Can someone help me out ?
I need to send 150 SMS to our group but the Android limit is 100 per hour.
I found a solution here[email protected]/msg63883.html
but really don't know how to work with sqlite. Can anyone give me a step by step manual to remove the period check and increase the number of SMS messages allowed per period ?
Thanks in advance
Why did the mods move this? This is more android development than the live wallpaper request. This at least modifys things at the OS level. Sorry ass mods.
Have you tried multiple programs? I dont even have 100 contacts to test this.
I'm no dev. but I do believe if your phone is rooted, you should be able to simply do adb pull, make the changes, then push the file back?
Leme' know if that works, just a thought
Well, I have the answer from Christopher
Like I mentioned, needing to remove the check is probably indicative that there's a better way to do things, but that answer pretty much covered the steps:
1. Obtain a device that has root access
2. Enter the device shell (the "adb shell" command) 3. Use the command line tools to alter the settings database 4. Reboot
For more details, check Google or try asking on as it's an official Android support channel.
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Trying now
lol if you dont like the mods here...try they are pretty helpful there. I'm also interested in seeing if you get this to work.
I got it to work! Heres how(taken from link above):
Open Command Terminal and enter the following:
adb shell
sqlite3 /data/data/
Then you'll see: sqlite>
Then enter the following to alter the limit
INSERT INTO gservices (name, value) VALUES('sms_outgoing_check_max_count', 101);
(change 101 to your new limit)
I didnt try altering the limit so I hope it works for you guys.. but I can confirm this next one works. It completely turns off the limit altogether.
To turn off the limit enter:
INSERT INTO gservices (name, value) VALUES('sms_outgoing_check_interval_ms', 0);
It worked right away for me.. (SMS Bomber >)) Id reboot to be safe.
could anyone help me out? i get "sqlite3 permission denied" when i try to access the db i'm positive i'm doing something wrong because i am new at this.... i plug the phone in, open cmd prompt, cd to the tools on my hd... typed in what was listed and that error came up let me know...! thx
skanndelus said:
could anyone help me out? i get "sqlite3 permission denied" when i try to access the db i'm positive i'm doing something wrong because i am new at this.... i plug the phone in, open cmd prompt, cd to the tools on my hd... typed in what was listed and that error came up let me know...! thx
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adb shell
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
then sqite3 and so on...
Ok, I"m having trouble doing this on my EVO.
Here's what I've done so far:
1. Rooted with UnrEVOked
2. Installed SDK,
3. Added to path,
4. turned on usb debugging
5. connected with usb, drives did install
6. tested with adb devices, serial showed up
7. adb shell
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
mount: Operation not permitted
8. sqlite3 /data/data/
sqlite3: permission denied
DancinDirk said:
Ok, I"m having trouble doing this on my EVO.
Here's what I've done so far:
1. Rooted with UnrEVOked
2. Installed SDK,
3. Added to path,
4. turned on usb debugging
5. connected with usb, drives did install
6. tested with adb devices, serial showed up
7. adb shell
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
mount: Operation not permitted
8. sqlite3 /data/data/
sqlite3: permission denied
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Are you sure you have superuser access then? Go into terminal and type in "su" and tell me what you get.
Had a long day... how do I get into terminal?
DancinDirk said:
Had a long day... how do I get into terminal?
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Your going to need to download it from market=p. Since the evo doesn't have a keyboard though you might need to use something like better terminal which lets you use a virtual keyboard.
When I try:
INSERT INTO gservices('sms_outgoing_check_interval_ms', 0);
SQL error: near "0": syntax error
I am using a rooted HTC (Sprint) Hero running the Aolysuis 2.1 rom.
Disregard everyone. Apperently you have to enter that whole command as written. I thought maybe he was giving a general syntax structure and then provoding us with specific values....that is what it looked like to me but no
INSERT INTO gservices (name, value) VALUES ('sms_outgoing_check_interval_ms', 0);
is the whole command...kind of silly looking if you ask me.
dsMA said:
Disregard everyone. Apperently you have to enter that whole command as written. I thought maybe he was giving a general syntax structure and then provoding us with specific values....that is what it looked like to me but no
INSERT INTO gservices (name, value) VALUES ('sms_outgoing_check_interval_ms', 0);
is the whole command...kind of silly looking if you ask me.
