Disclaimer: I am not responsible for what happens to your phone. Always make sure you make a backup before flashing anything to your phone.
This theme is a port of ::ANDRODeNa GaLaSSiA:: originally for the I9000 made by dena994 and can be found here.
I was inspired to port it to the Fascinate after seeing it ported to the Epic by raiderep and can be found here.
The icons for this theme were made by Hockey and his work can be found here.
I also want to thank Frost and ThatDudeButch and all the others in irc.freenode.net for answering all my questions as this was my first theme.
This theme will only work over a deodexed rom.
I have only tested this over JT's Super Clean ROM v0.4 but it should work over others. Install it by flashing through CWM.
:::ANDRODeNa GaLaSSiA::: V1.0 for Fascinate DI01
:::ANDRODeNa GaLaSSiA::: V1.0 with No Themed Apps for Fascinate DI01
:::ANDRODeNa GaLaSSiA::: V2.0 with No Themed Apps for Verizon Fascinate DJ05
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To get the launcher to look like that, you will need LauncherPro and the files below. Just put the image files on your sdcard and go to preferences on LauncherPro and change the Dock Background image to the dock image included and set the icon for the app launcher by long pressing on it.
Dock and App Launcher
WOW, this is a super nice theme!!!!!!
this is really nicee,but
is there a way where the battery
icon i not round?
but overall nice job tho
very nice!
Epic! Looking great man glad to help.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
This is an absolutely awesome theme. Thanks a bunch. Just a heads up, it did replace my de-binged browser with the stock one somehow, but that takes like two seconds to fix.
Thanks again!
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
I really like the theme, were any changes to the lock screen made?
Worked for me, but where do you get the weather background from....what widget?
Dhuss said:
I really like the theme, were any changes to the lock screen made?
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No changes were made to the lock screen.
achandler2 said:
Worked for me, but where do you get the weather background from....what widget?
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The weather widget is the weather channel widget from this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=796399
dustinface said:
This is an absolutely awesome theme. Thanks a bunch. Just a heads up, it did replace my de-binged browser with the stock one somehow, but that takes like two seconds to fix.
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Yeah, this theme will replace some of the system apps to the stock ones because it themes them. If you don't want any of the themed apps you can just open the .zip and delete the app folder using 7zip and then flash.
my screen shots
While in the dial pad the "phone" button at the bottom is "squished". Not complaining here at all. Love tha theme!
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
marcviado said:
my screen shots
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Click to collapse
Did you do something to disable the accurate battery mod (circular w/ percentage) that's present in the OP screenshots? I noticed your's don't have them.
Protonus said:
Did you do something to disable the accurate battery mod (circular w/ percentage) that's present in the OP screenshots? I noticed your's don't have them.
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Click to collapse
i flashed blackmod over this theme chus
i didnt like the accurate battery mod
I keep getting force closes on my stock messaging app..any way to fix?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Awesome theme
I'm new to rooting, flashing rom and themes.... this is a great theme... I love the batter meter on the status bar and the notification! Keep up the good work.
Nm.. Just removed and put mms.apk back in the app folder.. Problem solved
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Hmm, is anyone else having problems with Mms.apk?
can u make a version without the diffrent app icons? or include a zip with all the apps so we can change them back...
bL33d said:
can u make a version without the diffrent app icons? or include a zip with all the apps so we can change them back...
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Sure, updated OP.
nm, it was coincedence
Hello all!
This is for 2.1 only, but I have started working on froyo. I should have that done on monday. This theme is essentially a port from the Black Gloss mod on the Fascinate forum, with a little touch of my own. Completely flashable via Clockwork. I added mine and [email protected]'s custom transition animation file, as well as a full revamp on the notification pulldown. I changed the twiz lock screen to a syndicate branded tux lol.
Found there to be better performance for some reason after cache wipe. No Screencaps available as im running froyo, and again I am working to port/mod this to 2.2 so be on the lookout. Anyone who wants to send me screenies from the initial flash, I will post them.
Two versions below, an AOSP and a TW version for the lockscreens. No power mods, saving that for froyo port . let me know what does/doesnt work and i'll work to fix. Enjoy!
Credit to thatdudebutch for the fascinate theme
Credit to reefermattness on the dialer found here
Thanks to Skandranon314 for the screenies lol
Black dialer flashable zip:
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It's not just a team. It's a way of life.
