Cm 6 stock kernel - Nexus One Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Why does that kernel have amazing battery life but is extremely slow? I could make my phone last 2 days but the messaging app is sooooo slow and buggy. I flashed a different one and now my battery sucks again but everything is alot smoother. I think the stock kernel needs optimizing and it could be perfect
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[Q] Good tweaked cm7 rom

Ive had my nexus one for two days so far, currently i been running bcm the whole time, i like the rom but its a bit laggy for my taste, even texting seems like a hassle, ill like a current gingerbread rom thats tweaked for performance. its kinda hard searching for one since most roms seems dead. can anybody suggest a few good ones that are running the latest stable cm7?
Euroskank cm7
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I recommend CM7.2 stable + IntersectRaven kernel. Or try the great Temasks CM7 nightlies.
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Fed up with stock 4.2 (ROM suggestions)

I lived my nexus 7 on 4.1 but man 4.2 build is so bad. It is almost unusable to me. It is laggy and buggy with freezing all the time. Any suggestions on something very stable, close to stock? How is cyanogenmod? Ideas would be appreciated. Looking to root tomorrow I can't take this any longer.
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I find Smoothrom and motley kernel to provide a very stable and fast combination with excellent battery.
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gsw5700 said:
I find Smoothrom and motley kernel to provide a very stable and fast combination with excellent battery.
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Ι tried that for a day, it was smooth and all but the battery life while idle was horrible.
Reverted to 4.1.2 stock, is there a way to get rid of the notification to update to 4.2 (without updating ofcourse)...
jlibis said:
I lived my nexus 7 on 4.1 but man 4.2 build is so bad. It is almost unusable to me. It is laggy and buggy with freezing all the time. Any suggestions on something very stable, close to stock? How is cyanogenmod? Ideas would be appreciated. Looking to root tomorrow I can't take this any longer.
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Strange how peoples experiences differ
I use stock rom 4.2 and never ever have any kind of lag or freezing of any kind - everything works 100% and buttersmooth constantly
I never have to reboot or anything, it just runs for months and not even once have I had any lag or problems
Try a 4.1 rom, CM 10.1 is your best bet, but im not familliar of this device roms.
Sweet Devil >_<
GT-P3100 | Android 4.0.4 ICS | Sun Cellular
PM me if you need help
People have problems with 4.2 if they have old applications that are not updated for 4.2, don't clean their cache, or don't trim their storage.
Any complaints about battery life are due to applications requesting data synch or location. Those wake the Nexus up, and can be turned off.
4.2 is fine for me.
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I had similar issues in stock 4.2, tried about 3 others before settling on cm10.1, which runs smooth as can be for me with good battery life.
Seems like the these things are pretty finicky and everyone's handles different ROMs differently.
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I have not had good luck with aosp roms on my Nexus 7. I always end up back at cyanogenmod. Try fitsnugly's build.
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rmm200 said:
People have problems with 4.2 if they have old applications that are not updated for 4.2, don't clean their cache, or don't trim their storage.
Any complaints about battery life are due to applications requesting data synch or location. Those wake the Nexus up, and can be turned off.
4.2 is fine for me.
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You do realize not every device is the same. I keep good tabs on my devices. I would know if an application was causing the problem. I've factory reset the device and nothing has changed. Also I've heard from numerous people who have had problems like mine.
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I am looking for the same. I tried ParanoidAndroid but I kept getting into a boot loop. :/ I will probably try CM 10.1 next.
pachyderm said:
I am looking for the same. I tried ParanoidAndroid but I kept getting into a boot loop. :/ I will probably try CM 10.1 next.
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Happened me to, and just factory reset
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I use rasbean and Franco kernel atm.
I have no reboots and no lag.
Paranoid android 2.54 (4.1.2) with Franco kernal
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On slim 4.1.2...stock issues at all! Love it!
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I love sparksco's saber mod ROM (4.2.1). It's very smooth and has excellent battery life (10%/hr screen-on time + 10%/day). The supplied kernel is great but I prefer metallice's m-kernel.
Sent from my Nexus 7
That's exactly why I finally decided to root and rom. I did like the 4.2 features so I was shooting for one that incorporated those (dual-sided notification bar, etc.)
Paranoid Android nailed it for me. It feels just like stock 4.2 but is wayyyy smoother, wayyyy less problematic and has a ton of customization options.
I gave cyanogenmod and a couple others a chance first but Paranoid Android definitely has my vote.
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I decided to go with AOKP and I am loving it. So much better than stock it's crazy. Like night and day difference.
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it hard to decide which is the better rom.
btw i'm using paranoid android+franco kernel
I Use the super Charged Series N7, although PRIME D01-25 is also good. Both are very smooth with great battery life, especially when using M-Kernel or motley.
N7 Super Charge v1
Jays Buttery Tweaks
This is too funny...
If you have the latest version of jb and it is so bad you can barely use it than you need an RMA.. While it out may have some minor bugs I used it for a long time and loved it... I only switched to paranoid because I love the pie..
It sounds like a hyperbolic exaggeration to me. If not your device is faulty.. or you have some really bad apps messing things up..
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Best Battery Saving & most "simple" ROM?