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May look silly, but that's how Structured Query Language is written. Don't be intimidated or embarrassed by the mistake, no worries!
Also, I have added this how-to guide on my website, located in my signature. OP, excellent find and great guide.
any idea why I'm having to repeat this process every couple of days?
mejorguille said:
Are you sure you have superuser access then? Go into terminal and type in "su" and tell me what you get.
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I have tried everything from the steps above to just typing
C:\Users\Israel David>cde C:\android-sdk-windows\tools
'cde' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
C:\Users\Israel David>cd C:\android-sdk-windows\tools
C:\android-sdk-windows\tools>sqlite3 /data/data/
atabases/settings.db sqlite3 /data/data/
sqlite3: Error: too many options: "/data/data/
Use -help for a list of options.
C:\android-sdk-windows\tools>sqlite3 /data/data/
SQLite version 3.6.22
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> INSERT INTO gservices (name, Value)
...> VALUES('sms_outgoing_check_interval_ms',0);
Error: unable to open database "/data/data/
ses/settings.db": unable to open database file
C:\android-sdk-windows\tools>sqlite3 /data/data/
SQLite version 3.6.22
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> INSERT INTO gservices (name, value) VALUES('sms_outgoing_check_interval_
Error: unable to open database "/data/data/
ses/settings.db": unable to open database file
I am using a Sprint Hero! Flash 2.1 ROM I need to find a way to erase the LIMIT because I have 4 groups with over 200 people that receive daily txts and I have tried using Command Prompt and Terminal and on Command Prompt it says that sqlite3: not found and on Terminal adb: not found or permission denied
I have su permission
Just tried to do this on my newly updated 2.2 evo (OMJ build) and I got
SQL Error: no such table: gservices
Has this hack/fix changed in 2.2 or did they remove the limit?
I cant get SQLite3 to work at all:
sh-3.2# sqlite3
sh: sqlite3: command not found
I have been trying to make this whole adb think work for about twenty hours strait and I still have not gotten very far. I own a mac and no pc and updated to froyo with my buddies pc. I have followed all the directions to a T over and over using terminal on the mac and I can get to the ADB commands and even to where I can see my phone by clicking devices but I must be missing something important. ANY HELP WOULD BE REALLY APPRECIATED I AM ABOUT TO PULL MY FREAKING HAIR OUT!!!
Ok, so if you can see your phone through adb, then you are definitely on the right track. Unfortunately, I'm not really familiar with OS X anymore so I'm not quite sure how to do it. Just sit tight for now until someone who does use a Mac, or has more of a clue then I do can help you out.
But seriously, don't pull your hair out. It won't stay on your head forever ya know...
Edit: oops, just saw this is JI6 (Froyo) not JF6, so I can't help you, but here is a general overview:
from terminal inside Android sdk main directory:
tools/adb devices -> list all devices connected that ADB can see
tools/adb shell -> gets a normal user shell on your phone
tools/adb reboot recovery -> reboots into recovery mode, suitable for root method
Place the root on internal sdcard.
from terminal inside Android sdk directory:
tools/adb reboot recovery
Select the update software option, and you will be done.
laxwillsch said:
I have been trying to make this whole adb think work for about twenty hours strait and I still have not gotten very far. I own a mac and no pc and updated to froyo with my buddies pc. I have followed all the directions to a T over and over using terminal on the mac and I can get to the ADB commands and even to where I can see my phone by clicking devices but I must be missing something important. ANY HELP WOULD BE REALLY APPRECIATED I AM ABOUT TO PULL MY FREAKING HAIR OUT!!!
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Start simple:
If you open a terminal on the mac, and go to your android SDK tools folder; what happens when you type ADB shell?
Or if you type any of the ADB push commands?
You need to give more detail around what you are seeing for us to help you.