Very nice!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Looks freakin sweet! Can't wait to try this out.
Awesome theme! Thank you
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Hey-- just looking through the zip, this doesn't include the font in the screencaps, does it?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Nope, you can mm via the other post, that's all I did. I figured everyones taste is different so I left it out
My phone is faster than your netbook
Woo, finally a sexy black theme...installing now
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I recommend using hoey2011 black glass swype theme
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
brizzle1986 said:
I recommend using hoey2011 black glass swype theme
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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Click to collapse
Indeed, naked swype is nice a well
My phone is faster than your netbook
this rocks
Loving that dialer, good work man and welcome to ACS
Sent from Xtremely Syndicated and Emotionless Epic 4G
thomasskull666 said:
Loving that dialer, good work man and welcome to ACS
Sent from Xtremely Syndicated and Emotionless Epic 4G
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Click to collapse
My phone is faster than your netbook
You apply naked swype with mm, yes? (i know there's a thread in here for it)
Hey- I think a dash of color with one of the color circular batteries- also posted in this sub forum- would look really good. I'm gonna try it out
Would love this theme if only it didn't have the transition/animations.....to me these are annoying..
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Welcome, idkwhothatis123, to the Android Creative Syndicate!
Thanks for another quality theme!
Thats bad!!
You did a good job on that! Anyway I get this this for my vibrant? Im a noob
Ive been hearing more feedback lately indicating the circle battery actually causes battery drain. I love this theme, its total beast mode but I'm worried about the circle batt mod
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I'm running SyndicateROM with the included kernel. Can this just be flashed straight over the top? Also, how would I theoretically uninstall this theme if it didn't work out?
TheRob44 said:
I'm running SyndicateROM with the included kernel. Can this just be flashed straight over the top? Also, how would I theoretically uninstall this theme if it didn't work out?
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Yes, it can be flashed on top. As for reverting, the easiest way would just be to re-flash the ROM (no wipe needed).
This is a wip beta port of the amazing theme by Manup456. original thread here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=6891311&postcount=2
*Usual Disclaimer* I am not responsible for anything that happens to your phone. Best practice is to make a nandroid before flashing anything.
1-12-11: big update changed the pulldown power menu, changed the dialer, themed more apps, changed the progress color, made the menus black, added 2nd battery option (circle), added deskclock
All Credit to: Manup456...its his theme, and this is more or less a straight port
DtatchD for the great pulldown power controls and help
tiger4life for reboot options
alienwolf426 cuz i kanged the original battery mod from his version http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=7387172&postcount=43
*i apologize if i forgot anyone* if i did just let me know
This theme is for deodexed systems running DI01 or DJ05
I'm using and have tested on JT's Super Clean Rom V0.9.
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"lightbox_share": "Share",
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"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
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Clockwork Install:
V5 Original Battery w/ percentage: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15331201/nextang/DJ05_nitsuj17_nextang_5.0_original_battery percentage.zip
v5 New Circle Battery w/ percentage: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15331201/nextang/DJ05_nitsuj17_nextang_5.1_VB_circle_battery percentage.zip
Remove Clock from DJ05 (keeps orange accents): http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15331201/nextang/nextang_remove_clock.zip
Restore Clock to Dj05 (keeps orange accents): http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15331201/nextang/nextang_restore_clock.zip
Version 1.0 Beta: http://www.mediafire.com/?q8cy1yus8elah48
Nextang Extras (NOT A FLASHABLE ZIP)
-download, unzip on your desktop, copy folders onto sdcard
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15331201/nextang/nextang extras.zip
Downloading now.... this is my favorite theme by far. Been waiting for this.
Update: Looks great. No default apps are themed though... or is that what you meant by no more apps?
Wow...i got beat to the punch...I've been working on this exact port for about a week now. If anyone wants the icons themed let me know. Like I said my version of this theme is a little different in that it includes a different custom pulldown menu. Also I'm working on a custom Launcher pro that includes the custom google search widget.
Great job OP and if you would like to collaborate please pm me.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
When you port to DJ05 can you please theme the dialer?
Sent from my Fascinate
nshemi714 said:
Wow...i got beat to the punch...I've been working on this exact port for about a week now. If anyone wants the icons themed let me know. Like I said my version of this theme is a little different in that it includes a different custom pulldown menu. Also I'm working on a custom Launcher pro that includes the custom google search widget.
