Out of curiousity. Is there an oc kernel out there that's stock voltage, or atleast not too under voltaged?
Do you not enjoy the extra battery life? 1.275v is the stock and anything below 900-950mv seems to decrease the radios. You might want to edit the source and recompile because most people don't have a problem with the undervolting on most kernels (when done correctly).
evilkorn said:
Do you not enjoy the extra battery life? 1.275v is the stock and anything below 900-950mv seems to decrease the radios. You might want to edit the source and recompile because most people don't have a problem with the undervolting on most kernels (when done correctly).
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Im willing to sacrifice battery life for the ability to stop dropping calls. Although Miami has hspa+ T-Mobile foot print here is spotty. I fluctuate between edge n 3g way too much. Every rooted nexus owner I know has that issue here. My brother has a stock nexus and he doesn't fluctuate as much as me...
Where can I find the stock frg kernel or frf kernel?
MoDaCo uses stock boot images I believe.
evilkorn said:
MoDaCo uses stock boot images I believe.
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10 char
Ok so i flash theses beautiful roms and now ive tried some testing and currently on my captivate i ran the "linpack for andoid" app and it states:
MFLOPS: 13.982
time: 6.0
Norm Res:5.68
Precision: Inaccurate result
ok so i looked at the top 10 section ounder my phone and their MFLOPS is between 20-50 MFLOPS...So do i need some tweaking?..I mean the phone is good , Rom is awesome...any thoughts?
Captivate 1007
Phoenix 5.2 (2.2.1 JS5)
Speedmod i897 500hz k13c
Lagfix enabled
(r) Tweaks enabled
I wouldn't worry about it. First, your test said inaccurate results, so try running it a few times, though you probably won't get much more out of it. Secondly, most people believe these benchmarks are a load of BS, and I would trends to agree. If the ROM feels snappier and works smoother than stock for you, there really isn't any use in the benchmark scores. I'm running Serendipity 5.11 with the same kernel as you, and I find my scores are in the low 14's- which, as is for you, seems slow compared to the online results. However, my phone supposedly blows the other results out of the water in the Quadrant Standard benchmark, regularly achieving scores over 1500, and I imagine yours would perform similarly, so no, I wouldn't worry at all.
Overall, most of the roms on here achieve faster performance along with better battery life compared to a stock cappy. I suggest trying out as many roms as possible to find the one that fits you best, as everybody has different tastes, and each rom behaves differently for everybody.
Personally, I think Serendipity is something you should try, as it looks friggen sweet as is, and even better IMO with some tweaks. I changed the battery indicator to the android dude, the font to Armani, and use launcher pro over the base rom. Altogether, my phone is super slick and snappy. Oh yeah, it also accesses HSPA networks, so downloads are way quicker than stock (pretty sure your current rom does too).
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
that's about right, repeated tests should get you 14+. it does say inacurate so i dont think you have a problem, just a process running somewhere. the hummingbird lacks a bit in this area and snapdragons excel only in this area. i know it is weird that the nexus one and droid incredible smoke this phone in linpack but it is hardly a thorough benchmark. run quadrant on CM7 when it comes out and see what the hardware is really doing without the samsung influence. despite the low mflops you will see good scores across the board.
Thanks alot for the input everyone...jus curious how gen-pop was adding up... but who cares about the numbers i suppose when my phone is soo [email protected]## cool hahha
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Just for the record, I'm on stock Froyo, With no SpeedMod, but with voodoo lagfix and I got better benchmark, linpack and quadrant scores than I did with a custom rom and Speedmod kernel before. Add to that the stability of a native ROM and kernel, and I think you know what I am saying here...
clemmie said:
Just for the record, I'm on stock Froyo, With no SpeedMod, but with voodoo lagfix and I got better benchmark, linpack and quadrant scores than I did with a custom rom and Speedmod kernel before. Add to that the stability of a native ROM and kernel, and I think you know what I am saying here...
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Hmmm. Intresting. Makes sense. Whered ya get the stock from..curious about the release tomorrow for At&t. Think i might try some configs with it.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Hey again,
So, I'm currently on Cog 4.1.1 with Speedmod's latest with JK4, and the phone is running much more smoothly than it did with the KB1, which made my phone as laggy as a hundred year-old donkey on barbiturates.
Only thing is, though the battery life is shockingly good when the phone is idle, burning less than 5% in 7 or 8 hours, battery life with the phone in use is MUCH worse than it was when I had this modem/kernel combo with Cog 3.02, sometimes burning 10% our more in 30 minutes or less.