Ok so if I am in terminal and i type in my /android-sdk-mac_x86/tools nothing happens and it just says /android-sdk-mac_x86/tools is a directory. But if I type the same but with /tools/abd it opens the abd command lines, like how to write code. Then when I try to "adb push rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin /data/local/tmp/rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin"
it says "-bash: adb: command not found"
however when I type laxwillsch$ /android-sdk-mac_x86/tools/adb shell
it does give me the drop down $
but when I then try to write the next line of code "chmod 0755 rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin"
it says "chmod: rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin: No such file or directory"
I am stumped I am beginning to think i need to buy a pc as I am very interested in android development and want to learn more, but it seems all the tutorials are run assuming you are on a PC
EDIT** I have downloaded the android SDK started pack, and the 2.2 root pack and they are all in my /android-sdk-mac_x86/tools folder that is directly on my Macintosh HD for simplicity
Do you know how to change directories (cd command)?
The problem is that you are trying to work in one directory, but all your tools are in another.
So change directories to the tools directory:
cd /android-sdk-mac_x86/tools/
now run your adb commands - you may have to type ./adb to tell your mac to look in the current directory for the adb command (that is what ./ means "start here")
Also, try to understand what is happening so you can more easily troubleshoot: chmod is a command to change permissions, and you are running it on the phone. If you can't push the file to the phone, then you can change it's permisssions. I guess you never got rageagainstthecage on the phone, so there is no way to chmod it.
If you can't do this on a mac, a PC is not easier. I use both, and like both, but you need to learn basic commands first - they apply to the mac terminal and the windows cmd prompt.
Getting root means moving in and out of the phone - adb shell - puts you in a terminal on the phone. So you really need to understand cd (change directory); pwd (present working directory - shows you where you are); cp (copy); and know your current path - what the ./ does.
I hope this helps, not trying to sound condescending - maybe practice a linux terminal tutorial would help
Thanks so much, I am at school right now and cant test out all that but you are really helping me understand all this! I will post tonight and let you know how it goes. again thank you
ok so i dont have my usb cable with me but I was playing around with the commands that you suggested and ureka! i finally got to a point where it says "h70-33-65-19:tools laxwillsch$" thats a first! and when i type pwd it shows "/android-sdk-mac_x86/tools" so that means I am working out of the right directory right? and from here I enable usb debugging connect my phone then just copy and paste the codes from the thread correct?
yes, it sounds like you are on the right track. But take it nice and slow when you follow the steps. It is very important that the commands are entered exactly as you see them.
Also, one step tells you to wait for something to run and kick you out of ADB - wait just like it says - takes about 45 seconds but feels like forever.
If you are in the tools directory - just by typing "adb" no quotes will give you whole page of adb commands - if you get a "command not found", then you need to add the ./ and make it ./adb
Hope this helps and again, read the commands step by step a couple times first so you understand what is happening.
In a nutsell, you push the rage file;
change its permissions, run it;
get kicked out of ADB and then open a new ADB shell;
you are now root;
remount the system partition to give you write access when it reboots;
push over some files;
change permissions on files you pushed;
Some things to know - SU is a command for gaining root access; when you use SU your prompt changes (in adb shell) from $ to #
If you are succesful you should see the SuperUser app listed in your apps.
Done and Done just rooted successfully couldnt have done it without you! thanks so much
I don't want to dual-boot, even, just have a nice "normal" Nookie Froyo install on eMMC. I've seen several allude to the fact that it worked for them but no reviews of how they did it. I've backed up my 2.1 install with Clockwork so I'm not really worried about that.
It's quite simple actually. All you need is basic knowledge of adb.
All disclaimers apply, I'm not responsible for any damage. Just know that mine is running on internal partitions. And the SD does mount too!
Before doing anything, I would recommend applying a dd from your partitions to your pc.
With, for example on mmcblk0p1 (boot) adb: dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 of=boot.img
You should do that for each partition to be safe (0p1 to 0p8).
All the following commands can be execute one after one, the separations are only there to makes things a bit more clear.
Boot to a working Nookie (NF) with your uSD fresh from burning, without any google apps, and without any uSD damaged errors.
Empty your internal system and copy uSD system over, by doing:
- adb shell mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk1 / (---there is a space after the 1---)
- adb shell
- mkdir tmpfolder
- mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 tmpfolder
- cd tmpfolder
- rm -r * (---note that there is space after the r---)
- cd ..