Great job OP and if you would like to collaborate please pm me.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
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I'd like to see a direct full port of the original Nextang theme. It's perfect.
Awesome. Just whipping them out, eh?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
nshemi714 said:
Wow...i got beat to the punch...I've been working on this exact port for about a week now. If anyone wants the icons themed let me know. Like I said my version of this theme is a little different in that it includes a different custom pulldown menu. Also I'm working on a custom Launcher pro that includes the custom google search widget.
Great job OP and if you would like to collaborate please pm me.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
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yeah i wasnt going to do a whole lot more except the dialer is easy enough and port to DJ05. if you want to take it from there and do the icons/other apps thats fine by me
wicked_beav said:
When you port to DJ05 can you please theme the dialer?
Sent from my Fascinate
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Click to collapse
yup, dialer is actually 90% done ill have it out sunday/monday with dj05 at the latest and then ill finish the purple port i promised a few poeple on af
This is great.I'm a Chicago Bears fan so this goes with my wallpapers. Does anyone know what xmls I have to edit so I can change the text color from that stupid blue that samsung put on here?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
itznfb said:
Downloading now.... this is my favorite theme by far. Been waiting for this.
Update: Looks great. No default apps are themed though... or is that what you meant by no more apps?
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it was just settings and framework...so far
op updated to reflect DJ05
added battery percentage in
good job keep up good work
nitsuj17 said:
added battery percentage in
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Anyway we can get battery percentage and power options on the DI01??? I love this theme but I'm running DI01!
op updated, dj05 additions
nitsuj17 could you share the wallpaper from the 2nd screenshot? I've searched all over and can't find it.....
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Jceezy said:
nitsuj17 could you share the wallpaper from the 2nd screenshot? I've searched all over and can't find it.....
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
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you mean the modded revolution one? yeah i can put that up with the nextang update ill have tomorrow/thursday
has anybody tried this on DL09?
well this work on dj05 with a voodoo kernel? sorry if its a stupid question I just don't wanna mess anything up
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
jordanzink said:
well this work on dj05 with a voodoo kernel? sorry if its a stupid question I just don't wanna mess anything up
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
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yup...voodoo5 allows you to flash anything over it (although old voodoo allowed theme flashes as well)
Thanks nitsuj17 can't wait to see the update
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
*im not responsible for anything that happens to your phone*
heres a port of the amazing lucid theme by sonnysekhon originally for the nexus one..original thread here
this is for eb01 deodexed roms (aosp version here)
sonnysekhon for creating the theme...all i did was port it
sbrissen for 5 lock mod, battery pop up disable, reboot options, acc battery, aosp phone answer...this list goes on and on
dtatchd for the pulldown menu edits
adrynalyne for gv modded dialer and all the work he does on this phone
thatdudebutch for asking for this to make it to touchwiz (i wasnt planning on doing it)
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*cwr install*
V1.0: http://www.mediafire.com/?c3i0s2ruud0ej
This is still only aosp not sc 2.5 yet?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
BlackHoleSlam said:
This is still only aosp not sc 2.5 yet?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
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i noted in the op this for eb01, and is different than the aosp one
it should flash fine over supeclean 2.5
Wooo! You're a gentleman and a scholar.
thatdudebutch said:
Wooo! You're a gentleman and a scholar.
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gotta give the people what they want! lol
nitsuj17 said:
i noted in the op this for eb01, and is different than the aosp one
it should flash fine over supeclean 2.5
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Click to collapse
Oh hell yeah then
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
WOW. Your a beast. Very nice work.
* Is the contacts list transparent when you open it from contacts? I noticed on VA Green theme its transparent if you go in through the dialer but not if you go in through contacts. Just curious if this was gonna be the same
mikeyinid said:
WOW. Your a beast. Very nice work.
* Is the contacts list transparent when you open it from contacts? I noticed on VA Green theme its transparent if you go in through the dialer but not if you go in through contacts. Just curious if this was gonna be the same
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umm tbh i didnt even check ...i threw it together real fast and then flashed back to aosp
So glad you brought this to EB01!!
I tried this out over AOSP yesterday, but I couldn't stand not having the notification buttons and the other elements of Super Clean. Thanks for giving me a reason to go back to Lucid!!!
inkdrink said:
So glad you brought this to EB01!!
