First of all, I am a newbie so please be patient with me....
I have the Sprint HTC hero and I did the following to root my phone>>>
After I rooted my phone succesfully, I came on here and downloaded Damage control v2.0r2 found here >>> hxxp://
And then followed these instruction to load the damagecontrol ROM>>>
I then hit reboot and now my HTC hero has been stuck for the last 30 mins on the start up screen which is white and has the words "hTC" in green letters and under that it says "quietly brilliant" in black letters, I can't turn the phone off or it will not let me hit the power button and home button to bring up the reboot screen.....I then tried plugging in to my PC through USB again and my PC screen went black.....
can anyone help????
pull the battery reboot into recovery and make sure you wipe EVERYTHING
wtphoto said:
pull the battery reboot into recovery and make sure you wipe EVERYTHING
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Thanks for the input......
I tried doing this.... pulled battery and phone shut off.
I started phone back up by holding home and power buttons and it takes me to a white screen page (that has 3 androids on skateboards down at the bottom) that reads:
HBOOT-1.41.0000 (HERO20000)
Sep 1 2009, 19:18:45
(Then it seems to give me only one option)
Delete all user data?
I was hoping to get the original reboot screen....what can I do from here????
predaphin said:
Thanks for the input......
I tried doing this.... pulled battery and phone shut off.
I started phone back up by holding home and power buttons and it takes me to a page that reads:
HBOOT-1.41.0000 (HERO20000)
Sep 1 2009, 19:18:45
(Then it seems to give me only one option)
Delete all user data?
There is 3 androids down at the bottom on skateboards on screen....
I was hoping to get the original reboot screen....what can I do from here????
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Did you flash a custom recovery
sounds like your root didnt work right I tried the unlocker way first and never got it to work right I would RUU and then re-root useing the guide in the sticky in the main forum.
chococrazy said:
Did you flash a custom recovery
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Yes....I followed the steps under #2 on this website
(change x's to t's)
Try the tutorial on this page. Its the one I used and got it right the first time. If not, you can try Fresh's Kitchen. Its pretty much a one click root that actually works.
are you making sure you are not holding down the volume down button when you boot?
Hold down your home key and while holding it down press and let go of the power button. Just to be sure keep holding the home key. You should boot into a recovery console. Let me know if you get to it
If not you can still access it if you can get into fastboot....which is holding the down? volume button and turning it on.
Fresh's kitchen will Root your phone. I wish there was a way to get his on the top of google search's. His is alot easier than all the other methods.
Thank all of you that responded.
My phone was fixed in the weirdest way. I simply hooked it up to my PC with USB and rebooted both my phone and the PC and it worked.
So it seems that I may have simply unplugged the USB from the PC too soon and that is why it did not reboot all the way.
Anyway, that was just weird. A simple reboot to my PC while hooked to the phone through USB and it works fine and damage control Rom is working fine.
Once again thanks.
I noticed you got it to work. But I would like to add for anyone reading this, when you got the android guy on the skateboard its just the normally recovery screen that comes on the phone, its always there even when you flash a new recovery to your phone. Sometimes when im tryin to boot into recovery I will get the same screen, pull the battery and try again, Iv had times where it went to the white screen 5 or more times and then finally boot into my custom recovery.
[email protected][email protected]!!!
So this happen to me the next day after i rooted..i put on some theme and what not
i was stuck on the boot up screen..i put on a nexus boot up so it was the colors going into eachother making a X
and like i did the home and turn on button..after all this i restored and what not then turn off phone and turned back on and it got stuck i was like okay? i took my battery out then trying to turn it back on..and it wont(((
HELP! plzzzz
Okayyy..well i got my phone to turn on..but it stuck on the boot up still after i do the recovery and what not..the nexus thing is still doin the X thing
AndroidFAN101 said:
So this happen to me the next day after i rooted..i put on some theme and what not
i was stuck on the boot up screen..i put on a nexus boot up so it was the colors going into eachother making a X
and like i did the home and turn on button..after all this i restored and what not then turn off phone and turned back on and it got stuck i was like okay? i took my battery out then trying to turn it back on..and it wont(((
HELP! plzzzz
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nandroid back, and make sure the nexus boot is made for you rom build.
im sorry, but ive never heard of holding home+power button. am i doing it the long way? volume down+power, then home for recovery.
lately, quickboot all the way, but still...
AndroidFAN101 said:
So this happen to me the next day after i rooted..i put on some theme and what not
i was stuck on the boot up screen..i put on a nexus boot up so it was the colors going into eachother making a X
and like i did the home and turn on button..after all this i restored and what not then turn off phone and turned back on and it got stuck i was like okay? i took my battery out then trying to turn it back on..and it wont(((
HELP! plzzzz
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You will probably have to wipe everything and flash a rom again.
Here is a nexus boot screen that will work. And it wont mess with the rom.
View attachment
sorry forgot to let you guys running HTC HERO SPRINT..
:/ i just put a next theme on it
After my first update ever my phone crashes!
First I installed X1_hardspl succesfully.
Then I installed Christian_NL_5419_Full.
Then the phone reboots succesfully. It installed the customized items automatically. Then it reboots again. You see the Xperia logo and then the screen turns into black!