- cp -r system/* tmpfolder (---this will take a few minutes---)
- umount tmpfolder
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Then, you need to boot push the attached files (bottom of post) except for the 2 vold files to your boot partition: mmcblk0p1. Unzip, copy content, not zip.
You could very well replace uImage with the new Quickie overclocked uImage for froyo (see dev thread).
To push attached files to boot, do:
- mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 tmpfolder
- exit
- adb push [folder-containing-4-attached-files-except-vold.fstab] tmpfolder
- adb shell
- umount tmpfolder
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I would also recommend erasing all your data. But that's up to you, if you want to keep your data on it. In any case, you can revert back with the data.img you created above . So next part you could skip, haven't tried skipping personally:
Non mandatory, but you could do:
- mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p6 tmpfolder
- cd tmpfolder
- rm -r *
- cd ..
- umount tmpfolder
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Then you need to push vold.fstab and vold.conf (unzip volds, copy content) to system/etc
Copy vold's to system/etc:
- mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 tmpfolder
- exit
- adb push [folder-with-vold's] tmpfolder/etc/
- adb shell
- umount tmpfolder
- rm -r tmpfolder
- exit
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Then shut down, remove uSD, and boot.
Again, you can choose to push the Quickie uImage, I you prefer, but the accelerometer doesn't work with it at the moment. The 950 kernel does sometimes crash on boot, but once booted is quite stable.
I think that's all folks. I could have been a bit vague at some times, but this should work. And if you made your imgs as recommended, you're bullet proof.
To revert back to initial state with img files, you need to copy files to sdcard and then dd:
- adb shell mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 sdcard
- adb push XXX.img sdcard (--could take a few minutes--)
- dd if=XXXX.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0pX
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Do that for each partition.
For those who don't feel up to the task, I could make a CWR flashable zip file of all this. The only thing is, CWR dosen't boot on Nookie just yet. So you couldn't restore with a zip after the change.
[Before doing anything, I would recommend applying a dd from your partitions to your pc.
With, for example on mmcblk0p1 (boot) adb: dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 of=boot.img
You should do that for each partition to be safe (0p1 to 0p8).
I am a little confused here. What are the names of the 7 other partitions? Thanks, Great guide btw!
See here.
Do you see improved speed and touch response running nookie from emmc?
im getting a "No such file or directory" error after "adb push [folder-with-vold's] tmpfolder/etc"
I created the directory but now it looks like i am stuck at the landscape android splash screen on boot...
any ideas? I am attempting to redo the whole process again just incase i missed something.
Sorry, there's a slash after etc.
Make sure you've copied the systen files, with "ls" inside tmpfolder where you copied system. Should be a etc folder there.
to the op: I'm not knocking you here, but do you have a basic idea of generic linux file hierarchy or operations in general? Getting a basic grasp on working with files in a linux terminal will make all of these operations make a lot more sense, since most "adb shell" commands are basic linux commands.
FastCR said:
to the op: I'm not knocking you here, but do you have a basic idea of generic linux file hierarchy or operations in general? Getting a basic grasp on working with files in a linux terminal will make all of these operations make a lot more sense, since most "adb shell" commands are basic linux commands.
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Thanks but I don't see how that comment adds anything here.
Looks like the issue is above commands copy the actual system folder (not the contents of the folder) To the root of the partition. ls shows the folder "system" not the contents including etc. They are inside the folder but if the partition is mounted as system then the folder is redundant. Will check copying the contents and see if that helps.
Once I get it working in will post back to let others know
**** in the first block of code replace
- cp -r system tmpfolder (---this will take a few minutes---)
- cp -r system[B]/*[/B] tmpfolder (---this will take a few minutes---)
many thanks!
FastCR said:
to the op: I'm not knocking you here, but do you have a basic idea of generic linux file hierarchy or operations in general? Getting a basic grasp on working with files in a linux terminal will make all of these operations make a lot more sense, since most "adb shell" commands are basic linux commands.
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Why would you go out of your way to say that? It's not constructive. As a junior member with three posts and 0 thanks after a year and a half, sharpen your teeth here at XDA before you act like a big shot.
Right thanks. Changed it.
Has it worked for you?
