TOPAZ100 boot android Resolve? - Touch Diamond2, Pure Android Development

TOPAZ100 boot android Resolve?No news recently..
sntc06 Supply zImage can boot android,but so slowly... English is not can‘t express I want to say.

No news recently: it hasn't been resolved, sadly.. There was someone saying he has the same problem, but that he managed to boot any Android build through Gen.Y DualBOOT. I haven't been able to do so though, no-one else commented on it, and he hasn't replied since.
(Also, I don't mean to play moderator here but this is like the 5th thread about this, it may be better if we kept it to the 4-page one as this is getting messy.)


[SOLVED] Reading for hours, can't find solution - can't install HardSPL

I'm trying to root my G1, and despite the fact that every guide in existence gives different steps, I've managed to confirm I HAVE root now but I need to load the HardSPL so I can load roms to the phone... right.
Except when I do HOME+POWER I get the red/green/blue/white boot loader screen and it says Serial0. I don't get the recovery image. Camera button is not stuck, it works fine.
Anybody know why it won't let me to the recovery screen?
Solution: Turns out recovery image itself was corrupt. Downloaded cyanogen's recovery 1.4 and all was well again.
I'm surprised that after reading for hours you didn't post this in Q&A...
Plug in phone.
Do the power home thing.
Press the back key.
Smack forehead with phone repeatedly.
TheDudeOfLife said:
I'm surprised that after reading for hours you didn't post this in Q&A...
Plug in phone.
Do the power home thing.
Press the back key.
Smack forehead with phone repeatedly.
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Lol after reading this I couldn't stop laughing
Talk about rude - you take the time to reply but you don't contribute... wtf.
I have been at this for FOUR HOURS!!!!!!!!!! I have searched every thread I can find for a solution, I haven't been spending hours looking at exactly how I should avoid offending someone! I gotta say, I never got this kind of rudeness in the Vogue forum, maybe switching to an android device has put me in with a new 'class' of users?
Now as far as the problem - the problem is that HOME+POWER does NOT bring up the recovery screen - THAT is the problem! It brings up the boot loader screen instead.
what step r u on ur using this right
Sounds to me like the recovery image was not installed in telnet, without it you would not be able to get into recovery cause there is not one to get into, read your steps on rooting and if if you have to redownload a recovery image, that is what happened to me on my second phone that I rooted
gridlock32404 said:
Sounds to me like the recovery image was not installed in telnet, without it you would not be able to get into recovery cause there is not one to get into, read your steps on rooting and if if you have to redownload a recovery image, that is what happened to me on my second phone that I rooted
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This is what I'm beginng to think, that the downloaded recovery image has errors or something. I think I'll try redownloading it.
Most likely is, it happens every once in awhile and yes you will get some people on this forum that are quite rude and make fun of you without helping, a lot will also sit there and play mod, but you have to just bare with it. There are a lot of great people that will help you out and all the devs do a really great job so the android platform was a great choice in my opinion
well unfortunately, I downloaded the recovery image again, put the sdcard back in the PC, copied it over again, ran through the root process on the device again.... and still can't get the recovery ROM...
did not expect this much of a problem, I had no issues unlocking my Touch VOGUE (similar process) and I run through going to recovery ROM all day long with people at my job, when all the n00bs forget their gmail passwords.
After downloading recovery.img 3 times from the thread here:, I finally gave up and downloaded cm-recovery-1.4.img instead, renamed it recovery.img, and now I can access the recovery rom.
kudos to those that helped out! If you ever get me on the line at t-mobile pda tech support just say "xda developers" and I'll make sure to do my best to help out a bud!
That's great to hear buddy, seems like just a bad image, you will really like the g1 a lot now that it is rooted
lotherius said:
Talk about rude - you take the time to reply but you don't contribute... wtf.