I tried this out over AOSP yesterday, but I couldn't stand not having the notification buttons and the other elements of Super Clean. Thanks for giving me a reason to go back to Lucid!!!
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glad you like it
inkdrink said:
So glad you brought this to EB01!!
I tried this out over AOSP yesterday, but I couldn't stand not having the notification buttons and the other elements of Super Clean. Thanks for giving me a reason to go back to Lucid!!!
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Thats what Widgetsoid in the Market is for
Was wanting this theme on my phone. Awesome!
acc bat or no? can't tell by the screenshots.
b1850975 said:
acc bat or no? can't tell by the screenshots.
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Click to collapse
Yes to the acc battery...sorry for not specifying in the op
Great work as usual. This may have just replaced Black AOSP as my new theme.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Thrillhouse847 said:
Great work as usual. This may have just replaced Black AOSP as my new theme.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
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Click to collapse
Can I have a background image from this theme?? Thanks!!!!
shamantix said:
Can I have a background image from this theme?? Thanks!!!!
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its actually one of the backgrounds in the updated nexus revamped pro (paid in market)
Can this be flashed over Superclean 2.6? Just wondering since he made modifications to status and quick panel. He also updated gmail, are there any app themes?
RyanBluebirds said:
Can this be flashed over Superclean 2.6? Just wondering since he made modifications to status and quick panel. He also updated gmail, are there any app themes?
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Click to collapse
i didnt theme gmail so it shouldnt be an issue...and this will replace whatever pulldown edits where made
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"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
This theme is a port of the original MattedBlues theme made by jabbawalkee.
Big credit goes to Thnikk (for the CM7 port and the themed apps) and shoman94 (for the Continuum port and most the themed apk). Lots of pngs are from ZeubugTheme made by Zeubug. Almost all the credit goes to these guys. I justed mixed what I prefer from each theme above. Added and modified things to my liking. So hit their Thanks buttons way before mine. They well deserves it!
Thanks to dizx who made the Swype theme based on ryude's work.
Special thanks to watsaa
This theme would not exist without his help. He's the one who taught me almost everything I know about theming and he makes an incredible job with his rom. Give it a try. He doesn't get the credit he deserves.
All the infos and download links are moved to ApeX website!!
Dock and Icons attached to OP. I can't remember who made the dock and the apps drawer icon, but I made the apps icons. So you can ask for custom icons.
this is mine. stay away
For me
Sent from my Captivate via XDA Premium app
Feel free to share your screenshot guys because I won't have time to do it myself until wednesday
would like to see some screen shots
excision said:
would like to see some screen shots
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Click to collapse
There you go buddy. Screenshots added to the second post!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I896 using XDA Premium App
So I flashed this and noticed 2 things. Youre using Amend Scripts which wont flash in CWM3 and There is no Screen ON animation :U
HaiKaiDo said:
So I flashed this and noticed 2 things. Youre using Amend Scripts which wont flash in CWM3 and There is no Screen ON animation :U
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I don't know if it works with CWM3 since I don't use it. But for the screen on animation, I just forgot to add it back after toying with framework files. I re-uploaded the zip a few times after releasing the theme because I fixed couple of things.
It'll be fixed in the next release. Which will probably be tomorrow.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I896 using XDA Premium App
Can the dock icons and app drawer icon be shared please?
does this work with CM7?
Nope.. dont try on CM7
Enhanced said:
Can the dock icons and app drawer icon be shared please?
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Click to collapse
Give me 2 minutes and it will be added to OP!
EDIT: Sorry dude, something at home kept me away from the computer for a couple of hours. It is now added to the OP.
HaiKaiDo said:
So I flashed this and noticed 2 things. Youre using Amend Scripts which wont flash in CWM3 and There is no Screen ON animation :U
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Click to collapse
Screen ON animation won't work for now since it's not compatible with ApeX's framework. (I previously used another fw).
Me and (mostly) watsaa are working on it. I hope I'll be able to add it to the theme soon.
froli13 said:
Give me 2 minutes and it will be added to OP!
EDIT: Sorry dude, something at home kept me away from the computer for a couple of hours. It is now added to the OP.
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Thanks for the icons!
Sorry to be a pest, but do you have other icons besides phone, text, web and twitter? Preferably, I just need a "mail" one and a "talk" one (less important because I can just use "text") because I use those in my dock. If not it's cool and thanks anyways. Even the name of the icon set would be a good start and I could just Google em myself.
zyexx said:
does this work with CM7?