I am looking for a fast, simple, battery saving rom for a novice user.
Please help
Since no one wants to help ya I say the oxygen1mod Tom is a good fast smooth and good battery rom
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I'm on cm7 with a Holo launcher and m2sd and it's pretty good. I was on evervolv 4.1 for a couple months and it was pretty stable, the biggest issue I had was call answer delay of several seconds. Now that I'm using the phone part of my n1 a lot more I thought I should go back to gb not to mention my girlfriend has an iPhone 4s and thinks iPhones are the best thing ever, and since she doesn't understand custom roms and stuff I don't want her to experience any kind of glitch or freeze when she picks up my phone.
I used a port of oxygen on an old LG optimus one I had and sold and it made that phone seem way quicker than it was.
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Best ROM for battery life w/o sacrificing stability and performance

Title says it all: Best ROM for battery life w/o sacrificing stability and performance
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Stock ROM and arrrrghh's kernel. I drain the battery a lot, but it lasts me 10h oc'd to 1.8
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I've haven't tried any other custom roms beside CM 10.1.3 stable: no bloatware, better than stock battery life, and tons of customization. I wouldn't want to try anything else.
Update#1: I've been experiencing frequent reboots through out the day. Seems to happen randomly or before and after being plug in to charge.
Update#2: Too many crashes/reboots on the CM10.1.3 stable. I couldn't take it anymore so I flash CM10.2..latest nightly. Amazing! No reboots, far stable than 10.1. Gonna stick with 10.2 for a week or two then try custom roms as ProBam and Carbon.
Update#3: So 10.2 does crash and restarts. It will happen while it is plugged in "Charging". GAPPS would crash i noticed. wth
HoloBlur, Carbon, or CyanogenMod hands down.
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4.2 ROMs (especially AOKP): +++battery, -stability.
4.3 ROMs (LiquidSmooth 2.10, Carbon): -battery, +stability.
There is no golden middle choice. However, 4.3 roms provide much more features and the battery life is compared to stock (but still worse), so, not a bad choice to try.
Tried all everything you guys have said and I've come to the conclusion that either my battery is defective or this phone just sucks when it comes to battery life regardless or ROM or kernel. Thanks anyways
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What kind of Battery life are you getting? I get anywhere from 6-8 hours with heavy use to 16 hours with light use... Stock battery btw
One time I was playing gangstar Vegas on medium settings with lowest brightness for like 30min and the battery went all the way down to 25%. I started out with 100%. Also even on standby the battery goes down like 15% with WiFi and everything off and airplane mode on. I just don't get it. It pisses me off. The battery lasts me like let's say 8hrs with VERY VERY low usage. Like I'm talking like only maybe 25-50min screen time at like 25 percent brightness.
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The Android Attorney said:
One time I was playing gangstar Vegas on medium settings with lowest brightness for like 30min and the battery went all the way down to 25%. I started out with 100%. Also even on standby the battery goes down like 15% with WiFi and everything off and airplane mode on. I just don't get it. It pisses me off. The battery lasts me like let's say 8hrs with VERY VERY low usage. Like I'm talking like only maybe 25-50min screen time at like 25 percent brightness.
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Sounds like you need the MAXX battery mod. My battery will last in excess of 30 hours on one charge. The battery isn't that cheap, but imo, it was totally worth it.
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Best Rom
in my opinion, holoblur 0.9 tuned edition or x 0.9 Pure performance edition, are the most stable and less battery consumption, the other roms left out of the ADH standard features like HDMI mirror. The other functions that handle the other ROMS are esthetic and user support that we like to be playing with our phones giving better appearance.
Hey guys. So went back to stock 4.1.1 and its been great. I'm using the stock kernel. I'll get the maxx battery soon or on black Friday but overall in terms of battery life, stock has it.
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The Android Attorney said:
Hey guys. So went back to stock 4.1.1 and its been great. I'm using the stock kernel. I'll get the maxx battery soon or on black Friday but overall in terms of battery life, stock has it.
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So you're not running rocking the "HoloBlur-X ROM PurePerformance™ Edition" anymore?
There is no best ROM/Kernel, try them all and see which "best" suits you.
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Kernel discussions