How can I fix it? Please help me!
Reflash your ROM. Get to tricoloured screen by holding the camera button down and press power button. Hold both buttons down until you see tricoloured screen. Connect usb and flash if using RUU.
maybe hard reset is sufficient, though w/o sd card or if there's an option w/o auto instll of customziation
did you check christian's thread up front for reports of similar experiences? rom specific questions are best asked in the specific rom thread, there's where all feedback accumulates- good and bad...
tryed to install a new rom and did a full wipe the rom didnt install so i rebooted and now when I hold the power volumn button down i get a quick flashing white/red light where the power charge light is on the top left and cannot get into the phone to do a backup restore any ideas?
can now get the starting x with the unlock icon on screen but still hangs there thanks for any ideas
Did you try to boot into recovery? Did you try to flash the recovery image again via fastboot?
finally got phone into recovery and restored. I have been having this problem several times.
when I try and go into recovery after the phone is shut off I hold the power and volumn button down at the same time and this usually will boot the phone to recovery. But sometimes it hangs up and the small led on the right coener of the phone will flash between red and white. After removing the battery for a few minutes it goes into boot mode.\
Have you heard of any one else with this problem? thinking the phone might have a problem ?
Was excited for a second as I was hheading to bestbuy for the Nexus s. (smile)
But I want to wait a little longer to see whats next. Tons of stuff coming out wonder ehat google will bring us after the nexus s ????
oh thanks for the reply too
You could just flash everything back via fastboot. Its in the wiki I think. If not it's in the forum.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
I posted this in ATT HTC One, but it's not getting any attention.
Unlocked and rooted my phone last night using the latest version of TWRP. I mistakenly (not knowing at the time) used the Cyanogenmod installer kit which gave me an error during install. Now my phone is stuck on that spinning CM loading screen. When I go to get into the bootloader (power + volume down) my phone restarts and goes to the bright HTC screen with the red writing on the bottom, then goes right back to the CM loading screen and not into the bootloader menu like I want.
I have not yet tried the trick of holding the phone near bright lights to try and get it into bootloader. The USB cable I think is fine as well and not a cause of anything.
Any suggestions please? I have searched through this forum a lot, but haven't found this exact problem yet.
z1ggy said:
I posted this in ATT HTC One, but it's not getting any attention.
Unlocked and rooted my phone last night using the latest version of TWRP. I mistakenly (not knowing at the time) used the Cyanogenmod installer kit which gave me an error during install. Now my phone is stuck on that spinning CM loading screen. When I go to get into the bootloader (power + volume down) my phone restarts and goes to the bright HTC screen with the red writing on the bottom, then goes right back to the CM loading screen and not into the bootloader menu like I want.
I have not yet tried the trick of holding the phone near bright lights to try and get it into bootloader. The USB cable I think is fine as well and not a cause of anything.
Any suggestions please? I have searched through this forum a lot, but haven't found this exact problem yet.
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Ok you dont need to worry abt this. You need to Press (Power + Volume Down) till your phone restarts and then just leave the power button but keep holding the volume down button and it will take you to the Fastboot Mode and from there you can go to recovery and flash another Compatible ROM or do RUU. Hope it helps:good:
Thank you! I will try this tonight.
Others have also said I need to do this under a bright light, too.
I tried flashing the latest firmware with Oden and it failed, when I disconnected the phone and tried to put it back into download mode it comes up with 2 lines of small text in top left of screen then screen goes blank for a few seconeds then comes up with a list of stuff in blue red and green text with a little android in the middle of the screen with Kernal Panic
Upload Mode to the right of the andriod.
I can not turn the note 9 off, or figure out how to get back into recovery mode or download mode now. and the battery was nearly full when this happened , when the screen goes blank again after a few minutes the led flashes, if I press any of the volume keys or the power button the screen comes back on for a few minutes and while the screen is displaying the message the LED doesnt blink, then two minutes or so the screen times out and LED blinks again.
if I hold the btton down to try and go into recovery mode it reboots after about 10 seconds, shows the normal Samsung boot screen then displays the 2 lines of text at the same time which are in pink, then goes to the error screen I mention above
Is going to take forever for this battery to drain and the unit shut off so I can try to boot into recovery or download mode...
HUGE thanks in advance
Hi! I got this problem too!
I was following guideline in this thread
I was following the procedure, but in very last step while flashing new firmware something happened to ODIN, it failed to flash it. I tried to restart the phone, but it entered KERNEL PANIC UPLOAD MODE. I was trying to get of this, but I was only able to enter recovery mode which didn't work properly either. It was indefinitely looping between installing update screen and other screen with error messages.
If I try to Volume down power for some time, I get POWER RESET OR UNKNOWN UPLOAD MODE.
So, no way out to get into download mode again.
Hi ckhaustralia, did you end up getting some help or an answer about the kernel panic mode issue with uour Note 9 problem you listed above? I have the same exact issue, except the reason why the firmware flash failed in my scenario was due to the charging port which I believe had a faulty sensor because I got a message half way through the flash indicating there "moisture" in the port. Now no matter what I have tried, I cannot boot into download mode to try and fix it. I think the only possible way would be to use something like a ZX3 box but it would be great to hear from someone knowledgeable within XDA?