I have been at this for FOUR HOURS!!!!!!!!!! I have searched every thread I can find for a solution, I haven't been spending hours looking at exactly how I should avoid offending someone! I gotta say, I never got this kind of rudeness in the Vogue forum, maybe switching to an android device has put me in with a new 'class' of users?
Now as far as the problem - the problem is that HOME+POWER does NOT bring up the recovery screen - THAT is the problem! It brings up the boot loader screen instead.
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TheDudeOfLife has contributed more to this forum and to making your device run like it does more than you ever will. He is one of the main developers here and has a large following using his ROM, it would be hard for him to contribute more than he already has.
Also, he did give you advice, he advised you to try hitting the back button to see if it would do anything, and if as suspected that it did help, he was only pointing out how dumb you would feel if that was all it took.
Just saying... anyways, congrats on fixing your phone. Next time post in the correct forum (I think its been moved anyways), and could you add [SOLVED] to the title of your thread so other might find it easier if they have the same problem.
Well it was resolved which is the main thing, was just a bad image before flashing which can happen.
TheDudeOfLife has contributed a fair bit to Android as well which his ROMs and whatnot and pressing Back does enable FASTBOOT at that stage.
No main harm done eh? ^_^ As h.nocturna suggested, if you could add a "[SOLVED]" tag to the thread title that would be great.
And you should feel privilaged that the dude came here and tried to help.
supremeteam256 said:
And you should feel privilaged that the dude came here and tried to help.
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Are you serious? He got mocked by the guy and he should feel privileged because the guy is a ROM developer?!
h.nocturna said:
TheDudeOfLife has contributed more to this forum and to making your device run like it does more than you ever will. He is one of the main developers here and has a large following using his ROM, it would be hard for him to contribute more than he already has.
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Again, the original poster wasn't bashing 'the dude', just stating the obvious fact that mocking people and not contributing makes him look like an ass.
I know this post was very off topic, I was just so shocked that people bow down to ROM developers like they can do no wrong.
AdrianK said:
Are you serious? He got mocked by the guy and he should feel privileged because the guy is a ROM developer?!
Again, the original poster wasn't bashing 'the dude', just stating the obvious fact that mocking people and not contributing makes him look like an ass.
I know this post was very off topic, I was just so shocked that people bow down to ROM developers like they can do no wrong.
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I was pointing out that he said that the Dude didn't contribute when indeed he gave him instructions on how to solve his problem (contribution #1) and he also contributes by developing ROMs that help everyone (contribution #2). So next time, read what I said and why I said it instead of just taking the quote out of context. And I don't think he was mocking, again, read why I don't think he was.
Wow, when did everyone become such sensitive nannies?
To be honest I thought I was answering his question with a joke and the answer. I didn't read (reading is fundemental) it and realize his recovery was bad. Glad you guys were able to work this out.
TheDudeOfLife said:
Wow, when did everyone become such sensitive nannies?
To be honest I thought I was answering his question with a joke and the answer. I didn't read (reading is fundemental) it and realize his recovery was bad. Glad you guys were able to work this out.
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I do appreciate any and all help. I apologize for my own rash reactions. hours of fighting with something that should have been straightforward can do that to you! No idea why the image was bad twice, but once I switched to the other recovery image it was all good. I will add [SOLVED] to the title as suggested.
TheDudeOfLife said:
Wow, when did everyone become such sensitive nannies?
To be honest I thought I was answering his question with a joke and the answer. I didn't read (reading is fundemental) it and realize his recovery was bad. Glad you guys were able to work this out.
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Thank God. I was beginning to think that I misjudged what you wrote and you didn't mean it as a joke. ~sigh~ reading comprehension ftw!