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Click to collapse
Anyone still getting invisible text with 4/27? I am for some reason...
mikel.canovas said:
Anyone still getting invisible text with 4/27? I am for some reason...
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Click to collapse
Hmm sounds like a problem with the update-script. I will look at it when I get back home.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I896 using XDA Premium App
froli13 said:
Hmm sounds like a problem with the update-script. I will look at it when I get back home.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I896 using XDA Premium App
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Click to collapse
Okay thanks. Just wanted make sure I wasn't being dumb and flashed the old version on accident.
mikel.canovas said:
Okay thanks. Just wanted make sure I wasn't being dumb and flashed the old version on accident.
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Okay here's the latest version of my theme but using CWM2 update-script. So it will only works with CWM2.
I will update the CWM3 zip in a couple of minutes.
Here are some icon themes for MIUIwiz, courtesy of andmer...flash them in cwr...we will add more in this thread...or feel free to contribute your own! (we ll link them in here)
if you find a particular icon set you would like added/made into a flashable zip link it here too....icons should be at least 96x96 but ideally not greater than 128x128
I will post any framework themes for MIUIwiz in this thread too
***Fix for auto-rotate issues after flash*** (thanks strictlyphat!!!)
Go to data/system and delete ms3c_yamaha.cfg
Go to settings.display. turn auto rotate off and back out to home screen.
Go back to settings and turn auto rotate back on.
Icon Themes:
IPhone Icons: http://www.mediafire.com/?d9t27qqnq8m7t27
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"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
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"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Rounded Icons: http://www.mediafire.com/?idbr2oeskrq9er9
Return to Stock MIUIwiz Icons: http://www.mediafire.com/?6rmdvvdjmb3zfvh
Courtesy Andmer: from MIUIwiz thread 6.9.11
user submissions:
HTC Sense MIUI (og by llxiang26)
Gonna port the HD theme for your rom.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
sounds good
nitsuj17 said:
sounds good
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Yeah you and the rest of TSM did a good job on that ROM. Until a full stable AOSP rom drops TSM ROMS are the only ones I would theme for. Easy access to devs and good support for end users and theme authors. Again good work man.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
How about the honeycomb theme Icons?
hoppermi said:
How about the honeycomb theme Icons?
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Click to collapse
they look nice...ill dig through later and put something together
Awesome! Traded my DX for a Fascinate specifically to flash this ROM... It exceeded all of my expectations, without a doubt. Look forward to updated icons and themes!
awesome guys, thanks so much! any chance of gingerblur or sense themes for miuiwiz?
I'm loving this ROM. Can't wait for themeing to take off. That Honeycomb icon set looks great too.
MIUIWiz 1.0 ROM - OTB Reloaded 1.5 TW kernel - EB01 radio - XDA App
JWFokker said:
I'm loving this ROM. Can't wait for themeing to take off. That Honeycomb icon set looks great too.
MIUIWiz 1.0 ROM - OTB Reloaded 1.5 TW kernel - EB01 radio - XDA App
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yeah there actually wasnt a whole lot of icons in there...ill try and see what can i do to rename/duplicate for the honeycomb one
nitsuj17 said:
yeah there actually wasnt a whole lot of icons in there...ill try and see what can i do to rename/duplicate for the honeycomb one
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Mostly just gapps and some system icons. I have the psd at home for some market stuff if you want I can shoot it to you tomorrow?
Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk
I love the iphone icons. Is there a possibility you can make a safari icon for boat browser as well?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
bangdrum said:
I love the iphone icons. Is there a possibility you can make a safari icon for boat browser as well?
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Oh and a messaging icon for go sms
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bangdrum said:
Oh and a messaging icon for go sms
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Sure ill do it tomorrow
sunder74 said:
Mostly just gapps and some system icons. I have the psd at home for some market stuff if you want I can shoot it to you tomorrow?
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Yeah that would be cool thanks!
Thanks. I'm not 100% sure but I think flashing these made my auto rotation not work. It worked yesterday
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
Yep, my auto rotation is broken after flashing the iphone set. Going to flash stock set now.....hopefully it fixes it back.
Edit: Lol, just my luck, the media fire link for stock is down. Going to try reflashing the iphone set after caches wipe.......
I'm going to fix permission, let me know if going back to stock works
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