Free alternative to TxtArchive SMS backup? - Nexus One Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'm on a rooted N1 w/ CM 5.0.6 - Anyone know of any tools to extract SMS messages? I'll take a peek in /data later tonight with adb shell.

sms backup from market syncs and backs up with your gmail account under a sms label.


Restoring text and mms backup

Anyone get this to work?
I flash it to MB, and have an MMS box in messaging, and and empty contacts list, then restore the contacts and emails from backup, and no longer have an mms box, and can no longer access my phone or my contacts list.
Is there another way of retrieving my backup messages??
Backup is SPB, is there a compatibility issue?

Email account/setting storage

Just flashed the new dutty from old 6.1 and restored my messages with Sprite Backup. Only problem is now I have 6 unread email messages in accounts that are not setup on the phone. I can not create the accounts due to "The account name entered is already assigned to another account." messages when I try to make them, and they do not appear in the list of accounts in Messaging. Any way I can fix this by deleting the registry entries or whatever is telling the phone that the accounts exist? Home keeps telling me I have 6 new emails.
this might help
Nuclear option
For people who are annoyed by the phantom accounts that can appear after restoring from a backup like Sprite backup there is always the nuclear option. I was wondering where all the extra Hotmail accounts were coming from on my Manila2d Mail tab. After reading this and other threads I discovered that they would have come back courtesy of the cemail.vol file from a backup. I couldn't get the mail repair application to restore the phantom accounts and the little application at the Sprite website didn't seem to work either.
Here's the strategy that worked for me:
1. Do a full backup of your phone with Spriteback up except for the mail ie make sure the top level mail checkbox is unchecked.
2. Do a backup (using PIMBackup or similar) of just your SMS messages.
3. Hard reset your phone.
4. Restore from the backup in step 1 and your phone should be restored but with no email accounts.
5. Restore your SMS from the backup in step 2. If you had threaded SMS enabled on your phone you will need to kill tmail.exe and disable threading before the restore. After the restore kill tmail.exe and re-enable. If you don't do this it messes up the inbox completely.
6. Manually set up your email accounts again.
It's a bit of a bore to do all this and not a particularly nice solution but it does work.
hi, I'm trying to fix it with this program. but it says repair failed?
any more ideas?

Save Important SMS?

Hey all,
I am pretty anal and are always clearing my SMS inbox, on my old Nokia I could sort messages into folders so I would have one for important messages that I could put them in and not delete by accident while having a clearout. Is there any such functionality on the Hero either with or without an app?
The following app is able to backup SMS messages to Gmail (It's free)
Also, if you do a search with keyword 'backup' in Market, you would find a few apps which could backup your data (more than just SMS) into SD card.

Restore MMS

I installed xarchive, which backups SMS and MMS messages into your gmail account under the corresponding label (SMS and MMS labels are created).
Now, I have applied a new ROM to my phone, and would like to have those messages back on my phone. Does anyone know of any applications that will restore SMS/MMS from your gmail to your phone?

Back Ups

Back in the day when I had windows mobile, I had a program that synced my text messages, picture mail (sprint mms) and call logs to Outlook. When I upgraded to Outlook 2007 and this app ceased to function, I found a backup program that I could schedule to run each night that would backup these items to the SD card, retaining 3 days worth of backups on the card. If I forgot to restore them when I wiped, no problem the backup program could add only the new or missing ones back to the device. I would like to find a way to backup the same way with Android, does anyone know of anything like this for Android? :cyclops:
Blu3Fr0g said:
Back in the day when I had windows mobile, I had a program that synced my text messages, picture mail (sprint mms) and call logs to Outlook. When I upgraded to Outlook 2007 and this app ceased to function, I found a backup program that I could schedule to run each night that would backup these items to the SD card, retaining 3 days worth of backups on the card. If I forgot to restore them when I wiped, no problem the backup program could add only the new or missing ones back to the device. I would like to find a way to backup the same way with Android, does anyone know of anything like this for Android? :cyclops:
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for contacts and pics you can sync with your google account.
For messages you can use sms backup & restore.
I think there is no way to sync with outlook atm.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Xparent ICS Tapatalk 2
Blu3Fr0g said:
Back in the day when I had windows mobile, I had a program that synced my text messages, picture mail (sprint mms) and call logs to Outlook. When I upgraded to Outlook 2007 and this app ceased to function, I found a backup program that I could schedule to run each night that would backup these items to the SD card, retaining 3 days worth of backups on the card. If I forgot to restore them when I wiped, no problem the backup program could add only the new or missing ones back to the device. I would like to find a way to backup the same way with Android, does anyone know of anything like this for Android? :cyclops:
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Yes you can set schedule backup to SD card for SMS, MMS, and call log(and much more) with Titanium backup, with flexibility to select frequency as well number of backup.
Read 'How to keep device backup up-to-date' on my signature.
dr. ketan, does Titanium Backup offer the flexibility to backup the entire phone (ROM, application programs, data, pictures, videos, etc.)? Thanks in advance for your reply.
No, TB can't backup ROM/Kernel or Pictures/Video.. TB can backup application(system and user) and data of application. It needs root to backup system app and data of app(syst/user)
ROM/Kernel can be backup by Nandroid.
Use sms backup+ to backup & restore all your messages, MMS, Contacts, Call logs to your Gmail account(s). It;s Freeware.
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You can also use this.
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