I'm thinking of giving KP1 or JK3 a try, and I'm in the San Francisco Bay area. Does anyone have any experience with either of these modem/kernel combinations? Or suggestions for other candidates?
I am using Cog4.1.1. This past weekend I started playing with different modems and kernels. KP1 is one that I tried -- better speeds than KB1, but my battery drained very quickly -- even at idle.
It's possible that I did something wrong (or had an app that was killing the battery) as I am still learning.. I tried about 3 or 4 different modems and just as many kernels, but my battery was bad...just bad.
I ended up wiping and reflashing Cog last night. This time yesterday, my battery was around 65% (very little use). It's still at 100% right now (very little use). I figure since it's been on 100% for a couple of hours now, once it starts dropping it may drop a little quicker than normal (or have a bigger first drop), but so far my battery is doing a lot better today.
Cog4.1.1 out of the box seems to be fairly snappy on my phone. I may try playing with different kernel/modem combinations again, but I think I may do a little more research and see if I can find a combo that seems to be working for the majority.
Inject A Little Voodoo...
Gotta get that donkey off you're back.... (Modified Aerosmith)
Here's a suggestion for you... KB1+Voodoo Injection.
Supercurio has does a fantastic service by taking many, many stock kernels and injecting them with a dose of Voodoo.
By running these stock mods you have a much lower risk, if any risk at all, running into feature failure on your device.
Don't let the word "stock" in the stock kernel sway you decision. These kernels run as if they've been dosed with a few shots of N02. (That's Nitrous Oxide - and Accelerant when used for that purpose).
I am very cautious when it comes to tinkering with the reliability of my tools.
I just recently flashed the KB1+Voodoo 2.2 after a few days graduating to the official Froyo 2.2 release. The O.R. of Froyo didn't really raise my head, but after installing one of Supercurio's KB1+Voodoo.... now this really blows my hair back..... for a basically "stock" kernel.
Just a quick observation, I ran a few benchmarks on my device, before and after and
Here's the Quadrant scores: Not that I take much stock in isolated tests - but real world usage is fantastic as well. Every feature that the device is suppose to deliver ... it does. No broken promises...
Stock KB1 Froyo 2.2
Quadrant: 983
Voodoo Injected Stock KB1 Froyo 2.2
Quadrant: 1421, 1461, 1503
Check this post: (Below) - It'll blow your hair back - if you're not bald
Hope this helps you out a bit.
Liv33viL said:
Gotta get that donkey off you're back.... (Modified Aerosmith)
Here's a suggestion for you... KB1+Voodoo Injection.
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This sounds interesting... but will it kill my earphone's ability to hear calls? I don't use bluetooth, so that needs to work when I'm driving. A couple of the kernels have had everything but that... which has meant instant removal.
Although, thinking about it, I got 36 hours off of my last charge (I wrote the time down when I unplugged it day before yesterday), so maybe my happy a*s ought to quit whining .
Still, I worry about how quickly it drains when it's actually in use, and I DO NOT want to have to carry an extra battery when I'm out and about.
Ah, well, maybe I'll just give it a try and see what there is to see...
As far as I know, Supercurio advises that no mods were made to the KB1 source, being that it is a production build.
Basically the core just got a face lift and a shot of juice. If your device is KB1 compatible (feature wise) then all should function as it did out of the box.
Put simply, worst case scenario, you flash the kernel when you have a few hours in front of you, so when you test it - if there are qualities that you don't like - you can simply flash your backup or another kernel of choice.
Good luck - and post your results with this. I'd like to know how you made out.
Liv33viL said:
Good luck - and post your results with this. I'd like to know how you made out.
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Well, ouch. My phone hates that.
Unfortunately, not only is the kernel not quite as battery-efficient, but no aspect of the sound works. Dead silence on both the speaker and the headphone.
I'll be flashing back... or maybe on to KP1... as soon as I remember how to disable Voodoo lagfix. Don't want to have to do a full re-stock and master clear just to put on a new kernel.
Does anyone have any recommendations for a rom that is pretty fast and smooth while having great battery life. Also any tips to get really good battery life such as processor speed and kernels etc..any opinions appreciated.
I use jaybobs aosp or cm7 with .29 kernel so I can use my headset. I use setcpu and clock 576/691 at full power then drop it if battery gets too low or raise it when I'm charging. The only way you'd extend battery life drastic is to live with a good signal and actively manage your data connections and sync.