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
samuelhalff said:
You could very well replace uImage with the new Quickie overclocked uImage for froyo (see dev thread).
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Are you certain on this part? Last I read in that thread, Froyo needs a different minimum kernel.
UPDATE: Nevermind, I missed this updated effort.
Well, last time I checked, my NC was running at 950 on froyo with setcpu.
Check the forum. There's a nookie version of quickie. Except accelerometer doesn't work..
First, huge thanks to the second poster - great guide! Can we sticky this?
Second, yes I know what dd does, etc, I've been working with Linux for about ten years . I just don't know the ins and outs of embedded devices yet.
samuelhalff said:
Right thanks. Changed it.
Has it worked for you?
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
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yeah i was up till 4am last night but got it working. first i tried to use my existing nf sd card... bad idea. would boot from emmc to the touch android screen to begin, but could not get past. i assume it was the issue on nookdevs because wifi was not enabled. so i removed the setupwizard.apk but somehow bricked and was unable to boot from emmc. so i took the following steps to get things working properly:
1. reimage boot and system from the stock 1.0.1 images and reset the nook to stock, didnt even touch. at the intro screen i just powered it off.
2. next i took a fresh nf sdcard and run steps from your post(with the correction to copy system contents)
3. from there i had a working nf from sdcard! i did my tweaks (google apps, market fix and button remapping from nookdevs froyo tips)
i might to put together a post with a more verbose set of instructions for a one stop froyo shop but if i do i will be sure to give you credit for your contribution.
thanks again!
Second, yes I know what dd does, etc, I've been working with Linux for about ten years . I just don't know the ins and outs of embedded devices yet.
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Well, that's a nice contrast. I've been working on Linux/Android for about 2 months now
I should have mentioned that the NF uSD Card must be a newly burnt image, without all the nookie tips added to it. Of course, your Google framework will crash if you port it without your data.
By the way, there's a nice trick to get past the numb android interface, simply touch every corner of the screen, starting with top left and going clockwise. You'll then be sent the your home screen, and from there you'll log on to google account again.
I think the best way of doing it would to create a flashable .zip, which I'll make tonight if I find the time and if people are really interested. But don't forget CWR dosen't work on nookie for the time being. The only way back would be through adb.
So, does anyone wish to have a flashable zip of this? Or will it be a waist of time?
samuelhalff said:
Well, that's a nice contrast. I've been working on Linux/Android for about 2 months now
I should have mentioned that the NF uSD Card must be a newly burnt image, without all the nookie tips added to it. Of course, your Google framework will crash if you port it without your data.
By the way, there's a nice trick to get past the numb android interface, simply touch every corner of the screen, starting with top left and going clockwise. You'll then be sent the your home screen, and from there you'll log on to google account again.
I think the best way of doing it would to create a flashable .zip, which I'll make tonight if I find the time and if people are really interested. But don't forget CWR dosen't work on nookie for the time being. The only way back would be through adb.
So, does anyone wish to have a flashable zip of this? Or will it be a waist of time?
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I would love a flashable .zip. I think many others would as well.
starkruzr said:
I would love a flashable .zip. I think many others would as well.
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Can't wait for a flashable zip. Maybe even some cm7 release candidates would make me real happy.
Sent from Nooted NookColor using XDA App
I just switched over to android from maemo and all I have to say is, wheres the linux???
Anyways, I'm trying to get a few things working and the environment si so different. For example when attempting to run clockwork mod in xterm I type the following:
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p6 of=/sdcard/mmcblk0p6.backup bs=4096
to which I am returned:
2560+0 records in
2560+0 records out
10485760 bytes transferred in 1.461 secs (7177111 bytes/sec)
So I assume everything is going as planned, then I type:
dd if=/data/recovery.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p6 bs=4096
to which I am greeted with:
/data/recovery.img: cannot open for read: no such file or directory
ummmm.... what?
and no apt-get?
Can someone direct me somehere t make this transition less, alien? I was hoping I can try and get a meego style rom going for android but alas, I'm stuck at the baby steps...
ieuo said:
I just switched over to android from maemo and all I have to say is, wheres the linux???
