
kp4c said:
I tried pushing all of these, including the .ini, but it doesn't seem like they're being put onto my nook. adb is seeing the device plugged in, and I remounted beforehand.
Help please?
EDIT: Got all of the files in according to "adb shell ls /system/etc/wifi" but now it sticks me in Wifi "Turning On...Turning Off" Loop for a while, then takes me to the networks, but still doesn't connect to my secure network :/
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How did you try to push it into your /system/etc/wifi?
ChickenGod said:
How did you try to push it into your /system/etc/wifi?
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I moved all of the files from the wifi folder to the Platform-tools folder, then proceeded with:
cd C:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools
adb devices
adb remount
adb push firmware.bin /system/etc/wifi
adb push tiwlan.ini /system/etc/wifi
adb push tiwlan_drv.ko /system/etc/wifi
adb push wpa_supplicant.conf /system/etc/wifi
god bless you, it worked
kp4c said:
I moved all of the files from the wifi folder to the Platform-tools folder, then proceeded with:
cd C:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools
adb devices
adb remount
adb push firmware.bin /system/etc/wifi
adb push tiwlan.ini /system/etc/wifi
adb push tiwlan_drv.ko /system/etc/wifi
adb push wpa_supplicant.conf /system/etc/wifi
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Did you mount your system?
It showed a successful file transfer...what is the keystroke for mounting?