{you are my Hero}
dpeeps74 said:
I use jaybobs aosp or cm7 with .29 kernel so I can use my headset. I use setcpu and clock 576/691 at full power then drop it if battery gets too low or raise it when I'm charging. The only way you'd extend battery life drastic is to live with a good signal and actively manage your data connections and sync.
{you are my Hero}
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hmm i will try it ive used cm7 and aosp but they seem to lag for me when im using the keyboard alot but ill try that kernel and see how that goes. I guess what you said about the battery life make sense cause i live in a area with pretty bad sprint service. guess i can fix that by turning off data while i plan to not use my phone thanks for your respond. Anybody else have any suggestions?
I recently just installed jaybobs rom (august 14th) like 4 days ago. I use the kernel .35 CPU=480min/710max
along with the v8 tweaks, and firerats.
As of right now my battery is 19h 29m 0s on battery at 21% battery level
Texted a lot, talked for a few minutes, update apps on market. I only use it to talk and chat cause i have a tablet that i do my surfing or gaming stuff =P
Majin101 said:
I recently just installed jaybobs rom (august 14th) like 4 days ago. I use the kernel .35 CPU=480min/710max
along with the v8 tweaks, and firerats.
As of right now my battery is 19h 29m 0s on battery at 21% battery level
Texted a lot, talked for a few minutes, update apps on market. I only use it to talk and chat cause i have a tablet that i do my surfing or gaming stuff =P
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Could you send me a link to this v8 tweak? Ive never heard of it but im willing to try anything i usually get about 12 hours battery life.
I don't think the v8 helps the battery, i think it's just for performance. u should try it without it first.
heres the link to the v6 tweaks
What do you do on your phone? 12 hours is pretty good.
Majin101 said:
I don't think the v8 helps the battery, i think it's just for performance. u should try it without it first.
heres the link to the v6 tweaks
What do you do on your phone? 12 hours is pretty good.
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Well im running OMFGB August 12 nightly its one of the fastest and smoothest 2.3 rom ive ever used i havent used the aosp verion though so i dont know how smooth that one is. And i have email syncing and facebook and i use google voice a lot i mostly do texting and i keep my homescreens without any widgets that need to update a lot. i also calibrated my battery so i could get pretty decent battery life which in my opinion is 12 Hours but im still looking on ways to improve it.
ohh, i see. Yeah i know where ya comin from, I've done a lot of flashing and just decided to go with the most stable. They were all somewhat smooth but as for battery life, I've gotten the best battery with jaybobs rom.
Alex1123 said:
Does anyone have any recommendations for a rom that is pretty fast and smooth while having great battery life. Also any tips to get really good battery life such as processor speed and kernels etc..any opinions appreciated.
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For Battery life I would recommend extended 1900mAh batteries.
I didn't have to buy custom cover since they fit in the stock back cover.
2 batteries with external charger with shipping would cost you about $20.
I get about 2 days on a single charge with moderate use.
I am using CM7.1 nightly 160 at the moment.
If you are interested let me know I will point you towards the retailer
I bought them from on Amazon/Ebay.
Well im going to try jaybobs rom then and see how that does yesterday with OMFGB rom i got 11h 59m 2s and after that it shortly died off and im just running setcpu at 729 max 691 min performance lol i think i really need to change that if i want save battery does any one have any good setcpu profiles they would recommend? And i might look towards buying a extended battery but i dont really want to seeing as my upgrade is in december.
Alex1123 said:
Well im going to try jaybobs rom then and see how that does yesterday with OMFGB rom i got 11h 59m 2s and after that it shortly died off and im just running setcpu at 729 max 691 min performance lol i think i really need to change that if i want save battery does any one have any good setcpu profiles they would recommend? And i might look towards buying a extended battery but i dont really want to seeing as my upgrade is in december.
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Well that is what killing your batteries right there
I am no expert but I will tell you what I use,
I only use 1 profile besides the main one on setCpu:
Screen On/Main: 691 max 176 min (On Demand)
Screen Off: Max 264 min 19 On Demand ( Since I dont use it for music or anything else screen off with min 19 is no issue for me)
By the I also use v6 Super Charger and V8 kernel tweaks and they do make
your phone very snappy and responsive!!
