excuse me my english is no good
i am new user of android and i dont hacking or something like this but i will replace rom in the future
ok to th questions:
i am asking for launcher to samsung galaxy i7500 i already try to install launcher pro and adw launcher and it doesnt install it probably this launcher not suppurt android 1.5 and i realyy want adw launcher
is some way that adw launcher will works on android 1.5??
there is touchwiz launcher for samsung galaxy i7500(android 1.5
please give me downloads for those launcher if there are
thank you
(and if you can fix my post in correct english so i can learn good english XD)
snir012 said:
excuse me my english is no good
i am new user of android and i dont hacking or something like this but i will replace rom in the future
ok to th questions:
i am asking for launcher to samsung galaxy i7500 i already try to install launcher pro and adw launcher and it doesnt install it probably this launcher not suppurt android 1.5 and i realyy want adw launcher
is some way that adw launcher will works on android 1.5??
there is touchwiz launcher for samsung galaxy i7500(android 1.5
please give me downloads for those launcher if there are
thank you
(and if you can fix my post in correct english so i can learn good english XD)
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have you tried GAOSP? you can use android 2.2 via this rom.
Hey all,
Have a Galaxy S, stock 2.3.5 jvt, rooted CWM3.
The TWLAUNCHER sux big time, i want the stock GGB Launcher, downloaded Launcher2.apk file somewhere on the net, but cant get it to work.
Put it into System/App not working, renamed it to TW3launcher.apk (or something like that), not working...
Can someone help me out ?
Dont want to use ADW or GO etc. just stock ggb ;-)
Thanx !
Why don´t you just download it from the market?
the version found on the market is for android 2.2
when using this one on 2.3.x you get blurry icons etc...
I want one who's integrated into the system.
or you could just use Zeam launcher instead
can use GO launcher instead...
lim_kobe2005 said:
can use GO launcher instead...
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TS said no to ADW nor GO.
Want to replace the current (default) launcher with the oreginal GGB launcher.
Go, ADW, Zeam, etc are all app's that runs next to the default launcher.
Thats the deal-e-o
Is it posible?....
Yes?... How?
No?... ...
After I flashed my Galaxy mini to CM7. I want to remove the theme launcher and use the original theme, but I dont now how to do. can someone tell me?
Everything about CM7 is the best but I don't want to use the theme and theme launcher
Help me plese
sorry for my bad English
u mean u want touchwiz launcher back?
Sent from public phone using 10cents.
if you want touchwiz go to Galaxy Mini Themes and Apps
but if you want stock icons, imposable!
CM apps different with samsung stock app. you can use tochwiz theme for CyanogenMod. search google or XDA ...
theme change battery and signal icons and CM apps icons.
u can get only the touchwiz launcher as a 3rd party app but the icons will not changes as samsung touchwiz has in default...........
You can have touchwiz-like theme for CM7 if you want. Just download this in the Market and apply in theme chooser:
You can use this launcher too which were modified by parasami to have transparency:
Hit the Thanks button if I have helped..
Hey sorry for my bad English...
I wanted to know if there is any chance to get the Samsung's launcher for cm7 rc5.4 by squad.
I don't like the adw so much and i love the Samsung task manager widget so help... someone thanks from advance!
Try this :
Also, have a look at the "Galaxy Mini Themes & Apps" section.
Wich is the best Launcher for android 2.3.7 ?
Holo or Go Launcher ?
If you want endless customization I would go for sslauncher. I have not tried Nova. All i can say about Go Launcher is that they do try to push other apds on you.
Thread closed
The best launcher is the one that works best for you on your phone. Try them and make your own decision.
Hi Everyone,
I am new to this forum. I am using samsung galaxy s3 ( Jelly Bean) and am not new to android but i am new to installing themes. I downloaded a theme at the below link from mycolorscreen and extracted the files to a folder. I also installed nova launcher and apex launcher. But when i open either of the two launcher ( nova or apex) both does not detect the downloaded theme (in the look and feel settings or theme settings).
But when i downloaded a theme called meeeiu from google playstore, that (meeiu) is getting detected by both nova as well as apex. I donno why this is happening or am i missing something? Can anyone tell me how to install themes in the galaxy s3 jellybean?