Anyways, I'm trying to get a few things working and the environment si so different. For example when attempting to run clockwork mod in xterm I type the following:
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p6 of=/sdcard/mmcblk0p6.backup bs=4096
to which I am returned:
2560+0 records in
2560+0 records out
10485760 bytes transferred in 1.461 secs (7177111 bytes/sec)
So I assume everything is going as planned, then I type:
dd if=/data/recovery.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p6 bs=4096
to which I am greeted with:
/data/recovery.img: cannot open for read: no such file or directory
ummmm.... what?
and no apt-get?
Can someone direct me somehere t make this transition less, alien? I was hoping I can try and get a meego style rom going for android but alas, I'm stuck at the baby steps...
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For your error: You need to first push a recovery.img to /data before running: # dd if=/data/recovery.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p6 bs=4096.
apt-get indeed does not work in android.
The best I could offer you is Google or searching the forums here on xda. For a basic rundown of the android os here a good place to start:
Thanks, honestly I guess I was just hoping for a much more linux feel to the commands.
I'm assuming I MUST push with ADB? I can't just drag and drop?
Sorry for such a basic question, I just thought at lest a few thigs would be the same if it had the linux kernel. Meh, such is tech.
Wow, so I found designgears thread, followed each step exactly and referred to the dev site and I just don't get it. It seems so simple even.
From what I can tell push should do the exact same as a drop to root sd (or wherever else I specify).
When I push in ADB, it just runs ADB with no signs of any push event happening. Ok I've seen things like that before when working with maemo.
Then if I move forward, I get the same resut as if I had just dropped into my root sd, which I must assume works, because xterm and ADB give the same output. Then I go to flash, and errors galore.
I have all the drivers, and have triple checked the android dev site plus a vast number of searches on google and here.
My mistakes HAVE to be on some basic level. Either wrong directory or wrong pathname. However, I check, recheck, and the triple reference my coding, followed by checking again. If I can't do a simple push and flash I can't even start anything with android.
I'm beggining to think I should have just posted in a different area as my single simple question goes much deeper than I thought....
If you can... post a very detailed run down of exactly what u did and the commands u used... see if we cant isolate the error
Sent from my LG Thrill 4G...
So just to clarify, are you using ADB or xterm ?
And push does the same as drag drop, but with normal sdcard mount, you do not have access to \system, \data etc. you only have access to \sdcard. So its useful to use adb is you want to push files to any of these directories.
ieuo said:
Wow, so I found designgears thread, followed each step exactly and referred to the dev site and I just don't get it. It seems so simple even.
From what I can tell push should do the exact same as a drop to root sd (or wherever else I specify).
When I push in ADB, it just runs ADB with no signs of any push event happening. Ok I've seen things like that before when working with maemo.
Then if I move forward, I get the same resut as if I had just dropped into my root sd, which I must assume works, because xterm and ADB give the same output. Then I go to flash, and errors galore.
I have all the drivers, and have triple checked the android dev site plus a vast number of searches on google and here.
My mistakes HAVE to be on some basic level. Either wrong directory or wrong pathname. However, I check, recheck, and the triple reference my coding, followed by checking again. If I can't do a simple push and flash I can't even start anything with android.
I'm beggining to think I should have just posted in a different area as my single simple question goes much deeper than I thought....
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Well I would post all of that but as of today the 3d option in video player went missing so I did a factory reset and as the phone rebooted I was in clockwork mod. I can only assume my code was fine and that something is odd with my phone. Might have to get a replacement this weekend.
Hello all,
I've noticed the lack of a guide for pulling ADB logs for developers. Being a developer, I wanted a quick link to send people to, rather than reexplaining.
If you are looking for a GENERAL explanation on how to get a logcat, or setup your computer for pulling a logcat, look at this amazing guide here:
Consider this guide an extension for the above thread, making an easy how-to for developers to point people to.
What this guide is NOT:
- A guide on how to pull a logcat in general
- A guide on how to setup adb on a computer
This guide is/will:
-Assume you know how to connect via adb
-Assume you have installed drivers and adb
-A way to show common users to get the logs the developers need
So I personally build for devices I don't own. A LOT. So, should it bootloop(specifically this) or not boot at all, I NEED these logs to help fix the problem. Most users are willing to do so..... as long as you teach them. So this is my one-size-fits-all guide to this.