Sorry but I dont know what else to do

If this is a noob question I'm sorry I've been around these parts for a little while and even though i know how to root the G1 im having a hard time un-rooting it.
OK I just recently traded a buddy of mine's white G1 for my Bronze G1. Its a little ruff around the edges and its a little messed up so i was going to do a warranty claim.
I'm having an issue with trying to get the splash image to reset it self better yet I cant get it to work whatsoever. every time i go and do the whole
cd desktop
cd fastboot
then type "fastboot erase splash2"
It hangs there and just says <waiting for device>
I have done this and have changed my splash image on my bronze g1 a million times with no issues but for some odd reason its like it doesn't recognize this damn phone?
while I'm here I've also had issues after flashing the original spl and placing the DREAIMG.nbh file on the root of my sd card going into the bootloader and it not giving me an option to do the update. it just goes from the "rainbow" screen right back to the "rainbow" screen am i doing something wrong?
I would love to resolve this before my replacement comes in the mail just in case T-mobile feels like giving me $hit about the phone being rooted.
Once again I'm sorry if this maybe a misplaced post or if its a noob question but from what I've seen I'm the only person having these issues
Answers for unrooting are all over, a quick search would've yielded plenty of answers. Questions go in the Q&A section, this section is for devs and testers.
1. replace whatever recovery image you're using with the stock recovery image.
2. use the RC29 DREAIMG.nbh to downgrade the phone and "unroot"
3. pack it up and ship it.
This takes less than 5 minutes to do and T-Mobile gives you plenty of time to ship the broken phone, so need to do it before the new phone arrives.
As an aside, I know four people who've shipped rooted phones back to T-Mobile and never heard a peep.
EDIT: if your phone isn't seeing the .nbh file its probably because your SD card is FAT16, it needs to be FAT32.
I guess you must have only read part of what i wrote.
i know what I'm "supposed" to do I'm writing what my phone is doing while in the process. yes i know its only supposed to take 5 minutes and I have googled and have searched. I'm not being lazy if that's what you implying
you find somone or somewhere where someone has had the same issues and i will apologize. re-read my post then answer again thanx
p.s. and yes my sdcard is and has been formatted to Fat32
LatinSilEighty said:
i know what I'm "supposed" to do
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Then why did you post this in the development section?
I wanna be I wanna be a moderator
God forbid I placed this in the wrong section.
I figured, maybe a DEVELOPER might know the answer there for I posted it in the DEVELOPMENT section but forgive me father for I have sinned.
Please move my post so the people that obviously don't know the answer can stop coming in here.
Keep insulting people. That will get someone to help you really fast.
Try reinstalling your fastboot drivers. Its probably not recognizing it as its a different phone and has a different ID or something like that
if your not in here to help then why are you in here? people like you are the reason this forum is slowly going down. I'm just asking for a little help.
jsunkist146 said:
Try reinstalling your fastboot drivers. Its probably not recognizing it as its a different phone and has a different ID or something like that
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thank you very very much i will try that
I wasn't going to help you, but I decided I will since I am not a doosh. I had a very similar problem. I agree that reloading the driver is a good idea. But that wasn't all I had to do. I had to reload the driver with the latest driver from HTC. You can find it here.
Thank you very much i appreciate the help and yes updating the driver worked perfectly thank you.
LatinSilEighty said:
people like you are the reason this forum is slowly going down.
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Pot, meet kettle.
Mods feel free to lock this post I found my answers thanks for those of you that helped
Some people are just incredibly ridicoulsy on this thread (sorry bout the spelling but I am a little drunk) people are getting out of hand, in all the reality the search bar rarely helps, you don't ever find **** that you are looking for, so stop being a ass and help out a fellow modder, you never know who is gonna be the best and greartest modder in a few months and you are turning them off, instead of acting like a ass or mod, why don't people starting answering ?s and helping out the noobs before flaming and being rude, people, android has a linux backbone and the support and help is what makes linux the best and most complete os that is out there, welcome everybody that is new because they need to learn and need the help to grow just like everybody else
gridlock32404 said:
Some people are just incredibly ridicoulsy on this thread (sorry bout the spelling but I am a little drunk) people are getting out of hand, in all the reality the search bar rarely helps, you don't ever find **** that you are looking for, so stop being a ass and help out a fellow modder, you never know who is gonna be the best and greartest modder in a few months and you are turning them off, instead of acting like a ass or mod, why don't people starting answering ?s and helping out the noobs before flaming and being rude, people, android has a linux backbone and the support and help is what makes linux the best and most complete os that is out there, welcome everybody that is new because they need to learn and need the help to grow just like everybody else
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They're not helping because it only encourages others to also post in the development, questions that have nothing to do with developing something. Not because we're assholes. Post in the right section, and people will help.
Solution found to query. Thread closed

Serious Questions

Right, I have some serious development-related questions.
Firstly, has anyone managed to compile AOSP for the SGS yet?
If so (and assuming that they are not willing to share their final efforts), then how have people gone about setting up the dev environment? I'm no coder, but I want to try rolling my own build if nobody else is willing to give it a go. All I need is to know how to set up the environment to build something that will work on the SGS (even without the proper hardware drivers, if need be) and I'll go from there.
Are Samsung's drivers really encrypted? I've heard conflicting reports on this.
I'm not seeing anything that is blatantly preventing people from rolling custom ROMs; the bootloader is (apparently) unlocked and unencrypted, and the drivers are (again, apparently) open-sourced. Granted, the SGS is a brand new device and thus we shouldn't be expecting the amount of ROMs available for it that the HTC Dream/Magic has, but I can't see a reason why it shouldn't get there soon.
I'm posting this thread because as far as I can see, there's been no serious talk of custom ROM development for the SGS. Every thread is just "lulz, where r the romz?" or "where can I get ringtonez"? or threads of equal use to those.
Check out the devices at the bottom.
And the time table.
It seems someone for the samsung S vibrant has already started working on a cyanogen mod for their phone. Wonder if it will be able to be port over to our phones?