I think stock kernel is the best. Every kernel I tried had some kind of lag at some point. Now I am back to the stock kernel and it is smooth as butter. Google got it right the first time. How is it for you guys ?
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Its very early in kernel development.
Give the devs some time
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flameinthefire said:
I think stock kernel is the best. Every kernel I tried had some kind of lag at some point. Now I am back to the stock kernel and it is smooth as butter. Google got it right the first time. How is it for you guys ?
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I am running Franco r14 smooth as butter. I would try using Nova launcher, I do agree with you that the GEL launcher is a bit laggy on custom kernels.
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riggs170 said:
I am running Franco r14 smooth as butter. I would try using Nova launcher, I do agree with you that the GEL launcher is a bit laggy on custom kernels.
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so for me on francos kernel the keyboard is super laggy
I love Trinity kernel, I've been using it for two years on my Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 7, Nexus 10, Nexus 4 and now Nexus 5.
B11 on the stock ROM (odexed and rooted with ART enabled) is sleeping better than the stock kernel did and the performance is amazing, which is to be expected considering it's Trinity.
@morfic just does something special... And the community around Trinity is the best on xda.
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ive never had even a thought of lag using trinity on my n5. i cant imagine making the n5 lag
lwfb said:
I love Trinity kernel, I've been using it for two years on my Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 7, Nexus 10, Nexus 4 and now Nexus 5.
B11 on the stock ROM (odexed and rooted with ART enabled) is sleeping better than the stock kernel did and the performance is amazing, which is to be expected considering it's Trinity.
@morfic just does something special... And the community around Trinity is the best on xda.
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i agree Trinity kernel is pretty good i dont really see any lag. i just wish he includes the color fix that francos kernal has
flameinthefire said:
i agree Trinity kernel is pretty good i dont really see any lag. i just wish he includes the color fix that francos kernal has
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eventually, but it wont be the same as franciscos.
This thread will become a kernel fans thread lol. Anyways running franco since forever no lags at all after r11. Op you are right somehow though, custom kernels have to save some extra juice from somewhere, so devs try to find it at the expense of performance.
Clear improvement over stock running Faux's latest.
Excreted from my Nexus 5
[Guide] Headphone/Earphone Buying
Bit of lag? Adjust governor parameters.
I would assume that the reason for lag is that many custom kernels disable mpdecision in a quest for better battery life.
At this stage what do you expect? Give it a while and then you'll find the stock kernel "laggy".
I like to keep things stock myself, but on my 2012 Nexus 7 I can't stand the stock kernel.
the stock kernel run smooth and great
the only thing I'd like to have is tap 2 wake but I don't like the other custom crap
muyoso said:
I would assume that the reason for lag is that many custom kernels disable mpdecision in a quest for better battery life.
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Why is that? I did have lag using the latest Faux kernel and switching back to the ondemand governor fixed most of it, but I did keep the Intelliplug Hotplug driver on. How does enabling/disabling mpdecision affects battery life and stability?
back in the day with the captivate one of the early developers tested different cross compilers and the effects on wake time. i think that might have a little to do with it. most people are using the linaro compiler these days and it is good, i notice the difference on my other phone using linaro but my other phone never quite feels as good as it did stock with wake time. it may be possible that an older compiler may be better for some things. i tend to feel modded kernels do feel a little glitcy and this could be one area to look at. good news is that the sources have to be posted so you can compile your own version of someones kernel with different compilers or options to test things. maybe remove a commit or two...
simms22 said:
ive never had even a thought of lag using trinity on my n5. i cant imagine making the n5 lag
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Plus 1. Lag? Say what? I'm using trinity kernel and not a thought of lag.
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ascarda said:
the stock kernel run smooth and great
the only thing I'd like to have is tap 2 wake but I don't like the other custom crap
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Mpdecision ramps up the CPU instantly to 1ghz when a touch event occurs. This makes for a much smoother UI in general, but obviously would use a tiny bit more battery than if the phone were to stay at min clocks.
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i love the stock battery life so It's good for me
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Using Franco r14 and stock room no problem at all im getting 4 hr SOT. Will change to catalysm rom tomorrow and see if i can get more SOT time.