Note: Later, I will do a write-up on how to pull kernel logs as an extension to this in the second post
To pull a logcat during a bootloop, you need to have adb permissive. This can be done several ways. I have added to the build.prop manually before but that was in TWRP and is a pain to guide users on. It's SUPPOSED to be done with the ramdisk, but I can't ask users to pull their ramdisk and edit it and reflash. So I have made a flashable zip to extract ramdisk and add a permissive adb property to default.prop
The zip will be in the downloads below, all you need to do is flash it when you see a ROM is bootlooping.
Note: Some kernels may not work with this, and it's based off of Anykernel. If the zip fails, don't worry, it has a fallback that it will add same thing to build.prop, and that should usually work.
After flashing, hook the phone/tablet up to your computer and run this in your Terminal:
On Linux:
adb logcat > ~/log.txt
That will store logcat into your home folder.
On Windows:
adb logcat > %UserProfile%/Desktop/log.txt
That will store logcat on your Desktop.
How do I stop logging?
You can either stop logging by hitting [CTRL] + C in the terminal or by unplugging device.
How do I know when to stop logging?
Usually, you can safely stop logging after about one minute for MOST problems, BUT I believe 5 minutes of logging would be the best bet to stop logging, so all the errors are caught.
How do I get the log to the developer?
You can get a log to a developer by Dropbox, Google Drive, or a file sharing site, but personally I like pasting sites like,, or This is a developers/users personal preference though. Personally, I really, really like hastebin. For a pasting site, just open it in your browser and open the log with notepad or equivalent, and do [CTRL] + A and [CTRL] + C to copy the whole log, then paste onto the site. Then share the link the site gives you with the developer.
How do I get the log, when I didn't even get to the boot animation?
Usually, this is a kernel problem, and is almost deserving of it's own write-up, and instructions will be available in the second post.
Thank you all, and should you see a problem, or need more questions answered, please tell me so in replies.
Keep it cool,
So your kernel didn't boot. Well dang. This can be one of the worst problems. So, I'm going to HOPE you have TWRP, since CWM is pretty much dead.
This is more advanced, because you have to use Terminal command in TWRP.
Now, don't be daunted by this, since it's terminal commands, it's quite easy.
As a general rule of thumb(there are different devices with different kernel logs, though), 3.10 kernels(pretty much anything in the last 2 years) have a log in /sys/fs/pstore/console-ramoops and 3.4 and prior kernels have /proc/last_kmsg.
You can see kernel version in Settings -> About Phone
So to pull these logs, you need to be in TWRP DIRECTLY after a failed boot.
Go to Advanced->Terminal Command and type these commands in. One will fail the other will work. Should both of them fail, restart and try to boot again, then go back to TWRP.
cp /proc/last_kmsg /sdcard/kernellog.txt
cp /sys/fs/pstore/console-ramoops /sdcard/kernellog.txt
Now you can restore your backup and boot normally. Once you've booted up, you can either share the files with Google Drive or Dropbox or whatever in Android, or you can pull them to your computer with these Terminal commands:
On Linux:
adb pull /sdcard/kernellog.txt ~/kernellog.txt
That will store log into your home folder.
On Windows:
adb pull /sdcard/kernellog.txt %UserProfile%/Desktop/kernellog.txt
That will store log onto your Desktop.
Then share log like you would in the above post
None at this time
when I execute the command, it says waiting for device.
I have a galaxy s5
and the monitor, my device is offline
@Gayos24 what command did you type??? OP and 2ND post show numerous commands. Nobody can help if you don't give details.
The monitor says device the screen turned on??
HasH_BrowN said:
@Gayos24 what command did you type??? OP and 2ND post show numerous commands. Nobody can help if you don't give details.
The monitor says device the screen turned on??
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i type this command adb logcat > %UserProfile%/Desktop/log.txt
yes the screen turning on.
@Gayos24 you use that AFTER you run a logcat, there is a link in the OP on how to do that.
HasH_BrowN said:
@Gayos24 you use that AFTER you run a logcat, there is a link in the OP on how to do that.