Best of luck
I recently flashed gingerbread hero deck and it's pretty nice. But, something weird I notice is that my 3g download speeds have dropped off considerably (from 1200kbps range to 600). I can't explain it. I was on aosp's 5-23 rom before. I also recently started using firerats mod. Not sure what's up.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
Its the build prop that causes it. I'd use the V8 3g tweaks to see if it helps.
okay ive installed OMFGB 1.3.1 nightly 8/17 and with the V6 scirpt runs well along with the v8 and the 3g one which i cant recall the name of but everything now runs really good but im still calibrating the battery so i still have to see how that goes but so far its been good. Thanks for the tips everyone now to try out this jaybobs kernel hopefully everything will still work well.
Which of the current 2.3 ROMs is considered the fastest/most responsive? Or which ROM would be considered the fastest based on the mods & tweaks used by the developers? I'm not to versed in the technical side of things to discern which tweaks/mods/kernels/etc give way to the most stability, speed, and response and would like the community's opinions on the matter.
Probably CM7, I just started using it and there is never any lag. I haven't even OC'd it yet. This also comes with the price of having to live off a wall charger though.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA App
If you mean fastest in clock speeds, then thats a balance betwen rawr clock and how much battery life you can get out of it. Keep in mind these phones clock easily 1.2ghz-1.3ghz no issues past that you need to increase the voltage. So you can in theory get 1.6ghz-1.8ghz but you will live next to a charger. If you mean fastest on how it feels Id have to say Continuum moved awesome few months back (haven't used it in a while) Atomic Fusion if the ext4 version comes out. But there you should just test them out.
On a side not if you want to OC your phone and not have to pay for the oc app, then Id suggest you stick to I9000 ports or AOSP's like CM7 or MIUI. Native roms like Cognition 5, Atomic Fusion and Nuclear Fusion need Tegrak for OC/UV.
Which of the I9000s seem to run the fastest/smoothest? I've been looking at Dlev and Darky but how does Apex/Symply GS II/Mosaic/Sensation compare?
prbassplayer said:
Keep in mind these phones clock easily 1.2ghz-1.3ghz no issues past that you need to increase the voltage. So you can in theory get 1.6ghz-1.8ghz but you will live next to a charger.
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I actually read in the Glitch kernel thread that when overclocking, higher voltages doesn't always mean more stability. I'm OC'd at 1.5ghz right now really stable and I was UV'd at -50mv but I just dropped it to -75mv to see if its stable there. I'll keep dropping it till I have issues.
Oh yeah, and CM7's battery life has got WAY better over time, so I'm not having to worry about charging all the time either.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S Captivate
Reamer09 said:
I actually read in the Glitch kernel thread that when overclocking, higher voltages doesn't always mean more stability. I'm OC'd at 1.5ghz right now really stable and I was UV'd at -50mv but I just dropped it to -75mv to see if its stable there. I'll keep dropping it till I have issues.
Oh yeah, and CM7's battery life has got WAY better over time, so I'm not having to worry about charging all the time either.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S Captivate
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From my experience to maintain a stable phone i over volt the "step" that's overclocked, and then undervolt the other "steps". Im by no means a expert nor is there a full proof way to do it. Each phone kinda reacts differently on the overclocking past 1.2-1.3ghz.
Which of the I9000 roms should theoretically run faster due to the tweaks/mods used by the developers without the need to overclock?
There if no need to overclock for daily use. Only if you are playing very demanding games. And only during those games.
As for fastest rom....have a search this question gets asked a lot with always the same answer and result:
There is no best rom, all phones are different as well as tastes, what's best for me on my device may not be on yours. Flash and try a few and make you own decision...
CM7 is fastest but Display and Sound quality is not as good as stock ROM .
Before school started for me and i couldnt access a charger when i wanted to, i used MIUI at a stable 1.6 GHz ALL of the time with odemand govenor and i got like 18 hours with moderate use, on Glitch V12! And you dont need to overvolt for higher speeds i have tested it and its better to undervolt higher clocks, i get better battery and performance!
Sent from my Stock KH3/4 2.3.4 Captivate using the XDA Premium App!
For the 10th time Each phone reacts differently to Overclocking. There is no sure way to get it OC/Uv. On my phone past 1.2ghz i need to over volt.
prbassplayer said:
For the 10th time Each phone reacts differently to Overclocking. There is no sure way to get it OC/Uv. On my phone past 1.2ghz i need to over volt.
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Well i ran 1.6 GHz undervolted at ever clock speed fine, had better performance than over volting, so its different
Sent from my Stock KH3/4 2.3.4 Captivate using the XDA Premium App!