[Q] HTC HD7 Android IOS

I'm new. I want to ask if it is possible to get the Android IOS on an HD7 and replace it with Windows Phone 7.
your makes no sense, please can you rewrite it?
What do you want?
put the FagPhone software on a HD7?
or install Windows Phone 7 on a FagPhone?
the 2nd option would make it a MalePhone...
faustolg said:
What do you want?
put the FagPhone software on a HD7?
or install Windows Phone 7 on a FagPhone?
the 2nd option would make it a MalePhone...
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I want to put an Android rom on the HD7 and overwrite the windowsphone rom or do it so,you can dualboot booth roms. Android and WinPhone.
the simple answer...
Sell the phone if you don't want WP7, the question had been written several times now and it's getting really boring to answer the same... it won't happen because of the security measures on the bootloader.
You want android? sell the phone and get yourself any android device you like...
yes android is likely to work on the hd7.
however no one has figured out how to install it and boot it..
Look out!!! A pig flying!!!...
Magpir said:
yes android is likely to work on the hd7.
however no one has figured out how to install it and boot it..
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If nobody noticed, the title was sarcasm...
If a WP7 hardware could run Android, where's the ROM? Where is the step by step process?
The bootloader in WP7 is so well protected that affirming that any WP7 hardware could boot Android is ****** up. it's just an hypothesis that since it hasn't been proved is just a good ideas that doesn't work.
I'm not a chef, not a hacker, I'm a user who waits till someone figure things out and test the discovery for the sake of learning, and later advice anyone who wants help.
I try to talk with my experience, if I fail, I try to learn from it. eg: the Half Bricked and Bricked bootloaders, I know this from first hand.
I don't talk fantasies, once I discover that something is false, I never claim that as real but a fake... eg: the Chinese HD7 that runs Android, that is a cheap knock off.
I never pose as a newbie when I know about it.
but with your postings...
You some times are a noob... eg: "How this can be done, please guide me" or "is this thing good for my phone" (yes you pretended to be a noob, I don't know if it was trolling or because you are such an *** or an attention *****)
Some times you are a master when it comes to ROM flashing... eg: "You must use the HSPL to be able to install custom ROMs" or "You must use y-Cable to downgrade your phone" (yes you helped some people with your very obvious experience, that is clearly not from a newbie)
You claim some things as real when they are already been known as FAKE, like your postings about WP7 hardware and Android.:silly:
when it comes to your "knowledge" dear sir, keep it real but if it is speculative(or your personal fantasies) keep it to yourself, and don't claim that I'm spreading lies about you, I've read every post you wrote about WP7, this three points about your behavior are VERY REAL!
Yes I'm sometime really cranky or even rude, this can't be avoided as sometimes the questions or the answers, like the previous one, are very stupid, but I try to stay true to the knowledge, because a lie can be disastrous if the idea behind it is (unintentionally) wrong or it is deliberated with malice to cause harm.
If you don't like what I said, just change for your own good.
PS: Any form of communication from you would be ignored(erased if possible). One can't take the risk that lying could be a contagious disease... (sarcasm)
Thread Closed
I believe the answer to the OP is "No", and this thread is now closed before it goes any further south.
Thank you,
XDA Moderator

Corvus OS for M20

I saw an article that Said i could put Corvus on any device and If any issues occur
try to ask Here on XDA.
I saw another post that said an unsupported device could end up with a hard brick.
First question:
Die anyone try this yet? Or does anyone know what issues might pop up If i would actually flash this?
Second question:
I saw a post where ppl discussed how to put Lineage OS on a unsupported device. And another one that said its possible for other ROMs aswell. It is, as I can imagine, hard and time consuming, as I need programming and Android knowledge, but did anyone here try it with the M20 or maybe even the SM-M205FN?
I saw words like "device tree" and other things i dont know anything about.
I dont think i could learn all of this and i dont think anyone could give me a step by step tutorial, but i am curious. Maybe someone here proofs me wrong or is providing some information.
At the end of the day, its still the ROM i am talking about Here, so If Something goes wrong and my Phone would be dead welp. Not worth it.
CryingGoat said:
I saw an article that Said i could put Corvus on any device and If any issues occur
try to ask Here on XDA.
I saw another post that said an unsupported device could end up with a hard brick.
First question:
Die anyone try this yet? Or does anyone know what issues might pop up If i would actually flash this?
Second question:
I saw a post where ppl discussed how to put Lineage OS on a unsupported device. And another one that said its possible for other ROMs aswell. It is, as I can imagine, hard and time consuming, as I need programming and Android knowledge, but did anyone here try it with the M20 or maybe even the SM-M205FN?
I saw words like "device tree" and other things i dont know anything about.
I dont think i could learn all of this and i dont think anyone could give me a step by step tutorial, but i am curious. Maybe someone here proofs me wrong or is providing some information.
At the end of the day, its still the ROM i am talking about Here, so If Something goes wrong and my Phone would be dead welp. Not worth it.
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Sir please build corvus os for Galaxy M20