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I flashed logcatflasher zip via twrp and connected my device. I wrote command for windows but there was no logging in the terminal
But the adb via usb need an authorization to enable,how to get pass when bootloop?
Sent from my MI 2C using XDA-Developers mobile app
Sun Shower said:
But the adb via usb need an authorization to enable,how to get pass when bootloop?
Sent from my MI 2C using XDA-Developers mobile app
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use adbd
Gayos24 said:
use adbd
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Thank you to answer me,is there any thread or guide can help me,I don't know how to use it.
Sun Shower said:
Thank you to answer me,is there any thread or guide can help me,I don't know how to use it.
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just donwload the file and extract adbd in system/xbin (rom)
and the command is the same as normal logcat
sorry for my english
awsome, just awsome
what command did you type?
I am currently testing out Custom ROMs for DEVs and I cannot find how to take a Log if I cannot Boot the device or get into TWRP. With newer devices, for example, I am currently working on a OnePlus 6, with A/B Partitions. If the device does not boot on A, it is supposed to Boot on B, so with this application, how to take a Log before the device switches Partitions and Boots on the Partition that CAN Boot?
I tried the adbd archive but there is no xbin folder for me, I just put in sbin folder. I cant get a logcat from boot because it says waiting for device the code i'm trying is this one adb logcat > logcat.txt
USA-RedDragon said:
So your kernel didn't boot. Well dang. This can be one of the worst problems. So, I'm going to HOPE you have TWRP, since CWM is pretty much dead.
This is more advanced, because you have to use Terminal command in TWRP.
Now, don't be daunted by this, since it's terminal commands, it's quite easy.
As a general rule of thumb(there are different devices with different kernel logs, though), 3.10 kernels(pretty much anything in the last 2 years) have a log in /sys/fs/pstore/console-ramoops and 3.4 and prior kernels have /proc/last_kmsg.
You can see kernel version in Settings -> About Phone
So to pull these logs, you need to be in TWRP DIRECTLY after a failed boot.
Go to Advanced->Terminal Command and type these commands in. One will fail the other will work. Should both of them fail, restart and try to boot again, then go back to TWRP.
cp /proc/last_kmsg /sdcard/kernellog.txt
cp /sys/fs/pstore/console-ramoops /sdcard/kernellog.txt
Now you can restore your backup and boot normally. Once you've booted up, you can either share the files with Google Drive or Dropbox or whatever in Android, or you can pull them to your computer with these Terminal commands:
On Linux:
adb pull /sdcard/kernellog.txt ~/kernellog.txt
That will store log into your home folder.
On Windows:
adb pull /sdcard/kernellog.txt %UserProfile%/Desktop/kernellog.txt
That will store log onto your Desktop.
Then share log like you would in the above post
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sorry but in my device wasn't have this "/sys/fs/pstore/console-ramoops" I was browse, and did not found it... only have "sys/fs/..." if I try, still work it or not?
I have a couple of questions and I'm hoping that this forum can provide a response.
1. adb logcat not found
I have a linux laptop and have installed platform tools and have used fastboot, adb sideload quite a bit. But adb logcat just does not work.
see below while inside TWRP
5x $ adb devices
List of devices attached
00ca0a5e7fe31c03 recovery
5x $ adb logcat
/sbin/sh: exec: line 1: logcat: not found
5x $ adb shell
~ # logcat
/sbin/sh: logcat: not found
whats missing?
2. When should adb logcat be run if I wanted to capture logs when my phone keeps spinning on google animation? Can i run adb logcat > foo while I'm in recovery and then reboot from recovery or is there a different method?
I was hoping that someone could respond to the right way to capture logs during bootloop.
My problem:
Trying to capture logs on a bootloop of andrid 10 pixel experience on nexus 5x.
What I have do so far?
Flashed the ROM and zip and rebooted. No logcat seen.
My specific question.
OP says this.
After flashing, hook the phone/tablet up to your computer and run this in your Terminal:
On Linux:
adb logcat > ~/log.txt
My problem is that when the phone is rebooting, adb devices does not show anything and thus adb logcat always displays a <waiting for device> message. Thus, how can any log be captured to debug the problem?